Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 27, 1905, Image 5

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-ti it.-.-r
CMAPTICn XVII. ('otitliiul.
Tli lawyer's III l!ni. attempt it
Joke (r Mr. MsIIett tli optorl unit
ti had been IoiikImk fur, Hint he turned
upon tt 1 in alui"l aavafelv.
"It m notigli ti remember tint
thin la a business Interview," h siil.1,
frigidly, "nil reserve your liiliimr
in. .re flttlua (.th.Ii.ii." Tli iiiikll, ihiti
by erentur shriveled up t once, ami
Mr. Mullelf. with a almw t surface
oiiiirlcsr, t ti rnl to llahett "An. I now
niailnine, I tlijuk tlm rest of thl Inter
view run be enrrip.l mi l.rtwren ti two;
the presence of a third perauii la iiiinec
saary, a I cinicliiil th proof npukrn
.if by jtimi am In your possession."
"I in not apt-nil tint once, ami I won't
lulirriipt ajjniii," Jerkel In ls "
nm a pirtiirr In this affair - I would mt
have liken il lull mi that iiii.liTstnii.lln
nn. I, being a partlier, I anl.inlt Hint
'' Iiiivk n rltflit ti alint mg ..ill, there
fore I stay."
Mr Mullctt al,rn;ii. hi h.ul.rrs n.i ppr..i..!i nf m tt-r ln.irrT-n-f
Itnl.t-M ii p an ..,vr...p an. I l..i.k
liom il ll,r oiu ill phot. iurii nil nf n (rnvf,
whi.'i she lull f, miii I In i,.r iii rrit'
I. !.. S!ip .ben i,m a,n , iimnlf) liiK
tflns h. r pocket ami croaied tin.
ruiiiu to tin- , rf y win. I , .
' 'uinr nn. I l.i.ik." she ii,
Mr M;il nil .Ii. I m riiirif.l, ami
lu.iUi.l lit li.-r liiiinriiixl)',
"lo fun not a.-e I In. untie tlit
tollil.'f" slip nakt'il, linp.ttleiitly, fur slip
wna nn linpri.r. willi Hie Irtitli of her
own belief that !,,, Km annoyed when
nlhc.s .1.1 ii.. ( Jump an rut. Illy to the
".HI" vi If lilxinti aa herself.
Mr Miil.ti nt ,..vmi again In the
I li.-l.t Hut f.. nn,) j, y tlironuli
Ii." ill. a !. inr I p int... an I lo,.kf I cure
fully ill Hi.- .liot..jfr:ipli. iMws an.l ll.i
bcttp to ,, I. jr. anxiously awaiting lilt
a na t-r.
"I tin" iiiine 'I'liulinr' plainly ami
tlir list If'lfta of lln ill li nun
'Mini:' W I. Ml t !-tt '"
"I'o y hi i.ot lliat
nipce'a miliif la I'atilnip, anl inn ymi
Jli see llli.. letters wlllrli arc I. lot
IpI i. tit liy lliat murk must It tl.p tirst
two letters of your own name? If il
" not for I l.o I hint. li iiami' woul.l
atxml Tun) tip MalllnK ' fan you not
iiii.i'rtnni I'mt you li .l.l In your liaml n
pliolitfra pli of ).iur ril nip.p'a Kinrp,
ami lliat lliW moiiihii at Malllniff.iril U
llotllillg Imt ail BliMltiirr'"
"ttrfal lifavn!"
Mr alooil ainrma. Ural at nni, tliva at
thi" ollirr, ami thrii. In l.rrAlhlraa amnir
input, tip lookr.l at flic car, I In hla liaml.
HhI.pIIp fplt ottn.l aa to tlit aiirrpaa
of hpr roup.
"Ap1 I tlial la not ptnuigli I man
"lip n.' r . rti tliprt" la Iht ilatp. 'May
1- I lia woman who haa I.ppii
(j i ' '. .i(tp.l a tht latp liarotiPt'a
1. ii 'i 111111 to l:ifl.t In July of ihp
u. . ' la an ipnip plain.
