MJGGET. 5 1TH I 1 1 '"fir Devoted to the Mining, I,unbeMng nnd Funning Intt ri sts of this Ce mmunity. VOL. VIII COTTAOK GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL n, xgo6. MO 12 TT TT BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And General Mining New (lathered from lixihanires. Jim J ! icli .i r( h ton t n. it down fmin tlii" Qr-g"ii S-iit itif C'in pmiy 's ptopei l v fur ii vM-k In;. HIT, Imt ).mm-s l:ii k to lay. Geo. Kiiow'rs t !t H down Iront It 1 iv it i .i t h in.t.l t1ii Mm '. i-ocm j( is la'lur 'lull ' .i i!:.t' , r-r V ! c . I v vclint !. 1 1 ii i Mi il ; ! i I in live Hiiiniin r'H wot k. F.dd .Icri I, m t s if f . ' II. ill urn .i i ' '' ill i vi' 1 1 w i 1 1: I ; 1 !. Vel v goo i !' !;' h.i ! . i i I, ! . v n i ; - i . 1 1 , i 1 1 'i 1 i. I'll t 11' t a ; t n .i t is:!' nil i Le III It I 1 1" has Mil i l i. Frank It duo tn at ;iy tint rvrn ihtio al'in,; nnclv i!ii irt woik is stiii. hi v ; Th Hhow is melting w ill t'l'ii" in u sin 1 . v ; i . in i . i i it. I I'm? li Mill. ,11.1 nh V n ai - r ipi-llv t tutu- l tiling 111 c l In i n -( nl wt ill., i tiiim m. 'I In- it t : in ti"ii of ti c in w t' l - ill t t- line t' K '' mi.i 1 . te n i; lc 1 a 1 I'V 1 1 " MIIT.IV of lll.lill.MS I i the coll' t lict nil work. 'Ill'' ( Olll 1'tlllV is nlril l'i ! t 1'llttlii t-, in ( will li;iv? the it i j - pushed ii.'h' throne h (isilliii'li m s tin coot r.vt i li t. V. II .Shane ms ili .i the WOlk 111111 In- l'i imiietii-cd v. on si thut tin- I'm ran In- pit in u-e dm ill)' till HI J 111 I lll.'lllllH. J. A. laid.', Smjii-i iuti n l' n? ! the ( 'i gon S i-ui'ii s C. wnsi'i town the l'-1 tittle wuk .Mil re ports th.it tv U in;: is going nicely at th.it C til " n y "s no " ity. The niill ih 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ami lining g.od work. 'I ll" sniiws 1 1 1 ii t l a good supply f water (nl thi! siiiiiim i mouths mill will ni ik- it ' ssil'l. t run the null ptobnbly until an utixilliiiry sU-um plai t can In in stalled. Hen Trypsin I it turned to th" Oregon-Colorado to. lay after un ab hciico of several wicks in the drove. Mrs. Trygstud will not go up to the mine with little Mihs Trygi-tad un til lli; summer months come nrouud. Ten thinks that it will If pretty lonesome alt r having iu-t bail a i-hoit lime to I'l-roin- a -quaiuteil with the little l.nl.v, Imt say hard vscnk will have l I H -consoleinent of his I I n h. '1 l.c tunnel in guiu straight nheml mi I oonsidei able woik i I" i-ijj ilnne. "r T We I'l'lil I '! i .i .i i li-jioiti Ihfil ih'i roe.k ! is .ml in i' in,' i v In. 1 1; al pi mii thd l il .or is sh)w , . ,iiii Imt jit ';' i ,i hl-. i. lid in- .i n in'". i-i is lui ini oi" is I c Cryital. M : 111 ; I lie", V. O s M il 'i , in x t llll I ll" 'i ' 111 . I II S' I'll uito sh'i' so that th'-v in t i ni ! Ml o-ii-i-. l.lo-.l of tin .1 i nek Minn, oi t n I lrH,'n h i" t'l lie I In- mill will f i ' siinini' r tf in on o: s fioiit l''i- ii iii'-, ai.d will al-' tun N"!lli I'ii i i -i w hi s lis well Nnilli l-'ii. Irvlow. I'. S w 11 kit1; 1 ..?, , . ! II I !i -1 in 1 11 w h 1 has bt"!i :i l'i" Noith l-'airvi'-w ' 1 I I'n-iii in eaiii" d"" 11 l"i hhort l i ( If. II ' i 1 '111 II I. r.' ''I 'l 1 I i- i- I ( i ! i 1 i " I I'll. 1, '. I Ci I h'-v die.'i I' i- i .' 1 i 111 1 i I I! . 1 Ml ta il 'V I n this h Mi 1 ! 