Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, October 11, 1905, Image 1

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Devoted to the Mining, Lumbering and Fanning Interests of this Community.
NO. 38
tt -d ir -A szkjis y
mm. bm sfi m ma m' vi
.fl jd. v' J
And (kucral Mining News
(lallicrcd I'roui lixiliaiiires.
Mr. J. Klopb 11st. in in in town
fiii a few l tvs Mini will go it tin
noddle dI ill week l' H'llifini.i to
I ul in a while: ' . wmk. Ilr li" ;
llmt next ytm lie inav eointnc n
"mk on tin- (in!)- in wlin h I c is
intercut 1).
A miss n j''M '!' fp in ;t: i'l
u us taken hum the By i I .V Il.ilt
in mi iiin. IliUi ii'l. N ' W . M.iy
! . I ;.'. Well; lllil''. j "li". I .lllil
li ,
'1 1
in blue l.:t - ,'1 f et
fne. It o. ill' h' s !
: in
W'dr, al'l
t Lick no
'I'l e :ili .l
.'. ha 1 a i"
ul the
1 1 I
1 Mjl
i '
:i lid
!' !', it
J .Illop".
Ml Ml. Il
I t'
ltr at
,r,"l !!
I H")l 1 '
! !;;:
.1 1..-V- 1
11 -V. II
' I ' i
I . w
ilia in'.t'i s
ih.iii (ii. '
.III' ' ' 1 1 11 w .
m 1" th-.t
1 u'.l
1 v
1. 11
1 1 a.t 11 u '
i"'(!u 1 1 1 1 1
1 I . ,
I '
s 1 : .." 1 lert.
I.llll II,' 1 1 '(.Ml
M.r.i. .
I 1 1 A 1 n U ," il. ( s
' tin- hii.'1'.est t v.
1 if
, I, .1
flL- Ul.l I I
r.lSO. il! 1 e
s 1 M 1 1 V "Vel
1 I. I h
L 1 p 1
it. . .. It-; alti'u !
I I I. .11 III I . j I' ii 'I
earn the t ' 1 1 " d- I'.iH'i, iniiip
w.-rkvd lu: .ilvr, muv it ih .iii"i
C.l's (.M'vit'' t coper mine.
A 'iv.'.t
th" yll'iif' ' !
copper mine
in; e '11s h'.i'ii ni l.!.- in
li'' i fit IP.ue l.e.k: e
ul fiqcr Apple;-,. lie,
.ii-tl.ililuiniii line li.
on the Oi
.1. F. Keddy, of Spokane, manager
of the mine and wl;o holds the con
tiollinU interests, has suceeeded in
( ut-mi tu' a coinpanv "f New V'irk
men wli" are t take ever the I'lm '
ledge. The gigantic proportions ot i
this proportion makes 'l ,,,H' that ,
.ii only be handhd u a ruainniotli ; trips tlio'.iHau ls, of yeurH before ly i according to the shows was con
M ale. I'm sv CI. uk, who pi os- aboi -;.'ineH. The annual output ofsidered. It developed that
petted the mine, and w 1id ni.idu an; the li'iui.siana salt beds hna never j wan paid in such fees by Mr. Milne
iivrrllent reiu'it npun it, stated that ; exceeded ")iMititi puis but tho pro- last vear, wkile the ' fee at Fort-
1 1 Was a '"' "p" '!' I' 'U '' 1 111 1 1 s j
to b in lie. Tin nc'.v ownris of the '
I'.lue I.edgo ate ''i'lit into it with a
. . : 1 : ...-..'
W elcli
full uii'U rt,ty mling cl the conditions
and nrc preparing to spend $l,ooo,
iioij in tin- development and equip
ment ufthe properly. Our of tlio
lir a lliii!;;H tu be dour will he the
( oust 1 ii' turn of h railroad, connect
ing the mine with tlic main line of
1 lit- f-outlKitrt vhivh: either at
'runts I'ai-s or Mcdford.
SwimMm, W'alfH, exported V8.f)
77.r lon toim nf tin platen in MOl,
th Til" largest purchaser
wim tin- 1'nited States, which took
lo I r rent nmrn tliau in l'JO.'l. At
M e en I f tli'' vi-iir th'To wore 100
mills ut wmk in rcnt Ihitairi, pro
luin an ineraeii of about 700
boxen wi-rklv r mill.
'pp i nil ! iron mines have been
i. pointed fur cent hi ies in the Monte
! Ilea, a in'1-.i 'if rnonntaitiH of the
l'i in. in- n y on th" Italimi ttwil.-!
a v. I i j.; I . t of the!
