Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 07, 1906, Image 5

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    ! I
j iujjlu 1 1 in illinium mi 111 m mm
Jits as Good
as x
h the best thinii tht
rn be said of a hitt.
T' ere i no wcK
r Jnt in a McKibben
Color. trimmings,
felt are all the best.
Style iiRto lhcminufc
XCbc Stanvavi $3.00
of Ifoat IV.iuc
? Cornci- Main
. i ' ' -.'', . ' ' ' ) ;"''; - ,
(.., ,. .,4
l". r;y
f : Ji
: 'S ' J?
i s. . Vii M
"... w
30 Mii'htr.
Jl5.JLIlfiafiBBflawli8B.!(.flt(I!it JS
i Cigars I-'iiim Ciiu'i'! Ci;;ais- ,
Hu'tne ,Sti am I,;unnliv, A ! 1 i -i i
pfi'l lUtins agents.
!' TheVnnid of tlin bi,' s.iwh in the
Brown mill win. -ood to tie: ear I
)f UlO' t piojilu Monday.
J.'mi with Nuye! Mibsci ipt ii.n
The New Vmk Tnlninr ruriei "
Vi tl i, !y Hj; lit ii 1 1 ii i a I jmp( t.
, Cj.itiltii - I just atiivtil and
OptucJ ut Mtlcalf A I'.rninls '
Itfit ijUality nt th! behl Jiliti.s.
A KP'J piano is the I.tulw lo. aild tlco. I'lii'.lllOi 1ms I HilHtd
you can buy them eheaper here tiiaiiji,' ,t., ,,(' Mimph-s and will
in l'oitlaiid, at Veateh t j.tiwsoii, , fll lv,, x ,,,, , jK Mft.,uit vou ivh
Pulroniu a hnine indie try that i
hii!li; up a gooil tr;ule bv itH
Kued nuiterial. Tim Conner Cigar
t ty.
i I
H. Yetiskw is shipping a bm ol
cl.4t o haik lotho I'oitlaml market I
!,:' h' ho has been rnlleilin;; I'V
wire te. ' 1
C '. (SmidciHoii ol l.oiane is
- ifX eu iniiiieiiHc log hook for
IiIh woik. Tho hook must
v .;f!iiloso to lu pounda.
'i'UNew Voik Tribune Fannci ,
i vodly Agn'ciiltiuul paper, In'-' to
''is MibHcnbir that pays a car's
til'tion to tho Nugget.
T! e litthi Cvi'ftr.ol.l ihkiH'hter of ,
'h: tuiil Mi-h. H. llickey, who was
a : id rocently by pulling u lighted
U L rum tho lire, is getting along
iv jy, and will soon be out and
" pd again.
Mogul Hinds is fuing up his
! on the oast sido of town and
i I ing to groatly Improve if. IK-
irjt suro that he uny not dtcide
"ttovftout thero himself and so to
. nway from the noise of the busy
f V
.. n
'ti C'jf
" i ;; .. i - t.
UK .- y. r, ' ,.
s. ' .i f '-. . -
: v c
L O R.
TRA i'
t u. C(t
j , - , c i o , u u 8 a a
V A '
oi IiiUu 1 if. ami .ilxun
Co!l:i;;c iiu i. ;ip(i . iusiity.
a O '
, r v v . '. - v v V i 'i. ii .
. : ' . -ii ui 1 1 1 Im mi
'. I ; tt
, I .
ip. at 1 1 I'-i "im .
t ( f '
"" ' '' '
I ' I
.i t!i- i:
hi, im i i
I ' I ! '
i:. it w.
I o n
H l",t' III
11. I'.k 1. . '
::vu Mnoke O
. ii to h v tin in.
III' "
1-1- il
I )..( s I In- -
.1 M i 111 lo
i A I .uw.stili.
Foi an i .! 1 1 pi ui" Inner Mini i
p.tilei . c 'b ''I'I.. !' W oud.4, lain of
Kiiub.l!' 1'ifii 1 F.iv toiy. Chicago,
on phone ;o.v
Tlie No Y.-ii. Tni'ii'ie b'ai nici',
a wicklv . g i ii ii h ii i a I paper, fue
to any nilii-ci ibei' pais u yeai's
snl.u i it'l i1 ii to i he Nuggi t.
