flood's Sarsnparilla is unquestiona bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. IL positively and permanently cures every humor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is the Best Blood Medicine. Look I UK In In I'udire. Mrs. It H cm - I see liy HiU paper Hint Alexander V ilk IiihIih of Ioiiioii uses li In arin m u gei logical tree. It lui" lifpii t ii ir o -'l with (In ipx. in ii'l'lition to lili ii w it iitnl IiIh wife' lilrlli dnle" ml I lie record of their mnrringii I'1 h"s Hi name and date of tliti liirlli of imi li ' of IiIm children. Mr. I . i c - 1 1 If A Icxii ihIt hIiihiIiI Imp-! I'i'ii lo loi.c his wife nml go courting' again it inialit he lui r rit ihiii ic for Ii i in 1 til till V Ml til lll'ly MI'MIU'I lln gill HI Hindi of I lie thj". -YmikiTH Statesman. ; .1' vt "w '- DISSECTING A DILLION. R008EVELT AND A BOY. Its ftlmple, 1 hfr 1S EEDS 1 Miik ft nr a yV M 'if qu utility ft-t1 quality v iini your fnitu r iinnt-ii I tr V tin y wt-r tlir t -( i-ri llm mitrkft, hut the Iihvm Ih-m liiipiov I 'lit sVT Mil I1. W ( r SHlt In f1nWf KM'l VfetllM' M (In. I oon Hfi-il Annunl, t.. titlrul!y IHuaV 0. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich. v a.,A.iaaai Positive, Comparative, Superlative. I linve nurd one of your Flh Ilrand BIU Item for five yenr, nnd now want new our, m o tu c lur n filrml. I would riot lie without one fur twice the Co t. 'I hry me Jut f-r iihcml of a coin tin hi i nut un a summon una ! hruii uf nut liini;." ( Nn. in ijpj tl. tl.m ) !iiii!!KSTuu:i) HofinrsniR.iooi. Be sura you don't get one of the com mon hind -till Is the cftWn murk of eicellonco. A. J. TOWER CO., OITON , US A. TOWER CANADIAN CO., Limited, TOHONTO, CANADA. JS' Mahrra of Wtt Wmthrr Clothinq 1 Hats. To be Glien for Reliable Information We have net aMile $1.000-2 to !c dprnt for information aiul will give five dollar for a I'oM At. Card giving the firt reliable newi of a chant 0 to hoiiitnul iifim rnjiNf of our lytri, wit'iin ouff miff ol tir. Wf d not nt In luutri at trui lime fur vcttual, traction or g rninei. ATLAS ENCINES and BOILERS HulMtf tt. nnl (Miii'lrte lni of nrin mi Ht!r lltti I J ! UikllufMtullUg tuuviin IU 111 K UlM Atlas Ehcine Works (Ullmi in ftll r.i.f INDIANA POLItt CurllM, r.-tir Vft!f, Aitl..inatir, llth S 1, (-fn Loxii'l ftixl Thfilllltif lnui HftUi Tul't Tu uli I'mIUI'I ll.'ll.! riiinl Itl Mi fir 1 A.I0 lrfi f AtlM Hmlr III toivx 4,mm.ii 1 . I I ! Ill W P. N. IJ. No. 2 06 A rll Imiel Iml nymliol Sura llrnry llrKiiir r. (tin- IiIIIIi.m! lint I K It? IN nrllh inilii'iil H.yiiiliol Ik hIim)Ii' ninl v 1 1 limit in it' -Ii luoti'iiHliiii, Miiy h Loiiilmi An M WITH. I.i't nit liilclly tiiko li kI'ih'''' nt ii inoMNiirc of 1 1 im, il int ri ftr nml wcl'lit. Am a miMMih' of liini', I would tnk oiio hi'i'oihI iim tin' unit nml curry iny- M'lf III llioll;lit thryllKtl Hi" lllIM(! of ni'M liio'lt to I lif ft I'm t. lny of I Im yenr I of our i-ni, riiii' in lr I ntf Hint In nil IIiohi' yen I'M we Iiiivi .');.' diiyH mid In very day JiihI Hi!, I'K mi'CoihIm of llinc. Ili'iicc, In rcl urnliiK In tlioulit luick iiK.'iln lo IIiIm yciir of gniri HXt.", on iniKlit luivc NiiiioN'd tluit n lilllion of ii'i'imkN liini Iomk hIiicc Iiiimci, Imt thN U not k for It tnkcH Junt 31, 0x7 fiir, 17 (I a. vl V.'l Iiiiikm, inliiiiti'M nml fj Ni'i'onds (o coiiHtliutc n lilllion of Met.' 1 11 1 1 1 m of Clino I.i l ii' try In ImiiKliuilloii to nrrniiK! it lillllnii NnviTcly us for Iiimii'i Hun. !,ct tin nit 01 1 1' 011 1 1 1 o ground Mini illi iipuii II tu iniiiiy 11 h will ri'iicli twenty foot In lii'llil; tlii n ii'l ill lil.H-c 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -liiTM of Klliiiliir col 11 in im In cIomo con 1.11 I, fnrmliiK ii Hlral'lit line ami initU Imk' 11 ort of wall twenty fret lik'li. IniMK i two mmIi wiiIIm r 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 jiiir nlli'l tii I'lirli oIIiit mid formliiK, It wi'ic, a Ioiik Hlirrl. II 1h not until WO liuve nxti'iiilril our InniKimiry Htirrt to a IIn(j!ic of 2,;!Hi;i,J, mill's that wo slinll Ijavr irri'iited for liiMiii'ctloii our 1,NIO,tXH),IHH) of ColllH. ir, In lieu of tlilM arrniiK',m'iit, wo may nlarc tlielu ll.if iiion the ground, forinluK 'io coutiuuoiiM line like a lontf Kul'IrQ ehain, with every link In cIohu eofituct. Itut to do thin we must hihh over In inl nml hcii, mountain nnd v al ley, eu'rt nnd plain, crossing tho 'iiiator uiul returning nrouml tho Koiithrrn hemisphere through tlio trael:leHM ocean, retrace our way ngaln acroHH tho eijuator, then still on uiul 011 until we a'aln arrive at our Btart lug mint, nnd whi'ii wo have thus msnod n K"ldrn chain round the hilK Imllt of the earth we shall he but nt the tie'InnlnK of our task. We must lr.'i this ImiiKinary chain no less than T'..'