Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 27, 1905, Image 7

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M.I t 7
1 The lf ic-tL Hock pendulum
Hindu Is Unit of (In- l-.ifTH 'lower
. . . . . . . . . ... " -M.1
Hi liln.l iihi '" ".Vt iw.injiit lias I...1110 ll.o hIlmiu
lur or Clm". II. I M il In r, nrnl Ims Im i ii made under lil
.m t-u.h.I miii rlHloii i l..r m.r ;( iriirK. Allow no oim
ieHv " il". roimii ,, Jin, Iri.lluilorn and
,lii".l-u-K"',l lr, I.M-rliin-nK nml vw:,u, r tlio
lmiltli if Clilllrriii:iu rl. ii iiUiiiimt i:iMriiin-iit.
f'n.torU In it ln rni I fin ulitltnin ((,r Cattor Oil, rare.
Horli', lrm ihmI HtM.ililntr hjrupi. It I I'li-uHimt, It
oiitiiln tiHUii-r 0iliitii, Miirplilno ii., r iitlu-r Narcotic
iiIIiiiic. IUiipN lu C'tiii nnl . It. destro) Worm
iiikI mIIiivw IVvrrllui .. It nun 1 H.trrliu n and Wind
Tollr. It r-llfvn Twt hlntr Trouble, urc ('onMlput b,
nml ri.ttulrlM'V. H IlKimlliitiH the food, republics tlio
Moiniii li iuhI llouHs, ,rlli!f lit-iillliv and lialurul ulccn.
Tlio t lilldri liN I'aniK Cii 'I lm .Mother's l ili-iul.
Tlio Kind You Haye Always Bought
Bears tho Signaturo of
Uso For Over 30 Years.
Lincoln the Farmer.
Matters aoori reached male hiih
drove the junior partner mil into the
(lidda kiii. where lie undertook all
aorta of loiifrli farm labor, f r n e j. I l
tliiK rail fn plow lug . . a man-of-all
work, however. Lincoln did not prove
altogether ajtlafni t i ' y to he riiiplnrers
IU I O f 1 1 1 t.f III'. Hit ll k' Sllllllp"
in tli Held aii'l "pracliriitf p Irmus"
on till other lurui,'l, ami lliere was
aoinrtliliiK U ii .i 1 1 f. , r 1 a I . I r. about a plow
man lio lad aa Im f 1 1 , m I tint leiitn,
no matter Imw at ra I k t Ii a furra ran.
Kueh piactirea rm Irritating, I ( ti '
prrwuu.pttiona, ami there la a well
knottii atorr a'wuit a fa'iner ln hiimI
"llm lured man" I ' "K 1,1
aiiln tiie ri n I, dn e. in din not tio
Iriiiimi if ie Inrm ( ..Uien, mill, a look
Inxteail o( llcli(oik in l.tin l.
"What Bin yo rea.lim?" Iinj'iirel
t hn o. I ent Irllian .
"I'm n t rea'liriK; I'm ilinlyiiiif."
riawnrpil I inroln hia onlr(ul yi
till on the j.nKe of hu Ux.k.
"Htu.lyii.K what?"
"Ijiw air." i
Tlio old man tarel at the eaker 1
(or a moment in utter amarement. I
"Ureal 4iil AlmlKlity!" hn unit-
I'r.vl . ,r j... .. .laklnif hi lieacl. I
- I ' ' - ' " vor llill'a "I. in
:) i.tvj-f' ' in lie January On-:
' ' . '
1 i.c J..;
teiiet off the n.
iiisted the oMcnI
MlttliiK mi n mill
i 'on.
inliilre ninn
'roiiinioihiilun iiikI '
lnh:ih!t.ilit, who nil"
kej; rhewlliK a iie.e
of nuxHnfnin hark.
"iue evei) fine l j mi tut ! In
thU town," ventured the llilli-tiel tun ll.
"Kerkmi they lie," ilruuh'il the old
liwin. "itcelnj: th:it there uln't ho nniny
of ua.M
"And knhIim! I d:ire any the)' are
"Kveryhody In town In n fcori.slji hut
old Dan." j
"Ah. 1 admire Imn. I hi t he U eon-'
arlentloun. Now, Imi't thut wl'J' ,
doexu't jr'u'Hlp?"
