Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 15, 1905, Image 7

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    ORES NOT heal
Whenever it Hoto nr ulcer iIoch not lieul, no mutter on wliut jiat t of the
laxly it jnay lo, it i;i bccutitic f a joi:inniI condition ,f the 1,1. ,-!. This
!oinoii limy In? tlie rrniaitin of Bonn; tumble; llicilfeet of a
oiijr. hjh II of hirknriiH, which liufi li ft tliiit vitnl M renin jiolltitcl ntil weak,
or berimae tin natural n fimc mutter of the body, which .lmuM Juihh olf
through the i haniulrt of nature, liaslm n li ft in tlic riyHtciu nnl nbsoibce,
Into the ii ulatieni. It iluen not nutter liow the jii.ii bee nine Ititrciu heel
in Hie IiI.kkI, the fait that the Bore is there on. I not heal i.i evidence of
mlfcp, tineleilying run no. There 1.4 nothing- tliat causes nioic disc c.nifoit,
woriy ntul nnxiety than n feulciiiifr, iliMchuijiing- old note that resists treat
incut. The ycty riij;litof it in abhorrent nud Mij'j'ci.ts jiolhitioii find disease ;
Innidefl the time nnd ntlention ie(iiirel to keep it clean find free from other
Infeetioii. As it line;rni, oluwly fating deeper into the nuriotinilin;: flesh, the
WiiTcirr j'rows nioihi.Uy anxious, feaiinjj it m;iy be cancerous. vSoiiic
ot incise nunc ten witn an old Bote or
nicer know how useless it is to ex
pect ft cure from Balvcs, tiow.lers, Jo
lions nud other external treutment.
Through the nse of these they have
Hccn the place begin to heal nud Beat)
over, find were coiigtnltilalinj.r; thcin
BelviH that they would Boon be lid of
the detestahle tiling, when a fresh
Htipply of tioi.-.on from the Mood
would cause the inflammation nnd old tlischarf'c to return and the Bore would
lie lis had or worse than bthne. Sou s that do not heal nic not due to out
Bide causes ; if they were, external treatment would cure them. They are
kept open because the Mood is Btccpcd in Jioison, whic h finds fin outlet
thiouj;li these places. While young; jpc-oplc, and even children, Bonietimes
Buffer with nun healin;: note s, those most usually tifilic t d are persons past
middle life. Ofte n, with them, n wait or mole on the face inflames and be
ains to ulcerate fiom n Lille rough handling ; or a de ep, offensive nicer de
velops from n Might cut or bruise. Their vital energie s and powers of rc
Bistancc have grown less, and circulation weaker, and perhaps boiiic taint in
the Mood, whic h was held in check by their Mremgt r constitutions of early
jsarticleof the poison out of the Mood. l'or this purpose nothing equals
S. S. It goes down to the very bottom of the trouble, cleanses the blood
nnd makes n permanent cure. S. S. S.
Bo that it can k s new, Mtong blood to the diseased parts and allows the jdncc
to heal naturally. When this is done the discharge ceases, the Bore scabs
over and fills in with healthy flesh, and the Bkin regains its natural color.
Jlook on Sores and ulcus and any medical ndvice desired will be furnished
without charge. rr SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Ail ANT A. CA.
(Jot lint He Aakrd for.
"Say," epieiled the nlli-Kfd funny
liiiin, it a) lie' ii t !'- I tlic butcher shop,
'what'" pork wniili a yard?"
"1'lfty eeiilM," hum wereel the butch
er. -Well. I'll tnke n yard." mild the A.
V. M . Id-mIiih a half dollar on lln
'I lie butcher pocketed the coin n ixl
lillinlcl the cilttiiiiicr three pi;,''" feet.
"Say. what mi' ;lvliii; ww't"
KHkecl the party of the funny part. In
dignant ly. ,
"A yard of pork Just what you ask
ed fur," replied the butcher. "Thr'e
feet make a yard, yoti know."
K C Baking; Powder.
A pcipulur nnd etlieient bnkitifr pow
der recpiiren two thinifn firt, tlmt tlm
IimhI mndi) with it clnill b abnolutely
wtieih'Mime; fiTond, that it ttliall bo
old Hi rc-HH.iimlile price.