I:. .- ' 1, Inn Mr. Mallptt paal
.' 't . ', .ioti ti.a forahpn.l. Hp rtiul.l
. l ;p( rrili.-p tlip p.. a. tu. n III which Iip
hhhI; Iip itml I not r.i. what It nipatit
for him ,omf.,rt, pia lion, rlrlipa, aplpn
1or. aftpr twpnty ypnra of t'otiiparntirp
j.rlrntioii. II, a Iip.i.I In n whirl.
"Will yon not a.t? Yon look ovpt
oiiip, M r tJpoffrpy."
Hp alnrtpil on hfn rlupj hlinaplf a. I
tlrpapil l.y hi proppr nnuiP. Va. that
wna jiiaf whnt It nn-niit to him - that Iip
wan, or wouM ..mi Ih Sir tipoffrpy Mai
llnrfor.l, of MalliiiKfonl l'ark. IiirIpniI
of a hnril workliiit tlrawiiitf inaMt-r, iI.iIiik
hia ilally roim.l of iuatruction at ao many
ahillliiga a iiinrtrr, ami thliikiiiK hltiiKcIf
fortiinnlp If, aftpr KPttliuK hi liill. hp
wa ahlp to put away a fi-w pouinl at
tlip Plnl of p:k Ii tprtn. Hp ilropjipil into
thp rhalr plnrol for him hy HiiIipMp.
w oiul. riiiK If Iip alum!, I wnkp ii. to flu. I
Ii all a ilrrain. Hp IIIphpiI, wiihoiit,
liowpver, fiithprlnj; iniirh of hpr hipaii-
j ' tht Kmich woman' voluMp n-
"W'r a l prilf. for you liny aftpr day
lu I Iip Tinipa, I. ut could kp no anawpr:
ami I wna in ilcapnlr, when I'roTiilpm-p
atMit you down to MalliiiKfonl. Mr.
IVrkina m you ami rocoiniinl you
you wpiiI out, ami toM mi- who you
wi-rr. How I pr.'iyt'.l that hIip wna not
iiiittikrn! I telfrii.hfil to Mr. Paw,
nn.l he tclrjiriiphi'il to you thl niornliic.
1 mull' an almoliup iiin-patily of coiuiiiK
to town for a uii WPil.liiiK linpry; nn.l ao r art!"
"Ami now whnl la to l.p iloup? Ami
am I to K" ilowu to thp pnrk ami turn
thl woman nut with a policfinnn, or
how tin yon propose to procct'd ?"
"Slip iiiiiat not Iip Intcrfcri'd with until
tuir proof nrc all prfpurcd," rpplicil Mr.
Iliim. "My iik,K'",'ou I that Mn'ui'at'lle
I.PNlnniKt' -h.iiilil islvf you thp addrpaa
t.f the limn who took tlint plintnifrnph
which, with a runt forcnik-lit, ht with
IhM from in: tl'i'l )"H toh ovpr to
Pur a l.y to li'lt'it' l.oil, hihI fi'om tht'rt'
liiiikf your wn.v u ijil kl.v n you i nn to
thia phicr in Sphiii; tliul, wln-ii ll.pri', you
lift HtlV Invlt. or whatever llicir Spiiulih
tiiiiviili iit limy he. from wit ne-ap of
your nit'cp'a dentil, alao the ccrl ilicuip of
her (It'iiih. n ml any other evidence (lint
tiny crop up. ami tlmt on your return
yon pluce an id proof in my hiimls; ami
before u im.iilli hut piiHsed you will lie In
i.oascHMion of MiillinKford. n ml iiui'iu'mcHi'
iiml I will he linerliitr I lint live llioii
mm ml."
"1 Imve no no y I" meet the ex-
jn'iiMc of nch a journey."
"I thoiik'ht 'f II'11' 1"' I re
fi'ived nin'in'Kelle'ti IfleKnim, nn.l I rnix
'd fifty poiindM nt I'lt.' Hiicrilice thU
inoriilii'if. SIkii thi I'iH f""- Hpvenly-live
nt three iiioiiIIih. mid the fifty la yoiirx."
Mr. Mullclt'a lip curled with contempt
nt the Hhiiuiclse extortion.
"You liuiMt feel very Hurt' of thin
Kiinic," he reiniirked, "to he an--jreneroiiH,
aim II we ciill iff"
luwa liHtened to the Innuendo with
phcid unconcern.
