Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1906, Image 4

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J. MlKEAN I ISftl R. Manajjcr.
Miikn nil rlu-1 k i nLlc t N n tt'l l'u I' Co.
Knttiv1 Kt tho '.1.I!I o hi tVllK lirvvc.
Olrpoll M-',.tl,l ( llif IMMll tUHtU't.
Sl llSt I; 1 1' HON KATKS.
it lllillltlH t iW
1 venr ?t..V
In months S- H
If l:ii,l ill ; I M in''.
Cliiblit nf; Rates. I
Yh It.hniiki Niumt one year
.llli;ill one of 1 1n follow lug pub-
licaiiori. .ii.' rar f..r amount set
ppoite: j
l-a, iiic m. r.ihiv - S-oo ,
UV.-My On
Weekly .1 1 eiriia I
ll.' Milium la
Wceklv Miniii:;
t'n.-i'i- II.. 1 1, .
N - 1 1 1 1 i -1
I Portland ..'.0
I'll. 111. i I
1 i I en er .
,. .ft. .1
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re . !.
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hiblt. in:- 1
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Wl'KM l'W, MaKCM 14. !).)''
I. K. W'i'.i'tM I S .1. m
pttetit i
state pnn't ; - 1 nt : 1
re t lection, i
this on tie!
ami lias- - 1. t .a::n
la-f C' 'lid . 1 1 ! Ins
claims can li 'i !e
as a 1 um:k proj
UlOlif V el 10 t'lic
I'itkf w in. h he j
excf'iied, Other!
-;l:on. inr a) a !
The J-'i
take it.ncl.
1 . ai'd lie
ol jeet;oi'.tl
"ll.e Kegi'
ol icti. :i t
. Kc-gi-ter .iocs riot
! ; 1 St ittnient X".
ie c 1
tt I !'. 1!
the I
1 1 Wlil he fiiltl.d
in .u'.ly. It ays
niot v and more
.;i ! 'i t-N c? 111 iT a
I' S.
Di.;b!e ertie: 'j-
tut re was m
t 1 e ten in
the scheme, '"u-t voters would
liivor It. ti.e pol!U;ty o! :ui
Ulj.-atir-f-Ct l ; te, is hecoui
inii inoie ap;.art.'.t as the . ampaign
wears -n .i li p ioiiean. in par ar- i.e. inning to shy In
two days, !if rueti. r.ever accused
of machine poiitit-s. hive volunteer
td the helief tli'it there is going to
he a teiriUt; niixeil s'ate of afiairs,
,, ,, , ;
that they aie not in favor of
iir.cnt No I. ' Cettain it is ,
tbous. nils of people will place
sud th
that tbou
their votes, h is-d on w h' t !jer their
pdnili.lAte; '"ni r or il.i nnf f.ivor
Stitf-m-nt No 1 and tho,e candi-j
dates will in that .tatemt have
ihr o, ..,,,,1,. 1,1 or At-tt I
t H. Ingh&in In the Politic e.1 Race.
II. I'gham. whose am ounce
inetit aj'i'ears in this) p iper is put
ting forth his claims for State Rep
resentative on the Republican ticket
He has h.-tn a bn-iness man of Ku
gf ne for a number of years, having!
at one t:n.r U-eu proprietor of the j
Ax I'.tlv I'epattn'ett store. He;
has filed his notitieatioti and plat-1
form and iil s on I e around among I
voters uitii I, is tjouiiiii.tioii
interested 111 thejtriet (comprising the counties of
and looks for a j Lane, Benton, Lincoln, Douglas,
i"in this secti'-u. j Coos and Curry) subject to the ap-
mints .! B!. em
Stl'Hlg . ill pur t
He is a strong, pn
iie spiriteiJ uti-1
zeu aud ii. s r enu teel
that thr .ugh tl tie loi al
and his eu n with he
elected .
will Le
The lifb School
benior. I
ICxa'ns ai .- o-'-r mil no.v w go i
Lack to oai tegular wot g. J
The Seniors had a holiday Friday I
afternoon. Some went f.,r a ramble'
in the woo ls and report a pleasant
This is the hist ,tek the seniors
have to choose a subject tor Co 111
iiii'iicemcut. BeHer luuiy up.
