Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, September 27, 1905, Image 5

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    When you arc it need of
You will liml tilt' largest and lu st
line ever shown in Collate (Jrovc
at oiir store. Our line- is t i n j let c
Ladies', Gent's, Boy's, Misses' and Children
I'p-to-datc lnivcrs a it ipiiek lorcr
onize the selling merits ol an ar
tick. We ask you to take advan
tage ol 'the many oppoittiuit its o
Icred at our storr.
Corner Mii dl id Street
1 r.
JSC r .'V':;
Si,- 1... -
' .' C' tfi
sCii-.V;';' I "cc1
Xlic IIocljc Jijjs jivcn perlcct separation
of Zine-Kead-Ores
50H Mcl'hce.
.-.'v'.-.-v'v'v "-' V
Opening 2lccc
Uie Uoauc
Newest styles of hats on display and
lor sale.
In fact shapes to suit every faee and in the
latest styles.
Make your selection early anil ct one of
the prettiest.
Next Door to Post Office
Hems of Interest in and about
Cottage drove and vicinity.
CB.iaiL5LOJLii.fiJUJLa.ftaJuiiL5Lfi afljiajLaajLflJULaj
Subscribe lor the Nugget.
Henry 0. Veateh went out of
town on Saturday.
MisH Woods returned to Kugeuo
tho lust of tlio week.
Kugene Steam Laundry, Allison
and Hastings agents.
Thornton's is tho place, for good
cigars, for Htatiouur.y, etc.
A. H. Wood lias returned fioni a
trip to the Coos Hay eouuliy.
(Joo. Hohlinan is tlio up-to-diito
tailor, hook at his fall wimples.'
fii'or ull kinds of tobacco ami
cigaia tall at the .Star Confectionery.
J. W. Oowdy and wifo went to
visit Portland and tho fai'ou Mon.
We beg to call the attention of
Hubsciibers to elubbing rate ol
tins paper and the Mining Roeord.
Xho Record isaui'cat mining paper.
.Mm SearB Iuh gone to tho l'air
for a tiip.
Wooil wanted -Part of pay for
same ti be in subscription to paper.
Miss Lulu Harlow and a party
of friends left Monday for tho l'nir.
John Watch and family left Mon
day for ti trip to Portland and the
Mm. C. A. PoikhiH to Fingal
Hinds; i aero in sec JS tp -0, s r 3
w. .so.
II. tv ('iiai-ipie of l')ugeno was in
town i Sunday und lillod tho
t 'hi istmii ( 'Inn pulpit.
The P.ieilii! Timber Co. is ship
ping quito 11 lot of piling ut present.
The A lea i.ii'l is a busy place.
l' H. and Jennie (). Rosenburg
to A. H. Tate; iut and to II. 11.
Veale.h J iut in loin and 1, blk 'J3,
D. (I. Mi 1'ailaiiil'w '1st ad to Cot
tage Giovo. Sio.
Hcholl carries a nice lino of clocks.
(Jet bin priroM.
(1.(1. WnriK r went t Hid I mi
I he hint f w t k.
1'ot mining orders we can't l
beat. Mtt all litund.
H. M. Ireland (A' Ivng' iie was in
town the first of the wc k.
J. I. Joik-h was a visitor ut th
Methodist Conference u few days
last week.
Mr. Hull, fillicr of John If. Hull
of Latham, died Monday . He was
buried today.
Whut about your watch mid
clock . Vou cuu Imve them properly
rcpuired ut ScIioH'h.
Look uround the oldjeweby b x
und hi e if you eun liiid huine o.
,'old Mul silver. That will unsw'-r
for caHh ut Sch'll'.
(ieo. Rouso is yetting along
splendidly and ex ei is to come
down to town shortly mid surprise
C H. Oliver, ol Arvada, Colo , .1
deal and dinub man was peildling a
Iiook ol his own writing about town
j In- llijiir iihIIh aiit i iimiiug lon
hours th'so days trying to keep up,
and wouhl like to htm l it night tL 1 f t
if rioHsidle.
to t'n: 1st, 11 C 'iil' i lioiii iy f it
any lhini'in t he inc of Hpition. ,
fur liluiik bookw anil 'i liool sii)j)li(
I. O. Thoi ntoe I i 1 ,j .
'i Nik -1 nil- pi 1 ill 1 I'd I t.i! 1 1 1!
prunes iMivcicd anywheie withni
city limits .it f.n '(-nt pel bushel
Lea c ordci h at J . II. h ivu'son.