"Well, I do feel aure of it, and 111
tell you why. Mian Mullliitf called upon
mo th yery first day our ndvertUement
of your tddrtaa appeared, and h waa
lu such aa awful state of fright about It
that I iiw la a uiluuU aba was afraid
Wife's SrctJ
"f you for a, una raaaon or othar. Tut
tint what I ohatrvad and ma'm'aalU's
theory about that photo togatlipr, I con
cluded thnt wa wera on tha right track
- that your tiler la dead -dld tlx yar
ago - and this woman la nothing but an
"t)b, ypg. It aura enough," Inter
popd MahPtte. "Hut let ua wnU no
mora time. I must get bark to my fin
tnndame, and you, Hir (JaofTrpy, will
hare to aay good by to th charming lady,
) daiifcliti-r, and mak arrangpinent
for your abaaurp. pr I th addroM
of tha photographer who took th pic
ture. That Piida the arrangrintnti ao far
a I am concprupil at present; tha reat
remain wilh you and Mouaieur Daw;
h will let in know how you go on In
your ararch. tJood afternoon!"
Iiuw lookpd after hpr In aurpri.
Klie bad not apoken a word about th
need for tmat if the marring was to
be prpveiited; he hnd expecting It all
ihroiiKh the lutt-rview, ami alie had gone
without mire Intro. luring I lie uhject.
I'erhn.a alio hml altered her mind; any
w ay, tlmt i i rt of the buinraa hnd noth
ing to do with him. Once more lie open
ed hi deak.
"Here I the money, Sir (Seoffrey, and
lien, ia the bill remly damped to sign.
You will pud me u occaioual tele
gram, If you com acrnaa any npwa; ami
if you find another fifty iieceaaary you
can hare It on the anine term. I wiah
you a aurrpaaful aenrch, air, and a
rt turn."
"I ahatl wir If iipceaaary, lint unleaa;
n ml you may ilppeml upon my nrliext
poaalhle return."
He put hi uaiiie to th bill, took up
(he amnll roll of note, bud the lawyer
good day mid Iff t the room without p
ing hia Piteude.l hand.
"Aa proud a l.nrlfer!" muttered
Inwa, ii. .1 a bit abaahed. "Never mind,
(he plniner ami iinp!er th better."
Mr. Mnlletl re.ichpd tho noiay, buatling
aileet an. I looked about Ii i 1 11 for a cab;
t ine waa prenoua, if he meant
lo tart tonight; and he would like to
lo a. i, If ii.iii.lile. -fur an lutolerablu reat
baaiieaa lin.l coiiip to him, and he felt
that he could not apeud a luouieut lu
peace until he knew everything.
To hi aurpriae, a he looked up and
ilo. n th long street, itabette glided
from iIip ahndow of a doorway and beck
oned to him.
"I want to aay a doipn words to you
that I do not care that littl email to
hear," ahe anid, aa he reached her aidt.
"I have only two minutes lo spare, and
I wna afraid you would not leave in
time. If you find out that your uiece is
dead, sud that thia woman la an lm-
poator a. ii enough let me hav a tele
gram to that effect by Wednesday morn
ing. I will not aak for my half of that
Ave thouannd pounds."
Here waa another complication.
"Why by Wednesday?" aaked Mr.
Mailed, lu aurpris.
"Hera line ahe .la going lo marry Mr.
lmrnton at Iliahopgate church at ll
o'clock on Wedueadny next all in aecret.
you know and I would not only give up
the money, but th beat yeara of my life
lo prevpiit it!"
"Married to Momton on Wedneaday
the very day after hpr birthday at a
l.uxy city church! (Irent heaven, what
doea it nil mean?" naked Mr. Mallett, lu
"It menu she ia fomt of that young
man ami will mnrry him in spite of ev
ery one, If you do not prevent it. I
must fly for my train do what you
He stood for a moment looking after
her reuniting figure, tried to uinke out
Khnt the new meant, then gave It up in
deapnir and bestowed hi thoughta ex
rluxivcly on the arrangements for bia ati
aence. t'HAl'TKK XVIII.
Suudiiy at Mnllingford l'ark. Th
Iioiikc was full of viaitora. Smnll attics
on the top story which had never been
slept in alnce the great doing of thlrty
ulue year before, when the lute Sir
I'd ill cuine of age, were nil occupied
now. for Lord Summer having express
ed a wiah that Mi Mulling' majority
hhould be imirked by lilting festivities,
tlmt Imly bad thrown herself heartily
into the project.
