Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, November 08, 1905, Image 5

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    mcKibbcit ?r$
mid hni$
None Better Mtvdo
Now if a and gent lemnii waul,
to keep i 1 1 1 ;i n y , Hint, i-4 their
I MHi rtcHM ; if they want (l mar
ried 1 I J 1 1 I. 4 till' lIK'MI'llIM H liimltll-H",
hut If I In' ludy wants Im buy ii I iir
or llin .v ' 1 1 1 -1 1 3 1 1 it wants In liny a
V Thats Our Business
An Kxtvmlnfvtion of
Ovir Stock will Please
Yon. -
Corner Mvii Ctl 3rd Street
.u!-LiL..iu.a...jiMniiMBllmH iimhiWIiIiHH II III I HI
J t If
ft . .. -f
toMU" in"-'
'sH, &i3
The Uodgc JIjjn Riven periect
ol Zinc Ia;u1 Ores
vSclioll sells clocki at reasonable
priccM. See them,
Srholl will liave a complete line of
holiday stock this year.
Sumo old gold and silver will
answer for cBkh at Hcholln.
Mr. lionson han a very fine dis
play of baskets in his window.
Cash prizes given in proportion
to the number of coupons used.
What about your watch and
clock . You can have them properly
ropuirod at BcIjoH'h.
Kcholl sells spectacles that fit 5O,
75, nnd fi a pair. Call and see
them, they are O. K.
Mr. NokeH is fioiHbiDtf up the
work left unfiniHhed when Mr. Dav
iW)i was taken aicic .
Mr. Lee Martin formerly of here
returned from I5aker City on Fri
day night's overland. .
Smoke a C. G. braud cigar or a
iMohcmia and you will feel like a
millionaire mine owner.
ito- O. KnowIeH of the firm of
KnowlesA; Ootly.s, Doberoia, is at
tending court at I; u gene.
l;or a good meal anl a square
deal try Steelts Kestaurant, first
door cam of Nugget office,
I). A. Went worth of San Fran
cisco was in Cottage Grove Friday
and Saturday on business.
DciiniH Slaglc started back to his
home at Wild wood after several
days in town, with his family.
Knda Kerr of Wildwood and
My 1 tie Kirk of Dorena, Ore., were
in Cottage Grove Thursday.
Chan. I'laiskey, of Fisher, Minn,'
arrived in Cottage Grove on Thurs
day nielii s overland to make a
Geo. W. Lloyd stopped off a few
iiourn 111 Lottago (irovo while on
his way north from Nevada where
ho hiiH been looking at mining
Watch S hull's jewelry store it
is growing in spite of hard times,
it'. . . . ...
ttuyruecauNO ue is getting more
customers every day and his word
is good. See.
It. S, Wagner, of Portland, ar
rived in Cottage Grove from Bo
he mi a Thursday niebt where he
hud business to attend to. He re
turned to Fugene Friday.
MeHsrH. Orr and Markley have
bought tho blacksmith tools of the
Pacific Tiaiber Co. shop and are
now owning their own shop instead
or renting from Geo. Orr.
J. W. J-.ddy of Seattle has just
movea 10 tue Grove and is looking
out lor a small farm to buy, and
locate upon. He brings bis family
and will make a permanent resi
dence here.
$240 and two of $iHo each for the
best treatiflo on the prevention of
lead poiHoning in the trades of
house, ship, coni h painting, inlorior
decoration, varnishing utid the like.
Four prizes, ohm of $y'.o, 0110 of
$240 and two of $iH) ca h, for Hie
Iiest treatise 011 the prevention of
lead j)oifoniig inlhoc trades where
raw and manufactured lead are
consumed or handled in a large
Hcale, as in typo foundries and
printing offices. JCach treatise to
contain a .systematic jcview of tho
special causes giving rise to lead
poisoning, in conjunction with a
description of the various processes
of manufacture, pointing out the
dangers occasioned at every phase
of procedure, including handling
and transportation. The papers
may bo written either in Knglisb,
French or German. All maun-
scripts must bo submitted on or
before December 31, 1005.
James ff. Davidson-
For their making
arc now being
shown at
JLW Ul il o
Mr. James II. Davidsrnwas born
in March, 1810 at New Brunswick,
Canada, and died in Cottage Grove.
Oregon, Nov. 'A at 1 :'.',() p. m. from
a stroke of paralysis. At the age of
'M he was married and in 1885 he,
with his family moved to Wisconsin,
where they lived until IS'J j when
they moved to Oregon, settling in
Kugene and from there moved here
five years ao. The wife and one
daughter, Mrs. Lester of Kugene,
survive him. The thiily-fourlh
celebration of Mr. ami Mrs. David
son's marriage was celebrated but
the day b (ore his death Mr.
Davidson haJ been fueling rather
badly for a couple of weeks but
was feeling better Ft May morning
until about 10 o clock when he had I
tho severo ntroke whinh soon ro-I
suited in his death, a blood vessel at
the base of the brain Hooding the
brain. Mr. Davidson and his wife
were both converted shortly after
their marriage aud jo;ned the Meth
odist church in which faith they
have rendered constant service ever
since. Mrs. Davidson will remain
in the home here.
