BOHEMIA NUGGET BOHUMIA NU(K1LT IHJBLISI1IM1 COMPANY. Make nil check payable to Nnpcot Vuh. iv. Entered t the poatnflifp t I'ottnire Drove Otrgon us second class mall matter. T srnsciMPTioN C mouth 1 year IS MIOIltllH K.VTKS. 1.(K) .t..V , $:im If paid in advance. Clubbing Rales. Th Hohoinlii Nuccot one year vlth any one of the following pub lications one year for amount set opposite: I'aoltio Monthly ;S'-") W.wL-lv Orvironl.-ltl I I'ort la Mil ) ."'I' Weekly Journal ( rortland I v--' lailv Sllnin.a: Kivord (Denver) s."..:0 Weekly Mining lieeord -v.'.- Thin nner is kept on fl' tiv THK A iv fi'ix.; iONoKESS. Ctmmlit-r of i 111K AMK.t CAN mere RiiiliUnn. Denver, t'oln . where our readers will ho welcome to tho iivot the lead in papers from the various mining act oi the West, a seieniuie htirmy n i imn-.n! v hibit. THIS l'Al'KK Is kept on Most K. f. l'riike's AilvertisiiiK Aireney, M and ' Merelmnti hx Chantre, San r'rani'ioo. California. lien-eon-rarti lor advertising can be ma.lo (or it. Wednesday, Settkm bkk 27, 1905 Cottage Groye is to have many new enterprises ere long, so report has it Kvery new legitimate en terprise is to be welcomed the more the merrier. Elsewhere will be found the an nouncement of the Annual Loratie Agricultural and Stock fair to bo held in Oct. Lorane is ahead of many small towns iu b- ing able to have such a fair. They prep ire good orizes for exhibits aud have a tirst ... class fair on a small to bo patterned after. scale, and are The Eugene Guard is to be com mended for its attitudo regarding the permitting of prizefighting or sparring exhibitions iu tint town. Such eqhibitions are of uo value to ntowo.andare not only a menace to the welfare of the community but a detriment to the stauding of the town, and exert a harmful and de grading influence on every persou that witnesses them. There are three candidates now before the public tor the Republican nomination tor Congress in the first district, who seem to have gone to the head of the struggle, all others Beemtng to have dropped back. Prominent among these three is Chas. B. Moores of Salem, who makes a strong and forceful plea for the support of loyal republicans on the grounds of his faithful ser vice in the past and his standing as a good citizen. The first district covers the counties of Benton, Clack amas, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jack son, Josephine, Klamath, Lake Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yara-t hill. SMELTING BY ELECTRICITY he icpot t of the commission ap pointed by the Dominion Kovctnmcnt to investigate the different electric furnace pro cesses employed in the iron or steel indvi'tiies. or iu piocess of develop ment, in l'ranee, Italy and Sweden, while not conclusive, is encouraging toatnatked degiee. The comtnis siotiei seem to have done their work thoroughly. Their report is voluminous, and contain many photogtiphs and diagrams which assist the uninitiated in understand ing the excellent descriptions of tho various processes. The work of the commissiou was to establish facts as to the processes investigated, and these ate described in great detail, embracing the original tests made in several cases, giving particulars of the raw materials used, the expen diture of energy, th output aud the results of the extended analysis aud mechanical tests of the products. The tests demonstrated that steel of any composition can be obtained in electric furnaces of different de signs, mat is mo most important point Having established that v mi .1 electric iurnaces win piouucc in kiud of steel, the all important fundamental question ot cost had to be considered. In the end the com mercial test is applied, and any process tuat fails there must be re jected. On this point the commis sioners make the following division of their subject: First, the produc tion of high grade steels of crucible tool quality; second, the production of structuial -steel to