Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 14, 1906, Image 3

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Aridity, Martli 0.
Washington, Match II. A resolution
and a hill designed to cure the delects
Prenlilenl ItooHcvelt it nt ! nut in llin
'llllnmn Gillespie resolution lur tlm in
vestigation by tlm Jnterntate Commerce
4'oni in innloi) of tailroad discrimination
Mini monopolies with introduced today
in the house Tlm resolution mi In
troduced by itcpreseutallve Towiisend,
of Michigan, and tlm lull by Represent
ative Uilleple, of Teiaa. Townsend's
resolution provides ftn appropriation of
M),()00 to curry on the Investigation,
ml tlm Gillespie bill makes n appro
priation of f 100,000 for the same pur-
Washington, March 0. Today t
t;if p. in. thf senate passed a hill for
tlm admission of ft nrw state to be
called Oklahoma am! to he composed of
the Terrlloiy of Oklahoma ami Indian
Territory. It was tlm house joint
litatrhoo I hill with all thn provisions
relating to Arit'ina ami New Mesico
tit rick en out. Thn motion to strike out
was made hy Itinrnws, ami it wnn car
ried hy the close vote of !17 to .'15, sfter
having been lout hy thn nil 1 1 clutter vote
of :: to :w.
I mio"iliatcly after thn disposal of
thn statehood hill thn house, r k i 1 r 1
rate hill wan m vie thn iinlltiishcil busi
ness, hut, an thn senate adjoiined over
Hiitunlay ami Humlay, tlm actual (or
in il roiiHiilnration of tlm measure w ill
not begin until Monday.
Thursday, March 8.
Washington, March H. Today af
fordt d tlm last oprtuilty for general
Inhale on the statehood hill, and tlm
amnion wti devoted In that order of
business. Starling with ft speech hy
Mi-Cumber, which lxgan a fnw minutes
alter 11 o'clock, there wan no cessation
in the sprhking until adjournment
The wholn time wtl occupied hy three
senators, Iteveridx", MrCumber and
Patterson, the former supporting and
the latter two opposing it. ileveri'lge
contended, that, while Arizona and
New Meilco were unprepared for sej
rate statehood, it was unjust to keep
tlmin out of the Union aa one Mate
He took the ground against the Koraker
amendment, which allow each terri
tory to vote separately on thn question
of jointure. McCumlier opposed even
the joining of Oklahomft and Indian
Triritory, and Patterson held that Ari
aona and New Meiico should he ad
milted an separate late.
The annate will lxgiii voting on the
amendmentH to the hill at 4 p. m. to
morrow, and the final vote will )e
taken helore adjournment for the day
llevrridge will have the hour he t ween
II and 12 o'clock In which to conclude
liia speech.
Washington. Ma-ch 8. The house
today passed the Indian appropriation
hill and then proceeded to tangle itself
up over the hill to aholiah the gade of
lieutenant general in the army. The
result was an adjournment for lack of a
quotum alter inemhnrs had been locked
in the hall for half an hour and the
serireant-atarms had been scurrying to
the various hotels in search of mem
bers. The vote to consider the bill
ehnwed an overwhelming sentiment in
its favor, and, as it is the landing busi
ness uiidur call of committee, it will
probably be reached and passed in due
Wednesday, March 7.
Washington, March 7. President
Roosevelt today sent a menage to con
press announcing his signature to the
joint resolution recently passed in
structing the Interstate Commerce
commission to make examination into
the subject of railroad discriminations
and monopolies in coal and oil. He
says frankly that hn tun signed it with
hesitation, because it may achieve lit
tle or nothing.
Washington, Match 7. With six set
speeches and permission to print two
others in the lit cord, none of w hich
weio on the same subject, the house
today closed general debate on the In
dian appropriation bill, and tomorrow
will take that measure up for amend
ment. Hefore the houso took up the Indian
bill, Capron (Rp-, R. I ) secured the
passage of a joint resolution permitting
the sale of government coal at Fort
Davis, Alaska, to the citizens of Nome.
The situation in Alaska prompting the
legislation was indicated by Secretary
Taft recently that there is an absolute
coal famine in Nome. The cold weath
er cl isiitl navigation hefore the coal
Hhipa arrived, ami the government's
Hermann as a Plagiarist.
Washington, March 7. Kepresenta
five Hermann, probably in a fit of ah
eentmindedness, today introductl an
other Joint resolution proposing an
amenmdont to the constitution provid
ing for the election of United States
eenators by direct vote of the people.