It wa a close, atilling day, and there
wna a fnlnt. while mini on the park
land", and nn intcuse stilliieaa in the air.
which proved very trying to the majority
of Mia Mulling' giical after luncheon.
They sauntered out of the reception
rooms by two and three, and aouglit
the quiet of their own n pnrtment until
the ground floor looked quite deserted.
I'liiiline's health wiih generally good;
but she, too, felt n breiithlesa languor
to-diiy and determined to enjoy the after
noon in her own rooma. She removed
the gorgeous toilet which hnd glnddcn
ed the eye of the villager in church
thnt morning, and replaced it by a light
cualimere gown.
"The Inst Suudiiy that l shall be
known to the world na Mia Mailing,"
ahe muxed. "Mefore thl lime next week
J nek and I will be away from here,
hnppy in each otner'a society, ami in
the certainty tlmt nothing on earth can
ever Hi'piirnle u. Mont young women
Mould have'Ick love tokens to
ili'Hlroy before their iiiiirriuge; l have ab
solutely nothing tlmt I fenr my hua
biind'H aeeing. t 'irciiiiiHtnncea have been
ugniiiNt my cultivating lovers ns an
(i in i iH.'int'M t . nud I inn apnred the fiirce of
(lest roy lug the evidence, of my past
When ahe had taken two or three
turn up Ami down the room, she stopped
in front of her desk and looked at it
"I suppose I may aa well destroy It,"
she said, absently. "It can do in no
good to keep It, and it might possibly
do in buroi in the future. That muat
have been lu my mlud all the time."
She unlocked the small bronze box on
the toilet table with" a key that hung
from a gold chain round her neck, and
took from It a bunch of keya. Then
drawing up chair to the desk ah un
locked that alo, and went alawlf
through the content.
Rlia rnmn upon on or two letter that
Interested her allghtly and djw her
thought awny from her original purpo
to search th desk, and It was not until
both sides wpr unit emotr that she
discovered with a sudden heart quaking
fr the absence of that for which she
wss searching.
A look of wild deinlr flashed frmn
her eye and hpr breath came In abort.
sharp gnsps, as ah turn! to the henp
f odd and end which she hnd already
ton through, with a hope that In her
I. Bene (,f mind she might hav paaaed
wliat she sought without noticing It.
Her quick, nervous flngprs turned over
the papers until th pile hnd once mora
tipn thoroughly searched: and then rati
lln Mailing aank bark In her chair with
her hand to her htid and a look of de
spair In her eyea. Horrlbl thoughts
chased each other through her aching
brain; and, when ft o'clock at last struck,
sh had arrived at only one definite con
elusion, that the person who had posses
sion of the missing article and th on
who had advertised for th address of
Pir (Jeoffrey Mailing were on and the
When ah rose and relocked the desk,
sh wn haggard and pnle, and ah look
ed at herself wistfully In th glass; and
an Insllnctiv prayer went up from her
heart that her beauty might not leave
her until ahe was Jack Dorntou's wife
In th midst of all that threatened her
loan of name, wealth, position It wsa
almost touching to note how thia worldly
woman counted everything a nXitulrig
compared wilh her love for Jack.
Iord Summers wn one of the guests
at Mallingford. He wna stnying "over
the aeveuteeiith," ami the fussy, kindly
old man wn slightly concerned at the
existing atnte of affairs. He arrived only
on the Saturday evening, and be waa
surprised to find Jack still at th l'ark.
"And when are my pictures to be
completed, Mr. lornton?" he asked.
Thl very question hnd been a point
t.f disagreement between Jack and I'su
line. He had wished to carry out the
coiiimlsaliiu for those six pictures, am
she had urged the unfitness of his earn
lug another lie uny by hi painting after
their inarringe. So be hesitated a llt'le
before be answered.
"Are you anxious to hnvn them soon?
I am anticipating a winter in Home this
year, ami I should like. If possible, to
devote myself while there to a close
study of the old musters. Itut, If you
are particular aa to time, I will finish
your commission before 1 touch nuy other
work, of course."