compete with Bessemer and open hearth steel; third, the reduction of iron ore to yig iron. The conclusion reached bv the commission with respect to the manuiacture ot crucibh' steel is R BRITONS LIKE MINKS. OAPS for raining districts are too oltcn lorgottcn in Amer ican commonwealths. Cus tom si-ems to have fixed the duty upon tho tuiniug population of this country, of building their own roads. This duty where borne by a miuing community is not usually distributed so as to tnako th burden even, and operators are uot hearty in undertaking the work. Britain and her dependencies arc much keeener in fostering tho in dustry, by exteuding aid to mining men, especially iu the early days of development- Yukon territory has beeu thriving for soma time under beneticient road regulations, while the American side of Alaska is just beginning to tako up this all-important work. Iu Australia the government is aggressive in its efforts to have prospectors enter new territory, and capital to develop mineral in a district where the sur face has promise. In many American states a min ing district has to do practically all of its road building and improve ment, and frequently an individual company, already heavily burdened by preliminary improvements must bt. Id its own roads and maintain tbem. Farmers in adjacent sections as a rule are hostile to mining, lighting strenuously any appropria tiou for road work, and granting it only after the mines have been de veloped sufficiently to employ a large number of men who will con sume the farmer's products. There is little state road work for thM miner, while the assessor is prodded to hunt out his isolated property. lor the heaviest tax that it will bear- 1 British people seem more synip-i, : thy with the mining industry A MATTER 8F HEALTH v mm that -'steel equal in all respects to ! which no doubt explains that s me the best Sheffield crucible steel can jot" the greatest metal prodiicin.'disv K,. tnw Im-ed at n cost tricts of the earth are controllo d b less than with the old crucible pro cess." An opposite conclusion is arrived at with respect to structural steel to Britain. Pacific Miner. compete with Bessemer and open hearth steel. 1 he commissioners; find that "it could not be economi ' oally produced in the electric fur-: nace." The Kl-'ctro-chemieal In- '. dustry, discus ing the question, says ' this conclusion agrees exactly with the status of the industry, since the electric furnace is nowhere em ployed to compete with Bessemer or ! open hearth processes. I. W. liar- bord, the metallurgist 01 tue com mission, aysthat furnaces often to fifteen t"ns shou'd give satisfactory results, but he hesitates to recom mend larger furnaces, and does not believe that the small furnaces could compete with the gas-fired furnaces of forty or fifty tons capacity. Ou this point, however, the report is not altogether satisfactory. Ross laud Miner. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF MINES NEW BUILDING READY FOR USE We have heard it said that there were a lot of empty houses in Cot tage Grove, and to such statements we are now ready to object. We hare been pretty busy the past week trying to find a house fit to live in. There are possibly a dozen fairly good houses, and possibly half a dozen still better houses that are unrented, the balance in the town unrented would probably not driw $50 a month altogether if they were rented every one. The fact is that nine tenths of the houses that are not occupied at present are not rentable except under conditions, when nothing else can be had. When such is the case, no one has a right to say the town is full of empty houses, there area few houses unrented, and plenty of .sheds. It is reported that Sakhalin, the recent bone ot contention between Russia and Japan contains t xten sive deposits of coal of a high quality and also "naphtha," and that gold was discovered in the central part ot the island in 