Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 03, 1906, Image 6

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J. McKEAN FISHER, Manager.
Mnke i11 cAecL r.ytlo to NuK(tt Tub Co.
Kntorod t the poUoflW t I'otWire Urov.
Olf son . JcoonJ elm luatl matter.
months $1.00
lyeur J.V'jj! I
IS months :
If pui.l m iiuvanw. jasa brokert aMJ duiin;; the war
....... - "j made great wealth by dealing in
Clubbing Rates. bonds. At the time of the gtent
The Hohemla NiiKKVt one year Chicago fi.e, and the eonne.pieut
vltli n.v one of the follow lug put-: panic, he was forced to an nsMgn
lleatloti! one year for amount not j tnent, aud as he would not give the
opposite: j eity preference over other creditors,
rm tile Monthly on account of bondo sold for it, h
Week v Oregon an I Portland I ?.'..0 ; . , ,
WeeklV ( Portland t $-'.00 was senteueed to r-ruton. nnd nei w-d
liaily 'Mining Kecord (lVuver) S.YMJIa time, but was pardoned and alter
Weekly Mining Kecord '- -5 ' his couvictiou declared illegal. His
- - ! work and dealing in the Chicago
Thunipr ikettn Bio tv the ameri- ' strtet railroads and others have
Cam rfiMiv; coSokkss. Chmub.r of com- i
m ...... u... 'udidT mil . w ntrp uiii '
Wkdnksday, Janvaky
The New Year started out with a
good day, and everybody enjoyed
the holiday. Most of the merchants
kepi open part of the day at least,
many of them all day wanting to
start out right.
Mosby Creek.
Xnias was celebjHted on Mosby
Creek by a dance given by Will
Yisciitson. About thirty invited
puess were present, supper was
rerved at twthe o'clock aud then
dancing was continued until five
o'clock. Music was furnished by
the Smith Bros, and Bill Bidwell.
Boru, to the wife ofj. E- Miles
on Mosby Cnek, Dee. 27, an 11
pound girl.
Will Johnson returned to the
mines the first of the week after a '
few daya visit with his family.
Jim a Burua Patton were at home
during Xmas.
A. J. Brumbaugh returned
Leona Tuesday after spending Xmas
with his family.
Dili Robinson was home Tues
day. Joe Finney made a trip to Klon
dike Friday.
' '
ChasFianerty Dying ,
Mr. Finnerty, who was badly in-I
iured in an accident in the Cham
pion mine, in May of last year, and
who has been unable to walk since,
was taken to Eugene last week for
an operation, Lut after getting
there he sardc very rapidly so that !
a greater part of the time he has !
been unconscious, so that the opera-1
lion was not performed. The latest I
reports are that he is now uncon-1
sciou6, ana uis lever is 100, ana
he is passing rapidly away. Mr. Fin
nerty has had a hard struggle for
life for a number of months, but
bis will was not able to conquer
the injuiies of the body. He is a
son-in-law of Mrs. Kliza McKibben.
Ne AdmittanceAll la
The Woman's Club of Cottage
Grove is one of tho'-e woman's clubs
that is ever active and on the go. j
At the last meeting two new mem- j
Lers were taken into the club which I
completes the number allowed in
the club. The winters course of
study is progressing well, and each
lady is keeping her particular de
partment right up to date Many
of them regrtt'ed that the special
Christmas programme had to be
ommitted on account of the many
social duties of the Christmas
Ladles Entertain
The better halves of some of the
Commercial Club members, Me.
dames Mrs. T. 0. Abrams, F,
Hinds, G. Comer and Marion
Veatch are combined together in a
trust and are inaugurating a busi
nefls men's and business women's
excursion for the welfare of them
selves, their better halves and the
general sociability of the club, to ,
which end they are formulating an
excursion train whieh will run this
Friday night, where to no one
knows us yet, and more won't
until about time for the train to
stop. Tickets aie free aud only
Jot club members, their wives
and sweethearts.
