Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 15, 1905, Image 4

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J. McKEAN riSHER. Manager.
Mke all checki ( We to Svpgct 'nl Co.
Entwil lit the txwtoffloc t rotug lirov.
Oregon as iceuna elms man maucr.
6 months f 1.00
1 year !"
IS months f'-OO
If paid in ndvnnce.
Clubbing Rates.
The IJohenihi Nuciret one year
lth anv one of the follow Inir pub
Mentions one venr for amount set
fnclQc Monthly
Weekly Ore-fonlnn I Portland)
Weekly Journal (Portland)
I'ailr Mining 1 .coord ( Denver)
Weekly Mining lleocrd
Thl pper i k.Mt on Mo lv THE AMEUI
mrc Building, leaver, Colo, where our
reader will I welcome to the use of the load
ing papeta frnlil the varum mining tect'.cut ot
the Won
A seirtttiiic litxary mi l mnt-'ral ox
rH IS PATER is kept on tlie at E. t Irake
AiWertiilng Aifoiu-y, 64 ami 60 Merchants Kx
Change, San Krnil"o, California, where eon
Tacti for advertising rati be made for tl.
Wednesday, Xovkmbkr 15, 1905
Tne Portlaud Business Men's
Kxcursion will arrive at Cottage
Grove Thursday the 10th at 1.05
p. ni. The mayor of tie cify, all
members of the Commercial ( lul
Business meu ami citizeus are re
quested fo join in a brief reception
at the depot. The Co't.ige drove
band will be present.
The Jewish Belief Fund is steadily
growing. Contributions ate coming
in from all ever the United States
for the aid of the sufferers in Bus
sia $200,000 has bien rtceivid
thus far. It is hoped that $looo,.
000 can be raised. Nothing iu tht
annals of modern history has so
touched the hearts of the people
and aroused their sympathy as the
frightful massacre of the innocent
Jews in Kussia. The response to
the call for. aid is universal Cities,
large and small, individuals great
and humble, are eager to stretch
out a helping hand to victims of
the horrible persecution. Collec
tions were taken in most of the
churches last Sunday. AnJrew
Carnegie contributed $lo,oto to the
fund. Ma"s meetings were held in
Eouie of the large cities for the pur
pose of raising money. At one of
these iu- Philadelphia 20.000 "was
raised. It would seem that with
the whole woild aroused to the
highest pitch of indignation, some
thing must soon come to pass to put
an end to the horrible crimes per
petuated against a peaceful and in
nocent race. Russia is staining her
history with a record of the most
unlawful and shameful bloodshed
the world has known in many years
In no wise can she ever atone and
her barbarian ruler U basteuiog the
day of his own overthrow the eon
and heir wbose absence for so many
years cause 1 the unbappiness of the
Czarina, has come at last to an aw
ful heritage.
Prof. Strange is much worked up
over the many unnecessary tardi
nesses of the children. He says
many of them come in just a little
late and can give only the iliuisiest
excuses, while others that miss half
the morning have no excuse. It is
a matter that should cause every
parent great concern. Tardiness in
anybody is a great fault. For a
child to begin to be tardy in school
means tardiness in all things, and
grows with them as they grow, and
will of necessity lea great hindrance
in their way iu the future as well as
a stumbling Muck iu the progress
they should make in their school
Cottage GrOve Has
four churches, graded public
schools, Baw mill, plauiug mill,
electric light plant, flouring mill,
two feed stores, four blacksmith
shops, two general repair shops,
three hardware stores, some twelve
general merchandise stores and
groceries, the usual number of
cigar stores, three restaurants,
three hotels, three barber shops,
several boarding houses, one furni
ture store, two livery barns, and
last but not least, a live and pro
gressive commercial club, with a
latchstring and you will be sure to
find someone to welcome you, who
will give you the information you
desire. If it is not already on tile
at the commercial club rooms, it
will be secured for you.
Lewis and Chrk Medals.
W. 13. Dennis received a gold
medal 011 his quicksilver ore, t J.
Hard was awarded a gold medal ou
Ms ra:e of ore from the Vesuvius,
Oregon-Colorado and Riverside
mines aud various other medals
were givcu those of our people that
had ore on exhibition. All goes to
show that we are in it with the min
ing districts of the northwest and
should be au incentive to push us
on and encournge the industry thai
will bring more money and more
peoplo than any other of the many
industries of which we boast.
City Council.
