GINSENG Information Relating to the Richest Product of the Soil. Prof. Howard of tbe Missouri State Agricultural Collf ge nays: "I advise Aniericau farmers to culti vate Oinsoug. Big profits are realized. It is easily grown. A bulletin bv tbe Pennsylvania -Mat College says: "Tbe supply otAia tive Ginseng Root is rapidly de minisbiDg and tbe price per pound ifl correspondingly increasing, while tbe constant demand for tbe drug in China stands as a guarantee of a steady market for Ginseng in tbe future." American Consul Gen eral Wild in an at Hong Kong writes: "There will be little difficulty m disposiug on tbis toait of all tbe Ginseng tbat is grown in America. Ginseng is a staple on tbe market tbe name as corn, wbeat aud cotton Tbe ptesenl niMlet prices vaiies from 6 to $ per pound, wbile tbe cost of J reduction is less than $1 50. There is room 111 one a fcsrueu it grow several hundred dollars wo'tb each vear. The plant can be grown througbout tb 1'iiited States and Canada in any soil or climate that will grow ordinary garden vegetables. 'I here are two plant ing season, spring and fall. We are buyers and exporters of tbe dried product, aud grow roots and seeds for plantiug purpose. Let us show you bow to mike nionev growiug Ginseng. You can get aVan'ca' start in the business for a small outlay and soou bae a nice income. Send two-cent stamp today for "ur illustrated literature telling all about it. Write at once; yoo may not see tbis ad again. 1 The St. Louis Ginseng Co. Growers and Exporters Saint Louis. Missouri. SOLD FOR SONG. WITH few exceptions tbe men jvho made the first quartz locations in tbe Butte dis trict did not make much money out of their proerty In tbe eatly history of mining here, placer was considered bead and shoulders above quartz and for this reason quartz claims did not call for much la tbe opirdon of mining men. As an evidence of this it may be stated that a half iuterebt in tbe Lexing ton mine, a similar interest in tbe Annie and Ida and a half in tbe Transit were sold by tbe origipal locator to Andrew J. Davis, who al ready owned the other half of the properties, for a bay mare and $150 in cash. Tbe Annie and Ida proved one of the valuable claims of tbe tree, for it takes a portion of ibe lownsite of Walkerville and is good not only for mining but build ing purposes as well. About iS74 Davis soi l the Lexington for $1, 000,000 in cash and a lot of stock in tbe Lexington company organ ized by the purchasers to work the property. Just Low much money has been taken from tbe Lexington can only be conjectured. For almost 20 years it waB worked on an extenbive Male and then closed dewn with the exception of some leasing carried on in the upper levels. While this was going on, copper ore was dis covered in the property. The ore Jay beside the wain vein of silver gold ore and is not a continuation of it, as generally supposed. The property is now in the hands of f . Augustus HeiBze. Since work as stopped iu the lower levels, almobt I3 years ago. no one has sten the iottom workings for water gradu ally came intotbe openiegs and con tinuad to rise until it is row 900 feet deep. Tbis will eventually be pumped out as tbe ground below in needed. lietween tbe water and tbe surface tome good topper ore is being extracted and it is said ibat ore bodies not previously known to exist in the east J-vel have been opened up recently Journal. Til K YKLLOW IT.VF.R O FItM. Has recently leen discovered. It hears a cloe resemblance to the ma laria germ. To live the system from disease ;Krm, the moat ffectlve remedy Is lr. King's New Life Fills. Uuuraoteed to cure all diet-Hues due to malaria poiHon and constipation. 