Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 22, 1905, Image 1

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4 JL
Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Farming Interests of thU Cotnniutiiy.
NO. 44
And General Mining News
Gathered Prom Exchanges.
W. M. Jliiltlc.V "(lit up to the
Star mine Natmday wheto l.r has
men doing tho aMHCHstncnt work.
The word "T niul' ' is Indian,
and means wator brush, adroit
shrub whosn presence oitH t
moUturo in t lie soil In m "th
Lew LcRoy, mating 1 1 I lli" le
Roy Mining Co. cani'1 in h J'oit
land Tuesday mid will aimi;.e i t
once to push work on that pi"p' My.
Henry Veatch, and
Treasurer of the ! I i M 1 1 1 : "ii.
panj, attended ndnciti.iw nrctoig
of that company in I ai : in 1-iM-iy
Work will coinffieiu on tin- t . l
erty hooii,
The first 1 11 11 ix-I o! ,ui Laid 11 , 1 ;
in tho United SlMc . il t k n iwn
as the Auburn tunnel, mo Auburn,
Pa., built in IMS 'l. l. i In) Shu
kykill Navigation C"mp i . f"i th'
purpoao of wiiter 1 1 .1 nsj i I iM.mi t
coal. It was .'! ii - an.!
about 22 feet high by ab"ti' I , f i t-1
J, 1'. Kieliard"ti cane out t mil
Bohemia an I went i his Incur in
Drain. Mr. Kuh uilsn leimLt
some beautiful free u' dd vp nmoi
from hid "Onccn Tien" eiann ! n
ted in Eagle C.iil. li. II s .r. , h.
has a sale neatly closed for ti e
Eagle Gulch group, 'hey j i r i
the Mineral Spiingss ! dm , i,: the
Great Eastern Company.
Shipment "f anthracite coal 'Inl
ine tho month of September, which
totaled 5,oH2. 232 tens, slrwd an,
increase of over i mill ion tons if
compared with a sitnili ar movement
in 1904. During th" lit't nine
months of 10-5, shipments of this
comtnolity reached a total of. ",- ,
387, 810 tons, as computed with ,
42,179,888 tons in 1'.I and .17,0s'..
393 tons in I'.HKJ.
Notice of Stockholders Meeting-
Portland, Ore., Nov- - , 1 '.'.".
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Vesuvius Gold Min
ing Company will be h'ld at the
office of the Company, 508-0. 1'eu
ton Building, Portland, Oregon,
Saturday, December 2. 1905, ut ij
o'clock a. m. for the purjmse of
eleoting a board of directors for the
ensuing year aud tho transaction of
ri - ... Jk
14 ? .
tnK'h other business an may prop
cilyjho liiouglil iK.foio Haid meet
it if -
'. .1. 1 1 a h 1-, Secretary.
WIiaI ll 1'i.riUiid IcItUrant Tlilnkauf
A im in c the exc hanges that Hftw
in tint business tur n's excursion the
Ik e,iniiiiif; 1 if altera of better fr-cl-hiK
and ity in the wholo
sla'c wu-1 tl.t I'.ohemia Nugget,
which wilioined the I'orllatiders to
Colta'i; (If'ive with open anus. In
honm-nf Ihtit ai rival it put on a
IH'W (Ilrhs, ami 111 bright red lyp
att'l well ih",. it w.ids extended to
lh in the lie j itality of Katie county.
'I'lie Ntiefj; t is 1 me 1 ,f tin- cleverest
of th'- i t t ' : lui pajiei , mi l tho capi
tal displ ty it made ol tlie 'ibjeets (A
tin- 1 -v in M-iit did inueh to arouse
niti-ri it m tin it- nope mid plu:t in
t'i 1 i- 1 1 I'.i'lu m i t divtrict.
I.iVit I own f,l CotlAlt (ifOVD.
1 n ,
1 0111 -al
the home of
An I
r an 1 1 a i"
1 t la 1 c I
111 d I -s.