This ia the second time this session he
has introduced this resolution, and in
ach instance he offered resolutions
that had previously been Introduced by
other members, running his pen
through the name of the original au
thor and writing his own.
Prospect Are Not Bright.
Washington, March 6. A conference
regarding the statehood bill, now pend
ing in the senate, was held at the white
house this afternoon, the parties to it
being, besides the president, Senators
Long of Kansas, Uurkett of Nebraska
and Warren of Wyoming, all supporters
of the measure. It is conceded that the
prospects for the enactment of the meas
ure into law are not bright, and the
conference was held (or the purpose of
considering means to save the bill.
involved in thn controversy over the
pending railroad rain hill were squarely
presented to thn senate today in the
speech of Clapp, one of the Kepuhli
cans supporting the measure without
amendment, and hy resultant remarks
from Pailey and Tillman, who are sup
posed to represent the views of the
Aldrich, Foraker, Crane and other
Republicans, who are seeking to anient!
the hill so as to provide for judicial
review of ortlers of the Interstate Com
merca commission, took the position
that the discussion of the situation
demonstrated that the friends of the
measure are divided and that the hill
should not be accepted in its present
Tuesday, March 0
Washington, March II. The house
began its session today hy passing with
out discussion or opposition a hill for
the rlief of tobacco growers hy permit
ling them to sell leaf tobucco wit bout
paying the tax of It cents a pound here-
toforn charg.xl. The lest of the day
was devoted to Uriff discussion, the In
ilian appropriation hill being the ve
hide to carry thn debate
Washington, March (I. The ti'iestion
of the enlargement of the medical de
partment of tlm army occupied the ma
jor portion of thn time of thn senate
today. Thn question arose in connec
tion with thn consideration of a hill for
the displacement of contract surgons hy
physicians who shall he given the rank
of army ollii-ers in thn reorganisation of
the medical corps. Hale criticised the
hill as an entering wedge for an in
crease of the army, ami as ft part of i
general plan of the general staff, which
he cliargeil with a purpose to increase
the army's Importance, In his remarks
the senaotr said the general staff was
disponed to encourage an invasion of
China. Car'er ami (iallinger spoke in
somewhat the same vein of objection,
while the bill was defended by Warren,
Klackhiirn anil other senators. The hill
was not dispose! of.
Monday, March 5
Washington, March 6. President
Itoosevelt sent a message to congress
today, accompanying plans for coast
defense prepared hy a joint lioard of
army ami navy officers, in which he
emphasises the necessity for further de
fenses ram! reviews the history of the
defensive works in this country. The
president calls special attention to the
recommendation of the board that the
entrance to Chesapeake bay be added
to the list of places in the United
Ktates to be defended. He says the
insular possessions cannot lie longer
neglected if the United States desires
to hold them. Defenses are recom
mended for Manila bay, Pearl .harbor.
Guantanamao, Guam, San Juan and
Honolulu, because of their strategic
situation. Defenses are recommended
for the entrances to the Panama canal.
Washington, March 5. In the sen
ate totlay, Nelson continued the discus
sion of the statehood bill, urging the
passage of the measure as reported
from the committee on territories. The
remainder of the session was devoted
to the passage of the hills on the calen
dar, among them being one providing
for compulsory education in the Dis
trict of Columbia and another regarding
the selection of ollicers in the revenue
cutter service. Two others of import
ance to the West were:
Providing for the issuance of patents
for hinds to Indians on the Colvillu
reservation, state of Washington, un-
ler the Moses agreement of July 7,
To confer jurisdiction upon the Cir
cuit court for the N inth circuit to de
termine in equity the rights of Amer
ican citizens under the awarti of the
Hehring tea arbitration at Paris, am!
to remit r judgment thereon.
Washington, March 5. Legislation
by unanimous consent and under sus
pension of the rules occupied the atten
tion of the house and resulted in the
passage of several bills, some of consid
erable importance. The adoption of a
resulotion of inquiry as to whether
any criminal prosecutions have been
begun against individuals in the North
ern Securities company lurnielietl the
text for a speech of criticism by Will
iams, the Democratic leader, directed
against the administration. Brief an
swers were made by Jenkin, of Wis
consin, and Grosvenor, of Ohio.
Test Vote on Philippines.