, .Ml
... t
I IMlSH UM' (lV( r ,U00
"f v Inch tlio
i -ii 'iic, aitams a
- f 1.VJ17 fn t. .Monte JUma
"il i"i all sides liy glacicrf,
uf in 'Ii i-. M" (l"rner glpeier
' v ' ' t ' ' lilllci-' 1'Hlg.
HI t'
: . u . 1 1:1 has shown a !
' . ii- 1 opper produc-;
usuci In an' that it
p: parations are J
r. :: 1 . mi' !' ' 1 tut tic 1 111 -.
1 . i 1 1 i 1 .1, i mis I n 1 1.) i the ut
P it V ; ' " 1 ..,7 OMt J (,., d, luoi ,
.' '";.! pi 1" 1111. Is; t2, c'.'.o $o,-
pi ii'i.l I'.'..;,, ,1 i,;;.sv.'y-'l a'id
1 . ; ; 7 1 ", 1 .1'-i p v'nd-. The
1 .1 1 s ,u pi-i .1 il y sirukin are low in
; r.:il the av iiie n-coveiy for lie
l-" I'lllip, lii.;T , -S
1 "t.i
he Cu- sl'i :i 1 ra mp, I . 1 .' Irr
1 ei I ai.d Uk tile
pel ( lit.
I r:il district,
s i'l indn-li v 1
f T.onihiann
'ii i 1 !.... U-urn- in Kill i !...
.1 i i' 1m e ;t nnu; in
UMIi iiii M io'i
i scitli r, in t-enreh
jut )isk!i uater on the inland of
1 ' Ii'i' .fs- niter lii.i;ing 11 few
! h?i t e'uii" inTOHH a well "f liriue. He
lohtainel I y evaporation consider
id.Je Milt. 1 'lL''inj,' deeper he at a
li pthuf fiet opened n hetl of
rork M t iiii l wlii'hbud ban become
i n" of tin- :;tMiii'Kt deposits of salt 1 htructed to act as supervisor of the
known. A i niioiiH feature of Mr. j street grading aud the water sys
Maihh's find was while digging ba torn and see that both were carried
bnught to the him face varions abor- J out according to specifications,
igimil relics, such as stono ax"H, The matter of changing the the
1 in 1 1 1 int ri and other crude imple- ater license ordinance so as bo make
aeiitH, showing tlio salt nunc
had bem opeialed huudredH, per-
uili 1 iui loiiiu nun 111 ii ss uu ;it.-iiiiy
increased were tho industry inoro
.1 1 ..II 1 I 1
Carry tho vip to
date goods ecid
best goods we
Reliable Merchandise
Is what yoj want.
Liquor License Committee
(irants Six Licensci Lee
Mitiard Withdraws His Ap
plication and Neil Cum
mins is Refused a
The City Council at its meeting
laht Wednesday night accepted the
resignation of City hngtneer Taylor
At the meeting Monday night
the resignation of councilman of
the 3rd ward, Hinds, was presented.
and upon motion the resignation
was accepted.
I Vnminal ijinn In Tilt tli varancv
piincipHl,(t.jnK jn ordcr( counciliran John
son nominated Cbas. Van Denberg,
anil there Leing no other nomina
tions, the matter was put to vote
and the recorder was instructed to
cst. the ballot for Mr. Van Den
berg, as councilman for the 3rd
Smo discussion was entered into
with rugard to whether the city
should reconnect Wm. Conner's and
MKIilvray's houses with the new
water system free of charge, in view
of the fact that by removing the
pret'Mit main their houses would be
diHi-onuected, and much incon
venience caused them. After some
various statements, the matter was
reterred to the water commianioners.
It stems that the present pipeline
t uns just back of their houses a few
feet, and that when the main is re
moved, connections will have to be
made to the new line in the middle
ol the street in front of the house
some 65 feet away, and that tho
yards will have to be dug through
to remove the old main.
Contractor Lee was instructed to
replace tbe wooden pipe leading
from the reservoir with iron pipe as
per coutract.
The fetreet commissioner was in-
some hxed sum the yearly license,
niHtead of a ranging scale of prices,
land, Mugene and other towns is
I50 per year.
Mr. Milne stated to one of the
f wllr
aldormcu that tho hall had p:id in
the last year just fc? after licensr-n, '
lltfht and heat were di'dticted. Some J
of the aldermen favored a yarlyj
rate of $50 othcrn tliMU'.rht all j
should ha gotten that could tens-
onably, and laid the matter on tin
table until the next meet if;;.
