ORES Whenever u wn: nr ulcer 1! nut Ju-ul, m matter on wliat pntt of t1i Ixxly It limy I.e. It in because f.f a jiohon. , t tiliti.u r.f Hie Mood. Tliiu luiiwui may l.e tlic icniaiiiM f.f Home constitutional trotil.lc; tlictffitt of a long Hu II of h'u knc.M, which i;,:, , ft i, J,, vitii 1 Mteani .ollute(l nml weak, orLecausf tho liatuial tcfuse m.ilt r f.f the l.o.ly, whii h filioiiM t.ass fiff lhrouc.li tlie fhaiinil: f.f nature, ha-il.Mii left in the nystcm jiml iihsoihc.l Into the ciiculalioii. It dm i not matter how the j.oisoii .e( ainc Jntrent hc.l in the Mood, the fad that the Hore i tin-re ami 1o h not heal in evi.lt nee f.f Oflee., umleilyiuj; t ause. Thcie i.i nothing that ciiusch nunc tlim-omfott, wony nnl nuxu ty than n fcstciin, flis hai(;in;; 11 Hore that resists treat ment. The yeiy r.i;;lit f.f it i'i nl)i.i t t-nt mid Min:'t.i pollution nml disease ; lei.leM the tiuii-un.l nttentl..ii t juin l to kci it f l.sm mxl ficcficm oilier infection. As it linnets, hlowly rating Icc.( r into the Hiirioun.linj' ilesh, the milkier prows iim.i lilly imxioiis, fi-aiinjj it may he tamtrous. Home i.l uiorir umicini wnil (III Ol'l note or ulcer know how useless it is to ex pect a cute fioni Milves, i.ow1 t.s, lo tions nml other external tnalinciit. Tbfouch the tise f.f these they have Herri the place bcin Id heal and hi ah over, nnd were congratulating them Helves that they would noon l.e rid f.f the detestable thin, when a fuslt mipply of poison front the blood I .. ...-muse me 1.100,1 is ......,;,. W...-.C-,. ...-,. vime youn Buffer wi 1 twin hea 11 r Br. u t woui.i cause ine inuiuniiiniic.n nii'l f.I.l flisehar;e to rettirn nnd the Rre wouhl be. ns bad or worse than Ufote. Sores that da not heal aic not due to out- Side causes ; if they were, external treatment would cuie tin in. They arc I'dha.t ..a... I At. ...... . ."..x.., .,wr.. iniMt limiting iiHiiuiii mi: i.ei -lon.'f i.virti middle life. Often, willi ttir-tu n u-fitr ,,r .... I ..... ;..n 1 t. gins to ulcerate fn-n, little rouKh handling ; or a deep, offensive ulcer de- velops fr..nt a li,:ht cut f-r bruise. Their vital enerrie and powers of re- abitanrc havejtown less, and circulation weaker, and 'pethaps home taint i.l tlieMootl, wliich was held In check by their Mron. r constitutions f.f early PURELY VEGETABLE. particle of the poison out f.f the blood. I'e.r this purpose nothing equals K. S. S. It poes down to the very bottom of the trouble, cleanses the blood 1 nnd makes a permanent cute. S. S. S. enriches and freshens the circulation Bo that tt can u s ncxv, htronj; blood to the diseased parts and allows the place to heal naturally. When this is done the discharge ctiws, the Hore wabs over ami fills in with healthy flesh, and the skin regains its natural color, ltook on Sores and ulcers and any medical advice dehired will be furnished without charge. jUC SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA I. any rri, 1 have Keen Mnmetlilug of h'k'nl prac tice on i.olh kIiIi'M of the Allantl'', nnd my iipliilnii In that our proTcnou wi.hM 1 tii 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 y t.y o.inlilnliiy the two brniii'lieH pretty mtn-h as they lire combined In the 1 ' n 1 1 t Staten and Cumula, hhvh a writer In the l"inluii Saturday Itevlew. It Is obvlmiM that the Mollcltors would prollt by Hiu!i an UgreiMiieut. 'I'hey Would have tlie rltfit of aiiilleiice In iin courts and the op. pi.rlmilt.v to niiallfy themHelves for pn.iuol Inn to the bench. In America the young lawyer goes Into an oltb-e, where be makes his merit known by Hteudy attention to I'IIhIiicnm There will always be two kinds of lawyers - thnxe who May in their ollbes. dealing directly with ell ent.4 and altemllng to mutters of roil 1 1 in-, and thoie who ailvlse 011 points f.f law and argue cases In court. These two orders of men are clearly fllHtl-iiNliivl in America, but they xvork bvether as partiiers to the reat advuntage of the client. Noinrtvhnl Similar. "Women and men are very nl!Ue In one respect," said the mui'h Imme- I'owii philosopher. "Wliat's the answer'" queried the Inexperienced youth. "Men," explained the philosophy ills peliser, "lie about the fish they didn't entcli and women lie about the men they could have married had they wanted