Report on Mining Properties Under the Management of X. J. Hard Located in Bohemia Mining Dis trict, Oregon, by C. I). Groves, M. E. The Vesuvius Mining Co. lolATIol. The mining i ip r Ll h comprising IIiIh group ,kr" situated In tint ('(titer of tln Bohemia M IfitiiK District, on I'rtlrvli-w in 1 1 .i n tkl ii and thin saddle between Fair v low and Bohemia tlllllllll f 1 1 UK. Tlli'-C tWII II I 1 II t f kl ' I X UIC till' lltll- ihI j k , i U h (if thn dlslllct, nr of (lie Cnhiponlu. range, i imI ih' tin' center of I Ii" vein area. This group compilse wnn 20 aerei (if litii'l, nil contiguous, annul mil' luilf uf which I nit en to. I, I'hl I III' I I'll llg'M f I'l Mil IllW ill V II t III' HI ml 1 1 hM' of I'nliv1''v 1 1 1 1 1 1 t j 1 1 1 1 tu near tlm ii mi I ih i'iimm llii' divide lii'twci n l'uli view und lit ilii'intrt iiii'lllitiilliM. t I 'II i l I. l KS I - Til Ik Ml II mi I l I'ltl l Ii MIS rt I OMSlHT 1)1 I'li'Ht: Known uh I'pper 'I iinucl, nil V (': lux ( In, 70 feel of cross rut hti'l ::mi f. i t uf drill. Si'i'niid: VcpiixIiih Tunnel, mud fi t I v i i 1 1 1 ; i 1 1 v In-low thf ii i 'f tiininl. 'I I ri. I hi, m l I t driven h.iiglhe Vc. u In win n.'ii fill . I'luln thin I'M'ln I'llill', h Hi I II MM Nn. I, IIIIH f. el .i lili li connects W i I h Uh tl V I'll made ! lip I III! iel' lUlillcl. 'J'tt'u leel Vesuvius frmn thin 1 ,iIm. al.uig the vein 1 1 i 1 1 lug the total ral'TO Into three IiIoiKm of Jthi feet depth each, arranged Huim fui t Toiiutnli'.d Htoplng. Thin wiih chute. 1 duwii to the working level and conveyed from there by gravity tram way to the Htamp mill. There arc four ot her piImch located within convenient working I & tauten along the main tunnel, ranging fi-utn liifeet. to Ml feet high. They each have a permanent chute and ladder way and am Keen rely timbered as are a1! portion of the worklng-4 where needed. From ralen Nun 1,'.', mid II consld erabe ore him been toped. It Im till.-, ore that Ih feeding the Htamp at preHcnt, but t he area of undevt h.ietl vein above t he main tunnel Ih mo c teiiHlve mm compared with the hiiimIi area worked out. that the lattel ll . . . : m-: III- i ' : ill IvX ,.-tt By " , . r . i f . '" ' .'' il it ' j) , ) . , ... ,. ,. 11 -.-1 r-:..1!'-,.- ., .r.. A,, ISS ,1 iii, w'iiMhg ; J Interior of Vesuvius Stamp Mill. would Kcuiccly rcprcHcnt 1 percent ( j tho total nvadal'l( ore body In thl portion of tin mine. From the nialn tunnel a croH.-cut Iiuh been run I'M) feet. Thl hu cut two vein. The llrst, known as No. 1 vein Ih distinct, and Independent of thn VcHiiviu vein, It I probably iv blind vein or crop with tho Vesuvius vein, th" Iniler inowt probable, as It lin 11 parallel strike and oppolto dip lnlciHcetlnn the Veativlu vein abovt thl 1"V(1 mid near tho Htirface. Thl 1 a largo, xtrong, well delined iiunrtz lead ut this level and limy prove to bo a valuable adjunct to tho prop erly, asiifnniple cannot bo obtained from it, that doe not hIiow gold The drift extend along IIiIh vein IDS feet with no raise or topo. The Heeond, or No. -' voin cut by the Midu crocut proven to bo a bmueliof 1ii VcBUVuIsveliittuJconuectH with It in-t he Im'omhI if the Vesuvius tunnel. Thl vein Iiiimi been drifted along or 419 feet with no upper workings. It If similar tu main Vt'HuvliiM vela but smaller mill limn unlf oriulu chuructora (Mi (hi) level also are various imoJI ckuhviiih and drifts, driven to define the outlines (,f th,. vein where the ground 1 1 iihui. ,. ,.HH itrokun. 