Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1906, Image 5

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    New Arrivals
Selz Shoe:
Latest Styles
Thompson's Glove Fitting Cor
sets. Now and pleasing styles.
A large assortment
Of Fine Glassware.
Late Patterns,
C. II.
Corner Main
Do not forget to register.
S"e the new to cent counter it
the Uaair.
Sewing ina'.hine fiee for some
lady. Who in fche.
Mens und boys ovcihIIm at v"' to
tl. ot the IJaaar.
linden? Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hasting' agents.
IJOUN April it to Mr. and Mrs.
Ilea Trygstad, an Hll girl.
J. M. Culp, a barber of Spiing
field visited in the city Sunday
Don't bid t notice who tho con
testants are in the inuchiuo content.
Sewing machine conponn receiv
ed on subscriptions wlieu jou pay
I.urcli has a very tasty design in
hia windows this week, and shown
to a good advantage Homo very good
IHaiuo Jackson is ublo to be
around with a cane uow, and hopes
after a while to get around without
that even.
When you want a good manine
or paper on a clubbing; rate, try
your home paper with it. The
price will satisfy you.
The Pacific StateH Telephone Co.
ban reduced its party telephone ser
vice charges in 1'ugcno to 1.00 tho
same as in Cottage drove.
Divide is expected to have a de
pot and an agent after ft little while
which is a pleasant prospect t the
people in thnt community.
The New York Tribune Tanner,
0 weekly Agricultural paper, free
to any subscriber that pars a year's
subscription to the Nugget.
The sowing machine in the Nug
get window seems to be worth a
try to a number of our young ladies
and each one is anxious to have it
for tbeira.
The Nugget wants to know who
the most worthy lady in Cottago
Grove is, and to whom the mowing
machine we will give away, should
go to. Indicate your desires in this
Miss Lizzie Hutchinson, who is
teaohiug school in Wendling, vis
ited hr parents in this city Suuduy.
She was accompanied by Mies
Mabel UoHcnburg, formerly of this
The Corvallis creamery produced
nearly a ton of butter per day. It
would be a pretty good thing if tho
farmers around Cottage drove
would furnish tho creamery here
enough cream to make that much
butter, for the creamery will handle
all that cornea and if it has to en
largo its plant is ready to do so, any
Arbor Day is the i3th of Apiil, a
week from Friday. rlhe Bchool
will have some exercises ami will
plant aoine thrwbs and flowers.
State Supt. Ackertnan is tending
out pamphlets suggestive of work to
be done on that day, and much is
expected to be done to improve
school grounds all ovtr the state.
Each class is getting up appropriate
exerciBos which will be giveu under
the teachers direction.
This Week
and Creations
Cil 3rd Stcert
. B 6 J 0 B 0 rt B ffffCUB 6 Bo5B"flBTnr
Hem of InUrol in and about
Collate (iroc ;ttid vicinity.
c as ass s 99 ras aa.ana.aaas.1
I.U 1 . i
Si ll) M.
For bn
H nf h & I.iiw-
A liDiuo l i it. (i i
to Hinoke C. .
tl e kiml for you
IJoheiuin ti ,;.r! are juM the thing
and don't yen ?r get it.
All kinds f li
ter rptckctH nt ll.
sh soda and
Vcin-ke'n is the phwc to look lor
a fair pike on vh'it voti want. H
too sewing machine euupoua
with i .u h i' .':'s nil'Sv'i iplion pnid
in mhniice.
line i;oif
uliii is, t-ilk und
50 to no cents
plain front nt from
at t he i. 'i.'iaf.
All kind of sewing machines,
both in: v 1 r old at any old price at
catch I ic on's.
Coebian luakcs good photo
graphs and at ;;ood prices too. A
1 ate is now on. (Jet next.
Homo indmtiy is all right when
y u ciin get. what you want at the
riv;lt price, Mich as Confers' cigars.
For an exp'Mt piano tuner and re
pairer, call i;p I,, L. Woods, bite of
Kimball's I'iano l'aetoiy. Chicago,
on phone 3.
h'f sen fanciers tret 11 l'oultrv
lou'M'u, ami kicp o--l d. The
NorlliACst l'oiiltiy .lounr.l 1 the
Nii-gct for l.;".
Th.- Wiilaiuilt.i Valley Co. is
getting nicoly (stablished in its new
ollice, nn.l w 11 niake a good display
of fiUiiii s, a"d furnishings.
The (). A S. ;. R. I!, handled
S2 ears of lumber and logs for
transfer to the Southern Pacific Co.
hiring the month of March.
I low l'atl v's ,igH took her to
California is the heading of a little
story boinj; cirouhted in pamphlet
by the Modern J'harmucy. (ct
one. 10
The voting contest goes merrily
on. IlavH you votrfd for your
choice of the ladie.s it -presented al
ready or do you want to voto for a
Hew contestant. If you do come in
and pay up a yenr's subscription or
more and start her off with 100 ex
tra votes.
