OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOOOOO r The llaaar. w . i , i mi, 111 i Mp y - - fi lit llll Columbia n,nd V.iUnan I'linnnurR jlm KetoriN for hmIc. J III - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 In I ii i I'M i in-, liin. i u .1 ti', ii n il all I, III. I .. I. "Hull- 0 Jltl'l IHHI'llil'l STfiAM LAUNDRY NEXT j i u hcst Cantly , H,-. Ill I I .I'll I III I " Ml (OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOuOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOl Wc cai ty a complete line of On tu ; Mr. C. A., Nie of I lift and garden tools, You cannot rf- Dalles is m town lo,k.n; over the ford t) I'd without our No. 4 Jin- situation uti l vill ptuvfii rianet Jr. A a Mfi'fi lii'i , ti' i . ip s i,e mil is accurate, simple, durable, Ic- nii this .:nc f,.; lablo ain eay running, I i h st i m-w that ,c I, .is ( .hsh wots, hi cery I'M iK'iuar. I in' r i mi n cwi i ' lanl' iii rs aii'l 1'urmcin who f t-1 go" I eh.:ie e foi .t I hat (h'V haven't enough work for! dry. lb is hep. a drill to do, w 1 1 1 liuil thi com ! I'omi ev Tim i'inl tool one ol the most nnuii iun up- jmih: 'Hid llil'il.'llt of 111) (icll'CrH. Ii: C fill I li- 1)1 illy locate i.r I bis f ''mi- I injf and i.ti I i r'' lie is 1 1 . ire , I of t he !',i',t ( l.n, laun talk and do ''.:i'i'':! an I the lii;u their assist ii!' t "a ill) a ( onlial fi fj " p Q ffv i i Si s 7J J. A. Cobb (& Co. Wynne Ildw. Co. i' ci jitiuii I'V all the I !( has j -f. i( '.ti D.ll ii) r( liaiits. 'v ioM out his - aii'l i- a ',fij) 1 ( olne Jj'Tf: to ' li i iloric else- Clothing Departments. : I u-iti( Ms ii ! H i alii'- Hum, aii'l w i! i iiril:'- a siii ci-i-s, : s h J liti-r, Mr. I'.ivh nay lie will wait a little time hffotc riiakin any t- , i i n afiij sou how things look lif rc in a coupln of tnonths. Men's suits Mc-n's suitn Men's suits Mi-ii's suits 7.n fS.oo Sacvfficc Sale continued until riDavchSO. Zoo buo to write an ab. C. 11. BURKHOLER Corner Mali (il 3rtl Stccrt Micliirif! coupons at NiiKK';t otlirc. Ijiiiiln-rnK-ii'M uikI lojiyti'H sIioi-h it Vtriskf'H at the leht. hihI lowest piift'H. H The KpvMiilh I .'' ,J i'l h 'hi a niaiktt ut Codiraii'M firniture More Siiturlay. j Hcc tliosi-liii-t'oll hhirls, i-ilk ti 1 1 1 plain fiontH at lioin -o tu I) cents at the Pitiai ailcii set il just it 1 1 i v c I ami "k ned ut Vc'calf A liiut ils 'i'he hcxl tjiialily t tlic heft pi ice-. The N'oithwi ht l'oiiltry Journal an I the N'u'et foi 1.75- Now is tho time hilo this Hpecial yr i-c is Oil 1'ilK.iiiu u home industiy that h buihliii:' up a j;uod trade by its fo nl mate! iul Tlx: CoLj.t r ('iK;,r I'm tut . I'm an ( xp it piano tune paiiei. eull up I,. Ii, WuciN tin 1 ro lute of Chicago, Hard Lin k. V. T. II mkm-ior tin- Star I,uui I" r Cn In ! .1 s( f p. .K-ridf nt Sat 1 1 r lay n,' a iii'i,' nh'ii h" f'll off the ha k of tlii- mill arid very hadly hiui'-ed Inn i f;lit shoulder and arm. II" cam'; iiit i t'jwn and th injury with lr"s-p i hy Dr Joh, who said that i: ',h i wonder tlmt he was n t n i . 1 1- Iim!v hurt.. The rifilit ("p-anu i-. Ii.n'i v s'piincd and will have t i wiiii !, i for foihp tune. Mi Il'Hil.itu sivh that the "ill is :'-! I :'''U' . -r' !)i'C-ly and 1 1 i a the is g'-ltin thfie niw rapidly. They expect to he kept busy all the tmi", jti-t ns f af-t aH thf-y ran run. Mr Hankins thinks it i hard luck to bo laid out jut when they are beginning to get thingN oii. .so nicely ami tee I all the help the i an have. ol II. HOME NEWS (t tnrtfo if tfinrtfo a nsfltiossis'ssBofiBoofliktE'stsB eoo jf7f?irvy Ikttis oi Interest in and about Cottage (iic and vicinity. 