Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1905, Image 4

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    Bohemia Nugget
Itofcanfa NafX P. C.
In a Condensed Form lor Oar
Easy Readers.
A Rtum6 of th Lett Important but
Not Lett Interesting Eventt
of the Past Week.
King Edward rlane to make Ger
many powerless by surrounding her
with hit allies.
There is danger of friction between
France and Germany in the Moroccan
Germany has assured the sultan that
the will assist Turkey in resisting fur
ther demands by the powers.
Contributions to the relief fund for
Russian sufferers has reached a total of
11,172,639 in the United States.
Miss Roosevelt's Oriental gifts are
valued at $20,000 according to the
amount of duty she paid on them.
General Mackenzie strongly recom
mends an appropriation for continuing
work at the mouth of the Columbia.
The plan of the Russian rebels is to
bankrupt the government by stopping
taxes and refusing to take paper money.
A defiant manifesto of Russian revo
lutionists has been met by the govern
ment arresting the leaders and publish
ers. Thomas Laweon, of "frenzied fi
nance" fame, has given a $1,000,000
mortgage on his property and admits
he may go bankrupt.
A ton of gelignite at the Central Star
mine, Roeeiand, B. C, exploded,
wrecking the mine buildings and shak
ing the entire country. One man was
killed and several score injured.
A strike has occurred for the first
time in the British royal dockyards.
The men were working overtime on
construction of a battleship being
rushed. Their demand for better pay
was granted and work was resumed.
Castro uaa withdrawn his insult to
A massacre of Christians is feared
in Egypt.
The Russian army in Manchuria is to
be disbanded and hurried home.
The Montana legislature will be call
ed,in extra session to pass a railroad
rate regulation law.
New York's employing printers are
preparing for war on the Typographi
cal anion January 1 .
Attorney General Moody will decide
whether Annapolis hazers shall be dis
missed or court martialed.
The czar is planning to issue more
manifestos on his name day, which will
grant more liberties to the peasants.
Secretary Richards has several new
meauurs in connection with land laws
which he would like to see enacted by
An experimental farm on every gov
ernment irrigation project is a recom
mendation from the Agricultural de
partment. Two men were shot, one badly if not
fatally, and the other seriously, by two
masked men in Portland while holding
up a hotel. The robbers escaped with
something over $100.
President Roosevelt has written the
Merchants' Exchange, of San Francisco,
expressing the wish to see Chinese la
borers more closely barred from en
trance into this country, but he says
the exempt classes should be treated
more courteously.
The czar is afraid to leave his palace.
Stern measures have been adopted at
Annapolis to stop hazing.
There is a great demand for invita
tions to Miss Roosevelt's wedding.
The Kansas board of railroad com
missioners haB ordered the grain rate
A conflict between the president and
congress on the canal question is prob
able. Senator Heyburn, of Idaho, continues
to fight the president's forest reserve
Strikers at Riga, Russia, are held in
check by machine guns placed in the
Poland is in a state of desperate an
archy and panic reigns in every quar
ter of the province.
The Great Northern railway and oth
ers have been indicted at Philadelphia
for granting rebates.
In the trial of the beef trust officials
at Chicago Commissioner Garfield will
be summoned as one of their witnesses.
The building in Philadelphia where
Betsy Ross made the first American
flag lias been purchased by the govern
There is a movement on foot in Ha
waii to secure Portugese laborers to
work the sugar plantations of the is
lands. A Tacoma mill has secured a con
tract for supplying 2,500,000 feet of
lumber to the government for the Phil
ippines. A Democratic mayor has been elected
in Boston.
The pope has appealed to Poles to
maintain order.
Gunners Refute to Fire and Shlpt
Cannot Be Trusted.
Chicago, tVc. IS. The Pally News
correspondent sends the following from
St. Petersburg:
Expectation of the downfall of the
government continues to grow in this
eitv. Insurgents still hold Riga, Keval
and other Baltic towns. The garrisons
in these provinces are insufficient to
put down the armed reikis and ttie ar
tillerymen refuse to tire on mem.
trikpii f railroad workers and crews
of steamships prevent the forwarding
of troops and ammunition to the revolt
ed provinces.
Though the government lias oeen
urged to dispatch a tleet to the Baltic
ports Admiral Birileff hesitates to make
any move, fearing that his sailors will
join the rebellion.
