& f ti m ww M Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of this Community. H el o VOL. VII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6,1905. NO. 46 59th C0N GROSS OPENS Speaker Jos. Cannon Re elected by a l.nrtfe Majority. Many Hills rrescnlcd. Washington, ! 1 At u o'clock Id lay i " ptc-nl'til J ' i i r 1'iuiki, calk '1 1 lie Nutate loonier, mid Cb .pl tin liiUtid livrjctl Hale Ulll'le Un- I III',;; pi.'IVri. Sixty- I'ilil hi n.it "M 1 1 ; 1 I 1 1 1 tin- r 1 1 Call. Si'Mtd IIC-V HI' IlibclM weic sworn in. A "iuniitb-e - is ap pointed I" (ad on tho 1 1 1 lie Senate n 1 j 1 1 1 ned at 1 llllllk of lesOect to the I it. Matt. "Maj.,1 Alex. M.DuAci:, tlio Iioiim called the h m t iiiid att( 1 the i" 'j 1 1 c th w as respi jIk!''I tu li" . ' 1 1 io U( tiou (,f ,i,i.( eil.i i l"' Uep. C'":1 " I 1 1 utfH. A ;: i M i tKf o t fii , th. ; I'T an ap r.., fl T till- l'a!l i:n.i ( iii nt n.ic: c.t : ns.u.iu st in lit jUeUioii'- Ij cn:i'' befwie tin' Senal . !v a t " h'lasbitiiili, i f i-.ii r ;i in -c i oiili n:. ituinh'iation, the I'anatnu canal and tin1 treatment d the CL in" r a-v pit Me ins Hi -l n H' to he dwelt with. The 1 ' i ' s i . 1 c nt's mi sf-.le lthe u' nutli. d mi 'I'm sihiy . i lie I Jn;.in St n.it..; s and npic M iin;ie i cp' t.ot picul and no H"-po: n.' is in. vln n ll,e iiunies ut M iti i.e'.l. Uiiil -ii. Hi iin.inii and WiliianiKiii were c died. 11 i : I ; ; lilt i: . i. si'luit. ..' tin . -r,.ib H I, il. of ' ther w hii li ' inbu s, k place l ly . ii-" - b' in.. , I I iiih lH.i'.l in day County, Kentucky. In lHH'.l lm came to West WiiHhinj'ton mid in IS'.tl i, I'X.t Va'.h;ii;:toii, wheie he wan cnacd in funning, In r.l'.l-' ho cum',- to this pint ol Oic fcf on iiml liaH npent the, last yearn of li in life in this vicinity. Ife is sur vived by lluce children, John Slid ham, a farmer ol Oicon City; Mrs. .1. W. Hrah'v ol Iho Dalles, Ore; Mrs. J, O. Hunter of Toppenbh, Washington. I'ntrol lllln I'olsonouo. Mr. Hairy Wynne i having a seriotiM tiino with his bund, tin the ns.ill of a nurot hile. Sunday while phiyin,',' with tlio lm I, which haw lately become the pel in the family it unexpectedly lil lnm anil swidlinr; iiinncdiiilelv en-ne t. In a ioil lime thi' hand becmi,e so had C0MMER CIAL CLUB Commercial Club Elects New Officers for Year, With A. U. Wood, President At the tnectiuf,' of the Commercial Club Monday night, which waH called to order by I'res. Campbell little hitsinesH other than tho elec tion of new officers waH transacted. The HceretRry was instructed to wiite to W. V. Cox, General Agent of the Chicago ,v NorthwcHtern It. II. favoring the advertising of ''United Orei-on" as a motto for 1 1. . t i.i i ...i ' I llfifll ll U l.l-ri, It.-I.' I.... fkll..lul-. . .1 I . Ml' I.l a . i tS I4 1 'l"'Hl.l.1 .lll'l iVt liA -- ii lJ Til l til'' Iclldl 111 (( Ml. It III III. , ' . I l.uiccd t u e am! Mi . Wynne pill in .:i I. 