BQfiEMffl Devotee to tiic Mining, Lumbering and Fanning Interests of tliis Community. VOL. VIII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1906. NO. 8 A GREAT INVENTION imy, it 11 I 1111 en tow I -- I w.i pl,i''ed Cottage (irovc Man is Inventor j u of Process to Atakc Cuts for Newspaper Work. in the p'nM National l!ink. con ilig tl c sile 1 1 i' ,,1 within a slioi 1 tunc ,i . iiiii'a t nf . no 1'iovi mi hi w 1 I I".' iii 1 l , 'in I !' I ! 'k I . t w H I" II' !";' I I'll A d.'lV ( lllH lll ,li Wi ll v Hi I .no- 1 M.M I . ; I ' I I'l li.l Ve SO. PACIFIC ALFALFA FARMS TRED W. MULKEY TOWN CAUCUS Ml', III.'. iniil wi' h" -s it, 'iilii'rl II I Imt W. C Cochran of 'n' t.if ( it dm' li :l pel tlin ll'Oi I I 1 Uivf s, :i iii I v. 1 In lp tl i 111 ..i'li " p 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;is I ; I i I ' Ml ' I -Ml. I I I 1.1 lit , 'Hiv new 11 liiif to tin- l.e-t n 1 ' tan tu w ill take a high p 11 i' li Imi- lo'if through In 111 vi iitmii nf a pn,ii-H to mak" ruts ft. 1 pinitiiiv puii sf at a vi ry cheap ml t- An nwnqjc suo engraving or half inn ti j p, illlc'tlon uf 11 j iu 1 1 1 r . i. Ii . ip penis Ml mil paper II. i" will. 1 M t'i tu nnilai Inn- almii , 1 1 1 n, . . f l..i)rn hi 1m t . . 1 ),, hi f 1 i. i.1 7 , iiinl cm niil v In- hi 1 1 in pin 1 wh"ic a great ilc l 1 . p. 11 . , 11.11. Inn' 1 v ih insial ill 1 1 i- wi,i I With tlio invention ..1 '1 . , 1. 1 i, Mr. in, my p. i' i 1 i n I,, ,1 , liiH own ( iitn in Iniil ii In 1,1 .,, ,1 ai II COM o nllly li 1,1 I 1 hi v . ,1 . The invention niiiiiiiM a ;'n .ii Hon,; not only to Mr C In n .m ! I o I'trtnci , lull tu p 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-1 ill mi l I he Wiiil. I. Wi' hoj I,, l, 1V1 t1( pliiiHiis'i ol u-in;; nl Mi Cochran's new nils sinm- (,l iIhm ililin In sliuw Ih.. pul,ii wli ii thc are. I In. Srivvuiltl i'f op.isllliill I 1 .' 1 nil , pi . b 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 y t 'i 'l H u ill In I n-siliii I .(lil locate Mi . Siiii Inn Siw-i.d 1. 1 1, 111 I.,. ill a I I ' ..1 -I " 1 1 ' ll ill .1 1 w . 1; m (I I I. 1 ,1 1 ' 1 I ' . ' 1. '. . : n i' p '. .Ii 1 1 1. ' s K'i! ' ! 1 ' . ' 1 1. II ; ' 1 I'll'!'' ..ill be III. I nin 1 i I 1 1 1 1 111 1 .1 I ..I . i tl-r 1 I t i m. 1 1 .1 , ! 1 . 1 I .1 r a ! i- 1); . 1 1 , It ll I .. I ! I 1 If I , ' III1' . I' . I I 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 - 1 ii- x 1 1 1 1 H..III' ' 1 . 1 M I ' . i- i 1 I ,. si ;. 1 1 1 1. . :n .M. i.i () 1 Hi' 1 . i an : I I. t, ni ic 1 1 'ii : 1 1 !"i i"iij;it.'ss 1 1 1 ' iii- Iii S.ii 11 1 .In , M I I ll' ! kai . ii j.;ave us 1 1 c ! ' 1 a 1 i 1 j 1 111 Hills!, t'lP--.111 st Kiiilono' Tragedy Jim. S. Stiles, Clii. fuf 1". .lin n! liucnc, mi I.'i't Tlmis.l.iy mlit .shot himself nl tin- nl I tuniif i v yr n, ratlin than I o r the .It, grace nf a ch'iig" i,,, , ,i p... wan about tu be nUlii.l i.;;aius liim. l;or Miiinu t wn weeks an investi gation been going which u sulto'l in lhi iihIki incut nf Virgil Ilowl hi. I, mi I tli" rilling; o the chief before tin- Ki'oul jurv. The cbargoH pn fciifl against lio lan l were for tui nislun li.pu.i in minor, numely Ylnv.i n n 1 Kul' Miller, nnd for a.lulleiy. Rnwlm l wns juit on trial S'lturduy luniiiin amidst a reu' cmwl of ciiiiu men, j;lad to liciir all th inllrnniKs lrouht out. Stiles, an old nun, un.l well ic specttd, loiiiinittod th unit I act of a weak man to avoid the chum' quenec o either his sin, or to fiyhl auJ stamp out wrongful iliarcM, j by eliding Ins lite. p Im.'