Mouday night at the
roeetiug ot
Couucilmen Johnson,
Veatcl?, llogate and Chamberlain
were present. An application for
the transfer of the license of John
Barker's saloon from its present lo
cation to the brick hotel building
was granted, after discussion as to
the validity of the bonds after such
a change.
Mr. A. Graham was granted a
transfer of his saloon license to the
Imperial Hotel. His bondsmen Mr,
Gartuan and Mr. Madsen conseut-inff-
The application of Henry Agre
for a saloon iu the Bed Front was
refused, the vote being aye, Ho.
gate, Chamberlain and Nestch; nay,
Ordinance 122, establishing hie
limits and prohibiting the erection
of buildings within those limits, of
any but of certain defined construc
tion, passed its i, 2, and 3rd reading-
Ordioarce 123 levying the assess
ments for the cost of construction of
the sewer runuing from the east side
of 3rd street to the west side of 4th
street was passed on its 1, 2 and 3rd
reading, 'lire assessments were as
follows: J. Iv Ostrauder, M.
Veatch, M. J. lime. son, Mrs. Kor-
mirk, and the Knox estate $47 .40
The following bills were allowed:
Philip Hohl, drift bolt. $1.20; J.
li Young, posting notices, $; A. 1$.
Wood, services as consulting engi
ne er , S51. 50.
The street commissioner was in
structed to hire men to dig an over
How ditch from the dam for 7r feet
The street committee was asked
to look into I he matter of having
the wood fched of John Branton,
which protudes into the street,
The light committee was given
power to order an arc light installed
on the corner of 3rd an 1 Piatt Sts.
providing the other arc lights were
satisfactory, but did uot light the
cornfr enough, and that Mr. Gra
ham should pay an additional cost
of same, making a contract for its
Fred Parson of Asbland Takes His Own
Life by Laudanum.
Last Friday evening Fred Par
son, a son ot Dr. J. S. Parson of
Ashland went into a cafe about ten
o'clock, and to a number of boys
said that he wanted to tako som-t
medicine and write a letter. H
sat down and wrote his letter, after
which ho drank the contents ot a
small bottle, supposedly medicine,
which pxoved to be laudanum, after
which he shook hands with the
boys an 1 told them he was going
away. When asked where, he re
plied: "You'll hear about it pretty
soon." The boys thought he was
joking until be was taken very ill,
when the boys took him home,
where Drs. Bowersox, Songer and
his own father worked over him
until 4 o'clock Saturday morning
when he breathed his last.
That the act was premeditated
was evident from not alone the let
ter he wrote, but from the disposi
tion of his effects. He had only re
turned from Portland that day, and
there is no assignable cause for his
death, other than desj ondeucy, and
why a boy with ull the abilitie", op
portunities, aud loving friends ready
to assist him in au endeavor, that
he had, should kill himself is a mat
ter that h dcply grieving to the
beaita of all hia friends, a3 well as
those who knew him as a bright and
promising boy.
He was buried Sunday iu the
Hargadine cemetery.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere
thinks to the many friends for their
kiodness and sympathy, during our
sad bereavement in the loss ot our
loved husband aud father.
Mkh. A. A. Davidson,
Mks. U. m. Lester.
Gas Plant for Pendleton.
PendleUn, Or., Nov. 8. The
city council tonight granted a
franchies lo the northwestern Gas fc
Electric Company for a gas plant,
the duration of the franchise being
25 years. At tho expiration of the
franchise the city is to have the
right to purchuse the plant. The
company will take immediate steps
to install the plant and expects to
have it in operation by early spring.
Mr. archer hired three men from
Omaha Thursday and took them up
to the mill.
Spent in Development Work In
the Bohemia Mining
One million dollars has beeu put
into the development of tnines ir?
Bohemia. A few large companies
and many individuals have for aov
eral years been steadily developing
their properties. It is not these
people who have persevtred that are
to blame for the delay in getting
methods of treatment, transporta
tion, cood roads, etc.
There are more ledges opened,
more individual properties that
commeuco production, more tons of
ore now blocked out aud ready to
commeucd daily shipments, than is
ordinarily nucleus for several
railroads, numerous smelters, and a
city of 20,000 people.
Attention is asked of business
men that have sense and reason,
that can believe what they see and
are willing to look for themselves.
