UNABLE TO LEAVE Dr. Darrin will Remain inLiogcnc Until Nov. 12. The crowds of sufferers still con tinue to throng Dr. Durriu's otllee- nt tlie Hotel Nmeede In order to obtain relief, and he In kept co busy thai It has been Inipori-ilhie for hltn to clow up hln prnctlce to et nwnv the 1st of October hh he Intended. The follow ing are i few references from the cured, testifying to his successful methods of treatment: Judsre .1. J. Whitney. Albany, deaf ness and ringlug noises In the ear, cured. J. I. Van Osdol's daughter' corner Commercial ami Mission St., Salem. Or., discharging ears and deafness, cured. Mrs. II. .1. Allen, 17!) Hamilton Ave.. Portland, catarrah of the stomach and bowels, hemorrhages, etc., bed fast, cured. F. P. Sawtell. Independence, Wash . dyspepsia and kidney complaint, pro nounced Uright's disease by some rhvskians, restored. T. L. Williams, llrm or Williams & ! Groat, t North Front street. Fort- lau d, deafness and ringing noises in ' the ears for years, cured. j G. F. Merrlman, postmaster at ' Med ford. Ore., writes bis wife was ; cured of catarrh, brotichltis, and j asthma symptoms - years ago. j A. li. Jones. Athena, Ore., neu-; ralgla In the eyes for 15 years, cured ! 8 years ago. j Miss Kattie IMirfee, Shaw, Or., I deafness and granulated eyes, re- ', stored, Ilt-r father, C. 11. iHirfee, deafness "3 years cured. Mrs. Reulah U. Koss. Salem, dr., stomacu ana neari irouoie, disease peculiar to her sex; dispaireed of ever gettlDg cured; restored to per.ect health. Mrs. L. McPherson, Salem, Or. rheumatic neuralgia in the chest, in digestion, constipation, ulceration and hardening of the womb and painful mensturation, cured. To the Editor: For ten years I have been troubled with granulated eye lids and catarrhal couiuuetivities. So much trouble did my eyes give me I had to wear glasses. Dr. Darrin ex amined my eyes and told me I did not need glasses and iu one month he cured me. My address is Kugene. Oregon. I can be referred to a in time. V. JBkkntzkn. PR DABRI.V'g PLACE uF 111 'SINKS Dr. Darrin can le consulted free at theSmeede Hotel. Eugene. Oregon, until November 12 from 10 o'clock un til 5 dally, evenings 7 to S, Sundav :.' to 4. This doctor makes a specialty of all diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat, catarrah, deafness, bron chitis, lagrippe, heart, liver, bladder and kidney diseases, or those who suffer from apathy and Indifference: nlso cenito-urinarv and skin diseases (neither sc, such as blood taints, seminal weakness and lost viu'ur, va rloelele and stricture. Circulars and ipiest ion blanks sent free to any address and correspon dence solicited. Many casus can re ceive home treatment after one visit to tlu doctor's olllce. ItaltertvJ and Ih'Ws furnished with full Instructions for their use. I've tectedand proper glasses lilted. Charges are only flu a month for all who have heretofore applied and not taken tieatment, or who may apply before Nov, 1J. There never has beeu a more flOUre demnnd for market turkeys than