"No, htnincer: Ihm don't Rosslp he-I
mil ne he la dead. Keen dead a month."
! rl ftraaspltaMoB.
In thr day of the llrxl aettlera In tha
( 'hie knM w eoiiutry, whi n Iuvy ('rock
tt Hliil fn-.juelitei) the I'.Ik" IIllMlif,
"l 'Id Mun" wiim H proNperoim
rllir.eli of tlie Forked I leer aett ieiuelit.
(lie day he alartnl on n trip to Ar
' kiin.i", mi I thenceforth for Meveral
J'eiira I 'orked I leer knew ll 1 III uo inure.
; A travel In Arknumia waa dniiKer
nil", and im iiothliiK wim licnrd of tilil
(linn, he m ottlclnlly declnred di'iid
hy the court, mid hii enlnle divided
niiioii hlw helr. A year or ho Inter,
however, he turned up, nud tried to
Ket ponneiioii of hla property niiln.
lie whii promptly adzed und taken Into
"Whnt do you menu hy romltij;
round lu re, trying to tnke Ihla proper
ty?'' toured the court at him.
"If my property," aiaerted Id
dim. "i:veryhody kimwa It'n inhie."
"Not nt all!" replied the Jndjre. "I'll
n.linlt your euie heetnx n hard one, hut
It can't he helped now. ThU court
tinx decided that you are extlnctun de-
functiiK. whu li U I.stlii for dead. J tilt
court cannot err. I lend you are. If
you want any property round here jrou
must take nn ithcr name unci net to
work to 1'nni It. Mr. Sheriff, adjourn
this court, and we will all K" and kcc
that wicNtllii' match you apoke of."
A I. till More rrdlMe.
I A m n ri who had ln'cn Mliootlne on
t'npe ('oil returned hy train, and u
UriuiciT who wan ohlled to Hhare hiil
m il entered Into con versa I Ion with
him, and asked If hu had had K"'d
"cry K'"d. indeed," replied the
hportMtiian. "We kI oi"' hundred head
to two jruiiH."
"You don't any ho!" ejaculated the
Htrauer, apparently lost In ustonlsh
meiit at the ale of the Img. "Uoubhf
harreled kuiih, I aupiiohe?"
Yea, Verily.
To ait upon a Jury
M.iHt every man Ii n fitness,
It ii t it taken a akillful lawyer
To ait upon a witiieNH.
riiilmlelpliia l'rewa.
A Iiiimii thirty mlicH length haa
heen hy the VMitlli of the
i'and In 1 1 h of l.n,ij..or.
'I he oc ciipniiln of the rhllipplnea
repieiii'iii Hin h a variety of race that
thirty one hiiiKUanea are Mpokdi tliere.
'I'Iih moat roaily toinh In t iMleiicu la
that which wii erected to the mom
'ry of Miihomet. 'J he dlauioiidH and
ruliiea are valued at l!,fHM,jiij,
Nleini Iiiih hy no meniiH liuide Hnll
IliK veaaela olmolete. The total lillin of them In o. world U Nllll
U.'ll, mm uKaiiihl only ,'ii,:,ii Hteamera.
An u t j 1 1 y model of the human
heart with every detail. Iiiih lcell
made liy a I rem h phyHichiu. 'I he
IiIimmI can he mii-ii couihiii to and
fi "in it through arlilichil arterleM.
NaturnllNtM any the HinalleHt tree In
the world In the i ', i cenln ml hlrch. 'I'hU
1 1 1 1 1 1 lit 1 1 1 r ( tree puUN to U height f
lean than three lm Ih-h, although It
KpreadH over a iihIIun of two or threw
livery three yearn all ChllieKe doml
clleil In hin in have to pay a Klinill poll
tax. When thia Iiuh In-cii paid the col
lector ties a hiring around the mnn'a
left w rlht and faHteio the knot with
! M hpeclnl ollli'lal nciiI. The hracelet In
la CIiIiichc iccclpt and must he worn
one month.
' Autoinatli' Millard tables have heen
Invented lu tieriiiany to do away with
the Nervh eH of mi Jittendaiit nml Have
the proprietoiN of cnfi-H the iiii'Ij'h
wageH. On dropping u Hlnnll colli
! Into a hlot tin- halU are produced
a utoiuntlcally and at the end of tlfteeu
j inlnutcH they disappear from the table.