2 SLsms.AH mum fljin a it an o B9.,jsB33tviJcaoav.asflcsiiafiaafiaji.'5 Conner makes llm best cigars in Oregon. Sowing inacliine (Me foi soiin lady. Who in hlic. K iinbull's rimio ! uctoi y on phone .Vv.V Tim 1'acific I h iiiiestead is a good iekly lai nniig paper, and can be had at a teduci'd rate with Nugget MlbHi'I ipti'MI. Chicken huicicis get a I'oultry Join imi, and keep pohtfttJ. 1 he now at! Is nm th to visit seine more Northwest Poultry Journal and the . of the North Coat country, before j Nugget fur 1.7". 'getting home about April first. He' White LanasUn eggs i .50 per ! pects t 1 egin th.e . at s f irming the P.uaar. Fine ! Ai" li -,t"- a,u' expects a big See "Aineili a Flrl." (ii-; 'nisk, a brotlier 't)'-k',1 (! the Caii (Jroec-ry, who haM been uniting here for some week, left on his wav homeward Venskc is a farmer '.ViseuiiMu and 011 lor a w vstei n ti ip, I.oiiiw. 1 )en( 1 . .'ol Si.l I.ake. all :he ot the eoas! and Mon lav. Mr of I-'aU' Cuok, Jan. .'.,tl. h-ft htopping in Si . oradu springs. plllli'lpai ln'.tlh ' lliey are worth double the money. Hoys' suits i , 7 I Uoys' suits 5j l' Poys' suits ?.v2o I'oyn' Huits I4C McIj'h pants 70c Men's pants Men's panti 1 . - Men's pants $2.00 Men's and bjys' wool hhiils :c Men's hats 2 1 e Men s hat-. Stetson hats $1.2' I.aJifs' and (JentleiiJcn ' raackin tosiies 5 1 .4-1 I.odicn' Up-to-date Coal". Capes and Jackets I' 'Ihey an worth from 5'i m i to $-.'o.imi MirSes' L'p-t'j-date Coat and jackets 52 ",'' Tliey are worth from 54.00 to ?' 10.00 Men's Department. I'mlerwear Fleece lined o'1; Men'ri wool underwear 7."u M-n's Iambs wool c Overall-, .i'.ij )c rails 4'.ic M- n's Neckties Jc o'; 210 Men's Suspender-- 5 Men's (Ji e-i Men's (j loves Men'rt socks Lidi hose Ladies lielts Children's ho1 H ys' Ovcrco.ts La'liei' Slmti Mfn'a Sb','M jp: c;'. I 2C I OC lite e any did price! worth S" l.'j'J 1 . Lulie1- II ti Ladie Wr. Lad!, s 'i Lad 1 2 . We Hat-, etc , 1 ! Ms 'j.V t 1 1 4 l.:j!) lis l.-J:; w(Jrt:h of Shoes, . Corsets, I", C . a' .Men M'i.' N. ;! :.- . ; and in fi! -t-just half t Merchants any of these to - 1-1. I . v. I J ' IsCfup and at ;r'. hase il from r.u bo, Cllske's KeV. M. (' WlP lid e 1 hi 1 w eef . g 1 1 11 1 ies go to 1 s I was a visitor I Iuigene Steam Laundry, Allium and Hastings agents. Sewing muchum coupon ifcciv cd on subscriptions when yam pay U. A I. 'tine hi. in,! is the kind tot ou In -ui'ikc C. i eigath. 1 i .In niia 1 i.yars aie juct the thing anl ihii' I 1 11 lor get if. Mis Pen Pitcher was a visitor in in Wihlwuod. Mrs. Lore nil Mat tin went to I Main (town M aula v fi Rlondav on businesH and n tut ned . , , , , , , .- 1 o Ueil .11. d wile " I Ulldwoil, l,eM C mi t 1 tw 1 Alo'i'l iv nil bllHiness To Mr. ami Mis. Ilanv v .. 1. .1. . . 1 . ... . . 1 . 1 . ciir-Kc r i mi 1 nue in n'liu i'i HORN lirihaut on Wednesday inotning a fine baby git I Coeliran'M you to gut our photograph. I'on'ti . forget ('oehraii. ;J .1 lap pt , e ( ill hat. v nil W Hilt . IM .. 1; ........ 1 1. I'.,,,,,,, ,, 1. .,.,.11, , , . I , . ll'l I . I ' ' I l II " III"," ..-! ,l "Il , Cochran h studio is !'" I'1'" "'"' :.. , . .,,, ,1 ,1 u. !.,.. ,fSli forget HDlfN at ossin Pel;; Monday evening. Home industry is all right when you can get what you want at the To Archie U. Thompson .1 . . 1 : .. 