dur ing the past t?n years, and there Is no reason why this should not Increase very materially in the next few years ns a result of the growth of popula tion. The census of 1;XV shows that, with n little over .ixx(W farms In the United Slates, not much over C.PO0.O0O tu'ieys were produced. Anions the st?tes Tens Is In the. lead, having prvKlucvd n linos t OoO.OOO tur keys. FollowLg Texas come Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Ohio and Indiana in the order named. The state of lihodo Is land produced less than B.OtXI turkeys. It may be remarked, however, that If nil the turkeys were of such good qual ity us those produced In llbodo IslanJ their value would he nearly doubled, and thoy would return correspondingly greater profits. Peach Dlaeanra and Ilatny Weather, Seven years' study of the prevalence and Injuries of the fruit spot or scab fungus at the Olio experiment station confirms the popular opinion that this fungus is lnflu'tjced In Its develop ment by the aironnt of rainy weather during the kit summer and early fill. It Is Judged ths-t these losses may ba largely or entljely prevented by spray ing the trees vtT Iu foliage. For scab prevention, In addition to one spraying hrfore blossoming with some effcctlva fungicide, recent ob servations Indurate the need of two applications of weak bordeaux mixture upon the trees In foliage, the earlier of these to be made In northern Ohio about June 15 uud the second tfcrea to four weeks later. fruit Tronlilea. The apple Is attacked by at least six different ppecles of fungi. Souio of them utterly destroy, as the bitter rot and the ripe rot Others disfigure, as the apple scab, which opens the road for the rots. All of them ure avoided by early, frequent and Judicious spray ing. Among th worst of poach dis eases Is the yellows, the nature of which Is not understood und the rem edy not forthcoming. The same Is true of the little peach. All that can be done is to educate the eye to de tect the first symptoms and the will to destroy every a fleeted tre-s. AMERICA'S GREATEST WEEKLY THE - TOLEDO BLADE TOLEDO, OHIO. The Best Known Newspaper in the United States-Circulation 185. 000 Popular in Every State. The Toledo Hlsde Is now Installed in Its new building, with a modern plant and equipment, and facilities eipial to any publication between New York nnl Chicago. It the only wocklv newspaper edited ex pressly for every state and Toi rltory. The news of the World so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend, than by reading cum bersome columns of dallies. All cur rent topic made plain In each Issue by special editorial matter written from Inception down to date. The only paper published especially for eoplr who do or do not read daily news papers, and yet thirst for plain facts. That this kind of a newspaper is pop ular, Is ptoven by the fact that the Weekly lUade now has over lVi.iH'ti yearly subscribers, ami is circulated In all parts of the l". S. In addition to thn news, the lilado publishes short