Disnatches received from Manchuria
todnv renort the situation of the army
as desperate. Many officers are in hid
ing from their own troops, tearing ror
their lives. The men are burning and
pillaging everything within their
reach, while the uvil population nas
fled. Revolutionary proclamations
have been posted about in the barracks
and in the streets. Dissensions among
the chief officers seriously complicate
mutter. The soldiers accuse the com
missaries of stealing large quantities of
supplies and have uurnea tneir nouses.
Great Amount of Construction Done
b- Reclamation Service.
Washington, lec. 13. A resume of
the work performed by the Reclama
tion service to date shows that 77 miles
of main canal, 54 miles of distributing
system and 186 miles of ditches have
been constructed, including dams, head
works, etc. Tunnels having a total
length of three and one-half miles have
been driven, including more than a
mile of the great Gunnison tunnel.
More than 250 miles of telephone lines
have been installed and are in opera
tion; 126 miles of wagon road, many
miles of which were cut out of solid
rock in almost inaccessible canyons, 147
bridges and 50 office and other build
ings have been constructed.
The works above mentioned have
called for the excavation of 9,350,000
cubic yards of rock and earth, the lay
ing of 70,000 cubic yards of concrete,
12,000 cubic yards of riprap, 150,000
linear feet of sheet piling and 10,000
feet of bearing Diles have been driven.
There have been purchased
pounds of railroad iron,
pounds of structural steel,
pounds of cast iron, 1,750,000
feet of
lnmher. and 78.000 barrels of
The covernment has erected a
mill at a cost oi more man iuu,uu,
..." . . .. ..xa nnn
which has already turned out 15,000
barrels of cement, and is now furnish
ing about 300 barrels a day. The saw
mills operated by Uncle Sam have cut
2,880,000 feet of lumber from the gov
ernment reserves.
Safes of North Coast Limited Rifled
Near North Yakima.
North Yakima, Dec. 18. Overland
limited No. 1, due here at 2:50 o'clock
p. m., but running almost five hours
late, was held up at Hillside, in the
Yakima canyon, 11 miles north of this
place, at 7:15 Saturday evening. The
express car was dynamited, two safes
blown open and all contents of value
From a good eource it is learned that
there was little currency in the safes on
the limited at the time of the holdup.
The main contents consisted of drafts,
Citv Marshal Curren has ordered the
arrest of every stranger seen in North
Yakima who comes anywhere near an
swering the description given of the
holdup men. Up to midnight last
niffht thre have been four arerets.
One man was arrested by Officer Lane
who aswered the description pertectiy.
ir una taken off a Daeseneer coach on
a train coming from the scena of the
holdup, and was wet to the Ekin. It is
thought he may be one of the men.
It is thought possible the haimus
mav have crossed the Columbia and be
headed for British Columbia.
Chrittmaa Pretentt by Shipload.
New York, Dec. 18. The American
line steamer Philadelphia, which sailed
from New York today for Plymouth,
Cherbourg and Southampton, carried
3,226 bags of mail for Europe. This
represents the largest quantity of mail
matter ever carried by any one stermer
out of the port of New York. The
Philadelphia is the Christmas snip
from New York this year and the major
Dortiori of the mail she carries consists
of presents for relatives arid friends
who are on the other side oi the At
lantic. Friends Will Give Aid.
. Havana. Dec. 18. That the Ameri
cans in the Isle of Pines have friends
in the United States who are willing to
aid them in every way possible in their
efforts-to have the island added to the
Tin inn ia mani feat here in letters re
cently received from prominent resi
dents of the Isle of Pines. These let
ters say that friends in the States have
offered hundreds of thousands of dollars
to aid in establishing a territory o' the
United States.
Finds Milliont In Ground.
Winnepeg, Man., Dec. 18. Anthony
Blum.of Boston, principal owner of the
Laurentine mine in the Manitou dis
trict, 200 miles east of here, has un
earthed walls of gold that assay $400,
000 to the ton. There are millions in
sight. It is the richest discovery ever
made in gold mining. He spent ten
years off and on in the district and has
made much money.
Good Record the Past Year at the
O'egon Asylum.
Salem An unusually goixl record in
the curing of patients has kept down
the number of inmates of the state in
sane asvlum and ban probably averted
congestion at that institution. When
the last legislature met, there was
every reason to believe that I he con
struction of a new wing would be ahao
lntely necessary within the ensuing two
years. An appropriation for an addi
tion of three wards was made, but the
appropriation was included in the om
nibus appropriation bill and was held
up by the referendum. Construction of
new rooms wat therefore made i in pos
sible. The usual rate of increase in popula
tion at the asylum is 50 per year, and
at that rate the institution would have
been crowded to the limit before anoth
er legislature could take action. Of
late, however, a large number of pa
tients have been discharged.
