Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 27, 1905, Image 2

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    Bohemia Nugget
Id a Condensed Form for Oar
Easy Readers.
A Reaume of the Lest Important buf
Not Leaa Interesting Events
of the Paat Week.
A handbill is being circulated in St.
PeNriburg threatening the cure hie
The Chino-Japanese treaty, relating
to Manchurian affairs, has been signed
Thousands in the northeast provinces
of Japan are said to be on the verge of
Heavy snows in New Mexico have
blocked railway traffic and train sched
ales are badly deinoraliied.
The Corean consul general to Great
Britain has turned over his affairs to
the Japanese legation and retired.
Senor Pon Felipe Pardo, brother to
the president of Peru, will tepresent
that country as minister to the United
Herbert H. D. Pierce, third a eist-
ant secretary of state, has been selected
by the president as the first American
minister to Norway.
A passenger train on the Illinois
Central was wrecked near Holly Srpings,
Miss., and one woman kilhd and six
ether ersoni injured.
John N. Irwin, ex-governor of Idaho,
is dead. He was former minister to
Fortngal and also governor of Arizona
He died at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Revolutionists Will Not Be Responsi
ble for His Safety.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 25. There is a
persistent rumor in circulation here,
a well known revolutionary leader be
ing the authority, that tle crar lias
Uen warned to leave Russia. This
communication was sent to the ruler in
thee different ways in order to guar
nntee its reaching him. The ciar was
notified that the limit of patience had
been reached and that he had ceased to
I ruler of Kussia, save in name onl
The ciar was advised, for his own sake
as well as for his family's, to leave the
country at once.
The communication is also said to
have stated:
"We Jo not want to harm any mem
ber of the imperial family, but we will
not be responsible for their safety in
the present critical time."
It is stated on high authority that
one copy of the warning was taken to
the czar's private apartments at Tsar-koe-Selo
a few days ago.
The itar is heavilv guarded in the
palace, which is surrounded by a form
idable array of troops, while dozens of
maxims and large supplies of ammuni
tion are stored away. Few of the offi
cials have aire s to the czar.
Escape From Meetirg Hall by Break
ing 1 hrougrt Mailings.
Moscow. Pec. 25. The 12,000 per
sons who were besieged in the Aqua
rium since last night forced the rail
ings surrounding me nuiiuing at '.'
o'clock this morning and escaped
through an adjacent schoolhouse. A
few were wounded in their attempts to
escape the military cordon.
Seventy of those attending the meet
inir wern arrested, but thav were suhse-
Ihe California state mineralogist nas onentIv reieged. A few revolvers
called the attention of government au- e : j anj mAay foyers and re-
Ihorities to gigantic land frauds that vover8 were left behind in the garden
eiat. He says he will place evidence anTTnn.nv the sehoolhouse.
in the hands of the United Siates dS- remnnstrtinn of the strikers were
tnct attorney that will involve many of contjnued aM da but in everv CH8e
they were dispersed oy
California's prominent ptople, and be
lieves that something must be crooked
with the general land office.
The Baltic coast is lighted by burn
ing mansions.
The czar has refused to grant uni
yersal suffrage.
An attempt to assassinate President
Reyes, of Colombia, failed
Dewey wants the Annapolis hazers
expelled without a chance of returning
The Virginia and North Carolina
coasts have been swept by a heavy gale
A Los Angeles cottage was wrecked
by the wind and three persons injured,
two perhaps fatally.
A collapse of scaffolding in the New
York tunnel under East river injured
five men, three of them fatally.
Columbia university has positivley
forbidden football in the future. Oth
er leading colleges are expected to fol- of Christopher street to Hoboken.
burst out beneath the
inner row of seats in the
Cossacks and
dragoons. Several persons were in
jured, but no one was killed. During
the day wholesale arrests were made.
All business has been stopped. Sev
eral of the bakery shops have been
The strikers are using the strongest
measures to enforce the complete cessa
tion of business, but notwithstanding
these measures the postal operations
At a meeting of bankers today it was
decided to open the banks tomorrow.
Jow this lead,
An American who has just returned
from Japan says there is sure to be dis
tress in that country when all the
troops are returned from Manchuia.
The president has signed the canal
emergency appropriation bill carrying
$11,000,000. This is the first law cre
ated by the present session of congress.
Odell has attacked Roosevelt for al
leged political interference in New
York. The president i: accused of
wrecking the party to gratify ambition,
but does not eeem to worry ever the
Montenegro has adopted a new constitution.
