V Lodge Directory. A. H. KING ACtornry nt Law. utTT.ttn: (f;;iu , JOHN BARKER rRol'HlFTiiK or THE: liXCMANdl; I'l I K IS MM WINKS. LigroRS. CIGARS. I Mm lrrr t (. ru.. r ... I J. S. Medley. .1 1. .I..lm-n j .Medley Johnson, Attorney mil li v ' j t'ire Suitr :i It inh (.. ! Eldridge Sewing Machine Free A. F. & A. M. Cottage lrove Lodge No 51. Meetings 1st and 3rd WedneaJayi 1 of each month. L. F. Wuolev. W. M. j J. H. Lurch. Scy. The Compartment Observation Cars ol the i 1 SEVING MACHINE. ROLLER BIA8IKO. H1CH CftAOS. To the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma chine. Who the lady is will be deter mined by vote of Nugget subscribers. Bohemia. Nugget Coupon for Eldridge Sewing Machine To be awarded the most worthy lady of Cottage Grove and vicinity. One vote for This coupon muni Le voted before April 1 1. G. A. R. Appomftttx l'ct No. 34. Meets at 1 p. tn. on the 2nd and ttb Saturday of each month. Ir. D. L. Wood. Tost Com. G. V. lcK")no!dH. Adjutant w.o.w. Roberoi Cmp No. 2C.0. 1 Meet nch Friday evening. F C. Offmnn. l au Com. Chs. VanPenburg. Clerk, O. E. S. Cottage Grove Chapter No. 4. Met tings held on jed and 4th Fri day of each month. Mis. C. H. P.urLholder. V. M. W. S. IWnnett. V. I Miss Celia Lurch. Secy. j K. of P. Juventu Lodge No. 48. Meets every Wednesday night i I. W. JiHker. Chanctlinr Com ; Chas. VniiDenburtf, K. of It. A S t . ! I. O.O. F. i Cottace drove No tin. Meetings every Saturday uigbt. S. S. Shortridge, N. G. Gus D. Gross, Secy. Contestants; Miss Daisy Thomas 201 Miss Ida F. Barrett 450 Mrs. Linnie Violette 400 Miss Jessie Berg 400 M. W. of A. Meetings it and 2rd Tuesday. IIioy Voodn, Consul. C. W. Wallace. Secy. Royal Neighbors. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday ot each month. KtLel Hisby, Oracle. Mrs. C. W. Wallace. Itecorder. K. O. T. M. Cascade No. CI. Meets every Tburhday night. O. II. Veatcb, Com. II. K. Dennis, Cooler. London Brlofa. crops, with its great acreage of fine The sawmill operated by W. C. I mountain range for all kin Is of Shortridge, at Wallace is doing well; j stock, are among the undeveloped ties and lumber are being turned j risibilities of one of the richest out in good shape also prices are RrKj lovlieU countries known to any good nd the community is busy ; civilization. The Blackbutte, Cin at work, wages are vary good and : nabar belt is perhaps the largest work plenty, so the full dinner pail j known amoDg mine, which in the is beginning to stack up above the near future will take rank among common low water mark and we ' tha the livelifhtrarMf.c 1.,, u, Am.r. look joyfully ahead to several yuars of great prosperty not only lor this, but all the counties of Oregon. The ican continent which will help large ly to swell the rising tide of Ore gon s wealth and greatness and first tie tun will begin about the , from this kchc turn car ,.vm tn first of the month from the Wallace 1 tl,e east and the r behold the tower, mill to be followed up by a second I j,)g p,.ak 0f tLe Bohemia mountains as Mr. Khorlridgo has two logging , whose stately form is being pene- camps in uperauon. ; tr&ted v.t . -.