Lane Courxty Poultry Annotation
A movement is on foot to organ
ize au association amougthe poultry
raisers of Ivane County, that are es
pecially interested in the raibiug of
una i.uii.iw i - -o
.ation will te a fuct tefora long. I
ana sucii an orgaui
riir 111 us wVu-miu- totbe ufeit the u-d- j latest gigantic tak wns the con
&ffjr,:V f elcttiio underg.ound
kibit. j system in London, which he lrs nut
" lived to sew oomph-ted. Ouo of the
nus I'.U'KR Ukeft .k tiu Kt E c. '"ke'! jmost 1 auieutable things h that he
ehunire. .-Mill Knuieiwo, t nliior.ii. w here win- i should ha ve I'Htteo li otll UlS Wile
Some twcnty-ttTe lrrdrs are anx
ious to fotin and will help to Keep
it going.
A Croa.1 Fln.ncl.r Dead.
Chas. T. YcrkoH, theuoted tdreet
railroad financier of Chicago ami
Loudon, died in New Yotk FiiLtv,
after an illness of six werks, Yeikes
was another of the poor hoys, who
by hard wo. k and hard lihor h:m
built up great fortuuei unto them
solves. Mr. Ycrkes labored early
and hite. stni tini as a clerk inn'
commission liouso. and lust begin- ,
uiuir business on his own account!
. ,ronlJi lt i.:m tv(.t Weiilth. and l is
' ci - w
i who labored wih him through hi
I povarty and disgiae;, and theu
marry another woman, who even
'refused for a time to be present at
i his deathbed.
Rev. 1'. K Billingtou left Thur
day for .Sherridan. He w ill ls
visit several other places on his way
Cn.rd of Trta.nks.
We desire to express our heaitfelt
thanks to each me who assisted us
during our recent beteavetneut in
the death of iur dear brother.
Jas. 1". Tayi.ok.
Jkrkm 1 ah Tayi.ok,
Mrs. Jank Gakoitti-:,
M.kY F. Winn:
Won First.
At the Albany Poultry show,
Dec. l'J-23, Mrs. J. 11. Warner won
three prizes on her Silver Spangled
Hamburgs exhibited there. A
cockerel which she exhibited took
first place with a cure of t2 rfl
I brought home a blue ribbon with
'the wording "Silver Spangled Ham
burg Cockerel, l'irst premium show ,
Central Willamette Valley Poultry ,
show, Albany, Ore., lc. 19-3, 1
i(Jo5.'- Two pullets exhibited by !
her also took prizes, one 13 win-'
ning second prize aud a red ribbon, 1
and the other at 'X) taking fifth I
place. There were 13 entries con- j
sisting of 5 coekfreln, G pullets and I
2 hens exhibited of this kmd. so ,
tjlat lrfl 'artier had a good COtll- '
petition aud winning in it girts her
a good plan for her further breed
ing stock. The chickens which
she showed are the result of careful
Lreeding for a number of years,
and will take much higher grading
next year than now. Hie piize
money won by te coekJrel a little
more than repays for the expenses
of sending them to the show,
. . .
The New Cooler Started.
J. II. Bartels & Co. started out
the new year by commencing their
new cooling plant. They have had
considerable trouble in getting the
kiln dried lumber utccssarv for the
building of the box, but now that
jit has arrived the work will go for
ward rapidly, hven after the big
box is completed, which will be
box is completed.
maae 0f four wal 0f Mooring, each
one painted and coveted with build
jng paper i,tf,e the next wall is
ltti(j 0I1 there remains much work
to do to complete it, in the install
ing of tbn many hundreds of fei t of
pipe to 1: tt 1 y Ho- heeziog solution,
the .ettu,g of the compressor, and
engine, and connecting.
Notice of Stockholder' Meeting.
The minimi meeting of tin stock
holder of the Jioheiniu Nugget, for the
election of u Board of Directors for thu
ensuing year and for the transaction of
such oilier business as may properly
come before such meeting, w ill be held
at the offlceof the company at Cottage
(Jrove, Ore., 011 January 'iotli. J'.ioii, at
3 p. 111.
.1. M. I'lsiiKit, Acting Secretary.
Heed Smoot, United States Sena
tor and Mormon Apostle of Utah, in
a recent speech attacks the W. C.