'It U e ( '.I'
l.'inmus Oregon
01 I 111 le
in le mi Mi er.
Uiio .Mi Htii vivor of old-Mi'-
train pulled into
ai ut I o'clock Here
lit' tnost interet-tiiig and
' In a us in the Willamette
it- me nlwavs uti
ami mo picpjtcd to take advantage
j 1
Vi v (,! s. , a t 'in it V to Im.tL-c Iheir
They have
and 1 esoutces known. ;
euiiitiu reial club that I
the envy for enter- i
nii,;iit Weil In.
i i'-e 1 1 a inn' h
larger place, and a !
IniiSM I M in I that is second only to!
tin- v. 01 1 -I -lami I Sotta organization
-at I, misi that 1, what one of the
w. 11 know 11 citizens of Cottage
ir.ive lu'.l mi-, mid lam not pre
p.ui d to ilt -j -lit-- him. Anyway, it9
cett.iinly a very goo 1 lriisn Inind
f)nr Own OroUeslr
)friormnice of the
ndicstrn, under the
Mr. I. uke Wools will
e (
be at tl.
cuttl.cGp,.,... house thanksgiving
ight.witha g.m.d dance. They
mlit, witli a gtmid dance. They
arc i-taetn in' eve:y iii-ht aud will
be in shape to tender very credit
abb' music, Mr. Woods is much
pierced with tlie work of the member'-
and says that after tho ball they
will tnkn no att entirile difTpient
class of
ic.tiKio, studying
a iiuiiiiior
or classical selections ol thn best
masters and will do well with them.
The meinlats of tlie organization
are Mr. Luko Woods, violin and
director; Mm. Thus. Conger, pianist
liny Hutchinson, violin; Lloyd l?is
hoe, clarinet; Mr. Roy Woods, tubo;
Mpiiili Scoille, cornet; and Albert
Grltlin, 2nd cornet and Mr. Conger,
trapp drum. Cottage Grovo has
good reiMin to ho tiroud of hor
ore hi stiu.
Prices from 8 to $25
Tlie way you
When you buy
H ill jg Illtilfll
A. U. Wood Thrown From Car.
All. WOOD, Superintendent
O. & S. U. railway, went
up to the warehouae Fri
day, taking with him Frank T. Cold
wtdl of tbe Iteploglo Governor
woiks of Akron, Ohio, and D. lien
Kplogle of Portland. Ii order to
mako the round trip in a day it be
came necciiSBry for them to come
from Wildwood in the evening on a
hand car, bh they camo Bone where
near Dorena, they struck a fiat car
that had been left on the track and
all parties were thrown iu various
direction. Mr. Wood has been
confined to bin home. Mr. Cold
well at the Graham hotel, under the
earn of Dr. Job, Mr. Keplogle was
mote fortunate and went ou to Port
laud Sunday morning. In all it was
fortunate that it was not more
Hevere, aud all rejoice that the in
juries to the gentleman will prove
only teuiporury.
UNEAU, Alaska, Nov. 19-Col-
ouel W. J. Sutherland of
London, president of the
Alubka Perserverance Mining com
pany, cabled authority late yester
day to start work on a tunnel in the
Silver Dow basin, 10,000 feet long,
tapping the property 2,500 feet
below tho apox of the lode. Work
started Monday followed by the in
stalling of tho brand of hydraulic
drill aimiliar to those used in the
Siinplon Italian tunneL The start
will be made on the Channel beach
one mil below Juneau, and work
finished in three years. The tun
nel will cost $1,000,000 and experts
nay it will prove one of the greatest
' . ll - -1 1 A OOO .
m' eB ,u ue "u ?
m,li ,s under construction and
more win ut) uuucu nucu iuo iuuudi
is finished.
An Vp-To-Dl Hrdwr Store.