1 SjS. The coal has been iu control of a company since 1875, but the an nual output at tho present time does not exceed 2o,ooo tons. The gold deposits have not been worked in any systematic manner. Judg ing from the experience with For mosa it may be expected that the Japanese will make an extensive in vestigation of these natural re sources, in the part of the island which has come into their posses sion, and proceed to development along modern lines, aud Sakhalin may be a name of importance in mining liteiature as well as in the Btory of diplomacy. J- II. Bartels has let the contract for the construction of his new market building to S. K. Wallaco, the building to be completed iu 30 days under penalty, for overtime. The contract and bond were signel Monday. A cement floor laid ou he solid earth will make tho floor. The great amount of travel to the Western slope this summer is bound to have a lasting effect upon the trend of mining investments from the east. The visitors, as a rule, are interested iu the possibili ties of money making, in mining or any other proposition, and will either invest on the strength of what they have seen of tho undevel oped resources, or go home to dream about it a while, and then take their luck. As a rule the Kastem man that invests knows more about his business than he used to do, and when he has been on the ground, he is a more intelli gent investor, he understands and can appreciate the difficulties sur rounding the operator and that an investment of today can not be a dividend payer tomorrow. The travel from the east will bring all kinds of investments, it will instill in the minds of the easterners a better idea of our country aud widf-n them out, it will bring us new iudu.itries, more money to develop and operate mines, and tend t ru ike the western section a still greiter producer. Amoug the iuiprove'f.ents to meet the eyes of returning University of Washington students this fall will be the new School of Mines build ing. This structure. 40x110 feet, is situated next 10 the power hou-e aud will contain forges and foundry a three-stamp mill and feeder, ore. bins, crusher and concentrating plant complete. The vrk ofth'' state school of minns is distinctly practical in its nature, the students having an experimental ruin ou the campus. A winter school for prospectors is one of the features. Inquiries indicate a largely in creased attendance. I h' i-e who h.i v i' lr. lVinin. or h. wliatcx cr u ill tier the ,a nni 111 iit'i'iiicii 1 least I ci I to 1 penN and remain i the Hotel Miieeile, in repntat Ion . f t lie . I n-i t lie sue, e-s of Mb e. i iiiarlo-l ax t. . 1 !i! t i 1 1 . 1 1 1 i ' i t 1 1 ! 1 1 t hi see I ion -In eii have r' 1 e 1 1 i i ! 1 !. 1 .1 I mid-t. ; t l ).' II. ! I . I I ' i ' ' has red ileei III - 1 -- half hi- form- r . ha Ve a I pi led .1" I lllell 1 . r lie a -. 1 . - : main ler '1 I"- - IllOtllll, Ol 111 II I I j- i requited. I'M- -li'M-I make .1 ll' -te . .' lis and apply at one. will only l.i-t fo: a I doctor' 1iUt.iI on'-- i iM riot a I'O'.ii i o t appreciated I v t 1 1 . i pay 1,'irue fee-. ! 'i'liat I r. I 'at I i i ii , ordinary :i r---.. afvr Met e Ml ,- ',-o I. ' - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I - I III I lie I 'I'lie follow 1 1 a r ; II-" 111 pa rl ie t li.l ' riii i .1,1 'nes I' , V i n i - ; st i eet , I'.iljeae ie 1 1 1 1 -II. S I'lllo'i. IV . i j ilea I ne-- , I 'e I H"l I '. i j .1. I.. iKfur I, I'.row u ! li'-is, res! oled t p"l f - i: a l- -I lot - ii in' In ell -.i i ! 1 1 f el 1 1 a i ml I l pl.V Ii a: a- -I I . . ; n : I - r a'l l I" Ml . ' I' ;I.H! I ll: d tli. I. a.i . w .-:i i . . r- .- ' .i.. . Ml."