to." ftrxrr Smllrd A km In. "How do you manage to write nil those funny things?" asked the inquis itive female of the JoUesmlth. "With a typewriter, madam," an- wcrcd the so much per yard grin pro ducer. Indeed!" exclaimed the I. f. "Don't you know, I Imagined you used some sort of copying apparatus." Infrrijuput Oeraalona. "You must try to love your papa as much as ho loves you," said the vis itor. "Oh, I love him more," replied Tom my. "Indeed? Doesn't your papa love you very much?" "Not much. He saya he only lovea me when I'm good." Philadelphia Tress. Mystery of the I'iis Doir. It's awfully luinl In understand linw pug dugs can like the sort of people that like them. Cleveland Leader. HelpIHelpl I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- R cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. About on year w I lust nearly all of my imlr fulliiwliiu all attack of ini-a.lin. I wa ailvl.od by a fileml to !. Ayar'a Hair Vlnnr. 1 dlU . ami a raniilt I new liava abnautllul head r hair " Mas. W.J. liuowM, Mcuom uuea rail., Wli. A Alalia by J. 0. Ayar Co., Lowall, alaaa. iso luauuiauiurere es 7 8ARSAPAR1LLA. yers PILLS. CtlLKKV PEC7CSAL. THAT DO NOT HEAL I )iti had a orlpiilnit foot all ny llf, wl.h li ooiM!nlli ma to ut a t.raun. Mr ti.iiin iitiBoijouiitKliln l.ioi. Oil t.raoa c Miiand a l.ml Ulc.nr on my log, about aix yr mo. I had iroofl innJlc.l attin tlon, litit lh Vi r not won. I vral ln ducail to try H. H. H., and am glad to say H curad ma nntlialy.and I am outirlnond tl.at it aavnd my lia- for ma. I Lav, tliaraforn, rnat fnltli In H. H. H. and almlly rnroininand It to all tiandloa; a rnllabla Mood mndlclna. Bristol, Va.-Tanu. W. 3. CATE. I M.-ej.e.i m poison, which Inula on outlet j.t-o ,ie, and even clnKlieu, floinetinies .,.t 1 .. ni ...1 lile, hliows ttseir. It is well to be bus- " ' roved it. i.a.iy (in pnrt view picious of any Hore that does not heal 1 l"lf atone quarry): And which In the readily, lieeause the flame fjertit that foreman'" Casey (proudly) oi am. products Cancer is back of every old I.ady Iteally ? Caaey OI kin prove eote nml only needs to be. left in the ' ut. (Calls to laborer). "Kelly. Kelly! circulation to produce, this fatal disease. ' yer folred!" J lu re is only one way to cure these old I holes and ulcers, and that is to i'ct rverv ' A NOVEL ADVERTISEMENT. It A ppmrrd In a llri rnl luu of a London VrimprP. A IIOPKLKSM V I'M'HMI'KT KNT KOOl.. Willi 111. iiiulllli nl lou, hihIiiI or Inti'lli'i--tunl, li.lnlljr ili'viilil vt kliuw Ii-'Iji- on uny 1 himiIvbIiIi- niiliji-it, tlinriniKtii IniluliMit nil ui.t riiNt 1.1 1 by, n ilmlrtiita f.f i.t.liilii tiitf n ri'iiiiniiTiitu r punt In nt.y rnpni'lly. A.lilr. . y, a, Mui'llD rouii, Went KfU lliigti.li. The subline.' candor of the above' j ad vertlKeinent which appeared in a 1 recent Issue of the Iondoii Times lias i j caused Swine amusement and attract d a great deal of attention auicng lml : ih'ns men, nays the London KxprehS. I Many declared that "I. l" was l practical Joker; others that 'ie had a i ilelllilte object In View whe.l l.e made himself out to be a fool. That this latter solution was the cor rect one an Kxpress rvprcsenliitlvo learned yesterday from "I. F." him self. Ills object, he said, was to at tract the attention of employers by going out of the beaten In k. "I. !'.," who Is about "7 years old. Is rattier more ak-rt and Intelligent than the average man with an onli- nary public school education, ami his face is a particularly honest one. "I thought if I said exactly the op posite to what most people in search of a billet insert In the newspapers," he said, "I might stand a good chance of hearing from employers tired of superlative virtues, and I have imt been disappointed. "I have this morning reivlvod two genuine ofTers and appointments Ur Interviews from the heads o' good tlrins and a large number o' letters and post cards from practical J'.Ucis. It was Inevitable, of course, tliar threv or four of the writers should ii.'v advised me to apply at once to the war other, 'where I would tie sure of a billet.' "I have bis-n schoolmasterlng seven years, and although I have a small fjlllct now, I wish to better myself." All the Cumlurla of Home. "Naf Goodwin, the comedian, once possessed a tine country