Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1906, Image 7

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T - '. la''a
bend ior
I'ruf aaloaal foalouaf'.
"Mr. iHiallu Ktax any ho Imi't going
to nullity any inoro Illirnrlcn "
"Hut I thought lio whb devoted to
litrl'ii'.urt'. 11 till written tiunk M lilm-
"Tlml'a thn trmililtt. Th people let
the dual llv un liln liiMik uinl kIiiikI In
IIih) to get Wtar.lo'a Wooing' mid
When Trim I.ove Vn In llloom' and
work of tliut elinrncUtr." Waalilug
ton btiir.
Controlling Nature.
Kvurylioily known t tint of 1 tit yearii
natural (urcoa have lcn wonderfully
uliJiM'lod to uian'it need. We art)
daxxled ly the spectacular achieve
ttieu ta In steam ami electricity, hut are
likely to forget the. leu nolny hut no
let, marvelous cotMiient of'aniiunl ami
plant liftt. Ilomi-ft aro milter, rattle
heavier, rotas give more milk ami sheep
have liner llrc than in iluya gone hy.
In plant the traiiNformatinn ia even
morn marked. 1'eopln now living ciwi
reineinlier when the nninlier of eililile
fruit mill vcgetahlea wan far len than
at preaent and even theme that could he
((rown were VMHtly inferior to what we
now have. For example,, our parent
knew nothing of the tomato, except bn
a ciiriotin ornament in the gulden.
Kweet corn wan hardly hetter than the
commorient tleld RortH. All oranges had
aeedii. Celery wna little known mid
poor in (juality. In the (lower lied the
liingnitlrent parity haw replaced the in
liiiiticaiit heart's enne from which 1.
wait developed, ami the sweet pea in all
ItH dainty plemlor trucea ita origin to
the common garden vegetable.
Thin progreHH hua heen maile in apite
of the uri'itt tenlency matiifeHted in nil
plants antl anlmalH to go hack to the
original type. It in indi e I a hattlu to
kep atraiiiH pure and up to the stand
ard they have already attained, let
lone any improvement. The practical
r cm nits ure accomplished hy men operat
ing largely for love of the work, like
I.uther Itttrhitnk, in California, and
Kckford in I-lnglaud, an well an by the
great need merchants, I. M. f erry A
Co., of Ietroit, Mich., who are not
only eternally vigilant to hold what
ground hnn heen gained, hut have a
coi pa of trained specialists, hacked hy
ample luennn, to conduct new experi
ments. The r enn Its of their experi
ences ran he found in their K'OH Heed
Annual, which they will send tree to
all applicants.
The Inrtrest flour mill In the British
empire in In Montreal. It turus tut
6,000 barrel ef Hour a day.
Catarrh is usually regarded ns nothing more serious than a bad cold of
Blight inflammation of the inner fckin and tissues of the head and throat,
when it is, in fact, not only a vexatious nnd troublesome disease, but a com
plicated and dangerous one. It is true that Catarrh usually begins with a
cold in the, but when the poisons, which are thrown off through the
accretions, find their way into the blood, it becomes a constitutional trouble
that affects all parts of the body. It has more annoying nnd disgustingsymp
toms than any other disease. There is a sickening and offensive discharge
from the nostrils, a constant buzzing noise in the cars, headaches and pains
in the eyes are frequent, while filthy, tenacious matter drops back into the
throat requiring continual hawking and spitting, and in certain stages of the
disease the breath has an odor that is very offensive. Catarrh is worse in
Winter, because the cold weather closes the pores and glands, and the pois
ons and unhealthy vapors which should pass off that way are thrown back
on the tender linings and tissues, causing the inflammation which starts
aorbed by the blood. When the blood
becomes diseased with this catarrhal
matter all kinds of complications may
be looked for. As the llood circu
lates through the body the foul mat
ter finds its way into the stomach,
ruining the digestion and producing
chronic Dyspepsia, or Catarrh of the
stomach. It also affects the Kidneys,
... - - ... -
Bladder and other members of the body, while the general health is weak
ened, appetite lost and the patient feels despondent and half sick all the time.