! times iiround the kI"I"'. Sm h u i h.ilii would rniilie fur Its transjiort in less than ,'.2t Hhis, each with 11 full lar'i of :i,nhi tons. Kven then tlu.'.-e would he 11 residue of 417 tons, representing (', l.nsl .(CO Hovrrelgmt. For 11 uiensurt of height, let us take tho thin sheets of paper on which thi.-yi' Hues are printed. If laid out flat and firmly pressed together, as 111 U well hound hook, these would repre hciit a mmsurc of nhout 1 H.''.3 of an Inch In thickness. Let us sec how high a dense pile formed by n billion of these thlu paper leaves would reach. We must, In Imagination, pile them vertically upward, by degrees reach ing to the height of our tallest spires; and passing these, the pile must still grow higher, topping the Alps nnd Andes and tho highest peaks of tho Himalaya. Still pile on your thou sands and millions of thlu leaves, for we are only beginning to rear tho mighty mass. Add millions on mil lions of sheets and thousands of miles on these, and still the number will lack its due amount. When our one lilllion sheets are superimposed upon each other and pressed Into a compact mass they have reached an altitude of 17,3-18 uilles! "llMllTN writing to mlxrtliori jilon.s I f nianti Ion thl, pitpttr. Drgrfri of Klrka. "Let m tell you something, Sam," mi id the overseer; "the blow of u whale's tn lo is the strongest animal force In the world; the kick of n jrlraffe is second, mid the strnke of u lion's (iuv the third." "Oh, wrll, I 'pi)s, buss, by dt time dry gets down to de kick of u mule dey'd hnv ui biliev, it U just a (tulle lub tap." -rrrXi , :i::':i"ii:;T:L'r:'"r"-iii: i ; . p 0 iiiiis STBRIft Hail n Jolly Inforinnl (but A limit Onldoor Miorls. Olio boy- one of maiiy--who had tho honor of meeting (Ik? President now nctM us If Mr. Roosevelt's eyeH were constantly on him, says St. Nich olas. This lad was not 11 Kinfi II boy when he was presented; he was big enough to play baseball with skill and 1 nergy mid on ordinary occasions he was n haughty sophomore, This boy wanted to see the President, but his outward calmness was disturbed by the Intimation from his sisters that he would hac to make three bows an ho approached the president find say, "Your excellency." The courage that had stood six hours' exposure In n heavy Ben 011 the keel of an upturned boat weakened before this prospect. A benevolent. friend corrected the alarming suggestion of the sisters by telling him Hint he would simply be expected to say, "Mr. President," to stand until everybody was seated and to go when the President should rise. This seemed easy; still. It was evi dent that the fearless athlete was rev erently prart Icing "Mr. President" with his lips as he approached the White Mouse. All uneasiness disappeared, however, when the President, catch ing sight of the boy stepped forward and called him by his surname. "Sit down!" he said, and then he began to talk about a Kilbject dear to the lad'H heart the recent races at Poughkcepslc. Ltiiiiette was forgot ten; the boy held fast to "Mr. Presi dent," when he thought of it. In the delight of talking with Homebody who "really knew" nil about the Ins and outs of Intercollegiate races, but sometimes he forgot mid merely said "you.' Tho boy was pained for a moment to discover that the President could not piny baseball. To a nearsighted man who must wear glasses a base ball flying at large Is much worse than a bullet. The lad nilmitled this and said afterward that "if Thai-k-eray were alive and played baseball Instead of cricket he would have li.