.,I, w i s , , . ! n .1 i;: i f i !... in mi 1. 1 i - mi I Mil Ill lu "I ..I ,S P, lluslnli 1' it -1 . 1 1. 1 1 in. s In in.', a ininis- t i, or t . i I ,i 1 1 1 ii- .1 tin title ' Ki'V." '!' ,pl,..i,( l.'i-is. inlt I !n us " ni k i ii :; , i - .. lU 111"! I. lit'.' I ,i (ii . i , u'. . . r llircc, Two Acre 1'arms Will be Made in This Vicinity Under the Offers of the Southern Pacific Compauy. Tl ' ' 1 1 ... ' w ill ,e mi 1 1,1- I'D in ifl. I Km x, Joi n lliiiins atid V I'. H ii IT. an ;ir. no thi( c dift i r' nt kind'. . I m.iI, s.i us In ,'ivc iln lii.ila l-iii sliiiw. M i. It n 1 1 i t-s t ji I'l'ih' l.i.t ii in II.ih l.v all tin- taiiiis i r. ii''t a., i l"i linn y f i d. I ul .lUu for Pill. Miii', IM'.I ni i riltl'.- and I.OJ'H. Tl ! ' ' in ii ' i ' i.i I Chili, Hit o'i;j li r - i min. i1 1' e i i'i 1 'i ' tu. t :i ii an I 1 1 v !" 1 1 I'd I I .a-, tak 'ii up tin- w"i k I (.iullM Ihii-c llilrc fai ins and Mi. I'l.iUipH us (liaiiii an, ha lain iiihirniiMnial in cittuij,' this work s'ait' l. H- - j. e a No. (6, passed byN umon Council and ajijiroved by -or Auj,'irft jth, 1002. HI 1 1114 Ihit The Common Counc il of the v- JH AKLl 1 ZUl 1 j of ! Jrov,ft 'ln r;r ,: J j That Section 1 of Ordinance No. i (ii be amended to read an lollows: The Council Selects Tuesday,!,- ,s,cl,on u T,,at anv r,ersoD. -"jtinn, c-impany or corporation not Alarch 20th, as the Day !icsi.iin or huvin- p..imn.eut pinco of husiiK-sH iii the City of Cottaqe ; (lrov, exposing f ,r nalc or nff-riupr : for ale in the e rr orate limits of tli-' City of Cottage- Grovo any Tl... c, ,,.,,.;! ;.. ,. i;, ... .. . , k"'" which or njerrnm ...v, ..wuii' ii iiiut in uu ui.ihi; I ,1 nI . hi ssinn Monday night, and after a little debute decided to call a City Ca'iens for Tuesday vf iiiriij the to Suggest City Ticket. Cik fur t rilled Malts Sontvlor II. M Cake, republican candi-; da'c in t 'iiitcd StatcH senator, hue . a re. -old mi the navigation, and if1 Candidal for Hnpiihlicari Nomination FOR I'MfcD STATES SENATOR f or the Short Term. V. Miiil;.' ,- v ,, jn l;"tt!.ind. 'it .), ini'l i-, u iCsj. t-nt nfhisnatr.e city. Hess a voting man with fu-iv accotiinliiiiiif nt qualify 1 1 1 in for this is irradtinte of I'ni von it of Oregon, the also of imv esenrtion wlinttior hankrupt sto' k or otlu-rwie. either 1 by public outcry, auction or other-'ui-f, --hall he r'q ured to piy to the j City K -or Ic of h lid City a licensa j fee therefor ofi.iu to $2 per day ! at tlie dis-.-.i tion of tb IJecorcler, for e.'i.'li day any sueli goods, wares : or mc-rch.'in ij,e' ar; offered for sale i as herein provide I. Psiss-e.l l. i f', :l L,..,, ' ".' ill"ll vO ii 1:1 1 1 Approved l,y the Mayor this l2ih day of March, ;. Vied with th o... ., i ti.: . ...i. o,,. ir;,t i i.i,,.,! 1... r i" 121" - 1 " j j Jienson was held for iteoiizintr- . 'in, ai me "per a Mouse. A piti'imi for tin- iniprovemeM of the wis! en I of Wall street wis Med, arid the co iin il ordere I an oidinarce prepared for the work J"hn iiiiker, Pape JJros., (. I,. I'-irs'nis, A. irnh'im, T. W. lil.v, 11 I ',. (Neil, all " t ti ii'. il t tic- Kiiiti 'il t re. luce the ir. licti'-e ti'om ,i)o to a leaser niit. woul i He- .