But worst of all, if the trouble is not checked the lungs become diseased from
the constant passage of poisoned blood through them, and Catarrh terminates
in Consumption, the most fatal of all diseases. You cannot get rid of Ca
tarrh by treating it with sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., because they only
reach the membranes and tissues, while the real cause of the trouble is in the
blood. These relieve th annoying symptoms for a time, but the poison is
all the while getting n stronger hold cm the system and when they are left
off will manifest itself in worse form than before. S. S. S. is the greatest of
all blood purifiers, and when it has cleansed the blood, this pure, rich stream
circulates through the body, carrying healthful properties to the diseased
parts. Then the inflamed membranes and tissues begin to heal, the dis
ease permanently, and at the same time builds up the entire system by its fina
tonic effect. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy non-injui ious to the ays
tern and a certain, reliable cure for Catarrh. Catarrh sufferers will find our
free consulting department helpful in advising local treatment to be used
With 3. 8. 8. THE S WlfT SPECiFiO CO., A TLANTA, CAm
Is the home where jjooJ cookin; Is
loved, where the family enjoy the
lincst of biscuit, doughnuts, cakci,
and piei and other good thing every
day. The baking is always delicious
and wholesome because
K C Baking Powder
the baking powder of the wave
circle, 11 uf.ed.
Get KC to-dayl 25 ounces for
20c. U it un't all that we claim,
your groce r refunds your mone y.
"UooJc o Presents."
Villus tif ICIrphanta.
An Africttn elephant l f vain only
for Itn Ivory, of which a full-grown ani
mill jIpMi fioin fli.V) to friiKt worth, On
the oilier Imml, a working Indian ele
phant cannot ) bought for lean than
fJ.f.OO to $.'t.r,(KI.
Motbrrawlll flnl Un. TTInflow'n Rootlilng
Fyrup th haul rrmixly tout tor thotr children
durlug Ilia Uothlug jrlod.
Many liorHc are uiada vicious froit
cruel trratiiieut.
For hroni tital ImuMn try I'lno's Cure
for ' ti a u ii i . 1 1 1 ) . It In a pood rough
inedtctue. At ilrugKixt, price 2b cruia.
Food for Tliouafct.
I trunt, Minn ('uttlng" remarked
young llorem, nn he rone to depart
after n prolonged atay, "that I have
not taken up too much of your val
uable time."
'Not ut all, Mr. Itorem." replied the
fair damsel. "The time you have tak
en up has been of no value to me
whatever, I iixxure you."
Then be went forth Into the night,
and wandered homeward, wrupped lu
a heavy mantle of thought. Chlcuto
The Choice of the People.
When thinn liegan to o too "fant
and loose" in New York, the people
rope up in their w rath, got together and
elected a dintrict attorney who makes
life miserable for wrongdoers. Jeiom
Haunted the banner of no political
party; he was the people's choice.
1'illnbury'B Vitos is the first choice
of all people w ho relitdi good things for
breakfast. It's dainty, delicious and
tiour ishing.
riTQ rriiiiimt!jr CurM. No fltnor nnrnuiini"M
l(Morfr. Nni for I- ret S4 trlttl iMMltrand lr-au.
Iir. 11. 11. Kiln, Lid., Ml AnlihU, l'ullkdrlilila,
Tramp (outsldo the gate) Does jour
dog bite?
Mrs. Wcptonwlsh (on the porch)
Yes, he does, and O, please don't
come In! We are ho particular about
what we feed hltu on! Soiucrvllle
Ilecklraa Courngf.
"I talked real lassy to the hotJ tele
graph operator."
"My goo, hint! You didn't dare?"
"Yet. I did."
"Cm! I'd like to have a picture of a
uinn doing that."
"Whut would you rail it?"
"AJax Defying the Lightning!'
Cleveland Leader.
Hiivn VAAi- m r nv 1 1 1 r r ii a . hin
and I had in addition n dreattftil ease of
Catarrh. My nose was stopped up, I
bad headaches, nnjpntr iioiaea la my
eara and felt unlit for work. I com
inenoed the use of S. 8. S. on the recom
mendation of a friend, and ia a short
time it cured me sound and well. It put
my blood In irood condition and X have
never had the slightest return of the
Catarrh since that time.
No. 00 Edear St. KvanavlUe, Iud.
charges cease, the general condition 01
the system is strengthened, every one
of the annoying and disgusting symp
toms pass away, and the patient is left
in perfect health. S. S. S. is the best
remedy for Catarrh. It goes right into
the blood and removes all effete matter
and catarrhal poi.4on and cures the dis
"Are you Hungary?" "Yet, Hlnm."