Should the next legislature make an
appropriation for a new wing, contain
ing three wards, it will be at least two
years from the present time before the
addition would be ready for occupancy.
There is now room for 6S more patients
in the men's department and ten in the
women's department. Unless, there
fore, the present low rate of increase
continues, the building will be full Ins
fore the capacity can be enlarged.
Iu any event it will lie necessary to
transform one of the men's wards into
a ward for women, and probably it will
be necessary to use some of the men's
smoking rooms for dormitories.
Portage Railroad Saves Farmert Five
Centt a Bushel on Wheat.
Salem That the operation of the
portage road from The Dalles to Celilo
has resulted in an increase of 5 cents a
bushel to wheat growing farmers, who
were able to reach the portage road, is
the report made by Superintendent L.
S. Cook, to the Portage Railway com
mission. Not all the wheat that brought
the increased price was shipped over
the portage road, however, for Mr.
Cook says that the O. R. A N. Co. has
met the cut brought about by the oper
ation of the state's railroad and farmers
have profited in that way.
The O. R. & N. met the cut by ab
sorbing drayage at Arlington and by
other means and thereby secured much
of the shipping. Only 18,139 sacks of
wheat went over the portage road dur
ing November, but more could have
been secured by seeking contracts and
more will be secured when the shippers
become familiar with the rates.
Movement Started to Form Company
to Handle Output.
Salem A movement hag been started
for the organization of a co operative
company amig the fruitgrowers for
the purpose of constructing and oper
ating a cannery. The plan is to form
a corporation with 400 shares of stock
at $25 a share. Not more than 20
shares can be held by one person, and
transters can be made only through the
board of directors. The board w ill
consist of nine men and will have
charge of the businesss of the concern.
The purpose id to secure to growers
the highest possible price for fruit.
The movement was started by 8. J.
Eemmon, an Eastern fruit packer, who
expects to take the management of the
co-operative cannery.
New Cut-Off Nearly Done.
McMinnville The new 8t. Joseph
Lafayette cut-off, which is nearly com
pleted, will enable the Yamhill divi
sion of the Southern Pacific to have
regular trains over the new riad within
a short time. The new stretch of track
is nearly two and a half miles long,
and will do away with keeping up the
nine miles ot road from Whiteson to
Lafayette and the big bridge near the
latter place. If the present schedule
remains in force, three trains a day
will run into Portland at 6 and 8 a.
m. and 3 p. m.
Take Water From Vlinam River.
La Grande Articles of incorpora
tion have been filed for the Grand
Ronde Irrigation company, with a cap
ital stock of $100,000. The incorpora
tors are Walter M. Pierce, C. II . Craw
ford and T. R. Berry. The object is
to secure 10,000 inches of water for ir
rigating in Grand Ronde. The water
is to be secured from Minam river by
means of canals, conduits and pipe
lines. It will be the most extensive
irrigation project in this section.
Snow Falls Early.
Burns The fl-st enow storm of the
year has visited this county, and snow
is now 12 inches deep in the valley and
three feet on the mountains. This is
more enow than fell all last winter, and
old settlers say it ia more than has fall
en this time of year since the hard
winter of 1887-88, when 75 per cent of
the stock perished. The early snow
indicates a long, cold winter, but the
stockmen have plenty of fodder for five
months' feeding.
Complaints on Illegal Fishing.
Tillamook Deputy Fish Warden II.
A. WebBter has filed two complaints in
Justice Haberlack't court on account of
the alleged violation of the fishing law
in Tillamook bay. One is agaisnt the
Elmore Packing company, and the oth
er against W. W. Ridehalgh, manager
of the cannery at Garibaldi.
Baker City Irrigation Co to Conduct
Water Through Hill.
Bakei City The Mid foot tunnel of
the linker City Irrigation company
through the hill on which is situated
the city reservoir it ninler way by a
gang of 40 men, with all the necessary
machinery. Work was commenced at
both ends simultaneously, and unless
the plans of the engineers go wrong,
the two crews w ill meet in the middle
ot the hill.
