Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1906, Image 7

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Tiyiiiiij v . . f T. i , . i..n
wi vucti; limine
I . . . .! A I . t
unnK,im; vhhvt cause in Hie spring such isfiii ri
and painful trmiMi-s as Ix.ils, pimples, and other eruptions,
also weakness, loss of appetite ami that tired feeling
The Lest medicine to take to rid yourself of them is
Hoods Sars.iparilla, whk!: thoroughly cleanses the Mood,
and effects permanent cures l,y ejvinjj ie.ilt!iy functional
activity to the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin.
This is the testimony of tens of thousands who have
taken this Ktcat spring medicine.
Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla, but in
sist on having Hood's and vt it today.
Sold by dniKtfists everywhere.
Uhtul fiirm, ur in new form, tal.letH, 100 lhrnt-n Oim Dollar.
Slntt of lirril Amlilllon mnA Wealth
( on ll Malt 1'itlriilnip I rlnur.
What fi I x i II t llic-ii' noii of tin1 rliOl,
tlii'hi' iilii.'i' of our niniicy ti rlnt'M
Mr)' How in mil i'Iiiiiii'ii U tlnii- tliitt
cm' of Ihriii will ilii-iii llin fceiilua of
tin fiiiimliT of hU llin1, nml liixlc'id ff
hitlllllili-l llltf lull I loiiM will Mi'i'illiiiilnl)'
tdlH Of million; lllHtl'Mll of 1 1 V 1 1 1 III
iim'Ii'nii I u uiy on liU li nil' will prove
llllllNI If II full C III till' llitHf rlnl Mini
l iniii' liil wot lil, ii iiiiiii nlili li Unlit
ii in i'oiiijiht l:kit liU father or k i iiinl
IJxlniiirillimrj Iiiii-iiIiik nrn nl
WII.VH 1 1 Of t t !. Jtt Oll'l' 111 II ITU
tnry or no, lil, iln inlvrtit of n iiiIkIi!)
coinjiifM-r or rfforini-r, tln-y iln nunc
In iiihh. A tul If llii'ic hIhiiiIiI nrl In
tli, ImihI n iii.'in of thirty or forty who,
Maitln: with two or thrrt- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(wiinl or roiitrolh'it iy Mini should Ih
jrcut I'lioiicli to liiuih iild tint t r u in
flll'U Of lllilllU'lll'K llll'l tl'llljltlltllltl,
yrciit enough to hic flint never In mod
i ru tlmm hji 1 1. r r ln rn ofTiTi il to n
mini, not to NniHili'oti, n mil
(h'IiiIoiih u i'Ii.'IIhvi n thlH to w ltlil lib
It., lull' power, Kr,'t iMi'Mlgll fliuilly .
liMf liln two o' Ihii'i' lillliiiim to Its full
potent InlMy, then - well, tlier Would
surely In- Inti-ietit Iiik history mmlt in
that mau n lifetime! We have had our
Iron kliiK, klni:. copper
KIiik'h, niiiir klniH nnd other, hut
t) eie In one kind of V. Ilik' wi h iv e not
I. ml yet. A real kiiiK? Ve, for how
Ion;:, pray, would thlx repulillc stand
Diiliiht Hit n;'ri Nsloiis of mieli a man,
n Kreat mlnileil ileipot without con
lelicr or lioiimU to liU nmlilllon, oil"
ll roinpiii Ihoii to whom our Koi'kefol
Jem unit 1'iiruen'r". would nei-iu like
Mimiieriiiif tie'lnnerii 7 Alre.iay our
millionaire ninnutei Imve Ik-k ii ri to
lniy our court and IcK'iHlatureH, to cor
rupt our cltli'M, to ileliatii'li tin imlilli
roiiHclelico; u would fljilxh the work
nml lo It thoroughly, lit would link
the law, own the newspaper". iiIin.I
l!7i c Iniri'heH nml cullees, mold tuli!lo
opinion, illreet tlu miiehtnery of Jus
tlee control the Industrlm, the Imuki,
tU- I ii Hiiro IH' cotiipalileK, flirt coii'll
lioim of Intior, regulate Mtipply nml tie
tumid, tlx prlec. nhsorlt profits, ceii
tinlize every think'. !' very tlilnif. Why
Hot? Kveu ii m thin;,- are. had the wo.l.l
nny klni more powerful than J. I.