Inning a recent cold period In Swit
zerland t In iIIhii ikIh of HwallowN fell ex
haiiHted and half frozen. At Lucerne
and Zurich the birds were collected
and taken care of by the people.
When they had HUlll'-lelit ly recovered
they were shipped by train to Italy
and tliere Hot at liberty to continue
the migration Hoiithwiiid.
This country U the grcatcd eon
auiiier of hides and t-klns In the w odd
It uscN In n year Is.iaHi.ncni goat hUiim,
'J4.lHj,(ai Hheeji kUIiih, lii.iani.lUM) hides
of all kinds, nine million calf nkiim,
and two million other hklns. It iii
(Kirta all Its goat skins, a total amount
of about $-.", m w k worth, and over
$10,(MJ. worth of hides and over
I17,hk).(kk) worth of other skliis, a
total of ovt $."si,iXN,ian) worth of
hides and hklns. (icriaany linjiorts
one-third less hides und skins than
does thin country, and Knxluud and
France each Imisirt one half as uiuc li.
A formidable list of persons killed
and Injured In one mouth by eating
adulterated food haa been compiles!
by a current magazine. The list of tho
dead Include four persons who died
from eating toadstools mixed with
inushrooms, three polsomsl by candy,
three by wood alcohol contained in
lemon extract, and many by the same
substance In whisky; four Infected by
typhoid fever ktius contaliusl In Ice
cream, twin babies poisoned by for
maldehyde uwd to preserve milk, and
hundreds of persons poisoned by beer
manufactured from kUos''. In tho
manufacture of which sulphuric a eld,
made from an arsenic bearing mineral
has been used. Many of these cases
were reported by health olllcers and
food commissioner of the various
States in which they occurred.
W0tmdm Laxative oi
WiMm Known (Bpiiri
'J9. Ai 1 1 rT' t tl f P c-x
a- ; 1 mmmrM
a. ' . r m eft ,
a4 wmm
H va 'lik vV 'la-i a . - . J -J I
There are two classes fit remedies: those of known qual
ity and which arc permanently beneficial In effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance; and another class, composed of ' preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, a3 a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional or
the remediesof known quality andexcellence is the ever
pleasant Syrup of Fics, manufactured by the California
Fijj Syrup Co., which represents the active principles of
plants, known to act most beneficially, in a pleasant syrup,
in which the wholesome Californian blue fig-j are used to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of all remedies to sweeten and refreshandcleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resultingtherefrom. Its activeprinci-
y h remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
vi men uwn pciDMiiai nauwiiru oiivj nuin uviuai CApti n.
that it is a most excellent laxative remedy. We do not claim that
it will cure all manner of ills, but recommend it for what it really
represents, a laxative remedv of known auality and excellence.
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There are two classes of purchasers: those who are informed
as to the quality of what they buy and the reasonsfor the excellence
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people who do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
its beneficial effects if they do not get the genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
that nearly all of them value their reputation for professional
integrity and the good will of their customers too highly to offer
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., and in order
to buy the genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Hg byrup Uo. plainly pnnteaon tne
front of every package. Price, 50c per bottle. One size only.
i1 J?
Uentrtl Inutility Boy.
Mr. Ilobh looked thoughtfully at his
city gumt and then looked out of the
window. "When you aslt me If It's
A Kalrlr wd Man.
"Brother Spotcanh," laid bis pastor,
"what would you do if an injunction
came to you. 'sell all tbou hast and give
true that Jim Manton is the
pop'lar boy I've ever had to 'ten store
and ko round with the order wagon, "
he Haiti, slowly, "why, I'm bound to
tell you It's ao. Hut when you ro on
to ask me how I think he'd suit down
in Boston, I'm kind of dubious that's
what I am, kind of dubious.
"You see. It's like this with my busi
ness. Order day Is order day, and de
livery day is delivery day, and wheth
er it'a summer, with thutty-two cus
tomers on the route, or winter, with
well, with some less, all Jim's got to '
do those days U to get over the route
by shutting up time.
