Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 11, 1906, Image 4

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J. MtfctAN MSIIJ K. Manner-
' f c in th- eL.nt'nt Ct
i a: d nly l;as!r
i : ',:";it; f .. 1
- a '.t : .1 r. .t. m 'i
ft. n -j't "
- IV.
t;.r t;
f rc--' :
For CcittTKr.
. 1. : j; t to
1 bvil a:
f?ft. the
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:'. v, ea t J U)
t ul he i:'.''.-!y i.n-ort
r.i ' m
t gtl AiJOli
t '!r d I n'atc biA
tic Vet L r
Oregon, i
j tin;. ir
1 j .
v ? t:-c !.'t
i.t.l A, Til
U w -ii'.ui if t tie ! ,! 1
hit1 .j uiivt six I
rV-v: :
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trt j r.. p.'j it d m
Lit f:rcb:w
i1 :j :k-
, al;;v of I be si'
k ti ) !i I ti."'i
at:,..T! thf-u-boUt
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Ttr St:e Stra'pr
v, fiii
t.V. u: A ,
M T. I'.IJ'i 1. p. I l
C Month
I month
If ptM 111 .vl 'ITK .-.
Clubbin; Vile.
1 d- ' il io hi N I
It Ii ati.v ((. ! t ! !;;
!;;! iih' .itiir f -r
J I :
!' I!U; V 1 , 1 1 : 1 V
Wii-klv ri't'"Hl:!i ' J ' ' t J i
W'o-kl'v .1 u r u i 1 i l'- ri:.iii l
M I.. ,
l'lt )!iC lll!!if 'IH i
S'JI I ii nl I'l I, it I k
1 i ! i,
I .S if I N i
tf.- . i
Wi: m.m.
A feo?l' Mir.
dale f. -r
the K ' 1 ' !' U
a man i,! ' j : c ;
is a ntriV r A !':.c . . . :
tale a 'I I:;'
jxjsibic aii'l I t1 t: : - ' :
nil hi eii i - i i '. . . : '.
r!o o ii c I 1 1 1 ; .- :.;
Ccunty 'it- :
St! tli C of 1) - S'.t': ". i" ' -
tie ml'je ! f ft- K,i.'.r' : ;
uti'.iii't. lit- i.t r.' : !. ' t
the tfrri ntm ' of rj.c'-i&i .f "a;,
but Relieve tat tr;y : :;
cLucn -1j ulil l.e f rt fjd t:.d !
fcl nes iul ititutft.
IIo il'X.-S Ijot I v.- ri'.y
charter hw .1 1 au'h'.r. '
cih to yraot jrr j)-t ual f: .f.f.'..-
He I cli' vts iu ih'-.
fc'etieral laws c.'.y r. :
which will a"jtl.ori.fc t;.e :.
through the- iij,Kt o-.-.'.s '
reakOLahle ri's
rrade by p-i'Iic -t.l;: c-..-;..'."
He behev'-s ir: t-fc f. j'i'
State ard p:iv;i; r.i:.k;
law sirniliar to ti-t Na'.iL.', i
ing act, af.d
He 'jthtV'n tZiU:
prof.erty and ure sjlvta :
ai.d ni l H!;jy,it a ::;: i-.'..":
higiied lo ino-: ade : .': '
upon i-uMi': utzli'y fra'.' : :-.e-.
Ththfc 'l'J'-.ti:; , are or.':-.',.1
o . r. -
nu-iit. thro'jMout tr;:
world, no' :A tho L'r.i.
aud every whfert t!i'.- treii 1
Allen E.ton.
Alltn, pror ri'.tor 'f Jhv
store, ot I'.'ij'eno i
iioriJiiiati ".) ;
Staf: h-
tr-M, on th'i hep i' :
his petitiout re i
throtigl out the fjoiii.ty.
!r i.
r i.
in ( wtll kiiov.-n titi.- n o!
utrl Lus tlie dintiii' tioti of
one (if the most pioi.h r.
r i : : i
to-dute b'ok store i:: t:;e -
Oregon mid H is ft it th 't !,
rnak' an ublb man for the rep-e-i n
tation of the c(iinty.
One of the J'.u;;':ne .i. rs f-as of
him :
"He is u nativi: son, iradiia1': o-'
the University of Oregon, v'i:m: 1;
K'line'l for hiinhirlf ntH h.- ii, it:t-i
tion considerable prM'ie, h-ivin;;
hdiulyJ the (;re;f,u !! ajin,
team naiiikt Wat-hjnlo!.. vh'ii.a
UiiammoUK eciniou was i v ii
fc'Oll, CH'aoli' hltig !i c ii:i:,,,jv,
of the .sorthweht. H: is ti ;n'!e:,t
advocHt of r.;.ht, "M,,:!,,, , f th..
con't-'juetice ai.d if il.iinl will
iiiuko a fcood ledsla'or He c!i
ted the lilht Jiimii r' (,,.
