Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 07, 1906, Image 7

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I'tHMimonl.i fo'lownl I n (iiippr- IV-rti-n
llio. Kcim ily Unit lirouKht Kvl cl.
Mr. T. I'm ihthH, WuhI A) Iiiht, On
tario, Cun, uritiH:
"l.iiHt wlnt r I wuh ill with jiticn
moil in lifter linviiiR In ripji". 1 tmili
IVrilliH fur two Ilic nl hi wl.l'll I I ri Hiric
(piiln wtt'l, nml I (hii Hiiy thni. Hiiy one
ran Iim riirril i.y it in n ri'Hni.alilti tinm
Kin) ni litMn xiMirn."
S)sl,ini ( .idiirh, Hit K-Milt of I n (iii())c.
IV-rii-nn NrM-ivrn ( rnlit lor
I'risrut (mod Mt iillli.
Mrn. Jcntiin VV. iliiinre, llux 41,
Wliilit (ink, Jnl.Ter., wrilcH:
"Six ynirn ni I Iih1 In Kii'p',
wliii '1 wiih follom il hy HVKtcni if ( uliirrli.
TIih only IhinK t lined w iim J'i riiiia nml
MHiialin, nml 1 Juivn limit in 1 1 t ! r
luniltli tliu luMt tliroa ycHin thiin f r
yi'iiro liifir. I jjivn 1'crunn all the
credit (r my (fund lieitltli."
IV-f u-nii A Tonii Altrr la Grippr.
Mrs. C'Iiiih. K. WhIIm, Hr., Ii-lnwnri
Ohio, write : "Altera mvcr Htlack
( In K'i'i"'i ' took I'nruna ami (omul
it a very tonic."
"Moot Ifft-tlive MMlilip Tver Trk'd for
Id drippy."
Kolit. L. MhiI hoii, A. M., primipiil
( t'ullowhre luh ei'liool, Painter, N.
C, lit chairman of the Jui'ltsui county
hoard of ed illation. Mr. Madinon Buy:
"I am hardly ever without I'trnim In
my honm. It in Um timet effurtive
tiii'diciiio that I have evt-r tried for la
Mm. Jimu (lift, Allien", () , writes:
"1 hnd U uripptt very had. My h un
hand hoiiKiit l'ti una fir me. In a very
diort time I pitw improvement and wan
Boon able to do my work." -
CUHIt WMfMI All tUi Mill.
ID. 'J ANff fitful.
tin iif 'Jrititft-M
In tirnM.
Suffered Twclvp Ypiim From After ffrtta
of t u drippc
Mr. Vi.tor Pat in an .le, U2H Mad Icon
St., Topt-ka, Khii., imimhi-r of Knights
a id I.iidii'B of Stcnrity, writes:
'Twelve yearn ao I had a severe at
tack of la grippe and I never really re
covered my lienltli and clri'iitli hut
grew wouker every year until I wua un
able to work.
"Two years ago I hegari lining Peruna
and it huilt up my clri-ngth ho that in
a couple of month I whh ahle to go to
work again.
"This w intpr I had another attack of
lit grippe, hut Peruna Boon drove it out
of m v cyHtem.
"My wife and I consider Peruna a
household remedy."
Just IfotT II lie M-fiP!.
Mother--WIihC I'it'liliiiK iiKnin? Siifli
a hlmk eye! If you'd ojily follow the
lend of llii: rniniHtiT's lillln lioy
Tommy A w, I did try t-r foliar h'm
lend, I. lit he If! nr-'iin wid li left nn'
(IiiI'h wlmre he hiffod inc. 1'liihnlelphia
Deafncsn Cannot Tie Cured
tv loeiil Hpi'lii tliotm nn O.ny runiiot rrd'h lhJ
illieieii'il ori ion of t .c r. 'I 1. 10 1! Nonlyomj
y "1 ' "ie U n 1.1 , m,, )mi. H ,j eoioitlui
t t'i ij 11 1 r ' 11 1 '1 1 1 .4 I 'rn : iiihh I s nuy ! t,y nu ln
J' m in ! uoimIii ion of t i.i! 111 nr., im lining , t,
Kll-Ul IllKII 'I llt.1!. WlH-ll t.liill tli:,l! in IllliHMil'il
von 11 h vo a r 11 111 III 1 11 k boii ml or Im jiijr f t heiir
I11K, ami hen It la entirely rlomvl, lieafnenH III
tin; ri-n ult, ami iiiilurn the Iiiflniiiiimtion can I n
tii en out hihI tliln tnln! re to t'l to Iih normal
eornllMon, hearlriK will tn fli -mrnye'l forever;
liln 1 iiujk on t ol ten urn raime'l hy ( tarrh.
which la noihlnif hut an eou'lllloii oi
thim iicoiin nur:accN.