house on the banks of the Thames Hlver, near New London, Connecticut. Kvcry summer he used to Invite some of his Thespian friends to Join his house party. On one such occasion Goodwin de livered himself of a hen mot that is worth repeating. "Nat," said some one, "you certainly have a line place here. Just think of It, a lawn right on the river!" "Yes," drawled "Nat," "It's fine. In the spring xve have the lawn on the river, and In the fall we have the river on the In xvn." Knicllah-Spraklnir I'ropie. Fnglisli Is now spoken by ahout 12', 000,000 people. A century ago it wui sunken bv "O.OOO.OOO nixinle ontv Dur ing that period no other leading Kuro-' peiin laugtiage has made the slightest advance. German has held Its own, 1 and la now spoken by 80,(HK),(Hi, hut this is no higher percentage of the totaj number of people of lOuropeau descent than It had u hundred yearn ago. C'orrrela a Mlaaiireheualun. "Wasn't that same young man hero to see you last night?" "Yes, papa." "Well, what does he mean by com ing every night In tho week?" "Ho doesn't come every night in the week. I never met hliu until last Thursday, and he was only hero Thursday and Friday and Saturduy evenings." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Beat Cuutfh byruo, Tualua Uutxl. V In tune. H0I1I by ilriiKKl'ta lifcll,JulaJakia., E3 A Now Way. Mr. Corrida 11: much d' ye. eharKe fer pnllln' Ilentlst: With Ks, one dollar. CorrlKflti: All' how much wld e 11'lW ti-H'? Mr. Ctrl': lolKlit? Appetlto Iii'cldeH. -Teacher: Can you tell me the difference Let ween "like" and "love?" Hmall Hoy: Ves, ma'am. I like my father and mother, but I love pie. The Hilling Passion. ---" Yes, I quar reled with my wife ahout nothing." "Why didn't you make up'" "I'm go ing to. All I'm worried about now Is the Indemnity." Queer Charge! "Von are charged," l1 the j.ollreiiinn, "with IuivIhk I vot..l twlro. "harKed. am I?" rinit- tfre.l tin .rUoner. "Thafa oild. I I m ' expected to h paid for It." Kf.lmr the Metropolis m uuif trie .xifiropoim Stephen ' t. I 11 that tall Kti'iicturw I V ,"In fl" ' I Wnm Il,,rll'"r": " " "' ' " ! w'lfr' ,h,"y n,nlte n,,t lr""" f,'r "ie 1 ,luM wol,, Tretty Lucky Friend of the Fam ily: You are very lucky, my boy. to bt the seventh son. It will bring you ererlastlng fortune. Son No. 7: It hasn't so far. All it's brought yet is the old clothes of my six brothers. "Do you think that the automoMIs will displace the horse'" asked the conversational young woman. "It will," answered the nervous you. 14 ( man as he gii7.cd down the road. "If It ever hits him. "--Washington Star. j l'arson Coopiih lie choir will now slug dat beautiful hymn, 'We hain't Got lying to Stay Here," arter singln' which day will consider demselves dis charged and tile out quietly. We will hab only congregational slugin' hereafter."--I'm U. I A Kchcarsal. "Klsle!" exclaimed the girl's mother, "why are you shout ing In that horrible fashion? Why can't you lie quiet, like Willie?" "He's got to be quiet, the way we're playln'," I replied Klsle. "He's papa coming homo I late, and I'm you." j Visitor I Mggltig potatoes, eh? Far mer's Hoy Yep. Visitor What do you get for digging potatoes? Fanner's Hoy Nawthln". Hut I git somethln' fer not diggtn' 'em. Visitor Indeed? What would you get for not digging :hem? Farmer's Hoy I.h'ked. Judge. Careful Philip had gone to bring In the new kittens to show them to 11 rlsitor. Ills mother, hearing a shrill , mewing, called kittens, Philip:' out. "Iion't hurt the From the hall came the reassuring answer, "Oh, no. I'm j carrying them very carefully by the stems." I Absent-minded "Talk about ahsent , mlndedncss! Jenkins Is the most ab ' sent-mlnded man I know." "What's I he done now?" "Why, he wrote the combination of the safe on a piece of I paper to keep from forgetting It, and (then locked the paper in the safe to Keep rrom losing it. Contrary Counsel. The church was packed, even the aisles lined with chairs. Just before the benediction the thoughtful clergyman, who loved order, thus admonished his hearers: "In passing out, please remain seated until the ushers have removed the chairs from the aisles." Fully Kxplalned. Teasing Friend: "What makes that new baby at your home cry so much. Tommy? Tommy (Indignantly) it don't cry so very much; and anyway, if all your teetU xvere out, and your hair off, and your legs so xveak you couldn't stand on them, I guess you'd feel like crying yourself." "I wish to adopt a child," said the wealthy xvoman In the orphan asylum "what have vou?" "Oh. xve have them lu all shades," replied the polite lady superintendent, "which do you pre fer?" "I think a blonde child will be most appropriate," ansxvered the wealthy woman, "my auto Is finished In blue." Puck. Clear as Mud. "I xvas going over Westminster bridge the other day, and I met Fatsy Hexvlns. 