K (' Ihikinx Powder, iiih.Ia by th
Jnecpieii M'k- ('iiuipiiny, ol CbicrKci, is
the tnut examplM of aueli a bukinir pow
der at present on th inatket. K (' in
aold everywhere under a $.'100,(100
Kuaraiitt) of iU henlthfultieHH an. I jnir
ity. Its price, one cent an ounce, is
lnoHt renHonalile fur 11 liik'li Kiade bnk
iriK (Miwiler, and rnillionic of pound" of
K C have ln-in sold at this tltiiira al'
ovtr the country.
Patient Well, due-tor, do you think
I'm getting well nil right? Oh, yes; you still have a good
deul of fever, hut tliat doeau't trouble
ine. I
"Of course not. If you hnd n fever It
wouldu't trouble mi'." Le Jourunl Amu- !
AA'i'gclablc Prcpnr.Mionror As
similating Hie FotiJ and ltoSula
linft the btouuults nivdUowvis of
Tromotca Diftcalion.Chfvrrur-
ncssarKiiicst.Coalains neliltiT
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral.
sinut ,Cm!
ilMvyww fmrwl
Apcrfecl llcmndy forConslipfl
Tion, Sour Stoiuaclt,l)inrrlu)ca
Worms .(onvulsions .IVwnsh-iu-ss
mulLoss t)F Sleep.
Facsimile Sitfimlure of
Ii"'I':ih, fill. .1,,.,; 1 hi 1 1 ' 11 ii ,1 I-
I haves had a crlmilod foot all my llfo,
which ooiiiinllml mn to us brace. Jiy
oiiiet tiiiuccotintabie innaria tlila brann
auaml a had Ulonr on my In, about alx
vnnra ao. I hart good inrJltal atten
lion, tiut Oie incur not worm, 1 waa In
cluded to try H. H. H., and am triad to nay
it cured me entirely, and I am con vlnond
tliat It aavfid my leer for mn. I have,
therefore, crnat faith in H. H. 8. and
irla.llv recommend It to all iiemllnir
rcllnlile blood metllclno.
Ui Istol, Va.-Tonu. W. J. CATE.
lit, hliows itself. It is we ll to he sus
picious of any Bore that does not heal
readily, because the Banie germ that
produces Cancer is hack of every old
bote and only needs to be left in the
circulation to produce this fatal disease.
The re is only one way to cure these old
Botes and nlrcrs. and that is to tret everv
enric he s and freshens the circulation
rropht-a irel Orrsinraa.
Mori. iMit.-rtnlnlm' n.-rlwiiw nn,l
eciially Interest Ihk. nr.- the anecdotes to lo.Uscl!y." ".Still." replied her host-whl-h
are told about our President by 'H"' " h1i' straight. 'lied the $ 1,1shi rug,
the Mlnkwlu family. Prim i'lsclier "for person "s tall as her It ain't so
distinctly recollects that one.' s!io bad ns though she was shorter." Chi
prophesied the future greatness of '' Kecord-llemld.
young Teddy. She says: "( iw day; I "That's 1111 iiuctlon piano your
had 11 conversation with Mrs. Uoose-- daughter's got. Isn't It?" asked the sar-vc-lt,
who said to me, 1 wonder wli4tCHstie woman next door. "No, Indeed!"
Is going to become of my Teddy?' ii replied the proud mother Indignantly,
replied. 'You need not lie anxlotls I "What niiide you think that?" "(ill,
alsnit Mm. lie will surely lie one day 'probably because It's 'going, going, go
a great professor, or, who knows, he lug.' all the time." Philadelphia
may become, even President of file
t'nlte.l States.' Mrs, Koosevelt re
buked me. She said such a thing was
Impossible, and asked how I eoudd
have struck upon such an absurdity.
Hut, perhaps on necouiit of my impul
sive' remark, I h:ive since continually
watched Theodore Uooscvelt'a career,
tin. I have always been glad when lie
has made n step forward In the
world." From "Kooscvelt's German
Iiuys, In Success Magazine.
iin or Time.
"One .lay," related the jolly holm. "I
met a mail cm du slreet nnd I t .I1 him
if lie would give nil thirty (jilail 1 would
show him hour to eat dent in thirty
"And did lie oblige you?" asked bis
eoniiHiiioit of the ties.