II. !l 'i.!lniiu w illi hi-, u ite mi I
! 1 .1 n -1 . t - 'Mi a' I !) '.I. ill on Tin-
'drove by stage tr. 111 M.ti-hlicM.
I i'i 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 , t o I 1 iim ,i II . t i.rin 1
heie l tii'iu Tic s " -1 1 1 h ivin-.;
had a tine tup.
j A New Yolk Itliiali Siilcl .vn
! -iety. failing to ti,! t .'..'ooo from 1.
h'llli - p!oilcd 11 illriiintf liolnli
in th" hallway ad iiiiii." hi simp
' I'ort'iiiiitcly little damage was .luiic
, X 1 ! I i- hoiiyi' no people li,iing beet;
j el ise enough to Ummw itijurv
1hce lire the Kind of fori i. 11 en u
want to kee out. m-tea I o( wl
: com in;.' tin-in.
JlH Allgl'll'S plj'llli MI-MI ') i'i
iibie t I'-late soiik1 pielty' sll"'i.'
tales. Just now they tell of a we
iding of 11 Virginia negresn 120 w
1 old being niaine.l there toll !)').',"
I of 1 ks than h;df lu r uge. und f (!'
uttentiotiH paid lu-r, hihI f-r iu-ii
leetioiiH of the olden times. We nu
surprised that t hey ht 1 ppfd ut. on!v
120 years, why not liuvi- mado il u
little bigger while they were at it.
lien 1 1 11 r is to be given "gain in
Portland by Klaw ei lirlinger with u
large company of over 300 people.
(Jreat urruugeiuentH arolieing nuide,
railroads will offer special rate,
and a great attendance is expected
from the towns around Portland foi
250 miles. 'Jhe company will be
in Poitland six days beginnjiig Oct.
loth. This play is taken from Ocn.
Low Wnllnce'H mighty book "I'.' n-
Robi. Carey and wife lelt Mu
day tor a two days visit to the l'uir,
after which they will o t Me
Leansboro, Illinois, Mrs. Careys old
home, where they will reside. They
havo been here a year and they are
going east with the intention ol
staying there but their many friends
hero thi.ik that the old home back
there wont seem quite as good as
the Oregon one, and that tiny will
come back here after a time. They
will bo weleomod back at any time
by their many friends.
Tho Annual Lorane Aeiicultui.d
aud Stock fair will bo held October,
Ith, fith. and lth nt the Lorane had
Lorune, Lano I'mui v, Oregon.
Thero will be lareo exhibits from
tho farms in tho vicinity and a good
nuuutitv 01 cash prizes will be
awarded for tho best products and
exhibits from the eoirity. The
amount of these will be an
nounced Inter 011. All miners aud
btoek growers of tho county, as well
as other exhibitors will bo welcome
to place exhibits und attend this
Tor the first Tinu in History of i!ic
Cocur d'Alcnes Zinc Being Saved.
Wallace, Idaho Sept. i . bo'
the lirst time in the history of the
Coeur d' Ale Hies, zinc is being saved
from the oros mined. A shipment
ot this ruetnl will be made from the
Success niiue this week. The Suc
cess mine was formerly know as
the "Old Granite." on Nine Mile.
Last yeur the district gained nunc
pi omiuojN'o by entering the list of
copper producing camps. T h
Snowstorm mine, above Mullan, i
a steady producer of this metal.
Last year this propel ty shipped -
000,000 pouuds, valued at $J-p.-000
aud produced 16S,cuo ouuees
in silver, valued at fyj.aSo and is
s!iiiping steadily several thousand
tons 11 month. It pormanency as
a eoppcr producer has been established.