Oregon V' c-kl.v ai d is -;i ;'! r.-.I
ainoni,' the hei-t henhers ti .t t:.
university Ii.ih in j's t n i r. t
body. After fiiii.-hieg hi-, work ..I
tho I Jni vers t. and c htubli-h yt hi.,
buwintsH hen-, he iimnicd u
pioneer laimly, the daughter of!
jsonj. p. Uoihh. JIm platform: The Orcgonjan ih stiidinj: to
roa',!i: :uh (imdidatf for .tut eflice
"I hhall loiumue mv iailli in the throughout the Mate, tho following
people and their ability to t Look- of jueMi ns to be answered
for themi-elvcs and I wj!l wnjk hr The- U.htion:i are ouch which
iny puriy whoso piir,ci l. l,v,. .,,! J .jjonld n,t kh eurv citizen and
are expiet..sed 11, ih. wo.k of 'Jh-.o- his vote r-hould he giver, i, taking
dole Roosevelt. I wi l 1 i ve hvi n into onsidci ation these vital rims
more just and tllicient system of j hons, lor these issues il (om,.
luxation, a more jitactical si -h'.ol j numnlly befoiei-iKh lef.ddaloi s
fyoteni, hJOiiger suj) fur the I in, 3011 believe in the ir.ntji.V
state university, belte r icgulutiun 1 of p i .i tnal lianc hi.M ?
ef public corporations, ;uo. roa.lM, 1 n believe in the icpci.J of
national aid for Siusluw, business 1 j p, 1 in, fi;,i(hi-eM ai.d the nib-
economy and a progi 1 .s ve spu it id
state ujipiopii.itioim uud xpi.n li
tures 11 ml sm li oilier Jaw asill
bring to uh the host people f j cm
this uud otLei nutious."
f. "if. v v ji
.i' K hi. a! Av-yj.
! (i:.g
.::"! - f-
t t:
sl :
i .. .
Or iwi
is i
re: M:-
J a : i
M ' -
A G nd Pod
L-.-i "eet the ror-isi'c aci
- ; jr'.-rea cf tie tn j.'ot ta ar.d or.-at:d a ;'-jc fcn'i rod
; b "a : ' h a r.tu. r.- r -: u c & ic u t
e c'.' d rt'i-
H-s.ry Wt
I r a r
:d tlrtt
: s'a::t3. The
: w :U h tx-
-. Hi:::Sj s
iv:rt n
r. ". r. t ; -v o! S-;f.-
Jh iiel;-
O .a.
'ry fcr.
i't r;
: b'r'n out :vr
; ovr tt-fe f.a-j
it.' . I, Cf tl-fr r.t"A
.re iuji zii'a. 3e
"t:i ,"-t ( ff f -r
- --'o r.o:
ai.d ;'rn
rah' v
.f t. they go ofi
i pow,i:,ii P, . n . .
; nclihate for State Printer
At Kcpuiiiitm F'rim.fy, April 20 lc.Ob
- I i. , 1 , 1 .:. ,1 .I- .... ,i 1. ... ,...1...., .1,1
I l.i r. t.
-i il 1, 1 n r ili.'ln,ij ul Un.
1 11. .111. '.in 1 i.t tin- , Mire. It 1 n t,;, ;,,! J .j,..
' ). in- ii.ui in imiinr 1 1I1. 1:1 ,.i-k m-itlii-r
1.. 1 .1 1.. 1 1 . .11,11-,., 1,1 tin- i,tin i. nor i-ij.
;' i. 111 ln-w k In inn to i,it Ilii; tr
V. I,!. s.
- '. i ! 1 1 -, -i In. i, .way I-, a i.-,.iu ul Hl-rliiii niti-R.
i.l. 1 i 'l II .! Il.-ll Ii ll'i- nf lln- ,riili
. .".!. J ill I ,,1111 l.ill.UI J I
Pertintnt Questions for State Candi-
'MP 1 1 11 of Ijiiit. (I fi ,,,c hist t
J'i ; u hehcM- in the cr uctment
f 1 ily which i-hidl author,
ie lily councilHto jjiunt perpetual
I lim bihCb,'
. A Hew AsuStarL
(irvi it i ! -r tn;L.'ti :
M:. Vtjlr:;. H . ti v.: ujLr
r .",L :r.t- :-. : . i
i : :: uf
! Mr
. .t.