A warrant was ordtted i
Mr. Hart for 7f, on hi stwtr con
The couneil then adjourned V
rnett Wednesday the i'Jt!i.
Exhibits of Alaska' (irouinx Wealth.
a t . -1
All llie lime new cvjuemc h or in- j
creasing wealth of A!ukr. .ire bom;.' j
iiiown. r iner, ricne r arm more nu
mtirous finds ar" be in;,' made. Irn
provementn in tr'ir.s j.ortaticn nnd
accommodations and in op
erations, all ar rnakir:'. i. r u-i-n !e
for greater results.
For a week or viorti J'tui 1 (iiigs
has had on exhibition in the window
of his utoro au exhibit of cuiio.s col
lected and rnndo by W. If. Ierr at
Dawson City. In tho colleelion nro
some tine riit;;;'e!p, a mastodon
tooth, Home ruiiyh Ivory, an Alaskan
hite owl, a pietureof Dawson City
framed iu biich bark, Motne quartz
crystal" of daik color, in almost per
fect pohhedron and tttraludral
ahapes, huch n ore common to
placer mininif dii-trictiJ. In Oregon
these cryfct'ds are whitish, instead
of dark. Tho hint but not least,
curios, were an ivory windlass
buckets, paper knives, etc. made by
air. IWg. The nuggets on exhi
bition are very valuable, an 1 arc a
good showing of the h of the
In Deposits.
W. V. Hammond who recer.'ilv
returned to Seattle from Alaska
says that the tid ore placer deposits
ef that district are spread oyer an
area of 15 miles by ten. and that the
ore vieiuua nign ierceinage 01 com-1
mer'cial ' tin. On 15 assays the!
-ii i? . . r
lowest percentage of tin was 58 and
me iiieoesi 7... im.'ron,u.. 1 1
tin ore," he says "from these
piavcr urjiusus iibvc uccu luiaicu ui'suail te wcriiiy 01 iue nauie.
various points in the York mountain Hitherto this organization ha3 ma le
range to the eastward, but so far
the main ledges have not been un -
covered. The placer fields them -
selves are so large, however, an .1
easily worked, that quartz mining
is not likely to be attempted for
some time."
W. II. Abr ams has gone to Port
land to visit tbe Fair, and durin
his absence the mill is shut
although work is plentiful. He
concluded if he was going to take
in the Fair he better get at it.
jfclf s '
-5 rn xtr "'..
X.' ; ;v4N
ff'T' ' r' P - A
fll.j '-y "'."!'' r : .
PliShJlii'-' . ' '.''Jr
' '.I- Z . . 1 i :
I';". .it
Il I V J ... . .' ' '
if s
t Hill A
(if ft ff ffiS
$r ft ; !' r 7
1 1 vW
South Lane County Finns at: (J
i'efple Win "reat Honors
The Dninis furmce exhibited at;
the Fair is to bj jdaced in tho,'
i' i 1 r ic tc ( i' 11 nci'rr in r 1
..1 i 1 1e.r,i i '1 11 Trictitnt-. ;.t. WafcMno.
- " r
. .. . r
.... .... . ... ,.ui..i. . ....
lUII IIS J 'I. I I Ii " 1 1 " I J UAIUUU. Ill I III.
... . t . I. rr -. . . . . . .
ji-'Mieni oi iiii- i;. yj'j v i ni.ieii i. i
Th! lilac kbutto mine exhibit at j
the Fair won two mc-dalf, one gold, j
th" highest award fer oro exhibits; !
one silver, the second highest for a '
model of reduction works.
The Smith-ronia:: Institutr.n 1;
n-pie.sted t lie lo--;. the :.i "Jel of
the Dennis ft-: .'i l'.e : c.'ii'.ibit at
the Fair, for a , .ji'-.v. -xhibi to
be rjaced iu the nw building now
being erected by the U. S. Govern-
merit at Washington, I). C, aa a
nali?ia! m'.tcu-i
'J his is a gTeat honor for tho mine
ai d 'l.o.vs of vhat merit Mr. Den-
. " rrt t a f
v inrrio u.ti it: I iif 1 ma li rnflfl
iil.J I 1J t -iJ ,i W'J '.? A i U V I OV U4t4v.w
means a revolution of methods in
I i , ,
triolein duicLsdver reduction is
, , c , , yr
ni w an established fc.ct, and Mr.
4 , , . ., 1
Dincis invention stands in tbe,
. . ;
ron rar.'.
Cottage Grove People in Medal.--.
