Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 28, 1906, Image 1

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    Bts. yf -V nuiR TT3T t"!T
C J N Ih f
- Lk JL
J. -. c '
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering fiici J'rirminK Intcrc sts of this O immunity.
NO. 6
And (kncrnl Mining New
(lathered form lixchanges.
Al Churchill i- enjoying In (ti I?
h rou 11 1 1 town fur ii lew day.
John lliuiul mi I Mm so ! Wil'K
dpitd fur the iiiiiich '1'ii'Hiliy
V. M Shuiir is talilii'; :i bw
H'st ill town but will M.M'H i;o -- I.
to the lnU.
C lb ' i it .1 n 1 11 in 1 I 'i: ! 1 11 ii' I
('Jill" to town Sun lnv :il.. N'fl ft it
tlin lulls Mom Ijv irono'ii; on , it 1
lll'SS. I
The I v I toil ,i l ink
City, I ' I. ih 1 il -. lli' i 1 , 1 1
III' lit l j ('J.Hllii III tll l.( lull lo
the jv.11, uii'l a cash li 1l.11 111 ilu
troaiury of )ii,sio i'i Sn;o' 1 ho
mine 'Miiin'iuil :i.iiy t :i ion
it Ims r'i t-ivcil !oi 1 i-i out ut flo.
Hi) ) I all. I p. lid III iliv.r,s ,',
Milling Noli'
A j'.K'.il tunnel to 1 i' ii ll.ii
Mosquito iai.;r o 1 1 - I lock y
Mount;iiu jint ! iti l, a Iville,
thereby shortening the railroad
tli to I i 1 ve i four bonis, is bcitq;
planned (or in comm. iiou th tlm
building of a mimic r of electric
lines tlirmighum the Leadvilh'
luininj' disturb Tlu tunnel will
nit kjiow n h-dncs of groat mincM
at deaths in many pluct-u of gn-atlv
over socio feet, and will be ninny
miles in length It is hod tlut
great mining nirtnlions will I"' nm
ductfld tlmuigh it.
lily, Nevada is looking toi not
only a Urge unclter to bi htb
lished there, but broad gunge
rond to lc hiid to i l h very iloms.
The niHUr proposed will lr four
etH, cup'kblc ol IrtiHting looo ton
of oro per day, or combined con
tinuoUHly nil the year through wm
ton per day. i
The greut homestuke miiu'H me !
iiiHtalling a complete electrical plant
for the operation of two of it nulls, j
at U cost of .sciino $500,000 getting I
its water nupply for tint generation
of the electrical powm a uuniher of
miles diHtuucf from the plant,
which in four milcH diMunt from
the mills.
' I I'M'SI
I I III' on
Much Ilcncfit Derived by
l.'irmcr.s and Dairymen from
Addresses Last I riday.
The I .1 1 1 1 1 -1 m mid J )a it. Mn ('i.'ii
Institute held heir last Friday by
J rir-n I ihl", for tho proper cirn of a
!(ov i-phiitied l ow to I. ii! I
I I p. hi. S ilutdiiy and di' i , ,'id thu
I I oust i net ion of ,i iii.w line into llm
UM 1 let obi! Pi uihI n, i ,!,.;
ll.lll III ill 111 tlir iilc.ei .1 ., I
drill ( n'" K lio' )(... '
K". A. H 1 1 I . vv mi I C,.o
I Wi If rl-' I' d dlM elot'i.