8'illieM)'lf,.,.t veilleully H-uw the Vesuvius tunnel Is another tunnel Inn. w n mm the Wild Hog tunnel, ilrlvrn 7nit feel on Hie V"huvIiim vein. Tho hlMt II.". feet uf tills) lilinel lulu a largo si l ong .pial'l it ledge, and shown Kold vilui'H fur IIiIh enlli,. lcufttll. Work Im lielhtf piiHle d In this territory at prcHciit with very bright prospect fur good profits, No Moping has lieeii iluiie Iruiii IIiIh tunnel uh jet Thl i I iiiinel Ih t he logical point froui which the ul'e f I will the various Wolk liitf H should In' eullected and con vcyed dliei t tu t In slump mill. When h cuniii i I lull I erfeeled IV II ll thn Vemi vin t t uiiiiel nil t he on- f i'iiiii tin) upper w- - r k 1 1 1 (H cuii lie chmIIv chilled t(J ttic Wild Hu t mid from there trammed ilectl, III I lie n,ll. Ilie Wild Hog 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 I l"io feet M itli iill.v above the Irani Muni in the mill, and but BOO fil l di t.iiil, ii large storage bill property may be euMlly liiHtalled niul Htlll ullow for an eay grade for gravity or other method of tramming. Also ft cruMscut may he run from tho Wild Hog to the Stock and Harlow rein a nd coiitK cf Ion mado with the p per working ami tliu all tho ore from this property be cheaply con centrated for distribution ut the Wild Hug bin. Thl latter connec tion will alHo cut a largo porphyry dike that paKHc bet ween these prop erties and t raver ie the entire cuinp This dike Is older than the vein a 1 evidenced by Ua bending the latter and caie-ing them to follow ltHcoure The veins along 1 1 1 i m dike have hIiowd concentrated value in gold aloDg t heir contact , ami mm much rich ore was ab-t ra. ted In eail.v day along I his line 1 if ci uinei't Ion, It further ad- vle I hi eroHScut n good develop" ment. To the north of the Wild Hog tun nel and Homo I'OO feet above it ure tho Stocks and Harlow tunnelH, Tln v are In threo lcvold, nggregat lug about 1(100 foot. Much high grade ore ha been taken from these working and milled on the ground wliero the mill still btauds, Tht ! a distinct and Heparato vein from tho other and lie on tho uorth or op poHlte side of tho porphyry dike. HckUIch Hicho turgor workings are variottH Hinall Hurfuee cuts in tho vein cropping. Kl UI'ACK IM I'KOVKM KNT8. The Hurfaeo iniprovementu constat of u modern t0-8tamp mill, fully enulpped with boiler, englno, crusher, Htamp, platea und concentrating table. A secure building, uiuplo water, a saw mill, ,o powder houe, Mtoro hoi various living hoime, . J strong and suitably built. A good wagon road of uniform grad connecting with the railroad la tho valley, elect rlo light plant, tele phone, freight team, etc.. hIho tunnel houaeand blacksmith shop at eni h tunnol, am a mbm ventilating blowi-r driven by wat.r power. A I ho an old Htamp mill on Stu.liH nud II ', t tt eS o i . - J i x u; yxt, j f, , W ' : i Z: ".v I-Ar 4; Y 4. "Ii vcTsidc Harlow property that could ! repaired and ujed If refjulred. O KOI Oil V AMI hl'UMiM l( F. The country rock Is Andenjie, eoilHtltuelitH l.elng chiefly the Smla Lime FcldMpnr, Ollgoclnt.e und linnle Hornblende. Little to lie k:j- in bowe, no Blotlle apparent, color from llghta to I'ark gray, fracture tu'cveii frorn microscopic to targe crystal. Little to no Oithocl.-ise or Sanudln replacing the (Jllgoi lase. More Or. thoclHMO at Oregon C .dm ado and IUvernlde mlnt-H, there aiiproachiug Ulortc. Harely epherophyrlc np proactiing porphyiltlc. No iiuart. aa a rule, little In place. The veins have a general northcuat and Bouthwet strike, are large and contlnuou, cropping in most case traceable for ttiousanda of feet, rarely a blind vein, they are true 11 aurc veins with constant Btrikcn and dlpa except In broken ground. Tho matrix 1 eHentlully quartz. In plaees piece of the wall have broken off, und partially filled the crevice- being altered to conbldciablc extent by percolating solution, and at times hhzhlv mineralized. The de position of silica bearing the value appears to have been continuous followed to a Blight extent by nolo tions dcnoHltlnir Iron Sulphide. No 'line deponlt appurent In the.