Grifliu k Veatch are moving into
iiieir new store room wmcn mey
hope to hao entirely settled in about
two weeks, and be ready for exhi
bition. The store room is 40x100
feet, with a large warehouse be
Ifiud. Shelving i3 feet high and
4I feet long ou each side with
moveable shelves giving a Bhelfroom
of 1000 Bquare feet will be which
used to hold the various articles of
shel. hardware. To reach them two
Meyers Bros, ladders are installed
which haug from a sliding track at
- - ''C'V
1 m y
; , rjr P
m 'ail' -
W 11 fifiriTiJiii H
r f P" i i r
v- I
tho top and run on riili'.fr who
at the bottom, giving pcifet '".
to all of the shelves.
A large lino of ammunition av!
powdor has been given a good dis
play, and when tho stock of gun,
covering an expenditure of several
huidred dollars, i-t in place in tl.o
glass case for that purport lb c U :
play will be very lirio.
A full stock of the finest enatric!
ware Lisk's togolhr with a full
Stock ofthe best plded : ilvcr wai
will bo installed.
One large rack and countei will
be installed.
One large tau and counter will
bo given up to stcc-1 t i l-i and horse
shoes, while tlie othfi sid will
carry the stock of wood'. n '-sare an I
wagon material A liii'' 'Lock A
stoves of all ili-.rij.liou, an 1 plumb- .
ing Hupplies a!l be armuged down
the center ol the stoic, an I will
make the nnH at ti c t i c fli-play ol
hardware south of I'ottlittii .my
where. Pendleton Mon
I'rotot t.
for Vn
Pendleton, Or., Nov. 1
board of manager, of tlie 1'et.dieto i
Commercial association held a meet
ing last evening to take action re
garding the matter of the rejection
of tho East I'uiatilla national ini
gatiou project by Secretary of the
Interior Hitchcock. Strong hopes
that have been placed upon this pro
ject bv tbe people of I 'matilla coun
ty. A number of the citizens from
Echo attended the meeting, among
them being A. C. C rawford, (). l.
Teel and J. I'. McNaught, who
own land that will come under this
irrigation project. A lett' x.
written to tho secretary ol the in
terior askiDg him to take k!o:h in
carrying this matter through
Stag Overturned on
Sleep Moun.4 n
Myrtle Point, Ore., Nov. i.V
The stage running between Kose
burg and Myrtle Point met with a
serious accident roce-nily. Y.'hiV
going over Sugar I."-f M -ii.tou,
about five miles east of this piace,
in making a tnrn in the road, the
rear wheels left the grade, over
turning tho coach, throwing tho
driver and four passengers down
the embankment, which at this
placo is about 200 feet down to the
Two horses were killed and tho
driver seriously injured. Among
tbe passengers were 1. W. Vaille,
superintendent of tho railway pas!l
service, and 1 . 1; lntney, cloct
clerk, both of Poitland. Mr. Whit-
ney received some scalp wounds,
Mr. Vaille and the other passengers
were badly shaken up.
..A. -i..4.
n r
.'TNT TNi'Ta Tn ""TN -T-N 'f T - T"n - T-- T -
1 -.i.. 4. .4.
T 1? V
II mth)
i -i
Cottage drove Outdid Herself
to (ircet the Portland Bus
iness Alen Thurs
day. All e-irthly joy:; must fade aDd so
c ar 'l; ;;'.tished visitors of Thurs
day have come and gone and
w e've lapsed back into our old quiet
ways, but wo have the pleasant
memory of tlieir iitto cheer us.
We gae thi in a hearty welcome
and judging from their smiles and
n 1 ly h and ie-, they enjoyed it.