Poland is again the scene of rioting
and troops cannot be spared to suppress
the trouble.
Denver has not yet disposed of all its
election fraud cases incident to the
preidential election.
Secretary Bonaparte has found that
be has not the power under the present
laws to dismiss the Annapolis hazers.
A Des Moines, Iowa, baby show
broke up in a row because the first
pr;ze was given to the baby of a
Hawaiian planters have completed
plana to bring 1,000 families of labor
ers from the Azores or some other
European source.
Governor LaFollette, of Wisconsin.
has resigned to accept a seat in the
United States senate. The resignation
takes effect the first of January.
Thorough reorganization of the man
agement aid methods of the Mutual
Life Insurance company is demanded
by its 30,000 British policy holders.
Admiral Rojestveneky has returned
home. He has not yet entirely re
covered from the wounds he received
during the battle of the Sea of Japan.
A bomb hurled through a window of
the Allied Iron association in New
York wrecked the room used for tele
phone purposes, lua concern is non-
Thousand Passengers Nearly Jump
Into Hudson in Terror.
New York, Dec. 25. While the Del
aware, Lackawanna at western lerry-
boat Montclair was crowded from end
to end on a trip tonight from the foot
midst of the
men's cabin
on the starboard side. So Eudden was
the outbrrst of flames that those sit
ting on the seats had narrow escapes
from burning.
The shouts of fire sent the passengers
in a rush to the open ends of the boat,
men almost pushing one another into
the water. The panic spread to the
women's cabin, which was also crowd
ed, there being 1,000 passengers on the
boat. The Montclair was in midstream.
As quickly as they could make their
way to the fire extinguishers, the deck
hands took them down and played on
the fire, which quickly became only a
smudge of stifling smoke.
The boat was driven full speed, with
whistle shrieking, to the Hoboken
slip. The passengers rushed ashore
and the fire department put out what
remained of the blaze. It is supposed
that a smouldering cigar stub com
municated fire to rubbish and starttd
the blaze.
Explanation of Complicated Primary
System by Secretary Dunbar,
Salem The adoption of the dlrec
primary law has given Oregon such
complicated system of elections that not
even the accomplished politician can
carrv in bis mind all the details of the
proceedings leading up to the general
election of state, district- and county
orticers. One of the most ditllcult
things to ascertain and rememler is the
dates upon which the various steps In
the nomination and election of otlicers
must be taken. In (act, the ordinary
citizen cannot figure out the dates if
he has the statute before him, for the
langcae varies and different method
of computing time must U adopted.
The following list contains all the
dates of intercut to the voter ami the
candidate for offices as figured out by
Secretary of State Dunbar:
Registration (nvoks opened by county
clerks Tuesday, January 2.
Registration books closed lor primary
election April 10, 6 p. in.
Registration looka opened alter pri
mary election. April 25.
Registration books closed for general
election, May IS, 5 p. m.
Iniative petitions
Nnmber of signers required to initiate
laws or amendments, 7 , 4 S .
Last day for filing initiative peti
tions, February 3.
Last day for filing pamphlets oppos
ing measures, February 5.
Direct primaiy election
County clerks give notice of primary
election not later than March 21.
Last day for filing petitions for plac
ing names on ballot for state, congres
sional and district officers, March 30.
Last day for filing petitions for
county offices, April 4.
Date of primary election, April. 30.
Canvassing votes of primary election
for state offices. May 5.
General election
Last day for filing certificates of
nomination for state offices by assembly
of electors, April 9.
uist day for filing nominating peti
tions for state offices, May 4.
I-aet day for tiling certificates of
nomination for county offices by assem
bly of electors, May 4.
Last day for filing nominating peti
tions for county office., May 19.
General election, June 4.
It Jhould le explained that petitions
for nominations for district offices, such
as circuit judge, district attorney, joint
senator and joint representative must
be filed in the office of the secretary of
state, and not with county clerks.
Canada Quarantines American Hog.
Ottawa, Dec. 25. An order in coun
cil has been passed providing that "all
swine imported must be accompanied
by a certificate signed by veterinarians
of the United States bureau of Animal
industry, stating that neither ewine
plague nor hog cholera has existed
within a radius of five miles of the
premises in which they have been kept
f"r a period of six months immediately
preceding the date of shipment, but
such swine shall nevertheless be in
spected, and shall be subject to a quar
antine of 30 days."
