Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 14, 1906, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
llnhwnla Nnfftrt Pub. Co.
In a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers.
A Riiumt of tha Less Important but
Not Lea Interesting Event
of the Past Week.
Littleton, W. Ya., wai almost wiped
ont by tire.
A campaign o( assassination seems to
be under (till headway in Kussla.
The haing tiialn have canst d many
failure in the Annapolis examina
tion. A deadlock is predii to 1 Mween
France ami tiermany on the Moroccan
John 1.. Sullivan, tn a speech to
new sltoya, warned them again it ciga
rtt ton Mint whisky.
It is believed in Washington that
the railroad rate bill will pass tlie
enate without much opposition.
The Chamber ol Commerce bui.dtng
in Portland ban iust been sold. Tin
price is about one million dollars.
It i said that Hill has a'.atnt com
pleted arrangements to buy the Chica
go, Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad.
Two men have been rescued alive
from a mine near Stockton, Cal., after
leeing entombed more than 100 hours
by a cave-in.
Jack the Stablx-r has been captured
in St. 1a is. He slashed 13 women
one evening and one the next. The
last led to his arrest.
Russia's financial condition has im
proved g really.
Kin Charles of Ronmauia is re
ported to be seriously ill.
AH the judge of Miune!ota have re
turned their annual railroad pasees.
Railway trathe in Kastem Pennsyl
vania is blockaded on accouut of heavy
The annual cost of repair and main
tenance of the congressional library is
Helen Kellar, the deaf and blind
girl, has bteken dowu under the etraiu
of work.
A IVlgian professor accuses King
Leopold of stealin $15,0000 000 de
rived from the rubber trade with
llarriman lias secured concessions
from the Mexican government and will
build 1,000 mile of railroad iu that
o. nutry.
It is now protvable thai President
Koosevelt w ill te called upon to fettle
the Morocvn dispute tclween France
tid Germany by policing the country
with American troop.
The I'niled States sub treasury at
Chicago has detected counterfeit hall
dollars which ae said to have Wen
made iu China. The required amount
ol silver is contained.
The Hie meat animals im portal into
12 of the important countries from the
I'uitcd Stales is St percent of the total
iunor!s of such animals. In the same
couutrie the packit-g house product
from the dated Stales is " pel cent
of the total.
An explosion in a coal mine at Oak
bill, West Virginia, caas.s.1 the death
of at least SS mmers. I
The Chicago council has passed u
ordinance p'acteg the ct of gas at T
ceut per thousand ieet.
Oa acwuut of the recent tarn of
aSair iu Ctuna the vr may uot
withdraw their trevp as had txea
agreed. I
i. cucago city tviiwtl u! pass an or- ,
ditiaiue tfcaicst rigarette suiokiig by'
mi...d l.i u vM t.r..v-i.l.t iaK.S '
to Iv hea er with eacii sieved
Cougrifgatiuoal, l'us'.e.l Frethervn !
and MethMist l"Tote!act cburvi: j waip'ctei.1 a p'jiti 'or a utn-.ui an-1
del the na
Youi g I
f U e l'ul.e.t ClVJrvh ct
y c.js v.,
been avie To
Cve a4 hi
sad to have d.'.rug
p-e tie y
identify Pa.
Vv e is
ctatiic-.l tf'eat'y iu
tt e pat ivr years,
A 'lit
i'i:er':a! revenue re,-o't fo'
tt:at the busttiee- of the P:
lai'.'s a-ii -u itevi to '.- 0A.l'O
i. T' e :! a :t of tai4 coi- i
.L a It vV)aV0 m goll. I
Tee -ave cf Cia'les Ihcker vd ;
r Heurv Irvu-.J. m Vetiiiiri'.ecr ;
at lev. I o id u, were lavih!v devva'eU j
wi'.h f,.v'e'4 iu .vum r.K'tt ot their
tvrtz-.iav. February? aud t re-w.
fa's vrwpvor of K.'. a aud t.
'.otv. who have bv-vu Ki rru'g up th
pvop'.e of the Voa regioii, fcav tu
Z'O wethei prevails throoihout the
Voittfd S:a:e 4t ot the Kovky lu.'ua
taiua. The tr al of Pat Cn cba'vrl itb
rohturu t: A CU.Uhv vi $.',1.V iu
A. Cudabt
cioa w ah th kidoap vt F.
;v. Jr., ive yvari b4 tt?-
g-au iu tiiv l5ru-( court at Omaha.