"Well, come along; I'll 1'IJI."
Downtown How did lliiikers, the
architect, become so poor' I'ptown
lie built II hoime for hlliiHclf.
Dressmaker And would you have
leg of mutton sleeves, inaihim? Cux
toiner Most certainly not. I am n
vegetarian! Punch.
Teacher Can you tell me the dif
ference between "like" nnd "love?''
Hmall Hoy Yes, ma'am. I like my
father and mother, but I love pie.
Conductor Why don't you get up
nnd give that lady a neat? 1'iiMMcnger
She might say, "Thank you," and I
have a weak heart. Pittsburg Dls
pntdi. Klhel And are you sure you love
me, (Jeorge? Coorgo - Sure? AHk my
bins. He says If I don't stop this
dreaming nil d.iy long he'll dUi'liargc
me. I'uik.
"Yen, old man, we're fixing to go to
housekeeping; what has been your ex
perlence with servant girls?" "Iluuli!
('ome over here where my wife can't
hear." Houston Post.
"I'npn," said Hutli after her first
day nt school, "I don't want to go to
school until I learn more, for today
the teacher asked me ever no many
things I didn't know-."
Nell Oh, my! Here's a telegram
from Jack of the football team. It.'ll
Whnt does It say? Nell It says:
"Nose broken. How do you prefer It
set Greek or ltoman?"
l omi Wife tuu n think or me
sometime while you are away, dear?
Fond Hubby Not likely. Didn't the
doctor aay I was to go away for my
health and avoid nil worry ? Scraps.
Cholly Callow At any rate the for-
f mif-tfl!ir mmIiI I tool tliu iiiuLi mm of
a gentleman a! out me. Ml-i Snapper
j About you? Then why lu the world
don't you put the make up on? Chi
cago News.
"Wonderful thingthis eddlcatlon."
aid the old man. "In what way?"
"In this way: John knows Just enough
Latin, an' Greek, an' French to know
uothln' nt all about ma kin' a llvln'!"
Atlanta Constitution.
"Haven't you ever thought of going
to work?" asked the farmer's wife of
Sauntering Sam. "Yes'in," replied the
veteran tramp; "I thought of It om-f
but I was dceleeryus at de time."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Meeks My wife called me up on
tho phone six timos today. Weeks
Whnt for? Meeks The last Ave times
wero for the purpose of calling me
down becntiKe I didn't answer the first
time she called me up. Philadelphia
"Have you 'The Art of Making
Up?'" asked the lady of the clerk lu
the book store. "I don't think I have,
uia'ain," replied the young man. "I
Quarreled with my wife a week ago,
and I can't get her to say a word to
me." Yonkers Statesman.
"See here!" snapped the landlord,
who had responded to the tenant's
hurry cnll for a plumber, "I thought
you said the water In your cellar was
two foot deep. It's only a few Inch
es." "Well, that's ns deep as my two
feet," retorted the tennnt, "and that's
too much."
"I don't see what a man wnuts with
two wives!" snorted Mrs. Enpeck, as
she threw down a paper containing an
account of the Smoot case. "I don't
either," said Mr. Knpeck fervently.
It must have been tho way he said It
that made Mrs. Fnpock so mad. Lou
isville Courier-Journal.
"There nre great things In store for
you," said the fortune teller to the
young man; "but there will be many
obstacles to overcome. There Is a
woman continually crossing your path,
a large woman with dark hair and
eyes. She will dog your footsteps un
tiringly." "Yes I know who that U."
"Ah, you have seen her?" "Yes; she's
my washwoman." Milwaukee Senti
nel. It was tho wedding day, and the un
fortunate bridegroom was making his
exit with the usual accompaniment of
rice and old boots. He snatched his
hat from a peg, seized an umbrella
from the hall stand, and was going
out of the door, when tho bride's fath
er cnlled after him: "You've taken my
umbrella, Henry. Itrlug It back at
once. I've six daughters, but only one
good umbrella."
