Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, December 20, 1905, Image 12

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    A Record Breaker in Cinabar Mines,
Our Great Health Kesorl.
(juivksilvrr, that most needful metal
in the recovery of the precious ores,
gold and silver, from their ores and
placer, and vhih is bec.wning more in
demand each clay with the now develop
ment mid discoveries in our mo. lorn
Srts aticl sciences, which call for it
use, in becoming scarce, not Mono from
tho increasing consumption, but from
tho failing of some of the mines that
liafe boon pro. hieing.
Tho sale of mercury is controlled by
the Kothsehild house, who operate t!iO
Altiiadon initio in Spain, winch is the
largest producer, in the 1'nited State
( 'uliforuia and Texas have e I
considerable quii K i 1 nr. but these fields
are not a now as they
tau.o of 700 feet. These cropping
small oxpot intent plant, i oompleto
are all impregnated w ith cinnabar. Tluy
appear a cliff at time attil groat jut
tins; rocks, lilt careful analyi along
tho lino of the lode, which follows tho
ridge ctrst, shows them to bo cinnal'ar
ore. A vortical ilcpth of ni(ro than
t -t may bo had ly driving an adit
from the level of the present furnace.
AImo (hi a. lit woul.l ln l ack of SeW
feet as the lode dips at about 5" de
btees from tho horizontal.
The ores from tho mine were treated
tot a time in a Scott ei'ton fortune,
l ut the loss was no groat and tho ox
pin.- so laiey that it was not a paying
1 in i -t in - ii t . In view of this fact Mr.
H. nnis has lor years locn working on
a m. !i 1 of a new furnace, which with a
moderate nmnbi r of men. can turn out
a I tree iUantity of pure mercury, l'or
tho heat .mi loth sides. The heal in
the oie tower is not permitted lo run
nd ill tt ii iti through tho ere, hut is) reg
ulati'd in vaiious iones at lived relative ures, nr. I is under remarkably
petted control of the operator. The
arrangement of a series of primary mi l
-.icon. late combust ion chambers, instead
of the usual single chamber, is iini.pie,
and pi rfortus the function of Joi'tiring
pct te. t con l ust ion ii. 1 1 only of the fuel,
l.ut of all oigmio matter in tho ore also.
Tho result is absolutely soottos con
.lens.. !-, and a smokeless stack. This
tcatinc removes at once one of the most
annoviii; an.l fniitt'id sources of loss
in the reduction of ipiii ksilv er ores.
While the IV mils f urn. no was do
signed pinu.uily for .pncksih or, tl is
(l.iinud that it is i.pially adapted to
the roasting of other ores. If it shall
succeed in ilftstg avvav ivith our sin.'Ko
rtSi . b ltd- l&frl )rr -rfl B
T'r zsrr. ........ .
. " " . - f
1.0 NOON U. 8. A.
To go to I, on. loii usually moani a trip
across the pond, luil . l ) wgonlana it
means a trip to Cottage drove, and
thence . staee a. loss the lulls and
Valley s to London, Oregon, a distaili'O
of some tifloiii iinl. s. whete, had Police
do Leon f, nin I tho springs that there
luitst foith. he wool I sorely have do
elated that he hid I.. mi. I the upritig
that g ive what is l . tter than eternal
youth health.
The On i; oi tm i ll Spiing. near
who h the t. u of I. ..ii. Ion is louated,
have heell known f i yens to posses
many healing ,ir. lutatiM- viltui's, I. lit
like other nitnial ehaiie.s they waite.l
on tho hand of in in ! maVe them avail
aide. Some two y.ns ayo I inn were
developed o tin- ete,ti,.n i.f , unm
iiio,Ii..ii In. tel. htlli and other
no. isH.iry I nil. lings to Inn' a resort
for those who ate -ulti nng from lh
ails of lit.- conl.. Hal. le hotel has)
l.eeti i re. ted, whi.h has ti..( l een lari1
onoiigli t till the neels ,.f tho many
travelers, si that a nr'ul'.'i of splendid
tetils have e oh year hi t n erected tin
I . l the shale of the III I g II I lice u t i r
'lies w I oh make l forest I hero. The
;..lthltig house I. HI. i I e.p.lpped, aild
I he - . .ii nd -. ale I; Me ! l,.pt
The w.itei has l.eiii found to possess
.. i emarka Ide effect .01 persons tlotil led
with 'sui and siomoh and kid
Hi-, tiouldes seem o ii Id rapidly to
the. r power, relof I't-ing oltaiiie.l il
most from tho Hint mo. The wnteri
are it grout tonic, containing lis they do
rich Humilities of iron, and have In
coiiseipn tice .ough( Hiich a demand for
the water that the Oregon Mineral
Spiiugs AsMocint ion has found it tieoes
nary to cstaldish a largo lilid modern
l.ottling plant, with n eni I'oiiator,
which, while n large plant, has l.een
entirely insiilllcieiit to supply the do, and which Is taxing their utmost
eii.eaors in order to keep puce with
the deiiiiind for thw waters.