1 . . ami wiic, iiiesoay mui.uuK u uue - , - , r" I ' , - t ,s - C'ochian inakcH gooil photo- girl. Iloth doing well. iiiothor ami bab are ,r-ti.l, ',,,,) -I I .,, ,1 1,1 io'U Im When you wiuil a good niaguine j ' . ' . , , A or Dftt er 011 a eiuinung late, irv your home paper with it. The N. 1. llyland, of Ivugene, ha.' rriee will Hiitisl'y vmi. il nrchased loo lots lioni N. S. Mer- rui which is ti:e nasi 01 me ivieiiiu The New York Tlihuno l-'aimer, a weekly Agricultuial paper, free to any BtibHcribor that pays 11 year's subscription to the Nugget. There are photographers and photographers, hut the one you want to go to is Cochiau, in the Young building. Ho is well I1UIIII lit llll 111 III lllll.IIIIWII equipped t iuii.ish the best at the ,h d,lSHi i,;,,, eonnists of fifteen new addition to the-town, Mr. lly land expects to erect a do011 cot tagea for rent as early in the sum mer as lumber can be secured Whitolake Timcy. Ir, Macy's Sunday School clasb of I ho Chi istian i'hureh tuet at hi homo to loini an organization of lowest prices. 1'oyn from the age of 'J to 16. The Tho Nugget wantH to know who ..j, waH organicd and will be the most worthy lady in Cottage t .u,.,) ; o Tho name be Orove is, and to whom tho Mowing in), lt sccu.) l)IR. inaeliino we win civc away, .snouni go to. Iiuhcato your iWsnes in mis matter. The Medford Mail o Mauh '. is u Hpecial edition of -4 pages illustra tive of Medlord and Jackson county Tho local freight yanla aie full of caiti all the time thcno dayn. Rails ami tiislor the ini'roail extention fioin Hiain aio btim.' held ut every hidetnick. Twenty four cars of lails have been hchl at Divide, 24 una is a line paper, eu goueu up a , nli ,inc A- cred;t to the paper, and HioiUU f , .,H (,.ul ,)0 niuiu0d ul produetivo of nhch gool to the whole community. Mrs. KtnoKt Rhodes, who had beeu visiting her areiits here, Mr. und Mia. J. J. Heddcii. for Heveral weeks, left Monday night lor hei far away home in Michael, P. C. Ilnr uil.i- M,j Wtii-i'li I ul in, , , 1,1 1 -1. i. t,iii,i Hiain, inoiccaiH are pulled in. C. A. Jtdins, republican candi date or Cioveinoi, in his appeal foi Vi)lc.- Hiiyn, "excepting the saloons I have the Hiippojt and eiulors; niuilol piactically cvciy biibincsH inteicst in linker county." This Cottage Oiovo, accompanied hi r as statement is a bone ot contention far aH Chehalis Wash., lor a hhoil latAccii the P;iigciie papers now visit with lelut'iveB. f aiu Nonpu- for and aguiust this prowuient can ieil, ilidttlc, Hetlmg ( 15 ) at winter layeic, weight, rooster 1 pounds, hens, s pounds, Puy soiiu thing good at the Kp worth League maikef for your Sunday dinner. See the goodies at C a bran's furniture Hort Saturday. Pound A black muhy heifer Has crop oil of right far. Owner may have same by paying pasture bill and for advertising. I). (). Mosnv. The liuit growers of Linn county aie getting together to establish a lig 1 1 11 1 1 cannciy at Albany, and are getting Meek subscribed among the lai triers of the community. W. T. Kajsir uays that he has gncd piospects of being elected C ounly Commissioner and that his trip to Hie county seat last week w as picuhu live of much good- The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist ( hutch f ntc rtained the members and fiiends of the Chinch Tucsilay evening in the chuich parlois. A splemliJ time was had and delightful refreshments were served. L'ugene is happy to be getting over her lever scare. There are fewer cases being reported and vtry few fatal cases have been noted. The town is getting a thorough cleaning up and will bo kept in better shape hereafter. W. D. Carman moved to Port land with his family 011 Monday. Whiio his interests hero will still be held by him, he will devoto his entire timo and energies to forwatd ing his merchandising system, called