B04EMffi Devoted to the Mining, blubbering and l'';u mine Intci nts ol 1 his Cf jiihii u . VOL. VII CO TT A QIC GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY OCTC R 4, 1905. NO. 37 BOHEMIA MIN ING NOTES And (icncral Alining News (lathered Irorn Exchanges. W. U. J'.liy, uwiiiT o( tlic Miiy llowcr claim, cmne up to cmnp on .Monday. V . J. Ihird drove in from Ho hernia Tni'Hil.ty itftcrnooti, arriving late at nilit. A. I'. Churchill and Walter Coch r;ti are doing tiie assessment work n the phir t 'w i in . I-oiiiH (liovr'i went over efist rtf J'.nli niia aliont : miles to litistow 1'iaiiii-a fi-u dnys abound nothing bus been lu-aid l him since, his (urn Is h iv" I'cionii; so nlaimed thut Ir.ink Williams and Charley Yoinic, have '.tatted out to search (01 hun Just how they will find him. or ihocxait direction lie took is hard to determine. CITY COUNCIL MEETING : City linginccr Taylor Resigns. The commoii council lint Monday evening in regular ninthly ncsnion. MinuteH of punt months ineeti nyn with h) 1 fij t al- line ;ihd t'ue hvdriuit (it the corner of the old A. (i. Knox property was presented hikI on motion refened to water S. J . I!i H i I has ret m 11 I 1 1 K hernia and will tcsiinic ""ik on ti Sweepstake pr ope t tv . There was a called meeting of i the Hohemia Mine O.ve-'s Asmih ation laHt ni;ht to t ill. v r mim-Iio ' matters. W. J',. ( iillespie et ill l- I t - II Mea low and .1 W ('..., uiuli nli one-third in Viilde mining i funi, Itohi mia distliet, A tire broke out in the old linn I ' uic; house n t the, Mtisicl. miii" last week, hut w.is ipiickl.v overom- by tho men close by befmn inui li d mi tee was d ne. A recent goml loads convention at Denver discussed the relation ol pnlilic toads to tin- mining interests and thus lecouiiil the dutv of the pnl'hc towaidn iissislin;' in oiovid- ine iinpr.vcd tinnspoitation in tbelxad und approved mining distii.ts. 'IV ,o often the lerutionH. western i oininiitntie otifi e the A pi tilion oi h pip ex liendit uie o public llioiie to; roads coniiMtnn; villages an I he tween ladriad points ami settle imnts nil I.-iv lie- op, ratine i committee. 1 o 1 ,1 I I. t he! I . ,V ll loads as ! " I ' c .-. I i ahd lloin Mining i-. an i in i v in neaily ill o the and J i.i s a huge p!n taxes III cijuity it i lore coiisidei at ion 'me ol public in. nicy. , paitiii-: ol Main street by Hi" I ivin;,' nilhci coiisidi nitioii ( l a coat of 1 . Huh ci in-liei I i o k I . n millilU' loads In- inches deep, Illicit ili!c and liipei 1. 1. In- mid-, .m! in. ine fO'in that down the full ol le i mines than those that em a-. Well as bv the I ( 1 1 1 1 1 nc: ai. I I woe 1. 1 seem that the IiCH, I'M). (ieo I,. 11 u i.i d home money on hi wniei -. 1 1 1 1 ,vf hut on !'" omit of hH hond Hot being l.lglifd l,V the III! liiilnlxr of giiaruilt'.eh li' ( e.-,-,;u complete saine, tiie council de- fened ullowin:' ;ii ii.ciit until mk h lioud w i.'. eoujpleted. Mi. 1 a a-il.ed for t loo to apply on his ? 1 1 o I contract and same was allowed und a WillUlit ordered draw n, A Mijue.-t. Was laado that silnf' erushi it en k ,e hud on JVnnth stieet ' '.t tie- iaill''ad to eomph te li e load heyond whi le the eolitl i t ha- ' .d d I .1 . Ml Lea statu! Iliat he 'Aoiild flll!li--li is-: n 1 rick W ll hunt i oil . I.iii' olii lavloi city nr iiii i r pie selit' d his icpott ' !i ti e water Hh-, till:, which Had lilid chilli DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE MEETS nuini Rale Law; Would As sess Railroads at $10,000 Per Mile. miii ii M h" . ill I hi 1 1 i : , .' i. I ! po-1 iiit m iii-, Weslel u sl.it"' p' ii t ion i . i he is el'tltl d t ill ! he T!, i. ' , th i iii a i.; 1 i i .nil in I i''1 ; mi d I hud I I 1 lie I eci'M ll I W .ih. I 1 1 I i.i I c an oi li nanci I ai i lie o .Vl h st a et insl I in led to I"! Ill'' Mil' U ll ll l 111.1 d I lock the full width of the sheet one 'half hloek each side of Main street The recorder was instructed to picpaie an ordinance for the i shorted none ueee-i.