"Doctor," said the patient, "I be
lieve there's something ' wrong with
my stomach." "Not a bit of It," re
piled the doctor. "God made your
stomach, and He knows how to mako
stomachs. There's something wrong
with the stuff you put into It, maybe,
and with tho way you stuff It In and
stamp it down; but your stomach Is
all right." And Immediately the pa-
tleut discharged him.
Careful of Mother' lleuUh.
"Harry, did you uot hear your
mother calling you?"
"Course I did."
"Then why don't you go to her?"
"She's nervous. If I should go too
quick ahe'd drop dead," and Harry
went on with his playing as If nothing
disturbed his mind. Albany, N. Y.,
Tho man who pays tho bills looks
terribly unlike tho whitu-robed fairy
with a wand, In the story books.
It Waa llimrull at I'lrat in rt Anr
tJIrle for the Work.
Dr. Thomns Hpees Ciirrlngton, the
founder of the first training S' hool for
inn-Mi In Marsovan, Turkey, who Is
about to return to found another
si hool In Constantinople, tells nn Inter
esting story of the first girl to take
up the work of nursing, says the New
lork Times. She was the pioneer,
and it was through her example that
oilier girls came nnd the work, a great
Innovation In the far east, wus made
liisaper was the girl's name, and
she was a young Armenian, belonging
to a wealthy family. Nurses were ii'-ed
ed lu the hospital, native women would
be Invaluable, nnd Dr. Carriiigtou
urged I.usnper to enter the hospital.
The objections offered by the girl's
family were mm h the same us those
made by the families of Americans
girls when they first took up business
In I.usaper's case the first objection
was that the work was menial, there
fore degrading, and a ;Irl doing any
thing of the kind would not find a
husband, n dlsgrnee und a calamity
for a girl In Turkey.
I.usnper having passisl much time
around the hospital reading to nnd as
sisting the patients In various ways,
concluded to give herself to the work.
Hut even then she wns not to be de
pended upon. On every visit home pres
sure wns brought to bear upon her, and
she would return with her resolution
shaken, and It was only by appealing
to tier sense of helpfulness to her suf
fering fellow country women that she
wns persuaded to keep on. Now she
has been graduated, and no better
nurses nre graduated from western
training schools of long standing.
An Interesting feature of I.usaper's
case wns that after she had begun the
hospital work and was earning a good
salary her family lost a good part of
their money and for a time she was
their chief support, ns so many girls
on this side of the water have been In
different ways.
It Is five years since the training
school lu Marsovan was started, and
the results have shown the wisdom
of the step. Only girls who have been
educated nnd speak Knglish are admit
ted to the training school. These are
conscientious and trustworthy and dis
prove the general opinion that the east
ern woman Is helpless and frivolous.
Since the school opened more girls
have applied for admittance thau
could be accommodated and the work
has only been limited by the money
and accommodations. Girls have been
sent from other hospitals there nre
four under American supervision In
Turkey and from the girls' schools
where a trained nurse lu attendance
is Invaluable.
Women In Turkey nre greatly In
need of medical attention and nursing.
The youthfulness of the child wives
the Inrge families, lack of proper care
In Illness, lack of cleanliness, and
proper sanitary conditions make them
often terrible sufferers. Their aeclu
slon and refusnl to be attended by men
physicians has made their cases praa
tlcnlly hopeless.
Native-trained nurses mean a revo
lution In the lives of the women. The
nurses give not only care In Illness,
but- disseminate knowledge concerning
sanitary conditions, which Is greatly
neded lu a land where annually 50 per
cent of the children died from Improper
diet and conditions.
Dr. Carrington's visit to this coun
try was to raise money for the Con
stantinople Training School. iVroui
that city a good school would e able
to send nurses to the whole country.
The work also provides employment
for eastern girls which, now that It Is
understood, tuey are glad to under
take. The educated girls have, many
of them, become teachers heretofore,
lu whatever little village they settle
after leaving school, they gather the
children together and form small cen
ters of civilization, and do much good
which, as trained nurses, they will be
able to increase.
Still Smlllnar.
The visitor In the South was offer
ing his sympathies to the old colored
"It's a shame, uncle," said the visit
or, "that the congregation should drop
buttons In the plate when you were
collecting your salary."
"Dat doan niatteh, sah," replied the
old man with a luminous smile, "Ah
klu use dem on dat old path ob trous
ers de kerual gib me."
"Well, they dropped nails In the
plate also."