'id i ifht, Imi n im.rh l'(ttf) O'l Molnl.lN 1 lid Will pl'-hii'ly I'M 'HI ill .1 sii(,;t time V ti i.l'k it h ,1; ) :. I.,)-. tin!e Pcl-.rr the .,- fi r i day by a fitirgical operation at the j unlvorwty liospitnl, William Dwyer, in a momentary peri'd of control ; after b3ing placed on the oorratiug table had begged the surgeon to J kill him if it appeared that ho would 1 always have to be crazy. Two years a'o, in a smelter fur- j naco at Portland, (), Dwyer's fku!! was crushed, hcin hit by a Kid rail. After an apparent recovery! he became, a month nr;n rr. h; ' maniac, lu the operation it wn.-i 'iem u COUNCIL MEETING' 1 !. j I .' ie-c The Council Molds lb. Rc-ytihr .Monthly Scs-ioti. J l.e lO'f'ihir m'..ntii!v Btrated bin mental trouble was tn- ,t;.. c(,'j:;rii j,:tt Me-ti'h', tirely due to an abscess in l.i-s brain. . ti, lie. itibcis t.i.uut. o! t . ; .rL-'jce-'! inc nj 1 i of to '. ' esl-ibii.shnieiit of fire ar. ! :.;i- k;:id o! bail-lings to -n-tr'! -t 1 of Kone. brick or ee- c- 1 on :': i i , '2 and 3rd 1 1 ; ; , 1 1 a iiurubor of .;e objeuato tho coun- !.;;;; of a livery ' C-n f ; the resi L ' '.. li l is.- iii it uas vi;r ii had no ', -. I ' ..I v iceoutse ;.s cl'ib This was tmceeHsfully icinovcd and ibout two i ul-Lc i tliat t'jc ,1 - he v.y. A lie hole !e used on such On an informalballot tho following j ollieeiH w re declared elected: A. I'.. Wood, president; V. 15. 1'hillipH a oilver plate, H'tuare fitted in the surtreon had maue ;n the sku Then tho scali) wan Hewed in place. and the patient is well on the way back to lus former utefiilneFr;. Dwyer is v"je'irs old ni;! has a w.fe i e.i'l ci Uo:i of Aijer a r and afier a i:io! 'u:i i-c rea-ion and two children. o ' ! I o! n Hi it i iin , is Inaslf l D. I'. IS. !e ( 1 H!) V'lli I L'K i.y.uct.. : Cil,leC J Jlld,;e l.HieK ii, of hinha, Neb. , tiinn- CruslioJ I't Dotli liv a ! rttllna I rrn. Mr. Shadi' Stidh.un, who was head fallt-r for .1. 11. Koiih". met his duuth i ry Middo'dy on Uii lay evening. He was filling ttccs on the Coa-.t l-'oik ne;ix ''a mill. Two had fa!!' a aud the thiid was ready to diop, whetf Mr. Slid hani ntti injited lo ;;c I out i f its way by ctawliug Ixtweenthe fii.st two which wcio lying jiie acioss the other. Uebre lie could extricate himself, ho.w.ver, the third tieo Ml withaciah and eiushed his ho ly between th" oth'-rs, breaking I he four ribs- nearest tho heart, and the left hip. The incident occuned about o p. i.i. .hi I he lived until io in gnat NiiHi i ing. The dcci'a cd made bin home with I.ane SImt'i ide. lb; was boinin ; : : 1 1 ovMier of th" Cyiloiie mine, I'U'l nl I'-aker City, and Ulcetiical l'li.'inei i C. -I. I.ee, the inventor of thi; elri trie metal locator, have just binned a new company with a capi tal Mock f Sl.oijo.ooo, known as th" I'at Mining Company, which I'll-; taken up the Cuttia propc-ities adjoiiiii'ir the iitun mine. Th' v ! expect to find the continuation if Iho big Viituo ledge of lice gold. Judge Owen in the picsidmt and mamiger of the company, and Mr, Ue the engineer. After the final survevH, thy will. at once put IS or jO men to wotk and will sink a '.' by.iVfjoi Kiaft, "Juo