WnwillKlva Oiiii lliin'lre'l Iiollan for any
WiallnK o Tlmo.
"Ve," ncid the friendly rritio, tiamling
hnek the ninrniseriit, "that'c finite n
Kood connet. Why don't you ninil it to
the llyeult Miiitnxlrie?"
"Mail it?" eried the M rnet'linif yoiinR
poet, "I'm going to tcleitnipli it." Oath-
I ollir Si;ui'hird nml Time.
rprmanenf ly r'nrei. yrt ninnr nerTonnnem
afo-r II ri t il 11 v' u -e nf I ir K Inn-- ( . rent N tvo
Jil-,riT. He 111 for Ire I ral 1.'.' I le no.l ircanvc.
lir. It. J I. Kline, 1.1.1. .nil Ann St., I'liiluileij.i.iii, i a.
I' nrepen In nl
Visit fir Hut tlierr; is nn
fereiiif het Weill riic'it nil'
f'onvift Oh, -there uouli
r"i rrnifli difference
lawyer. I'uck.
fir nlinl
Tl't ll.'l VI' heen
if I h.i l had a good
Mothem will hnrl M-. Vrh,n!ow fJoothln
Hyrup the tj't remcly to nn for tl.elr thlhtreu
fl uri u k tlio leethliiK I rlol.
The Piritisli empire i cixleen tirrieM
larger than all the French dominions,
nnd forty times greater than the (Jer
mitri empire.
cano ol In afm nr (caiinerl hy catarrli ) that ran
not i.e curc'i ny jinn i ( atarrti ( ur
Circulars, Ircn.
V. J. r IIKN
KoM tiy IiruirlnlK. V'i
lla.l'a 1 aiuily l llli are the beat.
beni lor
EY A CO., Toledo, O.
The Mmirr of Allniranr,
"My dear," whlMpercd the young
mini, "iih we lire mo nohii to he married
i' Hhoilld take a pr.iet lea I view of life
find piolU hy the inUlnhes of othern.
I'or liislaiire, there In the auliject of
a regular allowance every week for
upending money, you know."
"Oil, I've II -i.t of that," Bhe re-
jdled, Hweelly.
"lime you'"
"Yea, Indeed hundred and hun
dreds of times; and lately 1 haven't
thought of in il -1 1 cIm"
"Yea. Your Income U Isn't
"Yen; I want It In go iih far an pos
Blhle toward your happinc-.."
(if ciiiiim'. Well, I'm- talked It over
Willi mamma and lie tliluka an uiluw
IIIHC of ?l it Week Will he plenty."
"In. lee, IV"
"oh, yes. You can walk to the o'T'n-e,
you know, and carry your lunch, you
know, and n you can u-e the whole
for cigars and uecktlca mid
'f lip M (ml la of War.
llciicvolciit Old I.udy (to little hoy
In street Why, why, lit It hoy, how
Old you ever get audi a hlack eye?
Small Ituy Me and Sammy Join"
wan tight In' for a apple In acliool, an'
he KliuiHlied me.
Ileiievolelit old I.udy Iear, dearl
n mt which glutton got the apple?
Small Itn.v Teacher, ma'iim. Hur-
per a Weekly.
Ilimnlnir No Ittak.
Ilnrdup - I'll never go to that res
tnurant again. The last time I wax
there a man got uiy overcoat nnd left
hln In Its place.
Weliiff I'.ut the proprietor wasn't
to lilame, wiih he?
"No, hut I might meet the other
man." Tulca.
Cnrra for Cnlcla.
"Conl oil will knock liny cold allly,"
aald C. C. Warren. "The Idea of drink
ing coal oil uiwy ceem repugnant to
ome eHthellc tastes, hut one tahle
cpoouful will Hi the husiness for the
most Ktuhhoru cold In head or body.
"Turpentine Is anollier line thing
for general conditions. I (Irmly he
lleve that If a man will take llfteen
to twenty drops of turpentine In
sugar once every two months he will
never he really sick. It's nn lnleruai
Turkish hath In effect, nnd leaves the
system thoroughly cleansed and 111
good shape to take on new strength.
