NO GG Devoted to the Mining, Numbering and Farming Interests of this Community. 0 VOL. VII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER NO. 4i BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And Ucncral Mining News (lathered Prom Iixchangcs. O. I) ('.rove of Portland inat tlic Vesuvius fr a time doing Home special work. Oliver C 1 ilbcrlson has returned to camp ond ih working on his Oliver Twist g.oup f mines. It M gralihing to pote that the Hoheinia I'istriet took several medals at tli? Pair, Hotnr of ihem gold oiiwh, mid "tne of IcHr value. A Ht of the various prii takers will be publishe I later. Mining machinery nun ai git ting intercHted in the district, us a field for m nny snleM soon. M. J. Ready representing Culdwidl Hr'. Co. o Seattle, is in liii l' king up buhiness at present. There whs :i dame 10 l'.i)liciiii;i l'ri lay I'iuht, thai w ti wi ll nu iuli- ' by all the young folks ol Um neigh b'irhood, and it picttv I. or fir 'oln i of the older pni !e as wi ll Kv r hi'tlv had the sivcllvsi i i t of 1 1 1 car. A I Johns n of Itoln una was in town for a few .1 is 1 1 1 no. I He of the week. He is goinvr back to Minnesota l"i the wintr hnt will Mturn in the M'tii'g to l,1M'rpei -! ' r,JU" ,',,"lu,MI """!' tu-M at ll.-hcia as he s.vs (h a.e!,s proving eHicmely saiiM.i. ton It to, valuable and is too '.e.t!', I Lis de-p o. e tl.M h,s tie v,N.-. an opportunity t thee. I I"ii"U ' ;;'' .hue .. 1 1 1 U'luM'ti ftOO itiul holt men en pl. i d i . . ....... . . Manauei Ibml npnts that ii,,. I 'esuvius null is p.'timlinu' stea lilv I along with the b-H of h. suits. The tramway is nking without a hitch, and n fine winter's work is laid out. The tnin- is in good shape nnil strat i 'fiiitious woik is going on. Mr. ll.n'l feels very much pleased over tln outlook. Strauge as it may seem, the win ter time i oft the time when mines get busy doing their hardest licks, and when tho most reports of good work arc heard. With every winter time new works are projected, new plans laid out and begun. Most of tho mining companies in Hohemia uro plugging away the In-st they can, and getting rendy to make much larger improvements soon than ever before. Several deals are underway at present, and before long undoubtedly new life will be infused into the camp. v.. 4) JOc. One lt ofchiltlrens suit, One lot Children's Wool ladies felt house shoes, 'A to l.'i yeans were $1.50 15c huyc zcs (- Vis ttH sizes to $-1.50 now 7-7'. at $1, $1.25, $.150. 75c to $1.50. A few pair Women's ens i)rcss Shirts, sics ...... c ., on . L, Ladies I mon bints 20c shoes, (i, 0V!f, ( andS 10, KiV's. 17, Suit size 25c each 50c 4) . Stacked up in the vaults of tho United Slates mint in Denver nro gold burH amounting to twenty tnil lioiiN of dollars that only await the placing of the coming nuichintry to be turned into coin of tho realm. To this atock is added from two und a half to threo millions every thirty daya. The govet runout doesn't seem to ho linateniiig (he instdlii tion of inaeliinerv, however. Tho' Philadelphia and San Francisco mintfl arc closed down mi l 1 1 mi "fl(Hd of gohl" that the bunkers fear will deluge the world iH not eventuating into coin at bust. When You Read Mitiluic News Read all of it. In the rcat Northwest, the Nugget tell the atory lively, reliable, progressive. Price per anuuui, jU.yi. Th Daily Mining Kuord, "The Only D.iilv Mining New spiipe-r in the Woild," pnlili she-. iicwn liuiii all the camps, contains lull tele grinhie rep'-riN of all the stocks n the 'lilfen nt mining Hock exchange, operate fier legd and inf"i matiou depart nictils for us readers. I'er milium, dailv $.". Sutuiday $.. 'J'he Nng'.'t 'ind tlie Dniiy- Mm i"g Kcconl. y. :iily js.S.O". Tim Nile,. 'et and the ii'i; Satui la M1 nit; Itei'ord, j S-i in h-x on k ipn-si. Ntig;!' t Publishing Co.. C' It ').;.' Ciiove, ( )' gon. Blue River 1'ronpcrous. T. S Ieati. who recently c one iluwn fioin the HI tie Iiiver inincH reports tho district in a no-t pies ... im. I i m 'lie diatricl hnl now tin ic- a"e less llintt . CI II I II. a I . . I I. r U new Huntington mill i in opeiuiio'i and giving i xeelleiit hsuIih ( )ii the HrowtiHiillti two simnpH imue are being added, The mine is showing good vhIii-h. The Ihooks mino Ls ruin ing in folk) oie The Hadgi r cor.;-any has fonnd its lead and. ho it is reported will put in a 'io-stamp mill mxtyeir. Their ore is the average of the rump or more. Dr. Caidini of Portland has put ill a rrt"i""ii . -w. ..... new quartz mill. The Treasure miue, under the management of C. II. Parks, staits upon Monday with 4o tampa. O uard. Quartz Location. Geo O'Brien locates the "lloKlen Age" and "Golden Gate" claims in the Hluo Itiver district. Sale on xt Welch & Woods All this week to Nov. 5. Flag Tickets All pasIa sales . NICHOLAS NO LONGER RULES The Russian Empire Is Practic ally Without a Head, for the Czar Vacillates and De clares Nothing While Rev olution (Irows. Strains Witte is now declared piii.