Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 14, 1906, Image 7

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One Third
F.vny ny
lr ti
ounces tC
Jill Grocers
Send (maul for llir beautiful
" lliiok iif i'rrtrnti."
i v ia.
Fur slid nwiiy Kln ti lnsl tin? wnvlnjf
Sriiftm-H mid the low hills.
On mid on wuinlrri'il the llltle buy.
lie did nut know where liu wiih, mid
yet he did not u cep.
lie was a very linivo little hid nnd
0 linre child wlllril, no tliut. nil hoiik'h
lie hint lout hi hearings, wus not
n In r ii 1 11 1 .
For did he not hnvo hU nine new
rubber hull with 111 tn 7 Ami would it
Hot he line to bounce U about over the
lllird, h ground?
Selecting u spot bare of grass he
thri'W the bull down, with all his
lint It 1 : y lifeless. Just where It hud
A km In the iiii.zled hid threw It down,
lillt tin- resilient giltt.l pcrolu wplicrnld
lay ill' id nnd Inert exactly ns it had
TIh'Ii, iii tin- fearful truth broke
t'pon the lad, he broke forth Into walls
of despair, lie was on the buuudifn
jnulile. .ludgc.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Jim Miiri'ineai'il nil other iiiriliiiiiin, In merit,
al-H n 1 1 I rurrrt.
Its mii-.ii. treiit in it tum Li ra, hui ap
ur'ii(ly only Jul lufiin.
It rtvilvid more li stiinonliilH III tlm Inst two
year tliaa any previous two over 10.000.
It lllll till' II I I 1 1 1 1 C -lilil'lM'l flf 111!' l'CMllo
the nlrniiK'it proof of its iini"iittli-(l worth.
It nin;lr the IiIihmI, ciiren nil blood dln
", nl! IniTiiori nml nil crnit loin.
It mri-iic'ilii-iii tln Mtiinini'li, creates an
iii'tlti nml builds up the whole Kyntciil.
It rurm thnt tlri-il fu ln.c and makes the
H i nit Htronir.
In uiuiil lliiilil or lu new tablet form,
1UU Uuain Uno liullar.
'I h Slnlui to the I'llitrl ma.
On Plymouth Hill stands the Impos-
In); statue to the pilgrims. Its base
In granite and support a Heated IlKure
it t eaeh of the four corners with eyes j
fcari'lilng the surrounding .country, I
while a woman's llgure crowns tfie tup.
On the pedestal Is inscribed the mimo
of every man, woman nnd child that
came out In the M.iylluwcr. St. Nlch- .
cl as. 1
, !
Her isrrlllnraa 'I'rui teil Illm.
"Father, It Is true the joun man
kisNcd iii.' ko Hiiddcnly that 1 was not
prepared for It, and yet I feel that I
U m also to blame In the matter." j
"To Illume? In what way?" (
"I'm afraid I was an accessory be- ;
fore the fact." Cleveland l'laiu
Denier. i
The Mack flaj is nn emblem of horror and dread. " When it is hoisted
fcyan anny, the order has gone forth that "no quarter" will be given, ev
erythitur must be destroyed. Helpless women and children, as well as oppos.
lug sold'ietM, meet the eame fate, and a trail of desolation, suffering and
death is left behind. Contagious Blood Poison is the black flajj of the great
unny of disease. This vile disorder is known as the blackest and most hide
ous of all human alllictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the
life. It is no respecter of jiersouS; no matter how pure the blood may be
or how innocently the disease is contracted, w hen this awful virus enters tho
circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms begia to appear,
and the sufferer feels that his very presence is polluting and contaminating.
