outh Lane County. I I tr.i r.tx.snr.sii.xxarvmrtixm i wm COTTAOU GROVK Hi ('I! 'ii"' I i tnvi III I .1 ll ' ri.'l li I , I ioti i.l IIm' ;'., Ol.'.M.II , .-.lit I III Hit nut I'm i'l il 'I'm I ill Pi.. .-.ll 'ill. mi. II inn Ihriu I, 1 1 I S HIM"' Ml 'I' I II ' I Illy III Hl' Hill.-. I ln" jinn' .1 I'.li'ili.' iin-l 111" lit ii ihiUvivm. 1 1 1 .' l ii i r'ii nr. Kin ii i !' tin' I'i'.iiit lllll is ii Ii Hi'- i '.i.r t I ''ii k 1 1 1 ii 'i i ' , .ml u 1 1 h t V- i . - r j ! rt ii.l i n it .i "I i rt i ii 'v, I In ir I I II I ll'lil 1:1 i 'I .tll.illl t i in I i mi ).; n :i I I . N ! 1 1 in I ' I ill in III... vnti'. I .y tin ; (!".. i I ..I t w i iill li, i til mi' li ii. I "ii i I t Ii i ii' , Ii ml .i t i," I i, "!' " ,r . Ill' v. "I M. ,' i . it in mi: hi lt' n iliiw ii in i l iii (lii iuli welrom I'r'ini mil- iln.ir j.ii'lt. J inn Mlu'k ,;ray, nit lln' iiiililiiii in f.irtii, llii'lr jni"t u r-H ill n :iy f, i' l n. i it I tiiiivn 1,,'H K I diaiiia'', 1 .1 1 1'. ' I Hi irr,i;'. hshIi iii, it nivity ' twin ..! Hiil.'i wuiln iiiliv ryiiin j 1 1 - iiniii nl ,i i n ; 1 1 1 I l'i tin' riiiiiiiiiniT lit. iniir m. Mn.lv li;ii rat'-:, t J I tywlrm t-i n H ml II' .1 nll'l i. 'l f.'llril lv IIm city. 'Jin' ilniH an' villi !kIiIi'. with il' tii.. lilil i mi l ru'Tiitly willi aru lii lil i ' ii .M.iin ylM:1, wliiulk leld niii'li . 1 1 ' I I I 'in I I "I I I I' ' I t.i In' HIM I Ii'' . ll v . II Ml'' . ,i I . I' II. h .1 H I 1 1" ' III. ' . In, il. in.ik. .i,'i..'.i f.l 1 1 il i "t i II ml. i ..'i I i in il il I In , ml lulu it i..i ", Li in ' I !,. ..' i ,, n Hi. .1 y ; I IU i ll r ll V .ill I t I. ,' ll. , I "I l ,," I ii'l. hip. it il.li. ! I'll I'll" 1,1. ll 'I'll" ,'.,, I, i him 4..-I all nl ll,,' l.i 1 1,. i ii . Tin- In- :iiiihI, III j., I. i,l Ii i. In i II'., i I in i'l.- I I :n -1 in i , I, "ii in- will I I 'll nl I l,i- t,,f. ii .il I", I w I.'.'l .- il in -I .i iiMiir nf tin- i iii -' li'i'tl-i ,'iri- 1,1 ,U ill ll," III,.' r in I'I'iy lllll I - III riilifi' Hi il If. 'I 1111' I, I'll . hd III lllll cvi-r V Ml, I'" 1 1 , i I. 1 1 , : 1 1 ; ' I I -. I lnt u lii ,f i vi-ry ii i rijitimi I. Thtf Jiii.lllll'ill m nl ,4 nl",nt I,','"), i n :i '.III I lin I n II I ln ,, 'i ii ill I," Ml, -I iii :i I. I'll tlllll'. m, ii mi ! 'I i n;; r, ii, ii I I M ii-l'lin il ' 'l' u li i f.H in 'i'i'lii':t fruit, :i 'i'l i 'Inly v '''":'. ' '' ""' i'li-iil 1 . 1 1 1 y i ii" ii ii-l 'ii- i ,l til"' lull' III '! " ' I'll III" lllll 11 ' 1 1 1 ll , I ' II I'l, 1 1 ll 1 111" I'l'1 ll I ' ' I I.l I M V. I ll i n " run Vl'l 1 1 n 1 1 i in I mil ii ' ill N l 11 III i I I'l i I I" III' l'l','ll,l 1,1 Am! Iii.I,1 I , ,1 111 P I '" fl ' lull, ,,l' !,,li. lint eat".''-Hi-r,,'t, nl,, in, 111, 'I V.I'-' I'.'l-lj.' I I. ('Ill I lH I "II' I I li, ' 1,1, ll'l I ', I II I II lllllllll. Hi. I- .-ll , tli" i il.'i.'l '' " '"' , IV', H t , lin-: I--,' i! Il Mil I !, li I ! .1 -I, I 11 ll'l 11 I .1,1 , , il.t I 7, l! t I ,"k" C'T III I III li'-l-II I. "Ill' "f'll',1- II,' .1 'H ' f I I I,"'- ,111" ii, 'I ',!' i in .