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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1905)
ROT MIR of 'o Devoted to the Mining, I,uibetiii and Fanning Interests of this Community. VOL. VII COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 18, 1905. NO. 39 BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And (lateral Mining News (lathered From Hxchangcs. C I' Miti hell and John Peterson returned to llohctnia Wednesday morning. Since it discovery the Klondiko has contributed in-tro than f 1 20,000,- 0(10 to tin; Will Id's H')ld KU)ly. T. C. Archer leturiu'd ir tin l'ott l:iud I'liday moi ning imd went on to Oicsco on the morning tiuin. Win. UVrhti-r of tin- Io!d(.n Kith.' Minim,' Co is in town buying sup lies to hold th' iu over I lie winter. Til" purchase price of lnd.ll WUH 'JOO.oiiu, an, I it has turn (fti mated th it the ni'M.t v which iln tutu, lisliiiics . i i 1 nun ! o r. - tUIIH'd til llC peiipie i f lil . I'll'tl'd Slates hjiice llH jiiircl: i-i I ;i I'MVH'i f t'ii iiillio i dollars New Mill S:itM;iLur). Albany, Or. I t o. Th -. n w Hiintm.rt.iii mill .it the Cm it N-ulh ein mine in tlie llhin nvrr disttict1 has I teen in-t ailed, and reports i today ,nc tint it in p i n all expectations ot t J i - piomni.i-rs in the amount f !! it will hoidln in a A in- l--d:;i' in t lu lower tutiii' I "I' -!i i . n j o'ted foine tilll" sinii', h .-. ;i f t ' I ni loot I. ice of lich ore, and nadii the work of the new mi I soaivl hiu of the leal value ol the n.iuc c.i ii ,-." nsccr t tined. r,-' ostensibly in cause for mtmcrotin questions, many of which havo pub lic iutcrost. Three drills ojK-ratiiig near Wal Jo, two that were ot woik on the Applegate and ono ou Kvnus creek, have been drawn into Grunts Pass, loaded on cars and sent Month. The managers made no explanatory. statement, leaving the public in the dark as to the cause prompting hus- letiS!on of the work. One of the first solutions sui-grsted was that riiu.1iw- .,mrmi ,,f j . 1 1 . .... . I gooo pay nno oeen loutiu. an I llial, ,;(Jimlv Christian Missionary secretary l.y gelling out of the territory with I Convention to be hold at Cohort 1 th. CONVENTION AT COBURG I'rojfram of Meeting to bo Held October 19th to 21st. I train leaves Spi inh'-ld cvoiy mom- ing about 7 a. in. j All di haul's will Ik: taken from C"bnrg to Dugeiic ftc- of chaiec on .Saturday at 1 2 a m. Animal Meeting. The. annual mc tint: of the the drills tor a whiic. better fiirutcs ! ,-,,, i.',.r ,-i mi .... I ,t . ciinlil lie Kffiirpil in riiirfli.ivitwr ll.u' ' ' jr .1 . ' . . . ! mi ii' hw. in r. 20 1'iopcuy ii i iic ownern were icu lo i lielicve that the ground was v. duo- i ' I .11 . 1 a t iuhh. i tie oiuer aun natural con elusion drawn was that t h u ground was riot favoniblo o dredging There is no doubt that most ol tins terntoty contains ubiiudaiit gold values, for it is an alluvium that is fanned of the wawh from a tied oM district, but it is possible that the bedrock was not right. Ihatbnvl Icrs were too niriK-rniis or th it Hie gravel wjh to htrd for go 1 1 drcd ii wotk. Sum .- !'(os, ic tiii i-. .til in no. icss. I dt the heaviest ciows have "eu tak' ii aw iv. and until the ml f.icti al tlm I'oitoin'of th case have been levc.ih-d, the people will lie ttoiihled w th doubts as to the m i tives pimnptiug thn Hiiddeu abnul onineut uf pioinising woi k Pacilc: Miner. Ho- hcin;a Mini- Owners Association was held at Kno'Aks Cr-ttys ntoje last Friday evening. After acting ou itiJiiii d reports ot treasurer an 1 nlso ii-j ii ii t-i of (oinmit foii iwinj; officers weic CONGRESSMAN CONVICTED John Al. Williamson and Marion Bigs Sentenced to Ten .Months in Jail and $.500 line. Illl li-hW, in " a in. I )i-votional, hid bv A. M. S .veane v. '.' 