Usually the fust sign of the disease is a little sore or ulcer, but as the blood
becomes more deeply poisoned the severer symptoms are manifested, the
mouth ami throat ulcerate, the glands in the groius swell, a red rash breaks
out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, and often the body is cov
ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions and sores. In its worst
Btagcs the disease affects the nerves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes
tumors to form on the orain, produc
ing insanity and death. Not only
those who contract the poison suffer,
but unless the virus is driven from
the blood the awful taint is handed
down to offspring, nnd they are its
innocent victims, lilood Poison is in
deed a "black flag." Mercury and
l'otash, so often used, never can cure
the trouLle. These minerals merely
drive the symptoms away for awhile
and shut the disease up in the system,
and when they are left off it returns
worse than before. This treatment
iiot only fails to cure blood poison
but eats out the delicate linintr of the
Stomnch and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth and fre
quently causes mercurial iheuniatisiu to add to the patient's suffering,
y. S.vS., the great vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It
goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood of
everv particle of the poison. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything
O VlO iLAX O ward of $1,000.00 for proof that S. S. vS.
nllnrl w t. n p r t A P I C 3
rreat remedy the symptoms all pass away ana no hign iu m u. "
Been again 5 nor is there left the least trace to be handed down to posterity.
Special book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice de
ucd will be sent without aUwhoite. CJL
as Good
the Cost
In Imiyiiln tiny In thfl
Wave (!. Cniiii! In nnd yj-t nc
quitiutid. K C vill help you cut
down the Ihinjj txjit-micH and miiko
doctor's liilht n thinj; of th; jinst. Do
you iciilizi; thit you cm get the Lest
and purest bnlfini; powder in tho world
nt one-third whnt you've lictn paying
for nnywln re m.iir K C quality. A J
ounce cm cost i sc. Tliluk of the noving!
Con you inuke money iiny cinder ? Get
it to-day. The ,io:er returns the
pi ice of can if you ore not BuUsficd.
in ( f.nitm All Winter.
A flock of early hatched pullets
vlth n comfortable house free from
vermin, with- proper ventilation, n
scratch pen and box of Krlt, u 11 Kntlii
burled In litter, will do nobly durlnx
the whole winter, but the roosts must
be sprayed with kerosene oil twice
it week; their bodies dusted each
I n ' 1 1 1 1 1 with tfood Insect powder, plenty
of freHli drink at comfortable temper
ature, Kreen feed such as hIIcciI beets,
steamed clover, or looso cabbage to
pick at freely, nil the Kreen cut bone
with clean, fresh, sweet adhering
meat that they will eat nt one meal
twice a week must be supplied. A
mash of mlddlliiKH with one part In
three of corn meal In zero weather
stirred thick enough to be crumbly,
oats or wheat at iiljjht except In zero
weather when corn should be fed
warm at nljtht fire nlso excellent, pro
vided ( nly about two thirds hs much
ns will be eaten up clean In ten min
utes Is fed at a time, l'ullets require
more than hens nnd Leghorns less
than heavier breeds.
A Ttvlrr-Told Tnlc.
A Massachusetts lawyer has n notori
ously treacherous memory for details.
This falling occasionally leads him to
Karble a Joke In repeating It. Itecent
ly he met a ft'lcud, who, clapping him
upon the shoulder, said enthusiastical
ly :
"Well, old man, this Is a fine day for
the race, Isn't It?"
"Why, what raceT"
"The human nice," mild the friend
and lied.
This was the first time the lawyer
bad ever heard this very ancient Joke,
so he determined to jrt't it off on the
next man lie met and he did, lu this
manner :
"Hello, Godfrey, Isn't this a fine day
for the trot?"
"Trot what trot?"
"Hy Kd," stammered the lawyer,
"I swear there was it Joke there, but I
can't llnd It now!" I.lpplnentt's.
Ilia Munrr'i Worth.
"Doughnuts," said the baker, "are
ten cents it dozen and the crullers ure
the same price."
"I didn't know," said tho customer,
"that there was any difference be
tween 'doiiKhuuts' nnd chullers.' "
"Oil! yes; crullers have holes In tho
center, while the doughnuts "
"(iimmo dotiKhnuts; I ain't spend
In' my food money for boles." Cath
olic Stutidard and Times.
Several yoara aero I had blood rioison
nri tuv ilnuh was iii an awful condition.
Oreat sores would break out andnoth- I
lnifl iut oil the in would do any Rood.
My hair nnd c v i-brow b full out nud I was I
"a friuht." fily mouth was bo aore t .
