Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, April 04, 1906, Image 4

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    ! i
i s
'rjLr:r" ...
DOine.MIA M i.l lL CLtSMIVi .;:j4, hut the records can steak.
f:iilhve virtually fWceJ him
thv rs.e f-r the rerulhoan
arc aiavi ation fr Mate
Ir.diridual coa.j arisoi.
For Governor.
cor-w .s v.
' Have th worth v
h-rj in the
v n
:o o.Ttr ag.rt a Ptc-roc
th:?1 Not e live Lear J of.
Mr. A;!k;r. !, made nxtrv f.r
L i or.ttanv sl 1 mocev :r
b:;k hut :t has a
a:. 1 clean mor.ev;
i i i- ,.. -. . . , i r .
v ,.,,.-,! candidate upon tie Republican
tc very min ., , . . ...
d like ! governor ci lae cmic oi
M 'rrgoD, sur;eei io ite action pi
' primaries to t belJ April 20.
been legitimate j
jot . ue cer.t cf it ;
from the
ertv tr;ckn,-
d: a fi'v
V !.".Wi
. r
Fa. ::!
Vfxii',r ( !- c
W-':v J -..:...
Pa ::.!''
W-!r vr.:rr I:
rc: i: :. .-.
V'rU, w,-. l- ;-r
Th:. rtr ;'
can s.v".
Sr" f-.'. . ' t 1
r-Ji f r -
fO-' " ' V '
- i' "
fc i.
tre'J ar. 1
jasper a:;J tie i 5c
Mr Aitkin rror-.5es a:i
r:.ect fcrcir. tte rta'.e traurT to
.!pc$:t tie futil uner the direc
t:cti rfa ia".e lau!, tie lntcrt to
V j: i to tit tate TLis tr.ay l
birk::: back to the stroauoa dys
file ancient Spirtius, but it is
hcutst an j tb j ecp'e know it. AM
I ai i i v re sta.e Icr Lis Si-rT;ces
n t :).e :n::r.rr.;e "t:r;'t" gathered
:n by ta'e tttamrers in the way cf
inertst c:i f-tr3:il de;x-its of
cjrtv, reillv the raonev cf th
Chasms A. Johns,
l'.aker City. Oregon.
For State Senator.
I Ltrby aunooDce tnyse'.f as can-
amend-j didate for State Senator, for Lane
Connty, ca the lUpnblican ticket to
U rctcd for April the 2otb. lyot?.
I. H. 1$;guah.
Lant County Sheriff.
I Lertby ancounce ni;5elf as a
candidate for the office uf Sheriff of
Aitkin d::t- : tie 5at salary , Lace County, subject to the ap
pruval of the democratic voters at
tie primaries to be held in Lane
County on April 2oth. ioo5.
Fkbd Kisk.
i Fl-
"r state, and co part of tl
r preroifitives.
i Thre is co question
- p!e wi 1 stad s ji
rrXi lv a man vl Ir.
charaottr :i xhtv i-il onW
tir persc.ial
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce rayealf as a re-
thai the ; publican caodidate for SLerifT o!
.arsly atd Ijne County aud promise if elected
ki-ow it
to conduct the office in as economi
cal a manner as possible and to the
ia uct. That is Ssy th: paptr 15 i best interests of the opl.
t artestiT cautir.nit-e its readers to
scan clcse'y the pat recori? of the
various :a
:diiaies htd
who arnoL
: tltni ail
Cloici Soorv
.'i-: ciose
tertd u e- n c ::".v .jw
you wi.l t e .?::.! '
the co;r:r. ' -!t- i--: I
reiit-red this year a iva L-.-n
- 6 ' - 1
: Ajril
:s year
v-ite i
t tcr
jtave proven hicself the real fritcJ
tte peep .6.
I hereby ancoacce tuyst-lf as a
candidate for Constable for Cottage
Grove Precinct, Lane County, Ore
! son, subject to the approval of th
U n ! Deciccratic voW-rs zl the Primaries
S-.t--! to be held in Cottage Grove n
The lib School
' "-:vX-."-'
IM Kitiunty fiturr hu'b
school student i-it d vLoi Moii-
A class meetU K was 1 l'liday
'cuing for -I'. '!'; a n.iiiit-Kt
to preach the 1 c aa'ar' nute s r
rnon. HnL'a versiou of tb ' Scatcli
for the Gt'at Cartur.c'c"
"Well -they were rut t . wild
goose chas. '
We wih the iti ti:ji- S phia
and Hugh play "Simon mv tin. nit
op" thsy would let ti c Mstuftn
know about it. for we o;il I like t
play to, or at Itaot vatrh them.
