The r CHAPTER V. Continued.) Fnnllne had not much soul, and she dul not really cure much for music as music; but she liked the pleasant, sooth ing effect it had upon her. So she went to the opera two or three timet week ml In the intervals whispered scandal, ate ices, drank coffee, or doxed gracefully behind the curtains of her box. This evening Mrs. Seton and she were scarce ly settled in their seats before Lord Sum mers begged admission. The good nnt tired old gentleman look ed rather worried, ns he- took the chair behind Pauline and exchanged civilities with both ladies. "I have had a visit from Hennolr this afternoon, Paulina," his lordship began. "The poor boy is terribly upset by your refusal." "He will get over it." "Hut. my dear girl, have you no heart at all? To my knowledge this is the seventh most satisfactory offer you have refused. 1 dare aay yon have had quite as many of which I have heard nothing I begin to think you are heartless. " -- "Perhaps you are right," she said. In differently. "I?ut you must allow there are two sides to the question. Ou the one hand, you ask why I do not marry. I answer your question by asking. 0:1 the other, 'Why should I marry 7 I do not love these men who propose to me. I am my own mistress: 1 have everything I wish for and I am happy as I am." "There is the estate, you know, to think of. The succession lies between you and your Cousin Ethel, the sweet faced child I pointed out to you the other day. If you die unmarried, the estate will revert to her children at your death. Of course, there is nothing against that. But I am sensitive about the trust im posed on mo by my old friend. Sir Paul. As I read it, his will lays the whole re sponsibility of this question of succes sion on my shoulders. In other words, lie leaves me the power to pick and choose a fitting head for the House of Mailing. Now, iu the event of your not marrying, the next heir will be the off spring of this Ethel and her artist hus band, Mr. Dornton." Pauline had kept herself well under control, but slie could not avoid aa ex clamation as Lord Summers put this point before her. "That Mr. Dornton, to whom you have been kind, is engaged to your cousin, you know. Well, he is a very nice young man clever, well looking, nice manners and all that; biit 1 don't think Sir Paul would have chosen him as th'e perpetua tor 01 the Mailing' family." "Why not'" The question was put quickly almost, it seemed, in spite of herself. X "Well, it seems to me that the question answers itself. Who is he? What Is he? Whence comes be? Who are his people? What were, his father and grandfather? Of course he will make an excellent hus band for poor little Ethel, for he is bound to come to the front." "Do you know, whenever you talk of that child, I fancy you regard me as an interloper? I am sure your sympathies are with her." "Not at all not at all! You are too sensitive. I aiu glad to know that Geoffrey's child is not likely to suffer hardship. This Dornton seems a manly, honorable young fellow, and will take good rare of that pretty little creature. I shoull not like to think that my old friend's daughter was fated to spend her life in copying from the old masters of the Kensing'oa Museum, as she told me ahe does now." It was well for his lordship's opiulon of his ward's disposition that she was Bitting with her face turned toward the stage during his kindly little speech. He was a shrewd old man, and, had he seen the hatred and malice in her eyes when he spoke of Ethel, his previous judgment of her character might have been con siderably shaken. x The next day Miss Mailing drove to the Kensington Museum, taking Habette with her. It was a students' day, and the visitors made the round of the gal leries in quietness, Pauline stopping in apparent interest by the side of every lady student. At last she found what aha sought. Hhe passed on until she reached a quiet corner, and then beck oned Habette to her side. "You see that very young girl in the array dress with her holland apron? That is the person whose address I want. Keep her in sight until she leaves; follow her home, get her address, and theu go to some of the shops close by and hud out her naive." "Mademoiselle does not even know her name?" "I know her real