-. i r i ii . :,!', i . I I," :!. r t li" " Cl.,'," ii ' I '..1,1 in i:i .ii I ,'i'l, r , "i . j, i , i, r" ',,.,1. IVr . i ,!"' ;it, ', i MMMUl'-'l I,,',-! .ill, I i V '.'V' . it'', ' f: ;.i , f-i '.t'- '-. S .;vr . --.f.r-i , M. Jl U. ' 14 - . Our ! '.(.in I 'In I Town. I loniemw 1 v IViii ktidldni -I I-. .,;','- I. Ml.ll i,l,' I 'll'l lll-lil M ill I i I III' li ft I Ii iiii nw.i v A I '"I li. i -, "D ' I'm in ,-t ,i i,-" i ii li rii.i in ( ', ,l tii" ( ii in , nl i 1 , 1,1 iiii-i i-li.-i ii-1 1 I- hi Iii li. rkl,.!. r. Mr. I.iirklml.li'i tl,i' Hi II I l Mil II, lll'l I , I III' I ill, I l-.llll" tU (.'ill- liii- (li'iiw all , ut 1" .M ai"iin iunl -hi'ltlv .illi'l iv.'f'l i-l.,',,i-.l ill I iIi-iiii'm-llliMi..l. 1!. I.cwl.-. vl"i u(li-riviir,i mi!. I IiIm intriiHti l'i ilr. V. I'. lii'iiiii'i n i . IIiImIiiiu iiiiitiirn il Hi" l,ii-ilnm f"i 'i i'l .il "in wlii-n Mr, I i lli.-l. 11 .11 111, 'I .1 ,i,"i-itiiill l.lli'l"'! Iii iii In Si-. , llii- nliiili I," !' i tin : 1 1 1-1 id f.l- ,,r. ilili' iii'l .if him I'i'ini In li,"k Ht"iii.ii ("T ii l'iii-r, li;.-li In- Mum l', mi " I in 1 1,,- ',-i - i hi ' l i "I h"i . M i - l. l. 1 1 i-nii-M'. ay , uli'i w .ik a! t ! i .' 1 1 titiii-"l. I'll,'". I iii ih" I'lai U-mil 'i lin-i-ii, hi. .Sin,-" tin- !;i t i-ha n" in tl"" lit lit i .1 v 1 1 m i". I ii 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ii ,i i- iit",ut .if n.:" it l,n i.ri'lu nijiiil iiii""- nii'l l t'i'l.'iy il'iin lili r 1 1 ' 1 1 li i' ' i l-ii-.iuM-'I I," li I III li"l i ml V Hiiili" 11 "If I " II' I'llviiiK nll'l t i ! i ll nl 1 1 1 I '. 1 1 i i - l ilt ,!"l'H .. I..;; I'," S.,iit.,n, I; I III- I' ,1 I 1, . ! I l III I" lllll" In,.' IihIihI rirh "i -il-I t!n V ll I'l i f. ,l. Wl .i I' I I I ,;ili V lil - '!: .,l I Inn I ' M 'i . 1 1 1 , 'I i 1 11.11 .,11,1 i',111 kll III: I i- .nl, .("l I'M ,ti"- iiuli I'. I, i' l- I " 1 ll'l llllll I i.i, I I,, -, hiinlii'i', i l"., 11 ll I: I .li i','i- Ininl'iT I ! I-. iii'initi. I ll I In I ni- , ,,ii',r.,"1-' fur i.ul . , i ; I. . ...I l: I tin' UM.'l.f W.Hi'l ,U,C' 11 '" Mi--i. Ilr ii lcai:t); ti ll I nil"" Si I t I Iioh. K Cnmpbt'll. A HtM" ulii' ' I'l- ! k '.III t' (1 -'Il'.-'l l.ane County: I ,.'u,i ' uillity in In' iiti-' ill the :tl ti l of WchIitii Oicjioti, on tho lino w h"i" il l.-j tii'iUn r "tn vi-t" nor "too dry ' uii'l nj'ivi tin ivTiiir;' aniinul iH ")'ll;it.ion of thlrly-llv! innln:n. It Ih tin- nrii- ii't wh-ri! lifltU17il ((iii'liihim :iri' l li'iil, vhi;ro tuu may f. ll t III- Wll I III HI HI I ll Willi) t of tin; win- ti-i mi-iim',11 iiinl tin- I'u'il M.'i-iin hrH'zii In c.ulliy mi m rm-r, whi-n- h- niuy hrcalhc tin- fnii.iiii i- of lh- wlhl rtit hloornlni? hytli" Miiyi'iili- nii'l the Mi'i'tit tit tii: ' h.( I" Mo'iiii in -.rim,or tin; npi-'i' of ci i'i wi"' m furirlH, when: Ik; niuy feat ! lo Ih" full of tin- ItiMi-Wiiirt frnitH of -llllllll"!', IHI'I (.'llllli-, I AlllllMi. I lin- .'(iin iii of Lati' ! oiintv in valley or I,', li', in liui'l. Tin? soil Ih an rich in : inn li,- f'linul mi'li-r tin; canopy of; l,i;r."ii, ifo'liicin Krnln, fruits (iihJ 1 vi'"t:iiiii--t in iiiiiiiiini-n ntniri'j.'inin-. 