" "L iMiJlww1 -m,,,,,!!,,!'! mm - -1 iii wm iwuw wiin Mi urar-itii "run r unman mns-nMT r"-n pf -.-j-MiMMMMMMiiiiMMMiJM I In illcHibbcn Tnr$ anil l)ii$ jtzzti None Hotter Mixdo h; Now if a lady nut tfcntliiimn want (11 kci company, that their Iiiimiiii'mh ; if they want to pi. mar ried thai Ii the iich( IipihImihIiii-hm, Imt If tln luil.v want to buy n Fur nr tlm gentl'-ninn want to buy a lint Thats Our Business V fw 1 leo. "NV. Lloyd relumed fiiii Id' II ' I tit oil .Sal unlay. An ExQk.mln.Ok.tlon of Our Stock will Plcaso You HEMENWAY & BURKHOLDR Corner Main Gl 3rd Street a :'." . "'.f 1 vr i ;i !l r 2 ' g;: . J. 4 - - ' jtv ( i. I,' 1 1) ih lic ti down toPpring !'"M i i . I Imliir li;;nriii on Home -if i t:i i , I c int. tailed. Hp i Link . lie Mil I.ind tlif; coiitmctH. Sth'dl : (.!'.-; ( V.-. :.l i .. -.iui.J. pi id h. Si'i th( m. Sclioll will Iinvc u im.i:ti Jii,o ol ; il l. I'Ij'Ih and wifv of Iowa lioliday Hock tl.i'i yu . ! nt: i hero for n few dayfl. Mr. A. I?. , I,,, r.(- t : I'-V "),..!.; a t.ij, to California over 1'ol'tlaiid on hut inc.u i. Ml H. Vclh ictiinn I (i"in J.u ,'f.nc Saluiilay ii f 1 1 i iiM. fSonio (.Id yt,' and sihe-r will answer lor c!i a I. Kclioll:;. W. II. iSykcs and firmly of 1'iaiu. Hjtcnt the Sal, hut li in the c ity. Cash pri( civen m j,K,.citi'n to Hie niunhcr nf oupons used. -',iill,t in loiite and are now on ill.' ii viy lioice cvrlho northetu. Mr. I'hc lp:i i'i from the homo town : o! Mi. ( ( i) A I l.iiiHi,!i. , S'lnday niht icv. Cotidcr pn achod a very forcible and able 1 di cc,i:r':c at the Christinn Church jo:i 'JVtHonal Af')linnlion of Christi , rLi.it to tlio Individual," almost ; c v ry availahk- feat wa occupied, i .i j i I citr ful attention wan tnanifeHled r.nt ol pay for ! throughout the discourse. r i j f h . ri to j-!p i. Wood wanted Clnw. Oi 1... iti inl. 7.1 111 v. ii. in. mi jiiiii it ni'ii i'i ' : " I. , r , ... . . p Air, 1'inneyof oiier,lla i-. isit in , 1 1, i, i jr...,- (lie pinnofl of the State Uni his Hon 1'iaiik fir.ii' y f ,r a we k (,i . . , iiyt Thcio are a number of s0- ili' c jii inos to lf! fixed up bo that Dr. IIAkti, i'. Ij. Win ' I. .i ui.d ' wi'1 K"!)c 'or Bcvcral days. I.I. Jomp.j H,,.,. nt i. ii- mi S -it. 1 'J h'- -"oi'le around town who are urduy. J. It. Fly nti, it pit s-iitii,!. l.i ike Mcl'all paper rompany did tic1 (Irovo Inst wf k . What ahoiit yoiii i'.;.li h clock . You can I, lie tin m n J rcpnire 1 nt Seh- li'i-. Scli'oll selh, sjttl.ulis thai 75, and i a air. Call and llicni, they nr" 1 K . Smoke a '".. I i..;. ! . ;.. ,r lioheini i and y u will ' ' !: millionaire tn.ii a :.t i lo'iKin:,' lor Mm to pui uieir pianos i:i '.ii'ipe, "ill have to wait a little, lid ii will pay lor ho in tho most ah!' 'Hid experienced tuner that has v r i.i ked in the town. I'l-.f. Ihiwy rep.orlH that there aie ,'. i ii). il-, en rolled in the 8th i :r.ei( , II in the lh and "th, 46 in tl '!i,d mid :trd, and 2S in the pri n.ai , in ikiu a total of 151 pupils 1:1 the W'e-t Sid" .School. Tho l'ro !. . 0, I.- i'K -: 1 1 1 v pleased with the Wool is High But Lurch's Hoo 'tit ' im Bankets Are Reasorva.blo t' Are you ..l ii, ,0, 1 h :i your society wiii ;!' he i; tla? The time N hhorl. 