T. U. for the stand thev hate Uk n
in the receut movement to unseat
inin, saying: "l nave Xieum some
where, I believe in tho public press,
of an organization called the Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union
that seems to know more about my
life than I do myself. They have
been looking for something to find
personally against me, and 1 am
going to give them something to
night. I hope to live and be in the
senate to east my vote for "the
bringing back of the canteen."
Seuatoa iSmoot was preceded by
Captain F. J. Fly of the Twenty-
ninth Infantry who advocated the
.... . , .
re - eBtabhsbmeut of the canteen.
The fliijb School
The t'hiistuuin vacation has passed
Now we must return t" iatr tak
Kxiiiiiitiatious n xt in In e,
Just think pupils what a swell
Hugh Corriu spent ti c hivt few
days of his Chiistmas vacation in
ICugcnc visiting with Wilshite lois
iStella Cochlin spelt lur Clni-'t-lUos
visitin with her parents at
Cresw ell.
Ken San ford has been w 01 king in
Mtealf iS: I'ruitol's "iin'itv store
dtuiug t'hrislmas vac ilioti.
'I lie Atmospherit' Ptessiiic be
came great when Professor read
the grades to the Physics class of
their last to it.
l'iist Senior Why did Hugh get
tto per cent in Physics?
Second .Senior Becatiso l c w.m
tilled with Potential Kneigy.
Katie Knowltou hiisbeen wniking
in tit" teh-phoiie iiTice during vaca
tion. Our 1'iolVseer has hi en MMting
his hiolhei at Walla Walla, Wa-h..
dm ing hi v ication.
The ba-ki t ball game lete h II
S. and Citlage (Irovo H. S. w;is a
very exciting one. It resulted in a
scot e ol 10 tot! in I ivor of home
team. l!ah! lor us.
lvntie Hawley visited her nu ttier
at Wddwood during vacation.
Who don't like Ameiican I.itera
lurj? Ask Hugh mid Hen.
New Years U&kkot ot t ew I .
The social at Junes Hall on Moti
day tiiglit given by the Kpwunh
Ijeague w as 11 decideil success,
abOut H'O people being p n si ut to
enj') the occasion. The ladies all
brought will tilled baskets which
waie auctioned oil' to the highest
bidder, bringing all the way from
fl to 30 cents, and which bio'iht
in quite a litt!e money which is to
be used iti repair to the Methodist
parsonage. The auction resulted
iii a jolly tithe, and there was con
siderable rivalry among some ! the
young men for the baskets of theii
Tho Berean Band
The J'ertan Bnd held its regular
meeting at the Church Ftiday even
ing. A number of young people
were preent and the lir-t turt of
the evening was devntf-d to the
Bibl work, which was crv ii ler-c-sting
ami instructive. A review
of the life of Joshua wih assigned
Menzo Fit-tie-y for the next meet
iug. Thesecial patt of thy even
ing consisted of parlor gamps and a
drawing contest. Several visitors
wen- piesent for Ihi- part of ih
evening. IJefreshtneiits consisted
of Fudge aid popcorn biP. At
about l:3o all tlep.iried for their
homes well pleased with the events
of the l-veiling.
The to t meeting will beheld at
the h "mj of Miss I.ulii W iMard
The time of meeting h is not been
decided upon, on account of the re
vival liK-eting whith will commence
the middle r.f January.
Dnrvth ol a Pioneer.
Alexander Taylor died December
2jth at the home of his nephew,
Lincoln Tavlor, in tint city. He
was bom Sept 1, IH37 in Ohio
and while a small b y 111 ve I wi ll
his father to Missouri. In 15- the
family crossed the plains to Oregon
and settled en the Taylor donation
claim about three milts south of
Cottage Drove.
Alex as he was known to his
friends went to the Salmon Kivei
mines in Idaho in the sixties.
Btcuuse of poor health he resided
the greater part of the last twenty
years in California.
The funeral exercises were con
ducted by the Masons of which or
der he had long been a ineinl or.
Two brothers Joi. J. and Jerry 1 ty
lor and two sisters Mrs. Jane Oa
routte and Mrs. Mary F. Wlute
survive him.
He now rests beside his father
uud mother iu the family cemetery
at the old donation home.