.T. '.V. P.aker was not
d Mori-
.1.1 i' ...rtrniMrr itifi lr-,rr m 1 1 ' r- rS
, - i r, ,i Tr l j
.1 I'-ir.k r.r Imp I t rifi.'. t ', on line,
-,...t...r 1.;.., 4,... o rrrJ.l i
t .i i ii-ii o
one for the best exhibit ot iivo Ore-
1 ii.
eon quail, and a bronze one for the
, . 1 i . -. , .11 v-
best exhioit of mo inttd ueer horss.
T( , i- i 1 , .. i , , An
Bob eatch received tvo gold
I mediin, one for the best
Cvuar, and for the bct
; Moose horns.
Oregon State Exhibit-
It is proposed by the Portland j
; i uamoer ot vomintrou 10
U permanent On gc, exhibit that
js.,mo show cf finks and sI!lins, and
!p,s01u0 extent of ores, but the j
1 showing has been inadequate and
i entirely unsatisfactory. To the vis
iting Btrangcr, who his made a tour
of California ci;c;, where th:y have
reduced this exhibit mitti-r to some
thing of a science, t!.e impress:on
from such an exhibit is not favor
able to Oregon. This is from no
lack of var'tv or sxcelleueo of state
i products, but simply because the
! proper tteps have Lever been taken
to collect and install an exhibit that
When yott sec our lino and get
l)rccs that is all that is necessary,
nrovidinir vott want to buv. Those
vho seen them are surprised
low price we are selling them
Leader's In.
Mm mitmwi$)
will d' OrcKf,n '"rodit. 1" 1 1 Mx; us
ition has nwnkened tlie eirizcis of
t ! j j .- .st'ilo an no nf ' r '; 1 i'::T
eoul'l to thi value uf ju liei . , n !-vorti-iir.g.
The 'ti-tTi,l r of '..
mcrro pruj)-;ss in thin rn .fei
tu net adverti.'-iii;,' a' nt for the
eoimnonweiiHri; an I r.ot alon'J fur
Oregon ni, larye but for each of tho
counties that deirs to be repiroHcn-
.1 T 1 m . iif 1- i
1 ten. it 13 a iHCt not 10 00 aispuievi
that Southern California owes no
menu rnfiasure of its growth an 1
it .
r.roeneritv to the ft htn
' 1 .'"..
una conjpreijeuiiivt,
products that Las ,e ri nuui.iui.
for rnany 3 esrH L;r il ': ('hamhei
Coinrncree in Ios An'ilc. Ex.
Notice of Annual Meetinjf.
On Friday evening, Oct. l'J,
190o, it the Mnsick mim, the regu
lar annual meeting of the Eoheruin
Mine Owners' Association will be
held at 7 p. m., at whhh tirno of!i-
! for tho ensuing jcar will be
'elected. All members are requested
j to be present. A ?. CHrr.rrTLL, S" J
1 Strong pretest has ber,n made for
! some time against the importation
of foreign zinc ore under present
S JiiiV- lliiJ i
i "
l JUIllUil". i- UUI l in utuii; UJcAU
, ,,. . , , 7
by the .diss i : r l Colorado zinc
. ,
mine op'-rator-to liave the goveru-
. , b.
ment levy a :o percent advalorem
duty on inc ore fr 'm Mexico aud
I JJntlsh ( cluia!
.1, a present con-
I ditions t- ud f; keep down the price
cre" noter question afTect-
ir.g Amei ica:i zinc miners al3o comes
up. Ihetarifl provides that min-
s that min-
i ' 1..
ciude or not advanced in
value, not specifically provided for,
, ,, , , -... , , 3 l. , , !
shall be admitted free oi duty, and
. . . . .
that metallic mineral substances m
, , , . ,. , t f
' a cr ude stale shall pay a dutv of 20
1 . J -
iuerc is a. pie-em enon
' to ave definitely determined in
(whether lead-bearing zinc 'ores,
j . . . ... tolllItv on t.
lead contained tberein, includes the
case where the ore contains bo little
lead as to simnlv appear in t- o
j flmn a n9.,titv tn 1l!litifv, umin,-,-.
-a, collsideration. On the 2Ui
ultimo the Treasurer cf the United
States heard argument pro and con
in Washington, D. C, on the sub
ject, and turned the question over
to the United States Attorney Gen
eral for his ooinion.
Mrs. J. C Woods, has leased t'
Bake Stewart ranch on Uo 1 v
and will operate it. Mrs. Woods is
a widow and she and her son, t
boy of 15 are undertaking a pretty
good sized job, Mrs. Woods is saul
to ba a capable manager and il
make a success of her under'ak' .
at the
1 w
a. v, v. . a; 'i r
ifti I
('kii J - , vv