name, but not the one she is going by just now. Whatever you do, don't miss her." Miss Mailing returned to her carriage, feeling that she had accomplished a good afternoon's work. CIIAPTElt VI. "I'll not give way! If I stay away one day, I shall want to do it again, and. then my copy will not be finished." Ethel uttered this alum, though she was alone, evidently with the idea that merely hearing the words would, per haps, strengthen her waning resolution, Poor chihl! Her head ached, and her eyes looked quite pathetic with the heavy circles round them; but she refused to fity herself, and resolutely plunged her lead into a large basin of wuter, rubbed her balr half dry, and started for the museum. Though her bead still ached a good deal, the copy made fair progress, and there was no sign of neglect or hurry in the work, her t-robbiug temples notwith standing. She always wore a bat with a rather large brim, when copying, to save her eyes from the light from above, and at tha same time shut out most of the room and Its occupants from her view, o that her attention was not ao liable to wander from ber work. She was encaged on a difficult patch of shadow and aha sighed a aha realised ifc's Secret,' OR A BITTER RECKONING By CHARLOTTU M. HRAH.MU . . u...erence between her shadow and that of the obi master. At that moment her father echoed the sigh; and followed it up by: "Too solid altogether too solid, my child!" "I know It as well at you do, dad," she said, plaintively; "but how am I to alter It?" "Suppose we leave the shadow for to day, and gA out Into the sunshine for an hour or two?" "Now, dad, don't tempt me to desert the post of duty. If you knew what a struggle I had with myself before I start ed this morning, how I longed to stay at home and 'coddle" Instead of facing my work like a woman." "I.eave the painting for a few mo ments, dear; I want to introduce you to Captain Pelling. My daughter! " Ethel plucked off her unbecoming head gear ns she turned to face the unknown visitor. She was greatly surprised at the introduction, her father having kept her in strict seclusiou sines she left school a year before. "I taught Cop tain Polling the rudi meuts of sketching before ho went on an expedition to Central Africa three or four years ago, and he Is sj delighted with his own efforts that he wanted to carry me right away to Wimbledon at once, to see and prHise them." "That is scarcely a truthful statement. Miss Mallet t," put In Captain Pelting with a smile. "I don't want praise, but judgment. The expedition I went out with la going to publish the result of our investigations, and they want some of my sketches to illustrate the work. When I saw Mr. M:llett In Picadilly I thought. 'Here is the man who will tell ir.e hon estly if I dare to allow them to be pub lished;' anil I pounced upon him. And now I have obtained two judges in the place of one. My trap is waiting out side, and I trust you will let me take you both down to my little box. My house keeper will find us something to eat, aud in the cool of the evening we can go quietly through my little pictures aud arrange them together." Ethel looked puzzled. Mr. Mallett could hardly conceal the surprise he felt at the adroit manner in which his late pupil had managed to include "the child," Ethel glanced at her rather worn but prettily made dove-colored gown and her bibbed hollauJ apron. "I am not in presentable order," she bega n. "Hut you will see no one but the house keeper and the present company. Show yourself superior to such considerations Miss Mallett. It will be a positive favor to me, for they are hurrying the prep arations forward, and I should not like to be the cause of delaying the publication of the book. "Very well; I will come. But papa will tell you I am of no use In a case of this sort." Ethel leaned back In the well-cush ioned phaeton and listened lazily to the conversation between the two men, her father sharing the back seat with the groom. Captain Telling's horses traveled well and, the breeze blowing right in her face Ethel gradually lost the depressing pain in her head and began to feel interested in the places they were passing. Whn at last the horses stopped at a tiny cottage, consisting to all appear ances entirely of bay windows