Kevlvul Meetinils
Revival meetings will be held in
the Christian Church beginning
Sunday Jan. 14th., Rev. J. N. Mc
Coiinell hite from Washington will
conduct these meetings. A cordial
invitation is extended to all to at
tend. I.ittlo Marguerite liraud in quite
sick and much anxiety has been
felt lor her.
Mrs. Dr. Paine of Eugene came
up on Tuesday to visit with Mrs.
W. II. Abrams for a few duyn.
Absolutely Pur o
A Crenm of Tartnr Powder,
frco from nlum or phos
phrttlc ncld
hoyai. fUKivn rowor n co., nlw York.
wood c i;ini:i; At the Metho 1
list 1-pi-copnl Church of this citv.
Pec. "JT,"i. at ,v;to p. in., Mr.
Ansel Wood and Miss (liaco, Ki v. J. W. Cu dner, of
ficiating. Oiu ol th j ttttiest and moot im
pnsMve maitiagc ci rcmouics of tho
year w 's piiU'imcd at the Mctodiet
Church, win n Mr. Ansel Wood and
Mi-- ( ir a..-- C.ii.lm !. kith of S.tgi
na weic tiniu d in the holy bonds
u ma'iuuoiiy m the presence of
oinc invited gu; s.
'I In-i. hutch was very pretty and
tastelully dccoiated with evergreens,
cut ilowvis, pot plants uud together
with tho Pug fUcamer of ril botis
and the Ihive w edding bells it i"
iliul Hj 11 ! -: igllt to the
ces of tl.o.Mj pccll!.
At shoo p. 111. Mis AtitoiuettM
Ibirdiek s.u g ,-0 1'ioinise Me"
which was highly appn ciated bv all
ptesi '.it. Tio- bi id il train then in
it-spouse the bedding march
ol.n'dl Mi-, l.iwiciiie Hunter
of r..igetie, clltet' i the Ulilu h with
Mis t'uia Hull and Mis-i Ada
Smit',1 in t!u- K ivl us usheis, fob
lowe-l 1 a little llowet gill, Miss
ILleii b.k ii-, and a p.igo, Ward
l'-erg. then i.m.e the groom ut
t tided I y Miss Plot ciice Hull", and
tlic t'lhte' ntttiKted tiy ier brother,
who Wcf tMlh.wce b Ml-s N ell .1
Wheel r is th.wi r and her page,
l.ubt 1 1 Jones.
The gloom and biiiie halted tin-
leine.t'h lh- tliite wad ling bells,
wlit re tk wete pronounced man
and uil- i y the bride's father
u-sisicil by Ih v. Mi urnger.
Corgi. 1'iil iti"!)-i thin took place
after which !ni' bos ot wcddttig
cake was di-'.iil u'e ! to the guests.
Mr. and 'di- W,.od left on Hie
not tlibuiin I 1 1 1 hi ! Tiiuisday for
Salem to visit t r a time, alter
which (hey will make their home in
The bjllowrng are ;orne of the
pMsents leeeiv'ii: Si soup plates,
I. II Bur- tt; nut ut, Mr. an 1 Mrs.
I.uaicuco 1 1 until; w-it'-r -ct, Mr.
an I Mis. J. 1. Jones; jelly dish,
Florence HmI; sola poi ('lar
i essa H oil ; vn.e. ar cuiet, Mr. and
Mrs. Ceorijc Seais: chop plate,
Aithur C.'tchel, "I.ove i'oetns",
Mr. -iiid Mrs J. M. Isham; bread
plilc, Hermann I'almei; berry set;
Air. tin 1 Mrs. J. B. Lewis; pair
towels, Mr. and Mis. Morse; cake
dish, Kler Brown; tea set, Ivarncst
Sears; bed spuad, ;
cake la'e, Balph Hears.
Th" Leader wishes them many
happy years of wedlock.
County Cleik was not kept
very busy issuing marriage licenses
last year according to hid files as
only 25 were issued.