-5 Cjl-o I.e 1 was al.owed 200 on Iiih water contract. Thus. Allen was allowed a cents for labor. James H. MeFarland was given wooden S'loii li-i . the pui" 1 1 1, 'I 11,1 A I tl. I..' Ill f.iv pap. 1 COIIM s-. Thiul 11.' .l.ilc i en I 1 1 u 1. i' H pM H'. tits ;,s no Us Mr. 1 law lev , 1 I . N s in lout ol l'e Mate mil Ii 1 Midi d 1 11 1 IckIs I Ulote. Koiiitli. lb is one o those can di l .ti H thai is paying hi l ue. us ho tpu s, 111 d has never aecipiid a pas It mn the mill, ad I'tnpaiiy. Ilc is winking l'r a ( lean, honeM, n Mil 1 11:1 1 100 n ptc-enting the wishes o the pnl I ! a icdable fundi. date. lie h i s of hit Pollfl'IS flieinls that th. say tllMO is no d .ul. I ..I his eaiivini; that county. IM I Ki ll people eh (ted tu the senate, will see t it that the Willamette valley and lie iu;et Iriiborn received attention flOlll the I'cill (iovcniiuttit. "Tin locks at Oregon City sh nild he owned and ope rated by the (jovtiiiiiit nt" said Mr. H. M. Cake, "mi that the tolls on the far tneih' and inercbantH' freight will be taken off. This will reduce the mil road rules uinl give the people 10 the valley long needed relief. If 1 am elected I bhall work for ownendiii win.. high Mi the State New York Law-School of ew York p' nui.ssiou to improve his City, and i a lawyer of hi d, Maul- 1 'i.i 11 011 Main Hreet. iiif, a in hi who has tiaveled o.ten Miyely m our o ,v ii countiv as v.ell as abroad. Jle has studied our insti tutions an, couipared them with loteii'ti countrirs ll- is a logical d ly of Match, IU06. It. M. Vkatcii, Mayor. Attest J. Ii Young. Recorder. thinker, a for. tf'd and an parii.inic nt.n iaii. He h a s adept chief of the two Cottage Grove Tire Companies. I.. 1 Wooley presented his re port to the Council on the inspec tion of the grading under Geo. Lea's contracts on 4th and oth mai. irivtiil.i, ijjthii. it and po r, 1 slre('ls- ;n stn ntreet a protne was for he is a couiteotis gentlemen at i presented, showing yurious irregu all tiiii-.s. larities in the grade, most of which He is a republican a'wuys. He we high, and si owed the places has suppoited all th- iioniineis of '.wliere d'anges wei ,- necessary. The the republican ticket at ail times ! with of gravel was practically uni- of these t ,,e is "s Io'al 10 nis pa"ty ! to his j forin an(l 't width. On Fourth street me graae was ueuer, out 111 L. T. Harris For Circuit Judg The second district is the largest James C. John-on was ai. pointed .judicial district in the state of Ore- 11 nas six counties Douglas t i''el iim , n t .lChu friends. He has confidence in the "Congress should appropriate : ,!el'1'' is w'bing to abide by money to impiove the harbors at ' lhe,r ,le''1' ,on "l tlie primary elec T i 1 1 iiw 1 If ( 1 in n m qi ll i 11 n M '11 . HllllllU'li, V. "'J IV WIU, ) irlw,. o nutl.f for I he iripnl re i Oiege'U Heeds such sources of the coast country and J tulkt-y. Ihe neeus su.-ii men gon. Coos, Curry, Iaue, Henton aud Lincoln. This district now haa two judges- Hon J. . Hamilton of Hoseburg, who-e term of ofiico does not expire until the first Mon day in July, i'.)ro. ard Hon. Law rence T. Harris of Eugene, whose term expires on tlie first Monday in July next. Judge Harris is a candidate for re-ilection. We know of no oppo sition. He is a republican in pol itics, a native Oregonian, Ijaving one place the gravel was not scat-1 oeen born in I.iuu county 33 Y tered wide enou.-h, although suf- ")' He is a grad of the Ore- 11. die know 1 1 1 - cut of the hiipport of lJ.Hc espicliU.v wticlt tiny w .ti Reduced Lxcursioii I, nil,! mi l)i, tine towilH nrnmid 1 1 . t 1 1 t.. .... 