2rfi at Heinous Pharmacy. The Southern Pacific Co-, unload ed four cars ot local merchandise here on Monday. .The freight men say they don't like Cottage Grove for it does entirely too much busi ness for so small a place to suit them. All the freight trams have a lot of work at tbis point, switch ing, unloading, etc and the boys are like all the rest of us, they dou.t ike to wors. Here and there throughout the United States are boulders or large maesea of angular rock that show that the.y have -been transported to a distance from their original mountains by tbe action of ic; dur ing tbe Glacial period- These rx ki or boulders are known in XiWjy HANGING HOGS. lirr to Makr a llNDiirr Thai 1 Highly Hn-tiiMinrutlril. Tbis plan cf a hou lnoitfer was oil Inally given in Ohio Fanner. A cor respondent asserts that he has tictcr 11 ml Ik struetlon: The pojt iAt "huuld set four feet lu the ground, and the hel.cht above crvund should he idiont the feet six inches to the cross uruis (Li. Ths anus are of '2 by 4 tmift fort -eiht to fifty-six inches Ion The ton of tin post is trlshttftui luetics above the Uei arms. The hole Tor the rod B) is drill ed eighteen hit his deep from the top of the post. The lever (O Is or any desirable length, but the short end yCt iuut extend out beyond the eud of thu arms F Ij u roj'e attached to the long eud. 1 is the stay ihalu of a wuiiou, fasten. -d by a clevis to the lever, aud blips back uud forth In the cut out at II. The eud of the lever (til is lowered; the lower hook of I Is hooked ou to a gauibrel stick, the carcass raised up until the Kambiel Is a little higher than the urm, when It Is easy to slide it over on to the arm. SKIM MILK CALVES. Large, Strong Caltra Kalx-d Skin Milk and Pry Grain. The increased use of uiilk separator iu the dairy sections of the country has resulted lu greater utteutlou being paid to raising calves on sklai uillk. It Is well settled at this tiiue that praiti caily as lurge, strong and vigorous calvea cau be grown on sklui milk, sup plemented by some suitable grain feed, as on whole milk, provided they are properly fed aud eared for. There U no QueviIOU UUl IUUL U1UU J i Ml" ... I ...ill- I j . iKn normal food for calws, and when the PfM III ,,r l.imr tnt U removed it be- comes necessary to replace it in the calf ration with some equivalent but cheaper form of feed. A number of the statioas have made experiments with different feeds to learu which is jaost efliclent for this purpose.- Coru tueal has been found the cheui-st uud best supplemental grain for this pur pose at the Iowa statiou. Whole corn and Kathr corn meal huv gjveii good results at the Kansas btation. At ihe Nebraska station genu oil meul aud llnbeed nieal have proved efficient sub stitutes, and in a recent bulletin of the seen an.v otuer s. uuim. mm no Ki"i;tnaiu unprotected ana a mensce 10 the following directions . fur It von j every person that happened to pass. m Idaho station good gains with outs are 0f dollars of deposit" were saved, reported. 