Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 07, 1906, Image 1

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1 BOflEjaifl gg? fiUGGET.
9 of 0
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and I'airning I nlr ir: Is jf thi:. Community.
NO. 7
And General Mining New
(iatherct! form lixthanxcs.
Walter 1ochiitn c.une down ftum
the ('huinpioti mines Huh wek to
take a few dy lay off.
The snow has been vr ry luavy m
tlm hills- tcccntly and it hus been
very li 1 1 I to get montid, but tin
iest IVV llH I 11 f hfeli WIIMM'I,
a (id th'i 111 Ims (I. "mc I up.
Miner Walhicr, I -i mi, mi iuiii
employed at ihe l'.l;i k butle niin -s.
llJH I' ft tlllll J 1 ( 0 Hil l lH tn ( 1. L.I
lic'il to ( (ji a pus' ofirird to
) 1 1111 thru-
(leu. Kmwlrs iidvim-M
lie is ih vny fan in I In- lulls ;md that
ho Oxpcclt that the mu;iiiiic di
how lots of activity in in mv i.f the
I'lank I''1ih1iim wli-iwith M c I .t I
is Wutkiiij,' (hi tlii- lloosu't i l.iini,
junl below the I.mlc I'lttshtn in
Jtohruili, im in I 1 w 1 1 ,' u 1 1 I ici'oit.
tint tlo'y ttn lining ycry nieelv, that '
tliey have gut a eoiple ol 1 11 n mIm in I
'lo nnI ( 1 fr t om two ( theii tine" !
ihiinis, ami tint thev will le t 1 1 1 ; ;
niorx wik fr 'in now on as in the
lall innsi of theii tinm was spent
gett itig t ln ii rul'iii-. limit it. 1 1 I ilud'
Muii'er ol Oregon. Has resided
twill v 1 1 1 1 yainin tlm W ill. uni t 'ii
v,ill" mi l 1 ighlrrn Mais in I'mker
li'lly ' i mlwalcil i..ii the Wllla
j incite I'niveisity wnh n N li dc
Kiie 111 is?, ii'linitte.l t 1 ih" Imr in
I I , I in-! ill a h taken u n uc 1 1 ve i li
lt lent 111 .iilin' nlTainv Ws licit
1 ei 11111.M1i nf Hiker C'lv ni ie
elected 111 I nut MjMin in No
vember l'in l ill" hneist 1 11 j or .
ity auv eiindid.itc ew i if rniil lor
thut iilhie In lull" I' was o I c -eil
im hool (hi' iloi fur thefoiirlh
cuiisM utn e ttini i'ii'l ii'ive'l every
vole (at. Mas nlwh tiikrn an
active, pt r si mi ri I ihtiMt in eiluca
t ioiial atom s
preluding halooiis h" hits the
s ijoit iiml -1 1 1 1 -.1 inc lit vYiMimil
11 -j-nr-I lo p'My, ol ptaclualh veiy
I '!!' Ill '. I II II I III I it k r ''I i 1 1 1
I , : III' I I nature learning Mini
cCtiii,i' In 111 I let posi 1 en . Il,i
II. i 1 I I ii 1 11 1 I ii 1 11 ilia I lull II , I- III it a
I 1. li II I. r 11 mI ill" lilnl M'lli I 'ill
In- 1 I 11 1 1 .1 I " II III. II lih li
u '. h i i ' jiigl'lic in anil a Ii oiil
imi i,n 1 1 .1 It- ' 1 1 " k 1 I :i!i I pi I lift -
. 1,11 I ,1,1 Mill v III Ii I ll I I III Ml
II 1. ' 1 I lie p O t .llnl IIIMI1IC
li- ii 1 I a i' j nhlicaii Ho is
ice 11! l Mt in ()ie;,n, which
1 . !,cn skii nul electa I1.1I i i (
.1 I 1 e.o ly hi vt ii thoiisuiiil
Man 'hun h improve-
! ! i i' ' 1 ! 'i '.!' r v ay. ;
u ' i i'-fr fijr Mn'Mie to
" o';ti' fvlir.f;."" Tiif-s-
Aclive I-fforts IJcing Made to
I-and Kobt. Suitor's
Commerc iil Clnl M n
tlm Miiestion ul etUne
At the
luy niKht
K. Switor Ui locate here was taken
up, and ilci iishi-( pro an.l eon, in
lively hishioii
A HtatetiM-tit iih inaile Mill the
(). S. Iv l I!, have ow a-ned
to male mi eMnitioii liom the
Jiimtio'i up Mohhv ('riek, Ik ;i iiv-lam-'!
ol -"i tinl s fiom Collate
(liove, ami to iimke a rile of Jl
pel loco ii mi aly tmil il In la
hanhil licie loi 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 f 'i 1 1 1 1 1 . Tii'
Clnh :iltv-i coiinder'ilile talk ilcciile l
to i-eiiil ,M. Suitor H ti It'j'l nil to
i.mliiici . where he i.s suppo-.eil lo
lie cloMiie; a coniiai't. lulvisii'u' hi ii
oi l he rate, ami that the club ai'd
.1 .U.'.l
I :.
le atp
,lo. . ,
1 1 ' ih
:,t .11 - :
V. T I
I ' a !
