Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1906, Image 8

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    Eldridge Sewing Machine Free
To the most worthy lady of Cottage
Grove and vicinity, the Nugget will
give a fine five drawer Sewing Ma
chine. Who the lady is will be deter
mined by vote of Nugget subscribers.
Bohemia. Nugget
Coupon for Eldridge Sewing .Machine
To be awarded the most worthy lady
of Cottage Grove and vicinity.
One vote for
This coupon must le votel before March 28.
Miss Daisy Thomas 5U0
-Miss Ida F. Liarrett 400
Miss Linnie Violette 400
Miss Jessie Berg 400
AT ; grade of lie regular ore is apt to
;hii'k below -"5 i tr cent copier.
' J hose oies ate classed as zn
of the
J hose oies ate clussed as zinc ores
which are chiefly valuable for ihe
diflerent cIhshih ol ores m
ways disiinotly defined.
brought out by the experience of
the United States theological Sur
vey in gathering production sta
tistics. The gold ami silver pro
duct, in tie repoit for 19(4, is
claufcifitd according to it deriva
tion from plueei, dry or silicious
oies, lead ores, copper ores, and
zjiic or zine-lead oies, but it was
sometimes oimcuii 10 ueciu.; 111 j fu alio(1 js ,,as,.(, the Jliality of
which class a particular ore should J ,,e ort, aM mined.
be placed.
The mu-lteis designate as' dry ,
tLMu ti'ifli liu tli'ifk .r. t t-,' 1
lead, vvhi'h UKuallv cl.ietly i m",a s. ,aIe ' "J"' " "h ' c!r'"
valuaCle for their fold and silver. 1 un: "h ' ,,)e l-fit.on
Under the heading of d,y or silice- ni'"ljt U' , fl,,"' "V '.th
ou. ores u,e iuc Jed .,1 uttos gold even greater profit. gtv-aud.ilvero.esw.-h
less than 1 .J , 'e. lve quantities of ore
per cent lead or 3 per cent copper, , liaie,1,Ly m' a"d 'I"
which are treated by amalgamation would be valuable recovered by
or cyanide process. JMt it i a,0 !, the chlo. .nat,.,, and other
ceLm u! include will, them ccr- , ,rocM"M t;on1'1 he ven the changes
tain low-grade ores which are ieSH fn, y.ur to jear wonld bring out
lam iu" h'" ' ... , 1 mit.ol tin,! fur-Is 111 llir- , Lm. ,.,t
clearly otiarto'-e in character, sucii; . ' rv'r 1 V
1 HI 111. llitllJMI I
ii canons cumuie oies 01 i ... '
'I .cm- natal i" pay tur .eduction.
It is often !. nutter of doubt as to
whither Mn.h an ore bhould be
1 !- ! uk dry and siliceous ore, aH
iiudoie,or as copper oie. Con
centrates of regular dry and hi tice
ou ores, even if containing lead or
copper, are not considered as lead
1 or cop er ores, because t ie c assi-
The attempt of the survey towivo
in detail the sowrefs from which the
Lodge Directory.
A. F. & A. M.-
Cottage drove Lodge No 51.
Meetings 1st and ;hd Wednesdays
of each month.
1.. 1 NVocley. W. M.
J. It Lurch, Secy.
G. A. R.
Appomttttx lst No. 34.
Meets at 1 p. iu. cm the Jiul and
4th Saturday of each month.
lr. 1. L. Woods, l'yst Com.
O. W. McReuiohls. Adjutant
w. o. w.
H diemin l''iti p No 'JtlO.
Meets 'iu. h 1'iidav vcuiuK'
V C. CotTman. t'. iisul Coin.
Ch:s. ttt.l Vnbiit . k .
;iH(iii(' ;il Law,
1 r.i v r ; fin 1 . ok;
I'liOl Kit- lOK ol
Till; l:CIIANCH:
M Kill Hi U'I'I (l III i r I. I r, Ot
I. S. Medley. .1 I '. .InllllMlMl
Jlvdlfij tS Johnson,
Alio. I.e n lit la
0ic, S11H1 .'' '( I'Jilf
Spis'lul attend. u ulin d Mlnlnu
and ( i p. ii ut Ion I .aw .