1 nppoitunily. C A Snot'i 'M..;-: vi-it' l ill t 1 'A u :--;t n : ' w:i" tc':ti I.-. 1 . V ' ' ' d. 1 .1 ii ' In ! e. M my r. tl.t;:- ilii n t K'U.m i i" . 1 ' h..; ufiil - i i - a in' . a i. ; 1 i- r :u: 1 , iv! t!i i i m.ys that fjreat in taken hy all the stii it mor'; are coming in flic Wry nnt Case. Sheets, Pillows and Comforters are also being sold at moderate prices. and r um u h I i! bet on ( '.1 v h -I a to tin 11 .M ;e ec i.i tie State vh. Tony a:!', ' harmed with rape, begau s t v i.i',,.; jury as hdlows ( . . no--n; mm : . i.rewer, u n. J 1 1 ; 1 - Dive Allison, David :.! . W, H. Kav, Iv. J. Krow, Iv. Wilc.x, 1". Kcnno, S. C ! ' H. . Di' key, H. K. Itice, I 1 ent.e'l. John II. So w ii't-1 t iiiiiv 'p j. ( I c .: ;!! II . f. I a mim ai 1 f Wat Stdm Public Scltool fvrvd flour Mill Winter Millinery AT The Vogue A new line of the latest effects in the advanced sea son's hats. Remodeling and orders given special attention Reduction on pattern hats. Nexl door to Pott Office pr razors .jw5"trB s bbb siiTmvmveo o o o o tt llUMC nijHJ Collage Orove and vicinity. GtiULA JUU flJUULiU SLSL A JUU 9JLfl tLSJL SLS AJLflJl MSULZSLSLSULSUlSUiaJJLAAA a!) Hohemia cigars are the best. Patronizo home industries Con ger cigars. Wall Ii Si hi a ' j - ' ' . V I 1 , f.;io in,; is; ii'- 1 . i a.. -. Win? Ue'.ia.c .. i- ;, . a I'llstolin r . V I y .!.,. ;.. , is ejood. See. I t-t 1 1 ( '( ' a 11 ' j.i j. 1 t.ilking in-' In' ' , i . 1 I . 1 1 it; t sell the I.i s. I ' . .0 . an - : thing 111 thiit lint ; ' c I' -is i.ut th piano man tn 1 .!; i.e. ! The Ycsuvai- a 1 I. 1 i' i) chut ' down sf'VCial i!a - '.lnie ee. u 'us ! 1 rii nut in llti-v hiV. a ::a staitetl and the inan-:;-ni ! there will l 11 nauc deluxe. . t) I'ook nl I". I'.a 'ie, j e" I ' few daH iu the itove I. -i 1 0 v.; unrket for hi l.-i,.!.. ih lc.s !..'!; eotiiuinii and tire d ty II 'urp d jacirloid to lie- D mo 1.1 - i uil'. ! A iiiinihei of iiiu s a - -.vent (! wa tt) lv'ielic Sattlidav hi i;i. ) puened in the lentils case, hai Iwtie ceti-il until Mi.i.viav, a th jud'- vant -i o m' tin- aa.ia.-. Will. Weehtet o' llu r.o'ie.i cirmit tour! Notes. i.ai. I'ueily and Ak.i Hranstetter i ;::.tion City were ench fined ' i i rr c-liing lip;tor at that place a iatioii of tho local option law. M&trd-s G:trne Law Arrests. i 'o.aa Wmde'i Haker reports the ; '.'. '.vii;r; mus'.s and hues at Bran (h e on the i'uth: W. W. Cage, $10; i'a ia -t Ncah, 1 10; Henry Herman, Ma, v'arl Herman, ?io; A. Wilson, -Ii', lrvin Iv'ikhatt, rc; Oto. Mar ' tin M"; and Mml Merum, $io. Tinee men weie convicted at Marh ficld Taiv S. W. Noah. ! THE CUTTIXQ QUALITY of any tool Ii always a dterabea one, but ot equal Importance la th power of retaining this quality so a not to require too frequent sharpen lng. By making your purchases o the Griffin ft Veateh Co. you always receive your money's worth In the best quality of tools and cutlery of properly tempered steel that Is sure to hold an edge. Oriffm ('1 Veateh Oo A Sensible Move. !!ai I'i. iu Awh rev write you up a.jo'i'y tin oar home and furni tuic :;. ti e Hit-gun Fire Iielief As--ti iation, or jour stuck of goods id 1! a- .lltna IaKuiaiict Company. 