and creeper covered porch, and looking tinier still by comparison with the gigantic elin trees that surrounded it, she had a slight tinge of pink in her cheeks, and the dark rings had nearly disappeared from round her eyes. A pleasant middle-aged woman came to the hall door, and Captain Pelling handed Ethel over to her at once. "Give Miss Mallett a cup of especially good tea, Mrs. Crlchton, and make her lie down until a quarter of an hour be fore dinner. Above all, don't let her talk; Bhe has had a bad headache" Ethel looked at him In mute surprise "and it will return If she exerts herself before Bhe dines." Mr. Mallett looked amused; but the captain, supremely unconscious of having said or done anything unusual, led the way through the long, low hall and out at a glasB door at the end. "This way, miss;" and Mrs. Crlchton opened the door, through which she was followed by Ethel. CHAPTER VII. It was the loveliest room the young girl had ever seen. The walls were a subdued stone green, the curtains and general decorations were of the same color, artistically touched up here and there with gold. There was a soft old looking Persian rug that covered the whole floor, except a few inches by the walls. The Hour of the windows were bare, save for some exquisite specimens of skins which Ethel did not even know the names. Each of these windows whs tastefully and luxuriously furnished. There were two very fine paintings on the walls, and the whole room was lit tered most picturesquely with valuable, curiosities brought home by Captain Pelling. Ethel looked round her with a sense of supremo delight. Mrs. Criclitou mis took the look, and apologized for the general untidiness of the room. "Von see, miss, Captain Peling took the house only three weeks ago. He don't allow Marl ha or 1110 to touch his wonderful curiosities, so I mil obliged to put up with this dreadful state of things. You will find this couch more comfortable for a rest than either of loose small ones. If you will allow me, I will throw this light woolen shawl over your feet. Let me raise your pillow the least bit. There" after carefully ar ranging it, "that Is more comfortable. I will bring the tea in a few minutes. How good the tea was, and how enjoy able the great quietness and peace seam ed to Ethel after the distracting roar and rattle of the London streets! Captain Pelling came through tha win dow by-and-by and was surprised to tea Ethel lying there. Ha bad ei pec ted Mr a. Crlchton would take bar to her own saao- tnm. lie sfiwvl Irresolute for a motnf Just Inside the window, and then crossed the room to look more closely at hi pretty young guest. "She's as pretty as a picture, and ns good ns gold. If 1 know anything nbout physiognomy. She has a trouble of some sort, pour l ule child! I should like to kiss those tears nawy. 1 wonder what she's worrying about. Perhaps Mallett Is hard up; he seems a careless soft of n fellow. I'll see if I can't help thrtu a bit In that direction, anyway." This was a genuine red letter day for Ethel. She was so Intensely Interested in the Captain's description of his trav els that for the time she was drawn out of herself and her own affairs. Mr. Mallett, too, was heartily pleased. And Pelling was equally satisfied with hit guests. When the evening was over, he was surprised to find how well he had talked, and he felt convinced that suc cessful conversation as often depends on the quality of the listener as of the talker. There was not much progress made In the ostensible purpose of the visit, seeinf thnt the "little sketches" which turned out to be rather good specimens of their class ted the way to so much descrip tion that they looked only at some halt dozen before they came to one that cre ated a diversion which lasted until they started for home. The Captain had been holding forth on the pluck and fidelity of a native ser vant at whose portrait they were look ing, when Ethel said: "I wonder you did not persuade him to come to Knglnnd with you. Your rela tives would have worshiped him In their gratitude for having saved your life so often." "1 have not one relative In the world. Miss Mallett." answered the Captain gravely. Ethel's glance was full of sympathy. "I beg your pardon," she put in hast ily. "1 am