The managoim nt is foituniti' in h i
ing a situation natuially ideal for a
resell the liiaguill.-eiil forests, I he
rl. ill in. .unl nil stti iiiii, the lear pure
an The hunting an.l lislmig fa. ilitiw
ate ulKiirpasK -.1 I'veic nio.lein con
i ni. loo is at hand well e. pupped .le
pilitmelit stole, post ..Mice, telephone,
modern nat.i and siweiage M-.teins.
Thai t'ollage Clove should he I he ell
ttan.-e wa to such a splendid health
resell, means mm h to the town an. I
vicitiilv. We hae u.. only il ilclight fill
uii.l restful pi a. e to leer, peril o, I. lit wi
han the a.U anl ice of (he retiun II
which is gained l-y it, lloin each and
l Very pilsoll w I... goes there, lol to go
Oil CI . IS 1,1 0,0 U O I I II
a .- ( ma u n:i no 1
Hut the apiing is found nt last.
t'otno rich, come pool, collie peii'ianl,
Ui-iwiv your v igot past.
The nitist Naliil. lent his aid to lean
til'y the spot,
While man his l.i ( deviers lend, the
pall. 'ii la. kelh tod.
The Spring is found goii,
At Loudon t 'w l 11 he Mi-till,
"el olf he I I 1 1 ii , I ol -u e I i rove,
'" t IV el V I. S op t he .Ileum.
riiell si. i K e I ho ,lu t f i .on , , It out f ei I ,
If. i 1 1 is ft ...n oil v .on mind,
I '. O ! In. I e ill.. ,.. , lo'.e I heir BO'I I .
I "y pep i i of all kind,
I.' h. ii iii 1 1 ii i h. i e i a ft luii a I a - i ,
l I no M I h. II V i,'.. lilol.
I lo V Mi I I to I e V I I V III I Id,
(lie till' VI It 'I I i . 1 1 II d ,
I he , . . I and I h. I. I. . lid u il l
Son in ii w i ! I In ii t hi i r '.land,
I l I !ool ale I 'pell .ill he ! I Ilie,
h ' I . ' 'l I ! I ..' - e s ..' I
I n ta t this i . h.
. . l I . . 0 II . I
I "I V .III II . : i
.1 "II I,
..I I
1 ."I. .'. u in a . ...
I 'nlli ' he I., ell i ' ' "I ' . ,
S.,uKl,t In and in if t.. Int. I a spun '. I ' 1 ' 1 youth lliljd'l lie'.' I. eoie. J 'I I" "' '''
II, -I'gl.t ill V lin. Ill I died III ll"-, j I " Loll, Ion Mm. I
t will.
V .'. -t
v . -.' f "'.-ii'iVfcii'iy.v . -5 . - ..- it
The Black IUittc Miniiii; Camp.
been. For s-nne years
known that the Cascade
mountains contained in
large riunahar deposits.
neen work
amount to
it has l.eeti
and Culappoia
some districts
which have
1 somewhat. Lut it did not
ni'.L-h untirtho Black Kutte
Quicksilver t'otnpaiiy oltainod the jrop
eriies now o. orated ly them some five
years ago. which tiiv are controlled by
Mr. W. i. L' a nu tallurgist of
many years' pci in this w ork.
To say" that ;!;. Hla.-k lUitte mine hits,
fair to become, the greatest quicksilver
mine, ii roit i::.reusonable, when the
vnstness ol' the present ere bodies are
considered, :.Tid the amount and rich
ness) of the ores r.ow ready for treat
ment, through the 1-1,im..i feet of devel
opment work which has been don".
Specimens of the or run from "0 to 70
per cent pure.
Mammoth Ore Bodies.