Is like taffeta in everything but price
It doi.-a .'i t.'ill'uta Hervire in many
ways mukes a better wearing
petticoat -shows to equal prettl
nenH a? a nliphklrt and means a
Hiterlor lining to an over fo
ment, became it won't pull, break
or lone its sprightly lustre there
U a guarantee that says It won't.
I'rcH !e Sole l-s soft and Milky,
lusti-i.iM and nervieabl.'. .
Mm price is one-third that at a
tafMn nnd its di-M.-ndability three
tiiiH'H more certain than silk.
Madv in.'W inch width and in mi
p !'! '' i-'k .u well as a prisiua
t!e d.,il ly of color tints.
A Sensible Move.
Have Tom Awbrey writo you up
a policy on your homo and furni
ture in tho Oregon l ire Kehef As
sociation, or your stock of goods in
the .Etna Insurance Company.
Home Cooking Saturday.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Presbyterian Church will have a
full supply of good things to eat
just as mother made them at
Currin t Veatch's on Saturday.
This Saturday will be their market
day. Don t miss it.
Griffin "
rm: crrnsi; ui'ality
any tool is always a dlrfrabea
one, but of pial Importance Is thf
power of retaining thi.- piallty ho a
not to require too frequent wharpen
ln. My m iking your purchases o
the (iritliu & Veatch ( 'o. you always
n-eeive your money 'h worth In the
bent quality of tooln and cutlery of
properly tempered uteel that ts Bure
to hold an ede. "
Veatch Go.
30S McPhee.
Winter Alillinery
The Vogue
A new line of the latest effects in the advanced sea-
onlers iven special
son s nats
Kenu)dilitir ui
Kednetion on pattern hats.
Next door to I'osl Of fit o
HftMP NPWS ,cms of ,ntercst in mul aboul
llUJTllv WU H O Collasc (irovc'iind vicinity.
VJLJULftAJLaJUlJLJLflJl fiJLftftfiU.flfi.fl 9 fiJLfifififl D BQQQOQOOoooooooool
Subscribe lor the Nuggvt. Uohemia cigars are the best.
ICugciic Steam Laundry, Alli.vii
and Hastings agents. j l'ationie home imliistiies- Cou-
T. C. Wheeler was 111 I'.ni-cnu on 1
Mondav on htisiucv
Thointon'H is tho plu. e
cigars, for stationary, etc.
Who makes cigars? Tlurs
ger and the best too, you bet.
J. F. llaitels with his family went
to Kugene Monday on business.
Wood wanted Pa it of pay for
same to be in subscription to paper.
Cochran is it. See hi 111. lie will
give you a dozen good faces at a
good price.
The best, the cheapest cigars
made are those made bv Thos.
Conger. Ask for them.
U. K. Lester of Mugeno was in
town Saturday to attend the funeral
of his father-in-law J. II. Davidson.
milling orders we can't be
Metcalf & Hrund.
Rev. Wallace was a visitor in lui
gene on Monday.
Have you been to see Mrs. Pen
non's display of new goods. Don't
miss such an opportunity.
The best and cheapest photo
graphs at Cochrans. Give him a
lair trial. He will do it up right.
Photographs, photographs, pho
tographs, photographs. Cochran
makes the best photographs. See
J11.4 think an Al GOctou will bo
nuld ut :Oo while it lusts. Who by
Why, by Molcalf and Uruud, of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (!
the Hotol Ilrownsville. are th(
happy parents of a bouncing boy,
born Tuesday. Times.
David Markley and Win. Lamlcss
are in Kugene. Mr. I, amices is ap
pearing before the court in the
pottleiuonl of the Davonpot t estate.
Tho rosurfuciiiir of Mai
1-wcii ur i baa been put off to the disgust of
v. 'I '1. ..I .... L
many. Jhe street
needa it bad beforo
1 sell Columbia
talking machines,
sell tho best. If
tiling in tlmt lino
piauo man in JJugono,
noeds it and
the winter rain
nnd all other
therefore must
you want any
soo ltankin tho
J. S. Coleman brought in a load
oi mighty fine wood Monday to
keep the printers warm this winter.
He has a good place and believes in
using everything possible to make
the money grow.
Alex Lundberg and Charles
Olterson returned to camp yester
day after ft weeks rest in the Grove.
Mr. Lundberg is in charge of the
work at the Jiiversnle mine and Mr.
Otterson will go to the Vesuvius.
esieruay was tue great Uav in
Now York politics. . he political
situation in Jsew lork is a startling
one. The Bame conditions prevail
John Johnson, an old mining
man, who owns the house and lots
just west of Wm. Conner on Wall
street, died in Denver, Colo, last
r nday from a stroke of apoplexy.
Mr. Johnson came bore iu the early
part of tho summer to look after his
property. In returning to town one
day ho was offered a ride by J. It.