"And he's what you might call a
handy boy, Jlrn is. tiroceries and hard
ware aren't all he's got In his mind, j
and he's ready to take hold and help ;
with what's going on wherever he 1
goes. So I feel kind of dubious j
when I think of Boston. I don't know j
; as you catch my meaning?" I
"M-m," said the city man. "I be
Ileve I do."
most" lu ln poor?'
I should obey It, oi course, answer
ed the great merchant, "as I have al
ways done. Everything I have in stock
is for sale, and I give more to the poor
than any two men in this block." Chi
cago Tribune.
The Carthage (Mo.) Press says that a
Joplin boy asked his Sunday school
teacher last Sunday if the James boys
wrote the Bool: of James.
tMTB Permanently Cured. Ito fin or nervousness
I 1 1 O after first aiiy'Buneuf Dr.Klme'iitirea.t Nerve
Ite-Mtnrer. Senrl for Free 94 trial bottle anil treatlrte.
lr. K. H. Kline, U1.,UI Arcb bL. I'ulladelpbia, ha.
Never yet were the feelings and in-
stinets of our nature violated with im
I punity, never yet was the voice of con-
science silenced without retribution.
, Anna Jameson.
To Break In New Shoes.
Alwayi shake in Allen's Foot-Eaee, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns, borrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 2.v Ion't aoeept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Addreaa
Allen S. OlmsKd, I Hoy, N. Y.
Morh More to the Point.
"Ef yer real interested," said Deacon
Skinner, "I'll tell ye what I want fur
thet horse."
"Oh, I wouldn't be interested in know
in' thet," replied Farmer Shrtide, "but
I wouldn't mind knovvin' what ye'd
take." Philadelphia Ledger.
No other bodily sulTi tini; is equal to that produced by the pain of Rheu
Tnntism. When the poisons and acids, which cause this disease, become in
trenched in the ldood thcio is hardly any patt of tho body that is not af
fectrd The muscles become Bore niul drawn, the nerves twitch nnd sting
the joints inflame and Mvcll. the bones ache, every movement aoneob t .,.,. ,..,.,
nKony. nnd the entire body .s racked with pain. Rheumatism .S brought on HM.nU1K of mimv things that
by indi-estion, tdomach troubles, torpid Liver, weak Kidneys and a general
inactive state of the system. The refuse matter instead of passing off lI 1 .' " k k '
Kast Avenue, on the beautiful cam
pus of Cornell I'ni vcrsity, Is shaded by
a row of el in 1 1 ocs. each end of the lino
marked by u small brovvu stone bear
ing the Inscription, "Oslriinder Kims."
Henry W. Sane, whose mime stands
next to that of l'.zrn Cornell on the roll
of the benefactors of the university,
told the story of these trees in nil ad-
TMso's Cure i-i a rood coueh nediclne.
It has cured coughs and colds for forty
years. At druggists. 5 cents.
I'relly Thin.
"There pies my auto Hying along."
"I don't see any auto."
"No, that chauffeur of mine drives it
so fast yon can't see it." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
A Kaotly Question.
Pokely I saw a kid watching a ball
game through a kuothoK; to-day j
and i
Jokeley Pardon me; that reminds j
me. When may a knothole be said to !
be not whole?
Pokely What on earth are you !
talking about?
Jokley- 'I'he answer Is: "When only
part of (lie Luut is not." Philadel
phia Press.
TSOJ? 7V. Jk A a
Pa-.'-t and Washington, Portland, Oregon
"The School of Quality"
A. P. Armstrong, IX. B., Principal
i Thousands of graduates in positions:
Mothers will find Mr. Wli.ilow'a &oothlnB hur.drtds placed each vear; more calls
Pyrup the best remedy to use tor their children
during the teething period. for help th in we can meet it paysKo at-
SrrrT Oat i tend our school; largest, most modern,
Mr. Stubb-Mariethis paper says j best equipped. Departments: Business,
that In the wilds of Africa there is a shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship,
mouse that jumps ten feet at each j English. Open a'd the year. Catalogue,
leap. ! penworll jxee. Call, telephone or write.
