Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 27, 1905, Image 7

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You can irust a medicine
tested (iO years ! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar
saparilla; the original Sarsa
parllla; the strongest Sarsapa
rllla; the Sarsnparilla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
Hut n lliU (ran M tiiorllrtrin rannnt ilo
tta ,,tM I r I l.n lvir la lloollv ami Ilia
liiiwoll piilialli nlml iir t tin I...I poi.lhlx r
ults. vnti tiMiihl inWn liiiittiv ilnaiR i.f Ayrr'a
I'lll wtilln iMMIfift IliPhinitf.nrllU. 1'ltn llviir
Will ipilrslj respond, (ml u ttlll Dm hownla.
i Conquest Great
Mad l r J 11 r (' , l.,,wnll, alaaa.
Alau liiAiiufaiilurars of
AOI I! il.UV..
till HKV 1'I.CTORAL.
I'll million of acres of arid land
of I ho west already thrown open to
tin) farmer by lirlgntloii and tho mil
Hon more o Imi thrown open, will, It
la claimed hy ) rrl no t Imi expert, open
tint wny for tln might lest Anglo Kaxon
aettleiuent tlni worhl Iimn ever known.
It U M linn t Unit about r0,IKM),(KK)
acre of Inn. I In nil, will lie reclaimed
liy tint government projects.
Tim work whli-h tin? government In
executing In coiiNlrui'tliig ureit stor-
1 tin I'rlnlliiit )fll ".
Tin printing ollli-e hni Indeed proved
a better college to ninny 11 boy, Imi
graduated more useful mid compli-il-oua
uieiniicr of hoi li'ty. Inn brought
more Intellect out iiinl turni'il It Inlo
practical, useful channel, awakened
more mind, K'iii'rn(i'il more active nml
elevated thought, t li 11 11 1 1 1 ii 1 1 y of the
literary milt-Ken of the mniitry. A hoy
who commence III Milch a school ill
the printing ollli-e, will Inive lili t:il
ent nml Idea lii'oiiu'ht out; nml If
lie It a eareful observer, r perlenee In
'Way' o VJ.T T
. .. Y - A V ' f. a. - A t, i I if
IN 1IIK l.ol.iMIAlM) MM III.
age and (llverilou ilium find In btilld
1 ii canal, lutcrnl nml hoiidgulo I
the lnrget undertaking of thu kind In
the history of the Cnltcd States.
The rechiiuatlou Hi-t provided thnt
fund from the nil of eerUilu inhllc
la mil ahull he npplled hy thu Kvcrii
liient to the hulhlliiK of Irrlutluu
workM. At the preeut time the fund
lili profeHhlou will eoiilril'iile more j niuouutii to nliout f IS,),') nnd In l:i-
townrd mi edufiillcpii (linn run he oh
tuliied in ulmoKt imy other m.-inner.
Ii'p- ii'la.
The mini hehlnd the wnlte nproli In
(IlK'inint ly nierled IiIii'Mi h.
"I won't l ordered nround m If I
win H nlnve," he exehiliin-cl. " I 'in in n m you. It'll no iIlHKi'ai-i1 to he a
w ii I lei !"
"Mnjl.e tint," unld the dy "pep! In
Kile-.!, 'Init t'i n ilmi;rui-e to lie mii- Ii
ii waiter in you are."
tit (ttJ ?
, hi
:'5: .N'
creiihliiK lit the rnte of $I,(ki,(HKi nil-
niinlly. 'I'll In fund U m-lf rouilnulnx.
After the irrtis'iitlon work have heen
When thin In doiio the limit nrhl por
tion of Alnerli-ll not exeeplliiK llenlh
Valley will he nil under I ri I k nl
hlhly produi-tlvi.