Bohemia will continue to be de
veloped, Cottage Orove will cou-
tiuue to erow. and Borne day the
millions of dollars that could now
be realized will commence to enrich
the pockets of those that are so
di'igently blaziug the way to these
There is a chance to hasten the
good times that are to come, there
is room for all, many hardships of
former days have been made more
pleasant, much of the dead woik
and that of hunting tnu ledges has
been done. Investigate for your
self, the time has come when every
business maa in Oiogou should lend
an ear and tuiu an eye to the
greatest of all industries mining
Don t be fooled, dou't listen to
fancy tales, the ore is there or it is
not. If t is, put in your money,
go at it intelligently, add to Ore
ton s production, the immense
increase that is waitiug o flow
from the veitiH of Bohemia. This is
110 dream.
Sunday School Convention.
Bev. J. P. Conder, State Sunday
School Evangelist, conducted a very
interesting and profitable conven
tion at the Christian Church during
the last half of last week, in the in
terest of Sunday School worn.
Having been engaged in this de
partment of evangelistic work for a
number of years, many valuable
suggestions aud plans were laid be
fore the workers of Cottage Orove,
which if adapted will greatly fa
cilitate the work here.
President Favors Preserving Falls.
Washington, Nov. 11, President
iloo6evelt placed himself on record
today strongly in favor of the preser
vation intact of the wonders of
Niagara Falls. To visitors wbo
called to urge the president to use
his influence through the combined
action of the American and Canad
ian Governments for the preserva
tian of Niagara Falls, and to pre
vent the diversion of their waters
to commercial and industrial uses,
he said he believed Niagara Falls,
the great canyon of Colorado, the
big trees of California and the buff
alo should be preserved for poster
ity. California, he added, bad
presented to the nation a grove of
big trees, and if the state of New
Yoik could not preserve Niagara
Falls inviolate tho National Govern
ment should step in and keep them
as they are now for the American
people as one of the great natural
wonders of the world.
Public SchoolProf. C L. Strange-
The total enrollment at the end
of the second month was 401, an
increase of 34 over the first month.
Parents have not realized, as yet,
the fact that a school can not ac
complish the best result! if the
scholars are not pnnctual and regu
lar in attendance.
IIIOII school
Fifty-eight students are enrolled
in the High school.
The regular bi-monthly examina
tions occupied the attention of High
school scholars during Thursday
and Friday of last week. A students
promotion will depend upon a gen
eral average after examination of
the grades in each subject.
A library and laboratory are
much needed equipments in this
Heavy Travel.
The Oregon and Southeastern
runnine from Cottace' Grove to
Wildwood halfway to Bohemia car
ries many passengers and much
freight, every morning's train is
well loaded. Saturday about
one hundred and seventy-fivo
passengers rode during the day.
is made of Grape
Cream of .Tat tar.
Absolutely Pin
Makes the food
more Wholesome
and DcIJcip
Cottage drove a DNtrirwtor.
Continued from ll a
city every mouth lor mves tt v
butter, eggs, vegetable, etc. in ;i l
dition to what is raised at home.
We ship in mining mvl ini 1 v,
wheat, oats, hay, butter, ejc.-, pt.i
toes, coal, brick and ears i t k m'l .il
merchandise and furnitnie.
Cottage drove Will tirou.
Among the many ' featuies tlnd
point to the steady ;;!owtli and .';.
bility of Cottage Grove and it- im
mediate vicinity, may lv tiuii'.i. ii I
its immense timber nru-.i.; T ! -gin
with, l.iiiic e"iintv, ii-.(- i '.
Cottago Gove, i 1 :
having the laigc.t limiii i- .
of any like aiea in the w M
this in mind it is iut swij.ii- :
Cottngo Grove should b 1 in th
beatt of this timber belt. It
by authentic estimator
OtK) acres of this great On
and cedar timber belt 1. tid-ut
market through ll t in dium
tage Grove. It is ti n i'i.l
2"), 000 fvt u, ihe ' 1 v ' 1 'j . I m
words, .1OUO,(iooio i . t .
W 1
finest timber on earth m 1
:i 1
way through Cottage' t C
markets ot the world I i i , i
wealth to tlus community- ll i;;
great mills and gigati'i-- i
machinery. It meni 1 ulio.i 1- a 1
railroad rolling Mock. It mi.u
payroll that, in itself ivpn sent-. tli
entiro woultli of mi avej .ny .-a .