Iimlto live on mil It and water. I toolc
Mercury for a loiiff time and instead oi
irottiiiH- bottor I continued to trrow
worn and my arms and hands booame ,
solid RoroB, My loijs were drawn so 1
could not walk and I folt that my time
was khort lu ie if I did not tret dome re
lief. I Loirun, to uno your fc. S. B. and it ,
helpod iuu lrom the start. After takiuMr 1
it uwhilo the sores all healed, my rheu-
1'iatisin was cured and to-day I am a
atronir. -whII in 1.11. It irot all the mer
cury out cf my nystem and it cured mo
Bound and veil. ADA1I 6CHNABEL, '
Evaiisvillo, Ind. Wo. 811 Mary Bt.
UUl Clears mc cuiiru circuiuuuu w mc
vims and puts the system in good
healthy condition. It cures safely as
well ns certainly, because there is not a -,f in it. We offer a re-
uot purtly vegetable. V lien ine mooa
purlfied and strengthened with thuj
Top, what's nn Interrontlort
Jiolnl ?" "A little jthiiitf that lislts
questions." Tho School master.
Itobble What ii r his political con
victions? Jobble-Oh, he's liable to
be convicted at any time. Town Top
ics. Knleker What became of Chauf
feur? llockcr He absent -mlndedly
crawled under n mule to see why It
didn't ko. New York Kun.
JudKe Six months. Cos Cob Con
Ah, wot it relief! Now I kin stop
worrying about where I'm goinx ter
Hpt'iul de Hummer. Puck.
"Hut why. do you live In the city If
you don't like It?" "I have to live
here to make money enough to keep
up my country place." Kx.
Knleker So your wife went to the
country to study nature's book? Hook
er Yes, und from the size of her ho
tel bill It must be umoiiK the six best
Hellers. Ex.
Mrs. K nicker How lon will you
be iiwny this summer? Mrs. ISoeker
I dou't know. I shnll stay II.imxj
at tho seaside nnd $.'00 at the moun
tains. New York Sun.
Doctor (to pressliiK creditor) If you
must brliiK your bill every day, at
least you inlKht eomo with your head
tied up, so that people would think
you were a patient! London Tit-Hits.
A young theologian nnnied Tiddle
Itefuseil to accept his degree;
"l'or." unid he, " 'tis enough tu be Fid
dle, Without being Fiddle D. D."
P.enhnm I hnvo bad my life in.
sured for five thousand dollars In your
favor. Mrs. Henhaui Well, I'll be
Kind to have the money, but I think
you've overestimated your value.
Smart Set.
"Say," nski-d the first . messenger
noj, K't any novels to swap?" "I
got 'Snnkc-foot Dan's Heveie,' " re
plied the other. "Is It it Ioiik story?"
"Naw! Ye kin fhjlsh It easy In two
messages." Philadelphia Press.
"What Is your order, sir?" asked
tho waiter. "Hrlng me some frenzied
eggs,"' said the man with the napkin
tucked under his chin. And presently
there was a distinctly audible scram
ble In the kitchen. Chlcngo Tribune.
At the Hub. A New Y'orker was
visiting In Hostou. Seeing a pnrrot in
a cage, he asked: "Does Polly want
a cracker?" "I reijuire no sustenance
from you whatever," replied the Hack
Hay bird, with hauteur. Exchange.
"That Mrs. Snnggs la too much of
a arlstycraft fur me to mingle wld."
"Hovr's that?" "She was knocked
down by a pushcart nnd she had It
put Into the paper dat she was hit by
an automobile." Detroit Free Press.
"Hobs," began the beggar, "won't
yer help n poor " "See here!" In
terrupted (Joodheart. "1 gave you
sonic money last week." "Well, gee
whiz! ain't yer earned any more
since?" Philadelphia Public Ledger.
Mother Willie, you must stop ask
ing your father questions. Don't you
see they annoy hliu? Willie No'iu;
it ain't my questions that annoy him.
It's the answers ho can't give that
make him mad. Philadelphia Ledger.
