Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1905, Image 3

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    SOpEpifl j jTOGGET.
Devoted to the Mining, LuiMherlnK and Farmuif; Interests of this Community.
NO. 48
A Pew of the Things She lias
Done During (he Year.
Theie ha l,cri spent for the im
provement ul the gravity water nvs
li'in, ly laying ncvciuI miles of new
pips, with 11 ten inch main leading
from the main wutr supply, build
in;; il. jms. iuili;tsi iij.; wuter right,
ilr. 2o,oi . Tlio jircMcnt aystmn
w lieu completed will hac cost the
ity .ibout f:l.'i,oi)ii. The income
this ymi hus been about $'2u. r
ni'iiitli, u hii h will Modi br iiicicas
d I y iidditiimnl users now uncon-iH-fted.
to $:ino. pwr month. Tlio
total income -r year beintf about
5'lnoo. Tin- total cxpens , mrc, re
rain, and ititurt-st on t. (5,000 at 5
It tent i about $l!oo leaving the
city ft Kaintir each yi ar ot about
f luoo, mid It is jKJSihle lor it to
i'unisli Hie bnHi und chtaprst water
HiiywlK'io Twnnty-ou n w lire
hydrants havo been installed.
Fourth strict hits been gradvd.
mid nurffi'-ed with crushed rock, the
full width of the street for three
hi ;i ks nnd a "trip 10 feet wide, five
bhx ks. Fifth stt rot ban also been
gradud and surfaced with crushed
rock for seven blocks feet wido,
both lit a total rout of f't jlli. sewers ln been con
structed for about two blocks at a
COfct of $"0).
Theio liav been twelve naw
hous cormtructed duriug the year,
bel l"s numerous additiuna and re-
buildmg of the other homeH.
Twd new briek atorc building;
Lav been built, one of tbetn tho
two atory brick of Porter A Stewart
at 11 coflt of about io,ooj, the
ether linrlels A Co s meat market,
tho finest In Oregon, coating about
fooo with the cooling machinery.
Tho Methodic church a gymn
iiHiuni und reading room.
Three hotels have been remodel
led, making two first clasa hotels,
aud one lodging bouao.
Tho telephone service ha been
greatly improved and will noun be
fuither bettered. Two hundred
and fifteen telephone now ring in
The electric lighting plant Iish
been rolitte I and milea of new lines
constructed and rebuilt.
Arc light have been installed on
the principal street.
It has built many blocks of new
sldowalks and erodings.
Iumalled a creamery, "that makaa
the bent butter in the stato of Ore
For Chris tm a s
I will not miss going to
The.V Will haVft SOmpthlnn frnorl
fa w - LA . VA UUVlUi
I A pair Shoes or Slippers, Night Shirt, Suspen
& ders, Neck Tie, Smoking Jacket. ' Sweaters, Jersy
I Waist, Umbrella, Fancy Vest,
chiefs with Initials, and Suit Oases.
gon aud i ready for coaiietition
Tho Southern Pacific. Company
has spent many thouNands of dol
lar in the coiintructiou of a water
system for it train here, by digging
two deep well, installing a H) h p
gasoline pump and steel Mtaud pipe
'I hey are preparing for heavier
traffic hero.
Heen the installation of aeveral
now business bonnes, and the en
largement of othors.
Giant Powder MnifAJiri Illowa Up
Koanlmd, II. C, Ie 10 By an
explosion of tho powder mag
aineof the War F.ulo and Central
Star mines nl 2 o'clock today one
man wa killed another seriouuly
injured and 1! to are misning,
i some of whom are thought to be
killed or badly injured.
Tho explosion wrecked two
Hinall hotels near by and tho force
knocked down many people on tho
Htreet. P!viry pane of glass in tho
town wus broken nnd the property
damage amounts to soveral thous
and dollars.
The body of John S. Ingram, for
mer chiel o! police, who was in
ihargu of the mngaino, is tho only
(Jim rttoveied ho far, but I5
people are) missing, some of whom
may be in the ruin of the wrecked
building. Tho casualty Jint will
probably not reach more than five,
while the list of seriously or pain
fully injured will probably number
15. The shock of the explosion
was terrific. The mines aro about
half a inilo out of tlio city and the
powder tnagaxiue was located on!
tho surface uear the mine buildings.
The cause is unknown.
Moabv Crank.
Henry Lincoln the up-to-date
butcher of Cottage Grove wan up to
John Palmer' and bought a fine
band of beef steer Tuesday.
Joel and Frank Palmer were at
Klondyko Wednesday.