Washington, March 6. Senator
Lodge, chairman of the coinmitttee on
Philippines, has decided to make a mo
tion that the senate discharge the com
mittee from further consideration of
the tariff bill and it be taken up for
consideration. Under the rules a mo
tion of this character ia debatable. The
senator proposes to make an argument
In favor of the bill and ask that action
be taken by the senate concerning it.
He does not intend, however, to precl
pate a continuation until after the
statehood bill has been disposed of.
Justice to Seized Sealers.
Washington, March 78. The senate
today passed senator Fulton's bill per
mitting owners of American sealing
vessels seised in Itebring sea by Amer
ican revenue cutters to bring suit to re
cover on losses sustained. This bill, if
passed by the houBe, will put Ameri
can sealers on the same basis as for
eigners who suffered from like seizures
or as American sailors whose ships
were seised by the Russian government.
a ipply at Fori Davis is (he only
able supply.
Orthnrd Knew TOo Many Secrets oi
Inner Circle.
Itoisn, Idaho, March 'I. A HaH in st
ing those whose hands were against the
Western Federation of Miners, and
those who refused to join the associa
lion, are not the only crimes for which
the members of the Inner Circle will l
called upon to answer. Not only were
non-union miners murdered outright
bombs placed for state officials, but tl
poor tools who committed the revolting
crimes for the Inner Circle were them
selves victims of this committee of
Harry Orchard was among the tool
of the Inner Circle marked for de
strut-lion. Hail he managed to have
escaped arrest after having assassinated
ex-Uovernor Hteunenhnrg, he would not
have lived long to enjoy the $3,800 he
was to have received for doing the job
The confession of Steve Adams, it is
said, shows that the uiemtxjrs of the
Inner Ciicle were suspicious of Or
chard and that he hail been shadowed
for a long time hefore he went to Cald
well for the purpose of 'placing the
hornh which killed ex-(iovernor Steu
nenberg. Sentence hat! len passed
upon him, ant! it is said that whether
he siicceeth-i), as he did, or failed, he
would have been added to the list of
tools that have been put out of the
('rimes within crimes was the system
which the Inner Circle carried out
When tin pes of the Inner Circle had
performed so many deeds for the Inner
Circle that they knew too much they
were quietly gotten out of the way, and
it ia believed that the confessions of
Orchard ant! Adams will prove this.
The news that Adams hail added his
confession to that of Orchard has been
conveyed to Moyer, Haywood, Petti
lone and St. John. They were told by
their attorneys, but it is impossible to
learn how the prisoners took the news
It was learned, however, that all four
of the prisoners, since they heard of
Attains' confession, have displayed
onsitlerahle concern, and for the first
time since their arrest have lost much
of their assurance.
Of all the men under arrest, it is
hinted that Pettihone ia the worst. He,
so the story goes, was the chief con
spirator, the man who planned the
assassinations and paid out the money
Certain testimony given before the
trrand jury went to show that Haywood,
who received f 5 a day as secretary, had
for some time prior to his arrest been
spending money around Denver at the
rate of $25 a day. This money is be
lieved to have been a part of the
assassination fund.
President Roosevelt Could Go to
on American Warship.
Berlin, March 6. Professor Albrecht
Wirth, of Munich, today contributes i
signet! article to Der Tag on the poesi
bility of President Hoosevelt and Em
peror William exchanging visits. Pro
fessor Wirth has connections with the
foreign office, and his suggestions there
fore have a certain interest.
'"Congressman Nicholas Ixngworth
and Mrs. I-ongworth are expected in
Berlin in May," he says. "This is not
the first time that the president's
laughter has represented the United
States diplomatically. Her journey to
Fast Asia hat! official character, which
was expressed by her accompanying a
member of the cabinet.
'President Roosevelt himself is not
permitted to leave American territory,
but as an American warship is Ameri
can territory, ami as President Roose
velt has already proved ir. practice,
why cannot the president give another
example by visiting Kiel? Emperor
W illiam could then choose a return
visit in the same form, going on a war
ship to waters near Washington. Thee
visits would add much to the mutual
friendship of the two countries."
Trade With United States.
Mexico City, Mrch 6. During the
firBt four months of ihe present fiscal
year, Mexican trade with the United
States showed an increase in imports
ofttver $1,000,000. Exports to the
United States were $5(1,801,250, a gain
of more than $13.00,000 over the corre-
ponding period of tho previous fiscal
year. I'.xports to liermany were more
than $0,000,000, and to Cieit Britain
nearly $1,000,000. Imports from Ger
many fell off more than $1,000,000,
while Great Britain and France both
sold Icbb here than previously.