. V CiRTEfi
Asr'.'C. Ore:tr
Caii ii.!a'.e :o- Kej ublicaii r.cmita
tioa l-r Stfc'.t- Trtiurtr.
jV-p "'
t ' ' ' s
r- -
S a. tip rtcjamatioa in to cod- ; caLdi ite for the oilice tf Secrt tary
cii eiitern atter-tiou, if the of State, fcubject t'i the will of Re-
Ha-lruu-h bill be-orxe a lw. publican tcters, at the primaries to
. . . .1111 i .
Afier :t is on the statute Locks, it
is the j .urjose to devcte the fund
ct rived frooi tale of public lnds
in a giveri portion
of the Lnited, to iAarj-p ork- It is esti I
n..'tl that there i;
irrt-i ,! fcf..,
To.ooorooD of
hr.L La iurvejtd. Scruc of tht t mbject t'J the will of the ttapubli
imjsto".er h'.h a 3f.iu and can ocr. al the priu arief Aprii
i 'i t'-res and r.-ers be- !20tb. ly-M.
he-. e that cs-j fcrj'-h reclamatioD j G. V. tiwrns, Iiugene, Or.
jr-,,e'.t5 cou.-J o arr;e: out on a j
rjtSLT'.'.h "Cale for as lo' ioi
r.d j: in a'.re. The land would : Tb4 uD''ersieri' d annouricts hit!.
it o: ur.c uht i fertility in nt in-, self as a It publican ci'-di !ite I
tLe ri'.-Let
of the couLtry. Jf the Lill be
cor.'je law, western men will tn
d'avor to tee that the svau;p fund
it derived from ti e state arTecU-3,
i i
iii; 1 that the priri'ely revenue low hame courtesy that has heeu ac-or-devoted
to de- rt recinmation is ! ded to mate offi'eri cenernlly. that
' k-pt intact for the west
I S na'or I u ton xp-cH soon to
. b': fvreed a tru'e in the
i.Sriate. against rej'alof the Tim
dtr k S'M.fc a't. It hxs len re
! jorttd cut of the eomniii'ee on pi.b
. :c lan N an I champi'Jiii of thi;
Ijo.ic iii'er d to get the bill to a
i vot- if po si'de thii S'S'ion. . St-na-i
tvr 1'u t'iti ha- L'athere 1 data show
I ing the unap; ropna'ed land in Oie
i jU to lye a'jMiit 20,000,000 acres, a
I eorsi le'ablo portion of which in
J timber and he is also r a ly to prove
1 to th Senate thvt most Oregon
ti::,ber lurid when at a moderate al
titude is .susceptible of more rofit
able uses than forestry. His fig
ure fchow that if the Government
allows the state only 10 percent of
she. funds derived from timber hales
and keeps all of th range leasing
charge, O'tjvon will profit only t
the rate of 2 r cent an acre, per
;ear. With the bupport that in ex
pcied from Washington, ulso
lnavi: timl eted west of the Cas-
1 adeH. theOrgoii senator hopes to
1 1 .t . 1 . . . : . 1 : . ..... 1 . . .
inavu in- uuii ;iin 01 1. nt s-aie Kepi
01 en lo private r ntrv and I'evelop-nic-nt
An cponinm to an f)reion tmat r
was paid bv the Washington Post
this wick when speaking of th;
Senate lenders in the railway ra'e
discussion. The leading Washing
ton paper referred to Hon. C. W.
1'ulton us one of the modest young
tenatoiH who hud revealed his abil
ity in a manner to win tho cordial
friendship of Iris coHcHgncH.
There is some doubt about the
adjournment being us e uly as May
0, which waa the time fixed curlier
The protracted debate in the Senate
on tho preliminaries of the great
measure it is now considering, is
taken to indicate u greiterconfeump
tion of thne when the numerous
uiiieiidni' n's and substitute are
taLen up one at a time for disposi
tion. Jf the adjournment can be
forced lail.v in May, it will be. h
mot inttnbcis cf Congress ur
eager to get away, especially these
huving elections ou their hands,
I ir
r t: V!
T 1..-I1C
1:At5 :
tile I: ri
1 H l-.Xv
Ltre Courtj Scrlf.
ci.rJi!e 3r lit vfrc v.: M-
iic v.
'.It ::
;c-.-: :c :! j
Fpr Sf
1 bt : i it3L't:Kt t;.ft;
fr te::f! .
nj:--c if e!itf-.!
:tti itv
i" ;n c ::t-r: :
: r . .l''c at- i
"ir: ;t.t:c-T- tie '..
W. J Vts
I ttifbv iin.ijji.ti" !:'.;: .