'q had divided up into groups Te 1K""' M1e,hud- , j and gone into separate room to dis The method of procedure lu rearing . . , ,,;,,., t,. iarT,fill ih skim milk calf at the Kansas sta- cuss possd,e m.Hiiu..3, said James tion was about as follows: The calf ! H Lck Its J eKerdav . Lvery hour was allowed to run with its mother the j we s- erued to he getting 'urther first four or five days of in life. It : from an agreement. I mally Mr. was then removed and left twenty four hours without food, when it became hungry and was easily taught to drink. For a week thereafter it was fed whole milk af the rate of f jur pounds lu Uie morning, two pounds at noon and four pounds at night. The second week about the same amount of milk was given in two feeds, morning and night. Wirhin two or three weeks after re moval from thu cow skim milk was gradually substituted for whole milk at the rate of a hulf pint per feed un til the entire amount was skim milk. I About a month after the cair was tak en from the cow it was reeelvlug twelve to fourteen pounds of skim milk; at two pioidhs. eighteen pounds, and final ly reached tw.-idy two to twenty-four pounds per day. liow Grain Is f4. The grain added to the ration was1 eat grain when ten days to two weeks I .11 a a. al-.a. - . ... 1 . . ... f I fed dry In boies. The calves began to bid. Cftlf's mouth as soon us it had Mulshed drinking Its milk, and it soon learned to eat with a relish from the feed boxes. The Kaffir corn meal or other grain was never mixed with the milk. The calves were fed what grain they would eat up clean. Where to Keep Honey. When I first commenced to keep tees nearly every ace stored his honey In the cellar, considering such to be the place that would keep It best, for it was thought a cool or cold place was needed to preserve this product. Kven now it Is hard work to get this notloa out of the heads of many who buy honey. However, it was soon found out that If kept for any length of time lu a cool, damp place honey com mences to sweat or ooze out of the un sealed cells and sour, while if left la uch a place for two or three months the ceJPcappings acquire a watery ap pearance and finally burst. Every bee keeper of any experience now recom mends a room whose temperature can be kept at 80 to !r0 degrees as the only place In which honey should be kept. By thus storing the product It grows thicker and of better quality us time advances, says n New England Home stead correspondent. J Frank PH-krtwt Drop Dad at Sr S.n i-'iuneiseo, Feb. 10 V wire uriytuj; thonHtHis ot volts u cite- tticitv killed riaiik I cckl atn, ut the corner of IUihIi and Stocktou istiett, at 11 o'clcck tbis mottling, as he was walking beneath tem poral? structure erected over the sidewalk for th protection of pas-sers-by. The wire was dangling lromatHW building being elected there. Through some one's care- ! lensuees it bad been allowed to re- j 1 eckham was cuttyiug an uni fratnewotk of which exposed wite. l'cok. J brella, tbe ; bruised the bam dropped in bis tracks and died without a word. There wete a number of people near hitu at the time. Mrs. I". Fallon of '2(t lludi 'Street had just passed the danger ; ous place, and also narrowly es j raped de.tth. I 1'eckhatN tumped up the hill ; without pteinonitiou ot danger, j Ho passed under the temporary 'structure erected oyer the sidewalk with his tuubtella still open. Oue of the steel rods caught up the an ient and in a moment rcrkham i a dead. ! William Koenig, a contractor, who is superiuteudiug the biiiKling ; witnessed the accident. He says that tie realit'd the danger of the wire but did not take the precau tion to station a man