'Hewlns,' says I, 'how are ye?' 'Purty well, thank ye, Donnelly,' says he. 'Donnelly?' saya 1; tnat a not my name. suro an' mine Isn't Hewlns,' says he. Au' so xve looked at each other again, an' it turned out to be neither of us." A Trltlo Unconventional An eecen trie farmer xvas married the other night. "Do you," said tho preacher, "take this xvoman to be your xvedded wife, to love and to cherish In sickness and health, for better, for worse, for rich or poor, until death do you part?" There xvas an uwkward pause. Then the bridegroom finally replied, "Them's the calculations." ' Punctuation A high school girl oald to her father the other night: "I've got a sentence here I'd like you to punctuate. You know something about punctuation, don't you?" "A lit tle," said her cautious parent. This la what he read: "A live dollar hill How around tho corner." He studied It carefully, "Well," he tlnally said. "I simply put a period after tt, like this," "I wouldn't," said the high school girl; "I'd make a dash ufter It." BUYING LARGER FARMS. tiara! I'opii In I Ion llrrrraalnaT As XVralfh Inrrra.H. It seems a paradox, but Is neverthe less well established as true, that In certain of the best funning regions of the United Slates great nnd abounding agricultural prosperity has resulted In decreased rural population. A no lens striking than surprising Illustration of this Is given In a recent. .Slate census I report of Iowa, which Is reported ti ' kIiow falling ofT of 2 rf-r cent In tin I population of that great and glorious Slate hliice the general census of I!). Of course, such a result was not ac ceptable to Iowa's pride, and It win not readily accepted. Close Inquiry, however, Is rejuted not only to con firm the general correctness of th ! new count, but to show a sufficient reason for Its disappointing result. The explanation offered a that It l all due to the land hunger of the pros perous Iowa farmer. Having money ahead and .well knowing that good farm laud In the Mississippi valley Is one of the safest and most profitable of Investments, be has been buying in the adjoining farms of his less fore handed neighbors to such an extent, the reports say( that vacant farm houses dot every township in the State. Many of these vacant farmhouses may again be occupied by the sons and sons-in-law of the purchaser; some of them will be abandoned, and the newly ac quired lands consolidated Into larger farms. And If Iowa follows the course of development that has been going on for many years in the magnificent farming regions of Central Illinois, the consolidated farms will be leased In tracts of HO or .'WO acres, or more, to thrifty and prosperous tenant farmers. The process as It has gone In Illinois for a number of years Is that the wealthier land owner buys out the 4") and KO-acre farms of his nelghliors, tile drains and otherwise Improves them, often renting the same land or !ar,'-r tracts to the vendors, who gen erally made nnlre money as tenants than they had done as owncy, The tenant farmers of Central Illinois put their capital into the best of farm im plements and machinery and live stock. Their prosperity is seen In their com fortable and xvell furnished houses, the well kept vehicles and horses which their families drive to church and to country gatherings. In Central Illi nois Just now the tendency Is to larger farms, the tenant generally desiring to increase his area nnd the landlord regu lating the quantity of land he will lease by the proved capacity and suc cess of each tenant. Uor its best farm lands Iowa appears to be approaching the same system. Springfield Repub lican. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Trlrk of the Trade. "Madam," began the peddler as he opened Ins red satchel, "can I sell you something this morning?" "No," snapped the elderly matron, raising her broom ominously, "aud you better move on." "Just as you say, madam. I was going to offer you the greatest xvriukle remover on earth, but I see you dou't need it." "Ah, I" "And also this wonderful remedy for restoring gray hair to its natural color, but you have no use for that, either." "Why, how kind of you to think so! I" "And this little volume entitled 'How to Itemaiu Heautiful Forever.' Hut it ' xvould be superfluous to offer It to you. j (iood day, madam." "Come back here! Come back here j this Instant. I do not need them, as ' you say, but I xvlll buy them and give ': them to some friend. I always en-1 courage truthfulness." i A KrKulnr Customer. Uncle Krastus, the village plasterer nnd xvhltewasher, xvho had married and buried four wivy, xvas about to acquire a fifth. He xvent to the house of the Presbyterian minister, a vener able man xvho had officiated at several! of his previous weddings, to make ar-1 rangements to be married there tho' following evening. "Of course I shall be glad to marry you to your nexv wife. Uncle 'Hastus," 1 said the minister. "This will be the third or fourth time for me, won't it?; How does it happen, uncle, that you never have a colored preacher tie the, knot for .you?" "Well, sail," he ansxvered, "I's kind ! o' got In de habit o' glttln' a white man to do my marryln', an I reeou I'll alius do It. I's turrlble sot in my ways, Mlstah Pa'ker." Art Note. Mrs. Syllie My husband takes a deep Interest in art. ' Mrs. Older You surprise me. Mis. Syllie Weil, It was a surprise to me. Hut I heard him telling Jack Koxvnder last night that it xvas 11 good thing to study your hand before you draxv. Cleveland Leader. St. Is the short, sure, easy cure (or It penetrates to the Prove It By Hie Oven Fire Put the k?, 'AOtiT.'Zls1 S, "C ,t " 25 cents. JAQUES MFG. CO. Chicago So4 a Boos I of Ant liullt K07 Two. When Michael Hurke Joined his brother James In this country, the noney he brought over, added to lame's savings, enabled them to go iito the lee business. In course of :lme their custom Increased, and 't became necessary for them to have an jfllce. In this James soon Installed a lice roll-top desk. "The one desk will do for the two )f us," he explained, tne day it was tet us. "And here are two keys; one for you, Micky, and one for me." Michael accepted the key, but seemed jo be studying the desk. "That's all right," he said. "But ivhere is my keyhole?" Chinese Ruler. The Empress Iowager of China was ! sold into slavery at the age of eleven, to .save her family from starvation Afterwards she was presented to the late emperor, and, upon his wife's death, became Empress. Her leet were never bound, and she was taught to read after persistent pleading. The sterling qualities of this wonderful woman, like those of Pillsbury's Vitos, have overcome every obstacle. And she holds herself at the bead of China, as does Vitos at the head of breakfast foods. Knonledare. Johnny Smokln' cigarettes is dead sure ter hurt yer. Jimmy Go on! Where did ye git dat Idee? Johnny From pop. Jimmy Aw! He wuz jlst strlngin' yer. Johnny No, he wuzn't stringin' me: he wuz strappin' me. Iiat's how I knoxv It hurts. Philadelphia Press. Plso s Cure is a remedy for coughs, colds and consumption. Try it. PricelScents, t druggists. Scrlualon Xeceaaary. Mrs. Psmith Itut hoxv did you n.an- age to keep that secret a xvhole week, dear? Mrs. KJones It wasn't hard. I sim ply stayed axvay from the Hrowning Club and when callers came I sent xvord that I wasn't at home. Cleve land Leader. Mothers will find Mm. WimJow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething teriod. 'Ware of the 1obt. Boh Miss Suhhuhs has asked me to call to-night. Pick Yes? Hub Yes. What shall I wear? Iiok (who has been there) 'Ware of the dog! Philadelphia Ledger. j Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the seme of smell and completely derange the whole sys tem wtu-n entering It tbrougu the mucous surfaces. Such articleasr.ould never be used except on preacriptiuna fro.u reputable il.y ku iani.as ihe damage they will do is ten 1. Id to the good you can poasibiy derivefrom ll.ein. Hall's catarrh Cure, manufactured ly Y. i. i heuey A t o., Toledo, 0.,contalnaiiomertury, and in taken internally, acting directly uik.u the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying hall s Catarrh l ure be sure vou Ki t the g.