.1 . M . I iogl.iiid , wli" has hi en ic
sidinj; in . 1 ! i-x f i 1 1 me lime is
now iiii'Mo.; b.u k to houi, and says
, ""'' place.
, ull ll v, , . u 1 1 i o jj. in two huge
hllow WUl(1,jVi , iu UiH i.iniaig on
Fourth yttctt that Mcsd.uues Vio-
lelte nml Siiufo.d ,uu going to oc
,cupy w ith tin ii i"ilinci.y and dress- j
' making c ..taldi' IuhlmiI.
! m, J). T. Awbicy is home foi a
, ,iml fn,m pUI niin,l and is back at
! tho nld Maud fi a lew dayn while
' his assistant Clyde Nokcs is getting
over a idit'hl attack of sickness,
M"-. Awlucy says he hus been grmtly
, improved by his nip, but wants to
have a lew weeks morn t real incut of
the .same specialist I'cfoie coming
I back to aUy,
Mlml n lltllo money
will buy nt
OXff I J iv . iv r
10 Inch hIi-i I fr.viiur pun Id
I , 1 1 j r IiiiimIIi'iI lin- mImccIm 10
.1 a M f I C 1 ' ' I ltll. ,JlhH II)
A iple - w nod iIh m O.'i
Hi 1 1 1 1- rii l i . 1 1 -m lo
WIllW IlI'lOlllM Id
l.'olny -g I I i - I
I in-It hcIm-'.iiIk 10
'.((' mih, xxx tin lo
( 'ollcc pill , XXX I III O.'i
I I'.illoll ioir. liO' krlM Ill
1 , calloll bni'kelH O.'i
I lii I',' v on ml lo
M.i t in 1 1 1 . - 1 1 1 1 ml.. 05
I i in-fc l lulli l ji ( m o."
u, i n- I :l i Loiter iIIhIh-m 10
( 'lil l t C'Ollli , -ll-i I 10
I .'"I lni' in n . ha id win id lo
I i f 1 1' 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 noodiei or.
N ii l.i Id u ii 'li t . 0
I.IIIK1' "I" t ji I t m o.",
' 1 1 1 1 1 Mi I i' ' I O.'i
Sm llihg M. il - 0.',
I .nri- il.-' v t .... i o."
I 'I' . 1 1 - mini i'l i.. i.-. 'J inn- -."
Ahr k i mi.Ioi'.ii, per rail 10
I'.i'-t NYptoti" SariliiH'H Jo
Ovtr, iuin Crmt hart, Fantr Coktt
fln l.racrlal Cl--llnt Canillat d
Urannvt la lnrnS our lays, notion.,
nnvrlliat, and ihlntwtrr.
W. C. CONNKK. Mtfr linzaar
N . I i I - - . ii'. I lilil noil. Is rlii'lip.
A piflly slmwil hiisii.f's man of
C. ilil;'f ( il Ii tlrl l i V till II III. t
j in. ul. .iti. i mi '.hi lliioi istpnlav,
,. I , . i "M l... , ,,,, vll. L
H .1.111 II" tl 1 II) ! . I'I -I "
j Ih il o'.il II. I'oiil .Mi.l hil l it the
j us ii ti;.iK''- taiM-r ' " ,
I h it's a j;'"' I hti ye hi i"ii.
Il tin naini- the im nl.Htnr 1i:ih
i ll nnl, ' ihr yuoi h IM who hi
tin- f; ; I'T it, uImi.
iii ; if uli i'i it .rn nit hi'liiy
MitifMt.n thisyciii Ull'l "II III. llvC
ii)ou l;"in m moi.ty lor li e lnn i i
j 1 1 . ! t ci '. ;tli iin iiu ohutoi than
in 'ft any t h I it V .
Si til 'hi sonic hti iatllif' "il l su
li w .i tl'l.v S )i ii, ul otlit' Hint Si t
! In i.i . n out lh, i r .
Wynne Hdw. Co.
I hi in I OiplrnientH and Supplies.
IbiU-it I.ih of liugenc wan a
Mi-iini in town Snturday.
Sjiiii suds liom my newest
temples w Inch nre jum in C. IkjIjI
I in a n. o
j Free with Nugget subscription.
: '1 he New York Tribune Fanner, a
wkly iii ii ull uml pap-r.