AltlioilKtl the Koveriilnent eotitem-plnli-N
IrrlKi'tl'in worku for tint heneflt
of hoiiieNi-ekern nnd i-mh-a vnrn do far
m ponHllihi to umlertakc worku with
Mm view of lirliijfl'iK wnti-r to nvall
ahle Koverument land, yet In the event
that Individual", urn willing to milt
dlvldo their Inndu nnd to oIkm n con-
trai-t which will prevent Innd nperuln-
"Jnekion telU me the Init thing hi
wrote wan aeeepted. I to you know
Hon nnd ntlelpntliiK lii'Tenned vnluen what It wuh?" "Ven; hU reilgnatloii."
through Irrlgntlon, Irrlgntlon worku ' (Jrlt
will h iiiidrtken under th reelnmn
Hon aet where tint land In In prlvnte
Tli In la the rnne In the Knit river
vnlley, Arlxonn, where n dam enpnhlfl
of Impounding enough water to Irri
gate 2),tm0 aerea of hind will h ron-utrii'-ted.
The Bet tier In that aeetlon
hnve gone, nhend and neeoiupllaheil
innrvela; the government In coming to
their aid. In the Sacramento vnlley
the. Innd Individually In large holding,
thero being Individual miielie of )V
ttHj ncrea In extent.
Thirteen! on hller (Quarter.
Kuperntltlon eemn to lie a part of
the mental mmpohltlon of everyone,
and It commonly centera to a rooted
antipathy to the n.imher thirteen:
Thin flrat of the teenn Inn had to tand
for ninny nn action that win ridicu
lous, nnd yt thero In hnrdly any per-
"I inn looking for trouhle," mild tho
caller. "I am Horry," replied tletolher,
"hut I have made It n rule never to
lend my aulo."--MoiiMton Tout.
"If you can't get along better with
your work I will have to get another
girl." "Sure, imi'iii, nn' I wlnh thot yi
would - there In enough work here for
two."- (;rlt.
Servant If I mlht make no bold .n
to Miii;Kehti ulr Irish Master tlrrl-
tnblyj --We warit none of your huhvh
Hoiik; w want nothing from you but
lleii'-e, and not much of that.
I.llllan WiiKii't It Kwei-t of your
IiiiNliiind to Kt-nd you n kif by wire?
Adelle I haven't decided et; fill KU-I-
plclona that-that telegraph operator
win n woman. Iietroit Free I'm.
tJrowell (In cheap rcntnurant) Here,
wnlti-r! Are thene mutton or pork
Motia who would aldeatep nn Inch or'x'I'H? Walter - Can't you tell by the
inr.iirnfiillr mil n f fate aliould he anv . "i Mte f.rowell No. Walter then
Prove It
By tlie Oven Fire
I Utr t I
Put the wonderful KC Bak
ing Powder to the test. Get a
can on approval. Your money
will be returned if you don't
agree that all we claim is true.
You'll be delighted with the de
licious, wholesome things that
will bring to life in your oven.
K C Baking Powder is two
thirds cheaper and makes purer,
bettcr.morc hcalthfulfood than
other powders anywhere near
KG Quality. 25 ounces for
25 cents. Qct it to-day I
Pn4 a poatal for
n alLver ijunrter on the nldewnlk. Hnve
you ever tnken the trouble to aeun
rloaely thla amnll piece of nllver? If
what difference iIoi-h It make what
they nre? I lltist ratiil Hits.
Mra. yoniigbrlde I've come to corn-
you have not, you may be nurprlned to plain of that flour you nent me. ;ro
nml on the eagle aide thnt there are rir What was the matter wlt!i It?
thlrti-n nrrowa In the bundle, which Mr. Yonngbrlde It win tough. I
la clutched In the left claw, thirteen' mnde a pie with It, nnd It wa as much
laurel leave on the branch In the
other claw, thirteen atnra at hi head,
thirteen lettere In the Ijitln Incrlp
Hon, "K pltirlhua L'num." thirteen let-
I ' . .';:;; V "- ".- V-v7-':-' -I
constructed the aum expettiled In nny
work la to bo returned to the govern
ment In ten ejUAl annual Installments
by the aettlera prorntii. At the end of
the first year nfter nny ono project
ha been completed one-tenth of the
original amount expended on that
work la to bo returned und put Into
other projecta.
Among the great projects of tlie gov
ernment Is the Shoshone project, Wyo
ming, which will irrigate Wo,' acre
of public land; the I'ncoinpahgre Val
ley project, Colorado. Kmi.ikni acres; the
Belle Fourche project. South Dakota,
R'.ikhi ncrra; the Salt Klver project.