11 -li in " e i -1 oie r to -1 -; t , ) i..i; l 1 ' 1 1 , 14 l e 11 11 ;s ;: d it j 1 s I i in i1 I I til I-' 1:1 ll 1; '. puny. i'uls Inv Itrcl. i i s' ainl M 1 ecrs' Teie 1 v 1 : . ' 1 ' - I '. ; - it 1 ' la r ; 1 1 " n L ' ; n---!i t'.M : I'.'oi;, t r lu k '.' ' o 'J-, ni.it' i ial and hii' (.- 1.1 ('"! oi. C' 111-"- t '"n can b'. .1' tl e Hi e ol ' i.ni',iii- with P'Mii.i, C"t Tl.e e.'in any ' ! j-.-' t any or 1 li 1 1. 1 , .-, ll iiMh ;; a t' !.. ; t'l"-- 1 1 "e III ;!..-- ; ! ms n; , I. m-'d and in th'i Heer- tarv . f Messrs Met' i',f I a jo ilovr. I 'n r erven the I ; e 111' a- 1 '"ti it t r.i p. mm; A. P.KI 1 '. S-'-v. IIar! C w is a v iMtor in t' -a 11 i-a Ti-. 1. ' y I 1 -U M i.-, in is in from Pohruiia f ' a few !.l s la vol'i . Mi-. M . Ross d i--i diessmHk- ' in;; at Mis . h 'lis' 1 esidein-e on I ".is t 1 1 1 r -i 1 eet . 1 l.i-vi (If ii eiuie into town with a load iniii' ml .liter on Tins-lay. 'Ihe Spline nn- 1;' Itnj; t here t-plf n didlv 1 1 e-e days. Tim pits f.r the new piem nt t' e H-.'vl ia.iio.id bid;4ejusl south nf town ivcto bmketi into ly the li-e i th" liver Sunday hi that the woik is stoj ped f-r a few dayn, un til the pits can le pumped dry. Al!.i! Ilu-r from near N'ertion, lb C in lived in town Tuenlay with I. is laaidv iiii'l will make In u lone; at I.oi d. 11 Mr. (ietr met them ! v'ith ids ten m and tock Hum ad' on' ti.i atue ev itini;, 1 - rr f flfootbers Httcntion! We are showing a line of boys cloth ing creditable to Portland ranging in prices from $1.00 to $8.00. The new styles, single and double breasted, also the Buster Brown Hose. We have also -40 styles in Mens Suits. 0 ii SALOON Ll CENSES REDUCED 1 health oITm er th'-re w re Iwj can-didiit"-, Dr. (;;l'sliy and )r Cily Fathers Reduced Saloon iior k u, Dr. H ictt l ein; elfe'-ie i Licenses from $o(K) to $5fK) V';': -.V" , . .. .,. II'- w.im.i iipjxjinU-d the lolruv- Alonday Niht. ,,. t Illlttlti At Ihe inei linj' of the C"Uii'-il on Moiulay niyht Mayor Job, I'onneil m-n JoliTihon, J it Is, 1 1' e,ate, Me. (nr'n, pi'tNr nnd Venvl.e v. en .i--' nt . The f 1 lilioti of th'. --a- I'Miinneii to have the li iw !( iiil'-i d ftoni "-:-n to ? l'i alll'-nded to lead .'". r... v as- Ill- ri 1 i -. ."" Pel, v ni, r '-v ll i-t ' f r th' .,1 .! Mi 'i .1 . t - for Ihe le' U"!l ' -It- -ii wile i li li I f 'I' I I. lit put til two I I 1 , I'Mimi k no a n as t h- IT f. ,r M ' " M " i x ?en work s ei i''' d in entire til" ' "titnr t ' b doll" Oil ti e ' S" t : 1 1 ii.ii 1 ir ? i',o-i.o-; nt-, I oti th' M loi ? S;., -.1. all V) :C he 1 1 :i -ll.ut ol. t-- I w tl ln i: days. Mr. slale I that lm would hop- to have tin-en' i 1 woik completed within oodjvsii there weieio d' las f t lni-lit. ite. Couitilmm Porter nsk- d ti.it time I e ,-iven lor th -new- -i ' 11 1 ii-1 ' rnt-Ti tu In 'k ov r the s il u-il i 11 befol e uiiikin' a !(.i is o-.. Tin m-jonty oi the eouia il thai wtie i'o-;eii, ihoiinht the aiii'-'.:..'