Hanker Black is having a 28x32
foot new building erected on his lot
juht west of li Mire's ttore. Half
of the building will bo occupied by
II. 11. Mansfield of Jackson county,
as a meat market, and the other
half by I). II. Koark and 1. F.
Slave us of Cottugo Grove, as a
restaurant. This is one of the best
locations in town. Drain Nonpa
riel. Thol'oitlaud Chamber of Com-
merce has taken up the matter of
the oniinhion of Portland from tho
map issued by tho Department of
Com merce and Labor at Washing;1
ton, mhowing the principal trans
portation routes of the world. It
seems that in a recent monthly is
huo one oilier prominent port of the
Pacific coast was omitted, and tlie
attention ot the department had to
be called to tne tact, and tins was
Portland's turn, but it feels rather
bad at Icing left oil the map.
Vc carry a complete line of farm
and garden tools. You cannot nf
forl to bo without our No. 4. Im
proved I'lanct Jr. An a seeder thiH
tool is accurate, Hiruplo, durable, rc
liablo and cany running, doing first
class work in every particular.
Oatdcncrs and Farmcm who feci
tlmt tliejr haven't enough work for
a drill 10 do, will find thiH com
bined tool one of the most tiHeful
and efficient of oil helpers.
Wynne Hdvv. Co.
To Tic To.
li ii -t line nf I
ever n-cii in t In
relil s.
adieu and ients Ties
Hrnvr. 1'rlei: 1.1 In '''
Dress and Work Shirts
50c 75c and 90c
l.inlli m Jtncliiii and Kuibnilik-r.v ('1
lar. l1' to centH each.
New Ten-Cent Counter
Palm and l-'lngcr JIovch 75 to
A. !. Niiptlwi, per bur .
( npltal Savon ,"e
'I'nii: I'.lue Tar Snap )":
l ict'rtTar Soup o.r)C
I'eclH l ine Toilet Soaps U5c
Mccliaiile's (llycerlne Sonp 10c
Jtainicr Mineral Honp l"c
The Bazaar.
A. W. Wallace is visiting in Eu
gene. Conger makes tho best cigars in
100 coupons for a years'c sub
scription. For something good to eat look
in Iiensou's show window Saturday.
Lumbermen's and loggers shoes
at Vcnskels nt the befit and lowest
prices. 8
TOR SALK -Five rooxi house and
two lots, Inquire of C. D. I5ru-
ncau. 13
"At Peace" . fine Havana ci
gar only fjo cents a box of i2 at tho
Ua.aar. n
Singer sewing machine agency at
Veatch cc Lawson's, also collect
ing agency for same.
Cochran's studio is the place for
you to get your photograph. Don't
forget Cochran.
Your stock needs Prussia Stock
Foods, such as rou cet at The
Modern Pharmacy. 10
Fugenc has its first electric coffee
grinder which is the first concern to
ftart to use the day current-
Free with Nugget subscription
The New York Tribune Farmer, a
weekly agricultural paper.
The County Clerk baa issued 14
marriage licenses iu ajarcn. ioi
w -vT A
a very startling record, is it.
CJardeu seed just arrived
opened at Metcalf it Urunds.
jest quality at the best prices
The Northwest Poultry Journal
and the Nugget for $1.75- Now is
the time while this special price Is
Patrouio a home industry that is
building up a good trade by Us
good material. Tho Conger Cigar
I can use n uew machine right
alone, aud would appreciate it
says Miss 1 nomas, and bo tno votes
will come.
Thero ai'e photographers ami
photographers, but the one you
want to co to is Cochran, in the
Youul' building. He is we!
equipped to furnish the best at tne
lowest prices.
The Southern Paeitic Co. com
menced usinir oil ou its division
ruuning south of Roseburg ou Dim
lnv The recular tanks are not
yet built, but temporary oneB
boiug used.
The subscription to your home
naner iB the one you always pay
last when you pay your debts, but
make a change. Pay up ani help
some one of the ladies in tho ma
chine contest out. Each and every
one could use the machine. Mrs
Yiolette knows just the plac the
machine should stand,
The Saturday market -See lion-
nou's show window.
Miss Ncltio lUirdick of the U. of
). wpent Sunday in the Grove.
Millinery of the latest designs
furnished hy Iins Mary J5artel Jo
Spring Millinery at Jis Mary
'arteln bnrk of Hank buiMinr. ro
Prussia Slock Foods ore Iho ritfht
Ihinir and are sold only at the Mod-
rn i'harmacy. 10
Soap i necessary to bo clean, and
Origin handles all kinds. A special
ale now on; 10
C F. King who has been
take a
nccr at tho mill is leaving to
Kjhition elsewhere.