Arlr.onn. (i.(KK) ncrea; the Malheur
projuct, Oregon, !X,KK) ncres; the Hon
do river project. New Mexico, 10,000
ncres; the Fort Ituford project, Mon
tJinn nnd North Dakota. (Vi.oiio. acres;
Mr. Ia-iiii Smith, N. Cherry Btreet,
cor, IJno, NiiHhville, Tenn., writes:
"1 luivit hud poor health for tint punt
(our yearn, paina in the back and
groina, and dull, sick headache, with
bearing down pains.
"A friend who was very enthusiastic
ubout I'crunti insisted that I try it.
"1 took it for ten days and was nur
prised to llnd that I had to little pain.
"I therefore continued to mho it and
at the end of two months my pains had
totally d i Hit p pea red.
"I have been in the best of health since
and feel ten years younger. I am very
grateful to you."
Catarrh of the internal organ grad
ually napa away the atrength, under
mines the vitality and caiiHos nervouH
nesB. IVrunn is the remedy.
f aNiaat, HuliltiHt nnd HirongHt Hiuinp rutlitr
nn Ilia initrknu UM Hurt iowr on llitf nwmp
wllh two horaua. Writ lur dviui-liuvi raiulo
and irli-a. ..... - :
I oot ol Morrlioct Street I'urllaiiil, Oregon
Olt till out, return to ua with the name
and addit'tses lit yourself und two of your
filendi, anJ tin ante when you will proh.iHy
enter a bulnrss colkgo, nj we will creJIt ,
you with fS.(X) on our t5.00 n hnlanlilp. a
Our school olferi exit'l'llonal advantagf to
students of Uuslnetk, bhurihanj,, etc.
Best Insthuction Lowest Tuition a
main roi caiaiosui io ic mil
rX-s-Z 'VV Ji. . Xi'-K 1
tera In the word "quarter dollar," Uilr.
teen atrlpea on the shield, and on the
front of the nllver piece thirteen atars
surrounding the lilerty head and thir
teen leaves In liberty's crown. Thla
array of thirteen la In commemora
tion of th original thirteen States
which comprised the Union New
York Preas.
When ihft Pope IHuea.
Like Emlle Ixtubet. Pope Plua X.
hna a desire for simplicity and Infor
mality thnt equally distinguishes him
from his predecessor. It was only nat
ural that the man who, as a Patriarch
at Venice, was always at home alike
to tho humblest artisan as well na to
the richest und grandest patron of the
church, should retain his simple mode
of life vhcii raised to the papal chair.
As beCta one occupying such a pml
tlon, his meals are always quiet nnd
Informal, never elaborate, and, unlike
I.eo, who always dined alone. Plus X.
Is never ao happy as when he Is sur
rounded by members of his household
liliol' ON Til K lkil'l lil.M. CANAL.
I BtMt Coutfti Dru
I In timet.
CUMII fHlkl ill tltl I AH. .
Cough Bjrup. Tulua Oo.h1. Ui
Hold ttr druvirliita.
the North Platte project, Wyoming and
Nebraska, ncrea; tlie Minidoka
project, Idaho, 130,000 acres; the
Yuma project, Arizona and California.,
(HIO.OOO acres and the Rnerainen-Carson
project. Nevada, !).V,000 acres; the
Klamath project, Oregon and Cali
fornia, nOO.oot) acres and tlie Sneromon
to valley project, California, 11,000,000
acres. Itesldos the projects enumer
ated which total la not less than 8,
OOO.U H ucrea tho euglneera of Uio re
clamation aervlce are preparing sur
veys on a great many other projects
which will be undertaken aa rapidly
ns tha fund expands and Is returned
to begin work.
The Yuma project on tho Colorado
river la of especial Interest nt thla
time because It Is located close to tho
Imperial valley country on tho Colo
rado desert where Is located tho largest
lrrlgat'011 works, either public or pri
vate, in tho United States. Within
four years 100,000 acres have been put
under actual Irrigation In the Imperial
valley through the diversion of waters
from the Colorado river. Of thla 100,-
000 acres, nlmoat half la In barley, 10,
000 acres la In alfalfa. On the Ameri
can aide of the Imperial vnlley there
ore aome 50,000 tiead of cattle a large
part of which la dairy atock, and there
are 10,000 head more on the Mexican
The Yuma project contemplates the
Irrigation of land on both aide of the
Colorado river In California and Arl
Eona. The government has planned
for the ultimate extension of the canals
of the Yuma project twenty miles or
more from the Luguna dam ten miles
above Xuma to the Imperial vallejr.
a my husband could do to cut It.