The magnitude "f the ore bodies can
not be appreciated v. nt il they are seen.
The creBt of a ridge rising 17Z0 fct
above the level of the creek, has man
five cropping continuously for a dis-
the past year he has been operating a
working model of which was on e.xhi
I iti. .ii at the Lewis ;ind t'lark fair nt '
1'ortlatel, and which altractvd the at
tiutiui of inventors and mining nan
the world round.
In the new l'etmis furnace, a perfect
roast of the ore and nomplete volatil
ization of all values ij sveured in tbo
r.-markal. ly short time of four hours.
The cubical volume of the ore of
a 4o ton Scott-Huttiu-r furnace, interior
dimensions, is -i'u4 feet. A Denni fur
nace with an ore tower having an in
terior cubic volume of 3'.hit fot, would ,
give a capacity of 'J 40 tona per day. it ;
a ratio of six: to one as compared with ,
the oid types of furnace.
The secret of this large capacity is
partly duo to gas firing, and partly to
the method of applying the fuel gav
to the ore, by which speedy absorption
of i he heat utiitj i -i accomplished, aril
a perfect desulphurizing- and calcining
obtained. The ore ii spread upon the
hti.irtti sit inches deep and is exposed to ,
sta.k; e. i,se, bulky and lab. .rate
dust ,1. audits, an I the secondary pro
ress of tri'.Uirg 'lue dust, (It-., il will
find a hi. Id ot usefulness far beyond
the eiiginal lives and .Usins of the
1 1 is t he ! :au .-f t he c.-tui.aii v to buil I
i.irly in II, e ptirik: a la'-e plant i ll the I
urnd- 1 of the plant wholi was on v. I
hiiitooi at I 1 1 ! n-1 . and to have it
m r..utn:.ii i i t r 1 i t .re the fail. The
hii.k are already burned for the fur
n.i'.e, and the ground is I i ing prepared
for the construction wmk. When thii
plant is completed a 1 irge force of men
wi'l le employed and a treat industry
ni l le in our midst, and one of which
w.- i anii 't hi ip but be .roin I, for not
ui.y .!. we r. -cognize the merit of t lu
ll e-.v i i. vi-t.t i, ti. but the whole nation
an i woid ; The I'ntc l States govern
ii,i i, has rop. -hd that the model
plant, i s hihile i at 1'ortlan.l, be pre
sented f,.r a permanent exhibit in the
National .Mi,euni of Art and Industries,
an lo.tior which certainly means much to
Mr. Pnnis.
The Oregon Securities Company at
the end of its year's work feels a just
pride in the work accomplished, and
trusts that in another year it will have
a etill greater showing. Foremost
mocg the large mines of the Uohemia
district, not alone for its large hold
ings, but because of the great amount
of development work done, and the
records of work done in past year, stand
the Oregon Securities Company, a cor
poration owning the Helena group of
claims, the Mnsick group and lie
Champion and limadway group, which
202 Pounds of Yellow Metal.
opi rated only for tight months in tin
yi ar on account of the heavy snows,
which could only be obviated by ex
pensive show shod, which the company
doe not feel juMified in building, nor
will there be any call for these ores,
as the mill can be run to capacity on the
ores already developed in the Champion,
which is the present sourie of supply,
and which has been paid largely for
the vcrk done on th'-m.
While a grade for a surface tramway
has been constructed part way to the
Helena, the further construction and
I 1 1 1 1 i .111 lit of Sllch a line will del.elol
entirely upon the future nee,
large territory opined up
Urn. fi..iu tin- simii ova
f ace, and w h ile pr.o t iealy
ore has b' i n tn at. 'l at t he
amount is broken nut n
next summer.
In August of this year
was made w hih- tipiai-itig
els nine and six in t he I
from w hich ores have been
yielded d, ric g the m. .nth
although only a . i t o.n
stall'I'S Were Used, Tr-
gold. ;
i :
-t III e
- I
ma I. v
i to the si, I
none of tliis
mill, a 1 i u'
ady for u-e
a rich strike
between lev
,. iii.pi. .n, and
taken whii n
of October
of the total
y pounds of
pound, in.ak
of Uii' Troy
! October.
this ore em
returns are
ta,, - .- . t -.- i j - . , j
t " -- - - .-. v, , . :. ..