sorry 1 made the remark." "Don't be sorry. I'm very glad. I of ten long to talk a little about myself You can't believe what nn awful feeling it is to know that there is not one per son In the world who Is sutllciently in terested In you to care for your private concerns." "Decidedly unpleasant," murmured Mr. Mallett. "You'll hardly believe. Mallett, that this is the most domesticated evening I've spent for the last six years. Jolly hard, when you consider that 1 am nat urally fond of home and all that kind of tiling! I was just getting weary of the loneliness of this place, but your being here to-night has changed the whole as pect of affairs. It looks so homelike to see you sitting there as if you belonged to the place. Miss Stallett. .To-morrow night 1 shall fancy I see you still there, and be reconciled for a time nt least." "Y'ou should marry best recipe in the world for loneliness!" Mr. Mallett ob served, laughingly. "Tried it. and lound It a failure." "Eh!" Mr. Maliett sat upright and stared Into his host's face. "I beg your pardon, Polling, if I have said anything unpleasant." "Not at all In fact. If I shouldn't bore you so horribly as to prevent your ever taking compassion on me again, I should like to tell you about my marriage. Some times I think it must all have been a dream, it seems so unreal." He sat for a moment gating absently Into the garden, which was beginning to look dim and shadowy in the summer twilight, as if he were calling up the past from its gloomy depths. Ethel felt a shiver of superstitious awe pass over her, and the movement seemed to brlug back the captain from the momentary reverie into which he had fallen. (To be continued.) Farmer Fo(I.-rhtick. "Queer folka in the city," rema'-twd Fanner Foddershucks. "They pit ev erythlpg chnrged at the stores, I guess never think o' pnyln' cash. W'y, I went Inter a big place ter git Mnndy some callker Inst week nn' I laid daown a $5 bill ter pny for It. Th' clerk give one look at It nn' yelled out, all excited: 'Cash!' An' I awnn If a hull flock of kids didn't come n-runnln' to aee it." Cleveland Leader. Not Loaded. Maybelle Clarence and Jack quar reled, about me! Estelle How exciting! What did they do? Maybelle Oh, it was awful! I came Into the room and they were waving pistols at ench other. Estelle Pistols? Mercy! Were they loaded? Maybelle Not a bit they were as sober as could be! Cleveland Leader. Fully Oimllfled. Ornsplt (angrily) What! more mon ey? If you keep on, you'll bankrupt me, then after I'm dead you will be a beggar. Mrs. Grasplt (calmly) Oh, well, I'll he u great (leal better off than some poor women who never had any ex perience in that line. Those Heartless Creditor. "No I cun't affcid to work for 5,000 a year." "Can't! And why not?" "Because it would be too good a thing for my creditors. They'd take it all away from me." Cleveland Plolu Dealer. Verdict of J mine Lynch. "How did the trial of the alleged horse thief end?" asked the atrauger from the effete i-nst. "Oh, In the usual mnnner," replied the landlord of the Arizona village Inn. "The defendant was left In sus pense." la Hard Luck. The Judge Have you anything to offer the court before sentence la pass ed on you? The Prisoner No, your honor; I bad 13, but my lawyer appropriated it. Olvea Tli em a Hals. Edna I don't sea Mabel at the club since she got the automobile. Doei she miss ber Mends? Ida Not if they happen to be cross ing th street when she comas past 1'lcWet Krm-e levlce. A simple effective plan for building n picket and wire fence without " "" chine Is suggested .y (1, C. Schneider, of A vii, Mo. Up says: A device which will answer the pur pose of a fence machine Is made ns follows: Take pieces of n foot or so long, bore two small holes near tho end of each, put t lit wires through these boles and fasten to post where 011 wish to begin. Theu stretch your wire and staple to post some distance ahead. leaving the staples loose enough so the wire will slip when It Is drawn tight. Let eight or ten feet of wire extend beyond the post and to those fasten heavy weights to keep the riiKi r fi jii'k wire tight. Put a picket between the wires and turn the blocks over ns often ns you wish to twist the wire between each picket; then put In another picket and twist