IIotd Oregon looks much im-
roved with a heavy coat of paint
over the old brick.
Tho Kpworth League market will
lave lots o! goodies at I'enson's
'hartaacy Saturday,
Fay your subscription and htln
some of tho ladies along in tho sow
ing machine contest.
The latest spring ttyles of millin
ery at reasonable prices. Miss Mary
Uriels at reideneo buck of linnk
juilding. lo
Your Sunday dinner will not be
complote without a good pie. Tho
'.pworth League will have some
landies for side Saturday.
The town was unusually quiet on
Monday despite tho number of men
around town owing to election nay.
he vote ail over the town eems
to be very light-
Miss (ertruJe Burdick is visit
ing with her pareuts, air. and Jlrs.
li. Lewis. Mils Purdick is study
ing for a trained nurse at the Mt.
abor Hospital, Portland.
The Lev. Ross will be here from
,os Angeles to commence revival
meetings at the Metnotist I-.piaco-
pal church Sunday. Kverybody is
most cordially invited to corne and
lear this famous divine.
The millinery displays that have
been made the last fow days in the
stores around town, Lave been a
credit to the place, and have
temptad every ladies heart, aud
most of tho husband's pocket
00k s.
Fire at the University of Idaho in
Moscow, destroyed the administra
tion building, at a loss of estimated
to be close to $200,000 on Friday
ast. The building was erected
about fifteen years ago and was ac
counted the finest building in the
Levi Geer was in from Loudon
on Monday bringing in a load of
water and taking out a load of fur
nishings for the hotel. A great
deal of improvement is underway
and it is intended to take care of
many more people this year than
before and that too in much better
The telephone repairing crew is
nisily at work straightening up and
bracing the poles on Main street.
A. largo number of new poles have
oeeu ordered, ami mt. i-ruei
thinks that enough phones will be
in soon to warrant tho company in
stalling a new central energy sys
tem, but that will take a good
white, as the factory that makes
the bonrd and supplies is way be-
lind on orders.
We have a candidate for treasur
er of the State of Oregon iu Lalph
W. Hoyt who combines nil the
qualities required for that office of
importance and trust.
Mr. Hoyt is on record tor tne de
positing ot state funds in the coun
ties whereiu tuese luuas are col
lected, instead of as heretofoie,
hoarding them in ono common cen
ter. As this will be of great bene
fit to the smaller banking interests
of tho state and through the banks.
help all local business interests, Mr.
Hoyt will, without doubt, have the
hearty support of all progressive
men in his campaign.
Card of Thanks
W'e wish to thank all those who
have been so kind to us in the loss
ot our dear moiuer, xurs. u. o.
Condon, aud who have exteuded to
us not aloue their sympathy aim
help, but to the dear one who has
passed beyonu, inair loscno vl ro
gard and affection.
Mrs. Ktu Walsli ami Family.
Mrs. J. M. Kcikslilro ami family
Mrs. Oi'ilrmlo Mathews ami family.
8. SoutUwortli ami Family
l.i'laml ami Irene Comlou..
An Vnusual Growth.
W. C. Conner reports that last
fail when he trimmed his cherry
trees he let some of the Binaller
branches lie on the ground, aud the
niher dav in cleanincf up he found
a little branch that had been cut
off last fall that had gotten covered
nr in the mulchingr. aud had taken
ront. and was covered at the end
nrniectinc into the air. with 6tnal
leaves, lie has taken good care of
it and hones iu time to have a
cherry tree from It, but this ia the
first time he has seen a cherry tree
started from a cutting,
I fill the Nev5
fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
I All Hinds Dodg
moll Treat
v -"
1 WMwmmM
1 1 1 r
Can be used in cither hand
and strops like any razor.
fvrit cuts them off slick as a whistle."-
1 firiffin
VAL 111111 VI.
10 m:
tj on' f catch
cold! He drank
0 A
, A good reclining baby buggy in
best ot coudition. II. O. Thomp-aou,
nugget rm
Vail RinM
Vpatrh Co.
T VUiVU wv u
. I
-7 zr
& Brunei.
Chas.A. Stevens & Co.
Chicago, lib
All the no,v wool and silk
materials for uitst, jjckotH,
skirts and waists. Ci;u inonts
made to ordor. Materials by
the yard. Linen shirt waist
suits. .Silk and mercerized
pettieoatii. The beautiful
new "I'l'liKO-i" ami ""
hIIUs In all the leading luules.
No trouble to show t-amples.
A few patterns iu div.-n and
bklrt leuuths on li.nel.
Mrs. Orpah Benson,
Cottage Grove. Oregon,
TIioik1, Main 31.
UUJUV 'J-rJ vvv v
The Tacific Homcntcad i a good
weekly farming paper, and can be
had at a reduced xato with Nugge
, y dT
,7 imkmt
Ljmm ilrt 1 II mi i