am' serial stories, and many depart ment of matter suited to every mem ber of the family. Only one dollar a year. Write for free specimen copy. Ad dress THE BLADE. Toledo. Ohio. w'" 7Tc ttJi " SEVUNC. MACHINE. KULt.f R MARINO. liHill GKADD. Mr. J. I). Wilson of Yoncalla. was in Cottage Grove Monday on business. Mrs. Greenman of Portland was in Cottage Grove on Tuesday and returned to Portland on Wednesday mornings train. John Kcbellwck of 1-all Creek, Ore., visited here Monday. He formerly lived here and had many friends to visit. F. B. Roberts of Bohemia re turned from Portland on Monday's overland. He took in the Fair while there and says he had a good time and that it was Well worth the trip to see the Fair alone. The rain has come and every body is feeling relieved that the dust is thoroughly laid. The streams will eoou begin to swell, and will cleanse out all the debris of the summer time, relreshing th air all a!on their course. 2X3Z3 M i u JHI t? Autom.tlo VfSAjf f Do Mot Neglect a Cold. Ilvory cold weakenr t$ LunK. lowars Ihe Vitality and mnk tho rsyitrm Icr.i able to witlmUnd each sinxenilliur cold, lhu pavmj; tho way for inoro rlou dltats.. , CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CHANCES? 1 fiy tmylni; this reliable, honest, Mh c,r;dc sew in): ui.icliiuc. STKONG i:ST CUAKANTKE. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN IKANCISCO. CAL I AC I Ok V AT HI l.MDl hi: ill I'l I, I. (!' I i; iih' Mr N I N ( i arc i licsi' lines li'oi.i I II Si in in. f Ca.e . I i I I w i..t: i... -hi I, re.-illl'd f-.ii.i l Iu : i .hi ; had Hot l.il.i'M i i, , ;il. wnicii i.i wiiii ; n.i.i . i i. coull I lui I 1 1 1--; II : I . I n i :i r; . I -, I I I'ii'd c i l'. 1 hill:: , but liu fcl (. i I , iimh! I li'i.k New I 'i-ii'' ' l.ir ' Coinrhs Mini i u. Is. w hi, li curcdini'. In-I .in.lv ii I -l' 1 1 1 . t in'ii 1 1 cures .ii! 1 mm 1 1 : - i ; . i ' ii I - i liu "Ili.l I ! ' : i i'l ' - U.MI.Ulli i d . "(! Old bol I ! free 3Wx T- I'KKMANCNTLY CUKES E ConFMmntion, Coughs. Colds, Goro Throat, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Uronchitls, Hoarseness, Goro Lungs. CVEKY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT DALLARD S MORE. HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES. DOES MOT CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POSITIVELY CURE CROUP AND WHOOPING COUCH. MftH. SALLSC LOCKHAft, Ooldthwmlf, Ton., uayi "w tmx iiNi-.l llnllnr. I' llm rlimiiiil hyriiii lit mr fmullr for m-ri-nil iir, mi. I It lvn iiltr il i-f.n Hun. W hull Mm lillilrrn hail trout. miiU l,....inu minli II .l r llrtoil tlifHi Ml oii.', uihI I wuulil mil lm olllionl II III llin Iiiiikis Ha II I tha lllCsf iMLKH IMC n hn.i't nf." Best Remedy for Children. Every Bottle Guaranteed. THRKK 0 MOO, BOO mnd 01 .OO. tuttiKDn cvnwiiNlN.VT m ST I OIIIS Mft Uiitumu oiwii ' ' i . i . ; i .:;.i - 1 III I 14 W I M! Ill IT. K ill:; s II - t I I I I t lull. i iiuili'lc! !i. ami I hi i '.I I jit . 