-e work lugs, bhowing that the surface leaeli- lnga through the soda-lime feldspar did not enter the vein at this point or proving that thl ha always been near the apex of the upheaval and not subject to suiface percolations. Much Iron sulphide was deposited with tho quartz, Ichs lend tuilphido, and but little zinc or copper sulphide The gold Is In the ouiutz, silver is id. most entirely absent from the quartz, but the lead carries hlgl: value In thin metal. As much of the lead i in the form of cut bonnte, the zone of cxhbr tion lias cot been pushed through. When this 1 passed there Ih a likll hood of a considerable deposit of lead sulphide high In silver. This frequently occurs In such veins, the lead being replaced below by copper and the silver disappearing with a more constant value in gold, but the Mnportaut value in this property will always bo In gold. Id that portion of tho Vesuvius tunnel now being worked tho ground Is considerably shaken up, making many crevice and covering a large area. This makes It dilllcult to fol low tho values. Near the breast the ground becomes Arm aud tho vein well confined. I consider this a good point to work us tho values will be more easily traced and to some ex tent concentrated. It Is certainly advisable also to work In the Wild llog breast, for there la a large body of ore there, some of which will pay nicely, The veins are largo and well doilnod, con tinuous and with littlechange In char actor, but are not uniform in gold values. In places ore has been taken running sovoral dollars per pound In gold. This will Immediately chance to oro running- but a few dolls ra per ton without any apparent change In the vein construction. This Indicates that the largo profits must be made on the high grade ore, To obtain this high grade oro tho development must be carried ou through the low grade produet. Somo of tho low grade ore will more than pay its way, that Is, expenses of mining and mill ing, Some of It la too low grade for , .:....r, ,.. j.. i r., i oeiiev; Huflleleiit of the belter grA'le ore will Ik; encountered to realize n profit for a yeu m run and when a regular Ll(li grade who'. t g found uh Iioh been In thl i properly und other, largo profits will iiipldly aecruc. Ai.'.ther n'od 'juarlie lek'l I Hhown by outcrop aeroMH thin property on which no development ImH been dono Msyet. II. Ih a promlHlng vein, nnd 1 -i'i V-' I J 1 (kxi) tunnc-l -hu',v: allies hi I'l at the surface Alsu aiioth.-r porphyry vein which has been worked to small extent. In all, five distinct veins are apparent an 1 all ;'o!. 1 bearing. 'Ih'1 contour of the country and (a -li.V tr.t. i'Uli!e oiitcior.s are such aa t u 1 e pc.'uliurly suited for tunnel de vclupne ut which 1 (heap In labor an ! lequire no power, alo affords natural drainage, while shaft develop ment requires more labor, much power for hoisting ore and pumping water besides a costly outlay to begin operation with, and the danger of a mine beln llooded and eaiiHlnrr cave-In" when closed down even for a shot t period. The mill Is well suited for the eco. noinie and successful treatment of the ore, is connected-with the Vesuvius tunnel by an aerial tramway run by gravity. There 1 Mullleient water for milling and domestic purposes, and an abundance of timber for future need. Knough lumber and mining timber have been cut and delivered to last for a year. In fact everthing thing is in good condition for future workamlall past work Is in good shape, safe, economically planned and executcilTl'crformed so as to give the greatest possible development and improvement with the least expendi ture. (IKK TREATMENT. The on- is susceptible to economic treatment and with resulting high ex traction of the metal values. The gold occur free atid amalgamates readily except a small portion that is too "rusty" to dissolve Into the nier ctiry. This Is collected on the concen trators. Tlie goll occurs in the quartz and not in luu iron siupnuie or lead, so the concentrate may bo run over the table and Just the extreme edge of the mineral saved; as this carries the gold this make a high grade gold product for shipment and throws to waste a huge bulk of iron sulphide Tho null a constructed at present is suited for the ore treatment and no alteration are necessary unless it be to Increase It capacity when a higher