. w iih el y I easoiiidil'-. Ill" filloAlni,' i-al'mil i 1 ' c Li - e . were nppliMl for the eoinii j; n,i mo:i 1 1. s of tlie new fi'cd year, aiJ'i I oud-i wei" pnhttiled with tacli: John linker; IMiidsinen, Win, I.m dess uiul 'I. F. O-traiuler. lim ey l'V..;il. l.,.t .tii,....,, Tr.lm J'r, ,vili - w .,s.i., ;- j- - an I I-,. A. Us. hi. ii. . r.iew bondHir.en; C. J. Mi'ler ami A F.Hidee. Pa"" Pro'.; bondsmen, -loiin I'lowley. I . L. Frneht C. C. , ,1!lhtor of the First Christian Church Case; bondsni- n. Thos. R. J'aiktr ()n;,.; ,tiag. The weddmjr was per and W. II. (Miamler. A. C.iuham; . f ri d ; ,j,e ynm 0f tliefarsiiv notiiisnieii, ji. c. iviauhcii huh i am JuikH, F. K. Waie, AlfWalkei nnd Win. Renshaw. After the various applications nnd bond had been read they were all accepted . The council considered the tran f r of the eledrie lighting contiact to the Willamette Valley C"., and .sked that the matter bo laid over until the next uieetine; in order thut the proper steps might be taken to 1 .1 1 11.. i.i.,.o. have th" but-irefs legally Hans uct'd A petition was read asking that the S. P. Co. le asked to remove a bnib wire fence maintained by it idong its track 1,01th of Ihe depot lor a distance of 1000 on account of the obstruction to Ihe passage across the trucks. The lecorh-r was ordered to teipiest th?. 1'. Co. lo leu.cve the fence up to the cily rlf It tji tfi , s1 (if (if fif (if (if (if (if (Ir li milt. IvI I'lid'-rwiol was 'ltr'ilodus Marshall for tlin e lining year and (in en l'il( her vuh poiijted Niht atdmi'in. W. S. J! timet sn ?,i d Sinet ('i)mrnisiioner. For S'tet I ' V. A II W.i'e- v.;-. Mc O i'.-n iininilt'-e, V. ('. Johns ni ' I'- an I I H. li-irte!., I.vl.t ..Ml !. II. 'i-iike, Poikr. I i- C. nan .-. -I. II. paitt'.s, G. and !. C. I'oif r. Mi n-.een Ti..- ; :' i.-'-di' 11 h'ive M I nil! of Mr. Kin- to ll i-e th'; .-ite oi his lap .li. n Main Stie et for fi j I I '. ! ! ;'. it -( 11 - 1 at -. i !'.--1 ' 1 1 1 l; . at 1! '-.' ! Hi I ' ' ' 1 a:; 1 " to t' e Lri I-,'- w; I the culire eaunei! de e' We lti' s lay np( r t - in vest i .-at..i th'- :-.it-. - -. hit !- ! f ion o! uii ii'l I e' p. id 1;. I d, m, 111 a ihe - it i. tu pay tin et.t' .-' tii- ::. mm Ol il' ! s 1 -,ll-l . W"l'l I I. ''. 1 l- I en - e. 'J'he c j-ine 1 a ' in j ! t ) : .N'i;ti ;.iy ni.l.t to rett'.-." ii.e ni' i t -i th li'l- on t!-e wu; r 'j ti'jn vA tin briile prono.sitiou Kxhibition Shoot Wm. IP.. P le:s Pa; - : hlb'.ti' 1) i:ei. :.s. t r :C t'or ihe C' w iil : i- an e 0:1 the Ul.st, and p -.-s-, Mr. Henry Yeat.di i c-mpai.-y to b pres v Cv.a ('!':' wih ut. ': 1;: 1 ul to ml- the i'.ly M. op.,., (.' t I; l.mb'.e,; !iiOO..i. ..' ji: V'eddiij Mrs. Carrie V. Uolsiiijjer an 1 Mr Wol'-ott Tibb'es wero mauied at the lionic of the i iid'-'w parents. Mr. an 1 Mi.s. J. P. Witch, 8'2S Mi.i'n street, Sunday April, s, 'o'b , ..'i,...l- .,- 11 l'.rt..it ' . The bride is well-know n; ami is a chai min' woman, with scores of friends- throughout the city. She has been at h une with her parents for the past ten months, but form e i ly held a position as telegraph operator in the Postal Herviee at Purl Towiisind, Washington. At one time she was manager of the eonipiny '- oflice at Albany and at j . j,; ; , 1 ilUS a!so Woikediu this b .... . . city. I he groom is a resideiH 01 pi it Tow nsend and is a man of( steiling ipialiiits. He id a plumber, bv trade and is in the govtrnmcut ; employ at Port Towubeud. 