When completed this will he the
greatest irrigation tunnel in Eastern
The entire cost of the tunnel will be
about $40,000, while the system this
company is putting in will cost over
$100,000. The headgates are on Pow
der river, aUmt seven miles alajve
baker City. The ditch follows the foot
hills down to the big reservoir hill,
where a tunnel was found necessary.
4'ti.r teavins the tunnel the water will
I taken around the east side of lUker
City and put on alout 5,000 acres i f
land adjoining the city limits on the
This land will be devoted to fruit
raising and small farming. E. L.
Smith, of Hood River, is at the head
ot the company building this ditch,
and it is the first and only irrigation
project of ' any magnitude in Baker
Linn Farms May Yield Oil.
Albany Are the foothills of Linn
county charged with crude oil that will
make the owners of the land fabulously
rich? This question is agitating the
minds of a large number of people
since the investigation of the hind has
been taken up by A. A. Horter, Wil
liam 8. Harris and W. P. Keady. For
some time these men have been pros
pecting in the coal fields around La-
comb, and now have arranged to lease
several hundred acres in that neighbor
hod for the avowed purpose of boring
for oil.
Linn County Taxes Fixed
Albany At the regular December
term of the county court for l.inn
county the tax levy for Linn county for
all purposes was faxed. The total levy
to be paid by residents of the county
who are not subject to a city tax will
be 21 mills. This includes state,
county and the several special taxes.
divided as follows: State, 6 5 mills;
school, 5.4 mills; county, 3 mills;
roads and bridges, 4 mills; indigent
soldiers, 0.1 mills; special road, 2
mills; total, 21 mills.
Line to Run Through Vale.
Vale A corps of railroad engineers,
who arrived in Vale several weeks ago,
left recently for the Malheur can) on
about 14 miles west of Vale, in the vi
cinity of the proposed government irri
gation canal. Here they are surveying
the land for the mad, w hich it is said
will soon be built through Malheur
valley, touching at Vale. Several very
important meetings of citizens have
leen held to consider plans for benefit
ing the city.
Bright Outloek for Show.
Albany December 19 to 2.J are the
dates set for the annual exhibition of
blooded fowls under the auspices of the
Linn County Poultry association. "Thin
bazaar promises to be one of the best
yet held, and many prizes will be offer
ed for the best exhibits, for many of
which there is material in Linn county.
Wheat Club, 72; per bushel; blue-
stem, 74c; valley, 73c; red, 8c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.00;
gray, $20.60 per ton.
Barley Feed, $22(3 22.50 per ton;
brewing, $22.502:i; rolled, $23(3
Rye $1.50 per cental.
Hay Fastern Oregon timothy,
$14.50(5515.50 per ton; valley timothy,
$1112; clover, $8(rtj; cheat, $8.50
9.50; grain hay, $8($9.
Fruits Apples, $11.50 per box;
pears, $1.25(31.50 per box.
Vegetables Beans, wax, 12c per
pound; cabbage, ll,'c per pound;
cauliflower, $1.25 per crate; celery,
4575c per dozen; cucumbers, 6060c
per dozen; pumpkins, ?4lc per
pound; tomatoes, $1(31.25 per crate;
sprouts, 7c per pound; squash, ?4lc
per pound; turnips, 90c$l per sack;
carrots, 6575c per sack; beets, 85c
$1 per sack.
Onions Oregon yellow Danvers,
$1 1,.25 per sack.
Potatoes Funcy graded Burbanks,
6575c per sack; ordinary, 6500c;
Merced sweets, sacks, $1.90; crates,
Butter Fancy creamery, 2730c
per pound.
Fggs Oregon ranch, 35c per dozen.
Poultry Average old hens, 12c per
lb; young roosters, lOQllc; springs,
U'.;12c; dree Bed chickens,12(4l2c;
turkeys, live, 16c; turkeys, dressed,
choice, lZ(318c; geese, live, 9 10c;
ducks, 1415c.
Hops Oregon, 1905, choice, "10
11jC per pound; olds, 67c.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1621o per pound; valley, 2426c;
mohair, choice, 30c.
Beef Dressed bulls, l2o per
pound; cows, 84; country steers, 4
Veal Dressed, 87Vc per pound.
Mutton Dressed, 'ancy, 77c per
pound; ordinary, 45c; lambs, 7
Pork Dressed, 6 7c per pound.
Funeral of the Lato Senator John H.
Mitchell Takes Place.
Portland, D.'C 1 I inpic"ivc fun
eral services over the body of John H.