Hevburn Loaded for Bear,
Washington, Dec. 25. When the
senate reconvenes after the holidays,
Senator Heyburn intends to make a
speech on his lorent reserve bills. He
will air his difference with the presi
dent and Gifford Pinchot, and urge
curtailment of the president's power to
create reserves. His bill has not been
reported. A severe arraignment of the
administration is expected. The sen
ator will also speak in advocacy of his
State Library Commission Passes an
Important Resolution.
Salem The State Library commis
sion, composed of tiovernor I hamher-
lain, W. B. Ayers. President Csmpbell,
of the State University; Miss Inom,
Kbrarian of the Portland library, and
State Superintendent of Schools Acker-
man, met in bi-mocthy session last
week, and Miss Marvin, the secretary,
submitted an elaltorate report dealing
with the tvnrk of the commission from
its organization to date, and with the
methods to be employed in the organ
isation of local ilbraries.
With regard to school libraries, the
commission d.-cided to ask for bids for
all school libraries to be submitted
next June. A rule was adopted by the
commission prohibiting schools from
purchasing dictionaries, sets of supple
mentary readers and general encyclope
dias with money belonging to their li
brary funds.
Mies Marvin reports that several
cities in the state would soon employ
trained librarians to look after their libraries.
Southern Pacific Arranges New
Side Time Card.
Portland Keqiictttit for better freight
service on the Southern PttslhV between
Portland aud Corvalli have, been fruit
ful, for the company has arranged a
supplementary timncard which will
give that territory n daily freight in
each direction instead of a trl-weekly
Simultaneously with the Inaugura
tion of the new train, the St. Jowepl
Ijtfuyctt cut-off is opened, aud this
means the eight and one-half miles of
track letween I.afayetta and Wlutceon,
on the Yamhill division, will not Ix
used to any extent aud mar be aband
oned entirely.
The principal advamage in the new
passenger lime schedule win r mat
residents of Dtvtoti ami Newlcrg can
ride into McMiunville, tit, county M'at,
and return home the same dav, as the
t ruins will le operated via Dayton and
Mt MinnvilU.
There are n stations on the Yamhill
line lielween l-afayette and Whitcson,
and hut two s mrs, o it is figured no
particular harm will result if that por
tion of the is torn up. The detei
minatiou of the Southern Pacific to
place a daily freight train on the route
pleases shippers, loth In Portland and
long tf e West Sids division. For
some time a strong etlort lias heen
trade by the shippers of McM innville.
Pavton, Forest (trove and lllllsboroto
secure a letter service, hut this could
not le satisfactorily arranged until the
cut-off was completed, which cost $43,
Good Library at Asylum.
Salem The lack of a supply of g(I
books for the prisoners at the state 111-
itentiary formed the subject of comment
in the report of Secretary Cornelia Mar-
in to the Oregon Library communion
What is true of the prison is true also
f other stat institutions, mid Mips
Marvin is leading a movement to pro
vide the state s charges with g vod react
ing matter. At trie insane asylum a
argn library was found, but it is used
y comparatively few patients. Mian
Marvin remarks upon the fact that the
insane asylum has a large library of
unusually good Wxiks without gieat
use, while across the way, at the prison,
there is nothing to be used and a great
union and this is kriven as the reason 0f nauonai uoaru 01 corporations bill.
the outrage.
Balfour declares himself as a free
been pro-
Martial law has again
claimed throughout Poland.
Japan is angry because China delays
the new Manchurian treaty.
Traffic of Soo Canal.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Dec 25.
The government report places the total
freight tonnage of the 800 canal for the
year at 44,270,8(50 tons, an increase
over lafct year of 40 per cent.
Martial Law for Poland.
llf 1 .
now at I Warsaw, uec. zn. a proclamation
01 lite governor general was gazetted
here today, establishing martial law in
A British fleet is to maneuver off the all the 10 governments of Russian Pol-
coast of Morocco while the conference and and appointing ten temporary in il
ia on. itary governors general.
Insurance investigators are
work on the small companies.
Buys Chittim Trees.
Eugene Realizing that the supply
of chittim bark (Cascara Segrada) will
be exhausted in this part of the state
within a few year", Dr. L. W. Brown
recently contracted for 1,000 sprouts
of the chittim tree, which he will set
out on his farm southwest of this city.
The sprouts, when planted, grow very
rapidly, and it will not be very many
years until they are large enough to
peel the bark from. The last load of
the young trees on the contract has
been delivered and in the early spring
he will plant them.