-iier ar.d is trying to nave the tnpire. Km Ma is in the throes of a Spread iiicj ii voition. At the present time all railioadM, many of the greatest l.uMiicHs hoiiheH and manufacturers un; clonei I through strikes, and in addit on to them, the btorea have i -lo-cl an I barracaded their doora thr ut:h fear of iio. No trains ara r-in at nil, e.n iit outbreaks occur laiL, n.;iiij are killed by the troops, and in many places even the troops i f tin- Knyal Guard are mutinous kihI nluh. lo pri .feet the govern ment The C."r has refused to rant the wibhes nf the parties seem i i . I l 1 1 1 1 1 1 the revolution, and the Nil nation looks at the present time as though a change of tho dynasty of the loihhian empire would be chunked within u few days. The Czar an i -enbndy knows is a weak, I ow i h ,-s man, whoKO actions and deed aie governed first by one por Kiti, then by another, and has no piiMimil will or strength. At the present tunc he seems to iulbienced moic the autocrats of the present pm r iuio-it than by Sergius Witte, who has been declaied premier. in-- im making ii great effort to got theCz.'irto making great changes in the mode of government. The latist report is that Witte hau been made iniuister president, with the power lo transform the hcrctofuip farend national asfcem lily into a real legislative 'bodj, elected l.y greatly extended suffrage, and lo confer upon the people civil 1. bellies, freo speech and religious liberty. Count Witte insisted on a cabinet on the Hritish model, with a selected pn mier responsible to the Imperial liuiiHi or Parliament, while the em j t r or clung -to the appointmeut of the ineml er d' the cabinet on the Annticun phui, by the emperor, as hit f of stale. I'ift Miidcnts and an instructor c l the school of technology Lave set up a provisional government. Troops hui rounded the building in which it was tstuhlishcd. Revolutionist activity still con- tinucs throughout the empire. At Warnaw all tho bunk were foited to cIoho today while mol.s Ktopjrd all street cur traflic. by oci turning many car", peasarits in rn'iny 'j HhIj provinces are revolting. Injining, looting and destroyirig government property. St Petersburg in in absolute, con trol of the streets who number 120,000. All classc of professional men and merchants are contributing to tho strike fund and tho .contribu tions amount to lo,00o roubles daily. The streets iu: filled with troops, but the government seems utNrly (owerless to o e with the situntion The strikes art grow in,,' and every business is effected l.'iots are gen- rul in u!l the provinces. The kaiser has ser.t some l aitl'ships i protect and guard the tzar and his treas ures should hediSIIC to Jlee fT III his kingdom. Kussia mav I conn-a new nation under a new ovcrnineiil, "u' li as seems lik'th to be formed. Drunken Slahliin Affra Hire Tuesday Morning. James I' bum, goiii0' tr in Co s Hav to Inle,'cn'!ci t stojiped ovti here on Monday and indulged in a spree and in the evening i-t-irted out to look up n li'lit. .lu-t how long he was trying befoie he succeeded is not known, but in the fracas which resulted lie wa-. .-tabbed by some paity unknown at present in the left arm near the shoulder. There was a party of four who had been carousing, and had lx:en fired out of the saloons. Two of them were Hutch Wat kins, a negro 'Shine" and another unknot n. Une of them is suitoscd to have done the cutting. Gteen Pitcher aircKed Pybuui, and lie was taken before the recor der this morning ami fined for dis turbance $-.50 and costs and re leased that he might have mtdical atteudance. Ti e t ut is about an inch long and an inch deep but probably is not at all dangerous Mining Location. G. M. Hasett aud C. P. CouiPo locate the Mastodon claim o'i Adams monntain, 14 1 J miles east of Martin Spring. Reception for Pastor. The members of the Christian Church in Cottage Gm ve will give a reception to their new pastor, llev. I). P.. Olson, next Saturday night at tie church, beginning at All members f the at- tP,.,tnnt of rhe rM...l:,r services. , and friends ol the congregation cordially invited to be present. ait' II Mm, K tit V.:W.7m:iMV,-X I V J AMERICAN MIN ING CONGRESS The I:ighth Annual Sessionjof the Congress Will be Meld at Paso, Texas, Nov. 14 to 18,1905. TKAN-I'OKT TKiN K VTI'S J rcr.i a!! points in the tertitory under the jurisdiction of the Trans continental Passenger Association, Ouch practically includes all the r-tates west of the Missouri river, the rate: to Id Paso ill be one fire for the round t; tickets good for thirty days, i . ; i all .iiiT points 111 the conn'..