. .,f'- 1 ;i'n,h.
1 l.r 1 pwoill. I.cj,mi': will l.ol'l a
ik t in Jul, n ( mi l, tan'- I'm nlture
1 c S.ii 11 1 1
11. I ci v 1 - i .1 I.orHiic w as in the
o ' ! Ic ( ). iMtill' with l'lh
il' I l'-. l i icy I.OfeiH.
'A 1. 1.. . C. lepfn (
1' ol -ix 1 allien ami two
ij; -loves list week, which
tctlv '.W
li A 1 .1 u -on ore I. in him;; a
cm iv ' ii the ui st c.f then
; I e th 111 ! 0111 lor a
s I 1 1
I. ;,l
City Council Meets and listab
lishes Street (irades, Ready
l or lmproements
i -', 1 1
111 til I .!
r . ii -
I , ,M.,
IC , ,1
U l,r,
1 ir cii'lei taking
I i 1 1 j in ii h i rn -
a "ood
linsintas was
j south, two blocks to John Currins,
j mid an .S-itich lateral from the com
i niencitiK of the 'present catch basin
j on Fifth atreet. aouth a coupie of
blocka with calch bawns on each
side of the road, so arranged aa to
'Irain the ponds back of the Bcbool,
wfere presented lor tho councils ac
ceptance. Jhe couucil agreed to
pay for the o"oo feet of 1 4-inch main
! sewer, and for the difference between
the 8-ioch and the 1 2-inch main to
ho coriHtruetful Bouth to J. Currins,
jag it in to he practically ft main.
1 ho council will now accept the
I Iirrifi1a anil firpnnrA rinliniinr-ii fnt
I'rcuarl y
Fueiie. Ore
will of David A.
dier of thr Civil
lor Volar!)
March :i
C.ihli all old sul
W.ll , vhn died in
IUcne Thtmilty, was iiduiitted to
protiate )vster'hy afteiiioon. 'I he
ptobahle value ol his proper'.v is
$1000 and three filths of the pro
ceads of the sile are binenthi d !
tho local post of the (iraiul Ainiv
of tho K-publie. the remainder
being divide'' between the Oleics
of Ludies of (1. A, ll. ami the
Woman, s Relief Corps c.jiiall v .
Cibbshad no near relatives.
le an
the e:
the , 1
Hi ih
iiiiui oli-- M llltliciD.ih eonn
iv 1 1 ci nuts i-i one ol ih
la 1 H( ! in I ' i-tci 11 I )i 1 'oii m ml in it
vsh.ije lnstniy In-: lievi i Hi l ived
my political loco jiution li th" re. 'subscription be paid
publican pail;., eitlur st t" or led- 'oninn ami that six
ei il, by election or pp"iut nu iit j rent be pahl
('has. A.J'liiis hiisbircn a man , On motion the clul
ol Milan's in ih" his'nn of the state
mid of I !.i .tci ii Oiwoh in pm tieuhii ;
Inn inteeritN hiis level tun ones-
. : i 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 . t. I
iiniic'i; na a iiiau ii'i i'iu kaun inc
taij pin t and Coiitiili me of the. peo
ple. He iecnniel us one ot tin;
! admjj tin- stale, mid as
a 1 iiinpiiieju'i has no Mipeiiois and
but lew t'pials in the State of Ore
oh. Nmii'iii iH'i had a stionger
home t i.d'U eint ut.
hllll. '
jo c I
1 : 1
i '
t 11;
' t
..1. il.'ni 1 of ill- Cl,:i-t
ii -1 f. t Saturday even
!: .tii. . I Mi.-s 1'cilha
I tic M in of t la- li-M.oli
c .1- fad .il 1 the !ai (
1 m!::;m ,, .iplc 1 11 1 ;;t n
ml evi l j
Monday i.iht at the
meeting of the City I aih
deal (A iinrot lai. t
Liken up. 'thene imrovemenls.