Nature's Great Invention
On ile li.inkn ol) di' Ainuon, f.n nw.iy, far bwt,
Wliar !r. tl rt-f n eil Aiiimi.-iI l-i.-i into diw .iy;
All ii ki-il ilusi- ifout-i . in Aui4ii-t in il?,
Ail' illii'j' i'hL a S aul.i v, nil I'Hi-. I't I-l il;ir fclill.
jf August l-'luwer is the only ineilicine
(tree fioiu alcoholic stimulants ) Unit Ii.i.h
been biiccessfnl iu Veeiin the entire
thirty-two feet of iliji htive itjii:ir;it us in it
normal condition, unit asislin nituie's
Jiroce.ssi s of ilij;esl ion, heiai.itioii mi'l ;ih
Borition - for Imililin mill re I v i I 1 i 1 1 ;
by jircventiu a 1,1, ine;ular or un.citiirai
causi-a which inteiriiit healthy aii-l m
fect nat ai il jiroce?.si s ami ie-.nlt in inlcv inilie.-it ion, 4'at.iirlial alleelioini
(causing iiipeinlicitis - sloi):i;;e of the
eall due', i , Ii i -mentation of unhealthy
foods, in i voi" ;-, ia, l.ea'ua he, con
hliiii.tiou an I oi;;-t co:ii.!.iiuis, such an
l oiie, lilioii-ei'--s, j.illll' Iii e, etc. 1
IjAuust l lo-.vei i . natii.c's iutcinh-d n;
ulator. Two hi.- s, ?,v, 75c. All dnnjgibta.
Cottage Grove Flour Mill
m wit ven units or
Flour and Jheed
Ki liu ink t I h 1 1 the Cot I age ( lloe Floin in - old
i. In tin l its, at 1 1 1 w l I living liein We m e V'o
pi ,Ud I ltd win ill ill "Ol I'llde of Olli.l
,,n I 'I Ins I lm t will iodin e inoit I t nid
pi itcl, than the cheim x.metic" How i lTcied.
I iy d oin e a' 1 b colisinci il, Mini at the Hiinie
t in cni-iiii'ii a home eiiti i t n e : :
Miners Supplies
at reasonable prices.
Goods at
General Merchandise
Miners Tools
Siss w'v'wSvrvV
Is now on
Don't miss special bargains in our
immense Fall and winter stock.
The Greatest
Reduction ;
of any firm in the City.
Wtttited. by Chicago wholesale
aud nuiil orthr house, assistant:
iiiiiiiny;er (tnuti or for Huh
county and adjoining territory.
Salary $20 uud expanse paid weekly
ext'Cimo money ndvunced. Work
plciiHunt; position pel inanetit. No
invewti'iciit or experienco required.
Writo at oneo for full particulars
und tnclosed t-ell-addresHcd
C001 Kit . Co.
i:i'2 Lake M. Clue igo, 111.
i'or wiiriiitiH. Ih-wIho.h, liuriid, hchHh
and Minillhir inJurlcH, there In nothing
ho K"od 111 ('hitinliei lalu'H I'aln balm
It Hoot lien the wound nml not only
given liiHiant relief from pain ,i'n
eatiNex the pol l s to heal 111 nlto ut on,,
third t he tiniu rciiulred by tin; ic-iml
tfuittiiieut. Hold by Thu Mo loin I
r - . : J
& Gettys
& Getty s
Pi iccj.
and Anumitions
A CldtTAIX CirilH lOKCK Ul
When 11 child kIiowh ny mpliniiH of
roup thi'ie in no time to ex pei iiiicnt
with new leinedii h, no nuitter how
highly they noiy be n fiuuim ndcil.
'I'here Ik one pit pnratloii that can
iilwa.r ho depended upon, Jt ImH
been in iikii for many yeain mid linn
.i.over been known to fall, hiim
berlain'n Cough K iiiedy. Mr. M. I'.
Coinploii of Murker, Texan, mi.yH of il-
lliave lined hn mbeiliiin'H CoURh
remedy In Kevere ciihch of croii) with
my children nnd t an 1 1 iitiifully wt.v It
idwayH given proinit relief." For
nale by The Modern I'lin 1 in rcy .
Nolle, lo StotkliolJem.
'i'ho regular uunuul stocklioldns
meeting of tho Cottage drovti Wee
trie Compitny will ,o held in tho
tjllict; of Haid company at the hour
uflO u. in. Mondav. Jail. b. lUoU,
II, O, TiiQUi'SON, 8eo.
' t -w,vi. -..4- 1