BOfiEMIfl T&1 T f5 -a Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering nd Iruming Interests of thi s C 'r.tntn unity. VOL. VIII Cottage grove, lane county okegon, Wednesday, march 21, iqog. no. 0 -d fV Tf88 M3 tf f3 BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And (Jcncrnl Alining New (lathered from lixilianjjcs. Dan liurk of the Oregon Hoc ini tial Co. in in Iiihij Martin Shea in in town from the Vesuvius aud will return in h ,hiv or t WO. Andy NcIhoij returned In. m l'mt. laud Hatuiday und in ; t i; roi ly to go to Ainska. I'lolil I 1! I)in yo'ir was -.o. "I'll'- mill 1 1 1 v) 1 I '.!.") 1,. "i. 1 ton of 'ii;n t t I I J 1 1 i; I H I i .nin o of gold. So f,n u lln cii,k Kt 1 i.c v 1 if 1 he iliv i U-11 ( I m is rum 1 1 ni'il, lson gold inirc i'. . 1 In- 11. h vt in ! I II" IM i. 1 'or I In- pi- I ii I, m ;, lli' 'In id nils p'iji I.mvi 1 ii.k-ii y wi -ii joy ii'i 1 .'.o 11 1 ( ,i,t ,ci 1 uilMIIII. 1 he "I'll II n ih;i til. 11 v:tM f oT.'i.IMio, mi t .11 yen. slinidholilt 1 h have uiiivii) iij. ilinl-. niiii'iiillii' I" $jj,h',j Id THE JURY r 1 Archie K nowli s w If winking ul the Mumi 1 Tuesday to have sunn from Iiim ci o. I !) IH ln-1 II ' 111 - In UiW 11 Hit. k III Mi In Case of State of Oregon vs. Wm. Uurnette for Run ning it Velocipede on the f). & S. Ii. Tracks. The flib School Bur in Mi around and go back home, and Hint hi' would wa'k sl"W sothff boa ould ovcilake him alter they ljii'1 ln-cn to Go". In r r 'h. Ho went 1. 11 li iiin- and when within a half 1 1 1 1 1 - of DoMiia n.i t Chan. M 'u fin an ! ipol.,- to liiin and wnt on, :i ;il li.m ,i. wis only person !. r. t 'hi r s 1 xarr.irmtiori ics'i;."! tint hi- went to Wild-' ivoo'l lihotit s with I. m two I -rotherH I'.Miii' y K-ll(-y, aii'l went to -ori.: alii. ut -.:,, left ulio'it 11 fot Ii'-iik- het we' I) to an I two thirty, 'in I Hint ti e otlur I-ovh sot l.oui- CITV TICKET NOMfRD ft a coi ' t if. 1.1 ati'l Iris :i ri'iiii'.' mt' i r -,t i. r.-Iienn.i. ii;:r stan-l, I ii' r l.iisincsH 1 a-- in i;.)- A11nAriApr.l1 t. V ir . ) 1-; al jri ri II. . .1. for MirislOp. A 1: i lllllil 1 .1 v ' -'in- Moti'luv :it 1 ti 111 m nettoof Ioi.-ii wan pin, 011 trial '"''' ''-' I ' re -1 1. 1 rty . hnc 'l with h'.vin;' inn a vcW i-1 Ch',. Mmlin ht.'itfd tliat h- had .-.i. on i). t,:,,-ks ,,f tin, (). A- S.( ,T"' D'TC-na. mi l r-- on tin- 1, if!. of Marrh .'ir-i i"-'Mio,i..- I ate, .n, 1 w al k i al-ou t Tom All.-n. ('. C. lla'-H' ii, A. i " ,l":,r,,'r ,,f " "''' "r more above Htow-r. n- I'.'itfi, A. S. Powll.l,,,,i t""-', and there r.n.l R !i 11 Hh-Iho-h were s!,tv, i,s,l,;s,,! I'tunott, th-n ulo'.t 'J up J. W. Slurmni), vioi- pMsi ti-ni i 1 tlia I'.uhemii Sineltn ; and Kailm! Co. in in town wit!! A p l.t lCiy and went njt to lamp ' Iik sitii v 1 s 1 1 1 : 8tl Splinter From Wodg FUroea Ey Willie Watson, ft youug lad while plitting some wood list Friday uf temooti met with a uevore accident, tbrough th Bplitting off of h .ted splinter from the side of a slel wedge he wkh driving, which flew through the air and pierced Ids right eyo, lodging on the outside of the optic nervo, uo that the eye had to be removed, lie wai taken to Portland were he hud the but treat ment that could ho procured. Ertormoun Dividend Is Paid bv Mysore Mine. London, March 1!), The enor mous dividend of 145 per cent was declared by the Mysore Hold Min ing Company at its annual meeting held here He other day. The Ofo. KotiNu in in town fimn tint Mineiul Hotel of tl.