'I I, c ii iiiniii'li-t of tin; territory of Um county si ri tclirM au n y into rolling ami fi-idli-f ,i,lh!IN, nii'l then into ru'cl iiioiiiitiiliis. Itoiintifiil crois of nil Iii ml :in- ijrdwn year lifter year on t h"h" f.iothlll fJiiniH, while thu nioiin i in n i .it k'i-H fu: ninli n liiiiiilatit tci.iri for j 'Mm- i-turk . In I .am- county hill'ln the watvi'S of Ih" V j f la liiH ti- I f vl', fine of the most U-uutifiil riicl'M in (he worlil. It3 wli-ri .-iii' niii', colli iind Hparklini;, i "ii, in from 1 he Himw-capped nioun t.iiiiH through llii- chutim-l-1 of the iii.'iliy ti il'it.-nli-j that ilah from ev I I I Iii "i t i -. 1 1 lulu t he ralli-y. I IMItFli. 1 I In- ii in"fjial ri'hoiirci' uf the toiialy nl present i- tlifMuinU'i-imlust ry. Lane County I- I he liaiiner limlH'f I'linnty of 1 In--t ile, having J'l.iKW.IMMi.lHHl fi-i-t nf - taiiilin;' 1 1 mlier, ti i . cellar nlel hem I' i U. pii'iluiiiinaiin. All the liiulii-r l.iinl imhI lo tin- Ciiscaile Jty sefV", south In the siiinmit. nf the Calii,,,oia M'Uiiit.iiim. lies! l'i Douglas C,'iin' . atiil ii'iitl, t, the twentieth ,:uall"l -until of Willamette Mel hlian, 1 a No the upper Siuslaw alley, making a t,,ial a"iiiie of m,l Ii-sh than 17n,JOl. Tli" lifHt tmihi-r, hot 1 1 In niun- ' iii r ;iinl ijiiality, )h up near tli" heails of t he various river ami their tribu t.u iis. ami in the higher I'levutioiiB. 'l'liii in principally yellow lir, which , Inn n soft, line grain and is Bound anil j freo from defectu of tiny kind and snit- ialile for all manufacturing pnrpoHCH, ll while that low er down the valley-, al 1 i i i i in .. .. f....,. I . ( I n" ' I S 1 1 1 1 1 ' w ill JliJU-1 l ijlilllll,! ,i:i. Hum eoiiip.iriy here for tie' pr' v ioih t-l'ht yearn, decided to i"Miicii hi-i pofltl iti ami accordinnly thN w a-t comlilned with thee.vprcHH husi nc-i, which Iiiih I from that dale licen under th'siuati- Hement of Mr. Awhjey, whoexpei-t-i tocotitltiuo In i hiiti , iinle-M conl lu tied poor health compel htm t', s"ek nnother ellmatu ,r oci npatloii. Phillips And Whenlcr TIichi; i-ntli-lneii ar" pi ',in I i,i n 1 ten estate ineu. wlioje IntcreHt-t In tho town ur many. Mr. Phillip lnu heen In several difi'r-'iit huslness In-terel-j and owns much valuable, property. Mr. Wheeler in well quail fled for hi-t work from hi-j experience in MinntnoUi, with laro conccrri.i Ihet". II'! Nan oflicer In a rnimhcr of tompanl'M and N worklnn for tho proHjiority of our town and mltiCH. ' "J. : . " - ' 'V' ft. '"'"-l",r-. ' ... ' - I'l , ------ -- . - I -I; - . -. 5 Y h !'' "i ; ' '; '(- ? ...' ' '. 1 ' " ,, ... - - "-, -'1' .i'., m'U .r"-; -tr 'i'h5 I- I. Wheeler's Rcsitk-nce. WELCH & W'OOD.S ' m Wi li-h i W i.ni'l -i i-i li," "ii'y i,",,.-.- in ' t i,e city that cm, finis its 1 . u - i m- s t" ai liitliin,! a ml sIimi-s. an. I f r i n i j .:, ! !y '-r,- I-, t l"ili"Ti '-. at t Inn . :'' Tli" fi nn I'l'.i a !,!;, ii. vs i,i r mi " I tin,-,- M-iiiif a'i in a i:nll l,,ii l-Uii;; tiiis I -I !- ,,l I I," 'M--t',!ll,-". W ill- ll - 1 !.! M I",i small lor tln-ir n I-, in, I in-.-, --i tat". I li.i-ir lie nil, ! " lni''.r m : i it' I -, wliii-li Wfff fiuuiil in l!" i-t.'