1 jl .1 lid j Hi II I ' 1 1 : 1 1 . i s ; i - s I' ll i i , Tho Motlorn Phartnacy. liu imiiiirffi'ni-- T- ' ' ttA...,i - RECOMMENDED DY Mi. i ; i i ; Mi. -liu c. Sp k.i:ie. W'.ivh Tuesday :tftci :i"i l.iu 1 win ic t!i. and visited with is o.i liis '.v.i t i visitiii.T at 'Ii!!' u route ln'ltvi e: I'l'.UK Is '!. friend ul M i Hotel an.! v ill 1 nisitu - : i. r-'-; I'l 1.1. i'l i i: '. are t he.se !;;; n . oi ( ai v. have te- ill Iflie h.ul IlllOUt '. hi fill Clinch. rent. I tried i Would I'elieM lnd i 1! 'II l'- ti a !; I lend 0.1 he III I wile ii ai I ive 1 iu hi fin'ii t in til. Fa: . Mr Tniii 1 aia .Slei i It THE COTTAGE GROVE I Cigar Factory THOS. CONGER p ii o p H I E t o R .ii' .i iii.'ii i-1 id ' !l I 1 1 . I I V M V I M 'Gje C. G. Brand hi 1 1 W llh a il 'i llil .e- pl.fl , acli 1 1 ""' I I ive Ii ;i'M . t liohemia, a 5c Cirjar i... : I ii In il Il I. I hat I 1 1 I : I , I.I Ins I 1. 1 1,1 II ,i - li-t iirhi I'l I II. II -it. nut!! All ll I I I I ill Kind's New 1 lis. . o i ti m. Cou-h .. a u I ('.. pletely eiir.'d Ml"-." Ileis an 1 pf riiiaiii throat .'Hid linu di- I I... I a ! .,r I I r i - nu 'lil s li lt II"! hiu-: I I'HiU Mr . i . . I 1 1 a 1 1 a. j i lr-. w hi,-Ii e i ii Instantly in llll. elire- all i-a -i'K prevent - n . I eiu.a la'.nni. ; p. i una I'.l" a , ; I I, each PX"I In! ii' dee w ,lh i ai h .'it hi lot IjJo Iroiii Iho vorv baiil illll'nlttllt Allil (loiltOMllO InbACl'OI. I liny Aro fr s.ilo ai All ililat Und ill llm l lly, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY H. C. MADSliN, ATI' M M K I H. Kr . 1 1 i n K 11 1 i i-n -i.iiiU.lr t h.u a All Mutk i: mi I iiu ti'i'.l In.t filial, N ill .- Iii'h. I 1 1 L m il n.l ti i- i i n I I . n ' li I t'ril'O ct i r r t ii; . i; ii. m; i.. Mil -l'- CoTT.M.H ( )!:. Faid u ) Capital, $25,000.00 Mum v tu In. 111 11 l'!eil.liei! sulil, II thel'liiti'd M.ilen "I'l ,l ll.l.ll. 1 1 K It I' K It r 1'IHIN. J'n-l.liia. I hci iii il y. Jin v jiluce t 11 k 1. 1 n ' nil In .sK I'lIK A t ; ):. i c.iu rriCMvKlS VIA-- Given to some School, Lodge or Society of Cottage Grove $100 IN CASH FOR NEAREST GUESSES Given in Five Prizes to Person or Persons Guessing nearest to Yote of Winning Society ONE VOTE WITH EvERY 10c PURCHASE Get a coupon with ever- 10 cent purchase at Modern Pharmacy; The Vogue, Millinery; The H. D. Lincoln Meat Shop; II. C. Madsen, Jeweler; Leader Publishing Co; Griffin & Veatch Hardware; Metcalf & Brund, Grocers; Welch & Woods, Merchandise; The 0. K. Barber Shop; Lurch, General Merchandise; Nugget Publishing Co; Star Confectionery. The contest will close after 125, 0()() tickets have been disposed of. Prizes now on exhibition at Welch & Woods Store. With every 10c purchase you get a coupon which you can vote for your favorite societ3r or school and a 'guess on the number of votes the winning society will have. Votes will be counted every Tues day and Friday mornings and pub lished in this paper. All coupons void after date stamped . The ballot box will be placed at this office where vote can be deposited at any time. urip ami riiarinncy Trial limit pllellllll III ; l"lu I a li'ee (fee. At r.en- a ml iti 1 .00 hell "ii v. .in I it pleasant laxative ' h .it 1 - t .1 1 o ' a 1 1- a li' I cm I a in to net. u-f CI, .mill erl. mi's Storniu h mid laser I -iliii-t-. I"l isitle ley The Modwili i I 'i tai I ! i.tc v . somi:si;su vi'.i.i: ici: he .