The v 1 ' p. j 1 1 1 I f 1 1 i' 1 1 i' ii I .( in
j SIlI'MCI h ll llll Mill'.' I l't ' 'I '. Iii-inj.;
1 p.i y 11 1 ili- 1 mi 01 In lot i M 1 I
1 1 W UH !i 1 (' I In li e I ',11 1 fir
St;itrs Tel .V Tel C ,li".' .ll j,!!
pel eat I'
' 'I he ill 1 1 1 1 1 .1 h i'i 1 1 I Ii-11 ui i tii
! ha ' pi. ill" an I 1 j r i iin ut ions lot
' tlm ( mi'. 1 1 i' mi . .1 tliepiiu ma le,
!al 0 t" ailiiiij'- lo lueoi inn ate II, i
i u-.sociatioii. I'd CoivalliH Agrii'iiltitral Coie;;e ! Cuer made a splendid hpeech 0:1
1 All 1 1" u 01 I; ol o, ill 1 ml ion i to w:i'J piodindivi! of nnji h good. 'diversified farming, and the par-
i - done l. . onti i' t, i-aeli faiiut-i 'ho nun mug Piol. Kins-I;, tieuhir nemlrt of thu Hection, as vll
M ( V 1 J - -' . - ut
In hrti Ii o In .,. ust pition- on Soil I M'Uems l- Hources Mr. ietr is one of our d !n- nee ess'it v iiinount', of hirst Jot. ,tl : pi:ak:r-f and is ala i
elein- i.t . ;:ning ndo the ill i k -n p "I litiued to with interest for I'd is
the pl'nts, lliiilv i lc , niel how n't only an nhle. .talker itlt
win ii 1 "i t on mi, 1 s 11 e detu ii-ut th'-y one well versed in the eon iitioti-i
imisl lie hiiipied in 'i)-ii- 111 titicial nhout (jiir n -etf n of the couruv .
1 1 1 1 1 ) i 1 . iMitow nut ut ii c nidi
IjiiH 1 .in Im 1 l,;iii;i- I to meet tin
llie ll. ut' i'i lt.ll'1 folllis of M i'l-tuli!'
:ind plant lil' His addif-hh was
.ci v i .iiilulh- list i.ed to li the
t he i t id, and the value of it.
feed ho WiiH low, nroviditi;
eiiMy filling from an alley riiT)tii:i
hetween the head of t.h' btdl-.
Th') hay hox was made of lx'.', nlus
l.hre'j inches apart. The Kali wuh
-o fitranged that vvh.-n feeding the
cow would htand hack inthe ntnll, hut
when i-he laid down would he f.r
ward in good dry hedduig.
Rev. dyrdner hacl an ii:iMu:'
,iddre-4 on dairying, which will fol
low this article.
The evenini' t;eicises drew the!
Lci (iccr a few Extracts
from His Speech Last
wheat v. cir;hed l!'olbn alive and l."!io
fr'-'S'.-d it) I nia !e l'12'os ut Laeon.
Sid", haeon , I 1 -i at 1 2 1 ,-c,
Ham " "
Shou lei 2 ' fo ! off .Is ' ' lo t
H'a I 1 " " 3 ;
Meat for KanaL'e-s 'ylls at 00
Hones 1 'il h ut y;
' .'o.-; ,'. !i;iroi:ii;r;
Sait 1 '' , I ih it ohrs r 1
li Withvi omhy and Prof. Kniely j largest atteriflance of tne d;iy. I.evi
1 1 1 in;; Mi
l in h, I
ii !o- 1 ! .1
.M i
in 1
ll! - t
I do I
1 1 1 -: 1 1 1
1.1 n '
I' H,
I s.
nine; poll's
ll ll "I ill''-
H);l(-.i:;; . ,
when fin -It
1 li-.ped
MUUielirlj !, th
1 Ii
,'. c,i
j I . .a ,. '.
M l,-.l!l, ,
Am In, k I
I W. IV ' I
I'll! .. t 1
1 III. Ill 1 1.'
ill N. in. mil
t t ii
;n I.
I' 11 h ( -1 - v .
I., .lo
.hi I Ik-.
. too!
J)r. With eomhf followed Mi.