"Thin," snld the city chap, who was
showing bin runil relative the town,
"la called tho 'tenderloin' district."
"Why I It culled that?" queried the
rural relative. "I'.eciiuse It 1h so tough,"
explained the other. Chicago News.
Maudle Pn, will our new mamma
go mad after a while? Father What
a question! Why do you think such a
thing? Maudli Well, I heard her tell
the cook yesterday that she got badly
bitten when she married you! Scis
sor. Father Well, Julia, If I allow young
Smltherer to become my son In-law do
you suppose he will be willing to work
nnd support you? Julia oh, papa.
how can he when he has promised to
do nothing but think of me all the
Mrs. Neurleh Jane, why do you al
low the children to make so much
noNe? The Nurse I'm sorry, ma'am,
but they won't mind me. Mr. Neu
rleh Of course not. Why should
they? Don't I pay you to mind t'. '-i?
Alice rushed In from the garden,
where she had been picking flower.
She was badly atung by a bee, and
was holding on to her finger and sob
bing pitifully. "Oh, mamma," she
cried, "I burned me on a bug!" Brook
lyn Life.
After the silence had begun to be
awkward he cleared his throat, and
said: "I don't think. Miss IImple-
tou " "Oh, I know you don't." she
hastily replied, "but It doesn't really
matter. Isn't the moon Just lovely to
night?" Chicago Itecord Herald.
A friend tells of a recent visit n
Senator made to church with one of
his grandchildren. The little fellow
tried several times to talk, but was al
ways told he could not talk In church.
"Then, grandpa," he begged, "please
take off my shoes and let me move my
toes." Llpplncott's Magazine.
"When you know that a man Is a
devotee of golf," said the enthusiastic
Hequel to Wedding: Feast.
A Scotch mlnlater and bia friend,
w'ao were coming home from a wed
ding, began to consider the atate Into
which their potations at the wedding
feast had left them. "Sandy," said
the minister, "Just stop a minute here
till I go ahead. Maybe I don't walk
very steady and the good wife migtft
remark something not Just right." He
walked an end of the servant for a
short distance and then asked: "How
Is it? Am I walking straight?" "Oh.
ay," answered Sandy, thickly. "Ye're
a' recht, but who's that who's with
Ilia Admlilon.
Wife (during the spat; Come, dear,
we bave no occasion to quarrel In tbia
manner. Of course I do some very fool
ish things at times and so do you. You'll
admit that, will yon not?
Husband Certainly, I'll admit that
you do, my dear. That's what I've aaid
all along.
Wife Wretca! How dare you!
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
riTfl rvrmannt!y Cured. No fltaor nervomn
lliU aftfr tirM ilay'i u-w-i.f I)r. Klmi-'iii;r-at Nerve ;
I'.ev. rer. th1 fur I rer 'i triKl txiltlrnnri' tr-ati-.
lit. K. li. Kline, I,I.J.,'j31 An il hi.. i'tilliulelpMa, 1'a. ,
Bears the
Signature of
Wide Open. I
Miss Kreech Dr. Farrlnks seemed
' quite Interested In my singing last
; evening. He sat directly In front of
' me during my solo and watched me 1
j so attentively.
1 Miss Knox I don't think It was
your singing. He told me afterward
that he made a specialty of tonsils j
' and studied them every chance he :
got. Philadelphia Press.
For coughs and colds there Is no better
medicine than I'iso's Cure for Consump
tion. Price li5 cents. 1
Antl-Kisaers in Mexico.
Civilization Is spreading In Mexico.
A little red button worn by some 30o
women, old and young, married and
alngle, in the City of Mexico, signifies
membership in what Is known as the
AntI Kissing League. Members of the
league take a solemn pledge not to kiss
each other. In public or In private,
their contention being that kissing Is
contagious, or, rather, the means of
conveying contagious diseases from
one fair lip to another.