-;iiv hv 1,1, id I 1 ill -id, ( tat i" i e h i ilh -I ol t ages of pipe III. oh; a!! i ations in t ho ol i-Atu-r s.in.e htth i '-ii i ( oit " i- hi !! for failure to unite jmblic rjuORtions ;is becomes n great commonwealth. In the matter of legislation lie re ferred to the common log-rolling and notorious disposition to oppose measure.! unless- thev contained some concession to a particular locality, and especially to attacks i awirs fistablishment of Max- ". t,Je mae' of salary of some oiiicer J. -J. (iriiham reported on tho work of the Leaguo: The work of tho Willamette Val ley Development League wince its oi'anizntion at Salem, March 2. " I'yOo, has bet 11 of great benefit not only to the Willamette valley, but to all of Western Oregon. The build mgof any pait. of a state depends sole ly on the efforts of its people, and the Willnmetto Valley Develop ment I.eaguo needH the assistance of tho people of Western Oregon in the work they are trying to do for the good " i liia Roetion of our great and trrowine; state 'I h - t!.;; d tou''jiiti . ague met h'riday with id'UK e, nil i much int' of the ted. Much g0(j(i will l' come from these meet: '! w : . : i.i i large at r'.st mani-uiidouht- lllee.tings. held Hi iddiess vi-tioii-, niuifj Location. aie,i"g from that down the full width i . I ll... . v i I lr il... .... ll III', nun i I'l L .i. Il'i i''in in- .-in- ( i In;. ! 1. l''.'it loll o ' ! hi elaiiu. I Join ini.t ''( iond- ila i lal mi i - not ii i. !; ill n di t.n. t ; in s 'I ue- il" 111" 'I'll U i .ii-,n oi liitrii t. I ad tn the hii 'I he mas or Ige Hist IlK te I, t' ! Ii: The ne t Aihany. 1 'resid.-ut I ' -..in.lrd tl;,- ' :: k . - -; i ' . . 1 1 N Ali.Vl;. .u .-. " lr;!'g:il;i; t. , .'. a i i ils ' i gone !. a t id tho s ol disi on: .igc-uii nt than Oiegoii. It hss ( o-! two millions of good money an i the ;:iii. ;:ji"Mig t fhiit f the i ( -,' and igi.tcst itK-u and women ol iiii! citi's counties and st.ite. in ptt'ting up the I.t'Ai-. and Clark hair, to unloose "in imp! i-oned ;n - oil werutii y -I lids uu i i'lro' terror 1 th in 1 1 1 Ii cal aul hoi i ties -v 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; than thev at least ii'iil ..I thi 111;; 'Ml I II ) ,i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ci 1 1 1 i'l'.' dlslllel- Til' should he moid ilten an- to hear ex pell -e ol lill ild roads to miii I'olootdo trood i 'D. I ill e, w V tiill'i a i at the 'e liiouhi down to w i-. h ni t s mi uvi'is iiinic, was the Red Urid.' toads movement his done will to tcengii'e thl-i einlitlo'i Milling Woi h I by the ..mills team and then by railtotowa l ist week. II" i-i g, t ting .along lin.-ly and wdl so ui Ii" around. M,s , Oct. I. "as l Manila I . Cnlim.lii. Mil ! 1 1 . i I.. C"l i n l .t u died I vphoid lever. She r.'os. . i e us al ns;e and had been si, k onlv alHinl two weeks. Noth ing ;ii thought o! hci illness until ah. ml a we' k htioie she died when a ph.vsii i.i u w o i',ill'-il in, as it was thought '.hit sin" bad a cold or giippe ,ii le j'uler siii.'i h.id had, Ouimc, who has been land would he all light soon, but iu- visiting with her sister Mrs. V . S. stead sh got rapidly wois". The Martin, returned to her home in: oldest mi:i in the !"'ily, Jtei i rcndleton Tuesday. lalo suk, but is getting along A hhort session of the Will. inn. tte