.n ii -iv '" tin- I'l.-.il M i , I i n t i-y. I'r "ii ll- i!-"---:it I i i mi !y l -l-ii1 ly t ,i"'ll'!.' til'- i-!l -'. W'MI, - ,-a ri i'-m Mr. W,!'-i el -ll,' ., I II ill t1," r var id M ,' -1 in- a 's a mi children 'a shoes i a iialive Missuurian, an't show him, lie has l"f!,iii' and shoe business i in -i i-,,i-ij.i and Port s i a V.v,z ii" for a year be-in-re. aii-l is !n-r.' because a I'm.- t"nt iii-' of the town Ohio man, whose over by tlii'v a, to t 1 ciipii'.l iilii.-l, cation ami w lu'cli i mmiii la bi'i'll t-nlaroed t i a lin" I..' I .!;"."-. n n -1 ViciMity. Mr. W i ,'s an i,. a !i ii l'. ii!,'. I i.iiu. t Ill-nil di a'. I injury ul.ile 'tmlyinf; mcilieine, and rani" wot lo recuperate, and liked it - i 11,11 I," ii"i er went back. lie is a 'M"iiiin, in lo-l -e man, and the inauajer work it- aliiuidanco and accensiliility, 1m town is the ol;i- t i ! Mr. L.iiiiipi,i,l t the i 'inn r "i .Mam valuable for lumber, niliiin and cord anil -lid sti'it- whii, lie '-'ill con-i wood. The timber in most of this Wolh too -Ill'- Mill,'- I'll, 11 IIM'.illH I'V ilil"h lln-it ' 1 1 l , 1 1 1 , -1 - . wll, i have line j ber may in 1 1 1 ei it I he m-i-lie- , and nnv j lie v bill e a I, Hi, :li, i "I what maybe! called vc-.t p. i h i saw imiN saw ! iiillin. id Ih . I The liiiu l'"C" 1, 1 1 y pi, i ehiiMi-d a lot on ! :ti I X' reel where they will erect a laijjej ii iii i h, us,- .in, I as soon as ppmiK opeiiH, il i siali-d on ooi luilhurlty that they w ill cnl it-e their store room to twice 1 1 I i e en I -i,-. Thev are looking for ward to I i vol v times here next year and ii,- '."iii'; I" I,,' .il'icai! nith the tinieis Hid he al io t-i iiivoin in., date their In- !e poles a'l' C"IUCCll I i oi. era;;'- lut-Hics;, x oi hisnlier, ceilnr li il l 1' , i 'l m li i "h ln-i l"iie; r 11 Villi I ! ' n i , lii' li. ;,' '!;. ' V ft' ..'f.'.. k. ' ' i. t . i.i. S "'I i Wu.-V.&4ii -,1 region is very abundant, a vera)! in"; 1 1 on :i,").ihhj lu Viii,())0 feet per acre; a i tree three feet in diameter, often con taining lo to -.'uu feet in length of s;iw : t i 111 ber. ; The liiuihi r indu-tiy is still in itn In 1 hiiicy, there beiny; Imt two fait' -i.ed ' mil 1st in operation, with posmbly four i oi iiioie Hinnller ones, which cut prin cipallv tu-h. There Is one mill at Cot- laee t'iioM', w hich has not been in op atinti sineo the increased freight ratu .-ii lumber about two yearn a'o. It is ;i p.'rted that thin mill will be running sboitlv aftei the first of the year, and that iii all probability another mill will 1 In- built in the spring, will add niatrri allv to the prosperity of Cottage U rove, i Now that the freight rates have bten ! reduced and thu price of lumber ha ! '.uie up, iheio is futlicient money to he i iiiai'.i' ill (In milling biisinefiH to be a i.'ood imluci'iiieiit to men of capital. n, ir spa, A la i- lothill ' I' ten and an,! riv u. CI,Hli,"t-' f ii i n isi, i n " s i i i- t In.- hi, - liftl.