A petition f..r a sidewalk on the 1 I)r- ''bleef given permiaaion
noitli end ol lot ; im i ,s, block Put iu at OWD epeuse a 2-
J). (1. Md'ailand's fust addition, iil'th ,ire P'Pe at ,lis property,
si.; ii-,: hi f ',, o. Thr.inpson, F.I',.' (leo. lien waa alloweil $.'loo on
l'h'.llips and J. X. Jones wan ltfer- llis WHter -'f'n'rHet.
led to the kim et eonui itt'ce. , The street committee was order
A b ttei a, lend In-m a eit v en-1 fed lo ,nakf' a fltJul report on tne
:.'iiH t sotl, ,1 l.t-r,., uskiriir for 1 2ra'J'u of ."th street,
woik on eitv contracts. i The following bills were allowed
A k-lhi Ikhi C. A I ),i is of the : an(l ordered paid.
l':;-.s. iciitive to i stal'lislm s . W. A. Cunninghata, labor drain
I...II. lic.ti iiv hen uas reii.l. and $r A . Hogate, labor drain, $4. Co;
1 11'... 'T' . I. 1.1 1 fi
u.c icconler w;is 1 n -t 1 m t d to wiite
mho K'vin lull infoi luation and to
Mai h 1 im- ( ou otis at Xuget ofiiee.
Ciiiflin A Watch Co ai
itiens of Coltace C.rove weuM ' ranged the imt ta.-ty display of i "''ge lnm to locate here.
give him u mid site, if he denied it. Uheit iianUaie, and cutlery in their' Petitions were presented, signed
A letter wan icad from th'j 1'otl-1 ind"w. tint has been seen here. 1,v " majority of the property own
laud Chinbr of Commerce asking ! Their othei window is arranged T!i 0,1 P-ast Second Hrect, past
lor Cottage drove lilcratute. The j wit h figncnlt in id iiiipleinents, and 1 'rJ street, nskii;g for the grad
CoinmilleK on Literature wan re-! arat... s, Ibis tirm displays ; luK -r'd mrfaeing with crushed
iiictcil to take the mutter up. i mudi o 111 a ity m their dicphys, ' r"tk cl those meets with a strip of
The seeietarv asked that a ear's ! ami make a tcittire ol that ni'wavs. 'ock 16 feet wide in tho center of
to tho Ore-1 1 lu y have plai.s iaid for a new de
monthn water ' sign and display that ill catch
ever U odys eve pretty quickly.
asked that
the street, and the full width of the
block, one block each side of Main
street. Perkins avenue also pre
sented such a petition for a 10 foot
' strip the full length of the s'reet.
The recorder was inttucttd to pre
pare an ordinance lor this work,
and to adyeili.-e f r biin.
The iniprovemci t of other htrcets
, was taken up, ntn' it was decided
to have the engirv r stablish per
manent grndiH in the following
streets, Mnin, West Wall, Ivast
Second and 'Jhirl, Perkins Avenue,
Locust, Mill and River.. The pro-
i files are to be prepared, submitted
1 to the council aud estiru ites mde
Soma ut Ih Rcntani Wliv Clink A
Juhnu Should lis Nomlimlnd.
He is a native bin n eiticn ol the
United States; forty eight years old
in the prime of life snd a type of
the younger aud progressive ele
ment in the republican party.
' a 1 May
Only 2748 Voters Have Registered
bp io oiloik this moimng
s votiisliave registered for the
piiinaiy elntion oti Ajiil .'o The
ice 1-1 1 at i"ii is not pro,'lessiilg us
'f.iH as the 1 let k would like. The
last tew das Mn ie is bound to le
a tush. Ihgislei now. liefore the
nish hcinn. The books close for
the piimaticH on April loth and do
not o i n nj;aiii for the une election
until April -."ith. They close again
Is dllflld.
Picas, daiman in view of his cm -. J:
i Huuous absence from the city, ie-, S, .1 iMw,
Isii.ii office, that a mall t hat 1 V' 1. ' x " ' 'mw
would be always on hand might be f "' ''WV
Chan. I'runejii was allowed 0 per . 'nVv
01 eiuo Hues 1 - .,s ... '-tv..i
1 i
cent for collection
each month.
The census of opinion at the
meeting was that, by a determined
effort on tho part of tho jcople and
of the town, Mr- Suitor might yet be
! located here, l'dforts were mude to
reach him by telegraph and tele- !
phone Monday night and Tuesday,'
bu were unavailing. ,'
Until Mr. Suitor returns and an i
agreement can be drawn between I
the railroad and the patties inter-J
Win, lurk labor drain, ?. W. S.
Iiennet, street commissioner $21.50;
O. li. Pitcher, night watch, $0o;
Cottage drove Electric Co. lights
for month $22. 36; A. D. Tucker,
labor drain, $2.40; John Schmutz
hauling, $1.23; J. K. Young salary,
3-33; F. Underwood marshal,
$60.50; I. B. Hanna labor drain,
ti ;,o; Griffin ik. Veatch Co. pipe
etc. $2 1 .87 ; L. Taylcr surTeying,
$i3.oo;C.T. Hockett health offi
cer, $2.