Moraii or .lohn I . ItnekefellerT I!"-rn-mln-r
how Kurope criueil to Mr.
Morgan nt i.'h last visit, with emper
orn cklin( Mm favor nml prlneei wnit
Iiik ut hU door. A real kliiK? Why,
We prm-tlrnlly luive two of them nl-n-ndy
! - rieveliiml Muff fit In Sucitsi
Kllilmiia a:til pnnsumt)iitrrli'n to tlm
tnluo of $i!.(Hmjkh) wirro (iroilin-vil in
11KU ut St. Ktieiiiie, l''ranci.
Anplmlt In foiiml In liirf ijiiatiMtloa lu
Tarluiia part of II unwary. i
AM-eclable IVcpnralionror As
similating Hie Food and Nctfula -ling
(tic SUiinaclis aiut Uoweis of
Tromole a Di gesl ion ,C luv rfu F
neasarHlltest.amlams neiilur
Oj)ium.Morplunc nor Mineral
fnpkut Stmt-
Mix J alM
jitUM .tW t
itmhd Mi gar
iinlMynn norm
L Aperfecl Ikmody rorronsllna-
rn,. L'i.....nAi. j i. ...
nun, ouui oiuniiii ll, Kicii 1 iiin-i
Worms .(Oimilsions, Fowrish
ncss nil Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Sitfnnlurc of
t 2 (?sr f?s
n .HI" ' i' . -. ., , . , . ; j -
UXlinUIKltHl in
the ))
AreorillnK lu Pln.
An Irlhhimiii wiih walkliiK nloni n
nml l-ehhle n Rolf HnltM when he wim
NUildelily Ml ruck l.etweeii the hIiouMiTH
hy ll Kolf hull. The force of the Mow,
miyn n writer In the New York World,
iilmont knocked him down. When he
recovered he ohs i ved u K'dfer runjilliK
toward him.
"Are you hurt?" nM;cl the player.
"Why didn't yon vrt out of the way?"
"An" why xhould I pet out of tlm
way?" nhked Tut. "I didn't know there
were nny ih-wim-Ihh round here."
"Illlt I culled 'fore,'" null) the player,
"and when I miy 'fore,' that Ik ii nlgu
for you to Ket out of the way."
"Oh. It l. In If" Mild Put. "Well,
thin, whin I nay 'fohe.'lt In n hlun
that you lire K'dliK to t t lilt on the
iioniv "Kolve."
I llcrnl.
"I never nnw n man'ii ojilnlon of
himself o thoroughly JiiMtllled u wan
yoiinu Kofty'ii ut our plncu tho other
"What Imppened?"
"Well, he thought he wim the MgjJcNt
tun In the futnMlNhmcnL"
"Ami no he wan always booming Mm
re!f." "Well?"
"Well, the mm4 Jtmt fired Mill." Hal
tlmoip Amerh-an.
To llreak In c w Shoct.
lli-lirr hil, Rwrfttlliff, ft'-hltiK. ftwullrii fcrl j
I iin-i i-.irii.. hiKruw iiik ni: knit I. Al
II t r n ir :i ami hM ninri t. J'-- puti't ''' -.t
or ut.aiiiiiiv Sttiilit inailnl VHtH. Ad lreH
Allen h OliuiMit, Hot, N. Y.
Ill Only ( iiarrra,
"Jo'ui," whiHTi;d In wife, innklnit
bim, "I hour miun-hoily In tho tuiHeiueiit."
Julin (ropnl hia way, half nwk to
the wall, nml hnwli-.l down the recinti-r.