- k.!!i-ii ICulo C'Milpnny. J!e ha mliulv it covered from his ac, i 'rut laM Mini mcr and im f.,t ami hem iy. W. II. Shniie i mih'ii Iihi' tin better put of the winter m t"ui,j und in Htoppint; at Hotel On-gon. He inend"iivorml,i in Ins npire tune to secure bet lei w 1,-pho ication ith HoIk-iui'i lien Trygxtjd, from the (i,.n Colorado hns ben m die (iroe several dajs taking a needed ie t, ud haH now gone to spend fume lime u hiit'i't und uil then icturu to camp. Mr. Hurt.ef "of Jthe Ore gou Scturiliifl Tl. cama to tMi Tuesday mi bin wjiy to Nevada, whre ha will 1.x? associated with Mr T. C Archer, former n j iutendaut of the Oitigoti Sci'tuitieH Co. l' J. Hard hasroturued from lio beinia and repot u, u pleaajnt trip above the clouds, well worth nuk ing just to aeo th" Huiihliiiin Hi Maya that the auow fall han been about the average fur a Hoh, mia winter, the heavy rain u mouth ag carried much snow away, so that ut this time the heavy puck ml auow that uaually staya long into th pring la u t very deep, mid he pre dicts that thu ground will be en tirely clear, earlier thnn in common Many place whore thu nun ha-t a chance aro now nearly bare Mr. Hard is greatly elated over the im proved conditions at all hia piopu tie ana siaies thai wlule Ins pp ji ertics are getting extensive develop ment and are very valuable, he hopes soon to commence the extraction and treatment of ore both g"H and copper, in a ahott time. Mr. Hard also Baya it in suipriaing to hear tlin favorite question ho prevalent in Cottage (Uove, "Is there anthing going to be done in Bohemia this year," when only to a small extent lias there In on nny cTssntioii in work at auy ol the propcrtiea the entire winter. The following companies have nil had meu emplojed and most of them havo accompliHhcd as much or uaoro than they have any season: The Oregon Beciiiitiea Co., The Vesuvius, North Foirview, Hiawa tha, Sweepatakes, (lolden llnlo, Le Roy, Cryatal, Itiverside, Shane & Flischsir, Mclntyre, Judsou Rock, King David and othern. The Noith b'airview and Hinwii tha both icpoit splendid bodies of free milling ore aa the result of the winter's work. lio.' A.i '. 1 , 1'ei -ll:i; h M-ili. : lot -t r a w a . M - 1 1. -Suphic ci ai'k Alne Ka'.it- A i. i ii itin Tru i 1I'-W S 1 : in Lit .: v (!. n t -HI i a r piior . et.t ,-i . itt.t 1 in ms s !; Hui'i' u i i . Mi ill' v A Ioii!iw'.n ill' It l!( if s ' 1 fj Ull! in 1 1.,- iiLm iii-i- i.f 1 :i' ' ns ul t"ri; v. fo the ( ) niil totise ;'s law' ' r tt rM.ii' pi,,-,'- , (,i ':!! J'.'Pii v. after t ''1 i i I ! I )M i .h ' I p. ! . V ji! i. , to ui my Ii i t. ii I ' r i 1 1 1 1 t Iml i',n t A. I'. W'nol wn- ti'- f'iiit w itn ss and Hated the licensed was not an i in h e of tin- road, an 1 th'.t Southwi ith, a lailroad leriion man, I th ,t ; -.lay i ii it t,.-i! uiii a y - A v a ! 1. 1 ' hill,' that the s -tution and tli" liom I-jieria, vmiIUii' nloi e It t stifled that h" ,-o. K'm'h that night ial and that win:,? at Land's a speeder wi-i. t 1 y, --s r 1 1 a , singhr runii on ' ami that I '.-.ailed j il c ma", liod'd no, hn-v t-r, nnd i hm Ii.- w us conli li ii' 1 1 at i' a . not !iii l-rothfi. Alf litunctt tfst;ti'-d th it In- was ' lso p resent at I. an I's and saw the I speeder go h uih could not swear ! who was or was not on it but that ! he aa c,ji fi h-nt that it was not Lis , broth-r. 'I! II ' l-.l I"; tl.,t A '"H t ll.ll Mi n't Mil b!f t I , 11 . l!l!l I 1A I.ea'l . luio-rn line llMl III " HV ol. 1 'wo ' 'i till" S' 1. 