The State Ii.ifteriolnj.-iHt look
: m; into tin houicc ol eontainina
; tion of Kueuo's water supply.
l'tiink Skillinan'.s sisti-r of 1'ort
I .ml who has been uniting here re
tutnid to 1-or homo Monday.
Mi s Sirh Iiart N ih npo't'l to
j I., netting along very nicely now
1 1 'in lu r i eenl opi-ration uu I will
hoi'll be up
Mis-, l,iie !ninl went to Sas,'i
nii w S i n i da v to visit Miss M i tie
I'm v.t i i i-. who is n.av "nhoi l
.a 'i in ' ' at thnt point.
l in- New York Tiibuno 1'uriner,
n ,rikly agiieultuial paper, free to
IU,V subwriher that payn a yein's
suI'm i ijition to the Nugget.
Mi. and Mrs. W. II. Abrams
vv i.i to l-giio on Satunljy to at
,t I tend the funeral of James M.
; A 1i i" ins, a brother, who has been
ick tor a Ion" time.
Thero are photographers and
phi tiuraphers, but tho one you
witit In to to is Cochran, in tho
Voiinir 111111111111;. He is well
e.jnippvd to turnish the bent at the
lowcsf prices.
li.tnk loidni luus riioved his
otlieetohi home, as ho occupies
the room ho bttlo he ua-ch not feel
jiiblilied in paying tho lent. J lo
hopes alter a timo that business will
jiibtify him in kiepitij; an otlico
open all tho time.
h'Oli SALIC House and lot on
wiht siilo in a good location. Lot
compiiseH a quarter of a block,
with an excellent well. HotiHe in
good repair. 5
IChkk 11. lillOWNIC.
Fugene school childien are to
drink boiled wuter hereafter. Th
Hoard of Directois are going lo in
stall a Move and cooling tunks in
each building to properly prepare
the water for tho children.
Frank an, a former Portland
man, who recensly died in Ari.oua
mado a beipicst to two Portland
hoHpitals for free caro of poor con
Hiiiuptives, who were hss fortunate
than himself in means aud could
not obtain proper core.
The School Hoard is taking up
tho civic improvement idea and has
planted a large number of fine
trees aroutul the Bchool houses,
compleUly encircling them. Jt
w ill make a great addition to the
appcinanco of the grounds wheu
they get iu leaf. The children are
planning to havo lota of llowers
planted on the grousua Boon,
Vnlcnlinf! plor it Hie Hazuiii.
I.uiiifii iliiiiiovrntlr s ii I rcroidH
ul Ihr
Ovcrisf woitli lof iit-w -liina
wntf at t Ii Jlu;iar.
I.arKi-st st'nk of JjfMJcli liarjc; Hi
town at Mir I!aaar.
ni r. r . it. liiinii'Mo
11 fliii'
1. ft for tlxi
woik luis
KC I1 1 SatllKlaJ Oil lii
sionwry St'retniv of
the Christian
Weather will i ionl'l not be
l'tlt( r. Splint)', J'Hlinl, annshitiy. lit
Woo(h dan ii letter frori a (l.A.M,
I rothrr iti SprnueH fillf, Maine,
ho s;ih ft' in whtit h' lifarsol out
i liin'it- )) vk-iiI.I likt- coiiif lit re.
It in too oM fni him th'-p- anil
willi fin If won!. I li"
happy hopf; hi- "ill roriie anl
njoy it with ns.
(iln Clviii liv F-nlTlfvIn R.c.y&IIv.
Tl.i: I 'nr.i tsity of Orc(" :i CI
Club Kiiw ;i j;oml c vrn i ii 's Miti r
tanimf nt 1'ii lav. S nry to sav, t1.
c'i ! f ) thf town 1 i ' 1 not turn out
in w i v "(j'l niin bcFH I'i ln ar Slieiu
Im tin- b'-iH ilio well in spite of
thtii (lisiippoiiitii.cnt nvirtio niimll
ii limHi' 'I'ht-y san fui'Iy, thtn
voi. i 'i aid wi 11 liui iii-ni. l and
tiaiii'-d, Hii'f they t;v(! much
by then vun d hi let tioi.H A
jio-l in.if s of 1 he iui(li iii : ".o il'l
h ilr l.'t n ft id lo Iji ur .1 1'tttei
(hiss ul inii.'u, ht least in a lew
iiiiinl.t i ., Hi'li 'm! of they 1 1 1
hi l.i. lint I In; tioVrf i' len 1 1 (Ji'l hot
iohM'1'1 thai no in. pi "j le iniht
llk t.j i.c.u ionic j'li'il il.'ifsieal
'1 In- Mrtinloliii L ino j.;;ic - n-
ill'i n-h ( ti'!!S Unl ll'l tl.l'lnsclVS
i ri.ilil. Mr. Iloiiiitret, the impel
si'ti'il' i.-, wan very K",,(li and loi
nih'd ' oiisj.h rable iitnoseiiK iit , h
his h'V i work.