Village Falls Into Lake.
Rome, March t$. The village of Ta
vernola, built on the perpendicular cliffs
above Lake Isco, in the province of
Bread, waa almost entirely deetioyed
this morning by the rocks suddenly
giving way, apparently because the lake
had eaten into the bnse of the cliff.
The disaster was preceded by a loud
roaring noise which enabled the 1,000
inhabitants to escupe. One fisherman
was killed. About 200 feet of rock and
the houses on it were swallowed up.
Tactoban Is Burned.
Manila, March A. Tactoban, the
capital of the island of Leyte, has been
destroyed by fire. Tactoban is the
fifth city of the islands and waa situ
ated in an Important hemp district.
A number of warehouse were de
stroyed. Government assistance will
be rushed.
Senate VotcsJWoncy lor Preserva
tion of Columbia Jetty.
Struggle Will Come In House to Avoid
Loading of Bill With Other Pro
jects, Which Would Kill II.
Washington, March 10. Senator
Fulton's hill appropriating $400,000
for the Colombia river jetty went
through the seriate yesterday without
the slightest objection. Soon after the
seriate convened Mr. Fulton asked for
consideration of the bill. It was read
ami passed without a word of opposi
tion. When the house rivers and harlxjrs
committee returns from the Siuth Mr.
Fulton's bill will be laid before it, and
it will then he decided whether to press
this hill individually or wait and sap
port his amendment to the sundry civil
hill. If it shall become apparent that
there is no possibility of passing the
individual bill through the house, then
every effort will be centered on indue
ing the house to retain the amendment
to the sundry civil bill.
There is danger, heretofore pointed
out hy Chairman Burton, that any in
dividual bill making an appropriation
for the Columbia river is apt to be
added to by various members until it
becomes a general river and harbor
bill, but it is possible that some way
may be devised of preventing this. If
so, Mr. Burton will have the senate
bill reported to the house, for he is
earnestly supporting Mr. F'ulton in this
matter and will do everything possible
to get the appropriation through.
President Orders Examination of All
Government Employes.
Washington, March 10. A crusade
against the spread of tuberculosis
among the employes of the govrenment
in Washington was today discussed by
President Roosevelt, who issued an
order to the heads of all departments
giving them explicit instructions as to
their duties in combating the disease
After referring to the report of the
committee appointed by an executive
order of December 7, 1905, to prepare
plan for the prevention of tubercu
losis in government offices and work
shops, the order directs that the head
of each department in Washington
shall see that the printed rules pre
pared by the committee shall be placed
in each Federal building under his con
trol ; that the names of persons in his
department who are afflicted with tu
berculosis be ascertained and a copy of
the rules be presented to each; that
non-observance of the rules may, at the
discretion of the department head, be
considered just cause for separation
from the serivce.
Will Be Appointed to Succeed Justice
Henry B. Brown.
Washington, March 10. The Post
today says:
President Roosevelt has decided to
appoint William H. Tatt, of Ohio, now
H-retary of war, to the next vacancy
in the United States Supreme court.
That vacancy is to be created by the
voluntary retirement of Associate Jus
tice Henry B. Brown, who was appoint
ed in 1890 by President Harrison from
the state of Michigan.
When Chief Justice Fuller retires,
provided it is during the administra
tion of Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Taft will
be promoted to his exalted position.
The president has discussed the en
tire situation with his secretary of war,
and the latter, it was learned last
night, has given his assent to the plan.
This is the second time Mr. Taft has
been offered a place on the supreme
bench, the first time during the year
1903, when he was serving as governor
of the Philippine islands.
Annual Fire at Dawson.
Seattle, March 10. A special to the
Times says: Dawson's annual fire oc
curred this morning at 2 o'clock. The
fire originated in the furnace room next
to the Monte Carlo saloon and was
ausel by an overheated furnace. In
five minutes the entire building was
ablaze. The Monte Carlo building, the
largest structure on Front street, is
practically a total loss. The Northern
Commercial company fire department
responded promptly to the second
alarm and gave valuable assistance.
The lots is estimated at $60,000.
Steamers for Alaska Trade.