tonnage of ore should be mined. Oregon-Colorado Mining Co LOCATION. This group of mining claims Is situ, ated on 0 rouse mountain In the east ern portion of tho Bohemia Mining District, it comprises some 300 acres, about one-half of which 1 patented, Tho claim all lie contiguous and rnngo from the bottom of the moun. tain on the west side, up and over tho crest and far down on the east side. IM 1'ItO V KM K NTS THE MIMMQ IMI'RO YE MKNT CONSIST OK First. An upper tunnel 450 feet long, driven on the vein and showing much oro of good paying values. Second. A lower tunnel driven lL'OOfoet along tho vein, 450 feet ver tically below the upper tunnel. This tunnel opens in a number of places good paying oro, somo very high grade. This level Is about 1000 feet vertically below the outcrop of the vein on tho top of tho mountain. The outcrop is opened up at various poiuta and shows pay ore almost Its entire length, Three crosscuts are run from tho lower tunnel In two of which a second vein is cut bearing good copper values. A single small stopo la ruined from the lower level and as It progressed, soiuo very rich uenccd Ojr i.e. ... ..iel iyi'e.tsi 01 me stopa frittering at. prent with large Btreuks and nplotc!i"M of enalcopyrlt". About W) feet additional worn Ua been done on west side of the moun tain and In in any place rb h ore ex posed. On th') I'UHt f-lde of theiiioutf tain about loo f.ot of cut and drift have leen exposing the 010 at various point. On the went side of the moun tain about 500 b'jlow th; low er tunnel Is a drift trjimel known a the Franklo tunnel; It i run 00 feet along a strong rein and the mouth open out directly onto a nntural rn'll sit", a compuratl ve level tract of Ian I of suf flelcfit size for milling purpose at the confluence of two stream of water and In the heurt of the timber belt, the Frank)' tunnel could be counxcted with the lower Oregon' Colorado tunnel cutting thit ore body at .itlll greater depth, and It in turn with the upper workings, this collecting all ore from the mill by gravity to the mill Kite. Hi;jrKA''E IMI'llOVLMhVi . The surface improvement c i.slst of a (f-aod wagon road connecting dif ferent part of thl property w 1th tie Bohemia road 4 miles distant, a tun nel house, blacksmith chop, lui.v living house, a ventilating U 'W-r run by I'elton water wh'el v.lthl l 'O feet flume, track, ore cur s, etc orsi.oov AM truMivii -. The geology "f the country 1 ,ek .-, similar to that of the . -u . l is, x" cept some of the oligodav, is re placed by the potash fi -Mi-par, ortiio clHe, altering the ro 'k from andesyto to dioryte. The matrix of the vein is slliclou but the copper valw-i fi-"-quently iienetrate the wali tuck fur a foot or more. The quartz however carries most of the value. The vein is a splendid specimen of a fissure vein. cutting u can entirely through the mountain, and owing to It hard insoluble character, outcropping al most continuously. The vein, how ever, is uot completely filled, lea-i'.ng rtn my crevices through whl.-h surface solutions have percolated and i;--Ionlted much Caicite. Thi-s depo sltftjn Is still progressing. The nat ura'i contour of thecountry is admlr- ably suited for development with tmnnels, and the handling of the ore fpora the various workings by gravity ta Its s ite for treatment. OKE T UP: ATM K NT. The oro i a characteristic ore of copper, the chief value being in Chal- copyrite: it also carrle silver in va riable but mllicicnt quantity to as sure a good average value in this metal. Gold Is alo present. Enough ore isr exposed now to as sure profits If pr operly treated on the ground. With tlie enormous portion of the vein and it unifot mity and a- t" - I. . m- li-'V- iV- i ',':--:-"- t . .. : : I i b... - m.tO. u ;i j atLtil . j Flash light showing breast of Oregon-Colorado Deep Tunnel, KOO feet in and 100 feet under ground. continuity, a large enierprise is certain to result if once a proper treatment is Installed. I would recommend lo be gin with a '25 ton concentration plant. Then mine only such ore ns will show 2 per ceut copper or better. Making a conservative estimate on 2 percent copper. $1.00 per ton in sil ver and gold, saving SO per cent of copper values and 50 per cent of the siver and gold value In concentrat ing. Copper netting 12c per pound at smelter, less freight aud treatment concentrating 111 to 1 ut the mill, the concentrates would run copper 2.".