(ii".r with a talk on th'- mii'i-,
l'teed-1 ol cattlo and hor-eS. l'ilii
traim' each wiUi Htereoptisuii
Mown. A numher cf picurc-t were
laimei-, and many of tluru lo .k alb given shoinej the bui'diuM
notes on 1 he items id particular in- and apparatus of the Agricultural
tetest. The tat'IeM which he um d ( lollege explaining the work which
to illusitati- the amounts of nitrogen j it aims to accomplish for those who
I otusli nd acids necessary to the! attend there. The buildings are
I Ii. : 1 ;
I I IM- -lli'l.
1 tar i a .
I'le ii M-ai
1 1 -
n.M h I-
I. )
gjod and finely fitted with every
tnini: nectBsary to give anyone a
" I. now 11.. 1 u ha' a w .
'I III" I' 11 1 In", j I I lie,; l Ii . '
M ilrll too ale I urii f In-:.-; I I.
t hi 1 e I Iin I 1 . 1 ' ; I I t 1 ll 11.
II-, III I k ' t ! I . ' ! I i . I ! ' J I I I .' I I 1 J 1 V .
I111 I 11 III I . I - 1 1 a In A I'i 'III ,
Ami d .n't f..r 1 : 1 In- oM IniU
So li'-ar ti e l,i : I 1 1 1 1 1 . .
I ! 11 1 Mill Vi' I . I, thrill 1 1 I .".'
1 lie W hlr . 1 ,i- ! . -in I ,.,.,
U'ltll HCtH "I 'til.. Uphill. I Lilnllli K
ml w 1 til- 1 .f fur .111 I 1 her r '
proper y.iowth of vr.rious plants at
tnii ted miu h inU iet.
The tulk fy Mr. Schulrnerich on fme preparation for intelligent and
I '.dry Herd Management in the , scientific farming, dairying, stock
altei iKnn was a Mr ong one. Mr. raising, fruit or plant culture.
Schulrnerich is a pncttcul dairy- Tho various sessions were inter
man who is daily making a grout snersed. with musical selections by
I'urcess Math his woik and is known j various ersoD8 from our midst,
as ii i.iiH der ( 1 line Ktoe. He very ! v.hich added much to thu plea,su'c
carelul y bhowed the foods neccs-jof the listeners.
sary to j.;et the greatest amount ol The institute has been of much
milk and huittr fat, the amount good to the farmers who attended,
a cow should, be led, and that -ne j and everyone who attended h re
should he caiefid that she got j ust marked that they wished we could
the i!b''; :iiuui::;t, too much, , ir...ti had fme weather no that more
nor too little. He spjke of tho tact could have come in from the country,
that a cow even when eating the Such gatherings not only help
same kind of food all tho time mi- the gmeral welfare of each farmer,
der the best of conditions might hut bring about a more healthful
easily vary from one to 1 per cent a:ul brotherly feeling among the
'I butter fit within a day and that fanners of any community, and bet-
e fanners should not blame the ter farms, better herds of dairv cat-
creamery if" there a marked va- tie, an well as bet cattla, will be
nation at times in their butter fat the resultant.
tir'nt 10-n 11m tiilv iLm.l t v . f v ! .
ITcnton Wa- , , -, j. ovhdxer onuviuyino.
' 1 tiirmer to iiuri)iHu a hnt'iT 'at
shoe .' i, ,'i to. aiiot '' 1 ''r j tester lor himself, which h could; I tu asked to speak on the sub-
l.utte .7l'.';'-; dal fo. as!ioe;do fur al,ut $J aa tht.n he able to Ject 'r.ving. Now I am uiodc-st
.meit. r I s s..., ,u, pounds. I mtcd j k. ut on tmj conditioU uf each enough to admit that what I don't
Copper t,'( 10, (, larks Ongituil , ,-. ,..,,1 n,.,.,!,,, f,,i ! know about dairying would make a
-V.opooo Pittsburg cv Montana :i7-; , . .,, hl.r .-.. 1 much larger book than what I do
' 1 11.. I T . T 1 1., 1
He Kiid that the best cow that
Could be hou'dit vvfts tin- i-ienrMet
" ! tor il.iirv nurii. khu ax well n for; UP a dairy.