Fire wiiivii a tartevt itA the ura'cii
depart tomtit of a t vxtcgoM, Keot'ickv.
wuoesa'e fcoae, dvtroyed $OJ,C00
ottv oi prvperty.
Early Morning Ul.we Cot Lite ami
Horns Oridp.e Approach.
Portland, Feb. 12. Fire broke out
this morning at l A near the coiner of
Fast Water and Fast Morrison streets
ami burned w ith great rapidilv. The
buildings arc built on pilings, and the
draft carried the tinmen under the road
way of Morrision street, burning the
approach to the Morrison street bridge,
and the frame struct uies on both sides
of the roadway were soon ablare.
On the north side of Morrison street
is the wood yard of C. K. Pavin A Co.
M. J. Mnridiv. idumlor: the Mount
Hood saloon; a mini I photograph gal
lrrv and the Fast Portland Fence
works. On the south side of Morrison
street are two or three small structures
used as candy stores and a restaurant.
riats along the water front were
uuicklv moved ont into the river and
out of danger.
The wind, wind little there was, was
from the northeast, ami the spaika and
bits of burning wood were cariicit over
to the west stile of the river, making a
beautiful night in the moonlight.
The tlrehoat is moored within two
blocks of the place where the tire
started, but the tiames had already at
tained such a headway Wfore an alarm
was turned in that thev could not be
The big agricultural implement ware
house district is within a block of the
hit i ned buildings, but the gentle wind
blowing carried all the sparks out into
the river and away from the big frame
The second ntory of the building in
which the Mount llool saloon is lo
cated is occupied as a tenement house.
l.odgers were driven from their rooms
in their night clothes and had very
narrow escapes.
L. Pailv, a man of aNmt 50 vears of
age, was taken to the hospital very
badly burneit. ImiIv is In great an
guish as he is afraid that his w i'e and
two children perished in the tl.imo.
He says he was wakened out of sleep by
ihe tlanies licking at his face am; by
the greatest effort csoaptd with his
One bodv has leen takeu from the
ruins of the lodging houe. The body
is so badlv eaten bv the tlames that it
is impoesile to tell whether it is that of
a man or a woman.
Assistant Chief says he
is afraid there are a numler of other
victims in the embers, probably chib
tr 4:30 the tiames were under con
trol. lavis" wotxlyard buildings ae
badlv damaged. I here is a great noie
in the Morrison street br dge approach.
All the buildings on the west side of
Water street on the two corners are de
si rovtd.
Scientist Accidentally Inoculates Him
self ith Deadly Poison.
New Oileaus, Feb. 1- Whether or
not Professor ltiomas t.. t-yer, ol lu
latie university, will die cf anthrax.
one of the worst d'eass ktvwn to med
ical science, during the next ten days.
as the result of accidental self-inocula-tion
with t!.e grriu of the disease, is a
o.iestion ttie answer of wtach Professor
l?yer and scientists in the city are
w aitir.g w ith anxiety. The disease is
fatal m to caes out of thrre in the
humau ai d is a!ttit invariably fatal to
the ioer animals.
t'rvfesvu P'Ver was workirg tfcre
his class in svierc ai..l was inoculating
a live rabbit wr.ti tJ e ertrs. A rkvu
as the raVbit ielt tie prick of the
eeed'e it gave a !u:ige aad the cedle.
i::s'ead cf tirg thrust into the ear of
tie r; -b'.t, ss dr:ven into the crw.
fes-or" Cygvr. 1
-cj trvui a uu":r
l'er 'nght ad
A 'oval bc:riol.v.
I g'.s's. r -.ey w ;
, b i.'re ". 's c.e'e
have to wait tea dvs
it'iv. r.e:::r or not
. u-.e Jeji.y
ivvs hare beea ki!'.el by
f-ie erais attack th.
i::t:e;-'. cs.
g'ic U of t
jn a-d
ci.isiti theui to
ta dea'.h within a
siiort tiue.
Flor lndpr-Jiit Oil.
Je-.-a City. Vj., Fee. 11. The
tvari cf pr-..-G is.sfecsori of M "ii
re:tied to !s th Wa:rf P re OA
co-i:pau4 cctra.-'t for pytng the
'ate pciter.tiar i".h f'jr the even
mi ya. Th Watr-j P.erw crtipaey
has tveu cha': ! c?t 'tr g-a'l o.
l.i tid tela wi It '-4 wr.'4. but the
coctract wa aar.wd to ile.r P.