"Vol Inffrnd eontiilrel," h mtiil, "af
ter you have aatlfifleil yotimrlf that tliore'a
lollilnc worth itrnliiiK down there will
foil plrnno push In the upper dainxr rod
of the funnier? I forgot to do it."
'J'Li-n h cTuwIed hack into hvJ unla.
Flrnkpn mnA Mrndeil.
On KWept the llttlo rtd uutomohlle
t Ii n t wiih liullt for two.
"You you neeui ho quirt," whis
pered the lienutlful girl, uiixloimly. "Ii
there niiythliig ahout thin niuchlne
that Is hroken?"
"Yes," hissed the tall tnnti at her
Hide, l.ltterly. "My heart."
1'eellinf remorHcf ill ut hnvlnjf Jilted
lit in ho cruelly the heautlful girl leun
ed over lilid added:
"Cheer up, Ouorge! If your heart In
really broken wo can ntop ut a repair
"Nonsense: What kind of a npnlr
shop could mend a broken heart?"
"Why, the parsonage, (Jeorge!"
Twenty minutes later tho "repair
hop" wan reached.
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ralln1 'p t,y ICnrnwrhmtll of
Mea n I'.nMllah Coaal.
liven tho least Henslllv will feel
KomethluK nkln to n sho k nt th an
iiouiK einent made nt Iho national n
Jeieiiso conference that ll'H'piure iiiII'-h
nt land luive lieen swallowed up y tho
Kea on the Yorkshire coust alone, nml
this In time that Iiiin elapsed slme tlm
Itoiiiun liiviislon, says the Iiiidon Newf.
At the closo of tho meeting K. It.
Mritthew Mil id ;
'The aiiimiil loss on tho whole rust
roust of KnghiinI Is lnrj(er In nreu than
the Islam! of Heligoland. Ami, Al
though many thousand acres of land
lono liM-ii ns-Iulmed lu l-liiroltishlre,
Cheshire nml idsewhere, tho hnlnnce n
till several hundred sip i a re lulled on
tiie wrong aide nml tho tiest nuthorltlc
deny that thlx gain has ever equaled
tho loss.
'The cfinstant reduction In area of
tho remainder of tho Hrltlsh Islea H
al consldernMo ; tho a'ii la steadily
rucrom-hliig on tho shores of Hcotland.
Ireland nml Wales, for from tin.' yenr
IW7 to liMKi the total nren of r;rent
firltnlu diminished from M.Mi.'AV)
r.cres to f'!,7HJ,i ir.'l m res ; n net Iosh of
I Sa.L'l 7 Ill leS."
Another delegate, Mr. f'hevertoii-
I!rown, who lives clos! to the sen lit
! Wlihi-rnsen, and for many year had
every opirt unity of making the fore
khore ii sjieclal ludy, Informed our
J represent. itlvo that Mime four miles of
land In width hud disappeared from
(he coast between Spurn and Hrldllng-
jlon during the last few centurion. This
means 11 Ions of about I .',".' acres of
laud. Values nt .'!( ht ncre tho mon
etary loss would filnolliit to .'5,4.V!,()0'J
lu laud ii lone.
.Several villages have las-n completely
swallowed iiji by tho waves. No'traco
I i left of Monkesw lie, w hich, according
In liomoMl.'iy. contained two "enru
cr.tes" of land, or li-Ut iiereH. Thor;i,
vhich once iinered 1111 nren of O'JO
acres, had U-en reduced by lh"J to 14S
iicres nml lu ri nt years ullps of tho
roust have taken place lu tho nelghlsir
bond of ns much 11 h ."m ynrds- In length
by forty to llfty yards In width.
Two other Mrlklng lllustrutloiiH -f
tho manlier In which the waves relent
lessly devour tho land were given tit
our ri-pr-sentatlve. In 17'.il, the chan
cel of tho then KH.'isoa church, on the
lIolilcriicsK inast, was nliiety-ll ve ynrdi
from tho lirr, but this cliiireh was
-wallowed entirely by the sen many
years tigo uml tho whole of old Kllnsea
I us Uss'ii nbsorbed within the last cen
tury. The present KIIumvi or New
I'llnwa Is likewise HiiITerlng heavily.