Mothers will find Un. VflnaioWg Boothlng
Dwim t Via f ram v to aa I. . t.ul iihil.lmn
' during the teething period.
or high dignitaries of the church. He
sits at a table, raised a little higher golfer, "you can be absolutely certain
than that at which his guests sit, but.0' nls niental calibre nnd be as-
thls is tho only trace of formality that ""rod " "Oh, come, I wouldn't say
Is observed. I that," replied the plain man. "I don't
In the Pope's dining room the ordln- doubt that some men play golf who
ary ornamenta of such an apartment nns really quite sensible." Phlladel
are replaced by thoae which have aome lin,a Press.
ecclesiastical significance. Tho side- The managing editor wheeled his
toard has two large crosses on either chair around and pushed a button In
end, another cross hangs above the the wall. The person wanted entered.
Pope's chair, and the one ornament not ("Here," said the editor, "are a number
strictly religious In its symbolism Is a of directions from outsiders as to the
marble bust of one of Plus' predecessors.
A Peril .V-arer Home.
To Mr. Hlppendyke, who had fol
lowed with absorbing Interest the
progress of the war between Jaoau
and Itussla, there waa something sin
ister and terrible In the uniform suc
cess of the Japanese.
"I tell you, Flanders," he was say
ing to his neighbor on the other side
of the backyard fence, "those fellows
ere golug to make trouble for us all.
The Japs have found out how strong they
they are, and they're teaching the Chi.
nese. Some day there'll be a Chinese
army of fifty million men, with Jap
anese olneors. They'll take our posses
sions In Asia and they'll overrun the
whole civilized world. That's the vel-
best way to run a newspaper. See
that they are all carried out." And
tho office boy, gathering them all Into
a largo waste-basket, did so. Wash
ington Life.
Cood Society on the Farm Mrs.
Waldo (of Hoston) I have a letter
from your Uncle James, Penelope, who
wants me to spend the summer on his
farm. Penelope (dubiously) Is there
any society In the neighborhood? Mrs.
Waldo I've heard him spenk of the
HolKtelns and Guernseys. I presume
are pleasant people. Roston
To Meet a Demand,
"What Is that crazy-looking edifice?"
"Oh, that is Biff boomer's summer
hotel; It accommodates 2, (XX) people
who all Insist on second-story front
Knickerbocker Were Fierce.
"Gracious!" exclaimed the economi
cal mother, "I thought I had cut down
this old suit of your father's so It
would fit you, but it seems entirely
too large yet."
"Yes, ma," replied the bright boy,
"especially the 'wide ex-pants.' "
Philadelphia Press.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi
an y case of Catarrh tnat cauuot be cuied by
iiall'i Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHK.NfcY & CO., Prop. , Toledo, O.
We, the uu'lersUneil, have known K. J.
Cheney tor the lasi 15 years, ami believe him
perfectly honorable in all buninesa traniao
tions and financially able to carry out auy ob
ligations made bv their tirtn.
West Si Tkuax, Wholesale 1 "ruegists, Toledo, O.
Wal&, Kimnan i Marvin, aolesaie,
Toledo, O.
Hall' Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act.
lng directly upon the blood and mucous sur
taxes of the system. I' rice 76c. per botUa.
bold by a'l Druggists. Testimonials tree.
UaU i iaiuily fills are the best. ,
The Innocent Kid.
Little Willie Papa, Is a ventrilo
quist a man who talks to himself in
a low .tone?
Pa No, my boy. A ventriloquist Is
a man who can speak in such a way
that his tones seem to come from au
other person.
Little Willie That explains what
sister said to George last night. She
told him that when no one was around
he was a very different person.
p. n. a
No. 39-1905
WUEN writing to advertiser plea I
mention this paper. I
Chrlstlau Register.