"See here," cried the bill collector,
"this bill I've been bringing here so
often is getting worn out, and so is
my patience!'' "Gue whiz, nutu," re
plied the debtor, "so Is your welcome,
If you only knew it!" Philadelphia
Miss Peeehle I want a hammock
that will not break down. Polite clerk
Can't guarantee any of 'em, miss.
Miss Peeehle Why, that's strange!
Polite Clerk Not at all. We'd do It If
you were a homely girl, but "
Cleveland Leader.
"I think," he said, "that I am now
Just nbout even with the world."
"Kven with the world?" "Even with
tho world?" "Yes. I figure that I
have now reached a point where I owo
Just about as many people as I don't
owe." Hrooklyn Eagle.
Tramp It Is needless to nsk you
tho question, madauie. You know
what I want. Lady Y'es, I know
what you want badly, but I've only
one bar of soap in the house, und the
servant Is using it. Come again souio
other time. Glasgow Times.
He As soon as wo are married,
dearest, I will tako out an endowment
Insurance policy, so that you may bo
protected. She Don't you think you'd
better take out an accident Insurance
policy now, George? You haven't spo.
keu to father yet, you know. Phila
delphia Press.
"Y'ou claim that tho railways dis
criminate against you?" "Yes," an
swered Fanner Corutossel. "Three of
my neighbors have got damages for
cows that were killed. Pvo let my
eattlo stray all over the traektand tho
pesky engineer refuses to hit any ono
of 'em." Washington Star.
A little hoy once told his friend, an
other youngster, that his mother was
accustomed to glvo hlni a nickel every
morning so thnt ho should tako his
cod-llver oil In peace and quietness.
"Well, what do you do with It?" in
quired the little friend. "Mother puts
It In a money-box until there Is a dol
lar." "And what then?" "Why then
mother buys another hottlo of cod
liver oil with It." Tho Puthflnder.
The Jar of
Hammer blows, steadily ap
plied, break the hardest rock.
Coughing, day after day, jars
and tears the throat and lungs
until the healthy tissues give
way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
stops the coughing, and heals
the torn membranes.
"I ftlwurt Vcop Ajrr'f Chirrr 'clrrl In
th tintiM!. It tflv prfrt rdllftf wtitnir-r
any of ll. huv riiKln or h:iril rolrl., hfiv It f..r a rr. at mmiy tm r. ami ,o k now
all kl'niit It." MRU. Kilir OiiltiiTKAN, Varyt
burR, N. Y.
I Jk Mad by J. C. Ayr Co , Towoll, Mm.
Also manurauiurera or
ha:b vioor.
i iiers
Biliousness, constipation retard re
covery. Curetheso with Ayer's Pills.
Much In Kvldrncr.
Dick How did you like the new
Tom I thought Miss Sadie Hlugore
bad entirely too much to say.
Dick Was she In It? Why, I didn't
even know she hnd gone on the stage.
Tom She was In ono of the boxes
with a party the night I was there.
For coughs and colds there is no better
me.liclne than I'ibo'd Cure for Consump
tion. Price H5 cents.
Tin It !Voir.
Customer Why don't you tack op
this 'Do It Now' motto? It's been )v
Inj: around ou the counter for a
Grocer Wa al, I'm n-goin' ter tack
it up sometime If I ever git to it
Judge. riTQ Permanently Cured. No fltaor nervousness
I I 1 0 aftiT llrwt ilay uion'r.Klllie'iirat Nerve
Itent'irer. Semi fur Free tt'i trial IxiTtleanii treatise.
lir.K. 11. Kline, Ltd.,&31 An h .St., Philadelphia, Pa.
When Lincoln Won Illn Spurn.
Leaving the question of his relative
standing In the profession at large for
further consideration, it Is confidently
submitted that Lincoln won u credit
able position at the local bar, almost
at the outset of his career, among
contemporaries who were not only
capable lawyers, but men of excep
tional force and character. Indeed.
It Is exceedingly doubtful If the bar
of any other State In the Union pos
sessed as much native talent and abil
ity ns the frontier State of Illinois
when Lincoln won his spurs. Cen
tury. Mothers will find II'-. Winslow'n Soothing
Fyrup the best remedy louse for their children
during tho teething rorlod.