Tho l'.lue Hell Inn, lu the nelghlMir
hood, has ii htouo In tho oast wall lu
imtIIsmI: "Unlit In the year 1M7; lls
Liiico from wii, r.'ll yards." In Hop-tenils-r.
lH7d, It was .'WJ yards friun
tho sea, Ho that tho loss has Usn live
yanlH s-r annum.
Slnnr IllflTerrnt Lannuaufi anil !)!
Ic-rta I aril In I. pen I llrltatln.
It IiaH lieen oliHcrviil t liiit the tan
KtniKt1 HiKiki-n In the ('lilted Suites Is
ri-iniirkalily uniform. True, there are
ninny illaltH-t, hut Creiit Ilrltnln, less
lu area than any one of half a dozen
Mutt, contains Niieh very different
laiiKuafc'eH us Kngllsh, Welsh ami the
(ia.'llo of the SiMttlsh IiIl-IiIuiiiIs. to
nay iiothlni; of the provincial illaUvts
of Cornwiill and Yorkshire and the
unlijiiu Hiee-li of the Iindou riH'kney,
while In this country, with lt.s vast ex
panse of territory. Its fcttlciucnt by
Suinlsh, l'reiiili, lluteh and Swidlsh
i-oloulstH and Its nillllons of Inniil
grants drinvn from nearly every coun
try, large and Hiuall, all over the
world, there Is far neater uniformity
of speech than In any other land of
equal area and population.
The causes can he readily wen. The
puhlle kcIkmiIs have made this a na
tion of readers and the press has sup
piled hooks and papers without limit,
l'ress associations have done their part
toward k'vIiik a uniform and fairly
pod tone to the newspaper language
of thii day. The telegraph and tele
phone and cheap istnne have drought
distant parts of the oouutry Into (pilek
and easy communication and so have
aided in teaching a common language.
The railroad has penetrated every
corner of the laud and made a nation
of travelers. Countless human shut
tles thus are thrown dally across the
land In oyery direction, carrying with
them the threads of thought and speech
and doing their part to make one pat
tern of tho whole.
The I'ulut ut View,
Cheer up.
What rlfc'ht hnve you to enrry n fu
neral lu your face? The world has
trouhles of Us own.
Cheer up nnd chanKo your point of
view. Your Ills nro mostly Imanlnnry.
Why, ina n nllve! In five minutes' walk
jou can find rieores of ptniple worse off
than you. And hero you are noliih'
thiouKh tho world feeling sorry for
yourself tho meanest sort of pity In
iho world. You are nursing an Ingrown
Illusion. It !.! yourself of tho bogie
man, nnd
Cheer up. Onialui News.
rillaburw Nolorlely,
"Yes, lij lived lu TlttHhurg for twen
ty years."
"Hut I'vo never noon his name In tho
nttsburg papers."
"No. You nee ho moved nway Just as
noon as lie tundo his money and he fore
Iho reporters found It out." Cleveland
rinln Dculor.
While there are mild to ho thousands
of apostles of the Simple Life, who eat
nothing hut bread and cereals, tho
woman never lived who ever drew ono
a guest
wj?r. y
;: v f
i '. . ': ' !f
: :. . i
laVuniHi i iH-niit
; i.-' i
;""c iMMtmiiai yrOl
only, by
comran V
thft frrmt
II llmiprnrit In Ylnrland.
"Shay, offuher," the man with the
llijuld diirden remarked to the KIiec
num. "slice nil Ym houses runnin' by?"
"Sure." replied the policeman good
Lumoredly, "I we them."
"Well, when lium'r Rlx-twent'fl'
comesh 'long shtop It, caushe 'at'i
mine !" rhlladelphla Ixnlger.
$100 Reward, $100.