there to warn ' pe pie Hvvjy . nld Last Acl in The last art of Marshall Field in the woikl of local finance, in which he l ad become a dominant figure in recent years, was in connection with the impending failure of the Walsh bank, says a Chicago dispatch. - It was through his influence and at his suggestion that the clearing bou;-e committee adopted the plau of liquidation which was put into effect wheu the iuxtitution closed. Mr. Field prevented a financial crash and a panic that might bavs drasred down a score of local j banks The committee had been 'in sebsion with Comptroller of Cur rency Kidgely for hours, vainly 'striviugto agree on a solution ot j the impendiug disaster. It was lute at night beiore Mr. Field was ! appealed to. Me went from his 1 residence t where tbe Chicago fi jnancitrs were in session, i The situation was briefly out- ' . , . 1 1 i i'"u -u .,u.v. ...... , K - , Wie SOiUUOn. revera ot mc iuui niUlee demurred to accepting me 'responsibility for the deposits of the 1 Walsh banks. Mr. Field pointed ' 0l,t ttie shock to (.'hieaco's financial crepitifthe bauks should be per- mitted to fail and insisted that his plau be ado(.ted. It has been stated that he even declared he would go ahead himself it tbe banks would not. 'I he committee ami the romptroK ltr adopted ti e plan and the huaL c;ai credit of the city and thousands I ield arrived, proposed the only olu'ion possible, and tbe affair ot millions was fettled Mi a few imnu. lis "- Oiegon Tradesman. ! The recent xncovering of good 'copper ore in tbe gre:t Anaconda mine at Hutte, Mont., meahs much j for that grandest of all copper pro ducing camps. Tbe strike reported Jis at the 2.400 foot levei. the deepest hi) 3 ft in that district. '0 l T - 1. ... an interview mis wee, Mr. jouu 1). Kyai). managing dtrecior 't the Amalgamated Company's interests at IHitte, said: ' The tact that min ing operations ot a depth of 2,4oo feet in the Anaconda mine revealed (be name continuity and psrmanent character of the ore uouies gives practical evidence of What tbf camp .. ill Q O O r, ffi lll H H 111 aDC falUre. All the mines forminii a part or the Amalgamated Copper Company havb this jear produced more ore and copper than in any previous jear. This increased production is to le steady and continuonp, a. id btulifatics prove that Jiutte baa re sponded each year within tb" p st 20 to the natural iocieaH.e in tbe copper produced throughout the world. The resources of the Amal gamated Copper Company were never in betler shape, the com pany's timber lands covering an immense urea, while its coal prop el ties in Wyoming ure copable of shipping 5,000 tons of coal every 21 hour j. The Washoe fctnelter is now in a position to handle 10,000 tons of ore per day.'' World. The First Natioual Hank of Ku gene is getting ready to enlarge its builditg, and has bought a lot lyxlOo feet from Mrs. John C. Church, at what is considered a pretty high figure. Business is improving there and conditions seem to watrant such au improvement, A. II. KING Attorney tit Ijiw. vottjuk anon:. o;f. JOHN BAKKICR I'KOHKIMOH OK TMli UXCIIANUI Pk'Al.hK IN KINK winks, uyuous, eir.AKS. Mlo itteel, nllair lantr, Ott J. Si. Medley. .1. f Johnson Jlleiilfi A'- John. son, Attorneys nt law Of ire Suitt-3 It ink .,. Speilnl nttention kIviii t MIiiIiir ami Corporation Law. J. E. YOUNG Attorney-at- Law Oltlre 011 Mutii iMm'I, Vti'nl snlo Cottaok CiKovk, Oku. MINIMI AND ORC TKIiATMlM 1 IchIIiIiii Mild coiislrilctliin id ore reduction wol k nnd gciici nl imu lilii el V plnllts ; iiiechHlilcnl draft lie' v. i. ii:o 1:, m . 