We lni e the next time the Inn -1'i.ine
c will le able to show them
a he lie i hout-e.
Drain Odd Fellows Inlilalto
I'i i. I jy uftirnooit 'JT lx nl ,;,i
Fellows "cut d iwn to I'rain I j -1 i
ii. the eert monies there njion tlo- in
stallation of 1.? in'o the d-yre;
work of the I. O. . 1'. lmlge. Kose
burg ehaitereil h Hjecial our and
Kent HO ineinbers with their degree
teuni to do the work, and along the
way up pifke 1 up 20 more
liosvburg and lrain so that th.y
hud an even hundred people when
they reached their destination. Al 1
together there were 'Ii'l Odd Fel
low assembled in the In I!', and !
they nay that degree work was tt.e
tinoHt they eer saw.
Following this the lodge fur
nihlud a binuet, th'j like ol w hich
has never been sci u nor v ill be :
again saynGeo. Comer. The lodge
paid lh bills and the Kebeeean,
some .y in number oid the ciokiiK',
mid serving. No manr how 1 1 "t
the boys ate, nor ho much, then
Aas alwas a full platttr of turkey
and other good things an fast as one
wan emptied. Trie Damjuot was n
utniu ilitied success, as was t!
wh"ie evening ami the Druin lo Ige
has put itselt onVeeord as the most
able entertainer along the line.
While the bau'iuet was ou down
slaiiH, those that, were waiting their
turn upstairs, had Home fine music,
sang all the songs they could think
of, danced and had tho time of their 1
lives uutd the fjlks down stairs;
thought they would have to joiu
the frolic, too. 1
Appropriates Wmer for Mill Pond
The Prown Lumber Company
has filed notice of appropriation of
all waters of a certain water course
which lurni-hes water for its log
pond at its Cottage drove mill.
The source of the water supply is
about a miloand a half Boutheast of
Cottage drove. The water light
will be known as tho Hruwu Luni
bi Company's Cottage Grove mill
pond right. Guard
Order of Washington.
Cottage Grove Union No. :U.-J 1
Tho order of Washington
w :n or-
gaiii.od at the W. O.
nt ir tii. .
v . iiau iasi
Monday night. Mauy
of our
nrommcnt citizens weic
inlo the mysteries of the order, and
a full net of ollicers installed by tho
Special Supervising Deputy F. C.
1 - . - '
Gav assiHted by Mrs. I. ay. 1 he
following is the ratio of ollicers:
Past president, I). W. Pennett;
pres.; J. i . jouusou; nee pres.,
Mrs. Dr. Ilockett, seo.; 11. K. Met-
call; trons. ; Mrs. L. tlrace liruud;
chaplain, Mrs. Dr. Kiiue; escort,
Lawrence W. linker; asst. escort,
Mrs. J. C. Johnson; guard, Mrs.
II. K. Metcalf; Hentiuel, Thos. R.
Parker, medical exnminerB, Drs.
Kime and Hockett; trustees, II. P.
Hrehaut, Andrew Hruud, L. V.
This order, as will be noted by
its ollicers, starts out under the
most favorable auspices and reflects
great credit upon Organizer Gay in
getting together so many of our
prominent and euergotic citizens.
The order meets uext Monday night
to inatruct a largo class in Ihe riiys
t ries of the order,
vji 7 v.' j i
r I lie
cSS Boftemia llugget
fill the N?W5
fill the Time
Neat Job Work of
Ail Kinds Done
WW treat Vou ?MM
m . vavrNr.
Can In- used in cither liaml
and strops like anv razor.
!t cuts them off slick as a whistle. '"4
Griffin &
CA! IJs,
JL.i. .. ....