Oat of tbe Ordinary.
Author I have Just written a piny
that contains a new nnd novel climax.
It is bound to make a bit
Manager Indeed !
Author Fact. The plot leads up to
a train robbery.
Manager Huh! I fail to see any
thing new and novel in that.
Author Hut tho passengers rise up
ns one man and put the robbers out
of business !
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
tiv local applications as they cannot reach the
dlwuaed portion of tho ear. Il.uie is only one
way to cure ilea. iiess, and that is by coiistitu
tiuiial remedies, lieauiess is cauHi-A liy an in
tlam. d condition of the mucous lining oi the
Eustachian Tube. When this tubo is intinmed
viiu nave a rumblltiu Kound or imperftot hear
lug, and when it is entirely closed, l'eafness is
the result, and ui.Icsb the intlammation can lie
tai.en out and this tune re-toted to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;;
niu eases out of ten aro cauned by Catarrh,'
which is not). in but an inilauied condition of .
the'iuucouH Burlaces. I
We will give tme Hundred Dollars for any;
rano of Dt afness (cntised ly catarrh) that can- ;
not ne curcn iy null s i atarin cure. &enu ior
Circulars, free.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
fold by Druggist, Tftc.
Hull's iami'.y l'llls are the best.
Ilenvy Dombardment.
"Was jour wife nugry when you got i
lionie so late last night?" j
"Angry? Why, my boy, the dear
woinnn pelted 1110 wth flowers!'' j
"Hut how did you get thut black
eye?" j
"Well, you see, she neglected to take
the flowers out of the pots before she
threw them." Cleveland Lender.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Her Utile Mistake.
"Excuse, mndame," he said, "but
nh you remember. In the restaurant,
after the theater, the other night, you
were kind enough to notice me. I
hope I am not mistaken lu supposing
thnt your Interest was ah not alto
gether "
"Oh, no, not nt nil. I remember
now. I thought for a moment that
you were tho coachman my husbnud
discharged a few weeks ago for try
ing to inako lovo to the cook, and I
wondered how you could afford to eat
In such an expensive place." Denver
Nothing knocks out
Lumbago and Sciaf iea JACOBS
Nothing reaches the
quickly as
Ttrivrrn Frlrnda.
Afnynie Fred says when we nro. mar
ried I can have everything I wnnt.
Kdyth Poor fellow! He Is evidently
up against nn awful delusion.
May me Why, what do you moan?
I'dylh -He Imnijlno you have money.
Portland Trade Directory
Nome and Arfdrmea in Portland of Reprt-
enl.ilive BinineM firm.
i'MHIO hi I'l'I.IKH; K'xllik riei'H'ii.lnir in il print
line; wriie for erii-ed. Wno'lnnl, Cliokn it' t n.
MA'llr I.AVIKIINM Welil.r Co., I'ortlalll.
lm(Mt i ti'i i on Jiiuiterrii ami HIM.R.
KI.Ah'I I' HO-1 k It V ; Hii,pnrieri, linn-i-i: KnUtu
1-11; fn-e iiiritKiir''meiil lilitiikn; Wooilunl, I lur.ii.
IfOKSKS itt nil IclTirM for nnl at v ry rfuvtrmMf
IricH. Jii'jiilr: 'lh t rout Ht.
7 l;ISS rt H"nton Rf pntn ; w tcnnrnvtri fit In
rnoft Uillicult cuHfft; WiKxIard, Ciitrkn A o.
H I.KT I'KAH-Sf-nd Mr- for pkir. Htf'l KalrUnM
MfJul M-an. J.J. lint. r, Jvj I -rout trtwU
A H II Flf 'I A Ii KYKS; tyery nlitvb- Kml fhitpf-: fxv
nortmrnt nrit on approval ; W'oo'lard, darkw Co
CHKAM HKPA HATOltS-V tanrHnti-o thr V.K
h pnrnor fo th' l4t. Writ ior fre cutu o.
Jinz l wtxjd Co., Mflh and Oak.