"No; lie said lie couldn't give me
thirty nn II, hut he'd giva in thirty
days. II was a Judge."
Finland was frequently a buttle
ground during the long wars between
Itiissin nad Sweden, the border line he-
lug hut Il.'l miles from St. Petersburg. It
1 nine part of Hussin after the pence
of Frederie-kstowa, Sept. 17, ISO!).
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
BUB U 1 Ul
Thirty Years
Tommy - llnve you met tho new
leiu hnr yet? Teddy Yes; after school
thin noun, He won. Kx.
"Hny, father, what In a 'nobody?'"
"A nobody, my Hon, U n prominent
woman' IiiimIiiiiicI." WashliiKton Life.
Ti'MM-Io you think Marie's photo
Kiiiplm do her Justice? Itess Yes;
Justice tempered with mercy. Detroit
YouiiKwed-1 want iieeommodiitloris
for my wife. Hotel Clerk Suite?
YouiiKed You bet your life ahe la.
WiimIiIukI'iii Life.
Hejeeli'd Suitor I rimy be poor now,
but there whs a time when I rode In
toy eiirrhiKe. 'J'ho (J hi Yes, when
your mother pushed It. (Jrit.
"Paw, Is It true that death loves n
MhluliiK murk?" "I aiippuHi! so. Why?"
"NothliiK, only I hIhiiiI.I think you'd
feel a K""d deal safer If you wore a
wljf." (.'hlciiK'o 'I'rlliiine.
ITiHt Old Maid This cimihus report
snys there are K.ixhi.Ocmi liaclielors In
tho Klilted Slates. Second Old Mnld
Yen, anil the liiean old thlnx doesn't
Klve their address either. Washlimtoii
1'Ikkuius 'l'o tell the truth, we havu
to treat our cook 11s 11 ineiulicr of the
family. Iilsiiiiiki-s - Creat Scott! That
would never k our house. We have
to treat ours as n visitor. Wiishlngtoii
Al de Mustard Your wife's costume
to nlKlit . is ehiirinliiu;. It slaiply H
Kiirs cb'Hcrlptlon. Justin de Punch
And that reminds me of a conundrum
why am 1 like a description. Scis
sors. McCush Is this true that I hear
Io Mush That I'n. engaged? Yes.
Congratulate me! Mc-Cush 1 can't
coiigratiilate you on marrying any lrl
who is fool enough to want you.
Cleveland Leader.
.i vn, 01 1 11. 11 n.-eini .0 inc.
said .MIS. I IlilCH si le. is miner inclined
Ill Trngedy Kaiuiii innde his debut
ns a uttir last night, and I heur bis
Bildlenec wus very eold. Lowe Com
edy Yes, they were at Ilrst. Ill Trag
edy Ah! only at first? Lowe Com
edy Yes; then they remembered that
they had paid to get In, and they got
hot. Catholic Standard.
Mrs. Ikkl I wish yon wouldn't be
such a tlght-wnd! I haven't a thing
to wear. Mr. Ikkl Itllnkin' Hurt-nils!
Why, woman, yon have the finest seal
rout in two degrees of latitude! Mrs.
Ikkl And what of It? There goes Mrs.
Hlubbertou swaggering nroiind In a
real sealette eoat with ilush trim
mings! Puek.
"No," siild MIhs Wlnthrop Hra.lley
Vlnthrot, "your uneestors did not
come over lit the 'Mayflower,' as mine,
did, and I cannot marry you!" "Da
you know why they did not'" replied
Mr. Johnstone Suiythe de Jones. "Well,
I'll tell you. They were not the kind
of people who trHvel on excursions."
Saying which he strode haughtily from
the room. Washington Life.
A uinn who was "wanted" by tho
police had been photographed in six
different positions, and the pictures
were duly circulated among the MtlU-e,
The chief of police In a country town
wrote to police heaebiuarters of tho
city In search of the malefactor a few
days lifter the set of portraits had been
Issued ns follows: "I duly received the
pictures of the six miscreants whoso
capture Is desired. I have arrested live
of them, and the sixth Is under obser
vation and will be secured shortly."