-el the same dlllbulty." Th" President showisl him a very sclentilii Jiu-jitsu grip. And this was followed by an in terchange of lore 011 this Interesting .Japanese science of physical cnlMin with Illustrations, In which the boy entirely forgot his fear of the "court presentation" mid talked and acted with entire respect, but entire free iloin. The boy seemed to think that American muscle was a match for oriental skill, but he was plainly con vlnced that the President had both Questions or hoxing and riding came up nnd tho President spoke as an ex pert nnd the boy listened nnd talked as one who understood but felt his limitations. Young Theodore, w ho has this year entered Harvard, was then at school; but every now nnd then his father culled a bit from his son's ex penence in out or uoor sporr. it was plain that, through sympathy In theso inntters, he lind the same point of "view ns his hoiis. During all this In tervlew the President was ns enthu siastic on the various subjects dls cussed ns tho boy and he seemed to enjoy It ns much as his boy visitor did. The talk drew out of the President his knowledge of the games that boys love. "When it comes to boxing or rid ing," ho said, with conviction, "I think that my boys and I can hold our own." And several times tho "we" was repeated In a way .which showed that Mr. Roosevelt and his sons were to be considered a happy family of boys thoroughly In necord. It Is not convenient to take his largo "boy family" on his western and southern boar hunts, but tho Presi dent does the next best thing. Kvery summer he goes "Into camp" with his boys a few miles from his summer home at Oyster liny. Weak Lungs Bronchitis Tor over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak lungs, bronchitis, con sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap prove. Thentrustthisthenext time you have a hard cough. " t tiail n wful i-oiiKh for nrnr that, mi 4 n'lTiuiiK mnio to ciii Hi. nuy Kooil. I trim Ayvr 1 hrr; fli'-f liitvft ft rouh Wellington, I). I'. J reclornl Ann wii noon rurml. 1 It Ui All Hit frlntirlii whfrivr hi, MlVKKH, A Jd4 by J. J. Arr Co., J,owU, Mui Alio Dimturaoturere or yers SARSAPARILLA. I'll I S. HAIK VIGOR. nntbalafl. 'Tf RttidlouM, my ion," Maid the ha bitual adviser, "nnd you may hare a tablet In the Hail of Fame." "Yes," answered the cnutlous youth, "and ba pointed out aa an example of what ordinary people get In while rent genius U excluded." Washington Star. riTQ pTmnnfly CnrM. If n fltnor inrvoinnni r I I U rii'r llrit (!' iHPnr!lr.Klllii-Oreat Nrrvn l!Ht;rT. Hnl for I ri'.A'j Irliil hotl Ip hii! In-tl lir. Jl. JI. Kiln, I.iil.,D.U An ti St., 1'hllivlHphla, i'a. latrrlr Heurcf. "That convention of dressmakers de riib'd that waists must be smaller this season." "I'm so sorry." "For yourself'" "Mercy, no! Tor Jane Pnffeigh and Lucy Waddles." Cleveland Plain Dealer. CUIUS WHIR. All tL&i lAILi, nMt fMjtfh toyrnp, 'i ihh wool. Cm In llm. HoM rf rlr-Titrif tt. m A pproprlnlp. "That organist played tha wedding mnrcli so fust that the bride and groom in trying to kep ;op, almost (lanced up the aisle." "Well, my dear, a wedding march la something of a two-stop; now, isn't It?" Baltimore Amtriran. For couphg s,n1 colli there Is no better medicine than 1'iso'a Cure for Consump tion. Price 25 cents. The less a man he thinks lie is. knows the smarter iaS Aver s Pills keep tho bowels regular. All vegetable and gently laxative. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease FREE. Write Allen 3. Olmsted, I Pny.N. Y., tor a free sample of Hen's Foot-Kse. It cures swcstlnjr. hot swollen, aching feet. It mskea new or tlrht nhr.is caijr. A rertnin care tor corns, Ingrowing nail and bunions. Ail drag, gists sell it. 2'ic. ln't accept any snlislltute, A War Oat. "I cannot accept your affection," aha s.iid, "And yet I don't feel I could spurn It." "In that case," he answered, "I'll ba satisfied If only vmi'II kirelly return it." IJaltirncre American. DfaiI id you l(lht. quit that "What for?" "Tha boss called ma a fool. "Hut he didu't lire you? for that?" "Yes, sir." "Then the boss was land Leader. good You quit right." Cleve- At7clablc Prcpnralionror As similatinf lite Food andlt cfiitla -liii die StouHiclis nnd Dowels of Tromolcs DislioivChcorrup nessflndHivsirunlainsnciihiT Ojniiin, Morphine nor Miiu-TdL ISOT WAJl c o n c . Jlx.Stmt jLiut iM e Jt1jrtnitit - . ill (Mxfuih SiM Cmtil Skign? ItmtnynM norm Apcrfecl Reinctly forConslirwi Hon, Sour Stomach, DintrluHvt Worms .