1 ,l 1 , vernier, like 1. 1 .m ell aa the i M i tin s, I, Kcv. Cm c visit -d the High Scho.. Tuonday hhiii mi l jtave u iiiianteriMiiif; '-ilk liiih we nil Ml'preciated ur v luri' h. We hope Mi (',irf will not let thi b'i his laM -isit Kmi Sunt nl was iil.v, nt Monday a"d Tu.i luy, Scat' Whi.t wi' (, noth ing, uiiK Ag knocked the bo'ikt off rr,'iiiing Slal mi) J fout-i- ut Hint' had Iv'ii l.i i-k' ii intu clo'-ipede t iken away. ( "lidui tni V. ('. I. on, ion tet tifd Ihut , n Sit.iii'av he to k i vloci- ii'-' W'i' k-, was riille-i t" t'i'- ) edr up ; Hunt's b.iut t.r -md ' "t..r..l to tt.sufy tbal ho was paasing I. I'-ked th- small heel in th -t a- bv J"'" Wick.s house ,.n hers back fo-i hoii-e. and that it w.i- ) r thu a vt-'-' -';'-'K I 1 ' -1 'Ai'li one n-e "f Aithur V:.n Si hi -ia-'k and tn'tli " iX An' lljHt 15 vva- 'n Un- Mi Shaw to ,,.me t,. ih- rrt-M- u that it was W m . ! 1 1 n L-t t . A I. 1A II I'.NC!-. morning. That he also a velocipede to Waiicn nd Alf Imrnett, cither that the biv before to lo to ' Sunda v ; I nted ; KeMev . dny or loi ena witt t A. Nun Schniiick testifii'd that he ; attended a social at the Wihlwood school house ".t of a mile from ' t!- t::;;!: ' f the r, on,: ! that lie rented ihe Vtlocjri'de to ' i Citizens Assembled Tuesday Night and Nominated Ticket to be Voted on April 3rd, 1906. Mayor Dr. H. It. Job Alderman i at Ward, Jim I'oricr ; " -- 2nd Ward II V, ;iske -.'bd Wmd, G. Mr- Oueen. Iteocrder Jo'; Vo'iri!. t'i'y Treir-urer Herbert Kakin. Conn, il'iiar; Win. Johnson, W. A. Ifogc.te, nnd J. If. Birtels bo'd over until net yenr, the retiiir g ' unn.rrvMi l.emg L . If. vinDeri crcj, Chamberlain and Oliver V rdch. Dr. J. ib i-, a fll known ph-si-i .hi of tli" to'-vn, 'i Lo-'i n.aL-y yp;.r-!-! I'-nce 1 ere have made him ' c 'I ruido-i with .try m iii, -.vonni and child in the country. He has served the city btfoie m this ofllre and wili go before the people n;i Lis ncord of his previous work. Jim Porpr is on'J of our local capitalists and progressive farmers a "I nas ni'tny interests m tl-e t'.wn, and Ins only recently with !;s t'l-other and Mr. Stewart built the new brick block und remodeled the Hot' 1 Oregon. H. Vfctiske is the Cash f n.cciy man, and has a wide acquaintance thro'jglit ut the town. His home ia the assembly ho is; for High 5r'!;o:.l ten chert. (iPO. Mc''ieen i , t'l" ; ro; ri-tr'- o e Hi!', gi ; !ivsi- luiys iM ' Dis'n ' ii, I-'rid ty f . consisting siip-rin"-'i ion, di-in ;: W 1 1 hi 1 1 1 1 1 M. Cr.' l'i.,f W. i ; Ii. I.e.- s , MtC'-ni.. - Th will ii arj'l.rii' . try' Ii-.: '.: ' auu i-ii.- v i: d 'Id'1'':' 1 ' .- . t i M;. :'). il j. i i'.-t inn '.i I: ' -il a nd :i t all n .'i ': --.i Jii d ai ,'hiv und I- 1 ' foic a board ;i -J . I A' kerinan .-: '.-.jolic instruct- i,: I'm f. C- O. I h). er, of I'.-iiverMty; Hon. A. ul, ,1'pu n'-'.y-i. r.i-r il : "-ci M.. M. D. . Hon R. 'i , M 1 , a nd Henry eret-ii v. i "i . ) CX i til h- I v i i : th; -- r H- t o tl i sh ir':; :. :. at t. j niv ar.d the I menl wii; ,- jOre-r.r, 1. e i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 . I i .'-I -.eihiig; p! t gcome. i i !', ''I 'Pip'iS'.ti'ltl n-'. .'''aphy, "' ale. 1 f 1 il C'-)V- . 