Kfirc 'iciih I rum a Califnniia Imiiiiy.
inn,' 1 . 1 1 . : - : 1 , 1 1 : , i 1
Lewis air! V it' I. .--.pi,
1 h. .'.. 1 , t , : 1 1 ,
d i V loir' 1 ; rsd
oj'l' 1 in .-,! :i . 1,:
"III! II 'J' 1 , I'M ',11
1 111' .a e ,1 t -i 1 '1 - 1
a . .01 1 iti i, 1 1,1 1 1 1 i 11 ,1 1 ,
the l'-ti,:i : :,l,;,- , ; ,
1 1. ei : t'il.- . ;in .ill 1 1 ',111 t II-- I,' W
ni'ii'-s ol S-i:i II'-;;-, 1 0111,1 v. t.'iil.
S i 11 I l 1"'. the 1110 ! - on! I.( 1 11
: ounl y in ' 'a! i loi 11 ia, pi ' In, e now
about -loo 1. no worth ' ! pi; io'i
i'i:ln , eiuli ve:n .tiiiDFu' tin in kilo
ite n id W getii, lie ;,!i. of whi il Fl'Tl Q
...... . . fl
was il isi o'.ei mi I !,v I'l'il. Ii'ot;
Kim, aft'-r whom il ',n 11.1 1 . A ji; f!
gieai, nunii" r ol i(.' nii'-n-- ! imih
ite are exhibited, among lh in or,'
the hie . a dirndl walnut, whi'-h ;
'V'-:: fMUiWlj TNT A' TP
'Xlti Week
I 13
d for
M ') v and a ')iida!it
insu r
vabi'-d at t, ,, K uniJe ha, iiearly
tie- !, : I ! 1 . 1 1 1 - y it a 'buiuoiid, and
1' lok.- in in h lik- oi;e exicpt that
it iwii 11 delii ate hi, if olor.
Tie- getiiH are mined -xtnsi ely
111 San Id'-gi, C'i'Mi'n. and i.'lf eil'i
and jioii- lied loi th-- lie 1-d put r,i
Hi" eity o: San Inigo I ; --1 . i ,
Kiiiiil'-, llu-ie are e.vhib'ti-d its t h
h"Wi a - I , Miii 1 1 , n - hy.e- iiit ii ,
bet 1 , 1 1 , j a s a e ! ti. any s- abs
1 'ili ' mi' -. A -!!igh- 1 1 1 :.'e pc .
I hi' a, 1 , nit a iii- i'i two a ion h . whit'-,
Fall Styles
1 ll'iw and
W 1 1 , 1 1 bl I v I
t'Mll I ! 1 . 1 ' 1 1 1 r
I 1 .
,11, k :
a i
a -
k . pink an 1 gi'-en
. n:t- gaiie. ts, and
U k h LTL
'latt i-ivs!
niok- and white
I'll'- ..tones 11 e c om pal -at : ve! cheap
i I'M' . ili" I a f rf)m s', t.i - a
j ear..! an 1 i-e extrenn. iv b'-atit;!;:!
San liu '.; '! ) , i' e 1 'u
Hie ;'e illseov I ,1 s tin. v 1,1"'
en s
Are also in. Line
1 ' 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1
I lll.lKe III' II
' e-O',1 I . 1
o ' 1 1 1 1 ' i ,r 1
! II
w 1 :
,11 -
if' ?
Carlson'-. Mi. id Now Ulri;li
; Pet : Cai 1 .on. ti.i. Sw- It: w '., -j
ii.ijj I ;i th' 1 1 a:n t '" , !i.-r nij ;
'.itil a a , thoug'f.t to h. ,-. been : n
-an , w : '. 1 b" kept pi bn'o-ne a w i , t.
I uildf't a phesa I, ill's ( a!'- 1 1 :
! mind i- all r, ;'!',' no'.v , but 1 is ;:i
j iura-s a:e ; r'tty ! a 1 Ili- brother.