O. E. S.
Collate Cliove Chapter No. 4.
Mc ting held on J'ul and .iih l'ri
iltty of each month.
Mis C. II Huil.hiddcr. W. M.
W. S. Itfiiiit-tl, W. 1.
Miss Celiii Lurch. Secy.
K. of P.
dm ctiiu I."de No 4S
Meets veiy Wednesday night
I. W. H"ker, Chain dhir I'mn
Clis Yunnenbiirj.', K. of It. A S
I. O. O. F.
Cottage t J rove No.'-'.
Meetings every Sal ui day night.
S. S. Shortridge N. (1.
Gus I. Giosh, Secy.
M.W. of A.
Meetings it and jtd Tuesday.
Leltoy Woods, Consul.
C. W. Wallace. Secy
Royal Neighbors.
Meets 'ind and ith Wednesi'.ay ol
each month.
Ethel H.sby, Oracle.
Mrs. C. W. Wallnc'. Recorder.
.ittonwu a t-1. if if
Ollf oil MUI'I a( K-I'l !! S, t.
Cut r.u; u (Ikuvi; Oku
I'eHlnliit: ni.d i ini-iriii tlmi nf mv
ri'iltii'lioti wiii k and neiii'i nl iiuirliln
erv I'laillf ; iiiei lei liiea I .Ir.ift luk
c i ;i;u i'. m. 1:.
Mi K,t PuiUHiik'. I'm I l.iih! nie
lii'l'Mti iiik hi 1 i'm , ii m l) r 1 fin 1 jr "
All wi'tA (iiiirnuli-i'il Mii i-l,
11 lohfl, tcrk mi'l J iMf! r n t I iih i'I I'iIi'i
eon ai.k iii, y , 01; 1 .
11 .1
lot ii 11
Cottagk Gkovi:. Oku.
of t ho
Alfnnl yoti
II t piivaty of your home The comforts of a ,club
Tin- luxury cf a first class liotcl.
P. r Itlwtir H P.ti l. M innoopl is. Put, id Sound ami Intcrinc-
dnte I'omis vi.i me
I I I III 'l 'Il
D.iko! i stils l-r tii.' Or.i'iit M noli 1
hi niwt). 1
',M" - 11
.s. 11. i'tr is
A. S I'oWlvl.L
'' '!' XVI.' f?.:,'iJ.--s-nw:-" --..-Jy -i-LL
)- flW?,!
w7rBV '
1 W.'..V I.J-
Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Cottivj'c (irovc,
Money to loan mi ainuved seiuinv.
Kxchan;eM hiiI, I, avtiilithle hiiv .ilini
j 11 tliel'nited Stiiie-
I I'reiMout,
Reduced rassniij o Rates From East
em Pi nits to Cott.uje Grove.
'I . r
11 miii
i i V IC I V A I 1:
llnvfiil'il orwl Ciint'ihiii'ii
f 1 1 win 1
at.. I 1'ini
I ' v'u'
;.,,n. II 1
,.. t..n :
I ': . ! ..
1 .
I tit I,
I . Ill t
I:, k. 1.
1 1! A 'l d
I I ' . i
'Mil !
1 ..I r 1 wi h I I w ni k ua
i . I l Hi h, I "ii. I lie Hlic
1 1 1 I Mill lie t I ' 1 1 1 I In Kh
1:1 1 I.. I lli' aim mill hid fi it'
I 1 ' 1 1 1 I mi I,. ' I Ha Id W 1 11 k
3 KC'AUSJ-; thiee lourths
JL9 total gohi rroouotioi. ol ti.o ; 2iijC cui.taiiied, or, if they contain
United State isdenved frcm ; lend Mid in-, thosin which
dry or siliceous res, the metal the value of zinc predominates over
lurgy of such his is c f conespond-, ,bl,t of lU leHll TheJ a,e MjaIjy
ing imj oil.- hce In a ceneral way j lad jng in gold and poor in silver.
trie meuoing 01 ine leim, oiy les ; 'j'he g.eati st diffienliy is piesented
iscirai, OUl Hie umlsiuu Ciwcr.i , by , r v , ,
i.ot ai- , L'old. silxt 1 , e pper, and lead, and
i ll.S IS 1 ,1 ... . , ,,,.M,1, r.f r.t
K. O. T. M.
Cascade No. CO.