Mrs. Stubb (Iracious: Now, I know
why so few of the explorers' wives
accompany them.
through nature's avenues is left to sour and form uric acid, and other acrid
tinisnna which nre alisoihcd into the blood. Rheumatism does not affect
. . . . . . . ., I ,.u a
All alike, ju pome iiims ...-
wandering form ; it may be in the
arms or legs one day and in the
Shoulders, feet, hands, back or other
parts of the body the next. Others
suffer more seriously, and are never
free from pain. The uric acid and
other Irritating substances find lodge
ment in the muscles and joints and
as these deposits increase the mus
cles become stiff and the joints
locked and immovable. It matters
faot in what form the disease may be
the cause is always the same a sour,
acid condition of the blood. This
vital stream has lost its purity and
freshness, and instead of nourish
Intr and fecdinc the different parts
With health-giving- properties, it fills them with the acids and salts of this
Iiainful and far-reaching disease. The cold nnd dampness of Winter always
ntensify the pains of Rheumatism, and the sufferer to get relief from the
agony, rubs the affected parts with liniments, oils, lotions, etc., or uses
ilasters and other home remedies. These are desirable because they give
eniporary case and comfort but have no effect on the real trouble which is iu
the blood and beyoud the reach of such treatment. S. S. S. is the best rem-
euy lor Kiieumaiisni, it goes into me
blood and attacks the disease at its head,
and by neutralizing and driving out the
acids and building up the thin, sour
blood it cures the disease permanently.
While cleansing the blood S. S. S. tones
About fifteen yeara ag-o I had a sever
attack of Jlheumatiain and could not
work, with any antlafaction. My leg-a
wern badly swollen und drawn eo I
could scarcely walk. I tried many rem.
ediea but could set no reliet. 1 waa fin
ally recommended to try H. 8. S. and It
soon cured in sound and wall. I am
now 71 yeara old and have navar had
any return of tha trouble,
Box 104. Aurora, 111.
Sometime aaro I had Rheamatiam and
had to quit work. Tha iiains In my back
and between ruy ahoulders waa ao in
tenaa I could not rest or sleep. I triad
eraryl hinir but nothinr did me any a-nod
till I heard of and took S. 8. 8. Thia ' BOinethlnK to heip It along. Now I have
aa v v 'l iiv v a eu U0 MUUIJIA MatlA WVIli W
he said:
And last, not least, a ifl which has
always had for me a fragrance akin
to that of the widow's mite immortal
ized in Scripture. John H. Ostrander, a
man remarkable for his Integrity and
humility lifter having served me twen
ty-five years lu the forests of Canada
and Michigan, returned at the age of 70
to Dryden, his native town, to spend
there his declining yeads.
Meeting me one day, he said:
"Henry, I have been to the unlver
slty grounds and seen the work in
'progress, nnd feel as If I want to do
purified my blood and made me feel like
a new man.
Anderaon, Ind. 123 . 10th St.
03 C3
kn to )
no money, but I have some, tine young
elms In my woods, and 1 can bring
down thirty or forty and plant them
there. They will look well, nud will
make a shade for Homebody after you
and I are gone."
I replied, "They are Just what wo
want. Itring them, and they shall bo
known us the Ostrander Kims."
Those lire the elms on Hast Avenue,
nnd a stone at eiuh end marks the
nnmo of the donor. The shadow of
death has rested over his tomb several
years, and not long hence will rest
over mine, but the elms remain, and a
hundred years hence the shadows of
up the stomach, digestion and every! their graceful foliage will attest the
.1 A. .t . .1 ,1,i ,rtf ll,t lllllibk lid llwv ii-lll
other part of the system, soothes tha
excited tierves, reduces the Inflammation, dissolves the deposits in the joints,
relieves all pain and completely cures this distressing; disease. S. S. S. is a
certain cure for Rheumatism in any form ; Muscular, Inflammatory, Articu.
lar or Sciatic. Special book on the disease and any medical advice, withouf
charge, to all wlio writ?, jjiE SWOT SPCCMC CO.. ATLANTA CAs
loving Klft he made us "they will
make a shade for somebody."
What hat. become of the woman so
old fashioned thut she leaned on her
escort's arm?
Ilnrh Menourra.