feit, from whi h thev will run two crosscutH, One noil!), the ( ther south, pros pecting f.ji tlic Virtue ledge. I'.e foid his arrival. Judge Owen hail his men bnil-l a camp, bunkhouses and office building. t - . b:;t- vr ;-vf f . ' - S T. K. Camjibcll, retiring Presi dent ol the Commercial Club. Safecracker i. Get $h,000 c.l Koiosi Grove A wricked and empty vault, . ih surrounding lb or -iled with debris, greeted the ofiVcrn of the I"ari..' r and Merchants' bank of th.-i.iy when they appealed for duty ,.l th l , institution thiri morning. 1; .-ligation showed that the lobbe: - ha l maJe u complete haul, not a cent beint; left. The sum of fO ov i said to have been secured, dhe burglary was committed bet-.v- en i : and 2 o'clock thin morning, 'in-, trance was gained throu .'.i t:.o , frontdoor of the ollie which iiad been broken open with a crowbar. The robbers then dug out the left sido of the bank vault which was ; composed of brick, making a hoi.;' about the sixe of a stn.ill wn.shtnh, giving access to the sai'o within. This bad been apparently sur rounded with nittoglycfriu, ail the charge blew the safe al niu-t t pieces '!1 I.jI.iuI'-S wen A p'fi'.i -i; ! fr-:i '..r f ' h IV . ' I :.' V;,:ui; .fo- ( r o ' X. jX ic; if. i';i.' i i: :c- 1 t! '.. marshal 'jr ail firms on he ::i'.U oil the -i properties and '.Le city I 'ri-Ve. N'urs i.t t j urgo the : C: ir bdl lor - .;; !:-:,. The ; v. .l,; bills ill i,'. bit, county's a::iji;ut . i ..- -, a a I nuei ; j , :ia cb- i . or t! ... J.'cd :i were ordered t c tS. 00 I . , C 1 ' . s ' :c coii'.rac C"U:ic;b: ! ' ml i 'U : a -r ' i' :h-i-1 The liooth-Kc'ley Co. are about to diHpose of tlm extensive tracts of land owned under the old Military road grant, ut least the Kugene (iu.ird Mites that such in the case. Jim1 authentic their information is. is otto be s"eu. It would inan one of the l irgoM transactions HOeii on tlio coast for nome time. ist vice pres.; H. Lurch, 2nd vice pres.; Jl. e. 1 Iioinpson, sec.; jl. tiarman, treas.; C, V. Jones asst. hoc; i'ingal Hinds, Geo ! Comer, V, C. Loudou, C. 1. Han hen, I D. Wheeler, T. K.Campbell and Marion v eatch wre elected ' trustees. Injury on Heo.d Destroys Man' Keav ioni Now hols Re.pldly Re covering. Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 2. lie stored from what beomed hopeless ! lunacy to complete sanity yester- V. :4-"44'4" 4.v44v4-44v4'44' -4-v4'4444'444" 4444 444Y4 44"4w)f fir sir t f -ffi -TV f f f -rl3 f -to COf'EM'OLIS C O Ml' AN Y M.S PL.ACr:i OKDKK t Ol NEW AND DETTKR. MIL LING PLANT: MA. Duttler of theCopperu- polis Coni.any opeiftlnig on Dixie creek, said on his return Lore from the eatt t h a : he had purchased a 12.) coaceutra- with power Ij act. tor plant which would be shipped) Tho coiiLcil was re-oucaiid tu placa immediately and would be erected 1 au arc light at the corner of tua al- f the brkb- and Ma: .C 01, i-j ; or t'v nous 'hi-:;; ',.! (;tliC 1' ex ! i ! ! some tim.-. was t.dsi cd ! lei red t j fd' -1 -. A .1.