MKN'Hf'ltTHfMJ ItufTum A Pi-ndleton. nole
Ht't n'fj AllrtMl hfiijamin rorrw t rloidf f.v-ry-tiiiiitf
in fnt n' fiirn HiiurH. Morns mi and rtiitlj
ntrctn. upptB t ponton We.
FJ1KK LAND IN OKKO'iN anrler thf Carey Irrl
Kiit ion a:t. I)fd d rfd frnm ntait. Writ today.
Jiooklft and nmp Ii. K, (JiKk Co., il
Al'ler Hlret-t, J'ortlai d, (rf-goii.
roi'II KV KOOli If yon want your lien to lay
more Kt'" w rit' un Ur iT- partU'tilitri aooiit I'L
1U.NA I'Ot'JIltY t tKJJS-Aciif Mills Co.,
I on and, (r.'on.
TAMHH o' Woolen Mill Co.. P irttand,
On. I.atcMi Hiyl clothes made to nu-aiure rh-ap.
Our pell riieatirHirir-nt yitm tnnuri;n per.ect lit.
Write for free sample and pricen.
riANOH A OH'IANH- OVUM piano hoiiRe on Ja
rlfic roriHt. Orantt and Piatio on eay payments.
Write for lKt. it um quote you a prir. Allen fe
OllbLTl-Uarnuker Co., ivrtland, Oren.
Oregon Ilerlm Sperltlr for all Kidney nd Blnd'ler
troubles, (urn IIACKAI ilk. I'rire Sue. Trial
ein Kent t.y mall fur 10c. la stumps. Hend tnfay.
Wili 'llilrd KU
Human Hair fioo'ls Sn lU hen, Tonipadorirs, Men's
Toujii-i b and W Ii:h; bi-st iiuulliy; lowe-Ht price;
per:d for Iree prlc ! lint; mull onlerr a npecialty.
Vor.s ilalr htuie, 3un WuhIiIiikIoii t. iM Iva.
On the Trait
I followed the
trail from Texas
ii - TT-. TJ -f to Montana with
wtw a risn orana a FISH Bkano
, f , f Slicker, used for
Pommel OllCker sn overcoat when
1 cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if we got to bed,
and I will say that 1 have gotten mora
comfort out of your slicker than any Other
one article that I ever owned."
(Tli. .n1 ariilm. "f ihe writer cf tbl
unuiii UtJ ii-lt.T zuuy be t. on atiliulon )
Wet Weather Garments for Riding, Walk
ing, Working or Sporting.
ThtE'.za of th FiiH
CO., Limited
And doinjr dental. work a'l the time that Is
the record ot Dr W.A.Wise. Inoures
tabUHhnieiit are expert dentiHts who or?
competent to perlorm the most Importunl
dental tiperalbnia. No mailer Ihi nature
of the work, there is u man here lo do it.
DR. H. A. STUItIKVA.T. Specialist on
t lnlilreu's Teeth and Kei;ulailiig.
Fa'tln; B'.dg., Third and Washington S's.
8 a- m. to V p. ni. Sunday 9 to 12. Ma n Vrjn
Work Done on Weekly and Monthly PaymenU
Office In your own
Vest Pocket
On call any Minute-Day or Night
When Hsartburn, Sour Stomach,
Headache, Bad Breath, Coated
Tongue, Belching of Stomach Gas, cr
any of these forerunners of Indigestion
appear, Old Dr. Cascaret wants to
be right on the spot in your pocket.
, Ho wants to che;k the coming trouble
Instantly before It can grow Into a
habit of the Bowels to be costive.
Ladies, who extend to Dr. Cascaret the
hospitality of their Purses or their Dress
Pockets, will be rewarded with a fine
complexion, ard healthy Happiness.
These will about fifty times repay for
the tyfling space occupied, and the ten
cents per week at cost.
Dr. Cascaret guarantees to cure the
most obstinate cases of Constipation and
Indigestion, without discomfort or in
convenience. His medicine does not gripe nor purge,
nor create a drug habit.
Because it is net a "Bile-driver," nor
a Castric-Juice Waster, but a direct
Tonic to the Bowel tvluscles.