Presbytery s.m held M'nduy night. Miss Nettie Hurdick dejiarted foi Kugene Sunday to resuine hei .studies at the V of O. MrH. Sandi D. 1'. Stoner, agent of the Roach uicelv and h i" ii"t had any serious will shal to order all hitching lacks on hiii faced streetH removed its the horses hitched at thos rm ks aie ; digging gleal holes in th- street-, I The resignation ol Lincoln Taloi I frmii fie office ol city enginei i . called fclth eoiiHii'el able c. n 1 1: n n ! , I but "a finally laid on the t il l until next nn efing. On motion the Ii ialth oiinai wan ii, si l ueted to look into the mattei of uiihi allhful conditions about tin city and I'ompell a geiwial cleaning ii p. This was brought about through the presence of several ! ferer eases in the town just now. The linanee committee mad iL port on the regular monthly bills. ahieh report was duly tieeepted by the eonii.-i! and wituvuiss oi derod ' drawn by tho recorder for the pay inent ol same. The warrants were as IoHdwh. Grey l'rinting company, d.oti; (a'ttugo (Irove Klectrie Company,! MMI'Ibit SMKI.IKH CKOWIJKI) !t..- lie --ice; I hall a ctn- : M.lliagi ! I Sounder son h . i ) I 'liiU i . of tho Itci . i.'lii'- I r-mii I'm t- laL'd Sunda. II.' s.is that the , Sil.e'dei is inn-. I ild. el W.th w ol k in III! de. il I nit. hi- I'l.. ,.- i- pient o; "te on hand m eii:a. i and d-joo .S.-''ks Oj j! I, 'iCl .. ,11 ,,r,. -ne ,,,, st il l'.;!- a Ih" old amj ,'iiig w..ks in IJaki i City awaiting shipment. 'I he I nitcd Dlkhoin i, lines have l.:g'.-!y ii, t j. , ,ed tla ir daily ship in' ut ol oie to tiit- smelter and ship ments ., re leov li.-ing inadj iiol-1 some sections in the copper belt i .III ... '! i i s i ,,1 1 1 a i.i r v uy. 1 U'l! a f( w shijaiei s in the ( ll Vlt Us till v. I l-e ' '.lest loll i.i '.Illlese lliiiili glutioii has I iff 11 brought before '.in Comiin i . ial Cusb by a Portldii.l '. gatiiati. iii dc'inindi:.,. then-peal oi t i." e x' lu-i'u a' t. Thi- con veil -t: -ii will be call- d upon to decide whether the I'a ife. Cuet iiali be ate a!: l et 1 1 1 1 e- Dramatic and (lift enle, tainuient. ! "'l'Vn,1 ,a' ''"y aml W,U ??' 'Irj" ' A' "IH;.R'm,:V V ' which will show I-eretho firnt of j ; " ' IV; r ; V ' T si r next will k i h r J he parents take this ocv'asiou to 5d.-o; I), h. Liiderwood, $'. ; (, is ncrc. ! thank the kind friends and neigh- ; ii. Pitcher, $;.; L. 1'. Jdenuctt, .fl ; Mrs. Jj. M. Thompson wont to'borswho assisted them in their I C. W. Hurrows, ; W. S. tiiuct, (Jervais Thursday to visit her : gr at bereavement . $.'7.;.T. I Young, $'.. 'I'l; L. Taylor d itighter, Mrs. Hattie Hest. J lb 'oi imas and family. , 7." ; J. II. Warner. Jl .r; (leo. 1 f Main on't Hollicr Mim to ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft f ft ft ft ft f ft ft ft Welch 4f fi' &ft $rft 4rft tirlft rft ll Iht' ll t Mi . l'lilh I gave ic.t il-.. cheerful . infot ,t'Ut' i;i ;!. -' '!... -.I,, activity iii ail the coppi i belts ca i of Uaker City and th..' in the Corn ucopia camp theie in ver was so lunch work goin on ;i, at the present. The Mayflower, I'mon Conipanioii. ueen of the Vst and man- othci 'iop( -rties, aie woiking many men and will be active nil winter. Much - development, work i being done in the C,re( nhuni dis tiiet on u few propyl tics and in iho Su.sanvil'e and neighboi in.,' eainpti. j work is progressing. Taken all togetliel lla.sten) Ort gnu linmngi camps appeal' to be m a most satis i . i- i.i . .. lacid cnii'iiuon. - IjhIiocK 1'ciiio Ciat- 'made th" dumping-"!"!!!!'! and di.s itiibuting cntci of in i' si ict' d ! Asiatic coolie la! or. Much development i- t o.