(k shovel drill and dynirni'e jf-in - . rwr: o mineral- Mr. Bouse is also operating the old Stanley, one and one half mile south of London. This mill with its preteut munager is sure to bring the orders in as Mr. Bouse is among the best mill men in the titate when it comes to fitting up bridge and house building material. Owing to a laige amount of repair ingand letittiug the work has been delayed some, A logging donkey is being operated with good success in oue of Oregon's Cue timber belts, bo you est) figure on u first class line of all grades of lumber this season. A shingle mill is also pluced in position and in connection with lumber shingles can be had which will be ot great value lo the whole community. This is Oregon' great source of wealth und thous ands of eastern men representing both labor and capital are not only turning their minds towards Ore gon, but are actually urriving on the ground and investing their money to help develop one of the greatest wealth deposits on the I'u cific ('oast in a general line of lum ber and shingles both for home and foreign wunts and also its fruits, berries, vegetable!, grain aud lay 1 n- t-r c 1 iifijf, I (.'I. Ohio- ft, 10 (1 ogy, cuniMrv and th:i- u.tM- bearing nunrz a r e lemj- : tinted to pulp by the untrine curvy of the steam engii e and we point with pride to the name Champion, Music, and many others of the Bohemia district whose glittering contents someday jn the near future will sIho swell the stream of Oregon's goldeu harvest, and next we visit Blue Kiver with its various claims both to feet and richness we behold the Lucky Boy mine whoso ample veins have furnished bread and to spurs both its owners and laborers and thus thus the work goes on and we are made believe from a retro spect and prospective view of the possibilities of London Miuerul Springs, which we think some day in the not far off future will uke rank among tha most valuable pieces of property on the J'ucific slope and will be a factor in devel oping a source ol comfort and en joyment to the people of Oregon, that will equal, if not surpass any of its other industries in value or actual benefit. Vkkitah. L. O. T. M. Lady Lamson Hive No. 42. Meets 2nd and 4th Friday of each month. Mrs. Mary Schmutz, L. C. Miss LetaSanford, K. K. Rebekahs Cottage Grove No. 24. Meetings 1st, .'Jrd and -th Friday of each month. F.tta Baker, N. (J. Katie B. Veatch, Secy. MBA Modern Brotherhood of America Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday at I. O. O. F. Hall. T. W. Jenkins, Sec. Boys suits St. 00 each woith up to f iJ'O Welch v Woods. A FAMILY SAFEGUARD 30- my Dr. Oreen rrnjri with thr Nlire of Dr. Bo In e lo handle lirr Imiiuui L'uclt'i Creul Throat uml I.untf Cure. JTlie bi ht family Bafpguanl in a reliable household medicine that will ( lire croup, coiiL;lm, colds, i hilly Miihutious, runiiiiie eyt-n'uud now, iore throat und hroni hial affci tions that will ke-p the children proof against all contagious disease s. (JSucli u liuduiiit ia U((Sihff'a ii-rnif; H Syrup, which ha u record of 35 years in the cure of consumption, catauh and ul) lung und bronchial trouble. (J'l'ln; fame of Ci-rtnau Syruji ax a con sumptive cure, hint e it jairihahi by I)r. (Irci-u liom tht; nice ot the faniouti Dr. Hum hec, hax cx1i ndi-d to all pl.rtb of tht' earth. It has big halci. evtr v.l re. 10 JTwo bits, 25c and i All druggist. finoaou' I'lmriuney Si-vltil ntteiitiult tlwn tn Miiiliu; ud t'ortrntlt)ti Law . J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at- Lair o!T.r on trrt- fl -i le Cottauk GkOVK. OKI-:. MINING AND ORE TRKATMFM ls-Hlnlng and 1 oii-lrui t Inn i f ir. ntlurtloii w nrk und K'iernl nun Mil cry plnntM , niechanlcnl itr.ifvliu V. I UHo K, M I. McKay ItutliMu. I -r 1 1 4 n-1 . n- H. C. MADSEN. Watciimakkk n. airing at rion.ir rttmufi Ail wi.rk fuarau'M't trm; r. ; lrh. I.M'kt nl rr',l; l I uill I'l l-f cur l AUK il; S K. OKK. fhe First Null CoTTAGR GKOVK. OkK. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved nenirity. KxrharitfcA Bold, availuh'e anv ,il.ice a theUnite.1 State. Oriented Limited Afh.rtl on Tt.c privacy of your home The comforts of a club The luxury of a first class hotel. Di.MeU.n. St P-l M.nncoplis. Tuqet Sound and Interme diate Points v.a hc GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY I ,,, ,!, (',,:.-.! h.r.M.n fl..n. .Ml.' .'' . "d,!r.- - S. S. O.iWot.t s 1 its for Ih-! Orient Mtrc'i 12. I AS. II IN'TTS A. S I'OWIil.L i '7.?' iV'--.-''-7-:X Vfl'C"' FASHION STABLES Cotta.itc Grove. - - " Oregon HlXBIlT Emu, Tl.lnl. T.i 11 1 r : 1 r ('slii ! IC I V A T i: 1 1 1 it llnvruiiil 11 ml vciniidMiitti iiiu loaiiiiai iiuii 'nun it iiyiiaui U tin U'et (re utim-iiti. i PLAIN and MEDICATED BATHS KI.Kt TKICTY, KTC. No cniiUttloU curl 1 ak . I ' OuljMlB Hirdli l llelp furiiNlo-'l If ! i rl. fut furtlicr tiart ruUrt iiMrrd I ir. 11. c. sciu.i:i:r. V wvwvv jws. v.'. N ', " 7 ! Rrduccd IU i:nl Trip Incursion ! H.ttcs. I! , t; .; : M t.).M t IKK'" C Li- ! i- i-. , ; , l'i : t'. it. ! :md 1 1 1 1 1 ' . u 1 ; ; eil ii:c '. ill I i 7 s ' " !' 1 Mi-' .iti:i l:it i p-r.iiln ( mi. 'I i.i ticket-, will on i lo daily ( uiuv.v ' v. m;.- Jui.c i an.l i. illum ing mil 1! ' I S t li with I'.nal ic turn hn .t : ! t ; I t J. M. I-IM-'I. I i's-1 a l.i. I he f in I. I III, I ..II: t in 1 j.art i t h.iI.I work on lii lav ( Man li. I'hn,. I Ik Ui' 11I ImMi 1 lll H .u.re.l In kC I i d iv,w, la lln; iilliiiillit M' I tr .iill.l d I it inianee id xald work . onit'h led w ItllMI "HI Ji. h lifter '.iwai'lid Tit- C(illll.iel aim H'l' in.. 11 ('iniii.il li 1-1 I i the rlKl't t' I u 11 iili J all lu ll. . ,1 1 i-r i f tin- 1 iiiiiiiinii Council of il nf Ci.tlay (irove. .1. I'.. Vol Mi. lieei.rder. KILLthe couch and CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's tidvi Discovery for C rONSUMPTlON OUGHS an- 0L0S Price 50c Ml. 00 Free Trial. Wn.hrd iul Irwud 1. 1. c- n:il.i:;i I"tl..- retailed and' pi' -e.l l. Mi" .) llnl.linun. I, v...:k "t ( 1 ' 1 .1 n It' !''ii!.'vr hi -l I 11 l.hl hn ntf"- C..-A . foi y. r.i. i.tii' ii"i" I 1 . ( U 1 1 ' at thl-. ollicc K o.llv Iriiklrr. P. ' und C-r 1 I'. W it h t II. C .I'l 11 1 1 mi 1 'II ! :n m r d'l tp jo, s r :; v. . ;1"'. RnrMt anrl Uuirkmt Curn for all THROAT and MINO TROUB LES, or MONEY HACJi. 'flie only reat nation in the world which Lujb lesH of 'us tLnn it scIIh is France. Our exjioits to Franco for tbe fiscal yenr of 1H05 in round figures aioountcd to $70,000, 000, while our imports from Franco during the same period were vulucd at $o, 000,000. ' Thin is explained ly the fact that moid of our aM. are Lread-HtufTs and proviwions, and Frunco does not import these. France produces a large proportion of her own food, and nlie gtts tho rest principally from her colonies IOCT()ltS AHK IMZZI.KI). The rt'inaikiil'U' recovery of Ken neth Mclvtr, of Viuieelioro, .Me., In the HUhject of xii lu ll liiteicht to the niedi viil fnitemtty and a widu cin lit of frtcndH. JffHiiyM of IiIh ciihc: "Ow ing to severe liillniniiiatlon of Ilic '11 teat mid confi;oHtloii of the I.iiiikh, U.vrf doctorn juve me up to die, when, 11 x 11 am icHoit, I wiim induce'! to try I r. Knit's N v HlMiovery nml I I III lilliliV f" m.V. il Me.i in life." C'lireH I lie WOl -t 1. OIIIlM 1 Old.