Oottage ss Interests. (rove s Busine si ni Af i: nti-nov rvt-M S - nu:-i: ion-.m-st or. A good bridle trail to the Oreo n- Cololndo. A v;ii.oT !;i 1 surveyed t.v connect with tli" O.v;:on Colorado road at Till- MII'Vl'V ,-liows per cent grade bo mineM. ;i distance id tllO hitter r. !.'.. n continuous t tWCCtl til'1 tWO three miles. A pood tu: ' t-mitli shop, a a ilmn for v wheel and 1 1' tl-n, S0' f et v, and Tariouj o; (! I't '. 'i -use w U.u'k i.'.r" liviiiLT ln'iiHc, . r povv cr. a I'eitoti . i ; for mine vert ila .tt;' llutv.e. toil-, car. .-. I i:v.irovi'nionts. vo ivo mimic-. VEATCH & LAWSON. Mali, 'ii Watch and 1?. K. l.awsou, ) i-: t r- in furniture, carpets, ruo, mat t i ti i; wall paper, paints and oil, have i -taMis) i;r. i tt ii l.ui t si-lci : ! ;v, I !.:.:.-h hi s n'llvo'i i ti"W Havci' man ritv ot sta'.tO : I !. ,vc i The Cieoloc. '!' t!u country rvk i tin iiKrhi in tlu town a a fr.n. Mr. Watch lias had n o. :ti 1 1 i-.Mi-icquonuy n wi.ie in t V f v;i!lcy, which t n l 1 i i.p his trade, before :i.'u v i t I-, Mr. Law sou. who for :i Port!. in 1 tiou . the Ins time. Tin' firm U con l ip. 1 -t ri.li- forward. ',i' v 1 1.-. i v.: a.'nied a new ..1..' ' . . i I ' - all 1 crgatlsl. of i a iaed sto.h. Mr. ii, e-iso.! eu.t :i'.n-r an. I fun- aud ...nios a full lino of .!. which is a great cou t tt.-M vv '.: i'.,','.t i all upon t . t heir lU'j art ul ones. J. H. Sharp Is aroil.rr of the old timen who rrow. Identical with t !ki' vf tin1 Orogor.-Col-orivlo. Tim veins are ai-o strnlliar. ...,.. ; . i t,.. :, ti, , ,. !: , , i. i, I,. , have hclpea tMii. ike I.oncmui iv.,: tu Oro ;o:i in iL'.' whtr? he in in 1'olu'im.: in iSfi- niul has to ito innrh moro. At roont llioro aro p. mo ;.' nioiiil'r, which it in hopnl l.v the tirst of tlio year will nninlur at least titty. A. H. Wooil, th iiismap'r of tlio tinyoii Scciirit ii'N t.'o. anil tho Oregon Soutlioiiytcrn I. K., i tlio prcHi.loiit, an.l Mr. 11. O. Tliompson. mo rotary aiul manager of th Cottaj;o (Jrovo Klectru' Co.. is tho nocrotarv of the club. The club ha pleasant ttiarteM over tho Carman Hetneiiway Co. store, wlu re they hae a lari;e reception room, a well supplie.l reailin room, a room ,!, Vote. I to lilliarJ an.l pool tables, as well as a card room. Tlu club takes 1111 active interest in all affairs that concern tho welfare of tho city nnil the Willamette valley, an.l at present arc worViu to have tho next meet i 111; of the I'evelopment League meet here. BENSON'S PHARMACY. S, lletison, who is (he ol.lest ilru m 'otlai;e lihur, HI point of nor- n:it io tifoiiian, having 11 llils.,u,i. Some 15 vonrs .1 is vice, is :i boon In.i 11 value- a e e. tho vein M li;ir to the - Much r.ileit to 1 the l v.- ru 01 ' , or ;l' (:'i'u!i-.'ol..'ra io i in tl'in vein lies li mine nl-ii, i-.ii:so'l frotnearli unitvi water pereol.-i-tin X thrnuu'i tho 1 !iieb'-iri:!j;vouiitr.v rock an- ih'i'o-iriii ' earbonate of 11 no in the ea !is of The ino iiu iHi on Iivm; o'i the 'l:;eot' the li:riet ever s:.uoe. Mr. Si.aip lias h.ul n vHtie-1 '.11 r.is ii;e. mving Keen the vein. whh-'i this prop orty mul tio eate.l in m timber ,.s u a!'ll!i.! moo i ifUiivi-.cn:-:. Tii- ner fet t. lo .vei :i mine 0:1 ti mountain, ma.le bet we an-1 the ore 111011 p. 