-, , year to I. Iain's (' Votes Counted Every Tuesday and Friday Vote Often, You May Get Some Money e I i - at 11.: siippiy ' 1 ! v he). ire !il t I 1 1 a I lie. It lua vice to 111 lav in 1 1 L'. ' 1 Hlire tu he 1 1 1 1 -. 1 1 and 111 11 1 -1 1 111 r. tur.' results ale as hoi 111 .1 s a ei In-fore il has I system, wiiieh e.iu , keeilnj; I lie reiin-. I, reim-dy is so widely altogether -j tli.'ii hesitate aliou: Imyuu to any nt her. 1 1 Modern I'liarum . .il iu. ;je 'lanlis ;ti I s s.-JISilll 111 III' in' ( li 1 iu I M-r it is .'tlni'-si t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 vi-r. I lid s;t!if',- I U ,',e I .1 ill. . iii.l l u.-l.-l Il-I.l MTie, in 1- ily 1 .I. an- li .al hand. Phis IvieiWi: ami sn II" ' sliiiuld it in . reference li ii- .a 1 I'V III SubscriiV- tor t!i- N"uvt. A .iriucicr.s 1 j 1; 1 1; v iw 11 1 1 il u- Ir.i e :i-s i,i'i a lur t :i nil, M I) ir- ' I lll a a n, ,iiu! if I' d I r man w Ii In- hiis i.flen iT .eiisluiiier ll ineiiicim-, 111 1 child hi!. A wi 11 hie visits 1 h" ill lienrd ilrii;; vvhu asked whether ii or ii ii- 1 a 11 .e 1 'ii i , .on 1 a 1 1 11- a i-!i !! 1 iin- almost invfiriulily rei uu men 1 1 ( ham III l laills t 1 Hlli Pi lin-il N . I'he l e.iHi ill fill- I his is I hilt t hey K hi OV I hel l- is uu danger frum ii , i n -1 lli.il it always cures. Tlu'l ' i - :e it 111.- least ilam;'i-r in divine it, in,, I lm euiiehs, colds and croup 1 1 is uiisui jiasseil. l-'ui-sale ley The Mndei li Phil I mae. . Snli-criliij lor the- Nii.'eet, MOW Hi (Tin: coi r.iNio.vs NS AND I'iist , oa K the i-uiii nr leiniuii in wuriii Wider lo soften ii; ilu-ii i,ire it do wii as closely as posalile wilhmit ilrawiiii;' lilood and apply 'liainliei -Iain's Tain I'.alm t n ice daily, riililiin' ViK'rull-I.V for live iailiules il eaeh api'liciitiun. A euiii l.i-ei should lii! worn it few day-, to protect it frum Ihl'hhue. As ;i "cnei ii I ;aiini-iil fur HpniillH, lirniaes, liiineiii Is iiiid I 1 11 -1 j -lliallsni I'ain K.ilm is uneij u;i led. I'nr Halo liy Tlie .Muili rn l'liarmaey. BARKER-& PERMAN 1 1 I - 1 la a i;, i- 1 1 iks uk j I'hti.ui- is mm: - - ' wiNi'.s. i.inrou.s, cir.ARS. 1 y. ...!; ul u-i-t . I'ul I .i;i- li rui it Ore j .1. S. .Medley. .1. C. .lohlison . M vtllt u t Juhnstiii, A 1 1 orin ys-ii t -law 1ir, Suih- ,'t It-lnh HI1I1. -ipi'tini ai iii;; 11 in irhin to .Mining . 1 1 1 1 1 I '1 irpi il llt ion ,a w . J. E. YOUNG 'tlornvij-itl-Law - otlH i- 1,11 Minn Klri i l, -ht -1 ,ie CuTT.M.K CiKiiVT-:,. )RK. A. II. KING Adonicv sit I tut 1 v. 1 o 1: a n o i ;, o n :. VllMNti AM) oki: iki;atmi'' I i-Hi;.;iilii'' and eniial 1'ilc' '. of le.liii-tiiin voikn ami ne' nil ei y plants ; mechanic dm." C. I .McKay Ihiilill- Flyer n. ci.i,i. M., -TO- Sjtohu nr, .St. 1'n ill, Mittm ijilj, Imliiti, Ctiii1t, ,s( htm in ANJi A I.I. l'OINTS KAST A.NIi Snl.'TH Overland Trains Daily Tin And The last Mail Splendid" Service Up to date Iiquip.