-. J'.I OII- chltiH, : oii-lliliK. iV'-nli Liiii'-. JfoarMenowH ann ..m..i inraii feed at JIoiihoh'm 1'lial 111 ir . A .-( n.. III I' UnNM.i: 'I !., 1 ul that vlalid I 1 ' i' ' I' '111 lli.'ll-.i' I .Hi k I' I, A I l.i'-.'l Slil e II Si loll I iiie s i aider I f i in i d I I. M ulioid. lee! uier f-.r I he I'al i nil i " I I la-lmiidi y. WiiMi.'d ol n l' i . of a -li '"'--in;.' i an' id l'i;. . I I l.ea!- llr w "ist I'.lll l.h. Si.li. I I' el -, 1 Hi-. Wound-, lull. la, II-. and .Sal' II' e Olilv '.'. at li"IM in' di u-t'il'' Mini r.. I ). pall n i I.I ol t he Intel mr. I tali d M.ilr lauid oltice, lliiM -In, IK, "'' . ell. I'l. l'.HM'i. N nil. U h ii l.v i-deii that tho n- IiiuM-d i!ai nl "iiiiv if T" i-1 1 1 1 No. .!' ..uth. l:,ni-. Ni. 1! W'.-t ..( thu the W 1 1 ! ; 1 1 1 , . l!e M. l.'liaii. Uiiim ImH In rii reei m d in an I he Surveyor I'ell ei nl fni ('M'L-j ii, and i.li I i Ida y the L'lld da.v of M:in h. I'"".. nt ..'cltM-k A . M . , the -,ud n-hii plat will Ih I, led II thin i. line. Mild oil llld llftrr H.ild d.i.V we Id I e in paled lo receive the entiy ot tlif II II aiii . ei ed I a iii I h in i at mil1 fi 'I' in i .l' d an I "I'l I appi -aid tow II I: ,' I'l N.IIMIV I. .1. M I.IHII Null lllr. I. I I . li f I ii.i ell 1 1 , nil and hii 1 1 1 1 1 .' ;i- I he d ra wal -hall ei 1 1 1 1 li.ue I '. i t . 1'i'Ki-li r. M I , III I'eiwT. i.hip w.'M With- Apid '.", I'MKi, .Ider n( with in (nice, apldi. Only 2-c in iidditmi. on jovir hiili M i iption hiiui' h tlai I'm in und Cnuntrv Jouinul for a jcur. A join mil the i-ie nf the Ladies Home Join!. nl and an i t lie lit paper- It hitH lain fjrentlv in'fir'd and iin proved recently. a i. l.v irssi.i:. willi that old enemy of the nice. ( niD-lipatinll, often endn In Appelidl cltiH. In avoid nil MiimiH tioulile with Slniiiiieh. I.l.i r and liuueln, lake In. Kinu'.i New Life 1'IIIm. 'I hey perfectly leyuhite thehc orULf, With out pain or dit-i nlilfnl't.. L'.ic III r.eii hoii'h I'Iiiii nmey I rii"; ;it . Tl KI'li HV SAVAIil'.S. Suntmer School. The Univorsiiy of California in anouncing the summer sesftion to be held in Uerkeley hegiuinng Mon day June 2.rth cloning Aug. 1th. No examinations for adnuHHion only recommendation from tho I'nivtr- ty faculty will he necesmiry. A very line coume of lectures will be Riven by outside teachem of note. The National Kd'ioational Associa tion meets in Man Francisco July - 14 und special rates will he yiven to attend this conventio". The privi leges of the neHbion are open to teachers aud others upon payment of s regular fee of $12. "S 1 al.i HOIlie of 1'hiJippilK lllilid me emllll'ed fi inatmii m Sht'i man, l.elpi u Hie tel h, I hl ec iiredllie.:l ).'spe."ia hn la ; and mis to 1 hy I'ellH !' h e .iiii . ' " I. nv, of I la; I' l l ure (o u hieh Ihe niMlfe tllhlM ill till! y ul.jei t I h'il' Cllpl I VI'H, re nt' I ii'' illlellHi' H 1 1 Ho l'i II K I ii- 1 1 1 ee mi. nt li from Inilaiii- I he K idl.eyH," Hll VH W. M , .,f ( iihlilnu, .Me. "Nothing until I tiled riectllc Hit-hnttle- of wliich completely ('iii'iH I, nil- Complaint, , r.lnnd diMirdeiH und Mil rehlol'i'H (he weak ulid Her nhiiHt health, (iuarauteed 11 - riiarinaey ni ul-'ii-i . 'net NT I 'A (!'!'() US. No,, 1 ' 1 1 11 v uieii that the ('oiiiinnii ..Miie I "I I ' ( liy of Cot-taj-'e (Jrove will on or oe:.ai' the 'Jtitli da.v of Maich, l'""i, receive H'li li'd hid for the r . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 ;r material for and cnliHl riicl ioll nf a (hi 111, a lid pi ie line llhnllt. L'HM) reel. Ill eli(.'l Ii of r, nml ( inch wooden pipe, In connect, wha.t in known iis ihe Norlli Creek with the main pi j line, aecnnliii' to plain and Hpeclllcat leiiH now 011 lile with Cm City Ueconler; and for the liupruve nie'nt of the iliim on what Ih known iim the wehl creek, hy reuiov'iiK nil earl h on t he upper wide I hereof down to Kolid heil rock ami making the Hiiliie of Concrete IS IllchcH thick at Hie hottoni and extending Ii feet hinlier t Ii.i ri t fie picHeiit dam and 1 n a K 1 1 1 u h . 1 1 1 1 ihiin I'-' liicliea thick at the lop. I'ids for Kiid work will he oiiencd and tho emit rue t awarded fo 0:1 1 inn ..r hind in Mini tuMie-hlp mil ll"l l-oleceived fo III ll.oce who hlive lint aeipnl'i d -' ill' meiit 1 1 i 1 1 1 I herein prmr in . pi il "'. 1 Mil M l.. Ilepai tile III nf Ihe llileilnr, I ll li d Sl.il, H I,., lid llllce, UoM-liinu.Ore., l elt. I'.l. '.HH. Nntlce 1h hen liy (.'Ieii that the np lil. .led plal 01 -urvcy of TowiiHlnp No. Smith, Uaiiu'e No. ID Wchtot the lllalnel le Mi lldlali, (e;iil, hilH heeii leeeived from the Surveyor iein r.il fni 1 iv unn, iimlnu l'rlday thu -Mnl dav "I March, I'.mic, nt U jVlm k A. M . the Hidd low 11-hlp plat will ho lilediu I hi-. 1. tliee, nml mi anil utter Mild da.v we w ill he prepared to receive iipplieal ion (i.r Ihe entry of the un appropriated nml unrcei'ved hindn In nald 1 1 w 1 o-1 1 i 1 1 . I Il-A.l A M I N I.. ClUiV, UetflMtcr. .1. M. IiAWIUM I., Iteeviver. Note 'I'll 1m towiiHhlp wiih With--draw 11 fmiii entiy on April ?!, ll'O.'t, ainl no lon a- the order of with drawal hIuiII continue In force, nppli calioiiH for laud in i-.ud tow iiHhlp can not he received flom tlinMti who lulVU iiotai iiiri'd settlement liKhtM therein prior to April jn, pni;i. SubHcrihc for tho Nugget. I! ! .I ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF S. P. TRAINS. NOIITII IIOI NU HOU'llI HOUND No. li, lliVI pan. No. II H:o,.u.m No. 111 Ji.iu it. in. N. u., a Ula.m 0. & S. B. R. II. CO. Time Tkhle No. 4 To take effect April I'd, 1!K)5. KhnI 111 tn ml H nml 4 Tuemlity W. Hound H nml 4 Tuemlity mill hut only I Htnl No 3-No! ,i..il Kiiinlny. No2-No4 I'.M A M I M Kill I KIN Kll'V I A.M. I'.M V::ni 7 ::ui II i 'i.riii:n (aovu. , . l.Vl 11:10 6. IS 2:U7:'A) :i,;' ,. Wnlili.n 7(i o :4U but 7 :!.' U ,, .Clliiln 7.17 10.41 4 : fill '! : lid 7 'li'.l l..:i. ( i-rrii liiinlo 7V0 I0:H 4;&S :i:OI H;(it 7 7(. I In lie i ho7 HI . ,H.I 4: K:IIH:II H :i, , luui'ini mi iu:iio 4:44 S:17:H:I7, .fi . Keil Kurt . . hill l(:2;i 4 '8D :;ii)H w 10 il . ,, i,iMv,, mil II): w 4:8ft 8.:i.SH::ij,.I.8 HUiwhiI Ull IU:UI 4:W 'I "IN I: "' IVI Hllll 1117 U 4H 410 11:41 8:4'. 12 h ..Horky 1'iiliit Hill M 41, !l:.'iOtf:0,'i Ift I, ...(l. IIiIiIko I KM :6 4 06 U'.bfitflJ'i Hi li ...Willi wooil illi-HI W:80 4.00 ,17 tl ... IIiiiiCh HM.U I Kllilol I'niefc... I Hilhjui't loiiliuiiKU wHIiolll liollne," All oiitwmil fmlKlil (nrwHriluii only nt th I,. I .IL ..I .1.1 ...... . ' HIhku I I'll VI'H loliil rlnk nl nlili. .er mill i-iiiihIkii(. wililwiiiMl HUer llm nrrlvHl i.f t ik in mi MoiiilnyN, VVuilui'ilny mul Krlilityi Ii.i Ho nliii hiiiI orn-iMi. I I it i nlng on Tue. i'iivn, linn . I ii h ii ii . I hHliinliivv. I M'IkIiI will not In. n.i..vii nl Die O. t 8 E, It. U. lH'iii nlier fi p. in. To Insiirn LuhhiiI. I hk nil iiex I 1 1 u I ii fulfill iniiht liu iliillviTcil 111 miiple liiuo to I'lTinll ol It lii lng 1,11 lea . Aili. WOOD, JHuuutfor