HughCitirin attended court in
Kugene last wk. Hugh luiist
have ci u 1 te.l . .a the si le lor vvhen
he r tin u'-d home I,,.- had a very
deep voi.e, whi'di a?dne either to
slaying out late or talkit g too much.
Sayi!-gs of the seniois.
Charlie- "Butt 1 ight ahead."
Agne 'Jlwry dttle helps."
Stella "0"it 'Ut 'monkey bus-
Ken "Loc loin Icachtl."
Ifngh "Don't butt in."
Katie K - 'Don't say thinga yem
don't nm' "."
Merh "Bat. drink, and be m-ry
for tomorrow ou may die."
Alice ---'Think twice before w ri
Kufie II. ---"Look wis-."
Mabi 1 Be wise."
St phi' - "Luuith when yiyU fefcl
like it.
A class me tiny is to b held soon
to elect u new ciitic fer "Heuior
For Governor
I he it by announie
candidate upon ihe
tinsili' ku
ticket for governor
of the State ol
Oregon. subject to the
ptimmics to he held
A, .til
t'uAKi.i.s A. Johns,
Haker Otv. Oregon
Secretary of Sfate.
1 hereby announce myself a a
candidate tot the otlice of Secretary
1 of State, subject f llie will of Kc-
publican vctcis. at
piiinaries to
he held April -I'th, i.'ot.
1'kank T. Vku;iivmvn,
Salem, Oie.
Siate Senator.
I he'ehv antumnce inv candidacy
! for Stat.
Senator from Lane Count.
subject to the will of the llopuhli-
jean vnteis. at the pti 1 nrie Apiil
, "JClh. lo
! (I. W. Oku 1 in, lingerie, Ur.
! For State Senator.
j I I etthv announce miM-lf ns cjti
j it i. late for State Senator, for Lane
'County, on the I.epiihMcau ticket to
le voted for April ti e -oth. lo";.
1. H. 1!in,;h i
j Lane County Sheriff.
! I hereby announce myself as a
j candidate for the ctlite ot Sin ii!T of
. I.ane Comity, subject to the ap
I pioval of the demon utic voter- at
j the pi iinai its to le I. ti l in l.-ne
; County on April "J.ilh, 1.1 !.
I k ki I'isk.
For State Printer.
The undersigned announce him
Siit .41 a Kepul'liean candidate loi
leiio.iuiiutr n for State I'liuler, suh
ject to the decision of the KepuMi
1 an voters at the priniarv elec'mti
April "Jo.
Xow serving ni -t term. The
Mime colli tey that h-is beeu accor
ded to flute oilicers geriernlly, that
of '4 1 tiioniinat lull. Would bo gttatly
Alhanv. Ore,
For State Senator.
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate upon the republican !
ticket for the office of State Senator j
from Lano County, Oregou, subject!,,' M K :.,,;
to the primaries to be held April 2o,
j M. Siihikv, Kugene, Oiegoti.
For County Commissioner.
announce myself as a
candidate upon the republican
'icket for County Commissioner of
. Lane Coanty, subject to the primar-
i its to be held April 20, CoU.
If elected to the othce I will give
my personal attention to every part
of the county and a square deal to
every man.
Wm. T. Kaisuk,
Cottage Orove.
Cottage Orove.
Circuit Judge.
I atmuutifi myself as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for j
Circuit Judee. Second fndieial lis-
proval ol the voters at the primar
State Representative.
I hereby announce mv candidacv
for State Representative from Laue
County on
subject to
Republican ticket,
action of the pn
K. II. Ingham.
. .
Vlolett. & Sntora'S Mlinerv Opening, j
The late.s'. stales of spring street ;
huts on show-. All Indies are cor-1
dially invited to attend the opening:
or our millinery and dressmaking
establishment on Wednesdav, Feb.