"Just what Ah need, sah. Yo' see
Ah'm gtilue to build a cohuhouse en
Au'll need de nails to drive In de shin
gles." "Hut the lead nickels. What are
you going to do with them, throw
them away?"
"No, sah; Ah'm gulne to make sInk-
ers foh mail fishing lines. Glory, halle
luyah!" Glased Ham.
To glaze a cold ham first brush
over the ham with beaten yolk of egg.
Then cover this very thickly with fine
ly powdered bread crumbs, pressed on
firmly. Lastly brush over the whole
with thick cream and set In a quick
oven. This glazing should be brown
and will be like a delicious crust
No sensible man Is willing to swear
to the fool things he says during court
ship, and no sensible woman would
waut htm to.
A successful man Is one who Is able
to persuade others to accept him at
tils own valuation.
My Hair is
Extra Long
Feed your hair; nourish it;
give it something to live on.
Then it will stop falling, and
will grow long and heavy.
Ayer's Hair Vigor Is the only
hair-food you can buy. For
60 years it has been doing
just what we claim it will do.
It will not disappoint you.
Mf tilr oi1 to ' r-rj hnrt. Bn 'T
tiling A fmr't Hulr Viirnr h h..rt tun It M-ican
to rrow.atc! now It it fonrTn Irirh Ion.
This irrn i pim!M result lomaafuir Inline
tlinoat without mi"-Mr. J. U.rirH,
l.olorulo HprlbKi.Colo.
br 1. O. A jr Co., Ixwll, Vul
AIM manufeoturar of
Mm, Karah A. Evan, who has bn
apii'iinted irmjiector of the rnat markets
of I'ortland, ii iridnit of the Oregon
Stata Federation of Women's Clubs.
Mow's This?
We offer One Hundred Iiollars Keward fot
anjr oae of atarrh ttiat cannot be cured If
liall'i ( atarrh Cure.
f. i. tllKNKY & CO., 1'roT., Toledo, 0.
We, the uri'leritgneil, have known . 1.
Cheney for tbe lant U yeara, and tjellere blra
ierfectly honorable in all buaineia trannao
tlona and financially able to carry out any ob
llKtlnii made by their lirm. k i Ki'il, Wholesale Iirurirista, Toledo, O.
Waluimh, K i.wna.- & Marvin, s boleaaie iirug.
ita, Toledo. O.
Ha'.l'a a arrh ' ore U taken internally, aot
trig directly upon the blood and muroua atir
facei of the syateui. J'rite oc. per botua.
bold by al LriiKgin'a. 1 tiUmoiilala free.
Hall a Family f illi are ihe beat.
An optimist is a man who runs an
account with a light-weight grocer.
St. Jacobs Oil
has traveled round th world,
a:.d everywhere human 9
1 Aches and Pains
have welcomed it and blest
It for a cure.
Price, 25c. nd 50c.
We do crown and br tJge work without pan.
Our li yars experience In plate work en
ables ua to tit your mouth comfortably. It.
W. A. H me has lonnd a sate way to extract
teeth absolutely without pai n. Ir. T. F.
Wise is ai. expert at fiold hllin; and crown
and brutewijrk. Kx trading tre whan
plates or bridges are c,rd.rcd.
Falling Bids., Th'rJ and Washington
Open rvenliiKS till I oVloolc Sundays fnnii
9 io li Ur Ma a tsi
Lai J
DR. W. A. WISt
Start the New Year Right !
TART the new year with a clean
mind and a clean body I
Most people are very neat
and clean in their outward
appearance, but how about the inside ?
Are you clean inside?
And if not, how can you face the New
Year with clean thoughts, clear intelli
gence, a fair, Just, and bright mind, and
your full share of capacity for work and
The holidays are over and everybody's
had a good time perhaps a little too much
of a good time. Over-eating and over
drinking have been the rule ever since
Thanksgiving Day.
Many people get little exercise In winter
and breathe much stuffy, over-heated In
side air.
At the same time they eat too much rich
and Indigestible food, while fresh fruit and
fresh vegetables are scarce in the market.
So stomach and bowels are liable to be
Clog up, stretch and paralyze the large
Intestine by over-stuffing it with undi
gested food, so it can not carry off the
useless refuse, and It "backs ug" tho
sewage, and compels the small intestine
to absorb the poison of decaying matter,
Instead of wholesome nourishment.