)..!!' ai'.i.- Up II' I'.a tl I'i.i S.l!
j ': I d i en, II . a ia 1 I - u , ,v w.t
, h 1
New liuililmn-
! I St da . o-.MiU ' : ti, ( ' -!l.i;e
(ili)i- i'li' i'i'.I'IV I , i, i i, ! 1 1, ;, a sl.ill
llmu-io'ii the l.illd 't l"llill)'' jh(! luill
fi ii h is 1 1 w i e i 'e' is A ' i ' 1 1 si nt '
j l, i- bud bi g what !,. .-ill use m a SJUJ.iOi'Zi.
I Wing I" '1 i ll'.' ! Ii"ili ' i ! I. It 'I S
' the spi ,i g it win I, time Le . p e'.s
. th it II ufd be m . i s-.;; , ,'i, ' i;n to
enlarge the eiva ,:' I ... iicll, on ae
leo'lili ol ihi, : ii . . ,.il,i iv'iv i tlie
; eieiiini'i v is i- i eiviii b rife ;i'iu' ,s
j and the inteie.-,t '.Ley u-'ig
tin getting lett'-r iliurv stork., ne
feeds, etc. Ml' SV'ler epeets tha'
he will by spi "'g have mueh mo: .'
cream than imea-i hand'e a
4 M . '
i ,..r i '" :
Till: I I.( i tt 'A LIT Y
of ;iii- tool i ;iIw;i.jh ii JdlrabeH
one, but of eipial importuuee In the
power of retiiiniiitf tills quality ho h
not t o require too frequent Hhirpen
ir:g. i'.y ni.iklng' your purchaxesi of
t le- ! n Hi II V 'e;i tell 'o. yoll Illwaj'B
rei ei,- your money'H worth In the
best quality of tooln and cutlery of
properly tempered Htt-1 that Ik sure
to hold an edne.
f eaten Co.
plant ( f the .present s; a-, an 1 .says H
he Will i ulargi to meet ud delnan is s
. ik Ji Vi"?i?o;.A
.i ; tin. tiiiR- to bc-gin thinking
d I-'all and Winter apparel and
diui't lorjo'ct the important fact
that a nice stylish hat can add
greatly to your entire appearance
and Ida Kkancks Harkktt of the
idi;al millixi-ky store is
1 iii' ,i .
The butter made ut the eteameiy is $ iii a position to suit one and ail ironi the most m-
the best the to i has cve: eii'.iyed. W e 1 icii s i c 1" tile nbot lastldioiis, and a call will
eon i nee vou. Ke.neinl wr: the only millinery store
that L:ies the ( iieeii Trailino Stamps.
Railroading Will be Taught in University-
so t noiigh can l ot lie made hun' v,
to supply the deiii iiid
Auothci new hou..e is being bubtl
, neat nic eint U U" ".ireel. .n Uie !
building s cms to be near the oi.t-'
skills of tow a. and there" are moie j
than anyone has any idea of, until
you walk aro i id awhile.
.. , , . , call hei home .1 hosiital, she hopes
iiood house to rent on Jth street. , , ,- , .
. ... ... r-l lll.ll i iiliUlLIUU.. mil -ww.inilt.l.s-
Inquire ot L. baker or JJilnei, , , , , .- , , . ,
V t-i)n tabhdiiuent ot olio later on. Mis. Chicago, Sept. Co-operation
' ' i Fii.-i w:!l be ready to go out and do beUeeu the University of Chicago
The new house being built at either day or hour nursing, as tie- , !4nd a number of railroad officials
the end of Wall street just bevond "'d a: rta-oiiable rates. Htrj hope h,13 ,rBUlted in the establishment of
Harry Metcalfs is W. V. Tinker's, i fi" J Patronage. We ili j :k fom year course of railroad edu
It will be a large house when com-! hl'1' -L' ul liu'k 111 estab! slnng a mt- 'cation. An advisory board, com
pleted, vne here. posed mostly of railroad men, has
, , , , -m. I beiii appointed, with L. V. Mc-
1 he new home b n ng completed K, una, assistant to President Earl-
at the opposite end of town tronij M a-,.. OpeninR. jug. of the Chicago, Milwaukee it
Mr. tuckers home ut the end ot ,, . t-. i
M i - ili eli r W l.l t)-' plcascil U) "l ', I' iijuu, mm jnuiei
tecii. at the u"Uc on 1 liurs- " 11 -seeoua v ice-pi esiaeui or tne
Main street is P. Newcomb
Ui,v nd 1'iidav Sept. jist and ,'d ibirlingtoii, as vice-chairman.