-nrnt i , 1 Courteous Employe 1 Daylight Trip across tha Cascade and 1 Rocky Mountains. j l'or rickets, Kales, 1'uldern ami ; Full I nf or mat Ion, Call ,u m- ndtlreMs, : M. DICKSON, C. T. A. 1 122 3d St., Portland Ore. S. (i. Vl-.KKI A. (i. p, A. j I ill .'IlllA Vl'lllll- 11 11-1 ( nli llilila ilril-l, scutili) 1 Wii-ut W e ulve epedilei seiw Ice on freight. Koiite your slnjimenls i. t Oreat Northern. Full In fniinatlon from W.M. II.MHU If. Oeiil, Ant-lit. I'nrllnml, ( iivm, V rc)i)" alinut your wiitcli ami Von cm li'ivv llioiu prnpnrly ut Sclmll's. oK' 1:. .rlland, On- V A Col well allnlne; FiiKlne'rii Mineral Surveyors Doom 1 Dank I'.hltf. Collate (D-ove )').' -W. Ori-noiiia 11 Dldu-. Portland. Oregon. ARRIVAL AND OEPAHIUHE UH 8 P. I RAINS. NllllTII ItUl .NII HnUTII IIUIINU lhfi.1 jian, fin. 11 i iii u. in "' U K. 2 la. 111 No. u.. Nu. Ill 1 u: 0. k 1. 1 K It SCILLTHsCOUGHTi AND CURE TH WITH Hew TONSUlUlPiiliN FDR t OUCIIS nn- LUNGS i -- 1 mscoverv Prico COi: &S1.00 Tiuo Treil. Bureut und fJait.keBt Curt) fur nil THROAT nnd J-tlNO THOUIJ- LES, or MONEY .(JACK!. I i' it 1 v a r 1: I '1 una All t llll lllll'Ml tl Ciltllll-nlM. ki.ki ;i it ictv, inc. Sin riinl j;liiiis i-ii-ii-i I.Jiiai. li 1 In-i 1 r.iMin.ilili-. iiii iiili-iin ilii iil I11I11 furnish, .il It li- ii'H. nr iiirlln-r iiiirtirnl.il -1 : 1 t I r m h Dr. II. C. S IlliClil'. 'J'lmu 'I11I1I11 Nu. t l'o lake elfect April I'd, :m,r,. I'.IIHl Hull 111 I i II f , I I 'I ,...,,y llll. I hill inilv I iiml liiiily I. '-il Mumliiy, No 2 No W. lion ml No .1 No 1 I- M I A M I M ill II :i 1 l.'M 2 . .Vtl 2 Mil il:lll Mil il : 17 :i::iii il u::wi :t a 1 Hiill H :!,:, :'lll 7 7:.Vi. li 7-,'i'J (i.ll n nu 1 7.7 Hill H il H : 1 7 1 U.li s:i.'H(l 1 II il Ill H:l U:llil '.1:1 li 12 H lid Hi II h i II I ION S i.IM!!i- 1 1 Hive W11I. Inn . ( 11 1 1 III rui 1, null) link.-r I'Olrllll . . la-a l;.- . t.lll Ml iu SI JWUI I . . ,111 . I' l"V I A.M. I I'.M -l llilii, li.lft -Ml I'l I.i i7 . Id: II I (ill MI7 ! Ml I Ml 1 '.ml HII7 1 H'li, j 111 ::h neii.i 111. in lo.j.i III:.") Hum ua.s ',1: III ."I li.l) ' U: U::ti) 4:.r.'J 4:M : 17 l:ll 4::iU 1 M l:lii 1:1-4 -4 : 0 J:U0 IllK'li V I'llilll . lin'l 1 : 1 nt)'. Wllllvvilnil . Jl llft'S lui'l lit l l.l' k .s, il, ,,,, J i-' '""niKti Wlllllllll lllllli-ll All oiilwunl fiolKlu f.,i wunl.-.l ,,y ttt ltl(J folnl rink of Kliliiimr iiml noiiMK'ni-i) Hliiuo limviiH W iM A 1 II,. I 11 ft,. II... .. . .1 .... 1 1 ...1 ,1 1 . ... : - ' "i 1 1 viu .,,, lu.,i ll-,il.-s.lnj ,,.1,1 ...I j.miiilii 1111,1 wi.si'i'i,, lii'iiirnliii' ttliyH, 'I II II I KlIllVH Hill I SMllll.lilv-. if o o Mi . "V1 1,0 ""'t'O.i.f 111 Iho I). ,u L'-Lii.. :i",.t ""'.r '"" p " iuhu.o "m iiti. 11,1111, iiumiii .......,,,1 in ii 1 11 1 , ji - uino i,, homy Llildl. I- li.liiyn on 1 iitn- niiint Iu lel llll I ol It ufts.-V!i fciSMwanwuiwiu A. li. WOOD, jWiiuasov