the other way, etc. To pre serve posts, mix pulverized charcoal In boiled linseed oil to the consistency of paint and apply with a brush. Coat of SllntiC, We have from time to time laid tie fore our readers the cost of putting corn iu the silo, says Partners' Trib une. Some men are able to grow the corn 7tt a cost of about 50 cents per ton of green matter. They are able to put It iu the silo for another "si cents, making the total cost of the silage In the silo approximately $1 per ton. Sometimes the cost goes ns high us $l.fl, sometimes even higher. Sam Schilling, who Is malinger of Joel Phcatwolc's) beard at Northflcld, Minn., kept nn accurate record of the cost of putting sixteen acres of corn III his silo last year and these figures were given before the Minnesota Mut ter Makers' Association this spring by Mr. Schilling. They are aa follows: Hi acres corn at $S $1'JM Cost of cutting, $1 per acre 15 Two men loading five days ir ( Two men in silo ITi 00 Pour teams hauling five days. . !0 00 Engine live days and man " Fuel for engine Id 00 One man to feed machine 10 O" Cost of 200 tons silage $'JH." 00 Cost per ton of silage 1 -I'-'-j The avernge yield per acre in this Instance was 12.5 tons of green corn. The cost of the ensilage. Including the raising, which was estimated at ?S per acre, was a little high. Consulting the table, however, It will be seen that it required four teams hauling for five days top draw the corn to the silo per day. This means that the silage hud to be drawn from Home distance or more could have been hauled, but even nt $1.50 per ton allage Is a very cheap food. Loading Corn Fodder. IOndlng corn fodder may not be very hard work to the small farmer, but when one has the product of many acres to load It becomes a formidable operation. The work can bo much more easily done if the following do vice Is used: Make a loader by using n two-inch plank ten feet long with cleats of inch stuff nailed on one side ut short intervals. At one cnd'nall a cleat on the under side, which will be three Inches wider than the board on each side. Tie small ropes to this cleat 1-OH I.OAIUNO CO UN r'OIJHKH. and with them fasten the rack to the back part of the wagon rack, the lower end of tho plank rack resting on the ground. This makes a stepladder up which it is easy to walk anil If strongly mado a man can readily carry up It all ho can get his arm around. With this plan one man can do the work of loading 11 wagon easily without spending tho time necessary to bind tho bundles. The illustration shows how easily the ladder can be made. Indianapolis News. Crops Without Irrigation. The most widespread movement In the history of the country for the de velopment of unlrrlgntcd lands in the West Is In progress this spring. Hun dreds of thousands of acres are being brought under cultivation as the result of government and other Irrigation projects, but aside from this a plan far greater In Its scope has been started for the successful use 01 rarm iauas witn out water. Sj fl---;- i- W i , h V inrar Oood Outside Taint. A substitute for while oil paint tuny be made ns follows: Pour quarts of skim milk. 1 pound of fresh slacked lime, 12 ounces of linseed oil, 4 ounces of white Iteigiliidy pilch, l pounds of Spanish while, to be mixed ns follows: The lime to be slacked In an Iron ves sel In the open all' by pouring water upon it a little at a time until It Is dissolved Into 11 line dry powder. Put the limn Into a wooden bucket or keg mii(4 mix It In about one quarter of the milk; the oil In which the pitch must be previously dissolved over n alow lire and cooled, to bo added n little nt a time, then the rest of the milk, nod nfterwnrds the Spanish white. Mix thoroughly ami strain through a common wire milk strainer and It will be ready for use. This quantity Is snf tlelcnt for more than fifty square ynrds, two coats. . Ily adding a very small quantity of lampblack first dis solved In milk and thoroughly mixed 11 very handsome lead color can be ob tallied. If stone color Is desired, after mixing In the Inuipblack add a small quantity of yellow ochre and Venetian red separately, tlrst dissolved In milk. While using, stir frequently to keep It In solution. l ull M11I1 hi . if Trrra. If It Is thought necessary to apply mulch around the base of trees or Kbriibs as 11 winter nrotect loll care must be n.sed not to do tho work too soon, If anything In the nature of a Is us.