-uuiue. It is taken Internally, anil made in Toledo, Ohio, by J. Cheney V Co. Testi monials Iree. Sold by Druggets, price 75c. per bottle. Hall's l amil y 1'ilU are the bent. - Troata va. Ulnar. "What," queried the fair ma!d, "Is the difference betweeu a trust and a rinKV" "I'm afraid I cannot explain the dif ference In so many words," replied the young man In the case, "but If you'd put your trust In me I'll blow myself for the ring to-morrow." And she put her trust In him. Wa do o-own and brldgnwork wltbout palo. Our 16 y am' expcriem-e lu plate work ea ables us to at your nioutli comfortably. Dr. W. A. W Ise baa found a sale way to extract trvtb absolutely wltbout pain. Dr. T. F. W8 la an expert at nl. lug and crown and brlilgewurk. KitracllUK Iim wban plates or bridges are crdirud. WISE BROS. DENTISTS Falling Illilg., Third and WaaliliiKlon Hts. Open eveulnits till o'lioclc. Mu inlays from s to li Or Main 'A'-U UK. W. A. WISC THE EXTERNAL USE OF Jacobs Rheumatism and Neuralgia seat of torture, and relief promptly follows. 0rfOOOOOO00C5OOOOOOO!MlFMII( wonderful KC Bak ing Powder to the test. Get a can on approval. Your money will be returned if you don't agree that all wc claim is true. You'll be delighted with the de licious, wholesome things that BAKING IV O POVDER will bring to life in your oven. K C Baking Powder is two thirds cheaper and makes purer, mnr Vi al t Vi f til (nnd than other powders anywhere near v r. finality. 25 ounces for V" ... . 1 f L,et it to-aay poatal for I're I'rcaaou." China and Japan are pre-eminently ths seaweed-eating nations of the world. Among no other people are seaweeds so extcriKividy catca and relished ss food substances. I I I U after Bra; lay'n uwof I.r. Klln'llirat .Nrr Hfurr. Hei.d li.r trrr ft trial rxrtlan1 tmtlaa. ht. H. 11. Kline, Uil.,ui Ar h M. Philadelphia, tm. rorrertlna- m M laapprehenaloa. Wasn't that same young man here to sep you last night?" "1'es, papa." "Well, what 1ops he mean by coming evpry night in the week?" "He doesn't come every night in the week. I never mpt him until lat Thurs day, and he ns only here Thursday and Friday and Saturday evenings." Cleve land Plain Iealer. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS Kuieit, Ittfliient inl MronirM siumw Pullet on Ui market. 119 Uor- powvr oa '.he mw9 with two hunwn. Wme lor Urscnpuve -'.( tutl prtc-M. REIEUSON MACHINHkY CO. Foot of Morrifton Street fortland, Oregon -jonp rz. a. Aa Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon The School of Quality" A. P. Armstrong, LX. B., Principal Thousands of graduates in positions; hundreds placed each year; more calls for help than we can meet it pays to at tend our school; largest, most modern, best equipped. Departments: Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, English. Open all the year. Catalogue, penwork free. Call, telephonp or write. rv IH J BY ALL THE BEST DEALERS 'JfftEfitf A. J. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED 1836 BOSTON NtWVOSK, CHICAGO TOWtR CANADIAN CO..litd.TOROrTTO.CArt r. Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This worn!' rful Cht nete Doctor tn c&U d grt'ttt bet-uuMe he curt-s peopl without opera tion that are tikve.t tip to die. He turfs with those wonderful I'nt n bertH, room, buii, tarks and Vfteiabus tlmt art entirely un kiuivta to medical tc - eme in this coou ry. Thio ik" iit ue ui uu i barmlfMi tvim-dle tills !aiiiu- ;o'tor knows the actum of over 500 different r 'inedte whlfti ht tu t-eMlully u-ei In dirtVn H- diftea.se. Ha f.uuranu ettocureca'aTh. asthinu, luoi;, ihiva:, rheumatism, nervotitturcM, Moinnt-h, Mver; k d ncys, t'U'. ; has hundreds ot tt alimonlul.-i, i hnrKes modern, i'all at d see him. atlenta out of the city write tor hlmikr and o rculur. beud btamp. CUNSl'L TATlu.N fuKt. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162S First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND. OREGON. P. N. a New SI -1905 WIIEN writing to adTertlsere plesae mention tula paper. Oil Price, 25c. and 50c. 1 ur. i. p. wise.