-: is; cul.i L t.':,:;-.i 1 era! 1 1. lsJ and th ' 1 ' i , , ' u C . h.: i;. !:; l'Xi To !' '.V i '';.!', .ir- oi r .-c-r- ' '.'.' 2 oo J ii IV.,.'.:, re or of h.,.,e ut : :j 23 ; I". ! V.J..., .s.l.rv tdghl- i, H:L 2G 00 ih 1 l M ..iti:1, - llight- -'-a 3 oj II I-l Un Icriv .-..;. riir-hal. oo 25 V.V.... .v Vc .'... ii i v 7 01 (ViVVn .v V, -..AC:.. ill- 12 .' ii V; , , .. i ... 3 33 Go. L : w l . ; j VJ..1 ii 1 ) ou in 1 1 the- present Wc want your trade in the hol iday Fur nishing. Welch Woods ILocweaistcin Overcoats Warni Coatft for Cold Weather Full of snappy style and good wear at the mine ns soon as it could be j hauled out. The type of mill was not stated but that it would en ib.e the company to realize on the largo copper ore body opened up during the past three years. Tho m ui 1- ment tried a Wild pulverizer, ig and table, but found the plant in-1 efficient and concluded to make a change for a Mandard type. The small capacity of the former plant p'ace. It was ttiV; i .1 made clear to the company that to. i.-o run. hue. make a profit, the ore must be Ordinance lt. bem.; handled in largo quantities. to amend Sec 1 ol 01 JcV til IS f-kic. c street A1 ' 1 suilcu nt, ami a iishi::.; - ih " ; s :;f Iowa d fne in I Viicg ..gu. ... t .... 1 O.l.t . light was ordeie.!. A 3'-' c. p. elcctiij lili"!. d for on a si ret WeM ill; i-Lcx: Lv I litfhu ar the i-f'. iinatice e-.-t not 1 . i i-i..uVug Cu. wa ordered to ii.-t.-.li an arc 1-igh.t at the corner cf 1 a : 1 iKai'S Kriv'o to take the ;t :..e..f 1 v ; -:,.;:! hc!;, the bal ance oi' the t.p.:;s;.i lo be paid by A. G; ahaiu, under a yt ar's contract. A 1 ring o;i Maia street was or ueird iL-la.ie I ut tho de"ot. Ti.;c marshal was ordered to move rt: ii 11.11 ' 11 J. Whi.'...: 1 to the t-uet 111 . .1 lei w I i , in iv.-; i j ;uai l.: i he si .:: r.r ii :.iis 0.1 ci a-i-'u'd: Peterson'd place - property. The :d tJ .SUnrday i.uu I J-ie i i 1 1 1 v .1 le O. ..ia...i ory limit of length of a 1 je.it ion is 15'H) feet, a need nt be parallel, :r.ul elbows, exceed the m u -1 11 I2l',!slaf. T 'l )Ct444444x444'4 1 lommencing ssiiireay mtmm. T" ' r.' 1 - rx- tr -1? ar-'-as-' Br Ubv, 7 ill We will sell at Special Price the follow ing goods for one week only. Corset Sale. .fi lalTetas " o'Jc L'Oc " ' 1 lc $1.00 value S .So .;U wash silks " M'Jo 23c " 10c 1.25 "l.OO -To :'.5c " 2.c 1.50 " 1.20 Ladies Har.jkcicliicf Sale. :jpc Kid Gloves. l()c value .v 'v' " 1,1,0 $1.25Taluc ij? -OS l'o " t-i G.vcery Sale. 1.50 " 1 .10 -U " 1 - . 1.75- " 1,12 ;; for one week. Golf Gloves. ,!)C " ,c I'kv. eoeonut lOesi.e 7c 25c value 10c India Linen. " - 'JOe " l ie 35c " 27c 10c value So' Pickels 15c l,:e He 50c " ;JSc 15c " 11c " 20e " 1-1 c 75c " 01c 2t)c " Me Malanl l.c " He Mittens. " 10c " . JOe"' 7c 25c value 10c Ladies Collars. c 'n ' 35c 27c I'xccllent line to .elect SpK IOl Silk Sales. lVom. . ... $1.25 fancy silk for S9c 15c value 1.1c j Save money on these goods for one week $ I t )i fir t I I ! Br ttf T (lr 4r (if (If German, Hemerwa.y Leaders in Merchandising'. You save money t)f