There's no excuse for a cold, und It's
a dangerous thing to pass by." llaltl
more Xiws.
.No I Ambition for Kntlifr,
A New Hampshire man who had fit
various times heen a candidate for
public olllce, says the I'.n.-tton Herald,
has a small sou about (! years of age.
'I'he Herald says i! years, and that part
of the story is probably as true us the
The lad, who had heen meditating
upon the uncertainties of kingly ex
istence, acked his mother:
"If the King of Knglund should die,
who would he king?"
"The Prince of Wales."
"If the Prince of Wales should die,
who would be king?"
His mother endeavored to explain,
but the hoy, with a deep breath, said:
"Well, anyway, I hope pa won't try
for It."
"Ma," said Tommy, n lie puzzled
over the paper, "whut does the 'black
hand' mean?"
"I don't know, my
mother, "but I kuuw
hands mean."
"That your father 1ms heen trying to
clean out the furnace."
In Her I.lne.
"In thla mornliig'a paper," remnrk
ed the new hoarder, "I noticed nn ad
vertisement uhout 'ft good cotton
dud'..' Now, what's a cotton duck?"
"(ilve It up," replied Starboard.
"If It wna nn India rubber chicken,
Mrs. Starvem might tell us nomethln
about it." Philadelphia I'resa.
Forbrorvhial troubles try PIko's Cure
for Consumption. 1 1 is a good co. gh
medicine At druggibts, price 25 cents.
Knar Knoonli.
"Well," pondered the new answers-to-corrcHpondenta
editor, "I wonder
how to answer this. Here's a buIj
Kcrlber who wants to know whnt's a
good thing to take Ink Btalns out of
white flannel."
"That's easy," replied the sportlna
editor, "a pair of scissors." Philadel
phia Press.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always nhake In Alien' Koot-Eae, a powoVr.
Iteurea hot, awrallng, aching, swollen feet.
i uren coma, ingrowing nails and huniona. At
all itruioriKls ami shoe atores, :ie 1'on't accept
anv Militinit. Sample maile.l KRKE. Adlres
Alien p. uinii-wa, i.e Koy, is. l.
Blood Humor
Commonly eaiif pimple. bolls, hives, eczema
or salt rheum, or some other form of erup
tion; but sometimes they exist in the system,
indicated hy feelings of weakness, languor,
loss of appetite, or general debility, without
Causing any breaking out.
Hood's Sarnnparllla expels them, renovates,
strengthens and tones the whole system.
This is the testimony of thousands annually.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is peculiar to Itself. Accept no substitute,
but insist on having Hood's and get it today.
Liquid or tablets, 100 Doses One Dollar.
Joat Ilke a Woman.
It win 2 o'clock in the morning
when he staggered up the stairs.
"Here you come nt last!" exclaimed
his bettor half. "I've worried myself
half to death over your absence."
"Well, if that ain't (hie) jus' like a
woman," he replied. "They only (hie)
bnlf do things."
Represent the survival of th flftcst. We
have become the lurie&it mt1 house in the
world because our seeila are belter than
others. Io you wlnh u krrow the most
beaulinu 11'iwph arid ine nnent vee-
tabled T riarjttuebetaeela terry a.
ISOA Need Annual free to all
Detroit, Mion.
Perfectly Sullnble.
f'lymhrr (to valet) Now, John,
when the guests are here to-night I
shall call you Jean.
Valet Very well, sir; and what
shall I call you?
"Oh, you blockhead "
"Very well, sir; anything you say."
son," replied his
whut two black
Catarrh is usually regarded ns nothing more serious than a bad cold or
Blight inflammation of the inner skin and tissues of the head and throat,
when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious and troublesome disease, but n com
plicated and dangerous one. It is true that Catarrh usually begins with a
cold in the head, but when the poisons, which are thrown of! through the
secretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble
that affects all part.1) of the body. It lias more annoying and disgusting symp
toms than nn)' other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge
from the nostrils, a constant buzzing noise in the cats, headaches ami pains
in the eyes are frequent, while filth', tenacious matter drops back into the
throat requiring continual hawking nnd spitting, and in certain stages of the
disease the breath lias an odor that is very offensive. Catanh is worse in
Winter, because the cold weather closes the pores and glands, and the pois
ons anil unhealthy vapors which should pass oil that way are thrown back
on the tender linings and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts
the unhealthy secietions to be ab
sorbed by the blood. When the blood
becomes diseased with this catarrhal
matter all k i nds of coin pi teat ii ms may
be looked for. As the blood circu
lated through the body the foul mat
ter finds its way into the stomach,
ruining the digestion and producing
chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the
stomach. It also affects the K idueys,
Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak
ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent nnd half sick all the time.