1. harbors. The W illamette M'"u" 1 1,1,1 raei1 nre n0I'- river fhouM be deepened so a to "a e 13111 Hecti'd. bring down Iho costs of trannporta- tun) on freight New Uwnnmhlp The Willamette Vnlley Company has purchased the Coltago (Jrove Filectric Co. plant, and will take charge April 1st. An option which that company has had 011 the I1.1l plant for some time was taken up Hound Triu Rates. Uound tiip jiat-Henger inte Chi cago to l'i'itland and letiiiii. via ilitect line will be 'in'' lioui Missmui Uivcr points Jiijoo. The'e tickets will be on sale daily coniui'i citi' J que ist mid continn in;,' until Sept. 15th with limit re t Ul II b ull o ( ) tober .'!l s( !. M I n v vi . Mr. Cake is opposed to the UMHsion of Chiueso colio labor. ad- Collatfa Cirovo Pvibllc Scltool Monthly Hoport. Month ending Mar 1'oys Total Kntollmcut '22 New Finollmeiit 7 Days Attendance - Avo. No. lklonging 1 i;o;. Girls siit; 1; i' 1 lines 1 aruv 02 011 last 1 hurs'lay by Ii. . Hall of 1 C. A. H.ivts of the D ilKsis a llolnlaxs 1 the Iiujene ollice of the conipan j visitu in the Grove, looking into la.s Taught lo aud C A. I lardy a liugone. attor- th sle nn laniult y situ itioti. 1 C. Ii. Stkanok, Supt. licient gravel was on the road. The I Ka State L niversity and also a n.Hii us I'VpH ! report was accepted and on -fr. graduate of the law department of rej ublic in partv I Lea's ""aking the collections the the Fuiversity cf Ann Arbor. Judge and the voters co"ncil will make final payments. (Harris has h-id a great deal of Ihe mayor suggested that the ' active ptactice as a lawyer. He council buy A. H. Ku 'V property. ,' r,fen " member of the legisla- at the head of Maiu t t, and pre-! turt: was speaker of the house of pare to have a much wider bridge i representatives iu 1 103, ""uoa, there whe-utle pnsei.l budge is Iiht wiek Cottage (Jrove had a j worn out. Mr. King was present three nights eiiiracement of Fck- and cave the city an op'iou for hardt's Ideals, Tlie company is ! $ loo to the 24th insf. composed of 11 members, who gave Messrs, Lurch ami Welch of the I . every creditable show. The firs retail merchants were p-' sent audi Court Notos made a plea for a higher lie use fori Anias Laud, plff, vs- N. P. trausient dealers, which resu'tod iti Chrisman and Melissa Chrisman, the council preparing Ordinance I his wife, dots. To quiet title. Bil l.'U, which was read twice, ami oulyeu and Medley 6c Johnson for them well, their costumes are very a suspension of rules passed its plff. Dismissed without coin to good, and the work of some of the 1 third readiug, and becomes effective j either party. singers was especially ; in three days. representatives iu r.'OJ, and was noted for Lis fairness aud matted ability iu dispatchiug the business of that body. He has made a good judge. night the house was well filled, and fair houses gueted them the other nights. The company presents some very goo 1 plavs and handles m tors and coniinctidaole. I he ir last uiirht's play was the best of the three, and ! deserved much prabe. i 1 1 oiiiisan:i- no. Lfd. An ordinance to amend Ordinance 1 Monday night. Kev. Lake of K 3eburg preached to t'ae Kpiscopil congregation on This week al Welch & Woods t t New Stock Ladies regular 25e Hose Childrens 4 2Sc " 19 cent. 25 Boys suits, 3 to 7 year, any one $1.00. Misses Under Vests, this is a bargain 10 cents. Mens high cut $4.00 shoes, $2.BO. Another style as $ rrr above $2.75. Boys high cut lace shoes made by C. Gotzian & Co. $2.35 m a vWvOffifl u u w iy uj w a Worth oLMens Suits, Dress Goods and Dry Goods just arrived. Garman, Hemenway Co.