Weston Property 'I ransfers.
Weston J. B. Hart has purchased
82 i acres of alfalfa and wheat land in
the Walla Walla valley near the state
line from R. O. Fitch for $5,000. The
place is located about two miles from
the ranch recently purchased by Trajan
Tucker. Mr. Fitch will go to Alberta.
Frank King, a prominent farmer form
erly of Helix, has purchased the Weav
er property in this citv and will soon
become a resident of Weston. He has
been making extensive imrovt merits
Surveying Weed Road.
Klamath Fulls Koine excitement was
caused In Klamath Falls recently by
the arrival of Engineer D. D. Griffiths
with a crew of a dozen railroad engin
eers and surveyors and the announce
ment went forth that they were the ad
vance guard of the California North
eastern Railroad company, successor to
the Weed Railroad company, which is
to receive a. bonus of $100,000 to build
a railroad into the town.
Weyerhauser Road for Lumbtr,
Klamath Falls Following the difl
nite announcement that the Klamath
I.ake railroad Interests have been pur
chased by the Weyerhaeuser Lumber
ompany it is announced that the Wey
erhaeuser people do not contemplate
building to this city, but will only aim
to use the road as an outlet for the
large timber interest they bold in this
art of the country. They will remodel
the roadled, rutting out the switch.
back in getting from the Klamath river
bottom to Pokcgama, by driving a long
Russian leaders Openly Defy Gov
ernment by Manifesto.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 20 A call for
a general politics! strike throughout
Kussia, to begin Thursday at noon, was
Issued tonight. The call Is approved
liv the I'nion of Union, (be Union of
Peasant, the tieiietal Railway union
and the Council of Wotkmen of St
Petersburg and Moscow. A response
received from the tallroml men of Mo
cow Is unanimous for a strike.
The leader have declared tbelt abil
ity to stop every train In Rossi. The
strike order readers every member of
the unions signing It liable to arrest
and punishment under the new sli ikn
law, and M. ulster of the Interior Dur
now attempted to telegraph orders to
Motcow to arrest member of the Hall
way union aud of the workmen's coun
cil, but the dispatches were held up by
the railroad telegraphers.
The members of the St. Petersburg
Council of Workmen hail been notified
by the General Railway union ami the
Motcow Council of Workmen that In
principle they weie ready for a strike,
hut that they hesitated on practical
ground. The St. Petersburg leadeis,
however, felt that their prestige would
suffer severely unless they could answer
the government a determined offensive
with a counter stroke, while many who
were committed to full revolution sro
tetly decided that the uround would be
swept 1 rom un.ier their reel Mm im U114
government promulgate a law granting
universal suffrage.
Governor Whom He Removed Gels
Higher Office.
Boston, Iec. 20. A communication
to Russian revolutionist hiaiichr in
lloston 1 been received by mail from
Russia. It is issued by authority of
the league of Leagues, and in part
reads as follows :
Our suspicion of an inner and secret
government superseding that of Count
Witle bus I r-n continued. A case ha
just happened that proved the truth of
our assertions. The governor of ( idcssa.
Meidgard, w ho organised massscre in
that city and province, was dismissed
by Witte for the hand he tisk in the
woik; he has now been appointed gov
ernor of Nijni Novgorod. Count Witte,
on hemg asked how he could give a new
ami even greater and higher appoint
ment to sucti a notorious villain, re
plied that the appointment was made
not only without his consent, but even
without his knowledge.
The comunicalion relates that in sev
eral of the provinces the czar's mani
festo of emancipation was withheld by
order of the stcret government. Had
the manifesto leen made public, the 1
letter say, w holosale massacres would
have Ix-en prevented.
Railroads Hold 0jI Olive Branch
to Commerce Commission.
Death Knell to lllK Practices
Be Sounded at Si. Paul Meal
ing Within Few Days.
Chicago, Dec. 2a The railroad In
terests of the entire country have det id
ed to hold out the olive brain li to tint
government and join hand with Hot
Interstate Commerce commission to so
cure a rigid enforcement of law. To
this end two move have .een begun,
on emhrat Ing all the railroads east of
Chicago and M. Inns, and the other
taking In all railroads west of the name
The Eastern movement wn begun
several weeas ago, and the commission
hit been asked to lueet a committee of
railway no-n in a conference regarding
tho situation In the Kio-t. The West
em movement is of more ret cut date
ami J. C. Htuhbs, tratllc mmtger of the
llairiman loirs, Is In charge of it.