Jlut worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from
the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates
in Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases. You cannot get rid of Ca
tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only
reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the trouble la in the
Mood. These relieve the annoying symptoms for a time, but the poison is
nil the while getting a stronger hold on the system and when they are left
off will manifest itself in worse form than before. f. S. S. is the greatest of
all blood purifiers, and w hen it has cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream
circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased
parts. Then, the inflamed membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis
charges cease, the general condition oi
the system is strengthened, every one
of the annoying and disgusting symp
toms pass away, and the patient is left
in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best
remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into
the blood and removes all efTete matter
and catarrhal poison and cures the dis
ease permanently, nnd at the same time builds tip the entire system by its fine
tonic effect. S. 8. S. is a purely vegetable remedy non-injui ious to the sys
tem and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrli sufferers will find our
free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to be used
Several yonrs niro my blood was bad
nml I httd in addition a dieatlful cuoa of
Catarrh. Uy iiuae was ktopped up, I
bud heitdacheu, rintfuiy uoiueit lu my
earl nnd felt unlit for work. I com
mencod the usn of S. S. S. on the recom
mendation of a friend, and in a ahort
time it cured tne sound and well. It put
my blood In Rood condition and I have
never bud the nliirltHt return of tuo
Catarrh since that time.
ITo. S09 Ed?ar St. Evausvillo, lnd.
03 (S3 &
Mnttrr of lllrlh.
Western Man I suppose any man
can cot Into New York's "400" If he
has enough money.
Eastern Man If he made It himself
he can't; if he Inherited it he can.
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you dry 83
nothing eke will, because
they are the product of
the best materials and
seventy years' cxperi-'
ence in manufacturing.
Boston, U.S.A.
Toronto. Ou.
P. N. V.
- May I tender ymi Mumf chicken?
I wlnh ymi would. I I'm tuo touch
t cut the uiiy It Im ! Louisville Cour
ier Jourinil.
'umIoIiiit Mnve joil the hist Liter-
my IMkcnI? Clerk I'm norry, hut the
hint cojiy tin M been hoIiI. Will WIiiiJ to
i;t tin? i:x.
Miimmu Come now, Willie, you
Inust have your neck wiihIumI. Willie
Aw, nay ! Who Invented neck wiihIiIii',
anyhow V l,x. Tlmhl, Imi't he? May Aw
fully. lle'M hii ti frn ll that Hhe'll Hiiy
no Unit he won't jjlve her a chance to
Hiiy ycH. Ilrooklyn I.ll'e.
.Minium --Me mire to put- plenty of
mils In the enke. Cook I'll crack no
more tiiilM to ilny. My Juw hiirtrt mo
ulreiuly. - IIiii'icr'H
"I know n inn ii that has never been
ktsweil In his life," Hill. I he. "Well,"
hii 1I kIic, tiiiHyuijiatheticiilly, "It's hU
own fault." lietrolt 1'reo Press.
"lo you er- ever tell Dim?" uskod
the huly who hml ailvcrllHcil for a inahl.
"Not for inyHclf, iiiu'iim," miHwereil tho
applicant; "only for tin; iiiIhhuh." Tlt-
Wenry Willie I hail a K'ooil Job once,
hut whh forced to resign. Mrs. Hand
out How wiih that? Weary Willie
Why, heenuHo do Imihh wouldn't fire lue.
"You're such a wretched writer lt'H ft
wonder you wouldn't Ket a tyH!vrltln
machine." "I would, only that would
Hhow what a miserable Hpollcr I am."
rhlladelphla I'resH.
"Why, Johnny, I am ashamed of you.
How could you take little Klhel'H half
jnf the apple away from her? Cause,
ma, 1 ain't forgot what you told me
to always take HiHter'H part."
i "II 1h family felt very much distress
ed about his Kolng on the stage, did
they not?" "Yes," answered Miss Cay
enne, "but not unUI after they had
Keen him act."- - Washington Star.
Her friend Yes, my ancestors moved
In the best colonial circles. They were
Tories, ymi know. The colonial dame
Yes? Then, I dare Hay, my ancestors
helped to keep them moving. Kx.