the W. 1. Carman Co. Ho icpoitsthat tho company is in a lloutiirhing condition and the busi ness is growing each day. live people aie now employed at tho Pottland c llice and more agents are being put out constantly. Mr. Jainos Hemenway will bo iu chargo of tho store hero, und the stock will be impiovcd. Albany haH just coudenined some property, and vacated two streets in order to give a location for a big sawmill plant that will locate there, directly upon tho bank of the Wil lamette. The town is getting a rustle on herself, und is going to try to capture every enterprise that comes. Mr. Suitor says that the railroad situation there is one of the best in the state, and that it is the lest town I ct ween Portland and Sacramento, and will soon bo still belter. The mi'l site offered to him lies on tho banks of tho Calapooia, where logs can bo takou from either that stream or the, Willamette. crop. Ho is much pieat-e-1 with the wist, but prefers Wisconsin, with all its cold. He suffered greatly from the heat in Los Angeles, and says I)euvr. Colorado, is the tinest town he eii saw and that it dis counts, all the towns of the coast for boauty aud fur cleanliness it can't be beaten He Lopes to make more trips each year, sieing the whole U. S. To Exrhtvnge. Cows foi young, gentle Inquire at this office. On account of such a heavy li cense we will sell our Entire Stock of Merchandiso for the Next Four Days at 48c on the Dollar. Saturday night at 9 P. M. we close our doors. Follow the Crowd and You will get there a II right Railroad fare paid One Way to Patrons purchasing oods to theamountoi $25orover. j. A. Cobb & Company hoi so. M v SlglM of Eva rieteher Oipaid had a gathering in his left car a cmp!e of weeks ago, und on a week ago Sunday it was lanced by 1i Hockett. It seemed to get all light but a little pain was felt in tho left eye no the doctor gave him some medicine which seemed to relieve it, but his light eye became swelled and n Sunday morning the nth when the doctor was called he found the right eye all swelled up and protruding from the head. Medicines failed to re lieve him, and on Monday he was taken to Portland by Dr. H icuet, and au .eye specialist will be con sulted. The eye will undoubtedly have to be opened aud it is hoped th-it no serious results will follow, but it looks as though he would lose tho sight of tho right eye. The Real Safety Razor Susan B. Anthony died in Ro chester, N. V. Tuesday morning. Died, I'rida.v night at Dorena. an inlant child of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Land. Portland i, Laving a liar I time of it with 45 fues iu a few das to con tend with. The Match snow will kill much eiuly ft nit and will put back the growth ol tho other fruits'. Wui.-'on (lover will soou open a tew meat miuket in ,the building formerly occupied by Pearce & Johnson. Tho sewing machine iu the Nug get window seems to be worth a try to a number of our young ladies and each one is anxious to have it for theiis. Major T. J. lluford, who has bieu hero in the inte'oMs of the Frater nal P.iotherhood is spending a few days at Saginaw,' where his son, who is manager of the llootli Kel h y stoto tlutc, is going to be mar lied today. The major is greatly rejoiced at Oio event and will spend several days befoto loaviug for his homo iu Loa Angeles, i Can anil lie used in cither ham I si tops like any razoi It cuts them off slick as a whistle, " i Griffin k Veatch Co 1 1 momindX worrf catch cold Hie drank esl wwmm wmm 3 77TS man- 1 1 dCp V in mm x mm .. - s -vj v,.- ' Metcalf & Brunei, '.1