Thompson, who was passing, and
only a couple of minutes after he
had taken a seat in the wagon, the
team ran away, and Mr. Johnson
was thrown out: dislocating uis
shoulder aud breaking his left arm.
Owing to the age of Mr. Johnson,
who was 7 years old, his injury had
all the large cities to a great do- ft serious effect upon his entire sys-
Special for this Week
and Next
In order that one ma- get a
number on the Doll Avanelle
I will offer special prices on
all dress and street hats the
remainder of this week and
all of next week
ir&cal AMUinerg
gree. p.acli city has its reform or
anti-graft party, fighting the party
in power. Jerome and Hearst fight
ing 'lammany. Weaver in Phila
delphia fighting Senator Penrose
and the republican ting. Mayor
Schmitt, the unions and saloons
against tho fusionists headed by
Jouu S. Partridge.
J. I. Jones is becoming an en
thusiastic angler, as he would have
you believe to hear his tales of a 6
acre fish pond which be began con
ducting on luesday. The fact re
mains, Mr. Jones has a force of
about 10 men at work with teams
and scrapers constructing a large
pond ot 6 acres or more at the base
of the hills just east of town which
ho hopes will soon
tern, his arm and shoulder were very
slow in healing and when he re
turned to. Colorado he was feeling
very poorly. He owns considerable
property in Colorado consisting of
lauds, houses, and a hardware store
besides his property here. Arrange
ments are being made to dispose of
his estate.
Alex Luuberg is down from Uo
hernia for a few days and is bavin
a good rest
The Weudling mill was operated
for a short time on Wednesday to
see that everything was in good
working condition. It will start up
soon now with a full force of men
The company is still scouriug the
be full of water county about for men to work there
aud fish, if n better use does not 8 " an lliat reaI1y waut8 W0'K 01
dflvlr.n fVrM, rnA Tira ia r.t. that kind needs to be out ot em
... j.w.... - - - I ,
ting there, he will probably laud a I'loymeiu.
fish soou. The president Tuesday issued on
im,. t... t.k a; r Tuesday a proclamation for the ob
a iui7iiiuuuai uuuui iuix vi I " r mi .. l , XT.... . .it.
national prize competition for the
prevention of lead noisouintr. Oue
prize, of $1,200 will be given for The Hour mill keeps grinding
the best treatise on the prevention along, turning out tho wherowithall
of lead poisouing iu the operation for the staff of life, lhat the mill
of rainiuer and milliner lead ores or is so well patronized is because of
ores containing lead. One prize of thq worth that is put into its pro
2,400 for the best treatise on the ducts. Mo better Hour is made any
prevention of lead poisonincr in where in the section, and no better
smoking and refining works. Two any place with tho same quality of
prizes oue of 1600 and the other grain that the mill noro is compouoii
ofi6o for the best treatises on to use. The trade of wheat in tho
the prevention of lead poisoning iu valley is not of a particularly high
chemical application of lead, as in grade in the first place, and then
w hite lead works, manufacture of so many farmers pay so littlo at
boons at ana peiow Lost
Keunmuts iu shoes this week, i hildrens sizes 7lt to 1
Worth 1. -'." now M tents Worth $1.7 now 1.40
" l.::o " $1.10 ' t.,-,0 " l.i'O
l.."o " 1.00 j.-l", ' l.lio
1(10 " l.:!0 " -2M " 1.50
Dres9 Shoes Worth !.0U now
L'.SO "
as a day of Thanksgiving for
whole nation.
other lead paints, of electric accum
ulators (storage batteries), eto,
Four prizes, one of 3C0, one of
tention to the careful raising of it,
that the wheat is much below the
Heavy sole leather
Worth $5.00 now :?:'. 75
4.00 " oini
soles, insoles and counters an A 1 article
Worth $2.7.1 now $2.2.1
2.0 " 1.50
Gloves, Lamps, Knives, Razors, Mens' Shirts,
Notions, Jumpers, and many articles
being closed out at cost.
Fine line of boys' clothing at cost.
W- C Conner. Mor.
notici: or ITN'AL si: ttlkmknt I
Notice is heivhy given, that the un-'
dersigned administrator ot the es- j
tatooll.ena liecuer, alai:i iav
enport, deceased, has lile.l his final
account with the county clerk of
Lane county, Oregon, and an order
has teen made ami entered of record
directing this notice, and setting Mon
day, the lithday of November, l'.MKI,
at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. for
the hearing- of objections, If any, to
said account, and for tho final sell le
nient of said estate.
Dated nt Kugene, Oregon, this 30th
day of September, luu5.
Adininlstrator of theestato of Ja-iui
Becker, aluis Kvn Puvenport, do
Woodcock & Potteu, attorneys.
Private Nursing Home.
A competent force of nurses
arc established iu the Scott
(.'hrlsinan home on Wall
Street, where anjv eases of
sickness can bo cared for
under any physician .
Terms Heasorvable v
Mrs. M. F; Fifer,
Head Nurse.
Subscribe for the Nugget,