-.sibie tiuongi; p'ib.ie i.w!ici--,.ij', .Nothing should he done to discoutiige invest ment oi private capita', or invest ments b. cu poi ati u.s ; but the js-'plj il Wcs'ciii Ongou sh mid .c ownership only -1 MM U'. OK I.Xl-KNMTLftf-S. The league has secured from the highest authority of the Harriman i-ystem the following summary of expenditures in Oregon, and also propose! expenditures, which are now foi the first time made public: Expended by the Southern Pa cific Company lines in Oregon dur ing liseal year ending June 30, iOOo, for maintenance of way, $1,002, (I'.Cf JO Kxpei iled far the same purpose for fiscal year ending June 30, 1904, s,17.:i-jo.;io. Inert ase for fi.scul year ending fuiit :'j, i'.io., $,s7",,k;3.oO. Iii addition thejre was epent for fi-cal year ending. Tune 30. 1905, ap proximately . 320,000 for permanent lmpicA ements. extraordinary work done during the year ending June 30, 1905, fill inng bridges including culverts for same .system, $2,.",o!5U. 1 Maying mam lint Ashland to Saginaw to new standard 80-pound steel rails, length approximately b"2 miles, estimated cost $838,357. Aew steel bridges, 301.953. Foity-seveu miles of ballasting on main line now in process of con struction with necessary widening resort to pub ! Allele it can be employed in esfih-. ' whingkii needed !i.l!.c nt'liiv. In Ige- Stephen A. I, '. well b oke at length on "A Sipuaie Deal fur Oiegon" in an earnest and conviuo :n-' inanner. au i r. tte l mentioning ' o , , i - r.-.. die conditions in Oitgoti, natural oi nauks jmou. T..s-,.i,r,... il,.-vi, ,r.. or.onl.itioo r.n.l Improvements in the failure to advance in ptoportioii lo the oppoi tunnies, . pemd out on important points, estimated, $09,236. the reasons for siieh conditions and' Lafayette and St Joe cut-off, eBti the reined v theieloic. He ( barged j '""ted, t3,0I7. Otegoii s tardiness in development Springlield-Heuderson connection, as compared ith other states to : "'eluding construction of steel three principal causes; l'irst, elan- j bl ulge over Willamette river, esti nish sect'onalistn and scdli-Lness of j '"'ed, $147,210. the ocoPle: second, alien owner-: Orders have been issued for con- yards und Roseburg and other Win Connor and wife left lor rert land Fridav. . . . i . 1 1 r T, . 'ship ed large tra-ts olland; third, , ,uu,:"uu U1 rauruau iroia iraiu 10 j foreign control of railwavs. j Marshfield Nl miles in length esti- j Coder the first head he called at-; "iatei1 cost $3,300,000. 'teiition to the political and cummer,! The following extraordinary 'cial pu'hng and hauling between j work ls contemplated, to be done ' different parts of the state and the' Continued t 4t li page He's wearing a Ioewciietjtc" The Dressy Waterproof Maiii or Slime Overcoat Combines Style, Service, Comfort and Warmth, and is Waterproof It's a pleasure to show them-they are right & Woods t Or f rtr rtf rlf rtf rtf (if rtf rt rt rtf rtf rtf rtf rt ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft New Goods Arriving CONTINUAL L Y W have mailc sonic exceptional t;ooil buys in certain lines ol Dry (ioods and will sell them at the regular profit, so that you will i;et the benefit. A line of Napped Gov ert Cloth Sells regularly at loc per yard and by comparing it with others you will soon lie convinced that it is worth it, lor 'J l-lfc per yard, in different patterns, very staple'. We are all the leadinu rccci v in;.', a new line ol stores carrv this line, ;id tjovis, the best made in this country, 1 .."( in all colors. i 1 .L a tn We take measure lov tailor made suits lor the ladies, conic ami investigate. uarman9hemenway Co., LEADERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISING V r