"f, k-" ' - ..-l-..'-;i -. I-.Cj I--.1: .' j r. J -":-
si: --.-jjt :r..?v i---i ' : W y-i ? -i & t v-t
.. ..v. ;::..- ;'..-' -.,'y- ... , . . : '.'
., a,k si.i.-w-ri0 a ,
.. : ' t ''sl.liw'.:- .:' .-.
-?!". -.-'in '-".;''"''''.'., 1 I '
i k ' 'k elkr ar, ,,-s.' -j'
S C ty-
Interior ot Oregon Securities Co. Stamp Mill and Tramway to mill.
aggregate in all 55 claim11, nml some Sod
acrca of mineral bearing hind.
Tho work done during the pat year
Las bequ largely development work.
An electric tramway has been on
structed from the Musick Mine to an
upraise, from the main tunnel of the
Champion, a disrtanco of one and u
quarter niilett, for the purpose of econo
mically transporting the ores of the
Kusick mine by tramway to tho mouth
of the upraise, and thence down the
tunnel mid surface cable tram to the
mill for treatment. Thii line can be
j ( h niipion and Miihick, and the limited
capacity of the mill, prevent the opci
ation of all. The Helena will be fur
j thcr developed, awaiting a time when
the present ground is worked out to
such an extent in to jimtify the opeia
tioti of the mill on Helena ore.
Tiie upraised in the Champion upprox
1 imate Gut) feet, completing the comuc-
tion between the different level of
the Champion and the Musick.
i I'praiseu have been completed in the
LvJusick mined from the niith to the
deeond level, making complete couuec-
'I he policy of the manager is to nin
timie the development in every way !
increase the ore supply, and to make
the mine a steady producer.
'1 he Lot that Mich a riuantity of
gold has l.ei ii produced in two montliM.
and from the concent rat id of which
ore, iinu h more value id vet to be ex
tracted, tend to greatly encourage t he
miner and inventor in milling property
in I'oIk in ia.
t-v..s,t..i '., ...-.-. if" - ' -,: vl5 i f-r . - v s '' ' '" H
t: ' ' . "-""ii ., ' - s.'v-?.-,. ,, . ,'v. 'jri-ir-... fc. , ,ws'.
- T. - i . : ' J . . . s, V "' i .
'' ' i. .r.i. . ' . '-,"-v hvm
'S ' " - , ' ' ' . i .
IJr,.ve,;',.--;. - , J
t ' . W K 1.
; fm'- SV.-.A. -s . .
' . , 'i.i -, V'
KU.iiwiiiiSii,iiu' -(-. y --1 '.':'-.'' i i
iievi .; ..--..vt.c
.-t' Cv-
- .Ml
The Pride of ( Mvon Mount Hood.
'V'- i--,.X ,i.l,,!;".l''.:-,',V
- - . . - '-v
I 'Vs.- "
lb' ' ---. Vs. , .
Irv .' , r. ; '-:,s-4- j . -
''iii JS rl .j-ftliibii.
Tin: wynni: iLnnwAiu: en.
i. p. i
Scene oji Kow River.
. , . . j'. M .! .''j-:'e .V.i'i'M: .'v-V.- .."';:','-
'. " ' . I j",'.'V'.-i.'i' 'i'...' . ; "v'V.
i y. r..i,c . .- :'' ' ' ;
tt.s "'. ;
' . ' ;,r;;iv;-'j c-
Hfjliemia Scene.
'' s ;.,::." . - -4, A;;so;v..-v.,-s';'J?--'i'' . u
-. U . c-l-j-ri!. . Yr' t , - ,;-'-i-v;e ' 1' i - . wj
. . ' l4-' J ctt.-.s. .H. ...71 Cfm9. kJ
XV r i
1 lie U h . I I .. I i a . .