Katie llaley went to her l.M'.ie
in Wild wood Friday.
Ittakca Hugh to jump ditches
aud to tall iu.
.. . ) i
- ' 1
air' i-u tr
Track C
v-'Lairr-aa cf the RtDiblicat.-
Cvtuaittee for some three years has! April -Otb, t906.
I-ri-.L'J-td I Oil
oa hs l; i! t;es !
ei?tLert wi-1 not itrmit hiiu Ion-
Ctr to st-re ia the capacity of.
eta'reaa. lie 'as laoorta taru
et! v fur u.c
A B. Atsins.
TLe Ui: , c:
ccri; t;cn i
5t't-c i ci 1: v t'
w jt j t:: i
ia Lot ?k:-. -
aall fi ;
in' t a 3 .
For Representative.
I atnounce to the Republican
Uet iuteietts of t li t Totera of Lare county, tuv candi
r arty, ar.d only step-, out when It dcy for representative in tie sfste
tnt. ai-J will !eve bis work to a 2-g5uture, subject to approval at
Lew cau f cutry on. in his fcot- j the April primaries.
arrp-- I'-riLg h:s ttrv;ce Mr. lia- U. A. Washeubne,
krr h .IoLe uit!':h to proi-cte and j Spiingfitld, Ore.
u-::e t:.e psrty. td hi work has !
msat a greit dil fr it. i Secretary of State.
. - e
The u v '
out for tr. . :.
its fu::.r:.tL;
for the ;'fr.:
ciatta sr.'i
tirn:- :a th. :r
ter street a . i
ply- If r :
in their .
eorx:pi.:t: :a .'.'
l.'Led. tl. c;-;.
be graitf -
in Lid (:,-:..
Bight tOli':'.:
the coa.p';e-: '.
Lad bet- th;
the coul.'-:!
and on v. h..'
the rcsup. . t
i.r:i-1 on to
:en: deal
". -vei.ent of
t r:t. riera-
i tr eoo
-1 . . i . o -c
-.rry t ; a.
ii-f-i iv c.i.:--..
:, -.v il
Vci.t :L
.-rpofc c
:,i-.t 't'r
I hereby ancounce myself as a
Ale M;u win CoiTOac OpwHioni j cicdidite for the office of Secretary
, ' of State, subject to the will of Re-
j. ii. vuaors aao receivtu ai
last his second donkey engine, for
-.vlich Le h Ltf-n waiting so long,
and a the mill is practically all ia
good rh3pe nov. he eipects to com
mence work this week and to kee-
the kj;1! rursnicg cchstantly. He
b 3 s a iarge Lsjotttr cf lucc at ut
alLS H" ' Rr,r tLat the dookcy
has arrivt-d will be able to supply
plenty of log. The mill hs been
'L:roighly overhauled, live rolls
iLtallei and sach ether machinery
connected up, so as to mtkfc the
mill a first clas paying Proposition.
a Mr. Chambers taade the Dorena
u,iil before he out. lie Las
the same
T. K. Campbell.
builiiti'' with
It is to he
ucuiariv iy tr.' r
charitably inci:r.- ;. it.;
Aitkin of Hunting-
rrirs i:o:i the rr,
can ti-Kct lor i'.ft rta?arer.
in the
ion. John
r. -jv pk-
publican voters, at the primaries to
be Leld April 2otb, ito6.
Fkans T. Wkightman,
Salem, Ore.
State Senator.
I hereby announce mv candidacy
for State Senator from Lane County
subject to the will of the Republi
can voters, at the primaries Apnl
20th. lcjofi.
G. W. Grifun, Eugene, Or.
For State Printer.
Th undersigned announces hia-
self a a Republican candidate tor
! rerjominati'-n for State Printer, sub
ject to the decision of the Republi
can voters at the primary election
April 2o.
Now serving first t&rm. The
same courtesy that has been accor
ded to btate officers generally, that
of a rei.omiuation, wonld bo greatly
J. R. Whitney
Albany, Oregon.
liberally assisted r o!;s iou
public charity ti. n any man i
Kaattrn Oregon. II- i. a bat-ker,
and also tb rrei,i 'ft cf the largest i
commercial inwitutioa in tL State:
fcfOre'. yet Li :rr. i'v.ta
ken opefi to the pf.eaii of miry i
and of ''ir-tressed hurianitr. So-i
l'citors for the various churches
Irave tevtr ppled o airs in vain, i
lie f ives to ai of turn, re-ardk-ss Candidate for State Printer
of their fnilj. io the b!vat:on
Army he- La-, h
Let us .. , a
trie rep'e-ea'ft:
Ration or c . t
the l-i-t
cseLt i:. the N";
has lofid in:
f-i (Iod;rs t j
needy rut.cher wJio
it a;
At Republican Primary,
IT !