Mary Ann I've come to tell you,
mum, that th' gasoline stove has goiio
out. Mistress -Well, light It again.
Mary Ann I can't. Sure It went out
through th' roof! Cleveland Leader.
Mr. (eiodthlng - How does your sis
ter like the engagement ring I gavo
her? Her Young lirother Well, It's
a little too small. She has a hard tlmo
getting It off when the other fellows
"Very well, Hir," mild Dr. (.mack, af
ter his quarrel with the undertaker,
"I'll make yuu sorry for this!" "What
are you going to do?" asU'd the under
taker; "retire from practice." Tlt-Mlts.
Husked I don't object so much to
Fanny kissing her dog, but I prefer
her to kiss me before, nnd not after.
Wasper -I know, but don't you think
that the dog has his preference, too?
Friend Now that you have mado
millions, what will you do? Old Mill
Hon I Khali retire' and amuse myself
telling people what a burden wealth Is
and how happy I was w hen I was poor.
Haeon Did you ever get anything on
the Installment system? Kgbert Yes;
I got my household that way. First,
I got my wife, then her father and
mother, and now I'm getting her broth
ers and sisters! Answers.
Chemist (to poor woman) You must
tako this medicine three times a day
after meals. Patient Hut, sir, I sel
dom get meals these 'urd times. Chem
ist (passing on to next customer)
Then take It before. Glasgow Times.
"Your little dog," remarked Sub
bubs, "looks very odd. What did you
have his tall cut off for?" "We sim
ply had to do It," replied Cltlman; "he
wagged It so much nnd we live in a
flat, you know." rhlladelphla Tress.
Little Girl (at tho door) Sister is
awful sorry, hut she can't see you this
evening. Young Man I'm sorry, too,
Margie. I hope she Isn't III. Llttlo
Girl Oh, no; she's busy getting en
gaged to unother fellow. Detroit
"No," declared Mr. Nugget, "there
never was u woman on earth who
could refrain from turning nround to
rubber at some other woman's clothes."
"No?" replied his w ife, sweetly. "Didn't
you ever hear of Eve?" l'hlladolphla
Mrs. Loveascrap I seo by the pa
pers. George, that a certain Madaino
l'ousep and several other Husslan la
dles have enlisted In a Cossack regi
ment lu order to prove that women can
fight. Mr. Loveascrap How entirely
unnecessary, my dear. Judge.
Dick Tate Miss Short Isabel you
have been In my olllce for two years
now, and I have learned to love you
better every day. Will you bo my
wife? Isabel Short Oh, Mr. Tate, Is
It fair to ask mo to give up a steady
position for an uncertainty? Hrooklyu
An English debtor, on being sued, ad
mitted that ho had borrowed tho mon
ey, but safil that tho plalntlif knew
nt tho tlmo it was a "Kathleen Mavour
neon loan." "A Kathleen Mavourneen
loan?" questioned tho court, with a
puzzled look. "That's it, your lordship
one of tho 'It may bo for years, nnd
It inav be forever' sort" New York C'or more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c packuge
Kuaraiueea 10 give pencil results, ak denier, or we will send put paid at 10c
Why Refer
to Doctors
Becausc we make medicines
for them. Vc give them the
formula for Aycr's Cherry
Pectoral, and they prescribe it
for coughs, colds, bronchitis,
consumption. They trust it.
Then ycu can afford to trust
it. Sold for over 60 years.
" Avt'4 Clip-Ty PoririrRl H n rTnuily that
lOioulil M In i vi-rv linini", I li.ive im-il s ftrfitt
di-al iif It fur Imnl I'niih ami rnliln, mill I
know what n s pi mil I in 'ilirlnn It f. I ran
not rpcnrmniinil It tn lilnlilr." MAUK E.
Coiikm, llyiln I'urk, Mhh.
M Mlo by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Mass.
Ayer's Pills greatly aid tho Chorry
Pectoral in breaking up a cold.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addrriies in
sentative Business firms.
Portland of Repre-
J'HOTO KtTI'I.irs; Koilnk riVvdopIn and print
Ing; wrlle fur .rn i-s. Wurnlaril, C'lurke 6! Co.
M AH KJ LAN1EHNS Wclntpr Co.. 1'ortlnn.l.
imeit prlceii on Iaiit'Tn ami Kllili s.
ELASTIC IIOMKKY; Hupp.iriers, Ilrncrs: Knit to
l- ii; fme meuiiiiri-iiii'nt b!uiikn: Wuoilunl, Clurice.