1 tome Cooking - Saturday. Subscribe lor the Nugget. Kugene Steam Laundry, Allison and HastiugH agents. Thornlon'H is tho place for good cigars, for stationary, etc. Hdd Jenks and Hen Curry eame out from camp Thursday. The Hug contest will close Dec. 20th. You'll have to hurry. Who makes cigars? Thos. Con- miss such an opportunity. ger and the best too, you oei. Tor mining orders we can't be beat. Metcalf it lirund. The beet, the cheapest cigars made are those made bv Thos. Conger. Ask for them. Have you been to see Mrs. Ben son's display of new goods. Don't Jim Whitt'otd is acting us day marshal in the absence ol Kd Under, wood. Mrs. Can ie Holsiuger of Sulciu, is visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Wynne. Cochran is it See him. lie will give you a 'dozen good faces nt a good price. Are you getting the coupons lor the Hug contest with your purchases If not, ask for them.. The best and cheapest photo graphs at Cochrans. Give him a fair trial, lie will do it up right Photographs, photographs, pho tographs, photographs. Cochran makes the best photographs. See him. Just thiuk an Al COc toa will bo told at .'Wo while it lasts. Who by Why, by Motcalf and Brund, of course. The 0. A. II. people intend to win the liag. The High school it. .1. ...:ii Vvi. t ..m.v 1 1 1 umorrt BUVU Vlllll lurj wm. luwiu' juiu roracooti nuau urn . :", doal trvSteelos Restaurant, first favorite society. door cast of Nugget office. j Tho resurfacing-of Main etrcot The contest for the silk llag id I has boon put off to the disgust of drawing to a closn. The winning many. The street needs it and society will havo a piie worth work- needs it bad lofore the winter rain I'his Siilurdav will le their market lav. Don't miss it. The I.udies Aid Society of the I't'csby iciian Church will have a lull suui'lv ol cood things to eat Rule Mining Company with Mr. i just as mether made them at Nedergall and F. O-teiieau t f Sakm I Ounin A Watch's on Saturday. came in naiuruay Hum camp ;;:i : went ori the mht train t" the c t j '.-, talcity. J. K. Martin, Unmilj- 1nau.te1.1i of th Singer Sewing Machine ' ' was sentenced to rve o days iu the county jail on the charge ol , embezzelmcnt. Martin plead m:i 1 to having taken '-. Robt. GriiVm stale, that lie has! 150 hens that will nn he l.ij in 1 and that ho hopes to double the ' number soon. This is good i.ca- to people that have nut Uui able to cot i Miice iv rccentiv. It looks as though the eg;? hu uu- might be profit a1 le. J. M. Durham is flying up lush . : . I. 1. 1 . . . i 1 ' piano u.gou wuuu. N iiffhiiu,i ,.f.iH'.-iallv iveoinniended l.y Us axles ol great .strength in order to ; m iK,.rs u,r eutiulis, cold-'. eroui mid keen un with tho work. At i ia '-ei.t v !io.nin couuli. I'lii.s rvined.v is for . .. ...... . Mi pol-soN IN CUAMIIKULAIN S c rtCll KK.MKDV. I'la n N'.i ifi r New Zealand, Ilerald: I w o year.-i af:o tlie riiai niac.v Hoard i ' Ne"w South Wales. Australia, had .a analy-is luade of all tho couh uiliciuis that were told In that av.iket. Diiiol'iha entire list they : '",n;d 'i- oiia that they declared ia-s entirely lice from nil poisons. 