10 to II a. in. Sunday school sos HIOII. 1 I a. in. Seriiiuii. C. W. P. M. S. Hsi.,1, in the after noon. I .' in Piaycr and piaisi: si r- ice. I 10 ., in A ldi (. Ii,- Mrs. (i. S. () IPlillb.-il, statu piesidelit, N - Pi tuies ( an old , 1 1 1 1 i i o .i j i -ii I . I -a lie- ,i--ii( in 1 . I I I , ll " I I nu ll I 'liiei-t.o'i of t tin resl lcilt. i j-j la N l l( tille 1 1 til li D. I,. ( )! in eon lit y - eei et 1 1 -. i in Si i iiioii. fleeted: W. II Shane, Pr 'IrvgHtad, vice pres. ; Cc-o. KnowU-s ticasuiei; I-'. M. Mi.Intyrc, hcv.; I J. Hard, C. W. 1,1., y d, I-Vlix r,.in dess, S. J. M, .,! ad C. Hotel i I.. J. in; the C-i!-!i i tn t jtlc Up i crty t ) i id ,- MillCJn.u Han !.s. I .-.'!: i ha-, oC( li dvVi lop-Piok'-i; Hi!! mine on Pane i. Hii'i''.r- Creek His- Siskiv ' i Cnii:itv, C d , ii'.-ar o. i 1 i ii- iii-, ,.! t hv prop !'V.v .i;.:t di the c.!i - Pen i Poitland. Congressman John I Williaijison and Marion Pitfga were j H' titence i to ten months imprison iik nt and py it $000 Que. Dr. ! V;in f'.esiier fivo months and $1000 I ; l.'i.itcd States listii-t Judge if ant today I he dllTei'a :. .. si i.'ei.ce was stated by tl ' j-ldge to Us on the ne-o-iM ui it..- ;UCl ;i,r,t i ' -.1 1 coiiiiihon wuiild ( jfcsrjer s not per r-r,5') which ha million more than a conservative estimate made by the Pair officials before the Fair opened. Of the total number enter ing the gates about 1,045,507 went in on passes. Fully 90 per cent of these were employes on the grounds and members of the trail attractions. The four larges days were as fol lows: Portland day 854!); closing day s'vyJO; Fourth of July, 53,738; opening day, 3o,n06. Nearly a 40 per cent dividend to tho htockholders will be declared. The Fair is naiJ to have been tbe most successful financially of any ever held in the United vStates ex cept the Trans-Mississippi F.xpo. sition at Omaha. Petween 6000 and 8000 people will be out of employment in Port laud now, most of them will eo to other places immediately, so that i ortlaii'l will not be overburdened wirh them. Tho railroad passeneer traffic is greatly lfssening, but the mit a lone. 1 !eim of imprisonment. , freight will I e kept up for several l'r..icn, tnUijciiiu Williamson i weeks with the shtor.ine nfovViihiu . l O ..mU.V.w. p fi ll lie- m i.;h!i 1 Col i .Men The j;,.,: ll .11! '.'I k 11 u an; !h: S' r the '.' 1 1 i 1 1 u dee lectured the ; attention to th by wroug doing . I positions. Hc: in I., n i.w , sei vie 1 bv I! '111 lilU ell'IH ll s Drills Orcxoii. There been a spiiit ',f d.pres sion in the placer districts of .South ern Orei'Mi he p:ist tw, w--'ks over tho attitu !. of tli-i California com panies that ha I been prospecting with drills I'm drudge ground. Plight of the drills that had been engaged were taken away, with uo statement by the managers as to the cause, and nothing has de veloped regarding the options held to indicate what prompted this bear movement. The Caliloi aiiaim were heralded upon their arrival as of the best dredger men known to the world, and it in generally under . toad that thu men who were back ofthe exploratory "work in Oregon were thoroughly (pialified