Jor-ee a Co. acd the Mcunl City Oil
v.v.u-pany. N'th of t. l.oi:, at 1 5 overs.
The tv!d coni ier tee bid of ihe .
depvudtfct cv Lvpauiv pre;'erh'.e, even
if they d caar$s wtj.
Mi) D'ay Repairs to tbe Orvj-on.
VK.utgtoa, Feb 12. Tt:e tatil.
hi p 0'eg"U w y lwt luuued:ate!v tin
Jrv;o repairs upon arrival at the Paget
sound uvv vatd. 4 ongmal'v conteru-
Ihe navy is short cf inojiev frtb
repa.ncg vessels, cotg-v tiavu
chued to supply tSe detjc eticy.
the fear of naval ethic r tlat the wort
of the Orvgou wiU bv ispoded tu
little time uuleM a special apprepria
tioa cau ie provurwl :iuxvdiately.
There i I'.t'e hope of thl.
Abolish Forced Piljtair.
V4hitrtico, Fvb. 12. fy a vote of
S to 5, the bcuw cot.uruif.te oti tuvr
ehet uiariue an .1 dshei iv arewt t'
Jay to uak a favoiab'e ti.vrt ot the
litt!iiLl til:, wtivh doc jy with
cottifal.'sory jyi! ta oai ai!iu yvU
ec'ied iu the coaatai traJe.
Qupstion To Do Submitted to People
for Their Decision.
Salem The last day for tiling initia
tive measuton iu the olllce of the secre
tary of slate hits passed and nix meas
ures were added to the four already on
tile. The bills and proposed amend
ments to bo voted upon are a follows:
The $1,000,000 appropriation bill
passed br the last legislature and held
up by referendum pet itt ions.
The liH-al option bill proposed by the
l.iipiordealers' association an an amend
ment to the present l.H'al option law.
The bill tiled by the owners of the
Parlow road, requiring the state to buy
the road for the sum of $24,000.
The proposed constitutional amend
ment tiled by the Fpml Suffrage league,
extending the elective franchise to
A bill by the People's Power league
making it unlawful for public nernee
corporations to give passes or free or
reduced rate service to public officials.
A bill by the State grange, levying a
license tax upon the gross earnings of
refrigerator and sleeping car and oil
A constitutional amendment proponed
by the People's Power league to amend
section I of article 12 no that" the pn It
lie printing will le entirely within the
control of the legislature, and may be
let by contract, or a printer elected or
appointed, upon a salary or other com
pensation. An amendment proposed by the Peo
ple' Power league to amend article 4
of the constitution so that the referend
um may be demanded upon any item or
r-ection of a bill and extending the
rights of initiative and referendum to
An amendment proposed by the Peo
ple's Power league to amend sections I
and 2 of article 17, so that one legisla
tive assembly may submit constitution
al amendments, and that when the vo'e
upon an amendment h is been canvassed
by the governor and a majority found
in its favor he shall proclaim it adopt
ed, and it shall then Ih a part of the
constitution, Wyond the power of the
courts to pass upon ; also that no law
for a constitutional convention shall be
in force until approved by a vote of the
An amendment proposed by th I tw
ple'a Tower league to amend section 2
of article 11, giving the legal voters of
a municipality power to trame ami
adopt their own charters, and forbid
ding the legislature to create municipal
Large Depot at Austin.
Suiupter Thu Snmptcr Vally Rail
road coui party Fia just finished an SO
foot depot at the terminus of the road
now known as Austin station. Much
freight is received at that poiut, neces
sitatis a larjer depot than is genera'.lv
found at ether stations on the line of
the road. A few other budding have
been vrvcted at Austin and the pkee is
beginning to assume the prv portions of
village. There is uo authenticated
rcpo-t current as to whether the ump-
ter Vallev intends to exend its line lv-
yond that point during the coming sea
son or not.
Klamath Horses Sell High.
Merrill J. Frank Adams has just
Id 100 bead of horses to Charles
ewart. of San Francisco, for prices
ranging frum $10 to $150 ech. Mr.
Stewart purchased the horses to take
to San Francisco and perhap a large
portion of them will gt to Honolulu or
be'trausortvd for service in the lt. ited
States aruiv. Six'y bead cf the ani
mals brought $ 100 each and 40 head
were o!d al $!Vt esch. They aversged
from l.20 to 1,500 pound each, and
some of them were only halter broken.