Meets, every Thtni-day night.
O. H. Watch. Coin.
It. K . 1 enni-, Cooler.
L. O.T. M.
Lady Luuboii 1 i i v c No. 42.
Meets 2nd an. I 1th 1'iidav of eai h
Mrs. Mary Schtuutz, L. C.
Miss Leta Sunford, K. K.
Cotfige Grove No.
Meetings 2nd and 4th 1'iiday of
each mouth.
I tta I'.akt r, N. 11.
Katie 15. Witch, Secy.
a si 1 i:.vr 1 1-1 ' wonm:i:
'I'lie cur that staiel lu Iih credit I'.uekli ii 'r Arhlca Salve u selen
tllic wonder. II cured I.. II. Million),
lectiiHT fur the Piitions ol 1 1 iihliandi y,
ayncHl oro. I'a , of a I i -l lelng
case ofl'iii. Jt hi-aln the woist
HurnH. SorcH. lioiln. I leei'M. Cui
WoiiieN, I'liill'lailis and .Salt lO'eiiii.
Only at II' hmuii'm liriigHtoic.
UKIIIU Pdlillli
All tin- I.e. vl trf.itni. tit-.
I'l.AIN ami MFI)I('A1i:ii liAIIIS
KI.Ki 1 KK I V. K IC.
No riiliUvluili I'iwi t.ikrn.
'I'd ins r.'li-.
OlllHilr iniiilr.ll l,i -If. Itiri,i-r. .l
K..r furl I , ,.u t , i.l.ii 1 lr, m
1 1 ,
ir. 11. s Hi rer.
i. I
i Mil
K .r.
M 1
M, , i.:,,
is. Ti im. ,
. i. , r.-s
. . Mo
. Ms:,.!.,
1 Cits. 1 .1 , -i -
" 1 M nvei , C'lo., f.'s oo.
i him nij.'ii!,;' nitis ill I if .nude
ii on. . tin t I .'Mil-. :m I "Hi apply
j,. up , ..(tit- . 1 hi v.n I.iiies,"
I l I lh"
Dr. lims
for C
Ullll I , I
I I, -I ip.i I
lit:- In .
; w ; 1, v 1 . .n
1 . , .. 1., 1
. .1 . ii. 1 1
p. 1 1. . 1 i 1 1
. 1 . t 1 , 1 1 .,
-hi. - l'i,..; I
1 I I I 1
I 1,1.
: 1 1
.1 1 1
.,' lh" l;i.r.
- In A . i lull
I 1 , -1 1 - I 11 1: 1 1 ile
. I. , l'...W . I-.,
I il - I l..v
V - I I . Willi
' ..I I'.l II
COc & $ 1 .CO f
Free Trial. !
'1 hi N ' 't I. I I ll 11 he I 411 Kiel ,
11 uci k-i ay 1 l' nil hi .1 i I '.1 1 1' 1 , 1 1 l'
III! V M.i -CI lie 1 ti..' j ') " ,1 I I'll I ' -
I t.
1 1
Surest and Quid rat. Cu.'f tor all
1 1
as the
I - A I. .. .
Fererus county, aiiuuna.
it would be ot in-
withovtr 4-' l" r
deiiguated as JeaI
terest to krow also the extent to
.. 1 : . 1 ... 1 .
ient had .,rc 1 1 1 6 -.!.
111. . .
tres, and oies , . " "gem lor ine predouH
melius in 1 in; smei .ug 01 ory ores.
Only 2,"c iu addition on your m.I
Kcriptiou htcureH the larm and
Country Journal for 11 jear. A
journal the size of the Ladies Home
Journal and an excellent paper- It
has been greatly enlarged aud im
proved recently.