We bad al i.u.,hon the band-just
b foie the tia.'n was due a whistle
ijj ia the distance and iin-
! ' !ia. !y they struck up one of
their prettiest tunes. Just in the
ni;d-t of it they were greeted by the
nr i e f a ijei d of hh'x-p in tho ap
p: i ic! it;;.; ft eight train, but as the
.-h ep .e,iuud to appreciate the tune
'the band played on." A few
ta .'meats later, the right train ar
rive! and there was more fine
muii... aa'i after the party alighted
Hoia the tram, they were escorted
by the Mayor and the Commercial
Club to a place directly in lront of
tlie uiib 100ms. Everybody turued
cut t ; meet and welcome them but
the prettiest sight was that ofthe
choJ'.eii iied up oa cither side of
the street- with their eager ex pec
tar. little faces upturned in welcome
.11..'. aiixi ni not to mifS any ofthe
proceedings. Many of the little
;::ils canie i ilo'-vers which .hey ex
't.auge i with the great men for the
pre-ty litt'e white badge cfPort' Mayor Robert Veatch
in a short address of wel
come said: 'Gentlemen, we greet
you. the nandard bearers ot Port
land business interests, we are
please 1 to rr.eet vou, we want to
,;i-.. a ii. uter nciuaiutance wua
vou, o know eacii other better, and
for that iteu-on I extend to yon a
most hearty welcome from our busi
ness nu ::, mir ladies, and our happy
children. Iu tho interests of our
tea ls, our busiaees houses, our
c Hits car timber resources, and
our firming lands, we can interest
you, in jar mines wo hay the gold
ready to Le handled, awaitiDg only
the inaic hand ' of capital. I ask
'your homiest co-operation. Gentle
men-i.u have heard lots of hot
aic m G-Aijly ill the past, but I want
you to feel sure that ours is not,
aud in extending you the keys to
our city for your short stay with us
.4. .4. .4. .4. .4 .4.
F U R. S
When you sec our line ami get our
prices that is all that is necessary,
providing you want to buy. Those
who M'en them arc surprised at the
low price we arc selling them for.
Leaders In
him b e
ilMilSe MUi,l
- V
we want you to have the entire
freedom of the town, and that you
may feel easy, if any of yon should
enjoy yourselves too much and the
police should have to lock you up,
I have instructed the recorder to
tnrn you loose.
Pres. Campbell of the Commercial
Club, in a few words of greeting and
of good cheer, said our only regret
at this meeting is that these trips do
not occur oftener, and that the time
allowed ia too short. We want you
to come oftener and to Hay at least
two hours.
In reply, lion. II. M. Cake, Presi
dent of the Commercial Club of
Portland, said: "Ladies, Gentle
men and School Children, we feel
that in this gathering we have re
ceived a better and finer greeting
than we have heretofore. I do not
believe however we can make com
parisons, i'he school children have
all been 011 hand, as well as the
ladies and gentlemen. We come
with outstretched hands to welcome,
and wish to learn more of jou,
our hearts beat together in the up
building of the resources of oar
great state. Our slogan on this
trip is ''United Oregon" and no in
dividuJal nor town in the whole
Ralph. W. Hoyt: "The financial
interests which I represent have an
interest in your mines, we have seen
fine reports and we want to know
more of them. We have had a cor
dial welcome all along, in the south
ern part of the state we hare seen
great products of fruits, crops, and
of mines. Here the mines are the
great thing that interests us. We
want to get better acquainted with
you, and it would Beem that we are
allowed more time for this town than
usual, as we usually have only I5
minutes. I speak fer the members
of this party in saying that tney
want you to become better ac
quainted with them, and if there is
anything; we can do for you we
want you to call upon us.
Mark Levy: "This is the first
time I have attempted to make a
speech. I can tell a story, or sing a
song, but I am no good at speechify
ing. I am glad to be with you, and
greet you."
John F. Carrol, of the Journal:
"I plead not guilty. I was inter
ested by the last remarks of Col.
Veatcli about the city jail, and. am
glad there is a chance to square
ourselves with, the officials. They
have been at hand all along to
watch over us, at Eoseburg we had
the sheriff. I am sure this array ot
children has never been equaled.
If I were to give a toast it would
be to the handsome ladies we have
seen and to the choicest lot of child
ren I ever beheld."
R. S
mm I
v if M t
Mil Vv to-
.'.V "'l'.?""H