That's what must happen. Isn't it plain
as day?
What's the result?
Nearly everybody "gains In flesh" In
the winter time, but it's pussy fat not
healthy flesh and muscle. The liver gets
Inactive; tho bile doesn't "work off";
the eyes get yellow; the skin gets dead
like putty and pale like dough, with bolls,
pimples, blackheads, liver-spots to break
the monotony.
Dizziness, headaches, blurred vision,
foul breath, sleeplessness and a temper
Uko wild cat mako such persona verjr
cum I WHIM U till 1111,
Bat Cornih grriip. '1 Ucxl. Cm
in tim. i'H i ri? ifi-i
IIorM rnclnu In Italy is dend sines tbs
Introduction of automobile speed coa
Aqustlc birds are more numerous than
land birds.
Ciuint, Itclitrm ami ironi mump I'liita
nn :h mark.!. IK llor piw-r nn '.ha
with two liorna. Writ tor il.-:riuva i atalog
ami rlra. : ' r
Foot ol Morrlaon Street Portland, Orajoa
anr'-eannji ya. liar at ntln
mmmt arvAiupnimt hair a rr:turf
of rtTl '-nr In making tiwju
artnarlor to all oOra
V a ara aiav-tAimm In arowlnc
iktwt mil Vic-lain aua.
iw mm Annas! Irm.
0. M. FERRY A CO.,
. -
CATalooocs rncc
Dr. C. Gee Wo
Thin wondfTful Thl-i-e
LHjclor is rall.d
Iople without opera
tion that are icie.t up
to die. ile iur with
threw woi;drful Cht
ns hero, roots, btni-,
tarks and vte:all!
thai Are entiry un
knnwo to medical m -
nre In (hi cnu.ry. I biotjo ibe u-f 01' uu4
h irmle-s iwn-dl-s tliH lutimut tio t.r knows
tufacttou i-f over 500 d fferm rm'd'e wbl'-ri
sucrfs fully u- In tiii?-nn. di-seane. He
.u irants e.- to cure ca a- rh. itt).iiia, lunie, ihr -a:,
rh'-iima'tini, n n Bii."i.. ston:;u h, lr; k d-n-ys
cu. ; has lmti'lrvil-4 of ii:iih nials.
I liarirM mooVratf4. l all ai d se him. i atl nia
nut uf the c ty write lr hhmkr and rculura
bind btairp, CONSULTATION lr nKl
162M St., S. E. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
pnDTi AMr nf?Fr.oN
P. N. V.
No. 1-06
WHEX wrttlna; to ad Trrtiaera please
mentioai tula paper.
Dit I. P. WISE.
pleasant company to themselves and
But, you say "I'll take a course of
Spring medicine to clean me out next
Not considering your duty to yourself
and family, isn't it certain that to leave)
the body full of poison all winter, and
then suddenly attempt to force out all
Impurities by one violent attack Is danger
ous, absurd and unreasonable?
Keep clean Inside all jhe time. That's
the simple solution.
If you can not diet, or keep your mech
anism going by proper exercise, the self
evident alternative is to take Cascarets,
the sweet, fragrant, harmless little vege
table tablets, that "act like exercise" on
your bowels, and gently but powerfully
clean out and disinfect tho whole diges
tive canal.
A Cascaret every night before going to
tbed will "work while you sleeg " and
mako you "feel fine in the morning."
If you have been neglecting yourself
for some time, take a Cascaret night and
morning and break up the "constipated
habit" without acquiring a "cathartlo
Cascarets are sold by all druggists, lOo,
25o and 50c. The 10c size trial box Is a
neat fit for tho vest pocket or lady's purse.
Bo sure to get the genuine, with tha
" long-tailed C " on the box and the letters
"CCC" on each tablet. They are never
sold in bulk.
W want to send to oar friends a beautifal
French-designed OOLD-rXATfcl) BONBON iJUX
hard-enameled In culors. It Is a beaut for tho
dressing1 table. Ten cents In stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover coat of Cascarets
With whlchlfifs dainty trinket Is loaded, ' 711
Send to-day. mentioning this paper. Address
Steiliiif Keiutdy Company, Chicago or Kew York,
. . S