"No, I don't thlDK I am exactly in a
hurry, If you are not." and na hi lord
ship spoke he thought of the avidity
with which Jack had accepted the offer
when it was originally made, and- hi
voluntary proml to complete the series
by th end of the year. "So you mean
to winter in Home?" he nidv pleasivnt
ly. "And how doea Miss Kthel Mallett
like the prospect of ao long a separa
tion?" Jack reddened suddenly, and he hated
himself for it.
"I did not know you took enough In
terest in my private affairs to be led
Into Investigating them," he answered,
with a decided touch of displeasure in
his voice. V
"Nor do I. You are mistaken; 'it la
Miaa Mallett' affairs I am interested
In. I beg you will not credit me with
prying into your personal affa'rs at all.
Aa I have apoken on the matter, and
a you seem to reaent the liberty which
believe me, was not Intended a such
I must explain how thing are. I met
an old friend of mine, with hia daugh
ter, at the Kxhibition of the Hoyal Acad
emy one day last season. I had known
him in yeara past aa an enthusiast In
art. and I waa delighted to meet so Con
genial a companion." Lord Summers
paused a moment, and I'toked carefully
round the table; seeing everybody occu
pied in conversation, he went on. In a
lightly lowered voice. "My friend haa
had many reverses in life, which has ne
ctssitated his taking th name of 'Mr.
Mnllett,' and have driven hi in to earn
a living for himself and his family by
giving lessons in drawing. I aee you be
gin to understand now" in answer to
Jack's start of aurprise. "Well, we went
through the rooma together and he came
to a picture of yours. Miaa Mallett'
delight at Its position on the line was
eloquent of many thing. 1 looked the
question I did not dare to ask, and Mr.
Mallett told me of the engagement be
tween hie daughter and you, and ex
pressed his wish that she should remain
in the same class of society thnt she had
breti brought up in, ill answer to my
suggestion thnt she should come to lis
for a season out of town. Now, perhaps,
you will understand my motive lu seek
ing you out to excuse my seemingly im
pertinent curiosity."
(To b continued.)
llter Better for the I'o r pose.
Customer (Jot those "nilman'a
Popular lVllets" In jet?
KurHl li'UK t'leik Y'cs; Just come
this inoriiliiK'.
Customer (Jood. I've been asking
for tlioin for a week buck.
Kiirnl Piuk t'lork (ioshl I didn't
a'pose they were good for that. I'hll
atlelpbln TrcKs. (
Strenuou Hint.
She I don't like your first name,
Mr. Slow boy. Cornelius U so loujj
drawn out.
Hp Well, BuppoHe you cull me Nell
for short. Several of my friends ilo.
She I'd cull you Corn If It
He If what?
She If I thought you would pop.
A (leneroii View,
"They uny that siietky-looklng man
across from us In two faced!" whis
pered the tlrnt boarder.
"Well, I hope he Is, for his sake,"
mild No. 1! p'l'rously. "It would be
too bad to be reduced to the one he
has on, wouldn't ItV"
Juet Ilefore the Ceremony,
Clarence I told the minister he
mustn't kiss you.
Cordeliu And what did he say?
Clarence He thauked uie und said
under those circumstances he would
only charge me half the usual fee.
A Child Fancy. M
"What are stars?" said little Mary.
"Are they the nalla that hold the sky
up?" Philadelphia Bulletin.
- i a-' i.." ' 'J ' ' J! i ni-i.w i ii i 1 1. .s-saaswaeTi n I ia srnmmmmmr'
' ' " - ' -r-
Thursday, December 21.
The senate wa In session hut a little
more than an hour today. Of thl time
only about a half hour waa legislative
in character.
The credential of Oearin, of Oregon,
were presented ami the senator aworn
In. ,
The bill extending for one year the
time allowed for building the Council
City A Solomon Kiver railroad in Alas
ka waa passed.
Adjournment waa taken until Janu
ary 4. '
There waa hut a ten-minute session
of the house today, when the holiday
adjournment until January 4 waa
taken. Two speeches, one attacking
and the other defending the cotton crop
estimates of 'lie government, were to
have been made, but permission waa
granted to print these speeches in the
Wednesday, December 20.
The senate adopted a motion recall
ing It confirmation of canal commis
sioners. It ia understood that the ob
ject of the move ia to permit a protest
against Chairman Khonta holding a po
sition on the commission and the presi
dency of the Clover Leaf railroad at
the same time.