This is considered a good price.
Road Taps Mining District.
Pvaker City A special from S impler
sars it is asisurevi tuat tr.e -acipter
K.ectric railroad to tne mining cao-p
of Pourne wi'.i ln built th' spring.
W. K. Hard, of Portland, and Acthon
Mohr, of Suiupter, are in the Kiast, in
the interest of the rew rvJ, wfcich is
planned t hardle ores more cheaply.
They say the road is practical ly nca'ic
ed. It w ill l aa elevtre lne about
eva mile lorg. serving one oi the rich-'
tst tawiicu camps ia the Northwest.
Raf-fis Horses Die ty Score.
IViker City It i repvrre! tiere Trom
the rangva of IVaker county tht svvr-4
of hor, t irnl out by the'r owneni
to fee-1 thvunvlviM daring the wint.r
ui.uittt have starved to deati, w
manv other arv m a ci i'tt av'.e con
dittva. Thl is cwud by ti e neusal
ly deep uow4. which prvvvrt the aui
mals fom reach'rg the driv.1 grass of
the range, on wh'eh thvy nsually Jt
pend for their winter ubetoacct.
Buirg HaT Draft Horses.
Jo ha Pay J. P. Coaihs, a !,vat
haver, ha bwu pickit $ up a 'y!
mativ h rei Jarii'f tTe pat week for
Wil!a:vt:e valley tr!e. He pur-
'.hasL au'"i'f other heavy draft
It UiUor. the line teta owred bv Svoator
laveock. payicg theref r the ata ol
$3V). Tbi teani i gceiliy thought
to le the bvt ia Orar coanty. and
wiU probablr be oli ia Portland.
Friewa ifvuvrally are good.
Mfy from Stat Lad.
. Sa'etu Tfce State laad r'ard ha re
cvivvd froai the sat of public 'aud and
interest, on bvba'.f of the public kLocI,
the Agricultur! evlle al th nui
vereity, fuai djris January $74,
It cuoaey tia all ba fir ti
ed into the state treasury.
Government Work and Immigration
Stimulates Klamath Line,
Klamath Falls Inf Munition received
at Kla-tath Falls imlicnten that the
Klamath Lake railroad, connxctlug
with the Southern I'm I tic at Thrall ami
extending to Pokegama, recently ac
quired by the Weyerhaeuser l.umbiir
company, will bo practically recon
structed during the present year, track
laid better to cm. Mo the line to coin
mad tratlic of the Klamath Falls, region
for some time, while also better nerving
the purposes of it new owners in the
development of lumber Industries.
Four new locomotives have been order
ed, a new passenger conch and a num
ber of cars are to be purchased, which
in understood to be indicative of the in
tentions witn rt (erence to the railroad.
No official information in had an to
the intentions in the way id adding
mileage, but it is known that investiga
tions made before the acquisition of the
property were with a view to determin
ing tho tratlie assured by reason of the
government work in constructing the
canal for which Mason, Iuvis A Co., of
Portland, now have the first contract.
With absolute knowledge of the ton
nage of tratlic that was handled durng
1 105, and itn great increase over the
precedirg year, and an additional ton
nage for the next year that will surely
double the commodity tratlic of 11105,
to sty nothing of the immigration that
will mean a great deal of busiuesn, the
railroad officials feel more than justi
fied in large expenditures and will com
plete their projected work at the ear
liest possible date.
Operate Eugene Mill.
Eugene F'inal papers have been
made out in Salem for the sale of the
F'ugene Woolen mill to a Salem organ
isation, to be known as the Flugene
Woolen. Mill company. The Thomas
Kay Woolen Mill company of- Salem is
the principal stockholder. John P.
Wilbur and Will Wright, of t'nir..
Or., more than a year ago purcha"ed
the plant at a receiver's sale. The
company which has just bought it an
nounces it will have the mill running
w ithin TO days. The plant has In-en
idle about three years.
Plans Cheese Factory.
Pallas K. Robinson, vt Tillamok,
is in Pallas and plans to establish a
cheese factory here. Mr. Kobinon
says if the farmers w ill guarantee 2.'0
ix) s to start with he will immediately
make all arrangements (or the plant.
He expect to rent space in the Pallas
ice plant, Where cold storage will le
convenient, thereby avoiding the ex
pense and delay of building. Mr. Rob
inson already own sever; plants in
Use Sagebrush Fuel.
