OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 90000000000000 f The llazaar. i . ' nli rill . MtM . - ifi III lill Wc cairy a eomplelc line of furm r ( Cnliimlilrv rt ml o Kitlioo I'lionnilrn iitn A y I and garden tools. You cannot af Ri'tords for sale. 9 ' lord to be without our No. 4. Jm A iovc(l I'lanet Jr. Ah a .seeder tin. 'I J 1 1 I m t tiiv o 1 tool is affiliate, cample, il 11 r h hl- re 1,1 ' j1'",', I liable and easy running, doine hisl ,.,,,,,,, ,,,!, ,n, 0 ;.hsh work 111 evciy particular, ittrl nini-liii 0 ( la 1 fl' iK-rs and J'i mem who fel A 'llnit. they haven't enough work (or COIII- dul i ' Candy J'.Hl I I I I I j I I jll A ;iluit. they haven't enough work (1 A !a drill to lu, wi'J lind tli in con V jt'llieil tovl Olie of the lUOst UMf:fi ami cllicient of nil helpers. Wynne Hiiw. Co. I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOlXll) Of HlfKlOliOOOOOOWOOOOOO'lOOOt jHf B71BB8atJ5BBaiIBBfID80B8BHC65oflOflf3n8flflBflt36Bnflflo8 liniVIR WKWC "cms of liilcrcsl in anil alxmi 3; llUlfllv nLVYj Collate inc and iunily. 3' flflailBBflfiuuufl9Uftfipfj9',ovKUVuuuwuiwg-uuvo'jyi;tfflfioiiiCJ Conger makes llm lirst ngal -. in' ' Oiegon Sewing mat hint lire fot some lady. Win) h hIi. Jvtigeiic Steam I.aiiudiy, Allison and I lasting agent-. Kolit. Suitor 11 1 l"i the Soinli Monday morning I'M a l w .is '! I'll II II'. . II If s A ll'Mllf to idiiokc I I ll t,' I c 111 I X , km. I lid yon H. I loin miii 1 i;;;ir are ucl thr tiling ' I 'lllil I ( i. l.l'.'HIH Oliver Veateh took the iij i I u 1 1 1 1 tiainl'oi r.ugene to m l as juror Will. IifindcHs Wt Id to luiene mi Momlay ii'ifii trnin to attend court. I. II l!inhiii left for Iuh hoine after HpemJini.; ncoii'le of days here mi jioliiu k: 1 - 1 1 ' I'lui c I ti ! ml. u 'I vhii Mui wind Co'hian iniikcH (.Muni jihci'.f- ,ml I.m.,.'h shoes f'taphs an.l at d in, too A s f.ll t it inl 1I1 n't .,. I.. I .1 Ml 1 I ' I 11 'II i t 1 Home iinliiMirv is nil right ulien . . . t .. ..1 .1 1 . Mi di ,i. in nl r-iuincn vvitn .'" ' K1 ""-ii )"ii "iu in mt I I ' l.ii Li 1 . 1 ( 1 111 long t" m In n ll ,v ,( I 'i- f iv Win. Iddwell anl wife rctmiieil. : K' v. J''. I.. JJilIingfon went to liohrMit;;. 1 Spi lf r VVel) ao'-iul nox t Sutur- ': flay (''Hunt;. Sjiifler W'ch hff ial, SatiU'lay, ' Man h jo, A Imi'Mon lfj cents. 1 HORN-To Mr, ami Mr rirnesl ' M( R yiifldn, u j. 1 1 Suriflay night. ( Steele, ll.f restamant man has, f-'ild idd hi- !i iiirii-'s ' Z' kf; Iw- ' 'Ml. 1 '1 i. e V. di he High Mass Hi till! f'athf lm (. Inn ( h next .Sunday at 1 o i o'.-loek a in ' M' rt 1 : 1 r 1 ; n . r j 1 i 1 1 new h'diie (jll I fjinlh -tiet is lajiifllv 'iroafdi- ing 1 "01,1 ti'in Jd-1"' "I ill ' liiiri h ( er vi'Ts will hi; hi id 1 , 1 ' 1 ' .'I f t C I til'- M:'OIld Mon-1 l.i "I each month in Jidieu hall. ' Mr. S'r.vnd "1 Jidcna moved his ! i'lindy to lea on Mouday, where ! tli'.y will 'oihI'kI the hoarding j liOUse, j U' 1. Hail went to Aica Mon-j day In hrlp Hi vali'UH (arjrt)ttr; 'dk at the ( 'ham hers ndll for a ' wi rk ,11 , ,. 