Vim fS
-:iCv. ...:.-! II I
WAN'l I'D Histii.-t Man - '.-is to I
: post sigh's, i.'!citi-o and distribute j
i samples. Salary $S. v ckly, $-1. j
. per day for exj ei.-l.s. State age
j and p:esent crvjilox nv n: . Ideal
Shear Co I;.i;:.!"!ili . . Chi-
i eago.
Hibsenbe for the Nugget.
Nt in;.
IK isn t on nt I n n Intel ior.
Iiiii'il Si .il s Land Oilii
Kiiseliui-.r, Oif., .1 ,i ii'iuiy l!, l':'.
Notice is Inieliv gii'!i thnt the ;ij'
P - - , R,
I w, s
!' t'.e illamell'
.Mt'l l'li.i I!.
Ill I U t h'
I l M'l-jj' 'II.
lia-. luill li'i'elM
Surveyor ieneral U r i M'.'
J. II. .1 lid i 'II
M .ir. ii, IlKHi,
Toi'HiI.ty I he ii Ii da v
al !i o'clock a. m . I h
a id township w ill he tiled in tins olliee, and
on and at'iei Miid d.l.V we will be piv-
pored to neeive applii-a I i-iih loi ihe
I ... . I ,., . .i l I ... ii i , i , . i ,i , ,1 n-l.i l.'i 1 .1 1 1, 1 1 1 II .
reserved lands in sum I'lWi.snip.
ti:.i mi I.. Fniiv, Kegist..r.
.1. .M. Law i;im l , Keeeivei .
N oie. 1 Ids township was with
drawn from cm ty on August :i, I'ju.J.
llepal 1 1 1 14 - il t ot' tile I ulei lor,
t'niled St.-itcn 1 wi ml Olliee,
P.oelml'.a, I lie., .Ian. 10, 1000.
Notiee Is hereby g'ixen that the np
proved siipplemeiital pla t ul nihlil b lis
Sections and b'l. Tow nship No.
;!0 Konth, llaiige No. I West oi the
Willamette .Meridian. Oregon, has
been received l'r. on t he Surveyor lien
ernl for Oregon, nnd ou Tiie.-du.v the
Cth day ot .March, It.nii, nt ;i o'clock
It. in . the Kilid sutplelllenl,ll plat
will be tiled Iu tl is oilae, and on and
after uid day wo will he prepared to
receive application for tho entry of
iands iu the portions of said township
covered by said taipplcmc utul plat.
IIkn.ia.min li. laniv, Keglster.
J. M, L.vwukm i:, Kccclver.
Veatch Co.
.We are Agents for
Bridge & Beach
Tiie ii.'-t Stoves
.-rvthin in t1)
:, c'c.
soiici:. ;
1 lepai'imeii! ii! t!,e Interior,
l lii ed State i I. Old Otlic,
r.o-elnnu, ( Oc, . I. ill. 10, lOOO.
Notiee is hep to- i'.iven the up-.
proved plat i '!' s o v.-- . f ;
Town-hip No. 'T s. 'i;i h, nanuv No,'
lV.-!..ii ihe ilia: at le Meridian,
Ori'L'nii, ha-I" rn l,, ie from the
j Siii'v-'V it oeii"i a t',i O'-i :.,(.. n. and on
; Tuesday I he ii! Ii da i.i' ;iri'li, liM(i,
ja t ! n't I k a. in., the said township
I plat w ill be liled in t iii ottice, and on
t oid aiter said .lay we will be pre
pared tu received ,'i .plie ilions for the
; cut i. v of the iiiinppii e.ii i;ited nnd nil-,
j o served lands in said township.
l.i' .i v m i x L. l .nnv. Livi-ter.
I .1. M. Law iti:xiT, Receiver.
; Note This town-hip was with
j drawn from entry on August."', lio:t
II. L. Oilkey, IF C. Kinney, L.
L. jewel, J. O. Hoolh and Rober'
Cj. Smith have filed articles of iu
corpotation with the secretary ol
stat for the Grant's l'ass iv Western
railway. The road runs from Grant
Pass to Waldo, a distance of 4i
miles. The capital stt ck is $500,
tKlii, kivided into shares of $'2 each
The principal place ul' bubiuess b
tiiants pass.
Ik ?
: umiii s ua a 1 1 1 1 ur
cwaiic or imitations. j
,thk ginuinc rnepaatD only by j
Ballard-Snow Liniment Co
or, Loum, mo.
huia 1 y TUu 1'liuuuui.Vv
m m
IS t hi t U l