-.l. such as coarse stable malum for there Is al . ways danger of Inciting renewed growth In the tree, Just as It Is begin ning to go to sleep for the whiter, and T.-ovvth. helm ex t lei. lei v lender, wlll be killed bv the first cold went her. ' "',' 'ly '" probably with Injury to the tree. lg"'"l"loiisly failed The al.- A better plan Is not to apply the mulch ' I'tirltlontlon of politics probably until the ground f.ce.cs, applying wl "v,'r r"m"1" ,1" rhle''t drenui, more. If necessary, later on. ,l"''" 111110 '1",,,'t ,l,,,t " ,Vl ' Ily far the best plan of all Is to use tm, asking the trial of offend earth with which to protect the roots 'r" "K'nlnst the ballot out of the con of the tr r shrub during the firM . ,ro1 of St",,, ,',M,r", wonM '", " ,,,M ..,1,1 .In v h - l.of It nil sereriil Inches thick for three feet around the tree, t. nler II" It eels too i-iil,l 11 little course manure may be put on mrr the soil. Ily Ibis plan the tree or sbruli will have full protection without danger of inciting a late growth. A (liiii.l (iriniUtnnr. A grindstone to turn with bicycle gear can be made after this cut, writes W. D. Watklns, of Athens, Ohio. Take sprocket wheels and chain off nil old oniNi.sToNK with rrtiAt. or. An. binder or dropper. Cenr so that stoti" will turn two revolutions to one of crank. Y'ou can grind unythlng on It with great speed. Grinding Corn for 'twill. We believe in feeding swine o thnt they will have something to keep them busy as well as for the best results to be obtained from the grain, so we feed the corn whole and usually on tho cob until It gets hard nnd tlluty, w hen It Is either shelled and soaked a little to soften it or soaked on the cob. All other grains are ground because It has been demonstrated that the smaller grains go through the animals and do them but little good. Currying out tho plan of keeping tho swine busy, we al ways nave something ror tncui to chew on cornstalks, squares of soil, npplen, potatoes ami other vegetables, 1 and we do not see that they take on 1 fat ony slower because of this plan of; feeding. Pure water Is given them In j clean troughs twice a duy during the whiter and we know they thrive bet ter for having it. Exchange. Cottonseed us Fertilizer. Cottonseed meal Is used quite exten sively in some sections of the country ns a fertilizer. A good grade meal will .-any about (1.8 per cent nitrogen, 2.!i per cent phosphoric nchl nnd 1.8 peri cent potash, llased upon the valua tions that will be used by New Eng land experiment stations In l'.Hl." for computing the value of commercial fertilizers, a meal analyzing ns above will be worth about f-! a ton as a fertilizer. Notwithstanding Its high value when used directly In this Wliy lt will usually be found more econom ical to use It ns n food for stock and to apply tho resulting manure to tho land. When used thus, from eighty to hinety-Hvo per cent of the nitrogen and phosphoric acid and practically nil tho potash will be contained iu the ma nure. Corn and Oil Meal for Hogs. Hogs fed on corn and Unseed oil meal at tho Missouri station nte more feed, made greater Increnso In weight, with a smaller amount both of food nnd of digestible nuw.ment, and at less expense than with any other grain rutlou tested In the dry lot feeding experiments, tho balanced ration of corn and oil meal being the most effi cient and profitable of the rations tested. The quality of the pork pro duced was unsurpassed, and the ten dency of these feeds to make real growth, as well as fat, wns greater than that of any other ration tested. One pound of oil rr.eal replaced from 8.83 to 7.1 pounds of corn, according as It was fed with fire or twenty pounds of corn. Hone meal fed with whole corn effected a marked saving lu the grain requliements per pound of gain. President Itoosevelt Is mapping nit a lot of work to occupy the attention of Congress when II next assembles, guestlons that lire of great moment t the business world mid the public In general are to be placed squarely be fore the legislators for action. The Presidents altitude- on tint railway into question has not