April 20. 1906
x : 'i
i pre - :'.'.til of
., Mr. Ai'.kia
of thoua-jr:d
' ier and
c-5 fc'riigglii.g
He !. .i Tjro-
i .'.;-: jtr it ! inoiii'i avonj uiifi'-n.-Mary
! n'l . 'i nun a vtuare l.-al t tax
I' !'. l'olitir.ii iii!jijii;.-i!'ri iihve ii'j rtisr
m I'i iii '-'. I'ioitii, the ortl'.-e ami no
; l'i a i : -.lull itl .tt .-rinj:tiriirr.';l 1. I pitvlj
a:i f'-'juo.'ii';-:!. i-i-.--.I:ki; a iui.'iji tra.liii. ''
v s. I - j 1 1 a . v
'.!-. I.j!ii'.'. ,i i t u b.'.i: ny tn i'; n 1 o'i'l ini;i.
an upright in:i. a t!;au -.lii-m !i ai:v
For State Senator.
1 hereby announce myeelf as a
candidate upon the republican
ticket for the office of St-ite Senator
from Lane County, Oregon, subject
to tLe primaries to be hold April 2o,
J. M. SutLLKV, Eugene, Oregon.
The general Huptrintendeat o:
t to hi. tvc-r!ait- tae illamette vabc-y Co. was here
aid he b .s r.evtr " Sunday and Monday and laid
;r.e poor i0i;t the pKns for the arongenier
For County Commissioner.
I, hereby announce myself as a
candidate upon the republican
ticket for County Commissioner of
Lane County, subject to the primar
ies to be held April 20, 1O0C.
If elected to the office I will give
ray personal attention to every part
of the county and a uquare deal to
every man.
Wm. T. KavbEk,
Cottage Grove.
to get 01; tutor
tected h s bn.Lo
ing credit be it
foreclos.d a mor
rnan'u n.eager ho! iii.g, nor forced a r,t'tho new plant whi- h plans
helpless flebt.or to the wail. No 1 8D f began to woik out
sorrowful wi'io'.v with her hungry l Monday morning. A great founda
chilureu In'-e ever gone bupperle.i j t'0 20 feet wide and 21 feet long,
to bed thr'on::!i the ac'ion cf his I at least 0 fe t thick will bo laid on
bunk or hi-; bij 1.0 rcwdiie ibtab-j which the big engine will rest. A
liwhrneM. On the contrary the I carload of bri.'k and iOO barrels of
utor fi a'.v. 35 ;i i'i en to them an J ' cement are on the way for this
tLtir personal crd:t as extended (work, LrsHes the great quantities
almost itidefj. iit ly. j of sand and rock t .at will go into
During the hard in. 1... of a few jit. The big boiler from the II11
yeans ago ihen tl i pric- of block ! tyC: plant ii ou the ground wait- w:js TTiiliiij 1-M jjowtr I liig ""-.r a place t be prepared for it
t brtak Iar;-e iuiiil e;-; of stock
men, and tiLe a 'vantage of condi
tions, .'.I'd he vend of tie Htockmen
offejed to let Liiu 1mv il-c-ir stock
forb!at-lim g'-int theru, bathe
lic-lpfd thoia throwy'i ':ft an' tiDes
sbJ today thos'; r-.;i::o men are
amou the lading stock toe-n in
fjniitem Oifgou.
Tills '14 thu tort of a mau whose
Many new houses are being wired
und many hav; applied for wiring
that in tLe 1 unh cannot be att'-iid-ed
MUa Ida V. li.inett ;uys that a
ood f-ewing n:achine would look
good to her iu her .work loom, and
i3 out after coupons, v. hy don't you
help hor along.
Circuit Judge.
I aunouu myve'f as a candidate
for the Republican uomieatioa f.-r
Circuit Judg Second Judicial Dh
trict (comprising the counties
Lane, Renton, Lincoln, Dcugl s,
Coos and Curry) subject to the ap
proval of the voter at the primar
ies. Lawrkncb T. IIashis.
For Representative.