1. McKay Uuildlng. I'm 1 1. oil, (M H. C. MADSEN. Watcmmakkh. Hta1 ring t iea, .liable tom im All wurk lUftrauiexl tl rat clau.; Watcbel, I'looki an1 Jatveliynl l.imril Irii-e IHlTl AtiK (ilM I!, OKI , rhc First National hi OK CoTTAGK (jKOVK. OkK. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loaii on approval hcciimIv. Kzchaftges sold, availahle hiiv ,ln'e d theUoited States Rlillll Kill!), PrciMtDt. T i tUlllil I'mlilr Beaver Pelts Confiscated. Gamewardeu l'aker Iiun huiim- l tho tiDfcht beaver skins to l seen ttmt were confiscated Ly a jusli. c of the peace, from nmii for lilluiK lie animals TIk w itr dm doe out know etacil wleit In can do with them, but winds t" sell them to 'it them "to th $ unc fund. lie ii very atixions to s n tin leKittUtnre pa?s n law 111:1 kin;; 11 mail licenM feoofi i.rofiHMicinal niin' leis and men that do much Ghhinjj, t'tlt not on the sninil i.ijv that t nts a willow and tf"s fisliin'. lie would want the fund t.) he ;ij')li - fible tolhe furthnrint ol tlie t' tciion of the fish, and the establish- raent if n n tuir" hat,.li( rii s, Defection of the coiiipa-iH iss.iid to hare been responsible for in in y wie"cks on tbe upper hikes neason. In the iron ore repo" "f Lake Superior tb re ni Inc. t wbere the fornpBMi detler-ls one ni l one bilf pojiitH, and the v.uili.1 nut hkillful enough to uiuke ull.iwani l:, and ecrrect his eourne accordingly not infrequently lands on the iockn Thoie in ipilte a little lutubci being whipped out of to'vn tin be daya, aud it will grow steadily I rum this time ou. l.t'CKIIvST MAN IN A It KANSAS. "t in the luckiest innti in Atkiin: 11s' writen II. Ij. Stanley, of lirinnr 'Since tho restoration of my wlfe'H health utter live year of cunt Iihioih coughinyi and lediiii from the lur.Ui and 1 otve my food forlune to I lie WOl'Id'a KI''Ute-t liH'tllt Ine, I r. Kliiu'sNew hl-ieovery fur Consiniip tion, which I know from eTeili'iice will line (Oliailliiptiou If tuken III time. My wife Improved with Hint bottle und twelve bottlcH l oinpleted tho cure." Curea the worat fiiiiglm and colds m money refunded. At UenwouH rhnrmacy dniKK'xt. 00c II nd $1.00. Trial bottle free, New York it to have u theater to be called tbe National, lor which ground baa already been piirchaned for Home $77o,ooo. Conreid will be ut the head of the enterprise, uud the theatre will b called tli? National theatre. The pl.iya pre sented will he of the hii-hist stan dard of art aud will represent the best of all nations. In the tbeatie will be 'JO boxes arranged in tho shape of a horseshoe. The o.vuer ot each box will puy $100,000 for it, and it will be the property of theibuyersin pi.rpetuitj. At the price of 25 cents at each perform ance 600 Heats will he remrved lor students. Only 25o in addition on jour tub acriptioti securea the l''nrm und Country Journal for a jear. A journal tbenize of the Ladies Home Journal aii'l an exct-lleut paper-' H has been greatly enlarged, and im proved recently. Free wilh Nugget subscription. The New York Tribune Farmer, a weekly agricultural paper. if J,,c til . Compartment J) Observation fj Cars ufllir ientel Afhllli of vour home 0 hi.nrv nf Hi t ii.r. .1 n in. "i. V. iiu - V. . akota SAils for FASHION Cottivr.c (iiovf, - ii I 1 .1 . ' .( I I 1. ri,. M.I ' I;. . .1 t . iti ii 11 !'..' ;.l . 