Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1905, Image 9

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Willi all its joy and greeting only
oniu-s oiue a year, but wc arc lie re all
Ihc time with our full line of General
iMeieiramlise to supply your constant
We have a fine line of Ladles
Collars, Knit Goods, Purses,
Umbrellas. Fars, Etc. for the
Holiday trade
Don't forget our
Superior line of
Selz Shoes
Corner Main
.. ,- ,- -V.' f- ",- . 4
The Hodge JIjjn Jjlvca perfect separation
of Xinc-Icxtd-OrcK
r0.H Mt l'hee,
Sale at The Vogue
lk'ninninj Dec. 2,-1 will put on a sale lasting
for one week. A reduction will be made on all
hats in the store.
Ladies don't forget to visit The Vogue during the week.
Lorena Martin.
Hft 111 P NPW ,,cms of ,nterest in antl aboul
IlUJflL VU H p Cottage (isovc and vicinity.
Lovol.v 1mmlm.i.lo .stiawls lit J. H. I
Itijist on liavin tlto 1 ilit tliiuL'
a Conner ciyur.
liiiK'iic Steam I.aumliy, Allison
ntnl HastiiiKH agents.
Send the children to J. H. Lewis,
wo'll treat them riyht.
Solid Milvcr or ilatrd -Whatever
you wish ut Scholl'a.
rimioH at homo. Tho bint ut the
lowest prices. Seo Voiitch Si. lawsou.
J. 15. Lewis for dry goods and
groceries nt prices that can't be
Hooks, books, books, books for
All. Trices Bpoeial. Honson's Phar
macy. t
Cottle Urove cigars sinukc
riRht. Try ondnnd you will always
uraoke thorn.
For a good meal and a miuare
deal try SIccIch Restaurant, first
door east of Nugjjet office.
Our holiday lino should be in
spected before making your pur
chase. Uenson'H l'harmacy.
A fine lithograph picturo 12xi7,
with euch live ccul box of tacks at
iho Wynne llardwaro company,
i spy
Ctl 3rd Street
S.-c Sclioll for vonr Christma
jewelry. He can't be beat.
J. N. Stonebnrg and family went
to CYeswell for a few days visit on
l'hotographs made by Cochran
can't be boat.
l'or Purses, Pyrographic outfits,
perfumes, Heusou's Pharmacy.
We havo the largest line of books
tu the city. Jsonson s Pharmacy.
AH late games, Block game,
Jhincho, Flinch. Benson's Phar
macy. Ludwig pianos rank high. Veatch
t I.awson sells thevn at lower
prices than Portland Joes.
When you wnnt a pleasuutlaxutlvo
iiko Cliiuuborlulii'a Stomneh and
Mver Tfililetrf. l'or sale by The
Modern Pharmacy,
Cochran, the photographer has
been enjoying such a business re
cently that he has not had hardly
time to eat.
A Christmas present. Cochran,
the photographer will make you a
prosent of a photo jraph for a Christ
mas present with the understand
ing that if it Is satisfactory you buy
a dozen, if not it costs you nothing.
Wynne's Hardware Co
Curry a Coinphdo
line of
Hardware, Tinware, Sloven,
Range, l armlug Implement,
and Mining Supplier, includ
ing Powder. Cups, and
For prices wc 1,' ad.
0-0-00000000000000000 9000000
Mammoth Doll Contest
f ree to (he Most Pupulir
Little Oirl in Cottage irovc.
One Vote (iiven with every
S-ccnl purchase. CwitcM
clones Saturday evening,
Dec. 2.1. P'D.S.
10-Cent Counter
Contain. Carprntrr Hammer, anil
Hal., lurry Iambi and Bruihr.. Tin
warn. ' Hardware, and a hundred
u.eful article, worth twlfet lie money
-Groceries and Shoes at Cost -SEE
llW. C. Comiii'I - Man.ii'.nr
) 0
000000 0000 o o 00 000 o 00 o o 00 o
T J. '. Lcwi'paj s ca-h for i-oultryi
ffCiars made by Ctnier arc all
riRht. Pohemias arc it.
Mr. L. I,. W'iO'1, lute of Kim
ball's Piano Factory, Chicago, Hi ,
haw permanently located in Cottage
Grove. Ho is equipped to tune or
repair any make of piano. Call up
Phone '!';,', or leave word at Welch
& Woods store.
The Nugk'c-t Olhce had a small
sized wreck, while running off tLe
papers last week, but managed to
get the papers ofTin timo in spile of
it all. Accidents will happen, but
when they do come wo have to
brace up and pull through it soino
thcr way.
Squire Vuughn has just movi d
his office from its location with
Oatnewardeti Paker ti the City hall
room, as the previous office was en
tirely to small when any trials were
to be held and caused the other oc
cupants of the office much annoy
ance, The suiie is off by himself
the moat of the timo now.
About twenty hoboes laid up
around town Saturday night, and
Watchman Green Pitcher had a
uusy. nig lit ot it. Word was re
ceived of a couple of robleries at
Roseburg, and a bank robbery at
Marshfield, and it was expected
that the men would come through
hero. Green put in a bur night
of it trying to keep track of all of
Christian Church, P.ev l. F.
Olson Pastor. Services ut 11 in
the uioruinj; and 7.30 in the even
ing. , Y. P. S. C. lv. meeting at
G:3o p. m. Sunday school ut lo
o'clock, Intermediate Fndeavor
Society at '2:$o and Choir practice
every Saturday evening at 1 :io.
Subject for next Lord s day
morning, "Fishing," in tho evening
bhort bed and Narrow Covers."
Everyone is invited to attend
each and all of these services.