Wslter Haker and wife visited
frieuds and relatives in Cottage
(Jrovo Mouday and Tuesday.
Sam and Jim Ijewis went to Cot
tage Grove Weduenday.
Frank Phillip and George Comer
made a biininens trip to Klondike
Mr. aud Mr. John Palmer went
to Cottage (Jrovo Friday.
Mis Hampton returned to her
homo in Goshen Saturday after
finishing a very successful terra of
school at liluo Ml.
ft fv
1 1
What the t .n ex
pect to see done dur
iny; the year.
Wo will have at least one saw
mill running.
Oro will bo shipped from lio
hernia to smelU'is in tho t,tate.
Real ehtate will be much higher
in value.
The population of the tow 11 will
be increased considerably.
Many now houses will be built,
and new brick stores will bo added.
Tho Black Unite mine will bo op
crating and Cottage (irovc; will
protit therefrom.
The capacity of th-tieatii' ry will
bo enlarged.
Moto btrnts will be surfaced ami
And altogothtr wo wilt be enjoy
ing a prosperous var.
bohi:mia and ni.AChnuTTr:
HOIll M I A P'O'i.
The Oregon Securitif Co. in the
month of October and November,
they turned out 202 troy pounds of
gold, the fiiHt large shipment this
year. They have sjent many
thousands of dollars in develop
ment and coukt.uctiou work during
the year, and expect to continue to
turn out tue yellow metal each
month of tho wixiter.
Tiik Yksuvil's MiNiNt; Co.
The mill has run. a part of the
summer, but tho rntiiu part of tho
woik douc ha been in development
and preparation for future work. A
great amount of money hns been
expended at the mire during "the
summer, ami great thinf; are ex
pected next Bummer.
The Oregon-Colorado Co. has
been doing much hard and steady
work and has a great deal to show
for the labor and money spent upon
The Crystal mill ran for a time in
the summer, but the reuult was not
made public.
The Hiawatha Company ha been
devoloping, dr ifting, and improving.
They constructed a mile of trail and
cleared for a wagon road to the
main road during the svmiuer.
They also purchased three claims
the Woodman, Stump Tree and U.
S. A. and located a new claim The
The Riversido Company has been
I pushing its development work
nnH ncofnl
Silk Handker-
argely during the past spring and
Hummer and will be ready for a
gfeat year work next year.
The No. Fairiew has had con
siderable work done on it during
tho summer.
! Many of the mine hare had a
I good deal of work donn ou them
this summer, and many good
strikes have been made, that show
what tho camp will be able to do
when a smelter is near enough for
economical handling of the ores.
There have been several slight ac
cidents, one or two quite serious,
1 but no great ones, for whieh the
miners are all thankful.
Ore stealing has been unknown
in camp until this year, when three
men were arrested in the Securities
Co. Champion ruino, aud are now
uuder bonds for the spring term of
court .
noirtviii in l'J06.
A number of the mines are stat
ing that ther will be shipping ores
to outside smelters if no smelter is
erected close to Bohemia.
Several stamp mill will be run
ning turning out the precious metal.
Several concentrators will un
doubtedly be running, and many of
the tons of concentrates stored at
some of the mills will be whipped to
the smelters for treatment.
It is predicted, and that on good
authority, that before neit winter a
wmelter will be an addition to the
camps facilities, and that when that
comes tho camp will be "the camp"
of Oregon, if not of the West.
That next year will be a record
breaker, and that many new and
large improvements will be seen, is
a surety. Tie ore is there, we
know it, and we want the world to
know it, and see for themselves,
that they may be willing to assist
largely in getting it out.
Boy Shot on Indian Crack
Stephen Mead, the n-year-old
son of W. L. Mead, of Indian
Creek, was accidentally shot
through the fleshy part of his hip
Sunday while hunting with his
cousin. Walter Mead. The weapon
used wms a 32-calbre rifle. Dr. J.
W. Luckey, of Florence, was
j called and after a few hours trip
dressed tho wound, which is not
j dangerous. Guard.
&.I the
'Church of
Evangelist J. M. McConnell will
bo in Cottage Grove about the first
of January and will begin a revival
in the "Church of Christ."
Mr. Poppleton of Eugene, a Uni
versity student spent Sunday in
the Grove, visiting the family of J.
1. Currin.
Pass Tax Levies on General and
Special Taxes.
At tho adjourned meeting of the
couacil Monday night, three new
ordinances were presented, for levy,
ing a general tax for the year, an
other for the levying of a tax to
pay the interest.