1 l is eet'iii'in was ( hainhei'lain's 1 .aili Keiued.v, uiMde hy the Cham '.rl.iiu Medieine Coinpany, les l lines Iowa, I'. S. A. i'ho ahtjcnee 1 al! narcotics makes this remedy the afest an 1 hot that can tie had; and i: is with a fi'eling of security that 1 iv mot her can yive it to her littlo i.es, riiainiieriain s c ougn Kemotiy ho is only able to change the fr-ant set of wheels as ho can not spaie the wagon on account of the main i cuatigcs, nrms moving, people con;- y ing and going. le by The Moderd rharmaey. thai l'hillips and Wheeler shit thoy were ollerctl is lots of guan.J in Kast Cottage Grove for tlu hi.e'.; ; that thev had covered with !d paint and had on cxhihitiyn nt their I ofllce window. It firms us tlevigh ! the office was 'seoin things," tirt u 7 acre fish pond and now a g -Id brick. ! Rev. Dr. I. D. Driver, preached I two interesting uinl peculiar ner- I inoiis at the M. Iv. church Sunday ; Some liked the style and some did not, at any rato ihey Acre after the peculiar style of the preacher. Dr. Driver has been iu Oregon nearly CO years, is H'J years "old, has preached in this vicinity over thirty years. He has lectured before large audiences iu tho cist, and de bated on religious thoughts with tho greatest atheists the world h.n known, j. rimer s Kestaurani 4 I)iiioiiO l'ostotllco. Ktisl CIas.s Meals. l.o.K:ii.(j House in eonneetiou-- 1 iDiul clemr lu'ds. ::i:p-": m : v. eve. iVUli'.T'K'S Irmifui . : it nit GUARANTEED WORM .REMEDt IhE CHILDREN'S FAVORITE TONiC. OFwmi' op iMivrioN, 1 h K uiNuiNi rHiaKn oniv av 1 . 1 rd-Snow Liniment C ur. Louro, mo. tOU 4iuu iojj:u:uja.ua ty Mjloru VaAriua r .'-' ivll. w s"-!! JQ) O ewis Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries A Fresh Stock of the Latest and Best Goods at tho best prices. Come and be convinced. PI Goods at and below Cost Renin ante in shoes this week, Cblldrens sixes iy to 1 Worth $1.25 now 90 cents Worth $1.75 now $1.40 1.II0 " $1.10 1.60 " 1.20 l.fiO " .1.00 2.25 " 1.60 " 1.30 M 2.00 " 1.60 Mens' Dress Shoes Worth 13.00 now 12.00 " " S.CO 2.60 " " " " 2.60 " 2.10 2.25 " 1.50 Heavy sole leather soles, Insoles and counters an A 1 article Worth $5.00 now $o75 Worth $2.75 now $2.25 4.00 " 3.00 " 2.C0 " 1.50 Gloves, Lamps, Knives, Razors, Mens' Shirts, Notions, jumpers, and many articles g being closed out at cost. J Fine line of boys' clothing at cost. f ONE DOOR WEST OF DR. JOB'S OFFICE 5 W. C. Conner, Mgr. NOTICK OP FINAL SKTTL15MENT Nolieo Is hereoy given, that the un dersigned ndnitnlstrntor ot the es tate of Lena 15ecker, alals Kva Dav euport, deceased, has Hied his Anal account with the county clerk of Lane county, Oregon, and an order has been mado and entered ot record directing this notice, and Betting Mon day, the Cth day of November, 1905, at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. ui. for tiro hearing of objections, It any, to mild account, and for the final settle ment of said estate. Dated nt Kugene, Oregon, this 00th day of September, TJ05. Wri i iam Lanukss, Administrator of theestate of Lena l.eeker, nlais Eva Davenport, Us cciisod. Woodcock & Pottkh, attorneys. til M S Private Nursing Home, 2 n A competent foroe'of nre are established in ths Mrotfc Chrisman . horns on Wall Street, where any eases of sickness can be cared for under any physician, m Tsrms" Rsksonhl v S - Address: Mm. M: F: Flfrr. 5 M ' M Head Ntirse. n Subscribe- for the Nugget, pg for help. jewww,