Au initiative petition has becu
prepared for circulation among the
voters of the state to amend article
5, section 15, of the stato constitu
tion so as to allow the Governor to
veto any section or item in a bill
pasBed by the legislature without
voting the entire bill. Ihe pro-
posod amendment is as follows; "If
any bill presonted to tho (Joveruor
contain several soctions or items, he
may object to one or inoro sections
or items while approving other pro
visions ot tho bill. In such case he
shall append to the bill, at the timo
of siguiug it, a statement of the
section or sections, item or 'items,
so objected to shall not take effect
unless passed ovor the Governor's
objection, as herein before pro
0. A. K. Winner, Hag Contest Closed.
The followiug is the result of
contest according to the last count
of ballots:
O. A. R 104S.J
High School ,.2tl j5
W. O. W 170
Public School A2
Junior Forest ors of America I24
M.W. A 216
K. of P IO
H.T.U 47
I. O. O. V t.
Maccabees 12
Methodist 5
Y" 1
Patronize a hom Industry, tho
Conger cigar factory.
Ulysia Walker ha just returned
from a hhort trip to Rosoburg,
W'o aro showing a handsome lino
of Japanese brass ware, a iare piece
of work. Jiensori's l'harmacy.
Vina, ono photograph, if you arc
satisfied, you then buy a dozen
photographs of Cochran, otherw iso
Aldou's Chocolates audPou Hons
the finest lino of Xmas candies ever
displayed in Cottage Grovo, at The
Fevi Geer wij in town for a day
ot so tho first of the week on busi
ness. The Mineral Springs are
getting along very nicely.
Pictures tack. Wynne Hard
ware Co. is giving a fine lithograph
piituic with each and every five
rent box of Ucks.
A Xmas present that will be ap
ple iuU-d by anyone, is a box of Al
djii'H I'uinoiis Chocolates and Fon
V, ins, to be had at The Wave.
Th; repairing of some of the
Ktrctt crossings on Main street
Tuesday morning was much ap
preciated by those who have to use
th in.
Mrs. F. F. Pillington, who has
been in Ivigeno visiting with the
Ihiuily of Kev. and Mrs. M. F. Horn
hir the past few days returned home
Henry 'e it h says he is consid
ering putting an arc light in the
new store building, which he thinks
will be a great improvement over
the incaudes'-ent lights.
Jewelry is always more exceptiblo
for presents than most anything
else and costs but a trifle more, in
Home case. 1). J. rxrljoll can nt you
out at a huuhII cost-
The editor's father and mother
arrived from Denver on Monday
and will make their home with him
this winter, as Mr. Fisher is in
quite poor health.
Mis-i Farrett is having the sale of
tho year. The special prices are
drawing you can't afford to miss
them, and you better hurry or you
won't have any chance to get in on
C. F. Stewart says that rebuild
ing is not what it is crocked up to
be, that you cant come within a
mile of what such things are going
to cost and that he don't like to
hare to do it.
Fev. Meminger was able to be at
the church for a time yesterday
morniug, which is the first time he
has been able to be out for a long
time, and he hopes before long to
be able to fill the pulpit once more.
The old McFarland residence at
tho end of Main street was torn
down this week, and the old chim
ney with its two fireplaces is all
that remains to mark the spot where
etood one of the oldest houses in
the town.
John Parker has just installed in
his new saloon a fine arc light. The
paper hanging in this saloon is the
finest job in town, and Tom Jen
kins is proud of his work. Mr.
Barker expects to have the saloon
ready for business very soon.
Tho new livery stable site is a
scene of activity now. The carpen
ters are busy at work, a large
amouut of lumber having been re
ceived. It is expected to rush the
building turough to completion so
that it can be occupied very soon.
There is some talk of a Farmer's
Telophone line from tho Grove up
to Wildwood, which will be put on
the suburban service of the Pacific
States Telephone Company. The
new surburban service is O. K. and
the whole town and all the farmers
appreciate it.
t imported Japanese
with purchasesof
fou sale by
Metcalf & liruntl.
I fill the Nev5 I
fill the Time
f -
Neat job Work of
fill KMs Done
WW treat Vou Right
"HP rti Jk m
li- -i- -It
j r..
r r 1
C?ui be used in either hand
ac.d strops like any razor.
ry" It cuts them off slick as a whistle."
1 Cirtii in &
VII 111 111 W
lry Goods
I'resh Sto-ckof the Latest and
Best Goods .at tho best prices.
Come and
J. Miller's Restaurant
Opposite Posloffice. ,
Klrst CImi MeU.
Fodgiuijr, Houmc in eoiun'ction
Ciooil clean Uds.
9 V. 0V. sV. Hi : i V. bV. v,'. Pi'i
Private Nursing Home
A competent force of nurses
aro ostulilirthed in the Scot t
('hrisniun home on Wall
street, where auy cases if
Blckuoss can bo cured for
undor any physician.
Term Keaaorv&ble
Mrs. M. F. Fifer, Z
lleud Nurse.
Vmirh Cn
Dealer in
.be convinced.
We are Agetits for
Bridge & Beach
Tlu-' Best Stoves tade
KverytlA :g in tlie Hardware
Fine, Plow , l?fttrows, etc.
A Sensible Move.
Have Tom Awbrey writo you up
a policy on your homo and furni
ture in the Oregon Fir ifi;f a0
J. Bociotiou,oryour .lock of goods in'
5 tue .Ltna Iusiiruueo Com nan v
sjCream Vermifuge
twe or IMIT1TI0"."1
Ilallard-Snow Liniment Cu.
,. ,, BT, LOUIS, MO,
btiia aua recuuiiueuutj t uy TUuaoru mraavy,
Z vatf;7
I 4