KneouniK" the t'lill.lren.
Re careful how you criticise the ef
forts of the children. The clipped
wing never grows again, says ltroek
port Iemocrat. Make It a matter of
conscience never to mislead the child.
for he Is a traveler newly arrived from
a strango country. Allow him, as his
world widens, to have opinions of his
own; let nun lie a personality, not a
mere echo. Have faith In God for
your nons and daughters. According
to your faith so will It be unto you.
Make your home the center of attrac
tion to your children; let them feel
drawn to you and It, like the needle
to the pole. Itespect the secrets of
your children, but do not worry thein
to confide In you.
KnllKhleninir Ilia Landlady,
"Coffee Is nerve-destroying," Inti
mated the penurious landlady as fdis
saw a movement on tho part of a new
boarder to reiiuust u second cup of
"How I wish you d drlnlt a lot of
It," suggested the bachelor, who had
been with the house since its incep
"Why?" asked the landlady, nnd the
other boarders delayed their mast leu
"Then you wouldn't have tho nerve
to serve this concoction which hardly
stains the water In which It Is diluted."
Columbus lMspatch,
"I'm biding from a man," a well-
known citizen said today. ICver hide
A. Doctors
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is not
a simple cough syrup. It is a
strone medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe and desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
" I hT niuMt a irrMt 41 nt Ayr' Ctmrry
Perioral for ciuylia ati'l ttMrrl on Ihn
rliMii. It hat alwafi rtr.n ni rrfnt yx1. It
U ertaluly a rno.t wonnrful rotivh mAll
cine." MICIIAKI. J. If I rzilUALI, McMlford,
b J. u. Ayr Co.. Ixiwall, Viu
lao manufaoturara of
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Aycr's Pills at bedtime.
Army of 10,000 Men KiiNliinic Work on
.New Vcaaelttr for Nuvjr.
While the attention of the public
Is attracted only at Intervals to The1
three big shipyards on the Delaware
Itlver, there Is an army of 10,000 men
daily hammering, foigmg ami weld
ing, bending every energy toward the
completion of the great vessels under
construction here, says the Philadel
phia ledger. Never huvc the employes
of Cramps', Neatle & Levy's and the
New York Shipbuilding Company been
busier than nt present. Particularly
Is this true of Cramps', where twelve
different vessels are under construc
tion. This yard alone Is employing
0,,'icK) workmen.
The- greater part of this work Is
being done for Uncle Sam, seven
fdiips being under way here. Two of
these, the armored ciuiscr Tennessee
ot ('ramps, 11 ml her sister ship, the
Washington, whi"h Is being built at
the South Camden yards of the New
York Shipbuilding Company, have at
tracted attention by the efforts which
the respective companies are making
to finish the contract first. Both are
now Hearing completion, with the
Tennessee slightly in the lead.
Besides t lie work on the warships
six large passenger steamships are
also being built by the Cramps com
pany. Four of these are for the New
York nnd Cuban Mail line, while the
two remaining g to the Southern
Pacific Company.
In Fit Array.
Talk ns one will on the vanity of
clothes, the consciousness of being we'd
dressed has something of moral force
In It. "Brush your hair and thing!
won't loeik so bad," was the wise coun
sel given by a friend to a woman
whose husband had lost his money.
The little child in E. J. Hardy's
"Manners Makyth Man" hit on thbi
great truth when she replied to her
mother, who was reproving her.
"O Katie, why can't you be a good
little girl? See Julia, now; how nice
she Is. Why can't you be as good as
"P'r'aps I could, mama," answered
Katie, "if my dress had little pink
bows all over It."
SUfe I! hO
sdfc''- - X-u 9
ill wmm
ri mm
mm mmm
ST -.r U Bv . .V:! v,V jV
Jnet Like Woman.
"John, n peddler en mo around to
dny selling Move poli-di. lie was a
very agreeable gentleman. Why, he
talked so pleasantly about the weath
er." "You don't nay, Maria?"
"Yes, and I bought a package. Then
he complimented the baby and I
bought another package." 1
"Presently be said our vestibule was
kept In be-tt-r order than any In the
neighborhood find then I bought an
other package." j
"(Jrc-at Scott!" j
"Before he left he snld he thought
I was your daughter Instead of being
old enough to be your wlf". Then I !
bought three additional packages. Oh, !