Seattle, March 10. The steamesr
Orizaba, Yucatan and Saratoga, of the
Ward line, New lork, have been pur
chased by the Northwestern Steamship
company, for use on the Seattle-Alaska
route. They are each 3,000-ton steam
ers, and nave a speed of 14 knots. The
Orizaba is due to arrive in Seattle May
20. She will leave for Nome June 1.
The Saratoga will arrive July 1 and
will go on the Valdei run, and the Yu
catan ia due here some time this fall.
Chinese Emperor Is III.
Pekin, March 10. The emperor of
China, Tsai Tien, is ill. Telegrams
have been dispatched to all the vice
roys of China, asking them to send
their best physicians to Pekin. The
physicians at ths palace here say the
emperor's illness is serious, but not
United States Attorney Starts a
Suit in California.
People West of Rocky Mountains Are
Charged Exorbitant Prices
by Bogus Bidding.
Washington, March 8. On advices
that Federal suit wasfiledjn San Fran
cisco today against 31 elevator concerns,
including the Otis elevator company,
on the charge of violating the anti
trust law, Attorney General Moody
made the following statement tonight:
"The United States attorney for the
Northern district of California, under
instructions from the attorney general,
filed in theUnited States Circuit court
for the Ninth district a bill of com
plaint against the Otis Elevator com
pany and 27 other companies and three
individuals engagd in the elevator
business, charging them with violation
of the Sherman anti-trust law. The
companies named as defendants com
prise the principal elevator companies
of the United States, but the operations
specifically complained of have been
carried on mainly in California and the
atatea and territories west of the Rocky
"It is charged that these'eompanies
make and sell at lesst 80 per cent of all
of the elevators used in that territory,
and that they have entered into a com
bination among themselves to control
and enhance the prices at which ele
vators are sold; that, in order to make
the combination effective, the Otis Ele
vator company has acquired the whole
or a majority interest in the businesses
of all the other defendants, although
said defendants are said to be operating
as apparently separate and independent
concerns-, that, when an inquiry is re
ceived from a customer by any of the
defendants, it is immediately referred
to the Otis Elevator company, and, if
there is no outside competition, that
company designates the concern which
is to get the business, fixes an excessive
and exorbitant price to be charged and
directs the other companies to submit
bids, apparently in good faith, but
higher than the bid of the company
which has been designated to receive
the contract: if outside competition
does appear, one of these subsidiary
companies is directed to take the con
tract at a loss, in order to freeze out
the competitors."
ine dim aiso alleges tnat there are
only three elevator companies not in
the combination carrying on business
west of the Rocky mountains.
Still Holds Manchuria, Says General
Tsarskoe Selo, March 8. General
Linievitch's report regarding the future
of Russia in the Far East is pessim
istic. He says the Japanese forces in
Manchuria are intact and liable to open
hostilites at any time. They argue
that many breaches of faith on the part
of the Russians invalidate the peace
treaty and give them a right to make
additional demands.
The general says the disaffection in
the army is not serious, but the admin
istration is bad. He advises that the
Siberian railroad be turned over to a
private company, that the investigation
directed against military chiefs be
dropped, that soldiers be treated with
liberality, and that a strong garmson
be maintained in Manchuria.
The czar is said to have agreed with
the views expressed bv Linievitch. All
the defeated generals will be given lu
crative positions. In the Amur region
the Cossack land system will be intro
duced, and the land will be distributed
among the soldiers who remaine in
military service. The immigration of
Russian peasants will be assisted with
subsidies, and thus Manchuria will be
Comparison of Rival Navies.
Paris, March 8. In the chamber of
deputies today Minister of Marine
Thomson, supporting the naval budget,
compared the French and German na
vies, saying: "Although the composi
tion of our squadrons is not perfect,
our armament is superior to Ger
many's. We have 190 heavy, 296
medium and 789 small naval guus
more than Germany. Two new battle
ships will be ready next year'and four
year after, us well as a number of
cruisers, torpedo boats and submarine
Justice Brown to Resign.
Washington, March 8. Associate
Justice Henry Billings Brown, of the
United States Supreme court, intends
to retire from the bench, and has so
notified President Roosevelt. The pres
ident desired to appoint Senator Phi
lander C. Knox, of Pennsylvania, to
the vacancy, but the latter declined.
Justice Brown was 70 years old on
March 2. He will serve through the
present term of court and will probably
retire in the fall.
Insurance Bill Passed in Kentucky.