1 The happy couple left yn-terday ' for Port Townsend, where they will make their future home. The maey friends in this city wish thtm much happinetn. Salem . Ji-urnal, April 9. Mis. Tibbies is 11 sister of Mrs. ; Hairy Wynne of Cottage (jtove and is known to many people heie. ! Henry Yc-atch, with his wife and Min left Friday for a few days visit in Cot vallis. "Made in Oregon" is going to be I n great event in lYrthind soon, ; K .ilpl W. Hoyt is a native son and i bus became the popular candidate i f'i' State Treasurer because, he ynys: "State funds collected in a county must tctnain on deposit in the county." A. J. Stownrt came to town on Tuesday after an ubsence of several months in Mexico. He is lookiug nfler his interests nere, ana win ptobabl,v bo here for some time. Ho has been trying to get hu sou, who is ft mining engineer in Mexico to come up to this country but he can't break loose down there. Gamewarden Baker has just re ceived It untaffged deer hides that were captured iu Douglas couuty by Deputy Kne Hodson. The war den expects to also land the offen der in u few days. It is strange that ft man would rather stand the chance of arrests than pay ft fee of ioe for ft tag tor each hide. Metealf and llrund have on ex hibition at their store two monster cocanuts. Thcso coeoanuts are fur nished by Sobepp A Co.. the great est uinkcra of nhreded cocoanut in tho world and they state that the cocoa trees, only once iu oue hun dred years produce nuts of this ni., the rest of the time producing the usual cocoanut known to com merce. Take a look ftt these hun dred year cocanuts. SCHOOL REPORTSli Teachers and Students are Uiisily at Work (iettin up Programs. During the past month M. Puln.er'n room hud 1.0 t-irdmH- e and Miss Kelley'n un 1 Mi.-s Whit. loMns had o:ie tardine1 s each. '.-. f.ectl.cr is striving to 'r' t her p.-i-'nta;. i- of tni'Iii c :a do.-..: as far possible an 1 to ke . c.'-iy ; ho' : n HJ'.fti u:;t-l tl.e let 11 1 - out. Ore of t i.e r--i' hers 1 ,i p. e M-i i:c-s : M: v. ' at' -t u.t;' Iho 1 1 .-. 1 wit ii -"t e-.- ;:s- d fio-a or so. Pa: e'iS -J . ni.e I b: t ' ei v '.nt ! - h o; Wo 1 : . e . a . i.t. a r.i t e -1 Chi th ! '.. n :. 1 a !;! ; ' e o :: k ' : iiOOl . i. I treats ; . ith 1 1. - r Dur.n ' . e k - j 'r j-.C. i.n '.V'-I 10 ti-.e I. j i. vti j i-. j. 1 j ;;tt out. I j;T.l j tisi.i:: uc a:: v. :. i -t t '.- .-t . : tn.i 1 aLd 1: taker, the bar ' vf p'nenl.s an.! t-.iciicr.- th.er.i i.ht t Mo:.":i::.v KiiioiiT Mouth ending At r;l 0. ilOVs Liiri-r Total ei rc,llr.-,e::t 2I4. New c-nrcbm'. nt 2 Days a'.U noa-.ise iJluS Day abs.. a. e ;-.i Avtraye dai y atten dance 2 Pi Avt-rajieNo. I elong- Time tardy 44 So. of holidays 1.) No. of days taurht -o C. L. Sthavik, Supt. West Side School Notes, Onlv six more weeks until fial ! examination. Prof. H. (. Andersen, .ririciral of the Scio nhooN, visit dins Fii day ami guv u Iclj. fill 1 k, point ing out H e value ( f an 1 11 a t i -n. These neither al yent t or ihe last inenth wee: lit a tardy Cwc-n. Mable Maekie, Ktva W.-r-er, I,u- ella Dixon, Mable Ve.i'c . Yria Cachrau. Marv McCiirav. ''..zdia Hemenway, Lettr Turpiu, Hay Ti-iinnell, James Aiiinte..n, 11; j Dvtr. Cnaili Cottier, Fred 1.1 -. r- tu'ii'-. Phillip Cast-beer. C-.olI1 on 1 1 Handy, and Fnos Crown y. ( Pic-paiiitions are being made tori : UC eeiuilBt 11 1 c iu; u . cacai-i:?, The Gietk Lett- r I.iteiary So ciety met Ai. 5. 1 -. i.nd elected the following il.ici.is for lie last term: President, Bessie S eel; ec-rt-taiv, 'trnie 1omi; lieiiiuicr, ... " ii- .. . . 