'I! ! Or ( p n-Co,ia'Jo aro o forest -f as Th--re also w.-iti-r f n- all Hie 1.1,110 i.iys ?oiih '.( an the t re;,ni -Color. i, in .0 eppo-ite isi.le of tl:e A e.ouitvti n eonM bo en t h'-e two pioperti- s :', I o.Mivej A to 1 no o 1:0 r in .tn-.ei' !. sinio, Ins I, l ot In r .boni s A. Hi-nson an.l himself op. in-, I up tl,,. Mo.lern l'harm a.y, which wai later hl to Paviil lii'i-.s, the pn-sont owner. Mr. Itimon loaine.l his w hi U nn.ler his btolher Hllil I'r. all, anil wis a.lni i 1 1 o.l to practiou ph.iimary in Is'.ii5. The lnlvin,', which Mr. l'.elison NOW 1011.pl Is is one of tho ol.lest business!' in the town, an.l many prescriptions tiro tile. I away in carefully labeleil boxes, that eo or business iloue in the 70 's an, I v's. Mr. lienson belies es ill beiiij; thor ounhly up to-ilate in i-very respect, lin.l has the n-.ost impo-iin 'lru storvl 111 the cit. o,,i' v i: t A . The prevail, n: va Copper. ilvor a! way S-nk-rah eMt'llt , :i!-r Tiie .ie:i-'v -i f dt r tho ( );-. :-. ' m i:n r. inn of the 0:0 present to eo . some ur hi. 00 tie;: t ui' ii :n 1 r-p-rt mi-, op-1 W. C. CONNER AND HIS BAZAAR. (hie of the new business enterpris. s of Cottage lirove is "The l'aaar," or notion an.l novelty store, recent Iv es tal lishe.l by W. C. Conner, who is well known in Oregon new spaporilom, having for the .ast 15 years been enjai;e, in newspaper enterprises iu Cons, I'oulas :iii. I Lane counties. It will be remem ben-. I by the obi residents of this city that Mr. Conner was associate, I with I'. W. Chausse, now of (!r:ints 1'ass, in the establishment of the l.ea.ler at this place some 15 years ao. Twelve years ai;.i In- went to Soiitheru Hrron, where e :o!s nice been fit x; :' kjit in new si. a ;.-r rt 'ik at Myrtle I'oiut, an.l for the past ' si y.'.ns at Kosebnrj;. After the recent j sale of the Koseblir; 1 'hi i II. lea le r he re ! t.ni'e.l to i "ttae Crove, his ol-l home, i re--. !.! to retire from newspaper w"ik. at bast temporarily, an.l eii,;.!.' in mcrchaii'lisinif, a notion an, I novelty s:on- leii'.j; Lis preference. Whih- ho. hits been eueai;eil in this business I . r ' a short time, he has alrea.ly built up a lloi.rish iioj tra.le aul is constant l -1 1 l.ireiii' his st.i. k; live, ten, titt'-.-a u I . I twenty five cent counters, li'i.t ore goo, N, confectioneries an. I tobaccos be iu his specialties. Mr. I Unner is much ratitle.l with tho success attetnlnie; his 11. -vv business venture an.l .leclares that it is less strenuous ami more profitable, than newspaper work. Th, FRANCIS C. COFFMAN. ..'Vuiaii baiber nhop is the mtc c. s ir of ... shop formerly owni'.l by J N. stoiiel.er, an.l lus the ilistinctloii ot hav oil; the finest counter eiiuipment i a the lily, an I especially in that it is the hail. Ii work of (leu. l.ca, who has since become a water an.l street con tractor, an I .Iocs not think of little jots any more. Mr. Cotl'tnan runs a c1"' I shoo an, I merits well the miccoss Ih-mMcr liaiuiliio; whips