Auntie (to her young niece) Guess
what I know, Mary there's n Mttle
baby brother upstairs! He came this
morning when you were asleep. Mary
Did he? Then I know who brought
Those afflicted with Eczema know
more than can be told of the suffering: imposed bv this "flesh
fire. " It usually begins with a slight redness of "the skin, which gradually
spreads, followed by blisters and pustules discharging a thin, sticky fluid
that dries and scales off, leaving an inflamed surface, and at. times the itch
ing and burning are almost unbearable. White any part of the body is
liable to be attacked, the
Eczema made its appearanee on my left limb tho
size of my thumb in 1893, and spread until it wa9
large as my hand, burning, itching and paining
me, and for which I could get no relief, until see
ing the other cures advertised by you I wrote and
secured the advise of your physicians, commenced
S. S. S. and it cured me.
Mayetta, Kan. SrENCS.
hands, feet, back, arms, face
and legs are the parts most
often afflicted. The cause of
Eczema is a too acid condi
tion of the blood. The cir
culation becomes loaded
with fiery, acid poisons that
are forced through the
glands and pores of the skin which set the flesh aflame. Since the cause of
the disease is in the blood it is a. waste of time to try to cure it with local
applications; tha cause must be removed before a cure can be effected. S. S. S.
has no equal as a remedy for Eczema; it enters the
blood and forces out the poison through the natural
channels, and builds up the entire system. The skin
becomes smooth and soft again, and the Eczema is
cured. Cases that have oersistentlv refused tr ha
cured under the ordinary treatment yield to its purifying, cooling effect on
the blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any advice wished, without charge.
iow pern we ve got to ince some urns nmit (was the milkman. Auntlt:
What d you mean, Mary? Mary
or other. You mark my words."
Just then Mrs. Hlppendyke cumo to
the kitchen door.
"Henry." she called out, In a high
keyed voice, "If you want to put a
stop to the only yellow peril thafs
Why, I looked at the sign on hU cart
yesterday, and It said "Families sup
plied daly." Harper's Weekly.
"I am (truly sorry, Tommy," said tho
. l-f...i 1.. n..,n. ........ 1 .. . .1.., ii.ii..
threatening you or me, you get after ln(uu "l lUD ln""J lull"" lc
that yellow dog of Wilkinson's that's l,y lu the Btrwt. "t0 ltam tlmt '''"
out in our front yard, digging up all father's house was burned down yes-
my plants." terday. Was nothing saved?" "Hou't
Not ilia Favorite Murgeoa,
Gunner You don't seem to have
much faith In Dr. Lnuce at an appen
dicitis expert.
Quyer Faith? Why, I wouldn't let de-doodle-doo!" Chicago Journal
him cut the apyenaix out or my dic
tionary. J udge.
you waste no grief on ine," replied
Tommy. "All of pa's old clothes was
burnt up In that fire, and ma can't
make any more of 'em up for nie, this
time. Tuin-tlddle-Ium-tum-tiim, whoop-
If you are not naturally fair and
honorable, counterfeiting la pardou
When wo think of tho ease with
which we deceive others, we should
think of the ease with which others
may deceive us.
fiilaill '"''Ma!
We ilit crown and brlilgt-worlc without a'n.
(lur leyfiirs' cxin ru'in-e lu plate work en
able ua to lit your miuitli conifortnhly. Ur.
W. A. Ise tuts ttiund u sale way to extract
teetll absolutely without palll. Ur. T. 1'.
Wise Is an expert ut gold lilliiii; ami crown
ami hi'Mgi-wurk. Kxtraetlug frju when
plated or bridges are erili r.-il.
Kalllui! Itldu., Third and Wiu-liliiKton Kts.
Open evenliiBS till S o'elot-k. Huuduys from
V 10 1'.'. Or Ma: ii 2.O.
J Jlllltiri J
. fi
f fervid
Uncle Sam's Pennl
are emigrating to
All er a and Can
ada by the thous
ands. Where there is a
dollar to be made
you will always
find a Yankee. Al
berta allorda the
greatest opportunity of any country in the world lur ttud inveat
ineiits. l and can be bought of the C. 1'. K. com pany on easy pay
ments ot one-sixth to one ten I h down, ti nt-r cent inteiesl. yearly
payments, from f tio to i.lU per acre, that is as line land as the sun
1 am couduclluK parties out ol hpokane Mondays of each week, giv
ing special railroad rales and showing them oyer Albena. Join the crowd. Any
JAftH a n. livm, fcperiiii l and Agent Aiuerta auu
ever shown on.
information cheerfully fciyen
Canadian Uailway lauds.
719 Niveraid Ave., Spokane, Wash.