Eldridge Sewing Machine Free SEEING M ACK INC. kolitk raw;: Nil. HIGH CKA'JC .-. .... . ,. v , -v.--- , ." c . ... J iv:-' . - v ' - 1 ,1 I To the most worthy Lidy of Cottage Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will give a fine five drawer Scvvins Ma chine. Who the Lidy is v ill b-j deter mined by vote of Nue: subscribers. Bohcmiix Xtict Coupon for Eidrid?e Sewing Machine To be awarded i .e r,..it v ;r:hy lady of Cottage Grce r.::d vicinity. One vote for. .. This coupon :r.rt 1 e . ;. u April 18. 'Contestants; Mrs. Linnic Vp-Icttc Miss Ida F. ll.irrctt Miss Daisy Then. as Miss Jessie Dfi ij I.1 r(J ;.",o r3o ;wi ?.s .atv ? i V- ' 7 " ' ' " mniry v-"- . . ' f - -; The Hodge Jigs give a period separation of ine-Xc-atl-Ores J O H N A. T R A YLOR. MINING MACHINfc.KV DNVKR.. COL 1634 BlakcSt. Stretcher. ki .max i-.louu makks. The parties who borrowed our A ta; ()t ll0tr()I. wa, ,,,, ln. JIiarkH wire feuco stretcher will j4cine rc- (f Inim .n in ti i- ii. t j. v, turn the eauie od oblige U'yiiut- Wiiliiim--, a v.ill Unown im-rcliant of Hardware Co. Jiac, K.v., lie wriu ' Twt nty jcaiw , ay o J iiud .-.i-vi ii; In iu(n liiic.-j of the ' 1 ; lung's, iiii'l w.ls in ?ir diatli wl.cn J lit). Ouly 25o iu uddition on ycur nub- f-'"11 Kin-' N-w jJisuov- al 1' 1 1 ' ' ' It f'OIII I'll V (1111(1 III!) Mill) I scnpticn fccure He hi.ii und , 1).m;iilll.(1, ,. ,.V(.r ,Ml,1"",f.,"Vl Country Journal for o jeur. A ;,-;.r, i onlu s, ln-onj.. vuu;,h, JOUrUliJ t Lo bize of toe LuditS IlllfC , : '-l I N l .! ;nl l.r..iic,is, Mini lit Jouruul and an excellent ra cr- It ,r,.l' '"'' ,,,m' ,w,,,,,k '""t'"- Las tten greatly en1ar6ed aod im- j ,.lllu.1111(Tf rl(, umJ ,rl. t, iul i,,,,",;! proved recenlljf. lici, London Urlf. The Irtmdon Mineral Spring! , hotel ppcucvl up for husinois Mou d.iy of thia week with John Mc I Mstor as tujuiiger for th .lenson. j Ilia son Hugh and daughter Lulu Itoholp in the wink. The hottl I will be run in firt tKits ntyle. llrs. ' McMatlcr with Hnolher dughtr will be up from Toitor. Wnthins ;ton in n short time to join her hu ; bund Mr. M. 1 Fosst tt of Port IhihI is tho funt arrival t th hotel as a regular boardor. Ho seem to j t'njoT his visit and baths In good : lo, be is looking fino, baing ao old patron of tic hotel- We al I ways welcome our ld friends al London. Mr. J. N". Itogue of Ab sea Valloy, licnton County, has rentod a bonne aud is one of ua tor iatlonstn whiU. Mr. Hogue it in ! qnent ot health and we predict a ; beneficial visit with u. His wift and litllo granddaughter e'orupose the family. , Thomas Cieer, a Lrothi'r of the prestut manager of the Oregon ; Mineral Springs Association, ar rived trotu Moscow, Idaho on Wed nexday evening with his wife. They come to make London their future j home. This is the pceno ot his early life H has many friends and relatives to welcome him to i the oi l home w here he spent his 'cliikibood happy hours. His wife 'is a grand daughter of the old hi , tone Joab Tow oil. i Mr. P. (i. Cnrnicie and wife f Idiho, the father-in-law of Thomas Ger cuiuo with him an l will nk ; their home with Mr. Geer in the , tiittire im they are getting quite old. Mrs. Ann Carnule, whoc name wis Powell, was a daughter of Joab ; Powell, an old time divine of the pioneer days of Oregon whose uni ! ijue character nnd eccentricities haa ! indelibly fixed his memory on most :iill of ti e old settlers of Oregon sdJ in name an! memory are as com- liMii as household