I hereby announce that I will be
come a candidate for the nomina
tion of state representative on the
Republican ticket, subject to ap
proval at the primary election.
M. SvAKVKKi;b,
Eugene, Ore.
The Willamette Vulley Co. is
putting in a foundation for tbeir
engine in Mugene, that requires
looo barreln of cwneht, o we hear,
which looka as though it would be
a whopper,
Bids for Wood Supply.
Notice is hereby Rivtn that the
Directors of School District N J.
Lane County, Oregon, will receive
bids for IK) cords of tir woo l, t-aid
wood to be sound and cut from the
body of eld trees and to 1. two
feet long and split suitable for far- .
naces anJ to be hauled and ricked!
up in the basements of the i-chool
buildings in sai 1 ditriot on or It - '
fore the first day f S pt. l'.V.i'o .
Bid- will be otenrd Ap'ii '.'th at 7
o'clock P. M 1 'M m The Hoard r
serve the right to rtject anv an 1
all bids.
Dated March .'iutn, 1 .;.
J. K. Barrett, D st. C'etk.
Olives Vkatch, Chairman.
Bids Invited
The Farmers and Miccrs Tele
phone Com any invite bids up to
noon twelve o'clock of April y.h
1906 for furnisliit g risatcnal and
building a telephone line from Cvt
tage Grote to Wild wood. Com - j
plete plans ami specifications can I
be found and insjtcted at the of
fice of the secretary of the company
with Mesrs Metcalf and Brand,
Cottage Grove, Oregon. The c m.
pany reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
Cottage Grove, March yo(. ;
A. Brund, Secy.
Knowles & Gettys
Bohemia, Oregon.
Knowles & Gettys
Orseco, Oregon.
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Our A lot to:
Gcoci Goods at Reasonable Prices.
'My machine is m every dav
companion and a new one would
just fill the tecsary cool. I want
to get that machine and want some
votes." Mi -? Bei;g.
General Merchandise
Subscribe for the Nugget.
Miners Tools and Anumitions l
Ashland. Oregon
VP: -..
Candidate for Republican nomiua.
tioa for State Treasurer.
Light end
remade with
Absolutely Pura
AntUdyspeptlci may be eaten
without Inconvenience
even by persons
with delicate
cm imim rowot a eo., asw veaa.
'1 Tyo 7
Iii L
miiiii II Im- Jfl llttuy .
1 aw KHnr
T ,
11 inruif nii. ui.
iVil .ivliinl butts ,irul
I...... ...
r'iJiirt.iMe ti'Jitm-.w
"w ino"liliii(
ll I.IIC) l-liLhimf
iluifiiYr.imfi,;,,., i,ut
.tillll ,tl, your
villrii-Iru.wr(it fiHiiu
1110 i.iri. llnii want
IIH- J-l.VUI fvi in.
fMI M.i..J'Altir,.
flirr,..f.p , L- l,
Vopri iittt
Oi rcui to Ocr-tm"
oo at west window.
Reduced Passenger Rates From East.
em Points to Cottage Grove.
"I'H Hi l iby. p-,th until April 7th
and fioni St t. l riintd Oct. 3 iht,
i'.'o'J Colonist ticLt tN will bo .sold
from the east to Oregon I ,ino points
uh follow :
From Chicago, Jll.,
" St L ;s, Mo., j;;lo.oo.
' Mvinphis, Tcnn., 5,
'' Omaha, Nib., f j.oo.
Kaunas City, Mo., '.','). 00.
St Paul, Minn., jfi oo,
Sioux City, la., if 2?. 00.
" Dtnvcr, Colo., $15 .no,
Coi r sponiling i ntes a ill be made
from oth' r J tintH, and will apply
to nil ( Hints on Oregon LUich."
J. M. Isiuu
Wanted, by Chicago wholesale
nnd mail order house, assistant
manager (imui or woman) for this
county and adjoiuing territory.
Salary if 20 und expenses paid weekly
expciimi money advanced. Work
pleiinant; ponitiou permanent. No
HiveMtmeut or experience required.
Write t once fur full particulars
and Hicloscd t clf-nddresHeJ
C001 k a h Co.
i:i2 Lake St. Clncugo, 111.
WANTFD J)i,si,ict Malingers to
post Higiis, ndvt itise nnd distribute
siiiiii lcs. Salary f,iH. weekly, $3.
per day for 1 x pciiscs. State age
and pHMfiit employment. Ideal
MicnrCo. !lt Pandolph St., Cbi-
' 5
f i