Ht the dct.ot Sun-lbtef. and exnlaiued the dilTercut 1 Pulur ktmt ot a person, quite
HII IK S OU II'UI lb 0.79.5..
()() I'OliMt.V
Huttc. M in., I'nli. .'( -Tnejun
hum 1 opp. I pin iii.-li 111 of the Ihitti
1 n i aui'Hiimii to .V ',T' .S, p" i
p.outulN, to wliicn tiie vaiious com
panies conti dmted 11-1 follows: Ana
conda T.Joioi.i. PtlMe eV f'ostnn
'JiKi. p.ast i'Utte (icssecH) .'15s, 000,
1 miscellaneous 1;,") ,, loo; total hi
! liutte ;in,7o.", loo pDiind. Record.
know. Hut I think I have learned
a few things and one of them is
that it takes a dairvmau to build
Now a dairyman is a
F.rmor' nd Mlnr' Tolihoiio Asi-
About Beventy-fivs farmers hiuI
miners met in th hull nt I 'arena at
I a ise st anil 111 ' Ht t he 1 eoot J. Im et nml i-viihino tin- ili Ti ti-nf
dav had tho i.leasiiro of seeing i,.. ; hniUU md conditio, w ,,f fitt -i i DilTercut from the ordinary man iu
of the big ( ). U. & X. od burning for beef, and those most properly this- .that e chooses cows for his
ei:..'incH nass throii.di. Siveral ,,i I fit ted f..r d.-i irv in.r ussociaies iar more inau men, 101
ie used on this section , style of i-tall whiidi he showed,
j in a large draw ing was especially com
theui aie lo
o! the road.
n orde. t- make a success of his
iContinued to fourth page. )
I i.-I e ,;r t, L'H'lo!i hitened t-
1 vi-ty a',i- iiilr;is hy Kv. K.
- Jfili-s at Liberty yesterday. Tlie
sihjc-et v, as the. fire-it I'iiyuieiau,
the Me..Ji-;;ne th-- V'-r I .f i,j I.
Wcaie having I .ta "I lain, the
ii'-er ii 'j'li'e !:u!i, whith is a big
help Vj J. Ii. R ,U,i; 111 tttiLg logs
' tii-j mi i 1 :. ) i n 1 i-i pushin-.;
tin- woj-k ol !oggi'.g an 1 sawing.
He lias :ii; j; ?o men ut work and
y.i.U t.i .-e o ;. tin v ale I. u'.l t j
A' i . 1,1., 1. ..(.. led bv. k
to 1 ut a.. 1. Li 1 "jii. He has b'-sn
U'. ay 1 tt -..'.'ii;: ll i." 0.1 b-i.iil;-.-i.
I, "w (iccr was in 1 j,v:i I 1 i-lay
and Saturday with a load of Lon
don water. He reports the or.ier
fo,- London w'jtcr aia; coining in
about as fast as they can be lille 1.
dh'j I,o:i 1 in water seems to be a
great favorite wherever used- It is
now being shipped ?s far cast as
The Dalles and I'c-nilct'-u. Seattle
hia! Taejmii an 1 to nearly ail niter
mediate points, and a few days ago
there was fjiiit? a shipment to Mos
cow, Idaho. There has been about
75.000 hot tits of London water
shipped from here in the last year.
Lveryb ly seems to b-i quit juLi
leat over the pro-pi-cts ot the good
All vrhw at'' -:.d--,; j.!. c- LarmLis
Icstituto at Co'tagc Grove seemed
well ple.i-,e .l u:d tliir k h was a
grand sikcc-.s, and w ;! be Viz
raean.; cf a .va::c-;i::g p nnuy far
m era to real; that tu-j soil cl this
part of the valley ca . I c made to
produce many i..d r.. r than it i
now prodiicin,;. and. th
projects '-r a ::: .
could l c wished j.,:-.
peiimeiiti ha e ln-cu m
of our farmers a-.d -..'.
wet e presence : at : ; i
Which lUigiil be .." .: U'K
cf i;ur i.irmtr-, ...!: wc i
tiie eauie of '1 .'is .i-ak
test 1 and that the. w,.l 1
from timet.' tm.e tint ,t 1
I-T'-'htt' I oy ea-h other- l X
and thereby m ike loc.'il '.
moro inteiest lo ad.