1 'd.e I.Hwsi'd) will fid)flll(t a bhoc sh'iji, ami h. 11, die n.iisichl instru-1 iid nis 11 M. ii 111, the Martin Ididfl- 111'.; 'Jii Main nLi et. Tin- l.l'.f k Clnh will bo enter tained at tin- home if Ms. A. J. W'o d ' 1, V ducsday instfnd of at ! loi" s 1 lad l.ii I hursdav. ' Mi ,ii, n't-rjdii-ing youtjg li'isifi s i j,,., ( f Cottagct flrtve has iho!!' i-iiM In led to emhark in laihi ness m iJrairi, v. lii' h he believes in Tlie MUj Oobetitia nugget I if fill the Npv5 fill the Time f Neat Job Work of I All Kinds Dope M'wiiig linn liino coii oiih iiitiv , I, I . i"l 011 MiliMTitiuns u Inn uii 'iy ii,i.. L'oidirail'n studio is he j liei fid von to eel voilr iihtitiii'i,-it'll li n't - ...... r, . ...... 11 -. ill. u. i-ii- ... i:.i....m i...:r.. .1. t, ...... foiirct Corhrali "1U. ,"""nl ""r nainneu. .viocit A n i . af"fc is puttit'g up a ... w ...,... .... I, ,. iiiiur iimi ti.. M"n,'ay "fter an absence of Meveral' new hoUi- for himself on Fourth .1 . mil it n ' . 11 ii iii- I'll 1 ..... the coiiiii. f' town f Southcin Oie- Mon- ''ght price, Hiich a Congers' cigars. I on. I;ii,iu Nonpareil. for tl.eir liiiinii ill l'u-V:illi. Mill! 11 l.ill'l i l: '!'!.. i. WiJ'xIm nliort here Knid.-i'd,- i : i linloiy. ('hifll'o I-'ree wdli Niiv'k"1 siib t i t t i 1 1 . "" ' ''' ' Tin New Yuik 'Inl nne I 'i i mi Weekly ' r I piipi I iaiden Hi-ed pist 111 lived a ml ; l" any Mil -m. 1 ila-i I bat pa s h y ear s opened at Mi-icalf A Itrunds J'. , su Lm, , i ,l r m t tin Nugg. t IichI ipiahly at the li-t-t rii 1 s. t 1 1 t i ' - ... . ... .ltt) (,f , weeks, vj siting with tritinls and , htreetli at the railroad. His house ,,'ini'vH with that of JJeit liichtnond s near y w;d add ipii:e h 1 i tie to the im- me'll treat you Rigbt ?.-. Z. -tit' The Real Tin Her ciiii Hand will Je a . , ., , S,idcrVcb nodal under Odd l-VJ. I Jr"Vctnei;ts on the -treft. m-i, n ,..,-,ii-i, ,,,s ha ,u.Nl Saturday evening, ,'iMihu,a1 ,-.,,er. f,ee y. , . . , a.i...::, . 1,,,,,.. I lie . , . . , , , 1 s ii .1 ii in- i . id' u i i,i e cm l l I, I ., .. I r. ( ,, . u . . i un.l.i .' I ii u 1 1 u i a I i.-'ia-r. Mee m.. .i. .. t 1 .i.ui uouci ca'-esiil new sjoods, and rauidlv Jndtjc Harris in his address to a J getting them on display. She does iathcriiie? of some ion n-nublicariH ! not irif n 1 to have an openine for 'u-eon .ei i, ultuiid Colli-gc was on l.incoln'h birthday iaiT one of , some- time to come when, her resru- 1'iitioni.. a horn.- jmln diy that ih not slioi." im uyli to w in a M-ore the most eloquent tribtiteH to the I la r summer line will be on exhibi buiMinK up a good tia le by Hh Kaii.t Will nii-tto I'nivcrsity in rucmoiy of the jjreat president that ! tion. Kood inatciial The Cougcr ('igai ; the debate ..n ' ImnugKition lawn ,aH been hearJ in yearH. ' Mlc f , ,, 1-uctorv. I lor all alike." : . , M! s- fL fcna tin and M sa i Albert U cod went to Springfield 1'CHsie Harms are opening to the There ale photo;;i aphid s and 1 he N ug;;i i w.u.l- t who Monday, whtro he will be for some public in their new store, a new photographers, but the one you tin- m st widths huh in CwtUgo three weeks or nioie