ninl four ki -wliii'li !pe(ikn well Motile I. prom i' ,H of HWf.'lt pH.I- for Hie I'l'oWtll "f llis tra.le, tlinl w lih li li.'Ki. atlv apple . . . . i .. i elates, in' iiiimio im.u im- - j o" beiiniiiii; t ab.'e the a l .,u. m the cost i if lea the I , I In uiv'h tin- l.l.'bi-r ptiei-H that Hn- in o (ettiitc; r Ha ir liiiles, Jiml llnit "I nee. -.nit I be I'm irtlieil plinliu Is iiiiiMt bo hUb I. Ho hopes to lie able alw.o-- to In-' ttaile theii linoiov's wmth in i'" "I jnoils, even at a I ; 1 1 1 1 v ihIi.iii.o,I pl'iee. lie li.ilolle- ;i complete line, hi. I earrli'si a stock oi (no. I .nil no .lit ali tor hot Ii stock an.l pool 1 1 Hie (Inrmnn, llcmcnw.iy Ctin-piny. a T hi i com pa n , w In i n ro c. no I a ' ;, , not a I no'l i n.'l in i i n n ; I on 1 1 ., b.i o I i.-eii In mil i 1 1 f , n no, 1 1 I ,.. , . v . ats .Ho I have est ulll In : ,. , , , H, l'4 oil II ! ( ill' I b Illl. I. it 0 HI I I i eoiiiiintl. e.l I lO'lness Willi I a I hot a small 11,1, of e,.,.,s. In! li i,. , . r.i.r m oil lb. . r ilo.illni.-s have w.,: ; nji a I hi "I in s thai Is e. pi 1 1 I . , i 0, I. e-.t In t bo i inli.v They now , ii i a lali-e lino if Mi.'l'i li.'l II Ii e, tin I i i , all -a a in!. 1 1 I . nalll v ami a i 1 V , : price an .a . b .vv a-i I ho v e I , . has iit t a i nc, I in his line. nlv ALLISON i HASTINOS. V. vi'i,,., ,., ljiee Hastings are I i ill .1 ia tine ipiarters on Main '. where tliev maintain a first class r shoji. They have only been in . ss four -:ii s this October, in i time they have vvorkeil up u no I eiofvinj tiii.le, until they e ii. in. e of benn; the li-adnitf the town. They hiiu.lle an ! :i I'ue. ne lauinli v iis well. tl oCHIXEF'S SANITARIUM. In il. 1' o.S to I'o-.i! -.ty a. so. ; i v. i. ;vo-o o t.i!iui-oi,.,l lh a Nov. , ll,'.'5. or wi THE H.ivM i the I 1" '!, t.v . ii u his t era Uiii'h I . vv : li'J ri!v .ili.jle conr Fkara-.aev, , iILP.MACr. Pi.. !.. is a c;ra.liate '. !' -. ..f ri.ara.acy, ).' z:' e, ao.l was Hr. ia state Normai ' is .l.::rtiiacoutical . s is h native Orc.ooa i . rr. ia Douglas toun : :vin ia his native iiev.' s he has th-? test :'ur t!:0 coinj'lotioii of ho entered the Mo.l ani witLia a month at I '.maun iu the ol.l uays wheu the French were attempting to dig the canal, ard he has many strange aaJ vvouv.'er;"ui tulnos, tell of the dangeis an.l the troubles to be eu counttrtj ami conquered by the American forces in their project. II is life v.atii::g sway, still in strcjaw faith of tho future of Bo lien.ia'ii mines. TIIE IDEAL. MILLINERY. I Miss I. .a i t:il.:i:Le.i arrai.i-.'.'iio. i.s fur its purchase.! the lain I'rar. . s 1' la rs.-if in the g 4 of the town .t so in ii.aa.e only. t ret has) rinniv es- vi. rai c of in the nine Since tii at tun., lio has Mult the t ratio u; largely, an.l i:o"5 (::( of thu laroest jTecriptiu l.-r.sin. in town. The jo. -til ac- in v of the Pacific Stat-s Telephone ic Telegraph Co. is locate! in j the storu nrnicr ..ir. OriitiS' nianae merit, ami has grown until now it ha some -1" j.hotu-s in this town ual vicin ity, which li'ij in here. A recent cbaiie whi.