Oldpop I want that man Stoplate to
quit hiiiixiuK himiiu I here. You send him
Daughter Itut, pupa, I can't set rid'
of him. I've given him all sons of hints, j
and even treated him rudely, but it s no
Oldpop Well, make it strong. The
next time he comes, sing to hiiu. Cleve
land Leader.
of Ointments lor Catarrh that
j Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the aenae of
, smell and completely derange the whole sys
1 to in n nt'U entering ll ttiroiigri the mucuug
Miriacea. Sueti arlulessi.ould never be u-cd
i ti ept on pruscrlpiioiia Iro n reputable it,v-
I i ian, he llamas they will uo is tenfold
i to l .e good you can possm.y dorivefrom li.ein.
lull's Catarrh l ure, iiiaiiiitactiired ly K J.
( henoy & t o., Toledo, O., contains uoiuert ury,
and it taken interna-ly, artiitg directly upon
tne bluod and mucous KUr.'ui'is of the system,
lu buying Hall's Catarrh ( tire be sure you get
tlie gi'tiuiue. It is taken internally, and made
in Ti ledo, Ohio, by h J. Cheney A t o. Tesii
lneiilals tree,
S ild by bruggiHts, price 7V. per Dottle,
Hall's Family i'lUsaie the best.
A Paris aiitounibile htiildiii;; tinu is
just about completing a 110-horse power
gasoline submarine- boat for the French
Have You
a Friend?
G nlae.
a swell nevv
from gain-
Then tell him about Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
how it cured your hard cough.
Tell him why you always keep
It in the house. Tell him to
ask his doctor about It. Doc
tors use a great deal of it for
throat and lung troubles.
" I had a terrible cold and rough and was
tlirHtiieil with piiiMiiuoniH. 1 tried Ayer's
Cherry Pactoral anil It ituve urn quirk and per
faet relief. It is certainly a most wumleifiil
rmiith nieilleiue." IUM K uitm Aa, Sioux
Falls, 6. Dak.
Md by J, O. Ajor Co., Lowall, Uass.
Also luauuAtulurars ef
turn VIQ0R.
one of Ayor's Pills at bedtime will
hasten recovery. Gently laxative.
Old Starr In .New
"There goes Blower iu
"Yes, the price came
"You don't say. It Is a wonder hi
wife didn't take the money away j
rrom mm.
"She gave It to him. She won it
playing 'brldjie.' "
The Earth's Area.
One of the best authorities estimate?
the area of the earth's surface at l'.".
701,084 square miles, of which abcu
i.'!, 000, 000 square miles is land, tin
rest water. Throughout most of thi
50,000,000 square miles rillsbury'i
N'itos has made its way because it's ?
good. It is the ideal breakfabt (ocd,
and may be had at any up-to-date gro
cery. In Self-Uefenae.
"Why in thunder did Kddie Ott's
friends work so hard to get hint elected
to Congress V"
"They wanted to send him to some
place where he could talk politics all he
wished to, and they wouldn't have to
listen to hiui." Cleveland Leader.
tut ciiixii.
I aa I k la. al aaiutll .
JMait n blck or ytllow for 6ll kinds
of wrel worx. On k wrwhtrt
Look for the 5r?n of tht risk nnd
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a d rewta ca. otTo. Nttt u . s
El i ai laimi . am i lammn iial,ni ma
CUhlS VlKthC ALL llM lAOS. ITl
Best Couvu byrup. 'J ustus U.xkI. L'so
lu time. Sold hy ilrufjl ts
To be 6iven for Reliable Information
We have set aside
to be spent for information and will
give five dollars for a Postal Card
giving the first reliable news of a
chance to sell s hotiionial itcira entina ol
uur iiyiri, wunin our unci rl iiki. He do
not want Inqumrs st Ihn lime (or ciiical,
Iraciion oi gt enifinei.
ButMrf of tli nial compU'U lm of npirjea and
biU uiktia tj mijt ua uiavuufftcauriu evuevtu m
U wuilct
Atlas Engine Works
6lliu t.ruu.i in ail ctura INDIANAPOLIS
Corliaa, Pour Vla, Automatic, llich -Siwtil, Corn
pounil arivl TluottliiiK Kutuva. Wkir Tutia, Tu-
liulti mini ftjiUblv Ikxitia
AtlM RnlriM in Mrvir S.000,000 R. p.
AllM Uolifla IU Mllll'a) 4,IHNJ,UUU H. P.
P. M. U
No. 53 -1 905
UKS wrlliiifr to advertisers please
lueutluu tlila iaar.