- I i-i !,, S I 11' and int"ii'i.s to teach i I'mIIow in his foot- -r Company pin ticnlai ly lit-; him. H.i will alHO bus mi 1 cell timber I.iuil. Air. Campbell has a Uro ac- j quaiut-mco Avith consumers of lum- ber ami timber prtulufts. Ho has i beeu until recently president of the Commercial Club, ami is promineut in local affairs. Now l.rn. Drvi Store. ! Ilarrv P.rehaut who owns the .New Era Drug Store, which he 'opened about four yeara ago is a rus'ler. He behevei in not only handling Rood goods, but in having jood catchy ideas to attract. He is the inventor of that great health drink, so widely kuown 'Thosco." H. V,.., . Mayor Vuiilch is ouo of tho "Id tiiuei'H oi the town, 1 aviug b cu here for 1 2 years. He built the firnt ilour mill horo, which !utcr was burned down, in nl iO 1 ic.id by him with t ho piesciit building which he sold, after which he cngaga 1 in the hardware, business, fioni which he has now utued Uain;r the luisi ltens to 1 j in mmis. Tim nitiyor be lieve.' in only aeipiiiing enouKlt of the world wealth to enable ono to have nil (d the nci t-Pt-ities and a few of the onjoyiiRiitN and pleastuosof life, which having dono he is con tent to pfibH the i (ft of his days iu peace, providing his follow citizens are willing. He lias served four terms aa mayor, lie rc-prosonted thin district iu the Iouse. for one term of four yeatn, and Jmuiediatoly following twit tjrnis in the State Ronnie, inaUng twclvo years with out a break, which he snys he vould not Jikc to have to do again, lien. Afavor K. M. Watch. A Well Lighted City. Ostrander. Ih Dmbar. The Ostrander Brothers con duct the oldest shop iu town hav ing been in their present location for a number of yeara, and have worked up a steady trade, that keeps them both hustling. Wells Fargo and Co's Express 1, T. Awbrey, tho present agent for Wells Fargo & Co., 1ms represen ted tho company at t'ottago Grove since Kecomkor, 1S1K5. At this tune v sff i-.--'.'-J '-, - Lg i -TV;. v s -i I nil III IMir- Mr. LcRuv Woods and Habv. the exprosH business was handled mai mauv curs arc Miippi-u ... ou,u- i ri.x'i LmIiiauj nt tlio . flllV irom UISiuui hmuis, in. '"'" X I VU O lllUUivu -v v w - I J nl I iim tlrovd honntH tho hest elee Irii' service (o he found in any town of her f-le in the rtnte, U not In;tho West. II. O. Tlioinisoii, the present man nuer uf the Cottage drove Klectrie Co. purchased thu plant from V. 11 Aliiiuus of thin phii'D two yens ago, wince which time he has been con tl;inily lidding new machinery and e,uiiuient until tmhiy It Is olio of the hcit etiiiiped plants to ho found iu the valley, and offers better sorvlco than ninny larger plants, nud at nioro reaHonnhlo rates. During the past two montlm woveral mili'M of new pole Hues have been con Htructcil, unit uro lliihts liuve been In stalled ut every block on Main street, while the residence htreetd urn well lighted by Incandescent lamps' iilt'onlln the belt llliiinimithin peH.sl. ble for a email town, Newly Domiciled Hardware Mouse. The Griffin it Veatch Hardware Co. is an incorporated mercantile house of which llonr.y H. Veatclr is president. The firm has just moved into the magnificent new storo building crectod by Porter ci Stewart, and occupy a floor space of HOOD square feet, with two large