- I t;... II. e ! - i 1 1 in j r I . li'lt Will It s i ! a 1 1 I . In I . I I .tli n .1 j Mis II m', ; .1. i: 1 nr., di ; Mrs. A una l'.l.V 'lie MlMll' 1 1 : 1 l ii 1 1 1 I .Oil I - Kicked Anarchist Out of Town. Kugene, Sept 21. An Italian an ararchist who made himself notice able on the streets this forenoon by his cursing the conntry, the law, the officers and almost everything else, was ordered out of the city by Chief of Police Stiles. He didn't leave when told to. but instead went to the depot, where he con tinued his bad talk. Chief Stiles again told him to leave and em phasized the order with a swift kick. The dago left up the rail road toward the south with the of ficer following ten feet behind till a point near the university was reached. When it was seen that the fellow was well on his way out of town the chief returned. Or, catarrhal head ; cured Mr. I.'d fi 1 a 1 Htomaeli t n mill--clamps: ic-toie Mr. IMit.-r: I . 1 1 . 1 f - I'M'' elier Iv-'iliitl'. dea ill" il Hi' 'o I . I'. II an 1 w -. 1 k I 1 li'vii h ol - vi- Mar. I'll -e. 'm'II, lie.,1 I I 1 gomj; under atld inedieul greatly trouble and catarrh 1 if bronchial t u! lr. iMriiii' lllellt I led with 'l:ill the le-a I am elect rii-al had lieen l.ltel .-ve il at;. I 1 1 1 -a y nice his -o-ur reader- I thro nippy lr. Iiarrin has erne I in. iouiu in laiL'i ne. I;, fi r to me at f.e.ileir-. r 1'. I l U'MilM 'Jo show the prestige of the United States Steel corporation it is worthy of remark that in 1904 it reported 53. S per cent of the iron ore shipped from Iake Superior, and 38 per cent of the total produc tion in this country; 06.6 per cent of the coke made; 43.3 per cent of the pig iron; 70.5 per cent of the sptegblcison, ferro-manganese and ferro-phoHphurus; uo per. cent of the besseiner steel ingots and cast ings;. 00. 4 tier cent of the open hearth steel ingots aud castings; 57.2 per cent ot tho bessemer steel rails; 50.1 per cent of the structural shapes; 58 per cent of the plates and sheets excluding nail plate; 71.3 per cent of the wire rods; 28 per cent of the bars, skelp, nail plate, open-hearth and iron rails, and 67 per cent of tho wire nails. Married. Tuesday, the 19th iust., at the Imperial hotel, this city, James Ilemetnvay, of the Gannan-IIemen-way Company, Grants Pass, was married to Miss Carrio North way. The bride has been a resident of Portland lor the past three years, and has a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. The groom is a well known business man of Grants Pass, in which town Mr. and Mrs. Hemenway will reside. Oregonian. Mr. Hemenway was formerly of Cottage Grove and represented Lane county in the lower houso of the legislature a few years ago. Seholl will have a 1 oinp holiday sto'k this year. Cf i:i:d of 1. ami; i v i-:ks of si III: I llUVe he.-li llollhlei ll.'ll'lv for lift I'l'll A ea I-, ale Complete recovery in Clllllillierla ill's I', mi I'. a i:i:.ii:i)V u i riioi r a i-id.i: "1 lied ( 'ha iiiliei la in -St onnn li and liiver Tablet s laoi'e l.nelieial than any other remedy I eei used bu- Htomaeli trouble," mijsS, P. Klotc, of I'Mnia, M11. I'or any disorder ol the stomach. Ml ou.-ne.-- or eon -tip 1 Hon, t hese ! iibl. I m a w i I hoii I a peer. I 'or sale bv TIm- Mo u rn I 'ha 1 lu.n , . A GOOD NIGHT'S Absolutely Puro HAS NO SUSSTiTUTE DR. DARRIN WILL RI1MA1N In Answer to I'rjicnt Appeals l!e Will Remain L'nt i I Nov. 12 Collage M ( f ' lour Mills iir riou n heed JCllei I 't M lll pl I I'l la in I ! i 1 1 1 , l II 1,1 h ii I w old 11 - in It' Try d oner tune eii.'oiii ni now id II IM I I NI' I Oi.e.oi, Ii licrad olTcK'd. Hliuie IIS Kl:!:!' Ti HAR'SUNO ii . ii i . M I 1 , I TURNING HANSEN jj i . I i AIM SO WIT .Ml r j TISON ' I, licit. I 1 e a ll .1 Ue, i Id With d-liuh! that he h ii at ten to ii reii t a p !i ic lou'-r ,ii i:--'Ue, I he . M: ; llllhi 1 and : l ! i i I i v IE llCI 1.1 1 1 I II. for f . r ti id r oki: I ii rl:i few to MI who n Ih.- IC I linowieB ttys 01 Eno X ll I, I n. ettys 1 1 7 T in in. are I 1 , In at lies a i Good Oui Goruls ; ! I I I t Prices. etn lino of AI J'Kl: i:, i:in.. I W it ll 1. 1 III'' I I fo'illd a I he ll-e ol I I mi," sav- .lohn (i liisher, lollani. Ind. Ihi liiiltnent !.