Commercial Clvib
At the n.ettin Monday night
the ollicu of livasuier was declaied
vacant by the removal of W. I).
O-trnian from the city, mid T. C.
Wheeler w as ( leet tl to the-vacancv.
Ti,., , ii, ,.r.L.-,.,i 1 i.i.n.t :
k..o i Hi R.rtlai.,1 ('
Club for di.-,ti ibu'ion.
A roster of the club is to he pre
j.ated for posting
Mr. C. A. Davis, who is here
looking over the field for a steam
laundry made- a few remarks.
1. o,.,,.,.iu ,,i ,1,,. i:...o...,.l
the I-iuterna
Brotherhood made
the club.
a short talk to
Folluy Indlclod lor Manbl&uii t.ler
The Oraud Jury before its ad
jour ni'ietit Saturday tinned in nu
indictment against Walter B'olUy,
who shot and killed T. C K'einr
(jii the (j tt S. K. I!.- R Jan. 30,
charging him with manshiughter.
Don't fail to uolire wLo the con
tebtauts are in the uiuchiuu contfefat,
Mn .
'Theft' nothing that's nearer to
, Heaicn
! Than tho innocent heart ot a child."
s tltought the fiiends of Mr.
I Welch who asseml Ud nt lur home
iij.lnv niNmoon to horn- the m-
suits of her wntidei ful and uicecss
f ni work with the four little tots
who form her ounget
They ate Marie Jone. aged 5;
luiiiel Welch, aged C; Vena
W'heeh r, aged 7, and lhthih Cai
man, v.
It was a gay little .pianette, the
little folks having donned th'ir
prettiest diesscs and each was
; eager to do hi or her heft lor the
proud mamas and mend.
l'ol'owing im a juogiam of the se
lection rendered :
(a) IT 'rella Walt Spindler
(l The Tatting Soug
I'.nlah Oarmau
) Tin- Merrv loh link K'og
mti, (t) The Maid and tho Hrook
Vena heeler.
The I'ukoo- das Low,
Hiight ICyes- J. Orlh.
Daniel Welch,
ta) Sleep Baby Sleep.
1 b 1 The Money Bee,
(ct Winter, Ooodbyc,
Marie Jones.
Soiiatine - Spindler.
Iiuluh (Saurian.
Son itiue Iaehner,
'ena Whteler.
Cradle Song J. I,ow,
lauiel Welch.
Sunt.' and ace rnpaiiiinent. ( 'd i
I. ove,
Maiie lone'.
Alter the music liyht refiesh
mints were served hv the little
ones, who hugely ttijoyed their
tak, and did t lie dainty lunehtou
justice as only ilnldien
.Mrs. Wlch divplays rate tact
and ability in her tea. hreg. I let
nutho lsaie such a, to awaken the
interest and sympathy of her pu
pils, mi they aie nblf not 1 1
to rea l the iwumc but to biing out
the eoinposeis in ailing hv tine exe
cu'ion. The little tii.geti move
with a strong aud even "touch.
Her ela.s is large and we tshall
so.n hiive- some line musicians as
the reMilt of Iter work.
London Uril).
Mr. Levi (.leer is oil to Kugene
1 tril, t. u mfiriflrrAr oT
Mr. Gregory, the Blackbutte
i freight man stopp. d at London and
loa.led on nine rases of London
Mineral water for the ware house
at Cottage Orove.
Miss Lulu MeMast r of I'orier,
Wash , just from the Sterse Bible
school near Oregon City arrived at
London on Tuesday on board f one
uf tho west side livery rig. She
.expects to reside at London for th
I summer as her father expects to he
in London cu the '2sth of this
month to take charge of the London
; h-t-I f-.r the season. Mr. Me Mas-
iter 11 an experienced hotel manager
having e()ndu.-t4 d ihe hotel Lnsi-
, ' tlj' s,a,e Wiseousin fof
fourteen years hence wc predict good
hotel service lor the ciiiuiug cem-on.