Salem V. E. Burke, of Harney
cuinty, representing the Portland Land
company, was before the State I -and
board at its last meeting arranging to
perfect proof of reclamation for about
t.000 acres, under th Carey act, in
Harney county, near Rums. This ioiu
pacy will obtain water from well by
pumping, using sagebrush or fuel to
generate the eteam power.
For Eperiment Station.
Feho The I'nited State government
has decided to establish an experiment
station of 49 acre ou the F'ast I'matill.t
irrigation project. I-and will be t
apart for this purple.
Wheat Club,
s'em, 72 .?73e; red,
Oats No. 1 white
'Ic; blne
c; valley,
feed, $2; gray,
Parier Feel. $2:? 423 50 per ton ;
brewing. $24; rtl!evl. 124 J2-5.
F ukhet 12.25 jer cental.
Hav FTastern Oregvvt tirootfiy,
$13 50.414: valley timothy. $10;
clove'. $7.50yiS; cheat, $79; grain
hay. !7ytS r ton.
Fruit App e. cotrnion, 75e'4tl per
bx; cloice. $1 2.31.50: faocv, ttjfi;
pear. $I.25tt(I..SO pvr b3x; craaber
r:e, $13 .4 IS. 50 per barrel.
Vegetable Cabbag-. 2;?2l4cpr
p.."-cd, raal'dower, $1 S5 per crt:
celery, $'t.50 r crate: ptrupkin,
4 tc pr P ,,3n sr"0'. (.47i? per
pound; squash, 1 1 '4 1 WjC tr p.'und :
parsley, 2V; rurcip. rfOf.ill p-r sack;
i-arrot. . ?c per sac; wet, -5c
l pvr rack.
Osior-s "regn. No. 1, $1.10 41.25
n!:',yr sack; No. 2, 70
lj tat ov Fancy
grade.l Bi'anks,
e.V per hacdre-1: crticary, ooa'tral;
fevrt potato, 1 14 I vt e per tmr-l.
I'.ttter Farcy
creamery, !.soc!
per pvand.
F'rt-4 Oregon ranch,
3 4 24: per
IVultry Average oM h-c4.ll'4I2'-c
p-r tt'iitid: mixvi chickec4 10i-4 10 c ;
broiler, 13 417c: yoang rosters, 10c;
old rooster. SiL9c: dreiwvil chickens,
13411:; turkey, live. I"4l7g; tur
key, dresif!, hujic, 12'.V: ge-,
live. 9c; g, dreti, 12J14o;
dick. ItMlSc.
Hop 4.reg'.'o. l'W. choice 10 -4 1 Ic
rr poaod; pritre, s i4'A; medical,
Tv; oMi. 5 47c.
Wool Fajrvru Orv-g'-a averijw bent,
16.421k; val'ey. 2 4 4 2"c perpoead;
uioha.r, choice, Ji.V.
IVwf Pressed bil', 2 4i-t pvr
lO'ind; cow, 3J4l.4i;; eooatry
!en, 4)44o.
Ma'.toc rrese.l, faccv, S 4Si; per
po'ind; ordicary, 4iJV; Laaib, 7J,
Veal rreeeeil. 541: pr poind.
Pork Lrtwmed, j7.'' per poatd. I
Proviion of tho Mensurn Passed
by tho Hon sn,
Washington, Feb 0. The railroad
rule bill in intended and does comply
spec ideally with the rcroinmtuidalinnM
of President Roosevelt on tho rate
iUiNtion. It given the InterstateX'oin
tnerce commission authority, when a
rate ban been coinplniued of nn "un
reasonable" by a nit pper, to Investi
gate that rate, slate w lu llicr or not it
is unreasonable, and if found to be
unieasnnitble, to mime u rate, which in
to he just and reasonable, and fairly
remnueriitivo, mid w hich in to bo the
iniixMiiuin rate to be charged.
Thin rate, so tlxetl, tn to go Into
efTct t ,S0 days after it In announced by
the coinuiisNiiiu, subject, during that
time, to bo net nsido or suspended by
the commisHion or by the courts. After
it has gone into effect, it in to remain
the rate for three years. Uiirtng this
time, according to the opinion that
has been expressed by those who have
participated in the debate, the rate
may also be reviewed by the courts,
and, if found to be tn contlict either
with the constitution by being confis
catory, it can be set aside by the courts.