gi.cds Iliu quaint saving and hun:orcu8 ex- I pressions are recited with great ! p:ca-ure and sitisfaciiou to many au old pioLeer. ihev have cele j brattd their 5d ! they enjoy a fair I ago and may Le jet. The London Mintral bottling plant haa been closed about ene week on account of the supply ot crown corks being ex hausted. The supply will le iD immediately from Baltimore, Mary land, when work will be resumed. The recent warm weather is ha? a fine effect on the eaily vegetables aud we anticipate a beautiful "up ply of early garden products for the maiket. lne etiuren oi Lnrist meeting at Liberty Chapel, London, after an appeal by one of the members con tributed $5 00 for the relief of the Japan famine sufferers, the btarviog cry of the Orient Japan is pathetic and sad and with a free heart and liberal hand the American people aro responding to tLe sorrowful wail of hunger and death. Happi u;f8 ia ecToyed more by the girer than receiver. VKKITAS wedding day, ytl degree of the old with many years SpriDgu is Tin-: moon ixn.iiiTKi. Science haa proven that the moon lniH an at inorLlierc, which nuikea lif 111 koiiiu form pcHnlUe 011 that Hatellite hut nut f'-r human heiiiH. wli.have 11 hard enough time on thhoarih of ourn; especially tliom; ho ilon't know tliat Etectiic liitiera curt- Ih ikI aehf, hiliotiHiieh.s malaria, chills and fever, jaundice, dyfepniu, 1liz7.ine.-N, torpid liver, kidney complaint, gen eral (L-ldlitv and female, weakneHwes. Uae'iualiud as a general tonic and ap petizer for weak persons and especi ally for the UK d. It indiiceH sound uleep. Fully guaranteed by lienson'n Pharmacy, l'riee only 50c. GAR Man e.nd Others Attention. Commander Woods requests us to publish the following .extract from General Order No. 7 of the Oregon Headquarters: The Department Judge Advocate calla attention to the fact that it is a violation f the Statute Laws of Oiegon foi uny one not a member in good Hiunding to wear the G. A. It. butt -ii. The ititciition of those violating this law should kiut'.'y be called to this and they urgo to unite with us or dent in this practice. DEVIL'S ISLANIJ TOKTUitli. Is no worbo than the terrible case of I'lies that nllilcted mo 10 years. Then I was ad vised to apyiv Jiucklen's Arnica salve and less than a box per manently cured me, write L. K Napier, or Kufrles, Ky. lieala all woundn, burns and sores llko nnigic. 2"iC at Uenson's I'hannacy. The State Orange, Patrons of Husbandry is endorsing an annual li cense tax upon the gross earnings of oil, leping car and refrigerator car companies, and the other for a similar tax on exprefes, telegraph, and telephone companies. The Grunge has labored long to secure a more equal taxation in Oregon, and has petitioned lor these laws in the expectation that every taxpayer and fair-minded citizen would support them. LodRc Directory. A. F. & A. M. Cottago (hov Lodge No, 51. Meetings 1st and Hid Wedncbiys of each mouth. L. V, Wooley, W. M. J. 11. Lurch, Secy. G. A. R. Appomatax Post No. 34. Meets nt 1 p. in. ou the 2nd and 4th ttatutday of each mouth. Dr. D. L. Woods, Post Coin. G. W. McKeynolds, Adjutant w. o. w. Bohemia Camp No. !2('.0. Meets eaeh Friday trailing. F. C. CofTman, OouhuI Com. Chas. VanPenburg, Cleik. 0. E. S. Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4. Met tiuga held on and and 4th l'ii day of tach month. Mrs. C. II. Ikirkholdcr. W- M. W. S. Bennett, W. P. Miss Celia Lurch, Secy. K of P. JuventuK Lodge No. 4S. Meets very Wednesday night. L. W. ruker, ChancelUr Com. Chus. VnnDenburg, K. of It. A S. 1. O. O. F. Cottage (irove No.ts. Meetings every Saturday night. S. S. Shortiidge, N. G. Gus D. Gross, Secy. Royal Neighbors. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Kthel Disby, Oracle. Mrs. C. W. Wallace, Kecorder. M.W.of A. Meetings ist and 2rd Tuesday. Leltoy Woods, Coiibul. C. W. Wallace, Secy. K. O. T. M. Cascade No. CC. Meets every Thursday night. O. II. Veatch, Com. It. K. Dennis, Cooler. L. O. T. M. Lady Lsmson Hive No. 42. . Meets 2nd aud 4th Friday of each month. Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C. Miss LetaSanford, K. K. Rebekahs Cottage Grove No. 24. Meetings i6t, 3rd and Tth Friday of each month. Etta Baker, N. O. Katie B. Veatch, Secy. MBA Modern Brotherhood of America Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at I. O. O. F. Hall. T. W. Jtnkics, Sec. Reduced Round Trip Excursion Rates. Round trip passenger rates Chi cago to Poitland and return, via direct line will be $75.00 and from Missouri ltiver points jCo.oo. These tickets will be on sale daily commencing June ist and continu ing until Sept. 15th with final re turn limit of October 31st J. M. Isimm. A LUCKY I'OSTMISTHKSS Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary. Me., who has found I)r, KIuk'm New Life I'lllntobe tho bent remedy whoever tiled for keeplni; tho stoinuch, liver and bowels in perfect order. You'll bree with her If you trv these painlcns purities that infuse new life, liuar anteed by Benson's Pharmacy, l'riee Summer School. The University of California is anounciug the summer "session to be held in Berkeley beginning Mon day June 25th closing Aug. 1th. No examinations for admission only recommendation from the Univer sity faculty will be necessary. A very fine course of lectures will be given by outside teachers of note. The National uducational Associa tion meets in San Francisco July 7. 14 and apecial rates will be given to attend this convention. The privi leges of the session are open to teachers and others upon payment of a regular fee of f 12. T. K. Campbell weut on Tuesday on business. north The Compartment Observation Cars of t ho 1 m w m a 1 if Oriental Jbirmtea of a club Afford van ti nf unnr linmc -The comforts k uiai ui .. . . . . , f The luxury ol a f.rst c ass hotel f mi St raul Mmncopns. nnjci auumi ami nun ...l- tliate Points via too Dily IkIvvic! GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY I',,,- drl.Ol. d lnl',.ll...tl!..n. .ate,. ad I. '.' 1 S. ii. ello", A. I'- A. Se.illle. S. S. Dakota sails for the Orient March 12. I AS. II. I'OT IS A. S. PnWHI.I, ' ' " w L - - '' t ..lis1 . t ft 1 . ' . FASHION STABLES Cotttvtfe Grove. ... Oregon A. II. KING or r.i ; ; : .or ., t 1: :. JOHN BARKER 1 u 'l uih nui or Tlili liXCMANOI;-7 I J-: V I K U IN HNK WINKS, LlorokS, CIGARS. Mai 11 m r ft , CI t iigr 1. rn r, Ort .1. S. M. .ill . J.C. JidlllMOll Jlctlh y A'- Johnson, A 1 1 i)'iii m a I la vv Office .Soifr I' inh 7i. Speeial atteiit iiii kImu to MlntiiK and Corpuratli'ii Law . J. E. YOUNG Attorncij-itt- .air ( lllico on ; n! !i fl r--'. , -l ?