1 I Ii'.l' ii. I : l 1 i . i 1 I'v i r 1 . i 1,1 in 1 : I. im.I. I ' .... I. Hi: -ril -. :il.' lull I ' 1 It ' ,. m.-i.r .1. ' 1 1 1 i.'.il . il.ii ' ' V'l-.ll II .1 h.lli-. ! ,.ik Hi. I.. 'ill :m Ii ''ir w ..1!. 1 : I V., I.oll I.- . .1 I !.' I 1 1. I-I'l. I- hi.'id. in ' ' ' I . 1 ' : I m I (li.' .ml. i nnii. in' .. ..1 1.1 ; . . 1 1 1 . 1 .-. iti. .1 1 Ii.i. 1 , : . ..ii i h - i.. 1 ! I.. . u ... ic 1.1- in 1 ,. 1 1 -. I 1. .r . i- 1 1, ii- - 1 1 1 I ..' i ' ... i 1 mi ,1. h. I .i . r u 1.1 1 I lull liiifV. I'l In. '.I.-.- .hi 1 ii.. 1 1 . t ii I. I. h. .1 1 . .1 1 Aiiiiou't a '1 11. id. 1 . ll'i ill, liitl.ill if led tn I c 1 1 Its lliiw w , C'v lw:id i;. ,i't 1 I 1 -. 1 ", 1 11 I1I1 ll iUy i .lm ! iu'i cn'ist lmiiitu slii , by tin- 1 l in. ' j with tlicsi- ml". -i n I - 1 1 1 - I 1' to I ncilie . I .III llllll 111 ! t In I'Uillictliili ills Si.Ulll- "s lllc ;. I lie r 1 i 1 , lul ;;"n , l.iwiii.' . 1, linin I . hum S'. j.t. I , i I 'r m tJl.n . J r.lii'iirii:'" I I'l'MII I'l. .ill I'l. Mil St I. I . ' , 1 1, 1 ; 1 ". I'l ill . fdi ll' . ::. .Si"' : ll 'I'l llll I' It III .M 111, 1 1 !11 ( )lll di. 1 h i II P.Hil 11 lid I i m M 1 s :. 'i'l.c lu'iiic of (it I'linmy, CiovMi I'limcs-; Vcilie iiullhitcd with incipii nt Cii -.'iinp'ioii, n iy the doc tui , ;i'l v ' ' " v prei uiitioii is I cin;; t'lkjn t ;;tvn lar .ttcii;;lh and hcal'li. ri:mii 1 1 ru.Y 11 i:mi ( h 1-1. V. .M 11. ji -. .1 iii.n-iiHiirtt. 1 .! I'uul City. I'.i.. h.i'l his li.ul Ii ihl (iilly Inn ned in 1111 ili'i-l ric luiii nr. llniii plil"l I'.in'll ' Al'lil.'.l SiiKi' Willi the usual ii-Hnlt ; "A iiiic; ; 1 1 1 1 1 peifeel .'III'-. i I i'.i I ,- t I ... 1 1 ' I ' nil enrlll for Hi 111 J . 1 '! 111 1 -, Sun s, Mi i ium and I'ili'H. ',c l I'.. ii-. ii.h I'h. 11 111. u y limnniM. Subsitil.iJ lor the Nityji'-'t. 'jS vs."i.i ''- s.'.N-A' k,.vv.iVi'sSV)'Svi i:i,l.i Ti:l TV, I'.I C No omit .M'iiiK cimi-.s t;tl;-ii. J ri iii i ri'ii i'.n.ilil.'. OlIlMlill-. Illl illi ill In l fill nl .l.i il If ll' Hiri'il. I nr lnrlli'T .iil tlrlikirs ;nl.Iri si in. ii. s(;iii,i:i:i'. v,' s.. ' '.'. s.- r.' vvv.C'jsvv ano C lilt Ifi e I.UNCS with ftv M intyV lwW J Mr Kow BiscGvery TOrtSIIMflhlN TUP. I (MJ0HS ,nn" j,U" jilb& Prieo bOc i$1.00 Pica Ti'l Uurent mid O.11ICU t Oure lor ell TilHOAl' and J.tJWU IKUUll- LliS, or WONKY iJACJi. Or if The iiiv.i(.y I Daily I iU..-; " i mi NORTHERN V a I 1,1 l.i I I J , I f. a t tin I, in ".I Irruliiii'iilH. $ MIX ami MKIilCATEl) BATHS II Liinited J!t VOll v V The comforts of a club , a first class hotel. r.uil. iniiiiii'uidis, I'lujet S;niiul ami lnterme- .? roints via t . 0 RAILWAY 1 .1 '' . ' I' v'' the Ui nil Manli 1 ?.. STABLES - - Oregon ! 1 I I I . . 1 1 1 .11 . in. ii in 1 In' 1 1.1. 1 .. r, I III!. I Sl.ll.' I . Ill I Hill . !:..v. I.11U . 1 r.' . .1 hi !'.. 1'MHi. Ii 1 1 1 li.v 1 1 11 t h:i I lln'iii- ' I I . ; . . I (.III Hi n 1 1 1 1 v r T..v n- lil' N" ' S-'.dli i:uii- No. I 1 I i. III.- ill I Mi.-I ! MiM hlllll, iii. i'.m. h.i I..-, n i...-ii-. frmii the 1 v iirn i "i 1 .. ii. ml ."i ' ii'-.r .11. Hi. I ..11 j 1 11. .i.i ill., ciii 1i.1v -.r M.u.-li. I'Khi. 1 1 ! 'i . VI .. I. . 1. in , ll..- f.i i I low imIiI u ui In- lil.'.l I'i I 1.' . .Hi '.-. mid .111 i .111. 1 .11 li r hiiiI d.iv u.-ulll l" 1 r -! . 1 1 1 I I 1 .1 1 I ' .1 ,' I o hih f' ir I h 1 !.ili .llii. 11 11:1 1 'I'l'i ).) 1 I'ril Jill. I nil ! H'HI-I V.'l I I III. I ll. 'I'l t W II' Illl. I'.l-M IMI I. I I'liN. Ill-nl-lcr. .1 . l l,ii I'l 1 lli-ich er. Null- Tlw inc. ii-lii) w.i-i with . 