Another important feature in the
definition of the words '"railroad" and
"tr importation," in a manner to in
clude all auxiliary instrumentalities.
This Hwir to name a reasonable
rate and the inclusion of the auxili
arien within the jurisdiction of the
commission, are said to be the new
feat uren. All other provision are mod
ifications of existing law. They in
clude publicity of railroad methods,
w hii h is 'o be aided hy prescribing a
system of bookkeeping, and enlarging
the commission to seven members and
increasing salaries of member to $100,
000 a vear.
Minister Discusses Agitation and Pre
, parations for War.
'terlin, F'ib. !. (ieiieral Tchang
TYheng, the Chinese minister to tier
many, in the course of an interview
with the Tsgeblatt' correspondent on
the diriuieting rumorn from China,
said that China needed reform in her
head a id limbs. Europe, he nnid,
had been surprised that Japan had be
come greater than China, whore sol
dier, and especially tlnse in the north
ern part Oi" the empire, conipire physic
ally with the Prussian guards. Money
for aimy and navy expenses, ho taiil,
should not be considered, as the jxipu
latioli of over 400 000 (H)0 could easily
contribute a milliard where vrtal inler-
est were touched
China, the minister continued,
strong'- wishes for commercial deal
ings with foreign countries, but prefers
those without Chinese colonies. The
inissionarits, he added, cause hatred of
foreigner by their tactless proselyting
aud the fighting leteeu Protestants
and Catholics.
The minister was asked if the navy
and army reinforcements which the
United States is sending to the Philip
pines in the expectation of diilicultics
with Chinia might arouse the Chinese
dragon. He replied :
"If tlie American government scuds
reinforcements, who can ay it fears
ditliculties with China? It is all ivn
ser'.se. I believe the armaments are
prepared against sometmdy ele; I can
Dot express myself more definitely. "
Perfect Road Will Be Euilt Straight
Across Ohio.
Clevelard, Feb. y. Within a year
work will te t-egun by the
("ivod Koads assjeiation on a great
highway extending char acrixs the
state of Ohio, frum the Pennsylvania to
the In liar line, that w ill be one id
the finest in the world, and, like the
Appian Way, will t built to last fT
all time to come. This i the informa
tion given out today hy Colonel W. H.
Moore, f reiJent of the ao-iatinn.
The load, which will l the t:rt to
be built acroe a state um'er the author
ity of au organisation the old
Federal roads, will coet U.oOO.OoO.
OfttH .mount. Colonel Moor sav. I "" " "lv ' " V" V ":" " ",,T
$750 0,0 ha a'readv Uen put up byT " 8 rorhT-
certain intere' that he will not nov , ''der old rules or und. r r.w, the Ke-
reveal, and the remxinder will l-e se
cnrel from the counties through which
it will pas.
Puts Don Sioerian Revolt.
St. Petersburg, Feb. t'. tier.ral
Linievitch, cotta'ander cf the Man
chuiian a'mie. uWraphed to the em
peror yesterday a follows: ''tifne'al tf ertrrrd Chita, Trar s
Baika!:, February 5, without biod
shel. The iiihd'aa of tie ton
have bfvii difarmeU tid work ha.4 t'evu
resume!. Two hur.drsl of the revolu
tioais'i have leva arrtsteii, hut a nu'ti
ber of tre leader de-1. General Urls
jtcikofl, the military governor of
CLita, ha tea relieved of hi p.t for
Irrigation Congress Dates.
Poie, Iiai.o, Feb. 9 Tuesday at a
joint oierting of the director c' the
Carur?r cf cvcuuerce and the Coctuei
cial club, it wa decide.! trat the dite
f r the rxe.'tir. the National Irriga
tion ccrgr should be S-ptrtuber 10
to 15. Tat a.-tion u sabjevt to the rat
idcati 'n cf the execu'iv coutmittee of
tfce cocgres. but it i caitoxary to rat
ify th choic of th peot,U where the
coDree ii to be hell ia the matter of
Will Act for Castro in France.
Waihicg'.oa, Fb. i Tr.e Yenei'iet
aa g-verotueot ha rei;aetrd the goy. of the Coid. State to take
charge ol it coca't in France. Sec
rerary Kxe baa dec;dei to tvtuply with
ttt reijaesl
till give tb tecesuarv
io.itractj.o4 ti tt Auericaa acubaxa
ior ia Pari.
Cannot Withstand Fiilillc Hostility
on Rati
Denunciations of Pennsylvania Rail
road Mornr and of Coal
Roads Cause Alarm.