-h tlo tci-. j hone, c.n.pany has uei.ie for wLi.. !i :-. ry telephone i.aer has re-isou to , hem is the thaue of two of ti.e f'o;. .- r toll lines to suburban line, naiiii-ly, o- J'.Iack Hutte an- Lon don liue, ami i... line south for about n,.,;,:; s i ct-s h-re. a i times the oi. in tL ba-v w 1. 1 . n h ! ;isist:i!.t. ii; i i ''.' r 111 miles, i;.ak'.-::r telep.hone sub.s.-; , cost, any phone . although they ;:r ss; some of th time two now li:n liosebur to Toi i ly relievo the it j.os.iible for a local i r to call up, without -. those neighborhoods. even 13 miles away, :.re. At the present .i are being built from n I, which will great- i.t congested condi tion of the servi'jc to Portland. J. II. BAETELS & CO. Cottag firovo ciainis, and rightly, too, the tinest ami l . st equijijied meat market in Oregon, it respective of size. J. II. Barteis. F; i i'.arf.U ami F. M. K rue -ft are cut. ' pri ii men who believe t hilt the best none too good fur Cottage drove, a ii j t i that cud they have jiiii-chii-'ed p.roii id, built a brick meat market buihiii.;-, cciuCLted tin walls inside, ;m l laid cement floor, that inii v le kept ha been in bll-i-r.ot oidv been :it dn..;. in town, but has isvii, with two otlor i mj, loved iis high a six Mis I'.arret is a capable hiivinn had experience with u hi. id i . - o.l, -el' ha imt iiloiie bi.ilt j ra. t'c iu this vicinity, tut i h.,s ital and sauitiiriuin, tu in. I Ins wife, who is a nkill ;nr their a! ! tit ioll lar -el V. 1 'f I ' ' .s f - f ... ,-. ' i .i ' ' r . '. ' , iMfrr-r'"-". . ;i (: ;u -ir,! " US i I'irst .Natiuii.i! II.tuK . iisihis I 'li.iniuicx T! TIIE OWL. is ;i varietv of iJwl is ;i varietv ot l.usiiu ssi-s undur tin- control of A. (irahatn, the i owner of the Orahatu Hotel. The Duli l.o.iging House is a g..o. house operated 1 for men only, with a cafe ami lunch ' ci. nter in connection. The Owl I'illiard and Cigar Ilooins aro neatly and well equipped. The Owl Saloon ii tho saloon , formerly operated in the Graham l ot- I before the recent change. The Oldest Jewelry Store. II. C. Mad-eti, opened tho first exclusive, jewelry utore iu town, some six years ajjo Umh spring al thouh for t-on.e, time he had been located in tho Opera House build ing. He has built up a yood trado, and has made money, Laving pur chased and built the building now occupied by Allison and Hustings, ai d himself- Mr, Madsen carries s:2.t of the best houses along the coast. ! J. VV. Vaughn. That this is a healthy country, j and one where people live to a good ripe old age, is borue out by the Dumber of very old men that we find around us, active and stronp. Anions tlieso is Mr. J. W. Vaughn, who was born in Jefferson County, New York, Nov. 8, IH22, making him b3 years old. He came to Oregon in 153, settling in Lane County. He first visited Bohemia in 1 S C 4 , in the tirt rush for the precious modal. II e fiays he thinks that he was first elected as Justice of the Peace in Cot- ,1 0. ' -1. . ---- - t x " - -it- ''Jz&?5'&?m: m. .- ' - V "'. .. - " i.wV, 'A-'--bv :-f if . f;i V ' - ' .Xe. t -. . '.'..-.-: :; K .