1 r iMva wariier; s'-ige.u.i 1 1 vims, JJalph Hawley ; ciitic, J..m - Attin hou. The following Arbor day n o gram will be given by the n. , i April V.l, 1906 Reading of minutes of pi.v; .. meeting, secretary. Quotations, la answer to lO.l call. Recitation Kva Young. Reading William Bennett. Recitation Maud Ho pt-r. Recitation Philip Casebeer ljssay Jessie Heath, iieading Yernio Brown. Yocnl butt Klva Warner and Gertrude Ungate. Recitation, Ralph llawley. Composition, Bonnie King. Beading, Vera Cochran. Recitation, Hazel Hemenway. Current Events Flossy Huff. Beading Mattie Barlels Beeitatiou--WilHe Mc-ore. lsnv Luelhi Dixon. Talk Prof. Harvey. Critics report James Aikinson. SongSchool. ta.r School Report. Stir, lane Co., Oregon, Anril 6. i'.k6. Monthly school report of Star District Xo. i-'- tor the month commencing March 12, i'JoG, nud ending Apiil -, 1W6. No. days taught 20 " " attendance 96; j " "abseuco. -n,1:- " times tardy 21 Average daily attendance iS.823 " No, belouging 22,2 I N'o. of ri : : cnr ' 1 ...!l 1 ' r ,f 1, : , 1 1 i To l,-i I ci.r 'l'i;i- nt 2:5 The foli-r.v it .' an- til-! 11 in--H of 1 1 1 1 s w 1 o I. 'iv; I, i M ii'i'licr ab- ! ' f.t n-;r t ''!' ;::, iwn'i'li of 1: I-:... 1 v i i I-.-n i is Tbf- Hidb School S : - .-'...-. ! t'l Who II - P. ' i and j-.v- ex- of 1:1 eu of c t y 1: s t-:- 1 1 at t, i.r TU l-litS.S vu a id W :V ii:J .'.yaiu Mi- t -very .v. - M. ti:; i'eJ m.i ii .s Mi-i'u-. Weeds vis ;;iy in. 1 ning. London Eriefs. A ve-iy p'.- .a- nt ;. iTair occuircd at ihe home of J. O. A. Youug on Wedne-day, Ap'r'l ffli, ar 1 Miss Mary 1-. C-iili'e wis th.- lucky bride an i Mr. F'mer A. Doo'.ittle took ofi him-!f tic- ic-i 1 t sili'i-y of i cadship iti this happy union. Af ter the woid-i were Mii 1 that made i th' m one a1 d the I'.st.a! cony rat u- Litions IX" iittl cMui CO 1 Mr. iitid Mrs. re M 0 an lit nee v i . i:c Anglo 1 ::ie:;;al de v. is ariiscic---poll's native . .lie the cere : b autifjl. ---jiur man cf .. wi.'-c- goo-l itiue, is sure to - u t;i, O'l . o . r Ve o :'. all . 1 - elce'e I .. . -' . ' e c 1 g' ' en s 1; m - Mi .p.r.e ;ui ' Duuiltt e- j !.ee i... .i . -' -cuse au l an.ia' devt lop a h:-.pp i'.l 1 '. ely home. Next in ordci w meal w hich ail 1 1 ; lowed ly i '. t '.! f repi?t well ll.ivol -1 favorite rclil:icn- -o - v. -ur.i'ptuou i ed greatly, fol .shioatd social with some old igs which tuade tiu.t. Wo Li i oji.io iu lit'.-u a 1gb .v. l W i ' c oar and t a -. Id-.: c :..e u.e i-c n i-t a:.d l- Our old ti.::.' irL- ;J 1'hoiuas Gardner stems M iicwi at hit- levied almig cei taiu lues. He mny pos sibly be looking uficr tLe inteit-hts I of the sl eep and goat men of the ' community nud is j crhai s on the .- lei t lor the bear, cougar aud coy o'o hunter and may be able to lend a helping hand when they need his skill in conducting the chase. J. B. Rouse Ins a run of tit-3 en route for the side track of the Pa cific Timber Coinpuny'y near La tham. These ties are exehaueed for cash which makes tho labours woik lighter when the handsome sum of from tw o to three, dollars per day is forked ovir. This pays up bills nil round and 60 the work The bottling plant of the O. M. S. A. turned out two bads of water j last week which h-caictly supplied jibe ordeis wh eh cone iu. The i I ,i.i. ilon water is oil the loom and the hotel is nDo in goo'l shape. With the plenty cf l.elj guests will be rendered comioi tabic and home liko, YlKITAS. W. H. Diin-'y of Star, wua a vUitor in town on Tuef-day. He in working out the beet ga'deu thut iu possible and studying to get the, very highest result.