It don't do any harm to encourage a
real gentle-man when you meet one."
$100 Reward, $100. I
Th realer of thlie eaiier will lie plectwl to
learn that Itiere In at leant out) rm':'l (imrilxQ
tliat :l'iir'o hail !: n alilx to ruri In all Hi
litfi. anl Hi at lie atarrh. llall'11 ( niarrfl
Cure in the) only ioflltive euro known to the
ine Ural fraternity. atarrh tin a cou.titu
tmiial di-H-ie, rtvuilretn a conntiiuiional treat- ;
men'. Hall's Catarrh c 11 re m t axen Internally, '
a tiin direi-tly uirfin the I l'.o'l and mucnii
nr. are of the Kymem, tl.ert I,v '1 ftroyinn the
t'liui lati'in of the rli-ae, ami Klvnig the pa
tient Dtrenxth hy buil'liHK up the coimtl tu tion
ami aHiuntlnir nature In .l'-lnK it work. 'I he
proprietor have inueh fullh In lta curative
ixiwera that they olli-r One lluii'trcl liollan
lor any cave that it f alii U cure, beud for Hat
ot tentlirioulalx.
A l I rein. K. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo. Q.
Bol'l hy driiRiriKts, 7'c.
Hail raruily i'llla are the
A 8elllng Itulo.
At a school inspection some Of the
boys found a dilliciilty in the correct
placing of the letters "1" and "e" In
such words as "be-lieve," "receive,"
etc., when the Inspector said blandly:
"My boys, I will give you an Infalli
ble rule, one I Invariably use myself."
The pupils were all attention, and
even the master tricked up his ears.
The Inspector continued: "It is Kim-
ply this. Write the T and 'e' ex- 1
actly alike and put the dot In the 1
over them." London Tele-
riTP Permanently Cured. I?o fit or nervousness
II I U after hntt'lHy's ufwiifltr.Klin-c.r'ttt Ner-e
Ite-tlorer. lend for Free H'l trial IhiMI Htirl treatlne. :
lir. K. 11. Kline, U.J., WJ1 Arch ht., 1'hiliulelphla, ta.
Kaaily l'.xplaintd.
"Who Is that muu all the women
are Idolizing?"
"Ibat is a doctor from another
"Uut there are doctors around here
who are much better known."
"Su! This chap is a 'beauty doc
tor.' "
Piso s Cure fs a remedy forronphs, colds
and consumption. Try it. Price 25 ceuta,
at druggists.
Not an Index of Power.
Young Mr. Whimper, who had a
worthy ambition for public office, had
closed his canvass of his native State.
He felt sure of his nomination, and
was waiting. In good spirits, at his
father's fireside to receive it.
He had been asked to tell bis ex
periences as a "spellbinder," and had
willingly consented.
"But, on the whole," was his modest
conclusion, "I was rather successful.
And what gratified me particularly
was. that in the places where I was
least known I met with the warmest
It was several seconds before Mr.
Whimper understood why his father
and the girls laughed, and even his
mother smiled.
There are two classes ot remedies: those of known qual
ity and which are permanently beneficial in effect, acting
gently, in harmony with nature, when natureneeds assist
ance; and another class, composed of preparations of
unknown, uncertain and inferior character, acting tempo
rarily, but injuriously, as a result of forcing the natural
functions unnecessarily. One of the most exceptional of
the remedies of known quality and excellence is the ever
pleasant Svrup of Fiss. manufactured bv the California
FiiZ SvruD Co.. which represents the artivf rrinrinl: nf
- i I m I w.-- ---.--aa.
Plants, known to act most benpfiriillv. in n nl.n:nntc;riin
in wuim me wuoiesoine t-.aiirornian Diue ngs are usea to con
tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity flavor. It is the remedy
of ali remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse the system
gently and naturally, and to assist one in overcoming consti
pation and the many ills resulting therefrom. Its active princi
ples and Quality are known to rhvsicians cenpr.illv. ami thA
remedy has therefore met with their approval, as well as with
the favor of many millions of well informed persons who know
of their own personal knowledge and from actual experience
that it IS fl most' evrellpnr If vn tio romodu Wa rln nnliU!mll
If it will cure all manner of ills.but recommend it for what it really
4 : r arr ti r- l . : . . 1 e i . ..