Japun produced .'l,775 tons of
copier in loot It liget mine is
the At-hio in the province of Shinio
zuke, and is beiu? exploited by
rurnkawa Mining Company, which
OwiiH also a number of other cop
per producing iroperliia. LiS'c
met copper is marketed in s'ahs.
the upper width being ' ir.ih.s,
lower width incheB, thicknis
2"k inches, upper length iyn
inch'iH lower length 1H inchea,
weigld 16 jjoundJ, and quality
about UHij per cent. It iH used aH
casting metal and for alls In
got copper is made at Honjyo, To
kyo, we.ghs about SJ.'l pounds, !)'.) (! cent fine, and is largely lined iu
making wife. Copper li'eH are 7
iuches wide, inch thick, Ifi
iuchei long, UU.C tier cent fine,
weigh Hi 1.-OU110S, ana are pro-
cer ores In th- laMef cafce ,he "MoiiaiHreaojusiu-eniH in metal j, ,uce(, , lhl; ,.xtfcn, ( a,,out l (Jl0
difhculty is tUt imall parcels of J'f ,'" l'rrfh Ion- per annum. Copper slaba are
JoiJnudtror.H hich nt-un ; . 1 accurately reco.ded. 6 , .,JM wjil , ,,, y
Hoi r cv.tof cop,cr o.c on- W,ll1 ,,1C m ve, now . H K,M wei
" iKd as co ,er- oriBbyi ' ; u, out 0;6 per lent fine, IJecfro-
Kmelte... and no nay i obtained lor ' " ; ; " ; ,ly.,c cathod.s a.e about dJA inches
th-meta ; while, cu the other hand, . wjde, .y, inch thi. k.Jt) inches
H. i.iv.i, 11 1 nl orli ilorrw'n 1 1 11 Vfl 1 ii', 1 1. . i.'j ! t mi - . 4:... - . 1
b--.- c,----. ,i,0j,..... long, y J'ei itm ai.e, auu wciyiis
Uaily Mining Record, 'alout jiouuda.
.iuB0inee7 laifee py.Uic copper
... 1 11. ,ii in..
ua 111 jjuue, iMouv.,
Subscribe for the N'uggcl.
Orchard. Moyor. Haywood and Petti
bone Taken to Caldwell and Ar
raigned for Murder.
ISoise, hla., March S.- SherilT
Nichols i-erved warrants on Marry
Orchaid, ( harlcn II. Moyer, j tim
dent; Williimi I), liny wood, wire
taiy. dud (Jeoige A. IVltibone, of the exutitive committee
of l ho Western i'edeiation of
Miners, at tie penitentiary thin
morning, charging them with the
murder of ex-Governor 1'iank Steu
enl erg at Caldwell, December .'to,
ifofi. . Haywood, Moyer and Pdti
bone aie jointly charged with the
offem-e iu one indictment and Or
chaid is tepaiately indicted. It is
BtHted that no true bills were re
turned against Vinci nt St John or
Steven Adams I'm (her evide nce
iu 4he cases is being Mibiniitcd today.
It in rumor d that the prosecu
tion will not auk indictments against
the others; the evidence against St
John is not tmfr.cieut to connect
him with the murder of Steuiu n-
berg. The prisoners will bo taken
to Caldwell at 2 o'clock this after
noon on a h ecul train for arraignment.
! union,; i h- ; : '
(His iim i; 'it ! u.l.i 1 .-
j 1; I ; t ii- nl .11 ; n
1 1 u.ll "It 1 . .. !.. ..
A 1: it-1 l.-.ili 1 1. ill -h-
1 1 .-, 1, 1. ' ii,. I
. I lit- 1 1 i ( e 1 1
1 , I In- Ut stel n
:! !h t ... .Id I-i-
Ihe N.Hh
, wue
1 on 1 , 1 1 . Ml tllD HI
! l'.ilo,i-;iii iiussesbed
' 1 j v nl u tin- 1 1 1
no l.m.p. The 1 ine touh :i s their ! nle.l m tl,s
only meant ol i : 'iniinai ing. 1 in:
one lamp (i.,d (aniluin thedistiuc
ion el hein n.oly was
the stone I. imp ol the I'.sKuno.
When "I whi le in the world the
lir-t lamp-, v, i n made has as yet
ti'.-t hi en deti i mined. Stone, lamps
and leu. i otia lamps of ciude do-
sign wein i" u.-e thousands of yeats , ;i ' mr
ago. The lamp of today is a pro-
luit of the I'jth century.
' .ill -I' ,.t.