been tuodllleit since he tlrst directed attention to the manifest evil that ha grown up un der tint Insidious system of rebate. Mr. Itoosevelt strikes the keynote when lie says the highways must be kept open to nil on equal terms. Tlu nbuses of the private car lino and tlid private terminal track nnd private side switch system must be slopped, the President says. There Is llttln doubt that the majority of the poopU echo his sentiments In this regard. If the Prcflib-nt has his way, power t revise and regulate rales will bo In vested In the Interstate Cntumercn ( 'nmnilssluii. Another measure of Kr,, tan.e that will be tec.,,,,, "Mided by the President Is 11 bill b I't'iMi-nt bribery and other fmnis of , eornipiion 111 rone .-mm.. courts have showed Iu 11 lainental.lo number of Instances that they are not beyond the baneful Influence of wn"l leaders, and attempts to punish vlo- 'ep forward In a commendable ef fort to free the ballot box of fraud. Federal control of Insurance Is another iliiesiiou tuai wtu no iii-.iiishi-ii u. tho President's message. The disclosures that are being made Iu the Investiga tion In New York have aroused a storm of Indignant protest from pulley I liolilers who (leinillul III. It ineir inier- ests shall be protected and safeguard- id by Federal control Tho new Anglo Japanese treaty differs from the earlier treaty in several lmMirtant particulars. It runs for a period of ten years; It embodies a recognition on the part of tireat lirltaln of the parauouiit political, military ind economic Interests of Japan In Korea, and on the part of Japan of the right of Creut llrltnln to take such measures ns she may flint necessary for safeguarding her Indian possessions; It npplli-s the principle of "the open door" for the commerce of all hat Ions to Koren; and, most Im portant of nil, It pledges each power to come to the assistance of the other In war, not merely when Its ally Is nttneked by two xiwers. ns In IIia earlier treaty, but when It Is Involved In any wnr In defense of Its territorial rights or special Interests "In the re gions of eastern Asia and India." The folly of inniutnlntug custom houses to serve the Interests of poli ticians Is clearly outlined by James It. Heyuolds, second assistant of tiro Fulled States treasury, who says that of the l."7 custom ports In'onr country 111 do not pay expenses. Crlstlcld, Md., received $1".7) In customs last year and f2,"tH was paid out for snlnrles. Itcnufort, N. C tisik In $ I .."." in revenues und the salaries paid to gather this tiny sum were nbout Jl. frf). All told, these 111 otllces, w liersi the receipts fall behind the expenses, cost the government nearly $:Iimi,(nk) every year. Surgeon Ocnornl It. M. O'Kellly ot tho army has submitted 11 11 exhaustive ntiuunl report ou health conditions to Secretary Tuft. The report says that '"listed strength of the army, ns H'lown l the monthly sick report. was 58,740, nnd on the returns of the military secretary (lo.l.'l!), and calcula tions are made up on the latter figures. There were 7!,rH( "admissions to thft sick report" during the year. i.Ml deaths from all causes and 1.;I77 dls- j charges for (Usability. The figures. 1 "r- " ''"' .". "'J "' ' progressive Improve nt In the lienltli t, , ill. .III.. ..I .. , .. .a of the army. When tho Civil War closed tha Union army hud an enrollment of a little in ore than a million. In June of this year the report of the Commis sioner of Pensions showed more than hlx hundred and eighty thousand sur vivors 011 the pension rolls. There nro probably many veterans who do not appear on tho pension rolls, so that tho number of survivors Is remark ably large. Certainly the sentimental cartoon which the newspapers print each Memorial day of the "thin bluo lino" and decimated ranks docs not represent the facts. Itecnuse of the loss of submarln boats in Europe, the Secretary of the Navy lias ordered that no American. Hiibmaiino bo allowed to go down un less accompanied by n convoy equip, ped with hoisting apparatus for us In ciish of accident. Every mother whose son goes n board a submarine; vessel will bo glad that this order has been Issued. And when the President went down In the Plunger nt Oyster liny In August, the nation rejoiced that the convoy was at hand.