1 . nv. i nation i- : v.d A c.t !e--a '; -.ppoint-h i r to .some ol !; I l'i Ti : I,. a- l V' a i if New er and a S .i'Trage .in House !. Iverv- ut that h" w as m t hi: e. Mi. L-H.d :'gnin testified to hear ing H'- s,eder t li:i:i' and ia;i out on tin- I or ch to see- wl o it Mas, and t - 't i; whs some distance up the tMck when he first heard it- that he did not i-ee anyone but Miss Owens of Star was apend-; Clms. Martin half a mile fp m Do ing the night with Mis I.und and i rtna. to the (iiove Sunday morning, ami bom tea, lo i V iln-k whenih" Mcttliat whin lie got tliere Sunday ui to im t ti a, her hi li.-iinduto Cm.. ' morning about ,i it was gone, and si f"i h' i . Garelit. t aiiiouh Tfvcliir ol Slimina linlr Succmd ) ear cf becund Cmiiiiiv of l.llo. I. on, Ion, Maiih i7. 1'rnli ssot Manuel (lnni.i, the lumotta teiichci of. singing and piobul-lv the most ,-eli I rut, d , enteiiai im, in the woild, nceiM-,1 many enida and notes of oni atulutioii today on beginning the Hfi-ui d year of his nioml , en tuiv of life Mure than eighty jciitN ago Oaicia ;n a celclu at- d b.niiiii.o and uinr- than si'y yeai ago he it-tiied to become ti e most mici-csht nl t ai h r of his hiv. Jcimv he i the commotion hen the Tlie majority of tde time con n' tte boys arid Ceo- Land run oiii sun;el tLmugh.o'Jl thu ttaj was r :o see the vt locijiede go by. bnticur ied by little petty hi, kcringr l-e-did not ki.ow the time. tueeri the lawvers end witnesses, at Clyde Km r testified as to having j times to tbo greft umucnierit of I the staple wan pulled out of the I pa-'1 ''' ' K(nig up to l.anl s. ; Iiafeners. ; door, p.resumallv with a jetvie. ! I-a wy r Johnson confined his en-j The ci.i-e waa given t the jury That he then walked down to lined his Hitemeuts to a r vie w of i about '.'js, jukI nbo: midnight h,.ti.i,'i mi,! fiiiii .l tit, ii l. ..-I i -t. ! 1 1 thoie, with the small wheel locked lie on rums tpstininiu uii,n ie : " v " 1 li'triM.n L Itiv tit...!. i O t r view of i about '.' 5, and nl! they Mere di.-charged ,1- ifaey could not a'ree. It i nnd- : tood that rthv w. s dida'e I- JM:i. a it State K-piU ':;U-r. I ican can- i-ar liouse. He testified to ; eeii the accused nt the but did not nee him aflcr- in the hiiviii, siK-iai ai dn. 1 D K. b'olcits, section foienmnl it Doiena, tehtified that he found j the velocipede in front of the car house Sunday uioiiiing and that he h iked the small wheel in the house' and that the other car had also ; been brought in in the night broken, j V. C. London bt-inc leoalled les- l.i. id was the m,t celel'iat, d , I his h)i, , ,i,Ht tlv car was locked in the pupils, another whh Murchcoi, hi i no a noted maker of singers. At the time of (Juicia'a birth, March I7, No.", lluydn, liiclhovcn Weber and Schubert wcie living,, Chopin, Schumann, Verdi, Wagoner Brahni and Tschai kowsky were not born, (iarcia wan I urn in Madrid and his full name ih Manuel 1'atrico Rodiiguc. Gar cia His hither was the celebrated Spanihh tenor for whom Rossini specially composed thu part ol AI maviva in "The. Hut her of Seville," In 1N25, ho with his father's family, intioluced in New York the first season of Italian opera ever given in the New Wot Id. C.aicia'a sister was Ihe famous Malibran, ie garded as the foremost me. -soprano ol her day. She died in iH,'5o' -seventy yeais ago. His youngest daughter, Mme. Viardot-Garoia, vvaa in eaily daya the distinguished Pauline, a great vocalist. Nearly half a century since Signer Gaicia presented a paper on the laryngos cope to the Royal Society, explain ing an invention which has since become one of the most valuable of the phyaiciau's iustrumonta. One of the most remarkable charactetists of this grand old man of music in his vitality