One cannot appreciate th" luniu-i
cence ot Ureeon stau hut: ti
through the medium of U -. ii t . 1
and photos. However, ;is an ii. s
tration, the readers' atkn'.ioi 1.1
called to ono item, namely: 1' so
sticks of Oregon fir, ci' u iln.
vicinity of Co'iHge (irnvn.ii a t
of $800 are now iustd'e i in tU
Lillie iniue, Ci ippL-Cie. k. C 1
Cottage Grove Public School M -nili!) i.'c
Month ending Nov. 10, 0.",.
i.OVs (i ll,
Total enrollmt nt
New enrollment 17
Days attendance .'J J'.7 1
Days absence 171
1 '
Average daily attend
ance :uo i.j-i'o -
Average no. belong
Times tardy SI tw
Times truant
Unexcur eJ
Those not doing good work
C. L. SikANiii:, Supi.
When von want a pleasant nliy -i.-
try ChainlierliiiirH Sunmieli mid J.iv. r
Tablets. They lire enxy to take .it.. I
produce no griping or other un le,is
unt effoct. Sold, by The Mod-i n
"Ttiebet remedy 1 can jirescrilx- for your in
digffctlon, liiuiliini, in (.rt-en'K Aui'ii -I I Ii.wi r.
I know of nevcral other liysiri:iii., li. j.u'.
cribe it regiiliuly."
IIndlgestion ia nakinj an nwfnl
as a cause of midden deaths. It is lr. it-
.itig heart-failure iu il ghastly harvest.
jifVou read ill the papers daily of ;i)..,ii
(ently healthy ami even robust im-ii I., n..
Suddenly attacked with iuaite in li;-. .ii
. after enjoying a hrart y im-al, aie ! on
dying iu many eases before a phy ' .
coulii be called in.
JThin Hhould be a warning to u a
suffer with regular or peri. die, d ,- t; ,
of iuditresiioii. if these iinfoi luiiiii v..
tiina of acute indigestion but i . I
small dose of Crecn's August l-low. In
foreorufter their liu-al.-t they would not
have fallen a prey to aieh sudden s. , -i
August 1'lower prevents iti.lis.esli -. .l-y
creating good .Ii ;.".t ion 1 1 nl. ,o i , ,.u-
tlie liver, purilit the bloo-l and loi..-s i;;.
llieentiio Hysleai iu a natural v.ay. i
QTwo, 5c and 75-. - All liiij;gi.-,ti.
rjwukou'ii Vhuman j
SMfilYlMI : iml tua-
i .rr.u:trui:u.s ok
1 1
i f
.i V'.
reasonable prices.
v )i rr
(k,; d.. at
niis: r: Tools
IS 'icct.
t!.- I.une
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,s ! i ;.iii r v, hich 1 r.
ed 'iu able nddlc-88
i -I . tdies, v, hich was
, o.i i..'l.b-f-s by Dr.
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111 orr ex'-i ptlotl 14
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Ih u .i . ,
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1 I" mi i i,e only origi
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s - t.: i i the Opera
' -'-i, -v.
at ,v i'Yi Din"
Ul.o-.M, i.
Cirove Flour Mills
and heed
:l,,t .Collage drove Flour ix sold
Mt ,,' l.uwst liiiiu pliers. We use 2.ri
,, 1. ,nd nlnitt iu our Prido of Oregon
I I,m 1'l. ur will produce more bcrad
' tin cheap varieties now offered.
, v coiivinn d, and at tho muno
, , ,n 1 ii".. a h ' nno rule rprino :::'.:
& Gettys
& Gettys
aS Merchandise
and Amunitions
We are Agents for
Bridge & Beach
I In) Best Stoves Made
Everything in th Haidware
Line, Plows, llairow., etc.
IVoduciujc Mines Tributary to Cottajo
The Oregon Securities Company
with its thirty stamp mill, tho Vesu
vius with its ten stampmillin Ko.
hernia and the IHackbutto (lick
silver mine are all producing. This
fact puts a now phnso on the min
ing industry in this section.
The Oregon Securities Compauy'd
it-ctnt large shipments of gold bars,
thoso from the Vesuvius aud the
shipment of many flasks of quick
silver from ISIackbuttc convince tho
most skeptical that there is some
thing worth diggiug for even if it
is iu Oregou. Though we com
mence late in the year this vicinity
will add its share to Oregon's min
eral out-put and another year tho
production limst certainly be very
Tho voto on the flag coupons that
lmvo Leon reported to dato aro an
follows: Hack votes that havo been
held must be turned in at onco to
bo counted, Iiallot box in Nugget
High School ii0A
. A- " 373r3
W. O. W 470
Public School 423
Junior Foresters of America 7
M. W. A tU
of 1' IO-
11. T. 11 47
I. O, O. P
Maccabees I3
MolhoJist .... 5
"y" : j