(J per cent fOI.W silver and gold s- Total $G(J.41 per ton. Freight and treatment per ton con centrates: Wagon haul to railroad $ 7.50 per ton It. It. freight to emelter f.50 " ' Smelter treatment 6.00 " " Total..., ilu.00 10 tons ore equal 1 ton concentrates. Cost mining 18 tona oro $ HJ.qO ' ' i9-''v. lotnJ t"'00 Total treatment and trans portation . lf.OO TMnlcost 151.00 (Iros valu'i rW.44 Net profit per ton concen trate 18.44 Net profit par ton ore. l.W Net profit per day W.7I This estlmftto Is made to ehow th4l t percent copper ore will bo profltblaVf Himpl'j concentration In a email plnfc A hi ri;er milling plant will cot t little more for operation and th largely increase profits. It 1 net essary to mine ore of thin Iw frtUla, 11 tit can he obtained much higher. I tO"k samples as high M 9 pf WOl copper from this vein. When ih ra le f the ore increoaei, tht profit increasa rapidly, for the rate of eoa centratloa is then fewer tona tatootja ml the cost of mining and mlllinf tt proportionately lessened. Thtsmethed of treatment may be followed bj" tr-Mting the oro In a reverberatry fui Dace, using wood for fuel in a U p ganeriting furrwvee. In thia nry . Iv so m i' h of the lower grade Ore !,ee l l,e ( o'-ceii t rated to furnish trtjf lici'-nt Iron to flax the excess ailtea 'J id- will reduce the metal loB as thit method w ill recover 50 sjr cent of tb c(pper, i5 ir cent of the ellver acO practically all the gold, thus confining the excessive loss of these value to ;. comparatively small portloa of tb ore o.'the lowest grade, that mart M concentrated to farm a neutral fun.ace charge. Also the prodort will be a 50 per cent Matte, thns re-d'.K-ing by one-half the transportation and treatment. A further ImproTe ment iin.y follow by converting this Matte into Blister Copper about ',')' per rent pura. This maybe done In '-lrnilar furnaces, or better by mod ern Cottvertors. Thl3 will again cut in two the transportation and treat ment charges. the Blister Copper may bt leilufed on the ground by electrolysis making refined merchantable bars of Copper In any shape, for any pnr I ose, commanding the highest market price and rellned Silver and Gold bul lion. Should it prove prnfi table to bulla" a Railroad to the property connected with the Valley Railroad, It would probably be more economical to treat the ore in a Stack Furnace by the Py ritic method, thus receiving the bene fit of the heat from the oxidation of the Iron and Sulphur and keeping the Coke consumption down to aminlnm. In any case some concentration will be necessary to furnish sufficient Iro for flux. The Lime will prove a valuable con stituent, and the fact that much of the Copper is associated with basft . ...-- 1... . r u ? under ground. rock high in Iron will aid in slagging tV mass, and by throwing the low grade of the Quartz ore to the con trator will reduce the quantity w quired in this department. The Riverside Mining Company, This group of clalmi camprlse some 2'20 acres of laud located on South East side of Grouso mounraln In the Eastern portion of the Bohemia Min ing District. IMI'KOVKMEJiTS THE MINING IMPROVE MENTS CONSIST OF. A main drift tunnel 1200 feet. Other drifts and crosscutsj aggrega ting 700 foot. Also several small cuts along the outcrop. These various workings expose the vein thoroughly for 1200 feet. Tb vein Is characteristic of this district, being largo, well denned and continuum-. The last 200 feet In the grain tunnel shows good puylug values la copper. Continued on next page, it ."'I" ;"''--"