The folio. iug i a state cut
upon actual fst made near Coti ;ge
GroTe and will s-.i Hi-'-' t show w.. it
can be dou by c irctul niauageni.ut.
The test wns undo 011 a loolb
hog worth .p p-'t jijun l equal to
54 and at:cr leeimg .pso'.bs of
$ S.12
i no
1. 10
. 00
t :i e l utU'- e
. al! I'Ut !
: v is
:y some ,
; ' f thvtu '
. to some
; .. a . 1 be
;g : iiini.'ir
iort th m
;:nv be
-s of
I.iiatic cost ot isolLi wheat $8..) 5
M'Miy of our farmers claim that it
don't pay to baeon l ogs Now let
us sr:e whai the teesulU are: Liolb
gross mad'i into bai.on is equal to
Jlz.'yo or 'i 's loc per pound. 150IIXJ
.'n sse 1 5; j.'-'s : s 'i-loi: per lb.
Now .p.j b'-. o '.hear U-d t) tlis
hogbroug:,! -, i.r nearly $i.2o
ji'.r busin-1. ','e n ,-,v of farmers
who sell h .;- : foot at 4c to 5c or
dre.iiod tro:n -V.- t-i ; dressed and
b iy : a .on : ( i ; . to l'ic and think
V.'jj siV'i m 'i:ey by it. Now
wheat is th'.- most expensive
t.-cd that we laiso. Let us see if
we can't fi - i a cheaper feud. We
lind by experiments that we can
rai-e from to :io tons ot carrots,
bf-et.-., rut.iba..a.s, pumpkins, etc.,
t ) the aTe. Suppose we take 2o
tons ui carrcts and make 4 pounds
equal t '-ne of wheat- We have a
feed val ie eipi al to 1 0'J -' 3 bushels of
wheat, any that i-s eqml in feed
value to Si per bushel we have $1T6
per a;; re, and say it costs us $100
per ucrc for seed and labor we still
have the price of our 1 m.l ieft on a
single eiop. Nnv these figures
will seem rather large to the Oregon
farmer who Las raise 1 wheat on
their land i r the rat 2o or 3o
years without giving the laud a
single year's ret atj;l are now only
setting from lo to 2o bushels per
acie and cue-fourth trsh and
selling the remainder at from 00c to
70c per bushel, while tons of baeon
and lard, potatoes, butter and
nanv other things ara beiuo
shipped to our o.v.i ."tore to supply
our ii -rue trade.
We ceitainly feel hko congratu
lating the people ot' Cottage Grove
f jr the efforts put forth at the Far
mers i.'onv'-ntton and we hope it
will h appreciated by all and will
result i,j :r., to ail.
ho School Hoard Ins purchased
line Latrdi A: Lmnb microsccpe
tor tl;e use of the High School sta
di nts. L:ich cue of the students is
greatly interested iu studying with
the uiicroscoj e. The board is
working to make the school equip
ment just as complete as possible.
At present they ara working on the
list of bjuks for tho school library,
which must be selected bafre July
Are making a
great sale oil
Mens', Womens'
and Childrens'
Do not miss an
opportunity to
( pi
On December 26th we
will commence to sell our
entire stock ol goods at re
duced prices. We want to
clean up all odds ends to
have every thing new for
Nothing will be sold on
credit at reducedprices cash
over the counter and we will
do you good.
Leaders in JVLcrehaiidisiim-.
Shoe Your Selves!
4 (if