-, S...O r.A it. J .. , - ,1 s.l ; -. i . iv-'-w .,r.t Mf "1 w---o- ' 1 .. , , i!i"jatfisfC-i'-.'J .,s-m pt?rwr T. - - ; Melerwlt .toil llroocl A Iin t ) n I lie 1 ait -I pi i'., n o a in I - in 1 e s I' 1 1 1 iiiiio in, 11 1 1 1K0 l.i.v n, l!ai : . I MetCiilf 11ml Alolr l.i .i d. t unl eli iwe to t he liea, I 1 ! r .... , , i v o 1 . 1 o In eotldiieted vv It I. t lo ievvoi . a ,n.' ami nut Ufyiii.: tl.o l e t tr.'ide. Tl.i.v li.llidlo the IcnI liul,, .tinl L.iiv a I no Htiiek nlw a.v n U 010 v. .11. Mr. M.-. calf lias 111 uvv 11 i.'ti'eilii nisi- iin l Imt huilHe, Ho that lie I" able t.i suj j,iv eiii-tdiiiers! with the clo.it ( ot fr.sh lettuen at any t line. 'I'I.e.v are e.iln Htantly In. lejslno ami Imjnov in' tln ii t 1 ire UH the ileiii.iud in ia -sitiites. Know In & (ettv Milierx have to have ci. ,tlo -, eat and live, nnd Know l.-t and i.-tt v 111 t lii ir tW Htnrex lit I'o do llll.l lllld U-,e,i l; llieiii up (or tveiytliino Gov want. Tin y know the I...VH taMo to a tiiee'y, illl'l Cilll tell at ii oiam-o vv (.:.'. Vo l need. The lirm i- , . r p, ! -h, and liaH a utr.'li and aid.- in no-i--. i I le y io 1 I Ve t l.o p it I I'll I In 'Hi' vv lo vv ,1 n t .1 , 1 u:t 1 t In V il le . I VV a.V 1 I e.l I V I . i n 1 'Iik' . it -hi. 'I loir p. .la C 1 . all II in I !- V .- o-i 11 1. 1 v a eliulde.-i tln in tu In bid tut- any toi-dta-- 1 1111 1 1 t i t ! 1 111 . al, ai d lll.l 1,. ., I: , ... t.i h, :i i. .nin- , vv I.t. !, alivn.v I' lldv t 1 ami iij'.ilnxt iiiii O l. Adim. ( )tio of the piiMieeis ol Ceti;;i' (ii'ivn is . 1'. Admits, who to-.m.1 the plains to Oregon 111 '"., and li-i-oveied the litituibar mitics in the Cal.ipi'oi'i ttii nt t! t .litis in and wax iinioti;; the inilicst pios- i !' I). .1. Scholl Mrs. H. A. Cottle's Resident. everything clean. Tiny Fystcm at an san.l iluliur-5, com compressor and two. olino eriL'ine fresh and have installed ii cooling j expense ot several tnou- pi-i.-iin refrigerator !ve horse l.ower un toon; lo r ,it!i tLe otlor necessary mm l.iaery to i-nahh; them to buy tin! best :ittle in la rye ijuantities, kill them iv hen fur and l:eep tln-ui in the be -st of condition in u modern re frioeratoi .lant. (.'ottatte Grove is jnou.l to have men that when Hay do a job, do it up ritfht, and expend their money to last. Mr. Hurteis has bouol.t a pleasant home, which he is also making a fine place of. A. II. KINO. Mr. A. H. Kinh', who ii one of the most jiroiiiisiii, ynunjf hivvyers of the town, in a native of Illinois, biintf born iu White county. Jle came to Gutta"!; (Jrovo with liis parents in where he comjileted his jiuldio school educ tion, after which he spent one year al tho Oreoon Agricultural Colleoo. He then studied one term in tho law de jiurtment of the University of (Jreoou, and in yi nlualed t reoii the i;i vv dejiiirtmeiit of the ' 'umb-r!ainl l'niv r bity, Leanon, Tennessee, al'tel' which h'.' returned lo ()i-en,,n ninl in i!H v:;s admitted to the bar. The following year he opened an olli'-e in (.'ottaoe (Jiuvc, where la- li:i nut with nuirhed sutce-s a an oilice lawyi r. Jilr. Jinj,' has'ii'd iuiied hiuoelt' with jiny political jony, but h;rs tiilo n :.n active part in lot ai ..il'.'ii -i and L:n ;.l wavs stood linn I'oi- v.hal he believed to bo for the last interest of the c-om-jnunity. -.'