warehouses of almost equal ca pacity. This store room has the most modem shelving, with hang ing ladders, and is the best equipped and complete hiudwaro stoic in this part of Oregon, and of which the county has reason to talk. The firm deals in heavy and shelf hard ware, logging, lumbering and min ing supplies, bup.gies, carriages and wagons, Coles air tight stoves, ranges, etc. Duiiug tho past season they have made record sules of Kmpire Cream Separators, and have handled a large part of tho plumbing business of tho town, i f which they nuke a specialty. They buy Hercules powder in carload lots, and sell in largo quan tities. Their stock of gnus, niuiuu nition, spotting goods, camping outiiits, is especially heavy on ft'-1 one half yenrx of faithful eervlco In count of the ninny parties that out- J jjie'lulereHt of the above companies, tit hero for trips into tho lulls. well nx helmr manager for tho The Klcur we Ell i power from the Coast Fork of the la made to hum, rigid hue, ai.d Willamette. They have the eonfi can't be beat. Mr. W. A. llartun;,1 j dctu-e and trade oi practically every and Mr. 1. C. Hausni, who own and ; person nnd firm in the town. Mr. operate the Cottage Oiove l'f nr j Hartung lives in a placo recently mills are millers id' ninny yi am of built by himself which is one ot practical experience in main : 1 Is, i the must beautilul homes of the and are able to yive the best tkmr , town and of which we show a pic obtainable. The local wheat i used j tute. Mr. Hansen is ouo of those is not sufficient for their needs so with tho S. depot; all the tralllc for both com panies being handled by one man. Sineo -which tlnio two additional men were addod in order to handle all tralllc of tho combined companies which had grown from about $1000 per month, to over $1-1000 by May, li)o:l. At this time It was deeuiou to separate the two branches of truffle, and on May l'Jlh of that year, the ex press ImihIuckh was moved from the depot to Its present location on Main street, near 3rd, in the building then occupied by the PostalTelenniph Co. The Express Company retaining the services of Mr. Awbrey as agent, who owing to 111 health was eoni- eompelled toulvoup tho station work mi in eoiint, of the heavy tax on Ids strength during tho previous six and During most, of th year they em ploy at least four men in the store, and probably w ill soon bo compelled to Increase their f'ree. Wi'sterii I'nlon Tcleyl'tU'h ( o. u!no during this time. Mr. Frank Jordan, who had beeu manager for tho Fostal Telegraph is a first class one, run by water modest men, who find thebatchelor's den very attractive, when not hard at work at the mill. - T --. t' . . . . . - . . . . . '' J-;'; "S'' .- Vo-': ," :- --. .'-y ".; i ' ' i : ..... . ' "fi C'1-- ' ' ,.-r- ,..".;.' iv '" -V ; --'' T5: ."".', -."-'r., mi .",; i k$r- ' '".''' ' t'' '. & '' ' ''"" '"'''-'' " T " . ' J j'. v "T Ivfl's.Vi .1.-..' '',;-' - 'Jw.: ... v : : ' V ' ft ". -til r-M"" f'.'-"''.,t,'.''C'V''.''- 'V'-'-:V-., J -.. v, ;'...''.. it . ,.. . ...;;,' :.:.:' .; 1. r k "'''-' ' '' i Residence of W. A. Hartung, i