Thia family will be a much in eded
1 addition to o ir village along biii-i-i
ness lines, industries and energetic
! people ar a'ways welcome in our
j midst, also our moral ami teligious
j force will b; much strengthen ed.
The surrounding countiy stems
vocal s.. it li the voice of spring; song
bird join the chorus with delightful
ife'I, e a'"J hi,,K t,ie welcome songs as
when the lillieH bloom and the green
grass cover the lawn. The hills
a-e green and cattle and sheep are
'busily fetdiug on the early products
'.r.i .... r.,:i,. i.;n.. 1 ....1.... .... I
ui tiicnu ici nit- nr.u au-i
one ia intoxicated with the refresh-
ing b.e(.Z(; aw U wl1HjK.ri, ge,ltly
through the trees in these mountain
It is the iuteiition of the board of
officers of the London Springs f
add all 1 lie comforts possible to the
grounds to m ike this resort ad that
heart can wish with the means at
command. The camping and bath
ing privileges wi I be in easy nach
of all and those w ho wish to stu'
all summer an a-ily fix up a tan p
that would tempt he taste ol a
k in tf as Hie ejc- n
elc-'i, limped OieaiM
from thh IIIOlintailiH
pass ditecuy
through the ground and furnish
au bun.latice of fresh wuter for
cooking, waiing and general cami
use and the pump brings lo U con
venient point Oil the giound, an
abu lance of the famous London
Mmetal water ftesh from natures
lubrutoiy being a special remedy for
1 heu mat i'-in , caturih, kidney,
1 stomach and general blood ttoubbs
The catboina'or is located 1 tar the
west si le of tho campus where is
turned tut from 12 to 20 cuscu j er
day if thecaibonated water. Whtn
ihe jilai t is puuti d to its full ca
I will turn 01, t much 111010.
1-ree with Nugget subscription.
The New Voik Tiibune Farmer, u
weekly agricultural pHper.
Pi iv no KvUaI hv Uithy I'urlla of
Wolt h.
4nJ General .Mining New
(lathered form lixdiang-es.
' Alber t in I i I 1 1 111, IU .1 III 111 a
tiipkoii'h Moii. I. iy, an I wiiii-oon
be getting re-ids o k'o I it, k t' the
Mi. 1' .1. liar, I ar
land Ntsiei'dav an I
l inen .it on. i' I le
health and Mini
1 1 ii I 1 1 I '. 1 1
w I'll n .11 , . 1 fi
let 11 1 in 111 '.I
nil, I 1 p, C ! s to
: make things fl this suiniuei .
j Miner coming out limn Bo
! hernia tepolt hciyv sn n I'liev
'. ay niueh woik i a img ,.n. 'be
i now i'ouk s iliu-ctl I10111 1 1 1
' lc aveli Creek and any s !c I.iui l-
berg and men ate making tine head
' way at the Bivemide nunc, and ha
' st line lich oie in Ihe bteat ol the
; tunnel, which indicates tht lh' oie
! is 1 onliiiuoiii and tiny air l.r-t
j making a 1 ich mnic.
1 Sehi!l Report ot Siat
Disttict No. 1 22, Mur
No. of .lav s taught .
Xo. l pupils enrolled .
No. ot da s uttendatii e
No. 1 l d.l VH no,
r, . 1;
I - I
No I tunes tnrdv I,i
Aveiage daiiv .ittU'dance 2i
A ver.ige 1 1. belonging . .
Tli- follow i,g o e 1 1... 1. 01 t-. I
pupils I10 , ,e .. en le Illli I
sei I to t Ian! v i 11 1 1 1 1 1 e in. a. 1 1. .
Cha-v I'leteh. 1, Culiol and Mabel
lint low : ON ti dwuis;, Au
brey Joseph, M vi lie, Ii:ial 1 ,1. and" Wicks. .VU-rt, and
l'.slher Vaughn.
All the j ha e acptitle,!
tlieuiseUea ci eilit.ibl v !n th m tin 11
-lept.i tment and in tin-it i-tu.lies.