The following judges and clerks
of election were appointed. First
ward John Currin, W'm. Cunning
ham, and C. W. Caldwell, voting
place John Allen's shop. Second
ward J. M. Durham, W. S. Bennet
and J. S Milne, voting place, coun
cil room, Third ward J. E. Ostran
der, G. W. McQueen and W. T.
Kayser. votiDg place sample room,
Hotel Oregon.
et-ted, the matter will stand at rest. Candidate For State Printer
j At Republican I'nmary. April 20 1906
Don't forget to attend the Spider-1
Web social. "I In id y pbdge myself to a re-
! . 1 ..- 1. ,11 . 1 1 1 4. ..c 4i.
vi iiv. i '11 ' n iin 1. ui ' 1 111 'ii s li"M li ine1
The Willamette Valley Company
has accepted the proposition of
Snrinpfiald for a rnmnWe svetpm sf
,0 .1... ......... 1 . . .1 1 r o -j w.-.
u. , k 1 c'hii o. ma ins ; water works to be installed by that
streets eonf.'ri.i to -rule, and for company for the city. The terms
Hutiacing, and tk-n il stuet Com-j nre an reasonable and it is agreed
missioner wilUo ,,m .rd get pKt- that water shall be fureished aa
turns .'01 tii) -i-t mcnt on i prora, t!y as possible, fire protection
the.e street-, l.em- : 'il lien to rove ! i,v TQrl llit -nrl ,11 r.i,r
an appiu iii'.i'c 1 si. 11 an .
of the wotk t " I e i'o:.e
Ordiniuue 1 iciiit in
f the cost
censiug ot card tables
its third rending.
Ordinance l.'i'J levying
to tin !i-
was lost on
passed its 1,
is now 1 oui
aud vl le il-
No. I .
: 4x4'4r-4-4v4v4:44'"4'4 '-4-
It ftIHH-
J'KU, 1'ii.iay nigui ui jioiena. an . (llltl( ,r (.,.a(.(. :m, declare upoulment on propctv hoi hr-.c fourth
inliint child of Mr. and Mrs V. A. mv Ilt.t;tr that 1 shall seek neither 1 street for the ''lading and snr -icing
'ami. A to perpetuate old aluscs ot the of that street, winch
MaHHaHH. otlice nor .n..;:e in new to
lo(jt t!ie tn usury." Willis S. Duni
"Wiilis S. Duniway is a man of
sterling mtegriiy and thorough
knowledge of the printing busi
n ss " l'oithuid I.ubor l'ress.
Profiles for a uniiu 1 pinch sf
t be run from Fifth street aid
Tin ker stici t. along Tucker 'tiect
, 000 fet-t west, l"i it 12-i:ieh
sewer to bt- eonsti u.-te i
within a year, cprineueld is also
to have two large tanks for the
storage of oil, for the oil burning
locomotives of the S. I. and that
tho contracting agent of the com
pany J. B. Kddy waa there getting
permission from the city tor the
erection of the tauks, says the
Vesuvius Tunnel.
The new ore bodies being opened
up increase steadily in value and
quantity. The prospects for the
future, and for the summer's work
thence j are exceptionally bright.
No. 9
yrr fcrx-t, run Ctiwt Cml, KrtuUu Clml tut
wl fUl Uk ' Hruliu lUck '
Ho. S . No.
fl4 Forwiuil. Renl porwnl, Slimplnf
Owat ii4 ReiuUr UMk buulilrif. Flat Cliotkl
' lw ll' k
lost men are proportioned like
one of these. Those who tire
disci -iminutinjr know that the
clothier who claims to fit every
body is taking a lono; chance.
And the unfortunate thing about
him is that he can sell to good
dressers only during the season
that his stock of clothing is in
We have no stock on hand to
get rid of. We want to make
up expressly for you a suit
of clothes having character,
distinctiveness and style' that
We most cordially invite you to
inspect the Spring and Summer
190(5 line of fabrics now on
New Stock
No. .
farpultut Form, Knct,
full CbMt. Ftot Uu I
No. 6
Curpulcnl fucu, IIm4
tiMWUd. flat CIimI,
rruaigl ktuuuk
fc-tfuiay Vi m 1
Km'lnsivc I.oi'ul Hi'prvociiluUvu of
Kd. V. l'rice k Company
Mi ixImhI Tuilort, CUit-ttU"
Worth of Mens Suits, Dress Goods and Dry-
Goods just arrived. - - - (
I Garman, Hemenway Co.