-4 - 1- ' -i , V ' A FINOAL IIIND3. To handle real estate satisfactorily, you in imt be Hure of your man. M r. II in. Is is a man well along in years, who has beeu interested iu Cottage Grove and the mines at I!ohemi:i for about lo years, eomin here from Taconia. He lots had much to do with the minine; interests, but for Hi-verul years has "iven his attention to real estate and insurance, feeling that that was his strong forte, and that he wan right is attested by his clientage. Mr. Hinds believes in the future of Cuttfcge Grove, and is using his every effort to see that, it is brought about in an honest and thorough way, with un idea toward tho future, not for a boom. an especially large stcck for ho small a town, and represents an in vc3tfjient of over $1000. tage Grove iu 185'J, but that he is iiot quite sure, as to the year, hut to the present time he has served 42 year as Justice, being 21 terms. Whib tho .quire is Htiil hale and hearty, and is able to attend to his official duties each day, ho is not quite feo strong as ho was about six years a,'o when he made his last of 25 yearly trips into the IJohemiu lJistrict. He says he wants to live to once moro wheu the gold and copper are beh'g turned out of tho smtlter, run on Bohemias ore", cud he hopes to tee that day before long. PRIVATE NURSING HOME. A private undertaking that is well worth mentioning is the establishment in the former Scott f.'hrisman residence of a smull hospital under the cao and direct ;on of Mrs. M. V. J-'ifer, a trained nurse of many years experience. It is the intention to make thin tho stint ing of a larger institution, us necessity demands. The treatment which tho Home has received speaks well for tho Mu-eess of their handling of tho eases put in their care. H.lVenska Grocer. prom real estate to grocerieH is the change Mr. Venske has made. He was hist iu the real estate busi ness a ith Mr I-'ingal Hinds, but later Htarted up the present grocery and general merchandise store with Ch'is. HaueiH( as a partner, but itcentl.v purchased Mr. Haueis interest, who retires from tho firm, Mr. Venske owns his own building and has established a good line of trudo for himself, which speaks well for his business efforta. Mr. Scholl i-s iivoin;- j inii win Is com pa I'd 1 1 vol y n 11. u i 1 11 . . r in tic town, only liuvinu' lea n 1 ,1 bh.sln d here Home fifteen tmnill.-, I. it dining that time lie Ii.ih I nijt n ,1 yio l trade, ;ih he is m.t ,,.l ,-i lir a hi s watch r-ipuiriT, but o n i i, -, ,111 ii tu date lino of hi I v it vv ;no. 1 e,i e ent in u very flno Hideeii.iu. lie Is 11 IIHtivo Oiej.n.lii.in .111 I Ins been ill the Jewelry Inndiie.sM nil hit! life. 1 1 ii-i trade vv in h unn d in I' .1 1 land und then with his ,r,, i,, i- in Hubbard, his limno town, vv here be run a Jewelry pt ore f, ,1 - Nome hi .vcu-m. Mr. Heliull Im ti nnmbei- of I Im I id-j formed rank of K. I. p-i tors in li diemi i, lm-alin;; the Ojdiir and Sutiitiiit ipui t tlaims in 1 Sou. Mi. Adams is 11 ;.:ieat reader and 1 lose observer nnd ban througli his cxpciietico jailed lniii.h infui tnalmii on iuiniiie, ami can tell many inteicsting; talc-n of J !oh tniii. The Wave Confectionery Store. li. Flunk Skillinan I 1 In- i-i ii iol oi of The Wa vo lllld llllrt been a i!ti.el A. It Wood h it fut Sau I-'rancisco on Ijumiioms Sattiidiiy nijlit. THE COTTAGE GROVE COMMER CIAL CLUB. 