' I,. '..I , -I n
..--till I.,,
a I I .
t In- 1 . 1 1 1 l.t
i . i i e . v 'i, pi' 1 1 -1 w It n a "' la m alter
In in,' aw ,o .1' .1 Hi i' t iilili.i. t and the
i . . it .in. ,h '. an. . . 1 1 -si 1 i . - I lie llr'h t to
I . - - I a 1 1 ..1:1 a i o . I
I v i .1 , 1.1 . I Hi-- i . ila III. .11 '. ,1111. ll . ,f
I I,. I : -, .(('II a... ( ir. i f.
I . I r i a N... Cri-. I iler.
ni ii i:.
; 1 i p. o ! i .. l.t '1 I In- Intel .til.
I I, . . I s-.,, . I .,,,, ,,11,,
Ki.-. i.'.i hi. , i ii. r. itNH..
Null, i hliu.l. ,1.. n lln ao
' pi u i d pi, 1 1 . .1 . t I . i .-1 1 1 1 No.
! :r.' si-nili.,'. Ni. i West ,,( t !
1 tin- Willai: - He t.-! -..I: o full IlilH
In ell I . , . ; I ' I ' ' 1 1 III- S 1 1 , i i , I ,ell-
iel'aili.l li.'i- I. alel .-ll I II lay u
'.'.!i -I d.iv ..I ,M .in h I'iiii. ..I ' u'elui-k
j . M , ll.. I I, i l I I it ttlll II'
I lil.-d ,li llo- i-llii-i'. ..ii-l . ii md after
,o -1 1 1. i.v e 'A i I I 1 I " ' I I to I eeei Ve
i a . 1 1 1 al ,. .1, - . .1 I lie I I . I I lie II ll-
, ''I'l'l '-U i.iO I il. . a: Oi'.l I UI'Ih III
: - .il l I . n n I. , .
I', VI l M I '. I . I ' Uh , l.'i'i'l-ti-r.
.1 . M I . IV I: I si I . Ileceh IT.
N . .1 . Tin I i slui w w It h-
. I I .1 M II fl .III lltl II H I I'MCl,
I I. I h, i Ii ii, ;' ., - II.. i . 1 1 ! i r nt W it h
.1 I'.l u .i I - ha 1 1 i i ni' i ii i i hi f . 1 1 1 o. ji 1 1 1 1 -
,i I n ai i - a l.iii-1 in -a i i 1 1 iu n -hl i ea It
Ii" I he I i i il i 1 1 I i . in t l.i 1 win, lias II
ii', ;n 1 1 o , 1 1 .1 .11- i; i ni i , t: h t ihereiu
I . i -. r t. . i ,i I u
nl "II hi' I lilri Iih,
I -I -o - I.., i., 1 Mllee,
n. I ','.. I i ll. III. t'.IIHi.
I.' o I s ui-ll Ihe iili-
! i ; 1 1 . a - in s i y nT Tuw iiMhip
- ' S . . i . I 1 1 , U.lln... No i ',.rt ,,f
illaini I I. . ii Ill, L'.iii. lias
1 1 II ii-i i . s i- I : i . .in t i,r .Surveyor
i u-i,. r..i f.n I H- "on. an. ..ii I'rlilnv the
"-' ;"l 'las ! l Hi h, I'"..;, at ll nVluek
M . 1 1.'- .s.ilil l..s i,-lil, I, I. it win .
lin e, j 1 1 1 I on and after
lid .his ss.- si ill In- oiei.areil to leeelii!
a . .1 1, a 1 1 on - l I Ihe elilr.V of the Ull
a.'i. pnale.l and utile er'ved land H In
i-.dd loss liship.
Ill N.I AMIS I.. CllliV, lleglnlel'.
.1. M. LW I.I Si I , Iteeeher.
.Nile This loSMiHhlp w.lH Willi
.liass ti ti.. Ill eiilis on A. T, . l'.MI.'l,
aiel S'i hil, ;e II rler oT !
draw al 1 1 .-1 11 i-ontiniie In f-ui'i'.
aiel in said tuwiishln can.
not he li-eeis ed f I inn those who hilVO
lint lie jlKle-l i-ellli-lnelit iKitH therein
1 prior in Apnl l"i, I no:;.