Washington, Feb. 10. It In apparent
that certain railroad Intercut bavo be
come alarmed over the decided anti
railroad agitation that in manifesting
itself in congress and in several states,
and that their friend in the senate,
have been appealed to to settle upon
the best rate bill they can gt t and get
it before tho senate for action. It ia
said that the railroad interests at large
have become astounded over the oppo
sition that lias devloped to them
throughout the country, and that many
of them realizit that graver probl i
than the fixing of a disputed rate con
front them if something is not done to
allay the spirit of hostility
Some of the magnate" believe Unit if
they can get the member of the com
mittee on interstate commerce of tho
senate together on a bill at once it w ill
stop the agitation that in each day
growing stronger against what are char
acterised a "railroad lobbies" la vari
ous states.
The denunciation of the railroad
trii"t in West Virginia by (inventor
Pawsou in a letter to the senate, tho
i.fT -ring of a resolution in Pennsylvania,
to investigate i oal-op. -rating rads and
the determination id many in ml-i rs of
congress to km tire an investigation d
the alleged trust formed hy the Penn
sylvania, Halt i iimr-- .V Hi i, ( "henapt aire
A Ohio and Norvfulk A Western, have
excited bar among (he frii-ndn id"
t hat a rt m in b'rs crusade against
them about to Ilium.
Chairman Flkuis, of the iutelt-tate
commerce committee of the i-eria'e. who
favors the railroad iiiti-rcMs, and S uia
tors t 'la pp and I j! Ii t r , w ho I iir bet ti
Wighting for act inn. h-ld a private c n
ference of s.'Veral h
urs thi afternoon.
:s of compromise is.
It is believed a l a
being considered.
Will Be Converted to Suit Term ol
Next Yacht Race.
New York, Feb. 10. In discussing
the possibilities of a challenge for the
America's cup from Sir Thomas I.ipton
or any foreign source, arid the probable
cour-e of the New York Yacht club, on
receipt of sin h a ha'denge, say to
day's Times, the astonishing statement
was made by a prominent member f
the N-w York club yes'erday that the-
Kel.aucf would be n-i-d in all proba
bility as the defender of the cup, eveu
though t he challenge called for a race
with schoout r. as has beei roiggestcd,
and that to meet these conditions ti e
would be converted, as it is a perfectly
practical suggestion and meet Sir
Thomas and any other challenges at.
every point.
If a 70-foot sloop, as sugw'eted by
Sir Thomas, is named as the chal
lenger, the challenge will beacepttii
and the Keliance will Iw used as the
challenge boat, in spite of the b'g al
lowance she would have to give. If a
llii f.M t schooner in named, the Iieli
ance will he converted and w;ll l-e still
the defender. If a lM) foot sloop i
named, it will, of course, l the Keli
- . . . i. . . i. : 1 1 . .. . i . i. . i .
t.ance is io-i.ea upon at capat:eoi
successfully defending the cup and will
reuiaia the club' I'.eKance.
Poaching on Fund.
Was'di cton, Feb. 10. To the sur
prise of rnary senators, the Hansbrougli
(ill setting apart fl.OuO.oOO nut of tho
rrclaruat'.ori fund for the drainage of
an;p lauds in North I'akota slipped
i through the senate Several
Western senator were vigorously op-
p.yevl to taking any money out of tl e
! reclamxtion funil to drain swamp land
, and it was their purp-e to c, js.i thi
lull, but it was called up w ht n the een
I ate aa virtual')- moty ai d went
i through without ..pjoeition. will
fcuf t in the house.
Relieve Forest Settlers.
Washington. Feb. 10. The houe
of pissed a bill providing that settlers
within forest rserve-s who have relin-qaistu-d
title to their lard since the lieu
l:i I law w repealed may recover tiCe
to th-ir original hot lit gs. A inttr
nw stand, tie etler can
make lieu selection tior reixver (he land
wh'cb they reltr.ijuishevl. The houo
refused to ja a till vermittii'g et-
j t'er of thi via to perfect their lieu
Grain Trust Ordered Dissolved.
I.inco'.u, Neb.. Fet. 1J A decision
adverse to the Nebraska tiraiu-lea'er
awi at ion w tiaeded down to-lay by
th Suprea-e couM, which order tl
aociatin ditsalved. It had toen al
lerevl that the a.-itiou f.xd price,
leaving th farmer to take what waa