M Ks p;. I M I . o , TY.iel.U .
Last Satillda.v a!ti niooll the
wcutli'T we have I evil having I i -gnu
to change and the now to l.ill
with 1 steadily lowering teuipeia
tmo until the ;:r..und was well cov
erd and the ice formed 111 many
plucts. Tuesday lllnlllilig s. 1 1 ., J
therinonii t-rs n gisteied '. digrccs
beloM Ireiing A i.uu.bii "I water
pipes were bills! by the cold all 1
the principal tear lor hint is tlm
small and eaily fruit, although
son ic of the f.irmers say that this
will onlv kill olT a little that is t..o
eil and ill inak'- tin- .a 1,1 r.d
ciup all the In t'e S li Ii u st'im
is almost link now 11 heir an I ihe
cold net oiripiin v ir.g it also was is 11
usual. Alter thj-, hoWevci -he
weatlnr sliunl I rtipi llv tleat ii
a d become spin. o'lk'-.
Ketl Bridge Property to be lmprove.1
Mr. J)oy!e, who ni ih consider
able propc-ity nrionid the Red
I Bridge near Wihiwood, is going to
build himself a line la, use it.ere
and wd! make it his permanent
home, when lonph-t.-d lie h'aK
his heal'h much better here tle.n
elsc-wherr and c 1 iiiscijii'.-n 1 1 f has de
cid d to make il his home. He Ion
rented the home of Mr. P'ingal
Hinds and will move into it on th"
fust of April, Mr. Hinds moving: to
his nt-w home on tlie east side,
which is bung greatly improved
and bettered. Mr. Hinds' will have
one of the finest homes in the city
wli-ii the wo'k 011 his lioniu is com
pleted. W iv khod aotd Irotted
Luce curtains, clothes repaired
aud pressed by Mr. Oco
Leave work at
Osttaiidei's barbe
Mens ami lioys
II. ut the Bazaar.
overullH at 30 to
Tho groatost of
modorn-timo helps
fo porfoct cooking
Used in the best fam
ilies the world over
ftO'M AMN fOWOtd .( M veiM
(0,ui.y.i,u 'j.
t j y
pr.fjr of twtcoN
Otit 11 inn k(
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
( Jill
Goods at
General Merchandise
Miners Tools
L atest
Our displa3r consists of the New
Weaves in all
Kindly note the quality of these
select cloths before buying.
a re
Wanted, by Chicago wludcsale
and mail 1 ! r Iioum-, assistant
manager ( man or woman) for this
county and .olj-nniiig tcilitoiy.
Sahuy i-" and c nscs paid weekly
exi'eiiMf moiiei iiihaiiced. Woik
pleasant; position pel inane id. No
invci'tiiiciii 01 4-xpeiii-ncti icqiiireil.
Wiiti' at oin e for lull particulars
and Mi' lo-,i(l i ( II addressed
envelope. -
CoOl I'll Co.
L12 Lake M. Chicago, 111.
W'ANTKD Disliict MaiiugeiH to
post signs, idv'ltiso nnd distribute
samples. .Salary K. weekly, f'. I
pi r day I r 1 xpens"s. mate age
and p'.cHcnt einploj tnent. Ideal
Shear Co. .T. llaudolph St., Chi
cago. 2
.1 a i
& Gettys j
& Gettys
AIol lo:
and Anumitions
AT -
stylish shades.
- Lurch's
With this issue the candidacy of
several yon g ladies of the city are
presented for the Ivldredge Hewing
machine. M isH Daisy Thomas,
Miss I. F. I'-amlt, Mrs. Linnie
Viokttc, and Miss JHsie Jlorf, all
start the contest J tactically equal.
Much one would be glad to get the
machine offered uud will expect
their fiieuds to help them out in
their contest. Don't wait for theru
to s c you, just help them along
A. 0. Jennings n Ivtigene was a
visitor hcio on business the first of
the week, lie is making a strong
political race,