The rf er of thU iiir will be pleMed tc
learu ibal there Is l leant one dreaded dueaxc
that fclencu hfta lren able to cure In all Hi
tagea. and that Is Catarrh, ti all's Catarrh
Cure lathe only positive cure known to the
medical fraternity, t atarrh being a conntltu
tioual requires a coimiiiuiiniial treat
ment, ilall'i Catarrh Cure tatanen Internally,
aclinic directly Un the Hood and mucoui
(uriacra of the ytein, tl.ert liy d piroyinif the
foundation id the ilinear, and Kviii( the pa
tient atreiiftth by bonding up the conKtitution
and anaimiuK nature in dclnir its work. The
proprietors have so much fitith in lis curative
lowers that they otter Una Hundred I'ullan
lor any case that It fails to cure, tieud lot list
of teHtimonialR.
Address. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
bold by aruBKKts. oc.
Hall s family 1'illa are the best.
1'naallaOrd Carloaltr
'There Is one thing I'd like to know,"
said Mr. l'eck.
"What Is that, Henry?" queried his
better half.
"I'd like to know If the women who
marry pugilists succeed lu having the
last word."
Itching, 111 ml, ll'pi'.llnir, Proinnilnit IMIe. Pnte
gleta ar aillliorin-il lu n luiiil inomy If I'AZO
OJM MKM fa. In lot-iire Iu6 lo U duya. 60c
in liable.
Towne Yes, Tolkey Is dead, after
a two weeks' Illness.
Browne You don't say? What was
the trouble?
Townee Hcnrt failure.
Browne Well, well, slow as usual.
The Idea of taking two weeks to die
of heart failure. rhlladelphla Tress.
Mothers will find M'- Wlnslow's Poothln
ryrup me uesi reineuy to use lor their Children.
curing me let-ihlug j jrlod.
The "tips" uiinunlly paid in Switzer
land are reckoned nt $SinJ.IRH).
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
I'HOTO ht'l'PI.IK.M; Kmlitk developing and print
lug; write for prli-es. Wooilurd, Clark iS C'u.
1IAIIIO I.AN1KKNS Welder To., l'orllunj.
ixiwasl prices ou Lunlfrns and Hlldia.
tf.ASTIC llOMKUY ; Supporters, llracea; Knlllo
ru; rrve uieuaureuienl blanks; w ootlurd, Clarke.
HOUSED of all kinds for sate at very reasonable
prices, luquire xo i-roiu e.
TKVSSKH sent on approval; we guarantee It lu
most ditticult canes; W'ooilard, Clurke i& Co.
bW KKT l'KAS Send 10e for pekg. anstd KalrUold
Medal peas. J.J. lluUi-r, to Front street.
AlU im iAL KVI S; eyery Kliade and Kbitpe; as
sorliuent sent on approval ; Wooilaril, C'lurke Co
C ltKAM HKl'A KATOHK We. KUuranlee ilia U.K.
Separator lo be the beat. W'rliu lor Ire catalog-,
liutelwood Co., Hull und Ouk.
MKN'SCI.OTHINU lliilTum . I'endlelon, sola
kk'uis All'rfil lleiiininln iV t'o.'s correct clotbea
Kveryihtiif in men's 1'iirninhinKs. Alorrlsou and
BUtU strvsts. Opposil posiollica.
yilKK LAND IN OltKtlON under Ihfi Carey Irrl-
fallou act. Hard dlretil from stale. Write today,
look let and map fi e. II. s. Cook ik Co., 261
Alder elrsel, 1'ortland, Dregou.
I'OL'l.l HV lODD-If you want your hens lo la
mora egk'S write us I
mora egk'S write us for free pariiculurs about I'll-
tn.lL us Acuia Mills Co..
l'artlaud, Clregoo.
TAII.OKH Columbia Woolan Mills Co.. Portland,
Ore. I.alvsl atyls clothes maila lo nieaHuracbeao.
' Our sail nieasuremenl svnteui Insures oerlect tit.
Writ for Ires samples and prices.
PIANOS A OKOANH oldest piano house on Pa
i'IIIo coast. Organs and l'lauos ou easy payments.