1 1 11 11 fr ui i'h 1 r . ii iivist :!, I'.ki.'I. S.i I K I . 1 1. .t 1 1 tin id uf 1 1..- I iili-i . r, l nlic.1 S'-.i. - I.H...I nili.i., 1 : 1 . 1 1 . n' , 1 hi i:nHi. i- Is li.T. li. k' ' 11 'hut the iiji I . t - v . 1 m . 1 1 . 1 I. 1 , 1 1 1 1 i 1, i,,nii Si . I 1. .11- II'. :ii si. 111 1., i: ill.'ini.-i M. In-. II 111 'I'l V 11I ll II. I r. ll-dllll .Nil v I '.Si. ..I the i i. I .ii 1 i.' 1 1 . Iium in I In- i'Vor (ictl- 1 1 :i I 1. .1 1 11 i-.'i Hi , 1 illli iln, ui M.-ii. Ii, ,1. In . I 1..- h;i ui u III I... Iil.-.l in II 1 III 1 1 .1 id ila v I .'i I ur .hi y t ln i in"., ;i ; '1 11 cli ick. I'i-I. 1,1. 11I11I hiL 1. in..-, .hi. 1 mi nnii ill Ll' I'll lllll III I I ... . I ' ;i)..lii 11 1 1 .1... 1. 11 'a 11. In in III' In it.ii.- i, tin' cutrv o I !" WIimIiIji ci 1 v 1 I'll li.v ".ui. 1 h.i .li';in ntnl plat. I'.I S.I WHS I,. I .. , KcfMer. .1. M. b l.l.M 1 , Ui ci lvci'. Nol'Ki:. 1 1. 1 kit I in. 11 1 1 I he I iili l inr. I lull . I Si il.' 1 I, inn I Mlii c. I;. ii'l'iir, ii.-., .l.iiui ii v P.I, pint;. N. line i. Iii'leli.v nil ill I li.'lt tlmiip i 1 1 1 cd il:i t il sii 1 i- 1. 1 I i 1 1 .- 1 1 i j Nil "s s.i ulll. Kaile N11. I Wi si , f ii,,. 1 1 ! . 1 1 1 . 1 - f e Meridian, lire. .11, h.n In-ill I'li-elved from tho Siir-e ur 1 ii-iiei'.d fur Oi-i-y. hi, mid on TticHil.iy the llth day of March, P.KJ'i. lit tl o'elork 11. in.. Die N.'lld t.WIsii i;it will lie lil. il in tliiw olllce, tiiul ..11 iinil al'li-i -nltl diiy w will bi pl'e i;ii.'.ii I'i-i i'l i- ;i..liral..H forthli enliy 01 tin- 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ..i iiii 'hiteil mid illl- i'i'ieri i l.iii'l-. In -mid I uwi.hhlii. I 111 .l Oilv I,. I'.lniV, I' I .1. M. liiwiiiiM K, Keceiver. ; N'ole. TIiIh lowiiHlilp wan wl Mi I drawn from entry uit AuuHt .'!, I'.KCt. SubHcijbe lor ihu Nngct. ARRIVAL A'JU 1)1 PAHIUhE Of . P. TRAINS. Mill I II llllC.MI HulITU HOUNO No. I J . 1 1..'. No. II U:u.ip.ia No. Ii; 7 0- 11 111. No. Ifi 'i la.u 1,0. S. Ii It R CO llino Tdilis Nil. V To take elfect April UM. 1!on KhkI It.iit ml 1 h 11 il I 1 ui'-. Iii y W. Ilouuil mi. I M.t ..illy 1 mi. 1 nun y Sniiiliiy. No 2 -No 4 ; ni l IiiNn 1 h.lnv I a.m. I I'.M No .1 So 1 I'M I A l I ll 1 l-M ; :. 11 i i 'i K Ore vo ' t'.V 1 11.111 6.1U '. '! . V Hlilrii ! VIII I'l. Ill 6:0ft J:.'ui7 .'i . . Ciinln ! VIV 10:41 i:IM m', ii.;l no i.iiiild. , , wo IO:ilH 4-.UI (:OlM Hi! V ', I'.iilu'i ho; U;'J.t 4: I II - II N: Ihhiiih Ml 1U:;io i.H :l:r,i:i, V ; I lic.l . k . fi'il )ii:..;i 4:H 3:Min:: ID i;.. . i.uim'I I'll . . Ni lil:'.ii 4:115 .;i'.h:.iii II ii . ... Mi-vwiii "H 10:01 4:il il::ihK:llill'2 inlttr HI 7 :4H 4:16 :i:ll n:1i. Ii h llinkyl i.ini lilti U -lfi 4:l'i :l,.) J:( I, ., H...I Hii,IkC...v. IIKiO V :if 4:06 ii ;.'' J : I:.' Iii .I . Wililwnoil lo-Hl V:IHI 4:00 I IV i. . iliiiil n IUMI I'liul ot I ruck Hulijeiil lu mniiiKii wlili. ml uolk'tt. A II mil war. I lri'i:!il liiiwarili"! only ml lbn (unit risk n( flil..iT iin.. imiikIkui.'U. KIho li'uy.n V il.l aiiihI mirr tint ai rlvnl o triiui on Muihl.i) i, W nesil h y ii uml Krlilkyt mi Hi. inlii uml hi ii'. i. li.itii nJnij on I ui'. i ii 'I hi 1 1 -. hi ii 1 1. 1 t-n I ii 1 1 1 iu 'i. I n il III ulll hoi I..' ici'i'iM ii ui llui O ,1 H. K. K. K. ii'.ul iilur 1 I1 in l. lli'iii.' loiMHld. 1 1 1 K oil nixl I ui i n Ii.'IhIU iiiiiM In' iltd i vei eii I14 uinplu Iium to iui mil ul It U'liiu liUlml , A. 11 VVOI, rVfuncaoiv (A3 CMaiii, 0mw