Yesterday Mr. Ntuhbs wired lh Inter
state Commerce commission asking for
an early conference betw een "that body
and a committee represent iin everr
Western railroad, to discuss plnu for a
Joini effort to prevent further violations
of the lawi uoverniim transoorlat ion.
It I expected a date will be set before
I ho close of the year, and t he conference
is likely to take place In Nt. Paul iiet
Friday, when the commission hit a
hearing in that citv.
The railroad insist they are in earn
est and trial, il the commission is in
sympathy with the move, it mean the
death knell of the freight rt-hnte, the
secret rate or "midnight tariff" of pref
erential rates, of arrangement with in
dustrial railroads, of the payment of
unlawful commissions, and, in short,
the end of everything whieh come
within the purview of the interstate
ommerce act or thn F.lkin amend
Bank Tikes Over Sawmill.
Wenton The largest sawmill plant
in Umatilla county, 12 miUa a-t of
Weston, was recently taken over tiy the
Farmers' bank of Weston, the Fletcher
c innany, which had become involved
with the bank, retiring. W. 11
Fletcher, manager of the company, ha,
UeninttiH sawmill business for 11
years on Weston mountain. Deluded
with the property are 1,000 acre of
fine t ruber, which will be cut into
Smith in Kansas Causes Two Deaths
and Two Fatal Injuries.
Reading, Kan., Dec. 20. Santa Fe
train No 17, west Ixiuml, was wrecked
at lladger creek, live miles west of
Keading, at .'I o'clis k this morning.
One eipiess car turmd over and caught
fire. Express Messenger K E. Der
rick, tif Kansas City, was killed out
right, and Engineer Henry Davis, of
Topika, was so ba lly injured that he
lied soon sfr being tsken out of the
wreck. iwn other express messenu'ers
were probably f.ttally injured. Two
passengers in the smoker were slightly
It is be I ieved the train was ditched
y wreckers. 1 he spike stoning one
rail hal been removed. Three other
passenger trains, Incluiling huperin
tendent Fox's spt trial, had passed over
the same tracks a short time U fore No.
17 was wrecked.
Fruit Men Meet at La Grande.
La Grande The next annual meet
ing of the Northwestern Fruitgrowers'
association will be held in La Grande
January 3-5.
Wheat Club, 71(Vi7L':; bluestem, 7.1
(i74t:; reJ, hnfhnc; valley, tv. per
Oats No. 1 white feed, $27;
$2o.50 per ton.
Iiarley Feed, 22(ii22..'0 per ton
brewing, $22.i0(a2:i; rolled, 2:)('2:i..r)0
Rye 1 1 .50 per cental.
Hay Kastern Oregon timothy,
$14 50(4 15. oO per ton; valley timothy,
$11C'12; clover, $!; cheat, $8.50fft
lt.50; grain hay , $S(i.
Fruits Apples, $1(31.50 per box
pears, $1.25 1.50 per box.
egetame JJcans, wax, Viv. per
pound; cabbage, 1U4C per pound;
cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; celery, 45
75c per dozen; cucumbers, fjO-JtfiOt!
per dozen; peppers, Be per pound;
pumpkins, ?4lc per pound; sprouts,
7c pur pound; stiash, ?4($lc per pound;
tnmips, bOctiffl per sck , carrois, B5
75c per sack; beets, 85cM$l per sack.
Onions Oregon, $ll-25 per Back
Potatoes Fancy graded Rurhanks,
(i5(&75n per sack; ordinary, fififiOn per
sack; M treed sweets, sacks, $1.1)0;
crates, $2.16.
Uutter Fancy creamery, 2730c
per pound.
Kggs Oregon ranch, 30u per dozen
Poultry Average old hens, 10 11c
p (r pound; young roost rs, Uc; springs,
10(51 Ic; broilers, 12(3 1. 'le; dressed
c'lickens, 1231.1c; turkeys, live, Di
(!17c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 17
21c; geese, live, 0(t10t;; ducks, 15c.
Hops Oregon, 1005, choice, 10
11 Jac; prime, 8j0c; medium, 8c;
olds, 67c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, average best,
1621c; valley, 2420c; nohair,
S .oice, 30c per pound.
Jj ileef Dressed hulls, l2o pel
pound; cows, 34c; country steers,
J Veal Dressetl, 38c per pound.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, ttrl Hjis per
pound; ordinary, 4(35c; lambs, 7C4
Pork Dressed, 67c per pound.