(Convulsions, IV vcrish ness nnd Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Siiwilure of new Yonic. flrVi! T !z ret-. .tjf;!JUS ::.. For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 A ifrfl inmrrni n J r ii tii nu r:i i 11 n n n n n iki . ji ii isiiiiEi THE OSMTftUSI BOMMNV. NSW oa OIT. C011I1I (iltc Time ulue. Or. W. W. Keen, the noted surgeon of Philadelphia, was praising speed in surgical operations. The best sur geons, he declared, were always t lie swiftest. Speed was 0110 of the great essentials of tine operations, since tho briefer the period passed by the pa tient under tho knife, tho greater tho chance for his complete recovery. "On this head," lr. Keen continued, smlllug, "there Is a story of a distin guished, surgeon. "IIo performed successfully a diffi cult and delicate operation on n mil lionaire bunker' wife, and, naturally, tho bill that he rendered for this oper ation was n large one. It was not exorbitant, but It was enough a rea sonable and Just bill. "The banker, though, thought other wise. With an Imprecation, he de clared tho bill to bo an outrage. " 'Why,' ho cried, 'the operation only took you 10 minutes.' "Tho surgeon laughed. " 'Oh, he said, 'if that Is your only objection, the next time any of your family needs an operation I'll keep them two or three hours under tho knife.' " Mothers will find Mr. Wlnslow's toothing; Pyrup the bent remedy touso tor their children during the tacthiug period. A Good (iuesser. "I understand there is no eminent humorist In the Mall of fame." "Well, I guess the humorists are not dying to get there." Cleveland Plain Deuler. How's, This? ' We ofTer One Hundred iJollars Reward fot an v nni of Catarrh that cannot be cured ba ! ilall's Catarrh cure. F. J. CI1KNKY A CO., Props. , Tole'io, O. We, the underpinned, have known F. J. 1 Cheney fur the last J j years, and beliere him erfecuy honoraMe in all bunlnes trannac liuii and nnan lalljr able to carry out any ob ligations made br their firm. W tsr A I ki-a x, vholp-.ale Jiruiri9t,Tolelo, O. W Ai.biM), K INNAN Makvin, w holebale iirug- I giU, I oK'do, ' 1. I Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, art I UK directly upon tho blood and mucous sur ' fai es ot tho system. Price 76c. per bottia. bold by all Prui.-kji'Un. 1 eiUmonlala tree, llall s Family Pills are the bent. The Mack flag is an emblem of horror and dread. When it is hoisted by an army, the order has gone forth that " no quarter " will be given, ev erything must be destroyed. Helpless women and children, as well as oppos ing soldiers, meet the same fate, and a trail of desolation, suffering and death 13 left behind. Contagious Elood Poison is the black flag of the great army of disease. This vile disorder is known as the blackest and most hide ous of all human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the life. It is no respecter of persons; no matter, how pure the blood may be or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful virus enters tha. circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms begin to appear, and the sufferer feels that his very presence is polluting and contaminating. Usually the first sign of the disease is a little sore or ulce r, but as the blood becomes more deeply poisoned the severer symptoms are manifested, the mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the groins swell, a red rash breaks out on the body, the hair and eyebrows come out, and often the body is cov ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions and sores. In its worst stages the disease aflccts the nerves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes tumors to form on the brain, produc ! . ' . 1 , . 