Mitchell were held at thn First Congre
gational church yesterday afternoon.
The largo auditorium was crowded to
the doors long before 2 o'clo k, t he
hour when the ceremonies begun. In
the front pews sat the members of lias
salo lodge No. l. ! O. O. F.. Portland
lodge No. 142, U. P. O. E., and the
Portland bar. The pallbcarcis occupied
scats at the right and the public tilled
the remainder of the building. All of
the available standinu room was tilted
and hundreds were turned away.
The Elks were in charge of the Inn
era! nervines trotn the time that the
body was taken from the city hall,
where it bad lain In state during the
morninur. until the ceremony at the
church was over and the lnntr proces
sion of carriages started for Itlverview
cemetery, where Interment took place
in the family lot. The services at the
grave were conducted by the Odd Fel
lows in accordance with the ritualistic
procedure for their departed membert.
At the church, aside from the cere
mony of he Elks' ritual, there were
beautiful anthems, an eulogy by D
Solis Cohen, ami prayer by Dr. E. L.
House. One of the notable features of
the ociasion was the reading by Dr.
House of Senator Mitchell's favorite
poem, "Not Understood."
The tloral pieces were a cause of com
ment, beiause of their beauty and pro
fusion. They completely covered the
coffin, which was encased in black
broadcloth and had extension bar hand
les after the style of casket used only
for the interment of men who have
held high public position.
Pledget Himself to Secure Appropri
ation Thit Winter.
Washington, Dec. 15. Chairman
Tuirton, of the house rivers and harlors
committee, Is not only in favor of mak
ing an appropriation this session (or
continuing the improvement at the
mouth of the Columbia river, hut he
will, at the proper time, take off his
coat and go to work to get sufficient
money to keep work in progress until
another river and harbor bill can be
passed. How he will strive to accom
plish this result Mr. Burton has not
decided, but in conference with Sena
tor Fulton he expressed his friendship
for the project, ami said he was fully
aware of the necessity for making an
appropriation this winter.
Chairman Iturton, w ho is in a Msi
tion to do more for the mouth of the
Columbia river than any man in the
house of representatives, w ill work in
behalf of that project w Uh double en
ergy in view of the fact that Oregon
has ro representation ill that body to
look after her interests. He will not
let the Columbia go because there is no
one from Oregon to press its claim, hut
will himself shoulder the burden which
would have fallen on the Oregon con
gressmen had it been possible for them
to attend this session. He will have
the hearty co-oerat!on of Representa
tive Jones, of Washington, who in also
on tho rivers and harbors committee,
and who is anxious to aid in procuring
an appropriation (or continuing work
on the jetty.
Governor Chamberlain Appoints Suc
cessor to Mitchell.
Salem, D.-c. 14. John M. Gearin
was yesterday formally appointed
United States senator to fill the vacan
cy caused by the death of Senator John
11. Mitchell, ami his commission was
taken to him by W. B. Ayer, who was
in Salem on business. The appoint
ment caused no surprise, for it has been
believed by all who have given the
matter any Attention that Mr. Gearin
would receive the appointment. The
selection meets general commendation
hero and the opinion is quite frequent
ly expressed that the new senator will
be of material assistance in securing
from congress the recognition Oregon
expects in the way of public Improve
ments. "I shall start for Washington just as
soon as possible probably on Satur
day," said Mr. Gearin. "Governor
Chamberlain made the appointment
quickly in order that Oregon might be
represented at Washington at once. I
ought to respond by going immediately,
and I shad do so. I don't know that
the governor has picked out the best
man for the place, but I am going to do
the best I can in it."
Recount Not Legal.
Albany, N. Y., Doc. 15. Th Court
of Appeals in a decision handed down
today in the New York City ballot-box
case sustains the contention of counsel
or Mayor McClellan and denies that
of attorneys for William It. Hearst and
his colleagues on the Municipal Owner
ship ticket. The court holds, as was
argued by ex-Chief Judge Parser and
his associates, that the courts have no
power under the election law to order
by mandamus the opening of the ballot
boxes and a recount and recanvass of
River Leaves Ita Channel.
Sacramento, Dec. 15. J. B. Lippin
cott, hydrcgraphic engineer, and En
gineer E. C. Grunsky, have reported to
Governor Pardee that the conditions at
the Colorado river are very seriouB.