by x pyrienc J ami finances to carry out an enterprise of this character. The fact that they h ive left tho field New (iranls Pass Smelter. Tho furmce and smelling ma chinery that was const r m t-d in Spokaua for the Rogue Piver Smelt ing iV Mining Company, which is to be erected near Crams Pass, has Inreu completed. The furnace is KlxSIl inches at the tuyeres and is equipped with a N'o. ( Conm rsviHe blower. The site for tho olant on : Rogue rivor lias lxn clcaie l and7 the preliminary work for the dam j mid generator has been commenced. ! ,s I KM - , o. I !. 1 .1 lii Sni K Muni. V I S 1 P "M t i fl in I.I..- coil 11 1 V . 1 I a. in Seine, ii by Prof. J. M. M a 1 1 ' ' 'hi i-tiiiu I 1 1 1 1 . ' ' I 'I ci !k S..,-iiiijii 1 .;; p. in Sciaptuiii drill le I by M. l- 1 1 'rn. county piesi lent. - p. 111 K' .potts of linc county sec ret. aiy, I . Iv. Ol-fon and luiiii 1 letting coinmitte.'. I 3 p. in . Set mon. a -10 p in. Open discussion of the iieed-t ol tlie lield. p. :;i Pi ais ' rvice, led by C. C. 'uitis. p. in Sermon by Professor K Wigiiiote, "Jesus tho Man.' Th ( a;,,e a i-v.i uili tho add Mi. 1 oi thu :n: can in.i::i : : li a r.c tern .- le-'1 o -v:i,-rs ill increase It.v 1.: tic: null, and will 1- already ten stamp 1 ii,'.. 'Vlltlll He ill Wi II charge be bc- la Tits, CiHiri'j I" - (-x.impic set I men. in t -tlie ad led tic.t thu prevalent belief that i -.ihns l,y 111 IiviJiiahs may be com iiiittcn with g.v( riiiii':!it, :-. a dangerous doc- tin... and mailt be suppressed apjni-.-ation of t ie iniii( a siiiy ut jn gi.r. led pending pei fee ting au up- 1 pial. ' 1 i illidi !!k- ' I lie W: 1 Co.imi l.anguagt;. 1 c toe brought its j I' :.sotis. N-. 1-juger will it bo itemi'lit. that in n -,1 wear out j the eoiub.-ita' -ti i.-ie it cc e-e. Public I opinion may yet Income powerful jeaough to cotuj.el ti. actors to , enter court an 1 try the ca.e befoic iaiiroiier tribiim.i. ,,t tin., least Oar Immigrants Ponton's immigration records for " ""J.-,. Binglc- day were broken yesterday m, unity against the hen lLe onia anJ thvJ; '-'! came iD with.'JT.'IT paBsenerers. More suppresseu than on,-tLird of the immigrants edi feud.ut s at- were Italians, although twenfy-two f judgment was .iot,. .-.i.i:.:. ' -...ititiii. iiaiiouauiiea were reprs-sc-nted. Of course there will be many who regard these new-comers as a national meuace, and the labor organizations may not regard the iullux of Ituliaus with particular complacency. Yet a generation or two will make great changes in this new material of citizenship, and , ; probably among our leading citizens in me year zouu we may number Janes aaJ Putter Convicted. I'oit! uid, Or. Oct. 10. Shoitlv C. aUcr a ses-i ci i f the I nited States court, which had lasted all day and far into the evi-uing, tlie jury in the. ease of the Lintel States against Will. U -I ". JoiicS. former rfuit-f sen. tative in the .state legislature and 1 s'a-fe ot tha descendants of thoss Thad leus Putter, a local attorney . wbo came to Boston in theSaxonia and La Wa le, tt timber locator, re-1 Jr tbe lkmauic yesterday, tuiuuda eidict of tin. lin-' Jones 1 No Paupers in Japan. .1 v. Il s 1 .1- Stanford IVcMliman Beaten.- vn uvw . Perkeley. California defeated I Stanford in the ehiventh annual ! 