The only notable feature of the open
session today waa a brief discussion on
the question of railroad legislation by
Koraker and Culberson.
The house continued to "shoot clay
pigeons" today, as one member re
marked, and debate on several topics
continued for five hours. The general
debate which has been in progress for
several days ended with today's session,
arid tomorrow the session will be brief.
The house agreed on the conference
report on the Panama canal appropria
tion bill.
Just before adjournment a bill was
passed eztending until 1909 the time in
which the 50 miles of railroad from
Council City to Solomon, Alaska,
be completed.
Pa ne gave notice that the Philip
pine tariff bill will be called up for
consideration January 4.
Nee.lham, of California, introduced
a bill providing for the repeal of the
C'ibati reciprocity treaty. He said the
treaty had resulted in serious loss of
revenue, an the Cubans buy extensive
ly in the United States, and does not
give Americans an opportunity to get
anything in return for the reductions
in tariff on Cuban products.
Tuesday, December 19
The senate today accepted the Pana
ma canal emergency appropriation bill
as originally parsed by the house.
lieyburn made a new move in bis
fight on forest reserves by introducing
a resolution calling on the secretaiy of
agriculture for a statement of receipts
and expenditures made by the forest
service, also the amount of school land
included in forest reservations.
Fuhcn inrodncd a bill to relieve bona
fide settlers on Northern Pacific lands
where such settlements were made sab
sequent to January 1, 1898.
A Urge grist of appointments were
Senator Dolliver introdeuced bis rate
bill today. It authorises the commis
sion to fix and enforce a maximum and
reasonable rate, to go into effect 30
days after nctice. The commission also
provides for seven members.
The house continued debating the
insurance question today. The day
was passed without legislation and end
ed with an amusing debate on the ques
tion of the appointment of a Janitor at
$00 per month to the reception room
on the minority side of the chamber.
In the end the janitor was not appoint
ed. The house committee on ways and
means favorably reported Payne's bill
admitting all Philippine products into
the United States free, excepting sugar
and tobacco, which are to pay 25 per
ent of the Dingley rate until 1909,
when they are also to go on the free
Monday, December 18.
The canal emergency appropriation
bill was received in the house from the
senate. Discussion of this was followed
by another debate on insurance mat
ters. The house disagreed to the
amendments to the canal bill and sent
it to conference.
Hale and Teller were named as the
Benate conferees on the canal bill.
The senate in the afternoon took up
Preachers on Canal Payroll.
Washington, Dec. 20. Senator Lodge
today presented to the senate, in am
plification of his denial made on Fridtiv
of the charge that wdmen had been
taken to the Isthmus of Panamia under
the authority of the canal commission
and distributed among laborers for im
moral purposes, a letter from Secretary
Taft and all of the correspondence ,that
has been has on this subject. T'ie sec
retary denies this and says that already
there are several preachers of different
creeds on the isthmus in the iav of the
May Compensate Idaho.
Washington, Pec. 20. As a result f
a conference with Governor Gooding
the president aul Gifford Finchott will
probably advocate tfee passage of a bill
permitting Idaho to relinquish to the
government all school sections embraced
in forest reserves and select in lieu a
compact tract of equal area. In rase
the state wishes for timber land, Mr.
Gooding ask that it may take a slice of
the best timber out of some forest reserve.
the house ship subsidy bill, which
makes It the unfinished business before
that body.
A Joint resolution was adopted pro
viding for adjournment from December
21 to January 4.
Dolliver haa a new rate bill which
he will introduce toon as a substitute
for all measure now pending.
Committee Placet Filled.
Washington, Dec. 20. Northwestern
senators were assigned committees to
day. Piles, In addition to the chair
manship of coast and insnlar survey,
goes on interoceanin canals, pensions,
territories, Canadian ralations and ex
amination of the civil service. Hey
burn, in addition to his old commit
tees, goes on immigration and public
buildings. There are several minority
places vacant, from which assignments
will be tnxle for Gearin. They are for
est reservations, pensions, industrial
expositions, national banks and claims.
Oppose the Joint Bill.