of body and vigor of miud. That ho expects to live some time yot is evidenced by him telling a young lady, who applied la? t summer to him for Ichsous, to come again in throe years us her voice was too immature for work. Fletcher Oipurd, who went to Portland to have his right eyo looked after by a specialUt, had to have tho eye removed, but it is thought that the other eye will not be affected. He is getting ulong nicely, und will aoon lit home &gaiu, w the doctor reports, Hunt sti.tii'ii and wa to be used by A. VanSchoiack. Haincy Kelley ol Dorena tcstilied that lit, was at 11 social nt Wildwood that night, saw Burnett there and that about eleven ho with Alf nnd Orvil'e Burnett started up the track to Geo. Kerr'a and that when they passed the Hunt station the velocipede was there, but that when they returned it was not. Geo. Land tcstilied that the Hunt station was about n quarter of a mile lrom his houae, and that he was a section man and that he re sided in a house about -10 or 5o feet fr om the track. That he was at the Wild wood social that evening and saw Burnett there and spoke to him, and that he went homo about 1 1 p. in. aud that ho did not see him afti rwards until he saw him coming own on the track on the velocipede in front of the houso. That he heard the velocipede coming, run to tho door to sco who was on it and saw Win. Burnett and was willing to swear that it was him. In his cross examination he testified that he was u brother-in-law of Wm. Buiiiotte and that some feeling ex isted between them. That the moonlight was very bright at times, nnd that when the car paseed it was so, and that the two brothers of Buructte were with him and one of them hailed the man on tho velocipede, and that he merely turned hia head aud did not speak. That he had no prejudice itgatnst Burnett. Tho court then took a- recess for Btipper. WITNUSSKS FOR DKl'KNBH. Wm. Burnett being called testi fied that he was at the social, aud afterwards went up to Geo. Land's with his brotliei'B, but decided to plea for the di f mlaiit, stating that i they stool t to '' f r con n'ton. no poBltive tvidciioe had been given ' The retrial was ;t-t fir Tue-dav that what was given was prejudiced ; morning at 10 o'clock. and that positive evidence is given. The second jury wa c ruposid by two persons that il was ui t him ' of W. H. Lincoln. John St ncburg, on the velocip, d- and by one per- j W. H. Gault, J. It. Colcv, John son that ho met Burnett walking'W. Harms and K. C Ostramur. down the truck The testimony differed but'e Lawyer Medley in closing the from the proceeding day, and was case based his principal argument more quickly giv-n, so that tho on tho time Burm tt would be on case went to the j ury in the a ter the road walking from Land's to noon and about q lH' thejo re Doiena, if he walked, &ud that if he turned and tendered a vcdict of i w:i" lid, the velocipede must have pas- 'guilty. The ) fei-se was given un sed him on the way, while he stated! til i p. in. todiy to plead. Mr J. A. hi I'M. 1. th town today on Miss Am. a Oji co!hi. w he;e shu printing ' r Tuesday. Fnt. Cumm a ; who broke in We'd: & Y,, .i- ec'a .'r.! it! 1 1 int.. siile- , fe A . '1 me s' i -1' e Oi. n.tendent of Co. is in to Yon tk in the weeks, on id i Gerunn windows in last week Saturday at I'ngene ami w;.l I e sent to the asy lum. f New Stock I t i Worth of Mens Suits, Dress Goods and Dry Goods just arrived. Garman, Hemenway Co. f i k r $ cr $ (fr t