Zii:i'.t ;.z Coaf:l:'c f ( v ttat
li:ce l'tcci;:ct, Lant- (S utitv, (,):t
.. f . e
O L. 1 t J Hi t . !
A j'f . -'.'th, r.o.
A V. Aims-.
For Representative.
I .tnouncf t'- the J Ur public ti
'o'ers of L e county, mv iai:,:i-
ity re reM t.tative n: tie vt it
lelaturc, subject to aj jn va! Nt
be April j-riiiiaries
15. A. W'AHII-fKNK,
Sj-rinfitld, Ore.
Secretary of Sfate.
j I hereby uncoucce ruyself as
: oe Leu April Ajtn, iwo,
j Fkam T. Wkichtman,
Salem, Ore.
c, . c .
I hertbr hdcouupc my candidacy
for State Senator frcm I-atie Conritj
For State Printer.
j rer.omiriati" n for Slate 1'rio cr, sub
ject to the decihion of tlie Kepubli
can voters at the primary tkct.o:i
April 2o.
Now servin? first term. The
of renomination, would be great!)
J. Ii. Whitney
Albany, Oregon.
For State Senator, J
1 hereby announce myself hs a !
candidate upan the republican j
ticket for the office of State Senator
from Lano County, Oregon, subject !
to the primaries to be held April 2o, j
J. M. Shki.i.kv, Eugene, Orfcgon.
For County Commissioner.
I, hereby announce myself as a
candidate upon the republican
ticket for County Commissioner of
Lane County, subject t'J the primar
ies to be held April 20, ilfo'i.
If elected to the office I will give
ray personal attention to every purt
of the county and a niuarc deal to
every man.
Wm. T. Kavsi;k,
Cottage drove.
Circuit Judfe.
I ar nouiica my elf as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
Circuit Judge, Second Judicial Dis
trict (comj rising 1 lit- counties of
Lane, Ucnion, Iincn, Douuhis,
Coos and Curry) su' jict to the up
proval of the voters at the primar
ies .
Lawkunck T. Hakkis.
For Representative.
I hereby announce that I will be
come a candidate for the nomina
tion of 6tato representative on the
Republican ticket, subject to ap
proval ut the primury election.
M. SvAKVIilU'lUi,
Kugene, Ore.
State Representative.
I hereby announce myself us
candidate for the nomination of
State Rjprt.sentutive, suLject to the
will of the Republicans, ut .the pri
ALLtN II. Katon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
a ! '
Gccds at
General Merchandise
Miners Tools
iM r,; t
" III" iA'0',
-" i ' 1 "I i X.' I" Jiwl u in
III .,J Mil
nii..'J jiii.iiiIk.i
piii.w mvC II Hinir
UlO.lj JI,fl4.AtJ.,,.jIH 1
pun 4 f 1 jruiC.ji ujv "
tirj '.fiiiijHr;iiijdii
.Ki ;ilj'jjiu uu a.i
JU J u.vui nu tin
i-uni(Vij jrjjiiiR
i;n.p'iii jijj :;mj
)lll HJU l
Ciy ip-uuj ft I
-l IIHII Jl'llU'
liwv jmi.jjvw uu
Xooh at wcet winbow.
It no wiie (hull the lerriblu ciine
of Piles iillilctcd mo 1U yeai'M.
Then I vwisich i-ed Id up.vlv lincklen'H
ArniiM siilvc nail l ss I han 11 box per
manently fined me, wi'Ufri 1,. s
Nnpier, or Kn-liH, Ky. fri nil
vvoundn, hiiniH niid sores like nniglc,
'i'n: lit JiiMisoii'H 1 1 1 ; 1 1 niiicy.
Round Trip
Round 1 1 1 1 pui M iir lutes Chi
cago to roithmd und return, via
direct line will be 7,;.co arid from
Missouri River points jf.l'io.oo.
Thi'e tickets will be on Hale daily
lomui' in injf J tine ut und continu
ing until Sept. ith with linnl re
turn limit f Octiiber ,'Jlst.
J. M, Ihjiaji,
& Gettys
& Gettys
and Amunitions
u,. 0
Utf.v 1,0 Hrfiy
Wivkhed Bind Irortad
Luce curtains, clothes repaired
and pressed by Mrs. (Uo. liohlnian.
Leave woik ot Ostrauder's barber
For Exohartg
A new hack for a work horse. J,
II. Ilawley, Cottage Grove.
J. If. IJrown, of Collage Grove
una Miss I'enrl Weathtrly, of Klk
on, were intri ied this forenoon at
tne Chrislinn puiBonat'o, Rev. J. S.
McCalluni officJatiug. Uugout
l'uy your subscription and help
some of tho ladies along in the sew-,
ing machine content,
1 w
1 i(
1 (