Ordinance i2'j levying a 5 mill
tax on all real and personal prop
erty within the city limits for the
general tax on land and property
valued at 1253,437, amounting to
$1250 was paHsed on its final read
Ordinxnco No. l-'O levying a
three mill tax to pay the interest on
the general rewer bonds amounting
to JJvJiJ was passed.
Ordinance 127, levying the amesi
ment for the cost of construction of
a lateral sewer commencing at the
west end of the lateral sewer be
tween block 4 and 5 as follows:
Herbert Fakin 840.15, J, C. and
Josiah Porter and C. K. Stewart
$M.70;S. V. Allisen $11.35; J. J).
Cochran $29; James II. and S. K.
MtFarlaud Jtfi.Co; H. C. Schleef,
$r' 60 w-as parsed.
The recorder was instructed to
prepare an ordinance for the licens
ing of card tables. The recorder
wus instructed to collect billiard
and pool table licenses, us called
for in the ordinances.
An ordiaance was ordered pre
pared for the improvement of the)
west end of Wall street, by grading
and macadernizLng ft.
Three affidavits srjjntd by Fdgar
King, llhoda E. Kivg and Luther
A King were preseutd stating that
they had seen C. C. Case serve
HciUOrS to Tttn ill a onrti" s.tra in frnnt
of his saloon on Sundav : Nov. 5th.!
Mr. Case was called .betoro the
council, and after hearing' the affi
davits said that the patties were
certainly mistaken, that he had
never done such a thing on S'uuday,
and only two or three on
week days. A great deal of discus
sion W88 entered into over this .esse,
and it was finally let pass for the
time, the affidavits being withdian
by Councilman Chamberlain, who
presented them.
The following bills were allowed:
Dr. Oglesby for disinfectants, etc. :
used in disinfecting- car SiS- T '
Schren, haulinp lumber, $2; J. E.
Young preparing ordinances, $5.
The following rates were estab
lished for water users. The Gra
ham Hotel $3.5o,Owl $3, Owl Bar
$1, Western Oregon water motor
$5. Party toilets 23c for each
On December 26th we
will commence to sell our
entire stock ot goods at re
duced prices. We want to
clean up all odds ends to
have every thing new for
Nothing will be sold on
credit at reducedprices cash
over the counter and we will
do you good.
Leaders in Merchandising.
family, per month. It is altogether
probable that before lon when the
new water system is installed that
the rates for all large users of water
will be adjusted, and aome different
arrangements made. Maj people
consider it a nuiflance to have to
pay water rent each month in ad
vance, rather than quarterly in advance.
Th CommerctnJ Club
At the Commercial Club meetiug
Monday night the club decided to
do nothing further towards secur
ing a piano for the present, as they
did not care to go in debt for it.
Mr. T. K. Campbell made one of
his speeches on his trip to the meet-,
ing of tho Willamette Valley De
velopment League at Woodburn,
and said that the absence of Cottage
Grove delegates was much noticed.
He says ho feels sure that the club
could obtain the March meeting
here, if it so desired, by a little
working, on the part cf of tho dele
gates to be sent to the Albany meet
ing, and he urged that only dele
gates be appointed, who could and
would go to the meeting. He said
he heard many things about the
valley that he nerer know before,
and that many able addresses were
made. A very able paper was read
on the extention of the Harriman
system in Oregon, showing much
better tho progress and work to be
built to complete their present
plans, than any published report
he had seen.
Quite a little discussion was en
tered Into about having the March
meeting. Some thought the June
meeting would be better, and it
was finally let lie on the table for a
Some of the Dew members of the
club, Messrs Burkholder and Hem
enway and Geer were asked to
make speeches, but all excused
themselves with few remarks.
Mr. W. B. Hartley was taken in
aS 3 new
A letter was read from Tom Rich-
ardson, president of the Portland
Commercial Club, asking the club
to appoint delegates to go on the
Business Men's excursion to Los
Angeles aud telling all about the
trip and the expenses of same. Some
discussion was had regarding the
proposition but nothing waa done.
1 A letter was read from the Even
i ing Telegram in reply to a letter of
I Mr. D. T. Awbrey, their agent, to
j them, stating that there waa some
dissatisfaction that their paper had
.so little news of Cottage Grove in
tX. The Telegram stated that they
L ad much difficulty in getting any
nv ws of the town and wanted a new
co. respondent. The club appointed
T. K Campbell, Fingal Hinds and
D. 1 Awbrey to confer and decide
on a
suitable person to do this work.