HOKSKS of all kln'li for al at very reasonable
pnecn. Inquire m'o rroiit Kt.
THTSSFH sent on ntp-ovnl: w BiinrantPi' lit In
inoHt uilllcult i at'n ; A'luMluril, Ciurke A Co.
HVVKF.T PKAH s-iid 1 for prkc. aunt it Fair Gold
Mi ilal pi as. J. J. i;i.t.i r, 1 1-root Hiri ct.
ARTIFICIAL KVKS; every slia-le and h H; as
mirinieiit sent on upprovul; Wo'n'a'.'il, Curke Co
CKF.AM SEPAKATOHS-Wf tuarantee th V.H.
i-eparutor to b- ihe l.i--T. Wr.te lor free cula og.
Huzelwood Co., L Iftli and Oak.
MF.N'SCI.OTHINI! Hnffum Pendleton, sole
aci n s AHrd t'.enjnni n nirrert rlntlifs. KvTy
tlilnir in men's fiirn Miiuks. Morrisuii and isixih
Mreets. Oppos.le poHtollii e.
FKF.F. LAND IN' OIIE'HIN u-der ttie Carey Irri
gation art. Iieed d r.-rt fr ni urate. Writ" today.
Jto-iKlet and map Irei.. II. s. Cooke & Co., ol
Alder street, PurUa d, Oregon.
POt'LTKV FOOD If you want your liens to lay
more eguH writ ns ;'or I'r.'e partii-ul.tri ahoi?t PL
H1NA POIL'IKY LEELifl Acme Mills Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
TAILOHS ( o'umbla Woolen Mills Co.. Portland,
Ore. I-a'esi fiiyle I'loihes miu.e ;o measure rlieap,
our ell nieiisurement sy.itein Insures per.ect 11L
Write lor 1'ree samples and prices.
PIANOS OH'iANS Olilis: piano house on Pa-
ii:c l oast. Organs and Pianos on easy p.iymi-iils.
Write for 1st. Lei us ijuore you a prire. AUeu A
liilbert-Kamaker Co., Pi rilai.d, Oieoa.
Ore.'on Herbs SpifTflr for all K;dney and Hludder
iroubles. Cures HAI'KACHK. Pr.ce Sue. 1 rial
sir.e sent l.y mail lor luc in stumps. Send today,
iliu.'a Tblrd St.
Human Hairfloo Is Switches, I oupai'o irs, Men's
Totniei s and nrs; best iiimli.y; lowest prices;
sei d f'r tree price I's:: mail orders a speriaity.
Par s Hair Store, &t Wasliiinrion St. Est lss8.
No. 6-06
WHEN writine; to advertisers please
mention this paper.
A bright man with team in your coun
ty . y work and good wages to ri,'ht
man. References required. i'or par
ticulars ad'lrees
Box X Winona, Minn.
. 17
&.it?rr22r H Al 11 Jucaf H Jl i M Yl r"
IixiXitfJ M1$f, VMfi mk&f Pnts, Known to act most Deneticially, in a pleasant syrup,
p&i ipySr&y,. M in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to con
''' ) fv'vB KiW tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
It-rf&F. vJi a l-Wf&W:t P 35s of all remedies to sweeten and
mm mxmm
..mU'VSV rr. iF c V Ti w
WSA manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
I AfP ''if 1 5 ' -X t0 buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
I one has ony t note, when purchasing, the full name of
I fiS; tne Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the
.J, J front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only.
tVis-1' mr'""-' -"Th 1 in. .Lu... ..I 1
There are two classes of remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance ; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcingthe natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Fis, manufactured bv the California
Fig Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
refreshandcleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many illsresultingtherefrom. Its activeprinci
ples and quality are known to physicians generally, and the
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as w ell as w ith
tne favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
f their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
I1 . A.Jf'VaV il II . 1 . . . ... . .
i?V uiauils a most excellent laxative remedy we do not claim that
j? 'jf' if ...IM ill mini-. f ill, I i , 4 Ii I. j. . II..
to it miivuitaii uiauiici ui uii, uut reLuiiuiicuu ii iui v nai 11 reaiiy
0' represents, a laxative remedy of known quality and excellence,
containing nothing or an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
as loine quality or what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
hat nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations or tne
Genuine Syrup of Figs
blench and mix colors. MONKOt DKUQ CO.. Unionville. Missouri.
colors silk,
I package.
wool and cotton equally well and I
Writ for ire booklet how to dye.