cotifitructiug a stock of t-pring hats. The store wnut to go to is Cochran, in tho (wove is, and to whom the sewing , couple of Iiohsch. He says that has I een nicely fitted up and a Young building. He is well machine v. c will giveaway, should thete is eonfideritblo bunineHS, and good trade is being worked up. A wuipjx-d t' tutniHh the bcMt at the got". I ml ic ate . ,ui d sii es in this ! house building going on there nt j very nice display of spring head lowest prices, i" it'er. j present. I wear is shown. Safety Razor -A 4 -a Can be used in cither hand and strops like any razor. It cuts them off slick as a whistle. I 4 1 -VW Griffin & Veatch Co. lu) rr , 3 x3 19 if flp III ISli Pi We have sold thousands of dollars worth of good merchandise during the past two weeks and satisfied hundreds of customers, but we must still reduce our stock and in order to do so we are going to use the knife on prices again and continue the sale two weeks longer, closing Tuesday evening, March 20. :: These pric es are for cash for cash only Mens' Clothing. 'j.0i mii it k '.'11.(111 HllitS Id, '0 Hiiitn 1 1 .HO Hint s Two I'iece XuitH 11.0(1 nw Trousers. fii.U.'i values for fi.OU values for 1.00 vrIuch for :i.00 values liir .'.()() values for 1 .l." value h f"i Overcoats $ii.00 ineiiH' 1 1.00 mens' li.:!5 boyH t.'-'fi boyw' l.l.:i'. 111. Il.i 7.110 i'i.i.'.i :!.ii(i '.so :.'. 1 1 I. 'JO .70 .tMO.OO 7.00 I. Hi .'.7a Wool Underwear. .I'-'..'"!! A iiHtrnliun wool $1.74 I. ail nil wool I 'Ja nil wool .70 1 .00 all wool .01 I .'Jf camel hair ,s;i .oo camel huh- .00 Fur Ladles 1 .'J.'i nil wool .7 '..'i0 union niiHh .f0 l'"i' ( 'hildren. . 10 values now .111 .sft values now .01 Mens' Hats. We have a Inixo stock of hutu that will be closed out, regardlesH of cost, all shapcH a nit colors. Umbrellas. oil' regular price. Ginghams. Ke apron Ingham 7c V2e dresu ginghams o1... Prints. Uegular 7 ctnt prints now r and 0 Ribbons. ,'!, oil' rejiular price . Corsets. ' The ell t bo line goen fl.dO valuea at .07 1.U5 valucH nt .70 l.OOvalueHut .0.'! .00 valucH at Boys' Clothing. Space will uot permit a quotation of prices. They are still lower. Shoes. !f.".7.') loggeiH 5. -a lojrgers 4.-5 patent coll i.'.7." dress 'JSiO dress ( itlds and ends In til! kinds cost. Ladles patent now ll.'-Ti tine 2.75 values L',25 values 1,05 values l.r.O Children. Wo have a largo line of shoea for children nt just an hg a reduction an in other lines. Ladies' Sweaters. fcJ.&O values sfd.-'O $I.0S s.r.o ;.io 1.0S 1.7 a below L' "0 -.'-'0 1.74 1.40 1.10 Dress Goods. Staple wed dresu g-qods at less than cost f 1.00 per vd at $ .07 1. '.'.-) per yd at .7:5 1.00 per y .l at .70 .75 per yd at .hi .50 per yd at ,;! Ladies' Waists. l'rice cuts no ligure, we are goiii'; to give the ladies a chance to get a waist for less than wholesale cost. $3.50 valucH now sfi.s i 2.50 values now 1.40 2.25 values now 1.07 1.75 values now .00 l.oo values now .50 .75 values now . IS Other values now .25 C. H. Bwkholder Cottage Grove, Ore. -V v. y jf . s r. t ..7 . ' ' j) f U Kits" i n i-r i-.--;7--e ;;'f. "j