-t iilsu w it hoiit an e.pial l a praiiiM and In uisiw. l i for .-a e by 'I'lie Modern rharma. Genera! Miners Tools zh a n tlise jiiniiitioilS i I ! y ( V V t v. If f'; fm : I. v. r', .-J A .'out lor Bridciu & Beacb s oves AND RANGES REST Foresters Attention. The .Senior and Junior Foresters of America will meet at I. O. O. K hall Monday night, Oct. 2 for a Hocial good time. Everybody come. Uy Order of Committee. Want to Close Early. Kugene, Or., Sept. 21. A move ment is on foot among the members of the Merchants' Protective Asso ciation of this city to induce all stores iu this city to close at an early hour each evening. At pres ent the dry goods stores close at 6 o'clock and the grocery stores at 7. Hardware stores, meat markets and stores in other lines have no regu lar hours for closing, often remain ing open tilt a late hour. A com mittee has been appointed to ar range a uniform hour for closing, and it is thought that all will agree to it. 1 Moves III llatr til.: ",V, I laidware 1 U .JLUUfiN FARM WAGONS ! : 1 1'-!)-. MIMMi SUTLIliS PIPER l VAi wi:NBEIi(i I I I Hid. .1 r l: 1 1:1 1 1 Of tie. I. ia Morbus ith I n I'.ol tie ol' ( 'liainbci ;, m CI era and I Harrln "'a ! I' aici ; M r. . W.I o, .-i oi Ih. rela I mm an e p.-i iem-e 1 ie il 1 ' it' .a 1 a j's'w M mifugs Ala .:,. in 1 . e; scr in;' 011 a r c i.-'- a I I v I w . of 'I' boa fin- . While I Inn I- I 1 !- , HI.. 1 v I ale t 1 1 1,1' ll. A young girl near l'ortlaud re cently stood guard the best part of tbe night on a bleak mountain trail, guarding an old man who wan in jured by his borne slipping from the trail. Her courage and kindliness are enough to cheer ones heart. 'Spi-iik fnr ll !" Mir- ni. . I I., ,!",., -i.-, l-'or til it- k in w in lor In 1 1.- In in t, Tint I Mil ill Syi up, ll.illll- s -il Could In, illli .ui'l JT!ie grrati-sl Iniiic on e.ntli is a eonil night's rest. Ki-sllcss nij hl-. and the tei rible fxli.-insl ion of a huclan'j loii'h hm dread daiieeis of the pool ci.iisiiii..tive. Jl!ut why this bar of die iii .'hl vihi n ;i ft-w ilost-s iii I )i . Itosi In 1 1 i 1 11; in S 1 u will insure it lu shing tlt-.-p, i iiln. Iv lie. from rotieji or nijdil mmniI l ie i , jH-ctor.itioa in the nioinine is made tei tain by taking ( ierm.-iii Sv i up. (JWe know hy 111.' l-xpl l ii lire of "Vei thirty-five years that one 75 cent boltle l (a-rniiiu S.vrnp v.ill speedilv n licve 01 cure the win si 1 oiiehs, odds, binni hial 111 lung troubles and that, ia ia bail ruses of ( oiisiuni.t ion, one bn j e bottle ol tlcniian Syrup will woil: wonders, ,2 JTwo bi.e-i, 2,c and 75c. .Ml diu;;i',ts, liUUttOU'b l'llUIHUt', ' II' -a , In -at a le I some 1 ou.-c lie a I 1 m I I j.c 1 . ni'' cholera morbus 1 1 1 . , 1 I s" 1 cr.- form I ai- i" s er 1 ,, 111 ' ' 1 111 sen I I ' I 1 11 1 1 in 1 on. I,,' ee l aiu 1 hoci a mi i nrc, 1 . 1 1 1 1 he Oi a sent me a bol I Ie of I h bei l.o.i ('lie, Ch. ilei a a lid I i a I I hoc . i . . 1 r , . iu lead, .sayiiio that, he I 1 I I .1 Men I l,o r, I j 11 1 Dial this In. - I a m so m 1 11 - Ii It. -tier he Would 1 .1 1 lea -.-i il. I o ill',' ill I In- li I Was ia. I i... Ilili' ilu.-N ill' il llll-l ,!: I'd tei 111 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i-t-i. 1 he second do.-,.' 1 in . .I entirely. Two lellow juror:- w ablicted In the tame maimer and . ulna 11 bol I e cured the I h ree . a 11 fill' sa le by The M olerii I'ha 1 in . n THE GUARANTEED WORSY! HEMED 1 i il baLM a FAORITE TONIC. I'l uiii or imittioh8. . :ii,ii i-Mimmu only sy '-Snow Liniment Co. -J I . I.OUIP, MO. iti:n-ii.l.-. 111 M i-l-irii I'li.kou.iD 1 1 1 . 1 e ("'lull Nat ill'" K.'iiiudy A Ic Ih 1 1 I'or S il". - - j. iu biisheh 1 1), -a at J 'liu Hull's. . niilos S'nith Cottugu Grovu If ' 1 1 a I' 111 ai. M . I 'do I i" I aid mil 11 iv a ra 1 eit'eci ual. ('hiiiiiberlaln'H " 'v '" 1 mi this itan. It l"l relieves tho lllllgH, a'. Jion, opens tliiiMcrretlun n il uie in le-ilorlny, tho a Ii hy nndil Inn. Soli( -a i'aaniKicy.