Frankfort, Ky., March 8. The
house today by unanimous vote passed
bill providing for an annual account
ing and distribution of profits of all
life insurance companies doing business
in Kentucky,
nam's Horn Sound n Warning; Note
to Ihe,
V some in e n
keep on blowing
their own horn
they will have a
hard time hear
ing Onlirlel.
It Is better to
have a church
all fnlr and glo
rious than the
most g 1 o r I o us
church fair.
Law Is love's method.
Meekness Is self-mastery.
Love answers only to love.
Softness Is not salntllnesa.
Friends never come In flocks.
filoth Is a short-cut to sorrow.
Meditation la the soul's mealtime.
Ideals are reached through ordeals.
The supercilious are simply super
silly. If you cannot serve your employer,
fire him.
Conscience will be tender whore It la
first worn.
He has power to more men who la
Immovable on Mod.
It Is not the dollarless but the dol
larous who are dolorous.
Where the shepherd Is hungry for
souls the sheen do not go hungry.
The Bible has dominion nowhere In
the life If It U not dominant every
where. A good many think that religion Is a
scheme for getting God to obey them
Instead of their obeying Mod.
It's a poor kind of religion that
makes a man pay a big price for his
cigars and then beat his preacher on
the sermon.
There must be some punishment for
the people who are drawing checks on
the bank of piety when they have no
deposit there.
There's a lot of people too lazy even
to try to climb up some other way who
are coming on, crawling under the edg
of the canvas at last.
If some preachers spent as much en
ergy getting something to say as they
do denouncing those who stay away
they would soon have someone to aa
It to.
Help Thr Mmy Afford to Blow
ad Indifferent Talkers.
At no time more than when a thought
Is struggling toward expression should
a friend bear with a friend's Infirmi
ties. A deep sympathy should be pour
ed out with lavish affection about the
one who Is seriously striving to say
some real thing. In this atmosphere of
patient, sympathetic Intelligence the
Inept word, the crude phrase, the whol
ly Inadequate expression will be en
abled to do their work and the thought
transference will be effected; the
thought will be safely lodged In the
mind of the other, slightly bruised la
transit, but Intact and Intelligible.
With-an" "I know what you mean,"
"Exactly," or "Oo on, I understand."
much help may be rendered, and at last
when the thinker of the thought has
placed his friend In possession and by
reason of this effort has entered Into
fuller possession of It himself, the con
versation Is In a way to begin. Thea
lavish upon the elaboration of the
thought all the beauties that can be
woven out of words precision, bal
ance, music but let us, dear lovers of
language, remember to be discreetly
gentle and listen with averted glance
while the thought Is still In negligee.
One War of Prtipoilns.
Martin J. Littleton, of Brooklyn, who
won national fame ns an orator In the
Democratic National Convention of
1902, was seriously considered ns a
fusion candidate for Mayor of New
York, but he refused to allow his
name to go before the convention.
Tammany's strength made It certain
that Mayor McClellan would be re
elected. "The situation reminds me of
the manner In which a Scotch hendle
proposed marriage," explained Mr. Lit
tleton to a friend. "He led the maiden,
of hla choice to a churchyard, and,
polutlng to the various headstones,
said: 'My folks are all burled there,
Jennie. Wad ye like to be burled
there, too? " Everybody s Magazine.
Maujr Indian .iiuei.
In the United States we find "In-
dlon" names lu profusion from ocean
to ocean. All the great lakes except
Superior, the largest rivers Mississip
pi, Missouri, Ohio, Arkunsas and
countless other natural features, such
as rivers, lakes, mountains and valleys,
bear names of Indian origin. So do a
majority of our forty-five States, to say
nothlrtg of counties and towns. Muny
are of striking beauty as, for Instance,
Tippecanoe, Minnehaha, Susquehanna,
Alabama and while some are harsh,
they seem somehow to "fit" remarkably
well. St Nicholas,
"I cannot afford to have my daughter
take music lessons on my small salary,
lamented Mr. Stratgbtcloth.
Then he preached a series of sermons)
on "The Whale Did Not Swallow
Jonah," "The Lions in Daniel's Den
Were Stuffed" and "The Fiery Furnace
Was Only Like a Steam Radiator in a
The collection basket was full. In
dianapolis Star.
Church Friend.
Church Are you acquainted with
Gotham Oh, yes; why, we sleep In,
adjoining pews ! Youkers Statesman,