'l b 0 Coin m ii i al Chib is an organiza tion which has brought much good to CHURCHES. The Presbyterian church is u strong body here, with 11 good building, which has been greatly fixed up this past year at considerable expense. The Methodist church is well located on the Maiu btret-t, UDd has during the year added a large addition for a read ing room and gymnasium, (is well as increasing the seating rapacity of the League room. The gymnasium has not been equipped as yet, but it is the in tentiuii to Koou do so. The Christian church Inn its own hiiil. Iin;.', tvh hh i filled each Sunday Willi a large it 11 i appreciative iunln-ine. The Catholic church has also been improved this year, having beeu thor oughly luiiuted. Services are held ouce I'lper $. Vrt Denburg. S. It. I'ipc-r and Chan. Van Den bury h'ivo tho distinction of having been iu tho hardware bnsiness in Cottage Grove longer than any other linn. Mr. Piper 1ms been in the hardware business here for iC years, with various firms. Chan. Van Denbiiro; was in the (Sriflin Hardware Co' h store in Eugeue for yetirs before coining here some 1 7 years ago to establish tlie Oriffiti & Vtatch Hardware Co. of which he was manager until four years ago when ho and Mr. Piper purchased the business of Wheeler and Scott, where they now are. They handle all kinds of hardware and do a good business. Mr. piper has consider able properly around town, which he believes is worth holding on to. ' .l ii i( 3 r V. -kT. v I...- wiv, l-v'.' is.' , . f. 7 n. .' . f- ; !!' '-iv W'lV vj . .i'- A v i e. - A Pack Train in Mohcinia. of Cot t ago drove for two yeai H, dur ing which time In- has Imilt up a good biiHinesH. Ilisslind being cIohc to the Oiieni Iioiihi' ulvi'N liiniimcM- , peelul adviintiigo for tho evening trade. Cotviar lie Harness Man. In the twenty months that Mr' Coiner l.iiH been in ImihIucss here ho has tho town of Cottar ('rove, and hopes ! a mouth by father Curroll, of Koscbuig. jiuttheclolheHOiiP.il head of horses 6eason. Henry Watch is buffeting from a hadly swelled linger, which got poisoned hoium way, while they were moving their stoic. It makes it hard for him to atte nd to his woik, which is unnoying at such a luiHy Johnson und Medley Are an nbh) firm or lawyers, whose ten yeai-H exiei lciiei' la tliU (own give llieni a Hl.rong hold in (Imlr Him. Mr, .IoIiihoii'h speelal line Is Corporation minim; law, of which thc-iv H iniisld erable piacliee. Mr. JoIiuhoii is also promlneiit among tlio many mining men. Mr. .Medley l.i l!;o pleader of the linn mid Is utile in Ids nn. 1J(. lias lecenlly Imilt a Vcrv beautiful homo on on,, or the principal eoi'iier. of tho town. 9 S ft I. i - ) 4 i .' 'l' i wv. win) s. 1