..r I
I n,
I In
I ( Hill
"S i-il
i : I : i uv sw'Aiii.s.
some ol
mliids in.-
enduiiil i-
ma tion . .:
S 1 1 1 i ma a.
! e! - ., ine
'el s, I hli i
I l s.e,si,i
I. n ia ; and
1 I i,u I
I i'-- I I I
III III" ill
II HI" to W 1 1 il - ll
- I I ihi !-. ill I he
Subseiibe for tho Nugget.
MH MUM I IIIU, I I AUHIttl Ull hi UAumiiC sr u ..
i " " " un Hniunc ur a. r. ni
n . Hi-. HI I. 1 1( Oil III Ila in- noii-ih ..... N1.
nun i ii iioiinii
I.M i III. Nil. II a.O'iU id
1 1
; In- K I'll e. .s." -as s V. M.
i, I i ' i . i-1 1 i 1 1 , Me. 'N'otliinn'
until I ni.-1' l;it
hulth ol' which completely
( '.ii . h laser ( 'omnia in i ,
Nil. n
Nil. Ill
2 m: a in.
Nn. 11
I'.l'.od .i-ui'lei.-i and .Ma
est ores I he svea k and lier-
InllN In 1 1 1 , . l is I. health. I i llai'aii leed
hy lleiis iii - I'll .riii.iey i!iiifjuil.
I'l . e .'.Hi'.
jxMjjous aim; i'
The reinai lot hie reeoveiy of Ken
neth M civil', of 'iineel,oi'i, Me., Is (he
subject of much Inleiei-t luthe medj
cal lialernlly and a wide eireln of
filen.N. llem.vs of I. in eni-e: "Ow
ing (o severe Inllaliiina I Ion of Ihe
'I'hruat and congestion of Ihe I.iihh,
three doctors gae me up lo die,
w hen, us it hint r. M.'i l, I was indneeil
lo try l'i. King's New IHseovcry and
I nm happy to hii.v, it mi veil my life."
Cures the wool I'oiikIih, Coldr, Hlon
ehllirt, 'Jolihllitis, Weak l.tillgH,
linn tuiilio..a 1 1 1 1 1 1 I tW 1 i- i i . I u i I Inn I'nii-
teed ut lie. icon's l'hu. iniicy, (
0. Ii. IL B. 00.
'l'i t i u I l:A( "l'i ilts,
Ii. I el y i s en I h,il he
N'H'I I' l
Notiee i-i
I '.,, in. , l'i .nee I ol' i l.e ( 'lly ( if ( 'i, -ta"e
1 1 lo s e ss i 1 1 ..ii or 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 - I he "(ith
ila.S ol' Mateh, I 'llll, leei'ise K-a!l'd Ii1in
for the furiiii-hiii;.' iiiali'i'ial lor and
i'oi,hl i in I inn ol' a ihuii, ami pipe line
ahoii! :.'inii le. I in lengt h of ,r, and ii
i.ieli Wuuileli pipe, u eoaiiei'l svlwit is
known as il," North rnek with tlm
main pipe line, m eoi uiii lu phlli-liliil
speeiliea I iens noss on lile with t'ie
City lleeoiili r and loi ihe improve
men I of I he damon sshat is I, nosvn
iim the we-t ( ii i l;, hy I'l-mov'iig all
earl h on I he upper I In i e, ,f iloss n
to soli l hi d roi l, and lii.ll-.ilie; Ihe
;alle' if concrete IS inehi'H Ihlikal
the hollo, ii mii extending ; leel
higher lhau Ihe .n-i-iil dam and
making I- 'id I'.' illeheH lliii'k nl
'I'tinu l iilili) No. I
io luke elfeel April i!., lllufi
I-'1"' ""'III I I Mill ' llbMy
ion I hul i, lily
i "" I Hulls' :x
W. lliMiud
N.i :i Ni. ,
I' M I mi Ml
'-' :an '. ii
s 1 l.i 1 1 .N N
I II 1, I ' O U , L . ,
' '" Wiililcn ....
VI..... , .... ., ! . ( iin in. , . .
'-'" ' ''' 'ol . cm in linnlii
mi" V 7 Itiiki .
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A. II. WOOD, Munujfcr
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