It exercises naturally the muscles that,
line Ihe walls of the Intestines and
Want of Exercise weakens and relaxes
these Bowel-Muscles, just as it weakens
Arm and Leg muscles.
Old Dr. Cascaret goes directly after
these Bowel-Muscles. He wakes
them up Just as a cold bath would wake
up a lazy person.
and disables like
trouble as
I ii
.nun srii. i atu Omm. ete, wm
time. Sold Iit (lniL'i.T Ml
Her firrnt Pnlon.
Stella So she is to rnnrry a foothnll
hero. .
Holla Yes, s!in nhvn.vs 0Ve rem
nants. New Y'ork Sun.
KHitf Mifbtrit bm'1 Mtrfinuft turn,i I'Mli-f
n the initrict. lit H'r piwf on .( iwwj
with (vo hoi hm. V rue lor il-'vr p, . v a mi(
ltd price. - - ;
Toot ol Morrison Street Portland, Oregon
A bright man with team in youreoun
ty. Steady work andgooil wages to ri'ht
man. Iteferences reipilred. For jntr
ticulars addres-s
Box X Winona, Minn.
Fei I ' Frrl srn bent Trnn V)
iet Yrnn ) t
mif'-wnil y-ar have ipu iiwntln
tl.eir develoriiit Iialf n renmrr
of mTl inre In tiiaking Uxm
npen'T u nil dmuti
t. n nig iit.i4n in vrowinK
H"iw.r nii IP.III,
ivuo xa ai.i tree.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Th'n wondrrol Chi
nese lctor In ralltd
great because lie ctres
people without opera
tion that are tftve i np
to die. He cures with
tho!? woi derful Chi
nB herbs, room, luids,
barks and vecetahlt-s
that are cntlndy un
known to medical c -
ei;o In tbin onu ry. Thro ikn ihe ue h nn8
harmle?-a th'H tamou- no 'tor Icno vi
the actlou fifoverfiOO d:fer nt ronndle wbl h
hf Bticf eMSiully u.efi In h!T-ri n. itiHease. its
Uarantf estocureca arrh. asthma, luiitr, thr a ,
rheuuiaTlsni, nervocf D'-h-, tonnu n, liver: k il-n-'y,
etc.; has hi ndre N or tt dt-monialM.
Chares moderate, i ud ai d see h!m. Pali n.
out of the city wfite lor hlttnkr and c rc Jlar.
bead btuu.p. CON.SU LTATION i utb.
162' a First SL, S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention i sper. PORTLAND, OREGON.
P. N. U.
No. OS,
TTTUICN writ ine to advertisorg please
mention tttis paper.
DR. r. P. wise
Aid" to the
Then he works them (through tho
nerves) till they got so strong from
that Exercise that they don't need
any more help to do their duty.
But Dr. Cascaret wants to berisrht ori
the spot. In your Pocket or Purse,
where he can regulate these Bowel
Muscles all the time, in health, and
out of health.
Because, even the strongest Bowe
Muscles may be overworked.
Heavy dinners, late suppers, whiskey,
wine, cr beer drinking, nervous excite
ment, sudden exposure to cold or heat
and a dozen other every day livelihoods tire
the Bowel Muscles. 1
In such cases a little Cascaret In tims
Is worth fifty dollars worth of Treatment
later on, to say nothing of the suffering,
discomfort, loss of Business Energy, and
loss of Social Sunshine it saves.
Old Dr. Cascaret carried constantly In
your Vest Pocket, or in "My Lady's"
Purse is the cheapest kind of Health-Insurance,
and Happiness - Promotion, that
ever happened.
Little thin enamel Cascaret Box, half
as thick as your watch, round-cornered,
smooth-edged, and shaped so you don't
notice its presence.
Contains six Candy tablets Price Tea
Cents a Box at any Druggist's.
Be sure you get the genuine made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold in bulk. Every tablet stamped
We want to send to our friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good fait h and to cover cost ol Cajcarets,
with whlchtKis dainty trinket is loaded. 714
Send to-day, mentioning- this paper. Address
Sterling Keoiedy Compauy, Chicago or New York,
rrciisC, Anu ouc. ft