! one ol' t I ,...(. mi. I
: v dv . .i : 1 1 i i i in ' ' toll i i r of
' tin II nut l, I'll I V. I-., si , I, t I ! . 1 1 I'll. I ey
' I. .1. Veil ! I . j'': ",l-i;. .!.. . I
' I I. i pi, .. i.: i , .,, .,.'.! ni. i I.,
Ml Half. V . ei- i , , I ! ' I I oil .ling
ll'itt -U I i Ion ' "i s in , ., ! - I, .p,
on M.ii. 'i I '., I 1 ! . w ... re a n i i -i r
si to K o I" h - i . ! '. a ' ' u i ' 1. 1 pt ; n-1 I i n i, i n
and p I a in l.i li ,' ...ilo I on. Ilo l'i'.,,,ss
was cat i od on i i i v i '. to -i 1 1 i .o t
I list oi e i -., a I. ' I o .oil.. ! ii , In p . I 1 1 , . i 1 1 lit
buyer i, .'Hid -is ;. . .,i-.. .j I. Il.'i' the bllM
in k n nv to s . . i, ..a i i , nt that "ii
.1 .iniiary IT. '., I In- pt. .tit ! k
collipai.V t..,o , V, It" 1 1 lllllMO.ll.ltc
ly in. . v I 1 1. 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 o , -1 1 o i j i j n
tioV ... . I pl d . i to 1 !. . ;. his I e, o ,,, ,'
so et'owde, I I hat I lo I .., ,i . . d
Itlole I on 111 , '. I, , . ', , . ' I , I in the , I ill
I I'Ce ,t I V 1,11 V , Il i' ' I ' I 1 1 ...III lie t
door, for a .' :. i t .-i. !' one .IV"''.
Tin- a n in- i . I i -. . I i .,: I !,e ace. on
lion I.I t lull I I In a . . e . I !. I in 1 V .
The linn is :i . i . i I' I , la ii lie Hot
alone iniio i -' ' -i.pp;,. , I ,,t .'miiiii ina
ehinerc, an I ' p.i ti h'liolle a laro
part of Hoheii.i.. ' . 1 1 .i l. i a t hat line.
A. i . i h.i a. j- . !. o i i men u ho
beileve I 1 l! t . II. .i e II; oil ' one t'lllsf.
spend il . and to llo.t nd, his lirst.
Hulk III I ol I .1 . e I I o i e. alter I 111- III''
1 1 1 i ii i ol 1 1 Id tin I. h lei bull. ling,
W I- I O I 0..'., , oil .. I . Me III o III V III
I lis lelillinr. nial.iuo ..I it a o I h"'el.
t O.v i iig lo the i ! in on in I - hi p of
I he hot el I he .1. .11 e ,,i I e ,, o , e I 1 1 II .' ,
M r 1 1 rah. 1111 I c .ml I; ; in cha -n il I ho
lease on the I en t t 1 1 1 1 ..1 , I 1 ,1 i I 1 1 n ,',
V. hi. Ii he has po I hn, do . I living up,
having made a Inge olli.e out o' three
looms, install.'. I ,,,i. t 'iiwav, and
' let 1 ie Ii ;h I -.. a ml niol.rii bat II and
I I 01 h i I 11 1 1 il ii .. .e i l, . pa pi ring 11 nd
pa int ing I he u I.,,! -i le ,,f 1 he build
ing, and refurnishing with new carpels
I. i ds, in.illii'oi , ,ni. I , e.. ling of t he
lest make. Tliei,. aie Ii, nv some .'hi
lirst class looms, well heated and light
ed, a lid one su it , with I, a I h. The
j eiisine i-. evielh i i. ,nd Mr. I.i'ahalll
'is having I In- . i i-. . 1 1,. 1 1. .n 01' ha v ing
made the best hotel the low n has ever
en jiH ed.
One ol I he III. 1, 1 nee. Hid i liillts-l rii'd ill
liny town of life and a divity ia a plan
ing mill, where window ., frames, iloms,
mouldings, (inning. an, house linishiiig
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lit, ile., may be in ned mil, and
j f oliage tiiove is particularly foiluuuto
I in Inning such an e d a bliali ment in our
town, operated l.v a t hoioiiglily capable
' mill man, in I he person of V. II.
i Al. rains.
I Mr. Abiams ha , had u lifetime of
experience in this kind of work, and
realizing the al 'a nl ages a ml opportun
ities before him, some years ago opened
the present plant, which has been m
cieaMed I111111 time to time. The mill
in it self ia a tuiilding lilt x lull, the en
gine loom adjoining, JO x .riH, mid a dry
kiln installed ;M a t-epaiale building.
Mr. Alliums given his personal nu
perviHiou to till the work, doing much oC
il himself. In limes of great activity
he employs a iiuinl er of men, and full
dlantly has eiiouoh v in L on hand tu
employ several helpeis. This past year
work has bei n bettor than I ho prev'ioud
year, mid .Mr. A brains is looking for a
blill better year inn liulcly before uh,
-Uohemia Sawmill.
'i i