- the rate to J-.l Paso will be one :. p'. i' tvo h-ihrs for the round t.:,', final limit for return Dec. 20th. Tit kets will be on sale a week 01 no piior to the opening of the Coiivcnti1 n. I-.Xv. I'HSI'-N K. 1 KS. The Tiaiisj oitation Committee has ai ranged f r a series of excur sions into Old Mexico, New Mexi co, Arizona, etc. In io case doi.-s the fare for these special trips exceed . 11c Tire for the round till', an I in m-ailv all iristat.ces it is less One trip 'deserving sr-ecrd mention is that to Mexico City and return lure $2S. This tiip will give tjn-' visiter an opportunity to visit tho grei.t miniiig districts of (id Mexi co, ten or twelve of the leading cities of that country', also of view- ling the ruins and rel cs of the civi lization of tie Aztecs; the palaces, castles and temples of the early Spuhish settler-, and missionaries, etc. K N T !; K T A INM KN T 1 I: A T k KS ! The hospitality of the people ol j 1-11 Paso is absolutely unsurpassable, 'as will be fhovn by th? fo'doAiug features dt signed to entertain the delegates and their friends. On one evening during the ses sion, the girtlemen of Kl Paso will give a Smoker in honor of the visit- ;ng gentlemen; and the ladies of Kl ', pr. ..ill .i-f n rpfpotiou to the .u.sU ... . visiting laties. Hoth of these luuc- mcv wuui ... au. iaCu vu tiens a.e designed to be brilliant ! zinc ores to enable them to be im sccial events ported cu au timidity with silver, n old Pa'shioned Mexican Hull , copper and gold, and with this Fight will be held at Cuidad Juares, idea in view, they are going to send Mexico iuM. ncoss the river from a delegation to congress this fall to i-i n.. ;., ,.n;..t, tei.,l ,-bnmninn : ask for modifications of the tariff Matador's will be entered. Other features tLe inspection ! i.l I H, III " IH. - j , Ol I I1C i)lt.vMlU l"Uv i oiwv.ii.wi f i. , i 1. 1 rt. i toiler i h i United States, visit to several ol J I 4? FU F U R. S FURS When you sec our line anil j;vt our prieVs that is all that is necessary, proviiliMti you want to buy. T hose who t ecu them are surprised at the low price we are selling them i'or. armao9HemenwayCo Leaders in cathedrals and mission buildings, which have been in u-e for several hundred years, trol'cy rides about Id Paso, jile'ity ot bras- hand music, etc. 11 1 mi s, ktc. The .State Mining Association of Texas will have a complete exhibit of mii.erals found in that state; the Oregon Mountain Mining District and several other local mining camps of New Mexico, Old Mexico, and Arizona, will also have displays of mincral.-. Several large ruining machinery manufacturers will exhibit various kinds of mining machinery, aud the Humphries Photo Company will have on display all during the ses sion an immense eolle.tion of pho tographs of ruining operations, camps, plant-, machinery, etc, rep resenting the min t g industry in New Mexico. Arizona, Sonora, etc. I'RO',l:..M. The program for this Convention will follow inoie piaetical lines than it ha- at any Convention held hertt' f ie. All papers to be pre sented will ileal with live rciniug 'pjestions, and the most representa tive ones ull l.o printed and dis tributed to t: e i'e!i Ljates in advauce of the -soii. mid a time set apart for the r exclusive discussion dur ing the ss-si-'ii. ' Delegate- i lio-cii by Governor G. K. CI. mi be i lain to represent the State cf Oiegon, at the Eighth An nual Session ot the American Min ing Coi gie;--. J. l; Watson, Portland, Ore. ; Walter Mackay, Portland, Ore., Ii. J. G-.ifre.v, PoitlauJ: Col. Jas. Panting, Uakc-r City; II. T. Ileu dryx,' r City; Al Geer, Haker City; P'nnk S. Uaille, Haker City; P. i. Puller. Sumpter; M. T. Ksne; Sumpttr; Grant Thcruburg, Gran ite; Kmil Jk-Ic-r, Hourne; Dwight L. I, aw ton, Grants Pass; H. G. Moult -in, Ivigent; P. J. Hard, Bo hemia; Thos. K. Muir. Portland; Nolah P. Skiff, Cornucopia; L. ZimnienuJii, Portland. With the .increasing inability of the state of Missouri to supply the zinc demand ot the United States, the importation of ores from Mexico is increasing, and with this increase the miners of the sister republics are discussing the matters of duties. .... , tu. law aud will also have a big deleja- tion present at the American Min- iuu vu i" , .November n. V Si eft 1 ' & ml A km t (it