..i otuu, a laAauvc rcmeuy or Known quality ana excellence,
containing nothing of an objectionable or injurious character.
There art? two rl.1!:pI nf nnrrri'icorc lhnc hrt a ra,
tO the OUalitV of What thev bnv sinH
of articles of exceptional merit, and who do not lack courage to go
elsewhere when a dealer offers an imitation of any well known
article; but, unfortunately, there are some people w ho do not know,
and who allow themselves to be imposed upon. They cannot expect
ituciitiai meets ii inev uo not get ine genuine remedy.
To the credit of the druggists of the United States be it said
nearly all of them value their reputation for nrnfpstinnni
integrity and the good will of their
imitations of the
Genuine Syrup of Figs
manufactured by the California
xo Duy tne genuine article and to get its beneficial effects,
one has only to note, when purchasing, the full name of
the Company California Fir Svmn Pn nlninitr 4t-.
front of every package. Price, 50c
rilBII UUIHI All .(
ftoftt Omtfh Pyrti(, 'J mii I.'mmI. L'
On the oernsinn of ft eyelisfa weddln
st Eftpiiiir, rievir London, thn other clny
the brili sad hride-Krootn rode to church
on single inncliiiies and returned on a
Mother" will fln'1 Mr. Wlealow'a Foothlnf
f yriip the lt toiie for their children
(luring the tcjthlng nrl'sl.
Tho Inlcriinti'iiinl Telegrsph Con
struction Company tins suhiiiitted a
scheme to the Postmaster Oene-rnl of
Australia for the ere.tion of wirelest
telegrnpli stnfiotM linking New Zealand
and Australia direct.
era u cm tcjaj
Otpthlt out, return to u with the name
and iimr of yonrvlf and two of your
frlrndi, and the da'e when you will probably
enter a bulnM college. nj we will credit
you wild fv'JO on fii.OO v holarthlp.
Our c honl offer enrrpkinal advantages to
student! of Business, Shmlhand, Lngllth.ttc
Best Instruction lowest Tuition
hi o CAtiout i it itei
M. A. ALBIN, Pate.
a sixth st. PORTLAND, ORE.
On the Trstt
-t followed the
trail from Texae
with a Fish Brand tXwJo
Pommel 'Slicker
E,icker, used for
an overcoat when
cold, a wind coat
when windy, a rain coat when it rained,
and for a cover at night if we got to bed.
and I will say that I hve gotten mora
comfort out of your nlickcr than acy other
one article that i ever"
(Ttl Dim. STi'l .'I'frf.. r.f th writer of ttifs
ttn.olirlt4l l-it-r in. luti on S.ilicstloa.)
Wet Weather Garments for Piling, Walk
ing. Working or Sportir.g.
tOSTO. V.I. A.
CO., Limited
ToBeGivenfor i
Reliable Information
M We will give One Dollar for a Postal
Card giving the first reliable newt of
a chance to sell a horizontal steam
engine of our styles, within our range
of sizes. U'e do not want inquiries at
this time for vertical, traction or gas
have for year been the atandard tor ill attain
planta. Beat of material and workmanship.
Our bli output enables us to tell on small prof-
Its. An Aclaa, the best In the world, coat bo
more than the other kind.
Writs ttday tor oar spteiat offer.
SUis setsaeiM in sU ciUas INDIANAPOLIS
Corliaa Enainaa HighSpead Esitnet Water Tuba BolUn
FourVal.e Lnpinaa Compuund Engines Tubular Boilara
airWnnatir fnirwa IhrotUinj- Fnalnaa Fortabia Botlsra
Atlas Knrlnas In aarrlra S.WO.nno R. P.
AUaa BuOara la airric t.uuu.ouv H. I.
p. h. a
Net. 46-1905
HEN wrltlnir to advertisers please
mention mis paper.
th Tfnsnnifnr th . vrcllcnra
customers too highly to offer
Fta Svrup Co.
In crAeT
per bottle. One size only.
from a muu? We'll bet you huve, many
tt till).