W rite for list. l.el us uuote you a price. AlleuA
Clllberl-ltamaker Co., Puriluud, Oregon.
Human Hair (iooils switches, I'ompailoiirs, Men's
Ton nees and W Igs; best quality; lowest prices;
send for Iree price list: niatl orders a specially,
farla ilalr blore, Hull washlugiuu bu tsl lo.
iiiiiii-- inj '-')-'' ' V -
Lounvllla. Ky.
2-;jpZtoZ 7- A
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
e.arne to the winning player, so exceptional merit In a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason
able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the
health and strength, so docs a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement In cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It is all-important, however, In selecting a laxative, to
choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas
ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect
ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after
effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs,
simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without
grijing, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in anyway,
as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature.
As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu
facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most
beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their
general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con
sidering in making purchases.
It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy is required. Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
all reputable druggists and that full
- California Fi? Svrun Co.. is nlainl
j - -o j - r . r
rf pupru r-irlaw Rfxriilir nrtr rrv
(guFQRNiA Fig Syrup (q
5&t prfcntiac o t Cftl.
Somenhat (hilly.
Tom How did you know the g!rl I
was Just talking with Is from Boston?
Jack I heard you sneeze twice dur
ing the conversation.
Tak LAXATIVE HIloMOQiilnlneTaVilets. rrc
rit rfnnd mnni-y If H fl a to cure. K. V".
CiKoVK'h aiiiature la ou each box. x'.
I'snal Rraalt.
Ilarker That's the last time I'll ever
do Muggins a favor.
I'arkcr What's the trouble?
Harker I did him one last week and
Instead of appreciating It he seems to
think tie worked uie.
riTQ Permanently Cured. Ifo fltsor nerrousnesa
ll Id afterliniduy'suwofDr.Kline'BUreatNerTe
I'.e.itonr. snd for Free ' Irial boitleand trt-atljie.
hr. K. 11. Kline, Ltd., IU1 Arch M.. I'nlladelphia, l'a.
Yon Bel!
Ptranecr I don't likt your weatLer. It
is too fluctuating and uncertain.
Mr. Olds-Tort Why, great Scott!
That' its charm. I've already made $2,
000 this year by betting on it.
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edgo Line
cannot oe equalled at any price,
$1 fl finn REWARD to inyone ho can
9 I U,UUU dupiovs this itatement.
If I could take you into in v three large factories
t Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite
care with which everv pair of shoes Is made, you
would realize why W. L, Douglas J.I 50 shoes
cost more to make, why they hold their shape,
fit better, wear longer, and are of greater
Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe.
W. L. Ooufflam Strong Mmdm Shomm for
Mmn, 92. SO. S2.00. Boy' School A
Ormmm Shomm, SX.oO, B.91.B0
CAUTION. Insist nni having
las shoes. Take no substitute. Hunt genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
fast Color Cutlet! used ; they will not uvar brassu.
Write for Illustrated Cut'dog.
W. L. DOLULAS, lirockton, Mass,
LvOoucl, II I II x
Srr j! Capital 2.5qo,ooq
"Tho reoplo of the Fast ami Middle West will fall over themselves to
come to the raciiie Northwest when they find out how much better tlia
climate ami advantages are."
Such Is the written statement of W. R. Pelvall, who has
been living iu the 1'ucilic torUiw est twelve years.
We Want Them "to Find Out"
And the best way to tell them Is to send them our publications :
"Oregon, Washington. Idaho and Thelr'ftesources." a handsomely illustrated S8-rage
book, telling ail about the three states, four tents la postage
'What rarmers have Done in Oregon, Washington and Idaho, as Told by Themselves."
two tents lu stamps.
"Restful Recreation Resorts," descriptive of the summering places of the Columbia
river and C'oasl, two leuts In siauips.
"The Columbia River Through the Cascades lo the Pacific Ocean," large panoramlo
map oil e Columbia river, with siorv on reverse side, four vents.
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