The vote on the tlagioupoes that all l.u interested in hats. Among tiros j who form this board
have been reported to date ureas1 are A. C. Uird, A. F. IJauka, W. C.
followsi llaek votes that have be. n A Sensible Move brown. V. A. Deluuo, J. T. II. Hara-
held must be turned in at once to h.m, .1. N. Fiiithorn, S. M. Felton,
be counted Uallot bo in N'ugget H.i e Tom A wbi ey wiiie you up A. Gurdntr, S. T. Ulton, J.
window. " a po ey on y our home und furni- , Krtutsehuitt and li. Thomaa. These
High School ti.'ill tine in the Oregon 1'ire lieln-!' As-i me men, representing as thev do all
Junior Foresters of AmeiicH ."i-S : soeiatem, or your stock of goods in I phases of railroading, will shape the
M. V. A I(i0 the .1'.' na Iusiiraii. i t'omp'Oiv ' courses w hich are to bo uiven and
K. of P
Public School .
w o. w
H. T. 1!
IS. A. K
i i
- j the 1 iti i 'Vi i '. k s I
' uvai , tV.'iii (.'ha- S1
! : i " i .
oo ' .. : 1 1 . 1 l
; win iiieuiscM e.s, un occoaiou re-
'.'I i ' """ ' quires, ib liver lectures
su j Ladies Uead) to Wear and Made to Or- I L. first yeai'a course, ,"roui Oo-
der ClolhiiK'' lober to June, will be devoted pi
a . . . . , . .....
I h.t a lull 'ii.e 1 1 s.i n p! s , i ; all , ' '" 1 v;' y C'nuuuons in tlm tinted
-I, ues. nil' sicotni yer win ue oe
vote, I to freight service, railway
! i oisoi u t 1 1 i, . -...i...... I ..., .....i
I , s in , ,( t I "il , I i " ,1 , (, cum I II ii-
wav legislation. During the third
ve-ir the following branches will be
eiveii-d Passei.ger service, sta
tistics and geography of railways,
signaling and ruin service, railway
auditing and finance nud terminals.
I'uiing the fourth year the following
siibjcits will he studied: motive
power, ear equipment, track, rail
way development abroad and the
ccuoinies of railway development.
. -
e'ill he Wlllh
'' . i Cvl I ,I'os
IV .;... .,i v..r 1 1, 'ii, i,,.r,' iil-s loi ''.nil ladie..
' .sUlt'S i.o.l 1. . l"l i I'i , I'll sill'
I Mrs. M. K. Filer, a tiaiued , i.etlicoats. undei c .n , si it t waists
of Inauy years expel ieuce, who has ( eorseis and lli,..i. j u a n u;
been located in Salem lor a couple teed. Mrs Oip.n. brnson,
of years, foiiuerly o'' Wnhita, Kau Phone Main ;, (, iiow.
S'ls, has rented the Scott I busman 1
place on Wall s' cel, whcie witn
the assistam. ; of two othci ladies, The Kl l'as.. Co is m date. 1 C'oin
pracliced nurses, Mis. Roork and p.ei.v ot Cnpie Cuek leaches the
Miss Wood, she will be soon ready million tn 1 1 i v ideuds.
to take care of iniuiC'l oi sick people. The regular tw o cent monthly
She has been somewhat delayed ri dividend of 'he Id Paso!r. . . . .
the settling of her hoiiie b- t he loss dated conipauv w hich a-'gicgateii
of some goads from the freight , s was declared by the diiic- Mr. J. W. link r and wife bave
train, but hopes to git them soon, i tors Sept..). 'lliis dividend w ill gone on a trip to Lh (Irande in
Sh has the suiiport of I he doctois j make the tutaldi.sbutseiueir.s loco-1 1'istctii Oregon. This is their firl
of tho town and while she dues not looo. trip iut j that part of the etate,
.,.,. hi.--;- i