Ne.rly all of the river has left its chan
nel and is flowing through the Imper
ial canal. Some of the water ia being
divtrted into the volcanic lakes, and
unless steps are taken to strengthen
and heighten the banks of the lakes,
the water will flood Imperial valley.
Troops and Workmen llyht on
Streets ot Klya.
Provisional Government Hat Been Et
tabliahed In Baltic Provlncet
Public Building Burned.
St. Petersburg, tl Eydlkilhiien,
iH 111. It la stated upon thn highest
authority that two irnisets and two
torpedo boats have In-en ordered by the
minister of Marine, acting under In
structions of Count Witte, alter an
audience with the fair, to proceed from
I. to Kiga and shell the i lly, n me.
revolutionists refuse to surrender.
A nrovisional government has been
eatanlished there and the public build
ings are occupied by representatives oi
the home rule party, who have determ
ined to make Klga the capital of thn
Hallic provinces.
Man h ades have been erected every
where, and steamers arriving at the
port are unable to communicate with
the shore. Public buildings have liecn
burned. The population is fleeing
and merchant! are abandoning their
The new strike law provides heavy
penalties, and drastic punishii t for
participators ami Instigators of strikes.
They may be sent to prison tor from Id
mouths to four years for an offense.
Government Openly Defied.
Paris, Dec. 16. The St. Petersburg
corteflpondent of the Matin, under date
of Decemler 15, says the sodden re
turn of the government to lenct ionary
measures has aroused the interest of
the revolutionaries, who are holding
meetings and parsing resolutions de
claring their determination to resist
the government. As the resolutions are
paused they are forwarded to the min
isters, who do not reply to them.
A St. Petersburg dispatch to tho
Journal, dated December 15. says:
"At a meeting of engineers tonight
it was resolved to demand the immedi
ate release ( Schmidt, the leader of
the mutiny at Sevastopol.
"Alarming reports are arriving con
cerning ttie troops Ht Moscow, who ap
pear to be thoroughy disaffected, and
who, in addition to demanding in
creased pay and shorter teims of serv
ice, ask for lilwrty to read all news
Retult of Rural Delivery Local Par
celt Pott Proposed.
Washington, D.-c. 1 6 The animal
report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General P. V. DcGraw says there ban
been a decrease of 575 in the new post
masters commissioned, as compared
with the previous year. The actual
number of poi-tollirt-h in the United
State at the close of the tincul year
First class, 275; second class, 1,2'H;
third class, 4,120; fourth class, 112,
478; total, liH.UU.
This, the report say, was a reduc
tion, resulting mainly from the discon
tinuance of :i,4!2 fourth class postofficest
luring the year by reason of the est ah
lisliT cut of rural free delivery. The
aggregate compensation id the post
masters thus displaced amounted to
City free delivery had been extended
during the year to 44 new postollices,
as against tit in il'OI. The gioss re
ceipts of free delivery offices during
the year had increased H per cent and
the cost only 2 per cent.
Mr. iMiraw renews the recommend
ation that a rate of 3 cents per pound
or any fractional part thereof be (lx"d
on packages not exceeding live pound
mailed at the distributing postollii-e of
any rural free delivery route. This
rate should apply only to packages de
posited in the local postotllce for deliv
ery to boxes of patrons on routes eman
ating from that office, and not to mail
transmitted from one office to another.
Army of Strike Breakers.
Chicago, Dec. 16. The Chicago Em
ployers' association, at a meeting to
day, formulated plans for the establish
ment of a standing army of lahoiers,
both skilled and unskilled and repre
senting every branch ot trade to be pre
pared to go to any city in the United
States to (111 the places of strikers w hen
necessary. The scope of the associa
tion will be extended so as to include,
every city in the United States with a.
population of 50,000 or more. Employ
ment bureaus will he maintained where
nonunion workmen can register.
Promotion for MacArthur.
Washington, Dec. 15. The authors
tive statement was made at the War de
partment today that, on the retirement
in September next of General Corbin,
who will succeed General Bates in April
next as lieutenant general of the army,
General MacArthur, the officer next in
line ot succession, will he promoted to
the grade of lieutenant general. It
also was announced that General Wood
probably will succeed General Corbia
in t,h l'Mlippine division.
Horizontal Reduction of Tariff.
Washington, Doc. 16. Senator Me
Creary yesterday introduced a bill to
reduce the tariff of the United States
by providing that there shall be levied
upon ail articles imported from foreign
countries a rate equal to three-fourths
of the present schedule.