Prescott, Arix., Dec. 20. At the
close of the annual banquet of the
Northern Aritona Bar association, a
strong resolution waa unanimously
adopted declaring its unalterable oppo
sition to the joint statehood bill and
instructing the secretary to forward a
copy, with the signature of each mem
ber attached, to Speaker Cannon, Dele
gat Mark Smith and Congressmen
Hamilton, Tawney, and Adams, and
Senators Foraker, Flint and Perkins.
Strong speeches denouncing the bill
were made.
Charter for Alaska Cable.
Waghington, Dec. 20. Senator Ful
ton today introduced a bill authorising
the North American Telegraph & Cable
company, incorporated in the state of
Washington, to construct telegraphic
cables from the coast of Washington to
Alaska, the Aleutian island, Siberia,
Manchuria, China. Japan and the
Philippines and requiring the operation
of the cable within five yean. Among
the directors of the company are prom
inent Northwes ern men.
Abandon Malheur Project.
Washington, Dec. 20. Secretary
Hitchcock today called on the Reclama
tion service to show why the Malheur
irrigation project should not be aban
doned. It is believed that this is a pre
liminary step to be followed by the
withdrawal cf engineers from that
country, leaving Malheur county to
p-ivate enterprise.
Take Duty Off Ship Material.
Washington, Dec. 20. Representa
tive Williams, of Mississippi, tolay in
troduced a bill to place on the free list
beams,., angle-irons, rivets, shaftings,
propellers, castings and other material
imported for use in construction of
American ships.
No Interest in Black Sand -
Washington, Dec. 20. The house
today refused to consider a resolution
to ask the secretary of the interior the
results of experiments in ascertaining
the mineral value of black sand.
Two Great Railway Terminals on the
Hudson River Burned.
New York, Dec. 22 The Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western railroad, which
a few months ago suffered the loss of
Its Hoboken terminal buildings by fire,
sustained a still heavier loss today,
when the new ferry terminals of steel
frame and supposedly fireproof con
struction, at the foot of West Twenty
third street, Manhattan, were burned
to the ground. Workmen were putting
the finishing touches on the building
when the fire started, shortly btfore
the noon hour.
The flames quickly communicated to
the new ferry house of the Central
Railroad of New Jersey, which, with
the Lackawanna terminals, was con
sidered the finest ferry building in the
East, and this structuie also was at
moet totally destroyed.
Japan Will Pay Off Bonds.
New York, Dec. 22. 8. Uchida, con
sul general of Japan in New York, re
ceived today a cablegram from the
Department of Finance at Tokio to the
effect that $50 000 000 of the fourih
exchequer bonds, bearing 6 per c-mt
interest, will be paid off as follows:
120,000,000 in March, $20,000 000 in
April, and $10,000,000 in May, 1906.
Warhips Prevent Riots.
London, Dec. 22 According to offi
cial advices received here todey from
Shanghai, it ia believed that the situa
tion, while most nneatisfacory, can be
controlled hy the warships already
there. The only danger is that dis
affection may spread to the interior.
It is thought that it will imt he neces
sary to send, as the Chinese gov
ernment is taking pneuutiom to pre.
vent an uprieiiitr. The foreign office
has distpprove.l 'he action of the Brit
ish a-esor in confining Chinese wo
men prisoners in a foreign jail.
Million Dollars fjr Dowry.
San Francisco, Dec -J irratid
dnuchti r of Senator W. A. Clivk, nf
Montana, was born thi morning at
Sun Mateo, the pnrenta beii:K Mr. anr
Mrs. Charles W. Clark, thenwber
having been Miss Ceiia T-ilxn, of this
city. When infirmed ofthebiithof
tho ba'-y. Senator Cliik announced
that, he w vild immediately give the
little girl a dowry of $1 ,000 000, fol
lowing th example set ,v himself at
the birth il bis first grandchild.
Panama Canal Affairs Discussed at
White House Conference.
Washington, Dec. 19. President
Roosevelt tonight took up the matter ef
the Isthmian canal scandals as devel
oped by debate in the senate during tho
past three days. He is determined to
prevent further criticism of the char
acter put forward by 8enators Tillman,
Culberson and others. Senators Alii
son and Hale, both members of the ap
propriations cemmlttee, were present.
The president made it plain to Mr.
Shonta that the literary bureaa in
charge of Secretary Bishop must be at
once discontinued, and Mr. Bishop con
fine his service purely to administra
tive matters. He also discussed tbo
advisability of redocing his salary front
$10,000 now paid to $5,000, or some
other moderate sum.'