0:.'l() a. m. J.)cvotiotial freshman game on the California I 4o a. m. Song by CI. 1... - . r . I ... nciu louay ny a score oi stxioj (luarieiie. nothiDg. The game was Bonsiitional i 10 to 1 1 a. tn, MusineHs session the 11. I). S. tlirougtiout and tho teams were evenly matched, although St infotd was much heavier in the line than California. The Pluc and Cold ' made up for this by tho great wmk of Stanton, right half. Stanton made the touch-down for California 1.1.1 . 1 . ... t a ... .1 11 .v . uuii Hutu ncusauouai iaveiuy-uve mo iioiiman at a p 111 jard ruuii. It was Ilolmau's fumble cuatcs w ho come on anv othe of Stanton's punt that enabled Stan ton to make tho touch-down. The scoring was in the second half. columns ia J,ii.siisli and 1-1 eiieh. I: '.as aeipititeti 1 lie cuurges against j boasted civilization, the was expected that tho Passion j.leti-: l'e defendants are they secured per-! maius that you will e i pot en t a r ics would insist upon the ' ,IIS to locate lauds in the Siletz res-1 wretctiedly poor in anv of French language which is regarded ' rvation and fa! swear they oc- cities in a day than you u under the dire-lion of C. C. ( '111 1 i., 1 1 a. m. ('losing sot limn, lo m. Adjournment. All delegate! who come to lai- geti'.1 Wediiesdav will receive a free and Spani riile t) otMUg I lli Htll'O ItrllVCH Pel day can lal.i- tin- stage to Sjuiiiglie mid the 1 1 11 in from there to Cobur; j lmpoitaiit to the world is the fact :IU'1 otter guilty of conspiracy to ithat peace was reach' d upon Amir- ''eftaud the I'uited States of a part I loan soil, and printo I iti parallel lts p"biiC domain, while Wade with all our hih km nA columns ia J:nhbh and French. I: ivus ae.piitted The charges against j boasted civilization the "fact ra- see more our ereat dnv flmn vnn urill aa in the diplomatic language. Put it is :cupi(!d the land wheu as a matter of f Taoan in a lifetime In mliAr nnntc certain tLai the French iu diplo-: f-wt the lands were secured for the j you will soe no destitution in Japan, nncy. On'vashoit time ;il'o onlv bvuelit of the defendants. ' Tlmiwdi enmA r mv -11 It .19 uuder.too l the ury agreed ; SOem to be well fed, clothed and to the verdict against Potter and i housed and are invariably cheerlul. lone on t he ballot but that it and what is more surprising, invari three ballo's to agree on ably clean. There are no paupers in Japan and, work- . . houses or poorhouses, thongh there are many Hospitals where the sick are healed gratuitously. Practi- tcii iiiiliioiis spoke it. Now at least one bundled ;lud thirty five millions speak it, nearly as nun as thoe who soe;ik both the 1'renel: peal h combined. A -ts 1 n'v fe tits. Th 111 tlie 1 1 n ts 1 if .J 11 pa 11 . soin itlmoit eery port, the language of commerce, is the lluglish. scini-olhv-ial. It is the ot the statement tint tin the human ton. mi, h at le;ist icali. itiou lliiglisli is Some Portland Fair Statistics. 1'ho total nuinbar of admissions j cally every one can earn a living, to the Lewis and Clark Fair from j Would that we could say the same. June 1 t October 14 inclusive was' Pa'.l Mall Gazette. -ff) ft f Welch Woods Carry the ip to date goods end tho best goods we caun get Reliable Merchrdise m $p&&$mp it i-llMrM' Pt Mh II 11 II t a j . (if & (lr ft f i ft -4-i w. I mm fa r: V- : . I C smmk 1 Tfya ' "w- a FURS F U R. S F U R. S When yon sec our line and gvt our jniees that is all that is necessary, providino-you want to buy. Those who m en them arc surprised at the ow price we are selling them lor. 0araian9HemenwayCo Is what you want. v V ft ft ft ft mm V Leaders In tii. ;.fxfxfxf:A.fxfxfxt. if 1 1 1 5.1