1 . . , Several Tears aco I had blood rolson and my Cosh was in aa tw.",;l condition. Merciful Itnblilt Trapping;. It is confidently stated that the Allocking cruelties of the steel trap in common use for catching rabbits can readily and cheaply be prevented by twisting a few turns of copper or brass wire closely around each Jaw, below the teeth, where the spring flies up, o as to Insure the teeth being always fixed a full quarter of an inch open when the trap is sprung. Ilabbits are thus caught with equal ease, and when taken out of the traps are found uninjured. To complete their purpose, the traps must be placed far down In the holes and be regularly visited early and late. These modified traps are most successful, with advantages rela tive to food, while dogs, cats and birds derive proportionate freedom from suffering when trapped by mistake. Great sores would break cut and noth ing I put on them -would, do any erood. My hair and eyebrows, fell out and I was "a frigdit." liy mouth, was so sore I had to live on milk and water. I took Mercury for a lonfr time and instead of g-otting better I cor.tirv.ed to irow: worse and iny arms and hands became solid sores. My legs were drawn to t could not walk and I f"lt that my time was short here if I did not get some re lief. I began to uie your S. S. S. and it helped me from the start. After taking1 it awhilo the sorea all healed, my rheu matism was cured and to-day I am a) strong, -well man. It grot all the mer cury out cf my eystem and it cured ma sound and well. ADAM SCHNABEL, ' Evansville, Ind. No. 211 Kary St, ing insanity and death. Not only those who contract the poison stiller, but unless the virus is driven from the blood the awful taint is handed down to offspring, and they are its innocent victims. Blood Poison is in deed a "black flag." Mercury and Potash, so often used, never can cure the trouble. These minerals merely drive the symptoms away for awhile an dshutthediseaseupiuthesy stern, and when they are left off it returns worse than before. This treatment hot only fails to cure blood poison but eats out the delicate lining of the stomach and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth and fre quently causes mercurial rheumatism to add to the patient's suffering. S. S. S., the great vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood of every particle of the poison. S. S. S. does not hide or cover up anything but clears the entire circulation oi the virus- and puts the system in good healthy condition. It cures safely as well as certainly, because there is not a particle of mineral in it. We offer a re ward of $1,000.00 for proof that S. S. S. is not purely vegetable. When the blood is purified and strengthened with this great remedy the symptoms all pass away and no sign of the disease is ever seen again ; nor is there left the least trace to be handed down to posterity. Special book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice de sired will be sent without charge to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CC. ATLANTA. CA PURELY VEGETABLE. I .'-; 1 N v-v' ...-V eJr4"'l .""7 f I -Wt l 'T I ! B 1 ' -'-'iirla Didn't Need It hy liny. "Geo, but Hill's got a nerve!" "Put 1110 wise." "lie went to do pawnshop to soak hla bed, uu wanted to know if do pawnbroker wouldn't let hlin take It home nights to sleep on." Cleveland Loader. Tickled llliu. Mannger-iJ want you to quit grin ning In that death scene. What do you mean by It? Actor Why, It seems so real to mo that at the salary you pay death comes aa a happy release. Cleveland Leader. ir-Tnniirr'-'-rvf"--' '. jl'Aisi- aaSllMlaT- -nhifai v";rii tWiaiiiOHaui ita'iV i I--.' i '.v "T-- '-i A f V" tvee'!''t"-;'-''.''T'- a If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. It is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs, simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature. As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con sidering in making purchases. - It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a. bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a laxative remedy is required, i Please to remember that the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. Sis? : WW- '-?: rifr an rrhrvcisco ,.,.'..Jk:,Sfill f'..;l3 .yiik'v.-a'.ttiiaaajAWJ Vtl,IMWaU'r'Kjl.iMK'WPaUr 1'-' 1 Tfc 1 aj fail PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton equally well and la guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will aend poat paid at 10c package. Write (or free booklet bow to dye. bleach and aiu colors. MONKOC DKUCJ CO., Unionville, Missouri.