It waa also made apparent to Chair
man Shoots that if he still baa an offi
cial connection with the Clover Leaf
railroad, it most be severed immedi
ately. Senator Tillman declared that
Mr. Shonts is still active president of
the system, and neither Mr. Shonts nor
any of the administration senators have
entered a denial of the declaration.
The president further gave Mr.
Bbonts much advice regarding the eon
duct of affairs on the isthmus. It ia
prescribed in the president's order that
the canal commission must leave at
once for that place.
The bill appropriating $11,000,000
for the canal work, passed by the sen
ate on Saturday, provides that
within 90 days the secretary of the
treasury must furnish estimates to the
seriate and house appropriations com
mittees of all salaries paid those em
ployed on canal work, except laborers
and unskilled workmen. This feature
of the bill was discussed with Senators
Allison and Hale.
It is believed that many reforms will
be instituted in the administration of
the canal before another appropriation
is requested from conges. This work
of reform must begin at once, as Secre
tary Taft says tho $11,000,000 new be
ing obtained will last no longer than
April 1 at the outside.
In the meantime Senator Tillman
will begin a strong agitation after the
holiday recess for a thorough investiga
tion of the entire canal situation. He
will be opposed by the Republicans,
but anpported by the Democrats. Even
some of the Republiians favor an in
quiry, and Mr. Tillman threatens to
cause much trouble unless matters are
put on such a basis aa to prevent just
Great Increase Shown Over Last Year
by Department of Commerce.
Washington, Dec. 19. Estimates
made by the bureau of statistics of the
department of Commerce and Labor,
based on the returns for ten months
ending with October, are that the ag
gregate commerce between the United
States and the Philippines for the cal
endar year 1905, will amount to about
$20,000 000, against about 115,000 in
189A, $1,000,000. in 1900, f4. 000,000
in 1898 and a little more than $4,000,
000 in 1897, the year prior to the
American occupation.
Prior to 1899, the exports from the
United States to the Philippines, the
bureau reports show, had never ex
reeded $250,000, while in the present
year they will aggregate nearly $6,000,
000. Imports from the islands, which
ranged between $4,000,000 and $5,
000,000 per annum prior to 1899, were
in 1902, $10,000,000; in 1903, $12,
000,000, and in 1905 will be about
$14,000,000, according to the bureau
estimates. . -
The imports in 1905 are chiefly hemp
and sugar. Hemp imports for the first
ten months of 1905 amounted to $10,
376,528, and sugar $2,212,249.
I Connecticut Safe Looted.
SufSeld, Conn., Dec. 19. After
binding the railroad watchman. W.
Jones, and his 12 year old son to chairs
in the railroad station here this morn
ing before daylight, six hank robbers
pried their way into the Sn (field Sav
ings bank on Main street, blew open
the safe after a fourth attempt and es
caped with $50,000 worth of registered
bonds and stocks not negotiable, ac
cording to President Newton, of the in
stitution. They overlooked $3,000 In
cash and negotiable bonds in a drawer
Conference at White House.
Washington, Dec. 19. Senators Alli
son and Hale, who are members of the
committee on appropriations, and
Chairman Shonts and Secretary Bishop,
of the Isthmian Canal commission,
were in conference with the president
at the whit house tonight. It is pre
sumed that the case of Secretary Bish
op, whose duties as agent 'or the com.
mission has been the subject of discus
sion in congress, was among matters talk
ed of, but no statement was made.
General Strike is Improbable.
London, Dec 19. The correspondent
of the Daily Telegraph at St. Peters
burg, in commenting on recent events
in Russia says he is still optimistic
and is convinced of the impossibility
of an organized general strike, because
public opinion and the peasantry are
s rongly averse to it. lie insists that
the military outbreak at Moscow is in
no way an ind. cation of general disaf
fection in the army.
Furs Go Up in Smoke.
New York Dec. 19 Two hundred
thousand dollars' worth of furs were
destioved hy fire today in the estab
lishment of Max Paiseeki & Co. whole
sale furriers and manufacturers of auto
mobile garments 37. 3D East Twenty,
first street. Other tenants in the build-
ii g will suffer heavyily from water.