-1 1 1 o CoTTAGK C.KiAi:, OkK MINING AND ORL TKEATMi NT I'i'kIiiIiik nhd eiiii-li'ia tlnii uf ore reiliietiou win kn and mi neral inai hln el y plants ; nu t li.iliii al .1 r.ifl I n. I. libOVK, M . i:. McKay Building. I'irt land, r H. C. MADSEN, Watciimakkk, Kt'i'UirliiK m rruniinul.il rfiitrKri. All wurlc Kimrautcvl limt i'Iiium. W trtipp, 1 in-k ii air I Ji-w il r j' ill I.iim cut I'rtrt IHJTl'AliK (illOVi:, OKK. GOOD for OLD and YOUNG 4 IUMI'Aq For Sl or f.elne. t hoice i t y ptopeity for timber or farm hind, linpiire at this office. To Emlin. Cows foi jouag, gentle fiorso. IiKpiiie at this oflicc. ;nbcribe for the Nugget. The Firstjatioiiiil Buk Cotta;k Gkovk, Ouk.' Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to 1'iaa mi upprnvi'd neeurity. Kxc-liunj'i'i unlit, Hvuilahli) uny tliu' 11 tliel.'liited M;itei IIkkmht Km in, l'lr.1,1. Ill , ('hie I KILLthz couch AND CURE THE LUNUb WITH Ofn Sing's How BisGotfery TnMCIIMPTi. M FDR I OUdHS n- Price 50c 4$ t -00 Frci Trial. Hurrst and .iur.k.at Cure for all TUROAT Mill MWO TROUB LES, or MONEY HACK. TJTVZJi HHXK9HMMK1 i cotta.i: oitovi: Hospital ami Saiiilariuin i i ' ..... . ' 1 r 1 1 1 u in AuK""t Mower krrpt ill chllilrrn hllhy und Hi I IJll? I'ull n( vi"r iiml fiulli- Hie wlmlr il iy Ioiik , So whi n M.iiiuii.i mills mou.- tin y m-h oIT In hl.-li itlrr, AuJ hln.iit to the ilriiKnlht : " I'leane glvr it In jut !" f I ilu 1 .i : 1 1 y to -i t up hrihk mid fri-.h in the nioiiiiii", l.nk of npH-tiie, p.iM.ir tnniliiy coin. It li;a .ml 111101 hpiiits these all indicate .a disordered htoiii.nl. and had deletion-- in adnlls i j i 1 children, too. They also indii iiti- the indent neeil of takin;; Ciecn's A itjnst I'lower leiu hilly for a f ,v davs. Jlt'sa reli.ihli: old remedy for all stouniel troiih'.is, never fails to care iuili)c.iiioii (1ys))eihia and chioiiie eoiistiiiation. nut) is a natural Italic lor hody and mind, n JTwo bi.e;i, 250 ujul v,-,e, All druj.;(jUtK I11 i-oii'i- I l inn in VVcfchuU Kwuil Irorted Itee curtains, clothes repaired and pressed by Mis. (loo. Uohlinan. Leave work at Ostrauder's barber ehop, dh 1(11 tl Yj All t lio l.iit it trratini'iilK. I Electrical I I'LAIN anil MEDICATED B 0 I Ordinary Cost $12 per Week. i VJ 1'nr furtlier inti'tirtilarn iiitilreiin t ir. ii. c. sen ARRIVAL ASD DEPARTURE OF S. P. TRAINS. SOUTH HOUND HOUTII HOUND No. i ii r I p. in. No. 11 u o'ip.ie No. 16 2:02 H ill. No. IS.. !:2ta.lU 0. A S. II II. II. Tlmo Talila No. To take etfeet April 2d, 1905. Kant Hiiiiml 8 a ml 4 TuemUy W. Boiiud ami Hut only ' 1 ami Dally Kx- No S -Nn I ;jpi Hiiniliiy. F.M A M M HIHTIoSH V ::, ::im 0 i,Iiku OrovV.7. a:ftiii7:'i0: :i.v ... Wulilcn a:fj.r)7:.'l! b .. .Currln 2:,VJ7'M' fl.8 . Curro Oortlo.... 8:01 H:(Uj 7.7 . . .Maker :M H:H H.a Imrena H:17 H:I7 tt.fi ,.lei U.. ,, :HOH:l III II . .. tiravel Pit.... :W1.I hiowart H:hb:4UTJ Htar !i:41 H:4I. 12 8 ..Hoiky Point.. .. S:o0 l:0f) Ift.o ...Hi-u llrltluo 8:56 l:lfi 111. ti ...VMIilwooil ,. 17.0 ....llimt'i ,.... . I . . Kntl of Truck.... Snlijuiil to uliaiiKO wllliont uolUie. Alloutwartl (rt'li(lit fiiruanlvd ouly al thi Joint rink ol liiiipvr ami (iniiNltjiive. Stagu loavL-n Wild wood after Ilia arrival ot train on Monday, YVtulnuiulaya and Friday! tor lion I in und or-ieo. Iieini nlng ou 'I ue cuyH, 'l lni'Mliiya iiml miIiiicIhvb. 1 i eli; ill will not Im Hienivitl at tho O. ib S. K. It. H. Pupot niter 0 p. in. To Imaire loi waid. liiK ou lii'H t train Iii IkIiI iniiht hu dullvurvil la ample tlinu to penult ol it ijilng billed . A. II. WOOD, UuuutfejT No 8-No 4 KIuvTa.h7 v.ti. (171 " 11:106.18 710 1U:4U 6:08 7:17 10:41 4:MI 770 10 ::tM 4:68 ho7 10:8:1 4:47 Ml 10 4:44 Mil 111:7:1 4;8U 001 10:20 4:8A (114 10:01 4:20 1)17 V:48 4:18 II 111 tf:4A 4:11 I0V0 V:Hft 4:04 1040 :t(0 4:00 HM O