Walls Fall on Them.
Chicago, Dec. 20. One fireman was
killed and several employes may have
lost their lives in a fire which de
stroyed the enamel sign factory of the
Charles M. Kchonk compnny, 7 to 15
Park street, tonight. Until the ruins
if the building have been searched, it
will not be positively known whether
any of the employes were killed, either
in the explosion which started the II rt
fir by the falling of the walls and floors
w ich followed sH)ii afterward. The
lo-s on the building and contents is
estimated at $250,000.
More Rioting in Shanghai.
Washington, Dec. 20. The titate de
partment wxs informed by cable from
Shanghai today that there had been
some further tliHturhatices there and a
few casualties. The naval fo'ces which
were lunded from the warships ami
the volunteer guard f various nation
alities, however, control the situation.
The Chinese authorities are also en
deavoring to suppress the disturbances
anil at the hour of repot t the city was
Government Wi'l Acain Otter Con
cessions In Philippines.
Washington. IVc. 2:i All the bids
for force imiary contract or grants for
the cons! ru 'tion of railroads in the
Philippine island, recently submitted
to lb tmreau of insular affairs, iw
today rejected because of t he ile r'
from thn terms of the circular ci .
for proH)als. Secretary Taft. aft 1
numlier of conference with Govt:- 1
Wright ami Mr Forbes, of the Ph
pine commission, and Colon d Edwt
chief of thn insular bureau, today
elded to re advertise the proposals.
January 20, at 10 a. 111 . has been fixed
as the date for the oM-niiigof new bids.
The terms will be modi lied in some
Where bidders propose to construct
the road without guarantee they will
be limited ill their buls only by the
terms of the Philippine government
railroads aetn of 111)2 and l'.'o;!. Hut
w here bidders w ish to take advantage
ti.' a guarantee of a certain inteitst on
their investment, they can vary from
the original invitation to bid only in
point tif lime or on tint cost of construc
tion per mile as affected by contractors'
Only Guns Prevent Bloodshed.
Ht. Petersburg, Dec. 20. A big loy
alist demonstration had been planned
for today, and was abandoned at the
request of the preftctof police, who be
lieved that it might provoke bloo lshed.
lotteries of mncliino guns are stationed
at several points of vantage throughout
the city, and infantry and Cossacks are
everywhebe. A specla'ly heavy guard
is stationed in the neighlorliood of the
Jewish market.
Cuba Will Kill Off Mosquitoes.
Havana, Dec. 20. President Palma
lias authorized an additional expendi
ture of $200,000 for sanitary purposes
in Havana. Although yellow fever is
disappearing, the extermination of
mosquitoes will be continued. One
new case of yellow fever was reported
Empire Tied Up by General Strike
and Food Is Scarce.
Ht. Petersburg, Dec. 2'l. With the
strike in force throughout the entire
empire, conditions are again bectunng
more and more alarming. While it is
certain that the strike leaders are ab
solutely opposed to violence, it begins
to look a though they would be unable
to control the forces. Famine is the
one thing to ho feared, inasmuch as tl e
supplies of lood w ithin the city have
been heavily drawn upon during I ho
la-t :!fl days, and now that all the out
put of the foodstuff is at tin end,
prices are beginning to advance and the
common people must certainly suffer.
French Snip on Voyage.
Paris, Dec. 2:1. A cruiser detached
from the French Squadron at Haigon,
French Indo-China, is now proceeding
to Shanghai. The ollicials here say
this is a measure of pnetution, as no
French interests have as yet been dis
turbt'd. The recent disturbances oc
curred in the international concession,
which is separated from the French
concession. An ofllclal dispatch from
from Pckin today says an imperial
edict just issued, following energetic
protests on the part of foreign minis
ters, promises to end the trouble.
Not a Wheel Turns In Moscow
Most: iw, Dec. 2.1. The town is in
darkness ami the thctiterH and clubs
are closed. The employes of the
municipality have abandoned their
work. Fifty thousand factory bands
are hlle. Tho troops are con II tied to
the barracks and every possible pre
caution for eventualities has been
taken. The strikers' pickets are all
over the cl y persuading or threaten
ing those who are reluctant to join the
strike for freedom.
Troops to Suppress Revolt.
Paris, Dec. 2.1. Tim Ht. Petersburg
correspondent of tho Petit Pat Islen. in
a dispatch dated yestertlay, says that
the government is urenaririK to sun-
press the revolt along the Baltic.